Annotation Interface OnVSFieldStatic

Annotation for tagging methods to receive VirtualSpace Field events, i.e. for Virtual Field Processors.

Only 1 acceptable method pattern for this annotation.
Note: methodName can be any name you want to use.


   public class MyVSListener
     public MyVSListener()

     // Method called to validate the "FieldName" field.
     @OnVSFieldValidateStatic(ref="Proj:/vs/path", descr="Validates a Field Name", ops={VSFieldEvent.Op.VALIDATE})
     public static void onMyStaticValidate(VSFieldEvent event) throws ValueConversionException

     // Method called to convert the all possible fields ("*") values to other formats.
     @OnVSFieldStatic(ref="*", descr="Converts a Field Value", ops={Op.CONVERT_TO_NATIVE}, source={String.class}, target={Boolean.class})
     public static void onMyStaticConvert(VSFieldEvent event) throws ValueConversionException

Christopher Mindus
  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    The description of the validator routine, used in the Eclipse UI.
    The list of supported event operations in this instance.
    The Full String Reference to the Property.
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    The list of supported Value conversion classes that are handled as source conversion from a value, used in the CONVERT_* operations.
    The list of supported Value conversion classes that are handled as target conversion from a value, used in the CONVERT_* operations.
  • Element Details

    • ref

      String ref
      The Full String Reference to the Property. This reference may be set to "*" to define all potential references, and thus not specifying a back-reference at all.
      The Full String Reference to the Property (includes the Module Project and slashes), or "*".
    • descr

      String descr
      The description of the validator routine, used in the Eclipse UI.
      A descriptive string of the validator.
    • ops

      The list of supported event operations in this instance. Only the event for the supported operations are fired to the annotation implementing method.
      The list of supported events, e.g. VALIDATE and/or CONVERT.
    • source

      Class<?>[] source
      The list of supported Value conversion classes that are handled as source conversion from a value, used in the CONVERT_* operations.
      One or more supported native conversion classes from:
      • String.class,
      • java.math.BigDecimal.class,
      • Boolean.class,
      • Byte.class,
      • Short.class,
      • Integer.class,
      • Long.class,
      • Float.class,
      • Double.class,
      • byte[].class (Binary value type),
      • java.sql.Date.class,
      • java.sql.Time.class,
      • java.sql.Timestamp.class,
      • Number.class (meaning BigDecimal, Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float and Double at once).
    • target

      Class<?>[] target
      The list of supported Value conversion classes that are handled as target conversion from a value, used in the CONVERT_* operations.
      One or more supported native value classes of the list below:
      • String.class,
      • java.math.BigDecimal.class,
      • Boolean.class,
      • Byte.class,
      • Short.class,
      • Integer.class,
      • Long.class,
      • Float.class,
      • Double.class,
      • byte[].class (Binary value type),
      • java.sql.Date.class,
      • java.sql.Time.class,
      • java.sql.Timestamp.class,
      • Number.class (meaning BigDecimal, Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float and Double at once).