Class EditedPropController<PROP extends GProp<?>,PROP_VALUE>

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class EditedPropController<PROP extends GProp<?>,PROP_VALUE> extends Object implements IContainerListenerOwner
Class used to handle the edited property for property editors. It can represent a single property value or multiple values from several selected properties being edited at once. In the latter case, there could be clashes in the values, i.e. different values.
Christopher Mindus
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • isDisposed

      public boolean isDisposed()
      Checks if disposed of.
    • isPropReadOnly

      public boolean isPropReadOnly()
      Checks if it's read-only, i.e. if the property is extends-private.
    • isPropReadOnly

      public static boolean isPropReadOnly(PropCnr pc)
      Checks if it's read-only, i.e. if the property is extends-private.
      pc - Container to check.
      true for read-only state, false for normal.
    • isExtended

      public boolean isExtended()
      Gets the extended state: the master is checked in case of a
      true if all edited properties are extended, false otherwise.
    • getParents

      public PropCnr[] getParents()
      Gets the parent property containers.
      Array of property containers, at least one in length.
    • getCurrentProperties

      public GProp<?>[] getCurrentProperties()
      Gets the array of properties edited.
      An array with all properties created for all the parents. An item in the array may be null!
    • getOwner

      Gets the owner of this controller.
    • createProp

      protected PROP createProp(PROP_VALUE value)
      Creates a property without parent.
    • beginOurEvent

      public void beginOurEvent()
      Begins process for private event.
    • endOurEvent

      public void endOurEvent()
      Completes processing of private event.
    • hasEventProcessing

      public boolean hasEventProcessing()
      Checks if there is an event already being processed.
      Specified by:
      hasEventProcessing in interface IContainerListenerOwner
    • assignValue

      public void assignValue(PROP_VALUE value)
      Assigns the value to the properties and clears potential error in the property.
    • undefineProperty

      public void undefineProperty()
      Undefines the property and clears potential error in the property.
    • assignError

      public void assignError(String input, String message)
      Assigns an error to the property.
    • assignErrorWithID

      public void assignErrorWithID(String errorID, String input, String message)
      Assigns an error to the property.
    • dispose

      public void dispose()
      Disposes of the instance.
    • getCurrentValue

      public PROP_VALUE getCurrentValue()
      Gets the current value from the property, not user input. If several properties are selected, the value is only returned when the value is the same for all properties (otherwise null is returned).
      The property value, or null if not defined.
    • getCurrentValues

      public HashSet<PROP_VALUE> getCurrentValues()
      Gets the array of values currently used. Null entries may be present.
    • onContainerUpdated

      public void onContainerUpdated(boolean checkReadOnly)
      Called when a change in the container that requires attention occurred. This method is called from the SWT thread.
      Specified by:
      onContainerUpdated in interface IContainerListenerOwner
    • refreshExtended

      public void refreshExtended()
      Refreshes the extended state.
    • getSeverity

      public int getSeverity()
      Gets the error severity.
    • getSeverity

      public int getSeverity(int additional)
      Gets the error severity.