Class UIBuilderSubOperation

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILinkOperation, ILinkWizardPage, IDialogPage, IMessageProvider, IWizardPage
Direct Known Subclasses:
VSActionBuilderSubOp, VSFieldBuilderSubOp

public abstract class UIBuilderSubOperation extends WizardPage implements ILinkOperation, ILinkWizardPage
The UI build link operation that extends the normal link operation with information about the source so that they can be grouped.
Christopher Mindus
  • Field Details

    • appUI

      protected final ApplicationUI appUI
      The Application UI.
    • container

      protected final IEUIContainer container
      The source container.
    • source

      protected final IAdaptable source
      The source being built.
    • lastFocused

      protected Control lastFocused
      The last focused control.
  • Constructor Details

    • UIBuilderSubOperation

      public UIBuilderSubOperation(String pageID, IEUIContainer container, IAdaptable source)
      pageID - The page ID.
      container - The container.
      source - The source component being built.
  • Method Details

    • getUIBuildData

      public UIBuildData getUIBuildData()
      Gets the build data.
    • getLinkOperation

      public final ILinkOperation getLinkOperation()
      Returns the link operation for the page. Several pages may be present for an operation.
      Specified by:
      getLinkOperation in interface ILinkWizardPage
      The link operation of the page.
    • getRequiredVirtualSpace

      public EditorVirtualSpace getRequiredVirtualSpace()
      Returns the required VirtualSpace to be connected.
      The VirtualSpace required, or null for not required.
    • isSelected

      public final boolean isSelected()
      Returns if this operation is selected or not.

      This method is used e.g. in the build operations where a page shouldn't be displayed if the build wizard is not selected.

      Specified by:
      isSelected in interface ILinkOperation
      true if build wizard is selected, false otherwise.
    • isPrecondition

      public final boolean isPrecondition()
      Returns if the operation is a precondition required to run BEFORE the parent operation runs, or if it should be run AFTERWARDS.
      Specified by:
      isPrecondition in interface ILinkOperation
      true to run BEFORE, false to run AFTERWARDS.
    • isOperationEnabled

      public final IStatus isOperationEnabled()
      Returns if the operation is enabled for execution, regardless of any preconditions. These are tested once all parties have agreed that the operation might be a "go".
      Specified by:
      isOperationEnabled in interface ILinkOperation
      The status for the operation.
    • equalsOp

      public final boolean equalsOp(ILinkOperation op)
      Checks if two operations are equal.
      Specified by:
      equalsOp in interface ILinkOperation
      op - Operation to compare with.
      true if they produce the same result, false otherwise.
    • getCommonTitle

      public abstract String getCommonTitle()
      Returns the title of the common operation.
    • getCommonDescription

      public abstract String getCommonDescription()
      The description of the common operation that is displayed on top of the wizard page.
    • getTreeImage

      public abstract Image getTreeImage()
      The image for the operation in the tree on the first wizard page.
    • getLargeImage

      public abstract ImageDescriptor getLargeImage()
      The large image descriptor for the operation, e.g. an Action, Field, etc.
    • getBuilderComponent

      public abstract String getBuilderComponent()
      Returns the builder component processed.
    • getBuilderImage

      public abstract Image getBuilderImage()
      Returns the builder component image.
    • addPages

      public void addPages(LinkWizard wizard)
      Called when the wizard is created and allows the creation of additional wizard pages required. All created pages MUST implement done to get the link wizard information.
      Specified by:
      addPages in interface ILinkOperation
    • setVisible

      public void setVisible(boolean visible)
      Set focus to name at show.
      Specified by:
      setVisible in interface IDialogPage
      setVisible in class DialogPage
    • setControl

      protected void setControl(Control newControl)
      Sets the control.
      setControl in class DialogPage
    • isPageComplete

      public boolean isPageComplete()
      Page is complete if not selected, even if added.
      Specified by:
      isPageComplete in interface IWizardPage
      isPageComplete in class WizardPage