Interface IUIActionHolder

All Superinterfaces:
IBackReferenceProvider, IGProp<GProp<?>[]>, IPropCnr
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractContentUIContainer, AbstractUIAction, EMapMarkers, EMLGroup, EMLItemProp, EUIButton, EUIImage, EUIMenuItem, MapMarkers, MLGroup, MLItemProp, UIButton, UIImage, UIMenuItem

public interface IUIActionHolder extends IPropCnr, IBackReferenceProvider
Interface implementation for a property container that holds the IUIAction information that is used for e.g. Java classes for back references, etc.
Christopher Mindus
  • Method Details

    • getBaseJavaReference

      default PropCnr getBaseJavaReference()
      Gets the base reference path for the Java reference.
      Specified by:
      getBaseJavaReference in interface IBackReferenceProvider
    • getOnUIActionMethod

      Method getOnUIActionMethod()
      Gets the method for the OnUIAction event at runtime. The method can be stored in another instance, e.g. a group holding multiple action items.
      The method for OnUIAction event, null for none.