Class DBApp


public class DBApp extends Object
Class containing information about app to load in the server from its database.
  • Field Details

    • appID

      public final String appID
      The app ID.
    • aid

      public final long aid
      The App numeric ID.
    • created

      public final long created
      The creation date of the entry: milliseconds since epoch.
    • version

      public final String version
      Version of app.
    • environment

      public final String environment
      The server environment.
    • path

      public final String path
      The full path to the directory (for development server) or the Jar file (production server).
    • jar

      public final IJarFile jar
      The JarFile instance loaded from the database in case the app is enabled, null if app is disabled or the JarFile is not stored in the database.
  • Constructor Details

    • DBApp

      public DBApp(String appID, long aid, long created, String version, String environment, String path, IJarFile jar)
      appID - The String App ID.
      aid - The App numeric ID.
      created - The creation date of the entry: milliseconds since epoch.
      version - Version of app.
      environment - The server environment.
      path - The full path to the directory (for development server) or the Jar file (production server).
      jar - The JarFile instance loaded from the database in case the app is enabled, null if app not stored in the database.