Package com.iizigo

Class Activator

All Implemented Interfaces:
IWebServiceEngine, IKStringInfoProviderHolder, org.osgi.framework.BundleActivator

public class Activator extends AbstractUIPlugin implements IWebServiceEngine, IKStringInfoProviderHolder
The activator class controls the plug-in life cycle.
Christopher Mindus
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • Activator

      public Activator()
      The Eclipse constructor.
  • Method Details

    • isEnabled

      public static boolean isEnabled()
      Returns if IIZI is enabled or not.
      true if IIZI is enabled, false otherwise.
    • isStartingUp

      public static boolean isStartingUp()
      Checks if IIZI is currently starting up.
      true if IIZI is still starting up, false if ready.
    • setEnabled

      public static void setEnabled(boolean isEnabled)
      Assigns the enabled state of IIZI.
      isEnabled - The enabled state.
      IllegalStateException - If state is already set.
    • checkEnabledOrStarting

      public static int checkEnabledOrStarting(Shell shell, IWizard wizard)
      Call this function in e.g. wizards to check if IIZI is enabled.

      A dialog box showing that IIZI is not enabled or starting up.

      shell - The shell.
      wizard - The wizard.
      1 if enabled, 0 (zero) if disabled, -1 if starting up.
    • checkEnabledOrStarting

      public static int checkEnabledOrStarting(Shell shell, IWizard wizard, Runnable runnable)
      Call this function in e.g. wizards to check if IIZI is enabled.

      A dialog box showing that IIZI is not enabled or starting up will be shown, then the runnable is called. The runnable should close e.g. the wizard in question.

      The runnable will be called in the SWT thread in the "next cycle".

      shell - The shell.
      wizard - The wizard.
      runnable - Optional runnable to call. If non-null, the runnable must close the wizard.
      1 if enabled, 0 (zero) if disabled, -1 if starting up.
    • getRuntimeCreation

      public static IRuntimeBuilder getRuntimeCreation()
      Gets the runtime creation builder.
      The runtime builder instance, null if not yet set.
    • setRuntimeCreation

      public static void setRuntimeCreation(IRuntimeBuilder impl)
      Sets the runtime creation builder. Do not call this method, it is used by the framework.
      impl - The runtime builder.
    • getCoreClasspathEntries

      public static List<URL> getCoreClasspathEntries()
      Gets the classpath entries for the IIZI Core.
      The list of core class path entry URL's.
    • getPluginClasspathEntries

      public static List<URL> getPluginClasspathEntries()
      Gets the classpath entries for IIZI Plug-ins. These entries must also include the Server class entries.
      The list of plugin class path entry URL's.
    • getUserPrivateDirectory

      public static File getUserPrivateDirectory()
      Gets the user's private directory, normally where the other directories are placed, such as the JDBC drivers "jdbc-drivers", the database "db", etc.
      The User's private directory "~/.iizi" in canonical form, the directory is always present.
    • getJDBCDriversDir

      public static File getJDBCDriversDir()
      Gets the JDBC drivers directory, a user local directory that always should exist.
      The canonical form of the directory "~/.iizi/jdbc-drivers".
    • getDatabaseDirectoryCandidate

      public File getDatabaseDirectoryCandidate()
      Gets the database directory candidate to use. This call also updates the default value "db_dir" in the Eclipse preference store, if not set.
      The directory to use.
    • getDatabaseDirectory

      public File getDatabaseDirectory() throws IOException
      Gets the database directory to use. The database directory is created if not present.
      The directory to use.
      IOException - If the database directory failed to be created. In case of an exception, a SEVERE error is logged prior to returning from this method, so no additional logging is required.
    • addServerLaunchOptions

      public void addServerLaunchOptions(List<String> args) throws CoreException
      Adds required options for the server when launched from inside iiziGo.
      args - The list of server arguments.
      CoreException - For errors.
    • getByteSize

      public static String getByteSize(long size)
      Gets a size string in bytes.
      size - The size.
      The string formatted as "#,##0 bytes".
    • openURL

      public static void openURL(Shell shell, String url)
      Opens an URL in an external browser. If the browser cannot be opened, a message box is displayed. This method may be called from any thread.
      shell - The shell owner, null for none.
      url - The URL to display.
    • start

      public void start(org.osgi.framework.BundleContext context) throws Exception
      Starts up the iiziGo plug-in bundle.

      If this method throws an exception, it is taken as an indication that plug-in initialization has failed; as a result, the plug-in will not be activated; moreover, the plug-in will be marked as disabled and ineligible for activation for the duration.

      Note 1: This method is automatically invoked by the platform the first time any code in the plug-in is executed.

      Note 2: This method is intended to perform simple initialization of the plug-in environment. The platform may terminate initializers that do not complete in a timely fashion.

      Note 3: The class loader typically has monitors acquired during invocation of this method. It is strongly recommended that this method avoid synchronized blocks or other thread locking mechanisms, as this would lead to deadlock vulnerability.

      Note 4: The supplied bundle context represents the plug-in to the OSGi framework. For security reasons, it is strongly recommended that this object should not be divulged.

      Note 5: This method and the stop(BundleContext) may be called from separate threads, but the OSGi framework ensures that both methods will not be called simultaneously.

      Specified by:
      start in interface org.osgi.framework.BundleActivator
      start in class AbstractUIPlugin
      context - The bundle context.
      Exception - For errors in loading the IIZI properties framework.
    • isStopped

      public static boolean isStopped()
      Checks if plugin is stopped or not started at all.
    • stop

      public void stop(org.osgi.framework.BundleContext context) throws Exception
      Specified by:
      stop in interface org.osgi.framework.BundleActivator
      stop in class AbstractUIPlugin
    • getWorker

      public static Worker getWorker() throws IOException
      Gets the Worker.
      The worker, never null.
      IOException - If the worker cannot be started.
    • createDesignerPropMgr

      public static PropMgr createDesignerPropMgr()
      Creates a Property Manager for the Designer connection with JavaScript.
      The newly created PropMgr instance using Server and JavaScript mappings.
    • createServerPropMgr

      public static PropMgr createServerPropMgr(boolean hasJSClient)
      Creates a new Property Manager for a Server simulation.
      hasJSClient - Flag indicating it's a JavaScript client or not.
      The Property Manager or null if instance failed (errors are logged already).
    • createNewServerPropertyFactory

      public static PropFactory createNewServerPropertyFactory() throws IOException
      Creates a new Server property factory.
      The newly created property factory.
      IOException - For failures.
    • getServerPropertyFactory

      public static PropFactory getServerPropertyFactory()
      Gets the Server property factory.
      The server property factory, always the same instance once created.
    • registerRootProperty

      public static boolean registerRootProperty(String name, PropCnr root)
      Registers a root property container not being a Java or Module root, e.g. Terminal Sessions.
      name - The name.
      root - The root instance.
      true For success, false (with logged warning message) indicates name is already registered.
      IllegalArgumentException - If it's not a root property.
    • getRootProperty

      public static PropCnr getRootProperty(String name)
      Gets a root property from a registered name.
      name - The name.
      The root property, or null if not registered.
    • unregisterRootProperty

      public static boolean unregisterRootProperty(String name, PropCnr root)
      Unregisters a root property container not being a Java or Module root, e.g. Terminal Sessions.
      name - The name.
      root - The root instance.
      true For success, false (with logged warning message) indicates name is not registered.
      IllegalArgumentException - If it's not a root property.
    • getStateLocationFile

      public static File getStateLocationFile(String fileName)
      Gets a file in the state location area.
      fileName - The file name, set to null to get the (parent) directory where state files are stored.
      The file for the activator plugin, or null if not initialized or exiting.
    • getSomeShell

      public static Shell getSomeShell()
      Gets a shell.
      Some shell.
    • messageBoxAsync

      public static void messageBoxAsync(String title, String msg, int style)
      Shows a message box asynchronously in the SWT Thread. If the call is from a non-SWT thread, a switch to the SWT thread is done.
      title - The title.
      msg - The message.
      style - The SWT style, icons, buttons, etc.
    • messageBox

      public static int messageBox(String title, String msg, int style)
      Shows a message box. If the call is from a non-SWT thread, a switch to the SWT thread is done.
      title - The title.
      msg - The message.
      style - The SWT style, icons, buttons, etc.
      The button selected.
    • messageBox

      public static int messageBox(Shell shell, String title, String msg, int style)
      Shows a message box.
      shell - The shell (owner of message box).
      title - The title.
      msg - The message.
      style - The SWT style, icons, buttons, etc.
      The button selected.
    • threadMessageBox

      public static int threadMessageBox(String title, String msg, int style)
      Shows a message box from another thread.
      title - The title.
      msg - The message.
      style - The SWT style, icons, buttons, etc.
      The button selected.
    • threadMessageBox

      public static int threadMessageBox(Shell shell, String title, String msg, int style)
      Shows a message box from another thread.
      shell - The shell or null for none.
      title - The title.
      msg - The message.
      style - The SWT style, icons, buttons, etc.
      The button selected.
    • openError

      public static void openError(String genericTitle, CoreException exception)
      Opens an error dialog if necessary. Takes care of complex rules necessary for making the error dialog look nice.

      This call can be done from any thread, if not the SWT thread, it will "syncExec" to it.

      genericTitle - The title, or null to use "Error".
      exception - The core exception.
    • openError

      public static void openError(String genericTitle, String errorMsg)
      Opens an error dialog if necessary. Takes care of complex rules necessary for making the error dialog look nice.

      This call can be done from any thread, if not the SWT thread, it will "syncExec" to it.

      genericTitle - The title, or null to use "Error".
      errorMsg - Error message.
    • openError

      public static void openError(Shell shell, String genericTitle, CoreException exception)
      Opens an error dialog if necessary. Takes care of complex rules necessary for making the error dialog look nice.

      This call can be done from any thread, if not the SWT thread, it will "syncExec" to it.

      shell - The shell, or null to get the topmost one.
      genericTitle - The title, or null to use "Error".
      exception - The core exception.
    • openError

      public static void openError(String genericTitle, IStatus status)
      Opens an error dialog if necessary. Takes care of complex rules necessary for making the error dialog look nice.

      This call can be done from any thread, if not the SWT thread, it will "syncExec" to it.

      genericTitle - The title, or null to use "Error".
      status - The status.
    • openError

      public static void openError(String genericTitle, String error, Throwable exception)
      Opens an error dialog if necessary. Takes care of complex rules necessary for making the error dialog look nice.
      genericTitle - The title, or null to use "Error".
      error - The error message.
      exception - The exception.
    • openError

      public static void openError(Shell shell, String genericTitle, String error)
      Opens an error dialog if necessary. Takes care of complex rules necessary for making the error dialog look nice.

      This call can be done from any thread, if not the SWT thread, it will "syncExec" to it.

      shell - The shell, or null to get the topmost one.
      genericTitle - The title, or null to use "Error".
      error - The error message.
    • openError

      public static void openError(Shell shell, String genericTitle, String error, Throwable exception)
      Opens an error dialog if necessary. Takes care of complex rules necessary for making the error dialog look nice.

      This call can be done from any thread, if not the SWT thread, it will "syncExec" to it.

      shell - The shell, or null to get the topmost one.
      genericTitle - The title, or null to use "Error".
      error - The error message.
      exception - The exception.
    • openError

      public static void openError(Shell shell, String genericTitle, IStatus status)
      Opens an error dialog if necessary. Takes care of complex rules necessary for making the error dialog look nice.

      This call can be done from any thread, if not the SWT thread, it will "syncExec" to it.

      shell - The shell, or null to get the topmost one.
      genericTitle - The title, or null to use "Error".
      status - The status.
    • openExceptionDetailsError

      public static void openExceptionDetailsError(Shell shell, String genericTitle, IStatus status)
      Opens an error dialog if necessary. Takes care of complex rules necessary for making the error dialog look nice.

      This call can be done from any thread, if not the SWT thread, it will "syncExec" to it.

      shell - The shell, or null to get the topmost one.
      genericTitle - The title, or null to use "Error".
      status - The status.
    • errorMessageBox

      public static int errorMessageBox(Shell shell, String title, String msg, CoreException e)
      Shows an error message box from any thread for an exception.
      shell - The shell to use, if null one will be found...
      title - The title.
      msg - The message.
      e - The Core Exception.
      The code of the button that was pressed that resulted in this dialog closing. This will be Dialog.OK if the OK button was pressed, or Dialog.CANCEL if this dialog's close window decoration or the ESC key was used.
    • statusMessageBox

      public static int statusMessageBox(Shell shell, String title, String msg, IStatus status)
      Shows a message box from any thread.
      shell - The shell to use, if null one will be found...
      title - The title.
      msg - The message.
      status - The IStatus message (also MultiStatus).
      The code of the button that was pressed that resulted in this dialog closing. This will be Dialog.OK if the OK button was pressed, or Dialog.CANCEL if this dialog's close window decoration or the ESC key was used.
    • getInstance

      public static Activator getInstance()
      Returns the shared instance.
      The shared instance.
    • getProxy

      public Proxy getProxy(URL url)
      Gets a Java Proxy instance for an URL.
      Specified by:
      getProxy in interface IWebServiceEngine
      url - The URL to get the proxy from.
      The proxy to use.
    • configureProxy

      public void configureProxy(HttpURLConnection uc)
      Configures a Http(s)URLConnection for proxy information.
      Specified by:
      configureProxy in interface IWebServiceEngine
      uc - The HttpURLConnection or HttpsURLConnection.
    • loadPropertiesFile

      public static PropCnr loadPropertiesFile(File file) throws IOException, PropException
      Loads a properties file.
      file - The file.
      The loaded property container.
      PropException - For property errors.
      IOException - For I/O errors.
    • loadPropertiesFile

      public static PropCnr loadPropertiesFile(URL url) throws IOException, PropException
      Loads a properties file.
      url - The URL.
      The loaded property container.
      PropException - For property errors.
      IOException - For I/O errors.
    • loadPropertiesFile

      public static PropCnr loadPropertiesFile(IFile file) throws CoreException
      Loads a properties file.
      file - The file.
      The loaded property container.
      CoreException - For file errors.
    • createInputData

      public static byte[] createInputData(PropCnr container) throws IOException, TransformerException
      Creates InputStream byte array data from a property container.
      container - The property container.
      The byte array for the property container.
      IOException - For I/O errors.
      TransformerException - For XML error.
    • createInputStream

      public static InputStream createInputStream(PropCnr container) throws IOException, TransformerException
      Creates an InputStream from a property container.
      container - The property container.
      The InputStream for the property container.
      IOException - For I/O errors.
      TransformerException - For XML error.
    • savePropertiesFile

      public static void savePropertiesFile(PropCnr container, IFile file, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException
      Saves a properties file. The IFile reference and the file modification stamp are saved in the property container.
      container - The property container.
      file - The file.
      monitor - The monitor.
      CoreException - For Eclipse file system errors.
    • prepareFolder

      public static void prepareFolder(IFolder folder, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws CoreException
      Prepares a folder, i.e. makes sure it exists. If not it is created, recursively.
      folder - The folder to prepare.
      monitor - The progress monitor.
      CoreException - For folder creation errors.
    • getSelectedProject

      public static IProject getSelectedProject()
      Gets the currently selected project.
      The project, or null if none is selected.
    • getSelectedProject

      public static IProject getSelectedProject(ISelection sel)
      Gets the first selected project.
      sel - The structured selection, null for none.
      The project, or null if none is selected.
    • getSelectedProjects

      public static IProject[] getSelectedProjects(ISelection sel)
      Gets all selected projects.
      sel - The structured selection, null for none.
      The projects, or null if none is selected.
    • getProject

      public static IProject getProject(Object o)
      Attempts to get the project from an Object, first as an IProject, then a DesignerProp, then as an adapted IResource.
      o - The object.
      The project, or null if not found.
    • getFirstSelectedProperty

      public static DesignerProp getFirstSelectedProperty()
      Gets the first currently selected property.
      The property, or null if none is selected.
    • getFirstSelectedProperty

      public static DesignerProp getFirstSelectedProperty(ISelection sel)
      Gets the first currently selected property.

      This method validates the properties and skips those that are disposed of in case the viewer selection is "old" and not refreshed.

      sel - The structured selection, null for none.
      The property, or null if none is selected.
    • getSelectedProps

      public static ArrayList<DesignerProp> getSelectedProps(ISelection sel)
      Gets a list of all DesignerProp's in a selection that should be used in e.g. a Delete or Copy/Cut operation. If a property container is present in the selection, all its children are removed from the list, because they would be included in the container operation.

      This method validates the properties and skips those that are disposed of in case the viewer selection is "old" and not refreshed.

      sel - The structured selection, null for none.
      The list of selected properties.
    • getSelectedGProps

      public static GProp<?>[] getSelectedGProps(ISelection sel)
      Gets a list of all GProp's for DesignerProp's in a selection that should be used in e.g. a Delete or Copy/Cut operation. If a property container is present in the selection, all its children are removed from the list, because they would be included in the container operation.
      sel - The selection.
      The GProp array.
    • getGProps

      public static GProp<?>[] getGProps(List<DesignerProp> list)
      Gets a list of all GProp's for the DesignerProp's list.
      list - List of designer properties.
      The GProp array.
    • getSelectedRawGProps

      public static ArrayList<GProp<?>> getSelectedRawGProps(ISelection sel)
      Gets a list of all RAW GProp's without DesignerProp's in a selection that should be used in e.g. a Delete or Copy/Cut operation. If a property container is present in the selection, all its children are removed from the list, because they would be included in the container operation.
      sel - The selection.
      The GProp array.
    • getPropCnrs

      public static PropCnr[] getPropCnrs(ArrayList<DesignerProp> list)
      Gets a PropCnr's from a DesignerProp list.
      list - The list of DesignerProp's or null for none.
      The returned array, never null.
    • isResourceBased

      public static boolean isResourceBased(GProp<?> gp)
      Checks if the property contains a resource.
      gp - The property.
      true if the property is a FilePropCnr or FolderPropCnr with a resource.
    • areAllResourceBased

      public static boolean areAllResourceBased(GProp<?>[] props)
      Checks if the properties only contains resources.
      props - The properties.
      true if all properties are resource based, false otherwise.
    • fileToData

      public static GProp<?> fileToData(GProp<?> gp)
      Converts the property to get the data container property instead of a FilePropCnr.
      gp - The input property.
      The same as the input property for no change, the data container property if it was a FilePropCnr when possible (data container not null).
    • fileToData

      public static DesignerProp fileToData(DesignerProp dp)
      Converts the property to get the data container property instead of a FilePropCnr.
      dp - The input property.
      The same as the input property for no change, the data container property if it was a FilePropCnr when possible (data container not null).
    • fileToData

      public static GProp<?>[] fileToData(GProp<?>[] props)
      Converts the array of properties to get the data container property instead of a FilePropCnr.
      props - The input properties.
      The same as the input array for no change, a new array without FilePropCnr when possible (data container not null).
    • dataToFile

      public static GProp<?> dataToFile(GProp<?> gp)
      Converts the property to get the FilePropCnr instead of the data container property.
      gp - The input propertY.
      The property or its FilePropCnr when possible.
    • dataToFile

      public static DesignerProp dataToFile(DesignerProp dp)
      Converts the DesignerProp from the data container to the FilePropCnr one, if it refers to a file.
      dp - The Designer property instance of e.g. the data container.
      The File Designer property if the parameter dp was a data container, otherwise the same value as the dp parameter.
    • dataToFile

      public static GProp<?>[] dataToFile(GProp<?>[] props)
      Converts the array of properties to get the FilePropCnr instead of the data container property.
      props - The input properties.
      The same as the input array for no change, a new array with FilePropCnr when possible.
    • getSelectedResources

      public static IResource[] getSelectedResources()
      Returns the resource selection from the LocalSelectionTransfer.
      The currently selected resources, never null.
    • getSelectedResources

      public static IResource[] getSelectedResources(ISelection selection)
      Returns the resource selection.
      selection - Any selection of properties, resources, etc.
      The resources from a selection, never null.
    • getSelectedResources

      public static IResource[] getSelectedResources(IStructuredSelection selection)
      Returns the resource selection.
      selection - Any selection of properties, resources, etc.
      The resources from a selection, never null.
    • getFirstSelectedFile

      public static IFile getFirstSelectedFile(IStructuredSelection selection)
      Gets the first selected file resource.
      selection - The selection.
      The resource or null if none.
    • getClipboard

      public static Clipboard getClipboard()
      Gets the clip board instance for the plug-in. It will be disposed of when the plug-in stops.
      The clipboard instance.
    • disposeClipboard

      public static void disposeClipboard()
      Disposes of the clipboard.
    • mergeStatus

      public static void mergeStatus(MultiStatus status, IStatus toMerge)
      Adds the given status to the list of problems. Discards OK statuses. If the status is a multi-status, only its children are added.
      status - The status to merge with.
      toMerge - The status to merge, if it's OK to merge!
    • createErrorStatus

      public static Status createErrorStatus(String msg)
      Creates an error status.
      msg - The message.
      The status.
    • createErrorStatus

      public static Status createErrorStatus(String msg, Throwable e)
      Creates an error status.
      msg - The message.
      e - The exception.
      The status.
    • createWarningStatus

      public static Status createWarningStatus(String msg)
      Creates a warning status.
      msg - The message.
      The status.
    • createInfoStatus

      public static Status createInfoStatus(String msg)
      Creates an informational status.
      msg - The message.
      The status.
    • refresh

      public static void refresh(Collection<DesignerProp> dps)
      Refreshes the workspace for the specified properties.
      dps - The collection of DesignerProp's to refresh.
    • centerDialog

      public static void centerDialog(Shell shell)
      Centers a dialog box Shell over it's parent shell on the same monitor as the parent shell. The right/bottom side will first attempt to be set visible, then the left/top side will be adjusted to fit at worst at the top/left of the monitor of the parent shell.
      shell - The dialog box shell.
    • getInternalWebServerUnsecurePort

      public static int getInternalWebServerUnsecurePort()
      Returns the current HTTP port for the internal web server.
      The port number, or zero if not started.
    • createKStringInfoProvider

      public KStringInfoProviderAdapter createKStringInfoProvider(GProp<?> anyProp, boolean shouldResolve)
      Creates an IKStringInfoProvider for a property.
      anyProp - Property for reference resolving.
      shouldResolve - Flag indicating the "real" resolved string should be returned. This value is true for the runtime client when in "real run mode".
      A new KStringInfoProviderAdapter instance for the unsecure web server port if any.
    • getKStringInfoProvider

      public IKStringInfoProvider getKStringInfoProvider()
      Retrieves the KStringInfoProvider.
      Specified by:
      getKStringInfoProvider in interface IKStringInfoProviderHolder
      The KString information provider instance, or null if not possible.
    • getKStringInfoProvider

      public IKStringInfoProvider getKStringInfoProvider(GProp<?> anyProp)
      Retrieves the KStringInfoProvider.
      anyProp - Any property, or null to get it from the module root.
      The KString information provider instance, or null if not possible.
    • getConfigurationPreferences

      public static org.osgi.service.prefs.Preferences getConfigurationPreferences()
      Gets the iiziGo Configuration Preferences, not stored in the workspace, but with the Eclipse installation.

      You may create another node if you wish to separate it from the default iiziGo ones.

      The preferences.
    • getExecutorService

      public static ExecutorService getExecutorService()
      Gets the executor service.
      The executor service instance tunes for this machine.