Interface IJavaClassLinkEnabler

All Superinterfaces:
IAdaptable, IClassReferenceOwner, IGProp<GProp<?>[]>, ILinkCapable, IPropCnr, IPropDesigner
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
EditorVirtualSpace, EMLGroup, EMUISimpleDialog, EUIDialog, EUIPanel, EUIPanelPart

public interface IJavaClassLinkEnabler extends ILinkCapable, IPropDesigner, IClassReferenceOwner
Interface implemented by a property container that holds a ClassReference instance where the implementation of the class is attached to e.g. a VirtualSpace, and the property owner is implementing IClassReferenceOwner.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • isClassLinkCapable

      default boolean isClassLinkCapable(LinkData data)
      Returns if this property container could potentially be link capable.

      This call is done many times during drag-drop and must be very fast and not cause too much garbage collection.

      data - The link data.
      true if link capable for classes.
    • isLinkCapable

      default IStatus isLinkCapable(LinkData data)
      Returns if this property container could potentially be link capable.

      This call is done many times during drag-drop and must be very fast and not cause too much garbage collection.

      Specified by:
      isLinkCapable in interface ILinkCapable
      data - The link data.
      The status of capability of the operation.
    • addClassLinkOperations

      default void addClassLinkOperations(LinkData data, Collection<ILinkOperation> linkOps)
      Called when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item). The link-capable instance fills in only what it handles.
      data - The link data.
      linkOps - List of link operations is filled in when operations are found.
    • getLinkOperations

      default Collection<ILinkOperation> getLinkOperations(LinkData data)
      Called when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item). The link-capable instance fills in only what it handles.
      Specified by:
      getLinkOperations in interface ILinkCapable
      data - The link data.
      The list of operations required.
    • getClassReference

      EditorClassReference getClassReference(String id, boolean doCreateIfNotPresent)
      Gets or creates the ClassReference in the property container.

      Panel do not use "ID" because there is a single class connection with the name Atom.CLASS.

      Specified by:
      getClassReference in interface IClassReferenceOwner
      id - ID for the class reference if several exist, null for default.
      doCreateIfNotPresent - Flag to create the property (this flag can only be true in Designer)!
      The resolved class reference instance, null if the ClassReference doesn't exist if the create flag is false. If flag is true, an orphan unresolved EditorClassReference instance (ONLY for the Designer).