Package com.iizix

Class WriteCache


public final class WriteCache extends Object
This class is used to handle writing strings to the cache used from the server to the client in transactions.
Christopher Mindus
See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • WriteCache

      public WriteCache()
      Creates the write cache initialized to hold a defined maximum amount of strings. The default values for the cache are used, i.e. maxCount=700, minLength=7, maxLength=200.
    • WriteCache

      public WriteCache(int maxCount, int minLength, int maxLength)
      Creates the write cache initialized to hold a defined maximum amount of strings.
      maxCount - Maximum count of strings in the cache.
      minLength - The minimum length of a string in the cache.
      maxLength - The maximum length of a string in the cache.
  • Method Details

    • dumpCache

      public String dumpCache(String indent)
      Dumps the cache.
      indent - The indent for each line after the header, i.e. all lines listing cached items.
      The dumped cache.