Interface IContextMenuContributorFormControl<COMPONENT>

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ActionsPanel, ContextMenuContributorAdapter, GroupPanel, TablePanel, ValuePanel

public interface IContextMenuContributorFormControl<COMPONENT>
Contributes to the menu for Editor parts, when createMenu in the Editor part is called.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • prependMenuItems

      void prependMenuItems(COMPONENT component, IzMenu menu, DesignerProp target)
      Called to prepend menu items.
      component - The component.
      menu - The pop-up menu.
      target - The selected target in the control, null for none.
    • appendMenuItems

      void appendMenuItems(COMPONENT component, IzMenu menu, DesignerProp target)
      Called to append menu items.
      component - The component.
      menu - The pop-up menu.
      target - The selected target in the viewer, null for none.
    • getTarget

      DesignerProp getTarget()
      Gets the default target when none other is found for the pop-up menu in the viewer.
      The target, or null to use the default edited property.