Annotation Interface UIRef

@Documented @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(TYPE_USE) public @interface UIRef
Annotation for UI references. It is used to as either a String-cast of an inline string or as a field or variable declaration of String type.

Only 1 acceptable method pattern for this annotation.


   public class MyUIListener
     @UIRef private static final String myButton = "myButton";
     public MyUIListener()

     // Some method referencing a UI component in the scoped panel of the @Panel annotation. 
     public void onButtonAction(UIActionEvent event)
       UIButton button1=event.getFirstUIComponentNN((@UIRef String) "myButton",UIButton.class);
       UIButton button2=event.getFirstUIComponentNN(myButton,UIButton.class);
       button1.setText("His button");

Christopher Mindus