Annotation Interface VS

@Documented @Retention(RUNTIME) @Target(TYPE) public @interface VS
Tags a POJO as being an VirtualSpace class with event listeners.

The constructor of the class must be be public and cannot have any parameters.


   @VirtualSpace(ref="Proj:/vs/subFolder/OneVS" [, refOnly = true])
   public class MyVSListener
     public MyVSListener()

Christopher Mindus
  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    The Full String Reference to the VirtualSpace property.
  • Optional Element Summary

    Optional Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Optional Element
    Option to use the annotation for referencing in the Java code only, together with @#64;VSRef and be able to use String refactoring.
  • Element Details

    • ref

      String ref
      The Full String Reference to the VirtualSpace property. This property must be of main type, i.e. being a Resource (.iiziVS file).
      The Full String Reference to the Property (includes the Module Project and slashes).
    • refOnly

      boolean refOnly
      Option to use the annotation for referencing in the Java code only, together with @#64;VSRef and be able to use String refactoring. When this option refOnly is true, the VirtualSpace does not have to have a back reference to the class.