Class RichTextEditorDialog

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RichTextEditorDialog extends Dialog implements IKStringInfoProvider
Rich text editor dialog box.
Christopher Mindus
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • isEnabled

      public static boolean isEnabled()
      Flag for RichTextEditorDialog enabled in the code. Remove this flag and all conditional code around it when completed.
      true if implemented and tested fully, false for now as it is not fully completed/tested.
    • open

      public KString open()
      Open the dialog.
      the gradient.
    • getHTTPServer

      public String getHTTPServer()
      Gets the HTTP Server string prefix including port.
      Specified by:
      getHTTPServer in interface IKStringInfoProvider
      The "HTTP[S]//server[:port]" String or null for none.
    • getImageTarget

      public IImageTarget getImageTarget(String ref)
      Gets the image reference.
      Specified by:
      getImageTarget in interface IKStringInfoProvider
      ref - The image definition reference string.
      The image found, or null if not found.
    • doAddReference

      public boolean doAddReference()
      Gets the flag for adding the reference string in an attribute when editing the KString.
      Specified by:
      doAddReference in interface IKStringInfoProvider
      true for the Designer (will add additional parameters for the rich text editor), false for normal processing.
    • shouldResolve

      public boolean shouldResolve()
      Flag indicating the "real" resolved string should be returned. This value is true for the runtime client when in "real run mode".
      Specified by:
      shouldResolve in interface IKStringInfoProvider
      true to resolve all references, false if inside e.g. the Designer.
    • getResolveReferenceProperty

      public GProp<?> getResolveReferenceProperty()
      Gets the property used for references look-up's.
      Specified by:
      getResolveReferenceProperty in interface IKStringInfoProvider
      The property to use for reference property look-up.
    • getDPR

      public double getDPR()
      Gets the device pixel ratio.
      Specified by:
      getDPR in interface IKStringInfoProvider
      The device pixel ratio, default 1.0.
    • getTargetLanguageCode

      public String getTargetLanguageCode()
      Gets the language code to use.
      Specified by:
      getTargetLanguageCode in interface IKStringInfoProvider
      The language code, or null for default.
    • getResourcePrefix

      public String getResourcePrefix()
      Gets the base reference name for the resource, typically an image, for the Server or the Designer. This reference is "/$" (the default in this interface) for the Designer, but should be "/$APPID/" for the Server, where APPID is the application being run by the client. The Server must therefore implement this method and return that string instead.
      Specified by:
      getResourcePrefix in interface IKStringInfoProvider
      The resource prefix string, "/$" by default, but "/$APPID/" for the Server,' where APPID is the application being run by the client.
    • installFont

      public boolean installFont(String fontFamily)
      Installs the font families as specified by the font family.
      Specified by:
      installFont in interface IKStringInfoProvider
      fontFamily - The font family or families.
      true for success, false if the remote part doesn't support installation, e.g. in a preview browser.
    • installFonts

      public boolean installFonts(List<FontFiles> fontList)
      Installs the font face as specified by the FontFiles instance for the Client Session. Once installed, the font family can be used.
      Specified by:
      installFonts in interface IKStringInfoProvider
      fontList - The list of font files to install.
      true for success, false if the remote part doesn't support installation, e.g. in a preview browser.