Class AppLanguages

All Implemented Interfaces:
EventListener, IGProp<GProp<?>[]>, IPropCnr, Cloneable

public class AppLanguages extends PropCnr
The configured languages for the application.
Christopher Mindus
  • Constructor Details

    • AppLanguages

      protected AppLanguages()
      Constructor without name.
  • Method Details

    • addPredefinedProps

      protected void addPredefinedProps() throws PropException
      Adds the predefined properties for this container. This method is called once just after construction of the property container.
      addPredefinedProps in class PropCnr
      PropException - for property exceptions.
    • getPredefinedProps

      protected void getPredefinedProps()
      Gets potential references to predefined properties for this container. This method is called once just after cloning of the property container.

      The method should get reference to using the getProp(...) methods. This allows the subclass to be able to retrieve the new instances to the properties created during addPredefinedProps() if stored in instance variables.

      getPredefinedProps in class PropCnr
    • clone

      public AppLanguages clone()
      Clones the AppLanguages.
      clone in class PropCnr
    • onPropInvalidateCache

      protected void onPropInvalidateCache()
      Clears the cached values.
      onPropInvalidateCache in class GProp<GProp<?>[]>
    • onEventSelf

      public void onEventSelf(GEvent e)
      Event checking.
      Specified by:
      onEventSelf in interface IGProp<GProp<?>[]>
      onEventSelf in class GProp<GProp<?>[]>
      e - The property event.
    • getModuleApp

      public ModuleApp getModuleApp()
      Gets the module app that contains these language information.
      The ModuleApp instance.
      InternalError - If the ModuleApp is null, something that should never happen.
    • getTextTable

      public TextTable getTextTable()
      Gets the text table that is assigned to the app. In case the application is localized, then you can get text tables for a particular language code, or all.

      This is a helper function that does the same as calling getModuleApp().getTextTable().

      The text table for the application, or null if none is set.
    • isAppLocalized

      public boolean isAppLocalized()
      Gets the setting if this is a localized application, i.e. has support to be displayed in different languages, thus has support uses multiple text tables. This is known by checking the text tables derived text tables and their language codes, and so on. But this is not an optimal solution because it requires computation.
      The configured setting by the app developer if this app supports localization. If so, the text table should have derived text tables for all defined language codes. Errors and warnings will be displayed to the app developer if there is a mismatch of the localization settings and defined language codes.
    • getDefaultLanguageCode

      public String getDefaultLanguageCode()
      Gets the default language code defined when none is matching.
      The default language code to use (e.g. "en-US"), or null if none is defined.
    • setDefaultLanguageCode

      public boolean setDefaultLanguageCode(String lang)
      Sets the default language code.
      lang - The language code, or null or empty String to remove default.
      true for changed, false for no change.
    • mapLanguage

      public AppLanguages.Result mapLanguage(String languageCode)
      Maps a user language code to a Result.
      languageCode - The language code.
      The Result, never null.
    • getLanguageDefinitions

      public StringArrayProp getLanguageDefinitions()
      Gets the language map StringArrayProp that stores the language mappings as strings formatted as "lang{\t}useFor" where "lang" is the application-defined language, {\t} is the tab character and "useFor" is empty indicates the original language code being matched for, or a comma separated string of language codes with optional wildcards (* ?) that matches a particular language code to the application-defined language code.
    • getData

      public AppLanguages.Data getData()
      Gets a cached copy of (or builds) the language information from the language definitions.
      The AppLanguages data.