Interface IPluginInitialize

All Known Implementing Classes:
PluginActivator, PluginActivator, PluginActivator

public interface IPluginInitialize
Callback interface the Designer calls when initializing is required.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • registerPlugin

      void registerPlugin() throws CoreException
      Registers this plug-in with iiziGo. This method is called from iiziGo Designer when an application requires the plug-in. The plug-in should check if registration already has been done, and if so, skip the registration. This is required due to the OSGi framework threading at startup of Eclipse.
      CoreException - For registration failures.
    • initializeModule

      void initializeModule(ModuleModel model) throws CoreException
      Initializes the plug-in after the Module project has been loaded.
      model - The Module project.
      CoreException - For initialization failures.
    • createNewWizards

      void createNewWizards(ArrayList<CommandContributionItem> newWizards)
      Call to fill the array with "New Wizards".
      newWizards - Array of New Wizard's.