Package com.iizigo.vs

Class CreateVSFieldAction

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class CreateVSFieldAction extends PartAction
Creates a VirtualSpace Field from a data provider plug-in (e.g. Terminal or DB).
Christopher Mindus
  • Constructor Details

    • CreateVSFieldAction

      public CreateVSFieldAction(IPreferenceStore store, String skipPromptID, String sourceName, Image sourceImage, ICreateVSField creator, IPropUndoRedo undoRedo)
      Creates the action.
      store - The preference store for "skipPromptID".
      skipPromptID - The ID in the preference store when prompts is skipped (Boolean value).
      creator - The creator interface.
  • Method Details

    • update

      public void update(int cc)
      Updates the text/image/tooltip and enabled state depending on selection count.
    • run

      public void run()
      Action execution.
      Specified by:
      run in interface IAction
      run in class PartAction