Interface IVSLinkEnabler

All Known Subinterfaces:
IEUIPanel, IVSParticipantLinkEnabler
All Known Implementing Classes:
EditorInputProps, EditorOutputProps, EditorRESTfulInputProps, EditorResultProps, EditorResultSetProps, EditorScreenProp, EMUISimpleDialog, EUIDialog, EUIPanel, EUIPanelPart

public interface IVSLinkEnabler
Interface providing support for VirtualSpace or VS component linking upon drag-drop-link or paste-link.
Christopher Mindus
  • Field Details


      static final String OPERATION_CANCELED
      Operation canceled reply when dialog is canceled.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getVSLinkInfo

      VSLinkInfo<?>[] getVSLinkInfo()
      Returns the possible array of VS links possible, their types, the reference type, and so on.
      The array of VSLink's possible for the property container.
    • configureSkipDialog

      static void configureSkipDialog(IPropUndoRedo undoRedo)
      Configures the undoRedo operation to skip showing this dialog.
      undoRedo - Undo/redo operation.
    • attempVSLink

      default String attempVSLink(boolean doPerform, GProp<?>[] props, String description, IPropUndoRedo undoRedo)
      Processes VS-linking from properties.
      doPerform - The perform flag when true, false = testing.
      props - The properties to link with target.
      description - The operation description for undo/redo.
      undoRedo - Undo/redo operation.
      null for linking OK, otherwise the error message why it failed.
    • performLink

      static void performLink(Shell shell, PropCnr target, ArrayList<VSLinkInfo<?>> infoList, ArrayList<VSSubLinkInfo> subInfoList, ArrayList<ArrayList<IVSComponent>> componentsList, ComplexOperation op)
      Called to perform the operations.