Interface IAppBuilderLicenseSystem

All Superinterfaces:
IBasicUserInfoDetailNames, IGenericLicenseSystem

public interface IAppBuilderLicenseSystem extends IGenericLicenseSystem
The license system interface used when building apps registering the app in the license system.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • registerApp

      String registerApp(String developerID, String name, String descr, String version) throws IOException
      Registers the app in the license system. If the app is already registered, the same application unique ID is returned.
      developerID - The developer ID.
      name - The application name.
      descr - The application description.
      version - The version of the application in form of "1.1", "1.2.3" or "", or empty string for no version.
      The application unique ID in the license system.
      IOException - For communication failures.