Class AbstractActionActorTXPNode<SETTINGS extends AbstractSettings>

All Implemented Interfaces:
IActionActorSettingsReceiver<SETTINGS>, ITimeoutListener, ITXPNode
Direct Known Subclasses:
AbstractJavaActionActor, DatabaseActionTXPNode

public abstract class AbstractActionActorTXPNode<SETTINGS extends AbstractSettings> extends AbstractTXPNode implements IActionActorSettingsReceiver<SETTINGS>
The abstract TXP node that the Action Actors needs to extend from.
Christopher Mindus
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractActionActorTXPNode

      protected AbstractActionActorTXPNode()
      Default constructor used by the AbstractJavaActionActor constructor.
    • AbstractActionActorTXPNode

      protected AbstractActionActorTXPNode(VSActionTXProcess actionProcess, SETTINGS settings)
      Constructor for action actors.
  • Method Details

    • createLogger

      protected final void createLogger()
      Overrides logger creation to set our own.
      createLogger in class AbstractTXPNode
    • setState

      protected void setState(ITXPNode.State state)
      Changes the node's state to the specified state. Any changes in the state will be logged.
      state - The new node state.
    • assignSettings

      public final void assignSettings(VSActionTXProcess actionProcess, SETTINGS settings) throws IllegalStateException
      Called when the construction is performed of the node to assign the settings property container.

      This method is called by the framework and should not be called.

      Specified by:
      assignSettings in interface IActionActorSettingsReceiver<SETTINGS extends AbstractSettings>
      actionProcess - The action process.
      settings - The property container instance.
      IllegalStateException - If called outside of the framework.
    • getSettings

      public final SETTINGS getSettings()
      Gets the settings container. If this call is done in the constructor, it will return null.
      Specified by:
      getSettings in interface IActionActorSettingsReceiver<SETTINGS extends AbstractSettings>
      The settings container, or null if not yet set. After constructor has been called, this value is non-null.
    • getActionProcess

      public final VSActionTXProcess getActionProcess()
      Gets the action transaction process.
      Specified by:
      getActionProcess in interface IActionActorSettingsReceiver<SETTINGS extends AbstractSettings>
      The VSActionTXProcess instance invoking this Java Actor, or null if called in e.g. the constructor and the initialization using assignSettings(VSActionTXProcess, AbstractSettings) has not yet been done.
    • getAction

      public final VSAction getAction()
      Gets the action associated with the VirtualSpace Action TXP process.
      Specified by:
      getAction in interface IActionActorSettingsReceiver<SETTINGS extends AbstractSettings>
      The VSAction instance invoking this Java Actor, or null if called in e.g. the constructor and the initialization using assignSettings(VSActionTXProcess, AbstractSettings) has not yet been done.
    • getVirtualSpace

      public final VirtualSpace getVirtualSpace()
      Gets the VirtualSpace for the process VirtualSpace Action TXP process.
      Specified by:
      getVirtualSpace in interface IActionActorSettingsReceiver<SETTINGS extends AbstractSettings>
      The VirtualSpace instance invoking this Java Actor, or null if called in e.g. the constructor and the initialization using assignSettings(VSActionTXProcess, AbstractSettings) has not yet been done.
    • getLoggerInfo

      public final String getLoggerInfo()
      Gets the node information string.
      Node information string information to pass to the logger output, or null for not yet initialized.
    • prepareAction

      public final Throwable prepareAction()
      Method called to do the serialized preparation of the action actor.

      This method is called once all nodes are associated with the TXProcess and each node has processed "begin" successfully.

      If this action fails preparation, the process is rolled back, and this is handled by the framework.

      null for success of the action prepare stage, otherwise the exception.
    • prepare

      protected void prepare() throws Exception
      Action actor specific action needed for preparation. This method is called from the prepareAction.

      This method is overridden by the action actor as required.

      Exception - For any error in the prepare phase.
    • executeAction

      public final Throwable executeAction()
      Method called to do the serialized execution work of the action actor.

      This method is called once all nodes are associated with the TXProcess, each node has processed "begin" and "prepare" successfully.

      null for success of the action execution, otherwise the exception.
    • execute

      public abstract void execute() throws Exception
      Method called to do the serialized work of the action actor. This method is called once all nodes are associated with the TXProcess and each node has processed "begin" successfully.

      This method must be implemented by the action actor.

      Exception - For any error in the execution phase.
    • forget

      public void forget(ITXProcess process)
      Notifies the node it got disassociated from the process ie it can abort, rollback (if needed) and forget about the process.
      Specified by:
      forget in interface ITXPNode
      process - The process.
    • cleanUp

      protected final void cleanUp()
      Cleans up once by calling onCleanup() and then logs potential clean-up error. The node is then cleared of TXProcess references.
    • onCleanup

      protected void onCleanup()
      Called last to perform clean-up.

      Override this method to perform the required clean-up of resources, etc.