Interface IWSUploader

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface IWSUploader
Interface used to handle uploads to the server from a client, e.g. profile images. In order to be able to accept an upload from a client, it must beforehand be registered by a client session to get a IWSUploaderAcceptor instance. This instance is required to perform validation if upload is enabled and of what is being uploaded and to where.
Christopher Mindus
  • Field Details


      static final String BASE_CONTEXT_PATH
      The base context path of the upload service: "/|izupload".
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • isFileUploadEnabled

      boolean isFileUploadEnabled()
      Checks if file upload is enabled or not.
      The upload enablement flag, false by default.
    • getMaximumUploadFileSize

      int getMaximumUploadFileSize()
      Returns the maximum size of any uploaded file in MB.
      The file size in MB, default 50 MB.
    • getFileUploadStagingDirectory

      String getFileUploadStagingDirectory()
      Gets the upload directory where files are placed in a staging area.
      The directory name, relative the server's current directory.