Class SocketComm

All Implemented Interfaces:
ISocketComm, IWorkerTimeout

public class SocketComm extends SocketCommNIO
The SocketComm class is used to open client sockets with a destination host with optional proxy (HTTP/SOCKS), secure socket (SSL/TLS), and atop WebSocket or Telnet as protocols.

For proxy and/or WebSocket, an authenticator must/should be used to support user authentication with the proxy or destination (for WebSocket).

For SSL/TLS, client certificates can be added, discrete or from system, and if so, an password callback might be have to be registered to provide a password for a keystore or a certificate, unless preset in the properties.

For SSL/TLS, server certificates validator can be provided in order to check server certificates and/or the destinations host name.

Christopher Mindus
  • Field Details

    • properties

      public final SocketCommProps properties
      The properties for the socket.
  • Constructor Details

    • SocketComm

      public SocketComm(SocketCommProps properties, Worker worker, SocketCommListener listener, SSLEngine engine)
      Creates a new Socket Client Communication channel as UNINITIALIZED.
      properties - The socket properties.
      worker - The worker thread for socket processing.
      listener - The listener for socket events.
      engine - The SSL engine or null for plain connection.