Class RecordingProp

All Implemented Interfaces:
IPropDesigner, IPropUndoContext, EventListener, IGProp<GProp<?>[]>, IPropCnr, Cloneable, IAdaptable

public class RecordingProp extends PropCnr implements IPropDesigner, IPropUndoContext
This Recording property container holds the screens and logic.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • RecordingProp

      public RecordingProp()
      Creates the capture recording property container without a name. The name must be set in all cases using the setPropertyAtom call.
    • RecordingProp

      public RecordingProp(Atom propertyAtom)
      Creates the capture recording property container with the specified name. All system-reserved names for components begins with "$".
      propertyAtom - the name of the component, unique within it's parent.
  • Method Details

    • addPredefinedProps

      protected void addPredefinedProps() throws PropException
      Description copied from class: PropCnr
      Adds the predefined properties for this container. This method is called once just after construction of the property container and sometimes population of it.

      The method should add properties to create or get reference to using the maybeAddProp method. When the PropCnr instance is cloned, the method getPredefinedProps() is called in order for the subclass to be able to retrieve the new instances to these properties, if stored in instance variables.

      Subclasses must override this method to do the appropriate initialization, as this method does nothing for the PropCnr class implementation.

      addPredefinedProps in class PropCnr
      PropException - for property exceptions.
    • getPredefinedProps

      protected void getPredefinedProps()
      Description copied from class: PropCnr
      Gets potential references to predefined properties for this container. This method is called once just after cloning of the property container.

      The method should get reference to using the getProp(...) methods. This allows the subclass to be able to retrieve the new instances to the properties created during addPredefinedProps() if stored in instance variables.

      Subclasses must override this method to do the appropriate initialization, as this method does nothing for the PropCnr class implementation.

      getPredefinedProps in class PropCnr
    • getLogic

      public LogicProp getLogic()
      the logic, never null.
    • getScreens

      public RecordingScreensProp getScreens()
      The recorded screens, never null.
    • setMaster

      public void setMaster(EEMaster master)
      Sets the master and builds the properties.
      master - The EE master.
    • getMaster

      public EEMaster getMaster()
      Gets the master.
      The EE master, null if not set.
    • getDesigner

      public RecordingDesignerProp getDesigner()
      Gets the Designer Extension for Properties.
      Specified by:
      getDesigner in interface IPropDesigner
      The instance of the Designer Extension.
    • getName

      public String getName()
      Gets the name of the recording.
      The file name.
    • clone

      Clone must be overridden.
      clone in class PropCnr
      CloneNotSupportedException - If cloning failed.
    • getPossibleChildren

      public Class<?>[] getPossibleChildren()
      Gets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g. a Paste operation.
      Specified by:
      getPossibleChildren in interface IPropCnr
      getPossibleChildren in class PropCnr
      An array containing the classes of possible children, or null for no support.
    • getUndoContext

      public IUndoContext getUndoContext()
      Gets the Undo Context.
      Specified by:
      getUndoContext in interface IPropUndoContext
      The undo context.