Enum Class HardwareIdentication

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<HardwareIdentication>, Constable

public enum HardwareIdentication extends Enum<HardwareIdentication>
Hardware identifications that are used to build up the license.

The identification strings such as Operating System "Family:" is followed by a tab ('\t') and then the string. Multiple identification strings are separated with new lines ('\n').

Christopher Mindus
  • Enum Constant Details

    • ComputerInfo

      public static final HardwareIdentication ComputerInfo
      General information about the computer system. This information should ALWAYS be formatted the same way, e.g.:
         Manufacturer: Dell Inc.
         Model:        XPS 8920
         Serial:       75GDXJ2
    • ProcessorInfo

      public static final HardwareIdentication ProcessorInfo
      Processor identification. This information should ALWAYS be formatted the same way, e.g.:
         Information:  Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700K CPU @ 4.20GHz
         Identifier:   Intel64 Family 6 Model 158 Stepping 9
         IdentifierID: 158
         ProcessorID:  BFEBFBFF000906E9
         Physical:     4
         Logical:      8
    • MemoryInfo

      public static final HardwareIdentication MemoryInfo
      Memory information. This information can change during runtime and should not be used as identification, but can serve as a activation code trigger. It is always formatted as:
         Total: 17076768768
         Swap:  11274289152
    • OperatingSystem

      public static final HardwareIdentication OperatingSystem
      General information about the operating system. This information should ALWAYS be formatted the same way, e.g.:
         Family:       Windows
         Manufacturer: Microsoft
    • OperatingSystemWithVersion

      public static final HardwareIdentication OperatingSystemWithVersion
      General information about the operating system with version. This information should be formatted the same way, but the version may change during system updates, e.g.:
         Family:       Windows
         Manufacturer: Microsoft
         Version:      10 build 15063
    • AllMacAddresses

      public static final HardwareIdentication AllMacAddresses
      The MAC addresses for all the network cards.

      This value is often a good value that should NOT be separated with ':', but, beware: it can change in an virtualized environment unless it is fixed. If it is fixed, this value is the most secure value in terms of not changing.

      Beware: if this value changes, it could mean that the user is moving server. If this happens very often, it should attract your attention in terms of licensing.

      The format of the returned string is comma separated.

    • IPv4MacAddresses

      public static final HardwareIdentication IPv4MacAddresses
      The MAC addresses for all the network cards with IPv4 address and a speed set.

      This value is often a good value that should NOT be separated with ':', but, beware: it can change in an virtualized environment unless it is fixed. If it is fixed, this value is the most secure value in terms of not changing.

      Beware: if this value changes, it could mean that the user is moving server. If this happens very often, it should attract your attention in terms of licensing.

      The format of the returned string is comma separated.

    • IPv6MacAddresses

      public static final HardwareIdentication IPv6MacAddresses
      The MAC addresses for all the network cards with IPv6 address and a speed set.

      This value is often a good value that should NOT be separated with ':', but, beware: it can change in an virtualized environment unless it is fixed. If it is fixed, this value is the most secure value in terms of not changing.

      Beware: if this value changes, it could mean that the user is moving server. If this happens very often, it should attract your attention in terms of licensing.

      The format of the returned string is comma separated.

    • HostNamesWithDomain

      public static final HardwareIdentication HostNamesWithDomain
      The host name with domain (not recommended). The DNS structure may change quite often at companies.

      WARNING: this requires a DNS look-up and MAY take time!

      The format is an array of comma separated String's as:


    • HostNames

      public static final HardwareIdentication HostNames
      The host name(s) without domain (not recommended). The DNS structure may change quite often at companies.

      WARNING: this requires a DNS look-up and MAY take time!

      The format is an array of comma separated String's as:


    • HostAddressesIPv4

      public static final HardwareIdentication HostAddressesIPv4
      The IPv4 address of the server. This is also not recommended. Only network adapters that has a speed (e.g. 1GB) registered are included in the list.

      The format is an array of comma separated String's as:

    • DiskSerials

      public static final HardwareIdentication DiskSerials
      The disk(s) serial number. This value has no particular meaning in a Virtualized environment. The disks listed must have at least one partition that has a mount point (i.e. drive letter for Windows).

      An example of an SSD and a hard disk, formatted as an array of comma separated String's as:


    • SystemEnvironment

      public static final HardwareIdentication SystemEnvironment
      The system environment. This value SHOULD NEVER be used to test for.

      An example for Windows would be:

         CommonProgramFiles=C:\Program Files\Common Files
         CommonProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files
         CommonProgramW6432=C:\Program Files\Common Files
         FPS_BROWSER_APP_PROFILE_STRING=Internet Explorer
         ProgramFiles=C:\Program Files
         ProgramFiles(x86)=C:\Program Files (x86)
         ProgramW6432=C:\Program Files

  • Field Details

    • defaultHWIDs

      public static final String defaultHWIDs
      The default hardware identification used for new installations.

      The default ones are:

      • ComputerInfo,
      • ProcessorInfo,
      • OperatingSystem,
      • AllMacAddresses, and
      • DiskSerials.

      It's a comma separated string with the values of each hardware identification.

  • Method Details

    • values

      public static HardwareIdentication[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static HardwareIdentication valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • getValue

      public int getValue()
      Gets the value for this identification as an integer.
      A unique integer for this identification (not the ordinal value).
    • needsRefresh

      public boolean needsRefresh()
      Returns if this information might need a refresh because it could change.
      true if refresh would matter, false otherwise.
    • hasDNSLookUp

      public boolean hasDNSLookUp()
      Flag for long processing with DNS look-up.
    • getIdentification

      public String getIdentification()
      Gets the information for this hardware identification.
      The hardware identification string.
    • getIdentification

      public String getIdentification(boolean refresh)
      Gets the information for this hardware identification.
      refresh - Flag for refresh required.
      The hardware identification string.
    • getIdentification

      public String getIdentification(String... ipAddresses)
      Gets the information for this hardware identification.
      ipAddresses - IP addresses to look-up.
      The hardware identification string.
    • getIdentification

      public String getIdentification(boolean refresh, String... ipAddresses)
      Gets the information for this hardware identification.
      refresh - Flag for refresh required.
      ipAddresses - IP addresses to look-up.
      The hardware identification string.
    • append

      public void append(SendTransaction trans, boolean refresh)
      Appends the hardware information to a transaction.
      trans - The transaction.
      refresh - The refresh flag.
    • set

      public void set(VSField field, boolean refresh)
      Sets the hardware information to a VS field.
      field - The VS component (VSTable or VSField).
      refresh - The refresh flag.
    • set

      public void set(VSTable table, boolean refresh)
      Sets the hardware information into a VS table. This method is typically used for network adapters or IP addresses. The first column of the table will contain the information. The entire operation is done in a single VSWorkUnit.
      table - The VS table to set.
      refresh - The refresh flag.
    • from

      public static HardwareIdentication from(int indexValue)
      Gets the hardware identification from the "index" value.
      The HardwareIdentification matching.
      NotFoundException - If HardwareIdentification is not found.
    • getDefaultHWIDIndexes

      public static final IntArrayList getDefaultHWIDIndexes()
      The default hardware indexed IDs used for new installations.
      A clone of the indexes.

      The default ones are:

      • ComputerInfo,
      • ProcessorInfo,
      • OperatingSystem,
      • AllMacAddresses, and
      • DiskSerials.