Annotation Interface OnUIAction

Annotation for tagging methods to receive UI Action events.

Only 1 acceptable method pattern for this annotation.
Note: methodName can be any name you want to use.


   public class MyUIListener
     public MyUIListener()

     // Method called when a UI action component (button, menu item, etc) action is fired.
     public void onButtonAction(UIActionEvent event)

Christopher Mindus
  • Required Element Summary

    Required Elements
    Modifier and Type
    Required Element
    The Name or Relative Path of the Property to associate with the method.
  • Element Details

    • name

      String name
      The Name or Relative Path of the Property to associate with the method. The name is either a Name without slash ('/') that is a direct child of the panel reference, or a Relative Path from the Panel root.
      The Property Name path from the panel base "ref" reference specification, e.g. "myButton" or "container/..etc../myMenuItem".