Interface IActionActorSettingsReceiver<SETTINGS extends AbstractSettings>

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractActionActorTXPNode, AbstractJavaActionActor, DatabaseActionTXPNode, TestJavaActionActor

public interface IActionActorSettingsReceiver<SETTINGS extends AbstractSettings>
Interface implements by an Action Actor that wishes to receive the Settings container.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • assignSettings

      void assignSettings(VSActionTXProcess actionProcess, SETTINGS settings) throws IllegalStateException
      Called when the construction is performed of the node to assign the settings property container.

      This method is called by the framework and should not be called.

      actionProcess - The action process.
      settings - The property container instance.
      IllegalStateException - If called outside of the framework.
    • getActionProcess

      VSActionTXProcess getActionProcess()
      Gets the action transaction process.
      The VSActionTXProcess instance invoking this Java Actor, or null if called in e.g. the constructor and the initialization using assignSettings(VSActionTXProcess, AbstractSettings) has not yet been done.
    • getSettings

      SETTINGS getSettings()
      Gets the settings container. If this call is done in the constructor, it will return null.
      The settings container, or null if not yet set. After constructor has been called, this value is non-null.
    • getAction

      default VSAction getAction()
      Gets the action associated with the VirtualSpace Action TXP process.
      The VSAction instance invoking this Java Actor, or null if called in e.g. the constructor and the initialization using assignSettings(VSActionTXProcess, AbstractSettings) has not yet been done.
    • getVirtualSpace

      default VirtualSpace getVirtualSpace()
      Gets the VirtualSpace for the process VirtualSpace Action TXP process.
      The VirtualSpace instance invoking this Java Actor, or null if called in e.g. the constructor and the initialization using assignSettings(VSActionTXProcess, AbstractSettings) has not yet been done.