Interface IVirtualizedMonitorPanelProvider

All Superinterfaces:
IAdaptable, IGProp<GProp<?>[]>, IPropCnr, IPropDesigner
All Known Implementing Classes:
EditorActiveTerminalSession, EditorActiveTerminalSessions, EditorClientSessionProp, EditorEndPointPropCnr, EditorEndPointsPropCnr, EditorInfoPropCnr, EditorSessionConnectionStatProp, EditorVirtualizedMonitorPropCnr

public interface IVirtualizedMonitorPanelProvider extends IPropDesigner
Interface to indicate that the property takes part of the server browser and can display information in the properties or the right panel part.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • canEditProperties

      default boolean canEditProperties()
      Returns if the properties should be shown in the property editor.
      true by default.
    • canShowPanelPart

      default boolean canShowPanelPart()
      Returns if the right panel part can be shown.
      false by default, override to handle panel parts.
    • showPanelPart

      default void showPanelPart(Composite parent)
      Requests to show the panel part. When called, the composite is initialized to a grid layout of 1 column with standard margins.
      parent - The parent composite.