Interface IWrappedElement

All Superinterfaces:
IAdaptable, IGProp<GProp<?>[]>, IPropCnr, IPropDesigner, IWSPropDesigner
All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface IWrappedElement extends IWSPropDesigner
Interface for a wrapped element.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • canCombineSelection

      boolean canCombineSelection(GProp<?>[] props)
      Checks if the element can be combined in a selection with other properties.
      props - The selected properties (at least one [itself - this]).
      The flag.
    • createComposite

      Composite createComposite(WebServiceEditor editor, Composite parent, Composite existingComposite, GProp<?>[] props)
      Creates the composite to show. The property editor must be disposed of if required.
      editor - The editor.
      parent - Parent composite.
      existingComposite - The existing composite for wrapped elements, null for none.
      props - The selected properties (at least one).
      The composite for to show.
    • getWrappedReference

      String getWrappedReference(boolean attempIndex)
      Gets the reference of this wrapped element.
      attempIndex - Flag indicating index is required if possible.
      A reference such as "xml:/path" where an element that could be a row element is assigned the row index.
    • getWrappedElementValue

      String getWrappedElementValue()
      Gets the wrapped element value.
      The wrapped element value, or null for none.
    • canMapToVSField

      boolean canMapToVSField()
      Verifies if the element is potentially not a repeated value that can be placed in a VS Field. For e.g. XML, there is often no way of knowing this unless there is an XML Schema (XSD) present. For JSON, it is obvious if it's not an Array.
      The flag.
    • canMapToVSTableColumn

      boolean canMapToVSTableColumn()
      Verifies if the element is potentially a repeated value that can be placed in a VS Table Column. For e.g. XML, there is often no way of knowing this unless there is an XML Schema (XSD) present. For JSON, it is obvious if it's an Array.
      The flag.
    • isRepeated

      boolean isRepeated()
      Checks if an element that can be mapped to a column is perhaps repeated. Such elements will prefer creation of VS Table Columns instead of VS Fields as default operation.
      The flag.
    • getValueType

      Value.Type getValueType()
      Gets the Value type that applies for this element.
      The value type to use, or null if it can't be connected at all.