Package com.iizix.pwa

Class PWACustomHTML


public class PWACustomHTML extends Object
Class holding custom HTML for an app and potentially a language.
Christopher Mindus
  • Constructor Details

    • PWACustomHTML

      public PWACustomHTML(File cacheDir, File iiziAppHTML, String appID, PWAProps props, IKStringInfoProvider provider, String httpsServer) throws IOException
      Constructs a new instance of the PWA customizer for HTML.
      cacheDir - Cache directory where to place the customized HTML.
      iiziAppHTML - The un-customized version of "iiziApp.html".
      appID - The application ID.
      props - The PWA properties for the application.
      provider - The KString information provider that is not language sensitive.
      httpsServer - The HTTPS server.
      IOException - If the "iiziApp.html" failed to load.
  • Method Details

    • getGenerateHTML

      public File getGenerateHTML(String languageCode) throws IOException
      Gets or generates a customized HTML file from the template "iiziApp.html".

      This method will block the caller thread (and others requesting the same language) until it has completed.

      languageCode - The language code requested, null or empty string for default language. If the language code is not found, the default one will be used.
      The generated (or cached) HTML file, or null for an error with this language from a previous call.
      IOException - For I/O errors: only first time an IOException is thrown, subsequent calls with the same language code will result in null being returned.