Interface ILayoutDataAlignY

All Superinterfaces:
IGProp<GProp<?>[]>, IPropCnr
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbsoluteData, BorderData, EAbsoluteData, EBorderData, EFlexData, EGridData, EPanelData, ESwapData, ETabData, FlexData, GridData, PanelData, SwapData, TabData

public interface ILayoutDataAlignY extends IPropCnr
Interface for tagging layout data to mark it as vertical align capable.
Christopher Mindus
  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • getAlignPropY

      default IntProp getAlignPropY()
      Returns the alignment property in Y.
      The property, or null if undefined.
    • setAlignY

      default int setAlignY(int align)
      Aligns the component horizontally.
      align - Alignment value:
      - ALIGN_Y_TOP (1=top),
      - ALIGN_Y_MIDDLE (2=middle),
      - ALIGN_Y_BOTTOM (3=bottom),
      - ALIGN_Y_FILL (4=fill).
      The current align value or -1 for operation not valid. The value is never zero, it defaults to ALIGN_Y_TOP (1=top) or if it has implicit fill, it will be ALIGN_Y_FILL (4=fill).
    • setAlignY

      default int setAlignY(int align, IComplexOperation op)
      Aligns the component horizontally.
      align - Alignment value:
      - ALIGN_Y_TOP (1=top),
      - ALIGN_Y_MIDDLE (2=middle),
      - ALIGN_Y_BOTTOM (3=bottom),
      - ALIGN_Y_FILL (4=fill).
      op - Complex operation to perform the change, null for testing (align value is ignored).
      The current align value or -1 for operation not valid. The value is never zero, it defaults to ALIGN_Y_TOP (1=top) or if it has implicit fill, it will be ALIGN_Y_FILL (4=fill).
    • getDefaultAlignY

      default int getDefaultAlignY()
      Returns the default alignment value in Y.
      ALIGN_Y_TOP (1=top) is the default.
    • getAlignY

      default int getAlignY()
      Returns the alignment in Y.
      Alignment value:
      - ALIGN_Y_TOP (1=top),
      - ALIGN_Y_MIDDLE (2=middle),
      - ALIGN_Y_BOTTOM (3=bottom),
      - ALIGN_Y_FILL (4=fill).
    • hasFillY

      default boolean hasFillY()
      Returns if the component is filled in Y, implicitly or from the alignment value.
      true if filled vertically, false otherwise.
    • verifyAlignY

      default void verifyAlignY(UIComp comp, PropVerification verification)
      Verifies if the component has implicit horizontal fill alignment and therefore that the align setting is undefined or matches.
      comp - The component.
      verification - The property verification class.