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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


s10() - Method in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUI
Gets the spacing of 5 "pixels" depending on font scaling.
s15 - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
s15() - Method in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUI
Gets the spacing of 5 "pixels" depending on font scaling.
s2() - Method in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUI
Gets the spacing of 2 "pixels" depending on font scaling.
s20() - Method in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUI
Gets the spacing of 5 "pixels" depending on font scaling.
s4() - Method in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUI
Gets the spacing of 4 "pixels" depending on font scaling.
s5() - Method in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUI
Gets the spacing of 5 "pixels" depending on font scaling.
s8() - Method in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUI
Gets the spacing of 8 "pixels" depending on font scaling.
safari - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
Safari2 - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.font.BrowserFontFormat
Safari 12+.
Samoan - Enum constant in enum class
sashBorders - Variable in class com.iizix.swt.CustomSashForm
save - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
save() - Method in interface com.iizix.license.IGenericLicenseSystem
Saves the license file.
save(byte[], Element) - Method in class com.iizix.value.BinaryValue
Saves the value to an Element.
save(CustomSQLBuilder, boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorDatabaseProps
Saves the SQLBuilderEditorInput into this container.
save(KString, Element) - Method in class com.iizix.value.KStringValue
Saves the value to an Element.
save(ImmutableXMLGregorianCalendar, Element) - Method in class com.iizix.value.XMLGregorianCalendarValue
Saves the value to an Element.
save(OutputStream) - Method in class com.iizix.util.IniFile
Saves the INI file to an OutputStream without closing it.
save(Boolean, Element) - Method in class com.iizix.value.BooleanValue
Saves the value to an Element.
save(String, Element) - Method in class com.iizix.value.StringValue
Saves the value to an Element.
save(Element) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropErrorItem
Saves the item to XML.
save(Element) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropErrorItem
Called when the XML file for the error tree is serialized from properties.
save(Element) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropErrorItemValue
Called when the XML file for the error tree is serialized from properties.
save(TYPE, Element) - Method in interface com.iizix.value.IValueObject
Saves the value to an Element.
save(TYPE, Element) - Method in class com.iizix.value.NumberValue
Saves the value to an Element.
save(TYPE, Element) - Method in class com.iizix.value.TermporalAccessorValue
Saves the value to an Element.
save(TYPE, Element) - Method in class com.iizix.value.TermporalAmountValue
Saves the value to an Element.
save2(XOutputFile) - Method in class com.iizix.util.IniFile
Saves the INI file to an open PhantomOutputFile without closing it.
saveAction - Variable in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPart
Menu actions.
saveAdditionalData(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.editor.DatabaseEditor
Saves the additional data.
saveAdditionalData(IProgressMonitor) - Method in interface com.iizigo.prop.ISaveableEditor
Saves the additional data.
saveAdditionalData(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.capture.CaptureEditor
Saves the additional data.
saveCast(Object, Element) - Method in interface com.iizix.value.IValueObject
Saves the value to an Element.
saveClasspath() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleModel
Saves the Java classpath of a project in order to be able to use it in the Server.
saveDeviceParameters(DeviceParameter...) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IClientSessionGyro
Saves parameters on the client device for the current app.
saveDeviceParameters(DeviceParameter...) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyro
Saves parameters on the client device for the current app.
saveDeviceParameters(ISensitiveParameterHandler, DeviceParameter...) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IRemoteSessionControl
Saves parameters on the client device for the current app.
saveDialogBounds(Class<?>, Shell) - Static method in class com.iizigo.WorkspaceProperties
Saves the dialog bounds, or just the position if the dialog is not resizable.
saveDialogBounds(String, Shell) - Static method in class com.iizigo.WorkspaceProperties
Saves the dialog bounds, or just the position if the dialog is not resizable.
saveEditedCapture() - Method in class
Saves the EEScreen.
saveFile() - Method in class com.iizix.util.IniFile
Saves all changes (if any) made to the file.
saveFile(File, PropCnr) - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShell
Saves a property file.
saveFile(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.FilePropCnr
Saves the file if a Shell is not available.
saveHandle(int, int, int) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.ScreenRectangleInfo
Saves a handle.
saveNavigatorContentService(INavigatorContentService) - Static method in class com.iizigo.dnd.DndHelper
Saves the content service from the common navigator.
savePreferences() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.PluginPreference
Saves the preferences of the sorter.
savePreferences() - Method in class
Saves the preferences of the sorter.
savePreferences(IPreferenceStore) - Static method in class com.iizigo.vs.VirtualSpaceEditor
Saves the preferences of the sorter.
savePropertiesFile(PropCnr, IFile, IProgressMonitor) - Static method in class com.iizigo.Activator
Saves a properties file.
saveRectInfo(ScreenRectangleInfo) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.capture.prop.CaptureFieldProp
Saves the screen rectangle info object.
saveRectInfo(ScreenRectangleInfo) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenFieldProp
Saves the screen rectangle info object.
saveRectInfo(ScreenRectangleInfo) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenIdentificationProp
Saves the screen rectangle info object.
saveRectInfo(ScreenRectangleInfo) - Method in interface com.iizigo.term.prop.IScreenRectangle
Saves the screen rectangle info object.
saveSelection() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.UIDevices
Saves the selection in the workspace.
saveServerConfig() - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShell
Saves the Server Properties if required, creating a backup file of the previous configuration as "filename-DD MMM YYYY hh:mm:ss.SSS.iiziServer".
saveSessions() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.PluginActivator
Saves the sessions file.
saveSettings() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.AliasPropertyPage
Save settings.
saveSettings() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleModel
Saves the settings when possible.
saveSettings() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.StandardPropertyPage
Save settings.
saveSettings() - Method in class
Saves the settings file if changed.
saveSettings() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.project.TerminalModelPropertyPage
Save settings.
saveSettings() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.ActionsPanel
Saves the settings.
saveSettings() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.GroupPanel
Saves the settings.
saveSettings() - Method in interface com.iizigo.vs.ISavePanel
Called to save settings.
saveSettings() - Method in interface com.iizigo.vs.IVirtualSpacePanel
Saves the settings.
saveSettings() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.TablePanel
Called to save settings.
saveSettings() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.ValuePanel
Saves the settings.
saveSettings(Shell) - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleModel
Saves the module settings.
saveSimpleSignature(IMethodBinding, String) - Method in class
Saves a simple method signature.
saveSimpleSignature(IMethod, String) - Method in class
Saves a simple method signature.
saveState(Viewer, IMemento) - Static method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropHelper
Saves the memento for a Tree or Table Viewer, i.e.
saveState(IMemento) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPart
Saves the state of the object in the given memento.
saveState(IMemento) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.ReferencesView
Save the state.
saveState(IMemento) - Method in class com.iizigo.navigator.CommonNavigatorEx
Saves the state.
saveState(IMemento) - Method in class com.iizigo.navigator.ContentProvider
Save flags in aMemento to remember the state of any actions that persist from session to session.
saveState(IMemento) - Method in class com.iizigo.navigator.LabelProvider
saveState(IMemento) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditor
Saves the state of the object in the given memento.
saveState(IMemento) - Method in class com.iizigo.server.ServerConfigComposite
Saves the state.
saveState(IMemento) - Method in class com.iizigo.server.ServerConfigView
Saves the state.
saveState(IMemento) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.session.SessionsView
Saves the memento.
saveState(IMemento) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.TerminalComposite
Saves the state: the cursor position and insert mode.
saveState(IMemento) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.TerminalView
Saves the object state within a memento.
saveState(IMemento) - Method in class com.iizigo.ui.server.monitor.ServerMonitorView
Saves memento for later restore.
saveStateImpl(IMemento) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.editor.DatabaseEditor
Saves the state of the object in the given memento.
saveStateImpl(IMemento) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPart
Saves the state of the object in the given memento.
saveStateImpl(IMemento) - Method in class com.iizigo.image.ImageDefinitionEditor
Saves the state.
saveStateImpl(IMemento) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.PanelEditor
Saves the state.
saveStateImpl(IMemento) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.capture.CaptureEditor
Saves the state.
saveStateImpl(IMemento) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.recording.RecordingEditor
Saves the state.
saveStateImpl(IMemento) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.screen.ScreenEditor
Saves the state.
saveStateImpl(IMemento) - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.VirtualSpaceEditor
Saves the state of the object in the given memento.
saveStateImpl(IMemento) - Method in class
Saves the state of the object in the given memento.
saveTo(Element) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GError
Saves the error to XML.
saveTo(Element) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IQuickFix
Saves the data into an element.
saveTo(Element) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.QuickFix
Saves the quick-fix into a new QuickFix Element.
saveToFile() - Method in class com.iizix.term.KeyboardRemapper
Saves the current definition to the default file "ProgramName.keyboardMap".
saveToStore() - Method in class com.iizigo.webserver.Preference
Saves a "page" to the store.
saveToStore(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.Preference
Saves a "page" to the store.
saveToStore(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.PluginPreference
Saves a "page" to the store.
saveUser(IClientSessionGyro, AuthenticationProvider, String, String, boolean, SignInPermissions) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IUserAuthenticationUI
Saves the user ID, password and "Remember Me" enabled settings.
saveViewer(IFile, TreeViewer) - Static method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropHelper
Saves the selection and expanded states of the properties in the file permanent properties.
saveViewer(TreeViewer, StringBuilder, StringBuilder) - Static method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropHelper
Saves the selection and expanded state of a viewer into two buffers.
saveViewer(IMemento, String, TreeViewer) - Static method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropHelper
Saves the selection and expanded states of the properties in the memento.
saveWeights(SashForm, IMemento, String) - Static method in class com.iizigo.jface.JFaceHelper
Saves the sash form 2 weights to a memento.
saveXMLDocument(Document, File) - Static method in class com.iizix.XMLUtilities
Saves a Document to a File.
saveXMLDocument(Document, OutputStream) - Static method in class com.iizix.XMLUtilities
Saves a Document to an output stream.
saveXMLDocument(Document, Writer) - Static method in class com.iizix.XMLUtilities
Saves a Document to a writer.
scaleToMax(int, int) - Method in class com.iizigo.image.SingleImageControl
Scales down the image to a maximum size.
SCATTER - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotType
Scatter chart.
scheduleCleanAndRebuild() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleModel
Schedules a full build of a project.
scheduled(IJobChangeEvent) - Method in class
Notification that a job is being added to the queue of scheduled jobs.
scheduled(IJobChangeEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.StartupJobRescheduler
scheduleDeleteJob(String, Shell, IResource[], boolean, IUndoContext, Runnable) - Static method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropHelper
Schedules a delete resources job.
scheduledExecutionTime() - Method in class com.iizix.timeout.engine.TimeoutTask
Returns the scheduled execution time of the most recent actual execution of this task.
scheduleJobInstance() - Method in class com.iizix.translate.TranslationQueue
Schedules a new translation job instance if required, called from a synchronized block.
SCHEMA_DIR - Static variable in class com.iizix.SchemaConst
The schema directory with ending "/".
SchemaConst - Class in com.iizix
Constants required for the client, server and editor environments are placed in this class holding the schema file definitions along with the directory (package name).
SchemaConst() - Constructor for class com.iizix.SchemaConst
scissors - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
scope - Variable in enum class com.iizix.api.AnnotationType
The type used for annotation scoping, null for none.
SCOPE_email - Static variable in class
The Email scope: "email".
SCOPE_email - Static variable in class
The Email scope: "email".
SCOPE_openid - Static variable in class
The Open ID scope: "openid".
SCOPE_profile - Static variable in class
The User Public Profile scope: "profile".
SCOPE_public_profile - Static variable in class
The User Public Profile scope: "public_profile".
SCOPE_r_emailaddress - Static variable in class
The scope: email address, read only.
SCOPE_r_liteprofile - Static variable in class
The scope: basic profile, read only.
SCOPE_user_read - Static variable in class
The User Read Public Profile scope: "User.Read".
Scots_Gaelic - Enum constant in enum class
SCREEN_COLOR_NAMES - Static variable in class com.iizigo.term.PluginPreference
The table of screen colors.
SCREEN_NULL - Static variable in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldProp
ScreenActionGroupProp - Class in com.iizix.term.prop
This Screen Action Group property container for a terminal host screen.
ScreenActionGroupProp() - Constructor for class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenActionGroupProp
Creates the Screen Action Group property container without a name.
ScreenActionGroupProp(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenActionGroupProp
Creates the Screen Action Group property container with the specified name.
ScreenActionProp - Class in com.iizix.term.prop
This Screen Action property container for a terminal host screen.
ScreenActionProp() - Constructor for class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenActionProp
Creates the Screen Action property container without a name.
ScreenActionProp(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenActionProp
Creates the Screen Action property container with the specified name.
ScreenActionReference - Class in com.iizix.term.prop
Reference to a ScreenActionProp, used in the VSAction Action Actors for the back-reference.
ScreenActionReference() - Constructor for class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenActionReference
Creates a Screen Action Reference property with no name and with a null value.
ScreenActionReference(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenActionReference
Creates a Screen Action Reference property with the specified name with a null value.
ScreenActionReference(Atom, String) - Constructor for class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenActionReference
Creates a Screen Action Reference property with the specified name and value.
ScreenActionsProp - Class in com.iizix.term.prop
This Screen fields property container for a terminal host screen.
ScreenActionsProp() - Constructor for class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenActionsProp
Creates the screen fields property container without a name.
ScreenActionsProp(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenActionsProp
Creates the screen field property container with the specified name.
screenColors - Variable in class com.iizigo.term.PluginPreference
The screen colors, 0=background...
ScreenColorsPreferencePage - Class in com.iizigo.term.pref
The Screen colors page in the Preferences for the Terminal screen.
ScreenColorsPreferencePage() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.term.pref.ScreenColorsPreferencePage
ScreenCompression - Class in com.iizix.term.remote
A simple screen compression using RLE algorithm.
ScreenCompression() - Constructor for class com.iizix.term.remote.ScreenCompression
ScreenDesigner - Class in com.iizigo.term.screen
Screen designer interfaces to the TerminalWindow to perform drawing of rectangles and to interface with the mouse and keyboard.
ScreenDesigner(ITermEditor) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.term.screen.ScreenDesigner
Constructs the instance of the screen designer.
ScreenDesignerProp - Class in com.iizigo.term.prop
Class for the EditorScreenProp in the designer.
ScreenDesignerProp(PropCnr) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.term.prop.ScreenDesignerProp
The constructor.
ScreenEditor - Class in com.iizigo.term.screen
The Terminal Screen Editor part.
ScreenEditor() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.term.screen.ScreenEditor
Eclipse constructor.
ScreenFieldGroupProp - Class in com.iizix.term.prop
This Screen Field Group property container for a terminal host screen.
ScreenFieldGroupProp() - Constructor for class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldGroupProp
Creates the Screen Field Group property container without a name.
ScreenFieldGroupProp(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldGroupProp
Creates the Screen Field Group property container with the specified name.
ScreenFieldProp - Class in com.iizix.term.prop
This Screen Field property container for a terminal host screen.
ScreenFieldProp() - Constructor for class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldProp
Creates the Screen Field property container without a name.
ScreenFieldProp(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldProp
Creates the Screen Field property container with the specified name.
ScreenFieldReference - Class in com.iizix.term.prop
Property holding the reference to a screen field from inside the screen, used by screen actions.
ScreenFieldReference() - Constructor for class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldReference
Creates a Screen Field Reference property with no name and with a null value.
ScreenFieldReference(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldReference
Creates a Screen Field Reference property with the specified name with a null value.
ScreenFieldReference(Atom, String) - Constructor for class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldReference
Creates a Screen Field Reference property with the specified name and value.
ScreenFieldsProp - Class in com.iizix.term.prop
This Screen Fields property container for a terminal host screen.
ScreenFieldsProp() - Constructor for class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldsProp
Creates the Screen Fields property container without a name.
ScreenFieldsProp(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldsProp
Creates the Screen Fields property container with the specified name.
ScreenIdentificationProp - Class in com.iizix.term.prop
This Screen identification property container for a terminal host screen.
ScreenIdentificationProp() - Constructor for class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenIdentificationProp
Creates the screen identification property container without a name.
ScreenIdentificationProp(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenIdentificationProp
Creates the screen identification property container with the specified name.
ScreenIdentificationsProp - Class in com.iizix.term.prop
This Screen identifications property container for a terminal host screen.
ScreenIdentificationsProp() - Constructor for class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenIdentificationsProp
Creates the screen identifications property container without a name.
ScreenIdentificationsProp(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenIdentificationsProp
Creates the screen identifications property container with the specified name.
ScreenMatcher - Class in com.iizix.term.prop
Class for screen matching.
ScreenMatcher(ScreenProp[], TerminalModelSettings) - Constructor for class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenMatcher
Constructs the instance.
ScreenOrientation - Enum Class in com.iizix.gyro
Enumeration for values used for screen orientation.
ScreenProp - Class in com.iizix.term.prop
This Screen property container holds the screen identifications and fields for a terminal host screen.
ScreenProp() - Constructor for class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenProp
Creates the style property container without a name.
ScreenProp(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenProp
Creates the style property container with the specified name.
ScreenPropValidator - Class in com.iizigo.term.prop
Validator used for all screen properties by means of the options.
ScreenPropValidator() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.term.prop.ScreenPropValidator
Default constructor.
ScreenRectangle - Class in com.iizigo.term.screen
Class used to hold screen rectangles in the Screen Editor.
ScreenRectangle() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.term.screen.ScreenRectangle
ScreenRectangleInfo - Class in com.iizigo.term.prop
Screen rectangle info about positions, handles, etc on screen in pixels.
ScreenRectangleInfo() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.term.prop.ScreenRectangleInfo
screenWidth - Variable in class com.iizix.term.HostField
The width of the host screen.
scribd - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
SCRIPT_TAG - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.PWAProps
The property name for the Firebase "<script>" tag HTML string.
search - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
Search - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.device.settings.CommonSettings
Show settings for global search (Android) -- show Settings > Siri (iOS).
Search - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.device.settings.Settings_Android
Settings for global search.
Search - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.device.settings.Settings_iOS
Settings > Siri & Search.
search_minus - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
search_plus - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
SECRET_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.iizix.server.user.mfa.MFAUser
The default number of characters in the secret: 32.
SECURING - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.comm.State
Security - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.device.settings.Settings_Android
Settings to allow configuration of security and location privacy.
Security(Boolean, String, Boolean, String, String, Boolean, int, String...) - Constructor for class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocation.Security
Creates a new security instance from the specified values.
securityThreadLevelFrom(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocation
Parses the threat level string to a level of: 0 = unknown, 1 = low, 2 = medium, 3 = high.
seeked - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.api.ui.UIMediaEvent.Type
The seeked event is fired when a seek operation completed, the current playback position has changed, and the Boolean seeking attribute is changed to false.
seeking - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.api.ui.UIMediaEvent.Type
The seeking event is fired when a seek operation starts, meaning the Boolean seeking attribute has changed to true and the media is seeking a new position.
SegmentedControl - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.MUITabBar.Type
This type of bar is typically used at the top of the screen to control visibility of multiple views.
select(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo
Selects the item at the given zero-relative index in the receiver's list.
select(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0
Selects the item at the given zero-relative index in the receiver's list.
select(int) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_CCombo
Selects the item at the given zero-relative index in the receiver's list.
select(VSRow, VSField[]) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.DefaultTableFilter
Returns whether the given row makes it through this filter.
select(Viewer, Object, Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.EndNodeTextFilter
Returns whether the given element makes it through this filter.
select(Viewer, Object, Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.HideClasspathFilter
Returns whether the given element makes it through this filter.
select(Viewer, Object, Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.font.FontFileFilter
Filters what is passed through.
select(Viewer, Object, Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.image.ImageFileFilter
Filters what is passed through.
select(Viewer, Object, Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.image.SVGFileFilter
Filters what is passed through.
select(Viewer, Object, Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.SelectGPropViewerFilter
Filters what is passed through.
select(Viewer, Object, Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.SelectPropViewerFilter
Filters what is passed through.
select(Viewer, Object, Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.ProjectAndFolderFilter
The selection accepts only IProject and IFolder.
select(ROW, ROW_CELL[]) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.table.ITableFilter
Returns whether the given row makes it through this filter.
SELECT - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.StylesStates
Selected (0x08): selected checkbox, radio button, checked or radio menu item item, switch, plain button, etc.
SELECT_ALL - Static variable in interface com.iizix.term.ITerminalOperations
The "Select all" clipboard action.
SELECT_MESSAGE - Variable in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ReferencePropEditor
selectAll() - Method in interface com.iizigo.editor.IClipboardSelection
Select all.
selectAll() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.SyntSelectionProvider
Select all.
selectAll() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.Terminal
Selects all in terminal window.
selectAll() - Method in interface com.iizix.IEntry
Sets the selection of the entire entry field, leaving the cursor at the first position.
SelectAll - Class in com.iizigo.handler
The Select All handler.
SelectAll() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.handler.SelectAll
selectAllAction - Variable in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPart
Menu actions.
SelectCaptureDialog - Class in com.iizigo.term.capture
Dialog used for moving properties within all open projects.
selectClassName(Shell, ModuleModel, String, String, String) - Static method in class
Displays a dialog box to select a class name from existing ones.
SelectCNDialog - Class in com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog
Dialog used to display an Object in a tree.
SelectCNDialog(Shell, String, Image, Object, ViewerFilter, Object, int, IExpandFilterObject, IValidateSelection, TreeItemNavigatorPresentation) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.SelectCNDialog
Create the dialog.
SELECTED - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponentState.State
Selected state.
SELECTED - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.Atom
SELECTED_ATOM - Static variable in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIRadioComponent
Property atom: selected BoolProp.
SELECTED_ATOM - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UITitlePane
Property atom: selected BoolProp.
SELECTED_ROW_ATOM - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIAbstractListChoice
The property name: selected row.
selectedPropBackground - Variable in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUI
SelectGPropViewerFilter - Class in com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog
A viewer filter for plain properties.
SelectGPropViewerFilter() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.SelectGPropViewerFilter
Creates the viewer filter for no accept.
SelectGPropViewerFilter(Class<?>[]) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.SelectGPropViewerFilter
Creates the viewer filter.
selectInOpenEditor() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.UIDesignerProp
Opens the property in the active Panel Editor, if one is found.
SELECTION_MODE_CHANGED - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponentState.State
Selection mode is changed.
SELECTION_TYPE - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITable
The selection type property name.
SELECTION_TYPE_EXTENDED - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITable
Selection type (multiple selection enabled): MULTIPLE.
SELECTION_TYPE_MULTIPLE - Static variable in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUISelectionComp
Selection type: MULTIPLE.
SELECTION_TYPE_MULTIPLE - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITable
Selection type (multiple selection enabled): MULTIPLE.
SELECTION_TYPE_NONE - Static variable in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUISelectionComp
Selection type: NONE.
SELECTION_TYPE_NONE - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITable
Selection type: NONE.
SELECTION_TYPE_SINGLE - Static variable in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUISelectionComp
Selection type: SINGLE.
SELECTION_TYPE_SINGLE - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITable
Selection type: SINGLE.
SELECTION_TYPE_TOGGLE - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITable
Selection type (multiple selection enabled): TOGGLE.
selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.MoveDialog
Selection changes.
selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.MultiSelectionProvider
Notifies that the selection has changed.
selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPart
Selection changes in the tree.
selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.handler.CommonActions
Notifies that the selection has changed.
selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.navigator.ContentProvider
Selection changes in the viewer, forwarded to the ActionExecutor class.
selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.project.NewWizardPage
Tree selections.
selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.SelectProjectDialog
Selection changes.
selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.SelectPropDialog
Selection changes.
selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.SelectionHandler
Selection changed is processed here and notified to the listener if correct.
selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.server.ServerConfigComposite
Notifies that the selection has changed.
selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.capture.NewCaptureWizardPage
Selection in tree.
selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.capture.SelectCaptureDialog
Selection changes.
selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.recording.NewRecordingWizardPage
Selection in tree.
selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.ui.server.monitor.ServerBrowser
Post-selection changes.
selectionChanged(SelectionChangedEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.connect.CreateOrSelectNSPage
Selection changes.
selectionChangedEx(SelectionChangedEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.editor.DatabaseEditor
Selection changes in the tree.
selectionChangedEx(SelectionChangedEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPart
Selection changes in the tree.
selectionChangedEx(SelectionChangedEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.font.FontFacesEditor
Selection changes in the tree.
selectionChangedEx(SelectionChangedEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.image.ImageDefinitionEditor
Selection changes in the tree.
selectionChangedEx(SelectionChangedEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.ContextMenuEditor
Selection changes in the tree.
selectionChangedEx(SelectionChangedEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.PanelEditor
Selection changes in the tree.
selectionChangedEx(SelectionChangedEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.capture.CaptureEditor
Selection changes in the tree.
selectionChangedEx(SelectionChangedEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.recording.RecordingEditor
Selection changes in the tree.
selectionChangedEx(SelectionChangedEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.screen.ScreenEditor
Selection changes in the tree.
selectionChangedEx(SelectionChangedEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.VirtualSpaceEditor
Selection changes in the tree.
selectionChangedEx(SelectionChangedEvent) - Method in class
Selection changes in the tree.
selectionEnabler - Variable in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPart
The last selection states.
selectionEnabler - Variable in class com.iizigo.handler.CommonHandler
The current selection enabler.
SelectionEnabler - Class in com.iizigo.handler
The enabler class processes selection changes from handlers, viewers, etc, and sets the state of the commands accordingly.
SelectionEnabler() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.handler.SelectionEnabler
Creates an instance with all disabled.
SelectionEnabler(Shell, IWorkbenchPart, ISelectionEnablerHandler, IPropUndoRedo, IUndoContext, IStructuredSelection) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.handler.SelectionEnabler
SelectionEnabler(IWorkbenchPart, IStructuredSelection) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.handler.SelectionEnabler
Creates an instance for a selection synthesizing all other instanced, used for the Common Navigator and the Common Actions.
SelectionHandler - Class in com.iizigo
The selection handler enabling notification of selected properties and resources using various selection types.
SelectionHandler() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.SelectionHandler
selectionRoot - Variable in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ReferencePropEditor
Selection root.
selectJava() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.MethodReferencePropEditor
Selects a class from the project (or its classpath), but .java files as parsed sources.
selectJava(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ClassReferencePropEditor
Selects a class from the project (or its classpath), but .java files as parsed sources.
Selector - Class in com.iizix.prop
The Selector class is used to enable or disable participants such as panels, text tables and translation tables, perhaps images.
Selector - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.IPropReference.RefType
Selector() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.Selector
Creates the Selector property container without a name.
Selector(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.Selector
Creates the Selector property container with the specified name.
SELECTOR - Enum constant in enum class com.iizigo.project.FileExtension
SELECTOR - Enum constant in enum class com.iizigo.project.Folder
SELECTOR - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.SelectorExpression.Token
The selector token: { sel: "ref:/path" }.
SELECTOR - Static variable in class com.iizix.BaseModules
The Selector module.
SELECTOR - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.Atom
SELECTOR_CLASSES - Static variable in class com.iizigo.selector.SelectorEditor
Selector classes.
SelectorDesignerProp - Class in com.iizigo.selector.prop
Class for Styles Designer Prop.
SelectorEditor - Class in com.iizigo.selector
The Style's Editor part.
SelectorEditor() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.selector.SelectorEditor
Eclipse constructor.
SelectorExpression - Class in com.iizix.prop
The Selector Expression Parser.
SelectorExpression(String) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.SelectorExpression
Creates the Expression String.
SelectorExpression.Reference - Class in com.iizix.prop
Reference class holding the string reference and its location in the expression.
SelectorExpression.Token - Enum Class in com.iizix.prop
The token enumeration.
SelectorExpression.TokenData - Class in com.iizix.prop
Tokens data class with token information, and positions (offsets) in the expression String.
SelectorReference - Class in com.iizix.prop
The SelectorReference property class hold the reference to a Selector that defines if the owner of this reference should be selected or active, or if it should be inactive.
SelectorReference() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.SelectorReference
Creates a Selector Reference property with no name and with a null value.
SelectorReference(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.SelectorReference
Creates a Selector Reference property with the specified name with a null value.
SelectorReference(Atom, String) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.SelectorReference
Creates a Selector Reference property with the specified name and value.
SelectPKCS12IdentityDialog - Class in com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog
Dialog used to select a PKCS#12 identity.
SelectPKCS12IdentityDialog(Shell) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.SelectPKCS12IdentityDialog
Create the dialog.
SelectPredefinedStyleDialog - Class in com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog
Dialog used to select a predefined style.
SelectPredefinedStyleDialog(Shell) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.SelectPredefinedStyleDialog
Create the dialog.
SelectProjectDialog - Class in com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog
Dialog used to display and select Module project(s).
SelectProjectDialog(Shell, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.SelectProjectDialog
Create the dialog.
SelectPropDialog - Class in com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog
Dialog used to display Extends Name selection.
SelectPropDialog(Shell, String, Image, ModuleModel, Object, ViewerFilter, Class<?>[], String, int) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.SelectPropDialog
Create the dialog.
SelectPropDialog(Shell, String, Image, ModuleModel, Object, ViewerFilter, Class<?>[], String, int, IExpandFilter) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.SelectPropDialog
Create the dialog.
selectPropsAndFocusTreeViewer(GProp<?>[], StructuredViewer) - Static method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropHelper
Request a selection of the properties.
SelectPropViewerFilter - Class in com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog
A viewer filter for extends properties.
SelectPropViewerFilter() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.SelectPropViewerFilter
Creates the viewer filter for no accept.
SelectPropViewerFilter(Class<?>[]) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.SelectPropViewerFilter
Creates the viewer filter.
selectReveal(Object[]) - Static method in class com.iizigo.navigator.CommonNavigatorEx
Attempts to select and reveal the selection in the IIZI Explorer view.
SELF - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.event.GEvent.Operation
Operation to send the event to the property itself.
SelfSignedServerCertificateDialog - Class in com.iizigo.server.config
The self-signed server certificate dialog.
SelfSignedServerCertificateDialog(Shell) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.server.config.SelfSignedServerCertificateDialog
Create the dialog.
sellsy - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
send - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
send() - Method in class com.iizix.mail.Mail
Sends the mail directly without passing through the queue.
send(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.mail.Mail
Sends the mail directly without passing through the queue.
send(byte[]) - Method in class com.iizix.jetty.InternalWebSocket
Sends binary data.
send(byte[]) - Method in class com.iizix.jetty.WebSocketClientEndPoint
Sends binary data.
send(byte[]) - Method in interface com.iizix.nio.IWebSocketComm
Sends binary data.
send(byte[]) - Method in class com.iizix.nio.WebSocketCommNIO
Sends binary data.
send(GProp<?>, EventListener) - Method in class com.iizix.event.GEvent
Sends this event to the event listener in question, with "safe" processing, i.e.
send(GProp<?>, GProp<?>, GEvent.Operation, int) - Method in class com.iizix.event.GEvent
Sends this event to the property in question, with "safe" processing, i.e.
send(Notification) - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.PushAsyncService
send(Notification) - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.PushService
send(Notification, Encoding) - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.PushAsyncService
Send a notification asynchronously.
send(Notification, Encoding) - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.PushService
Send a notification and wait for the response.
send(SendTransaction, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.comm.TransactionComm
Sends a transaction.
send(SendTransaction, int, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.comm.TransactionComm
Sends a transaction.
send(String) - Method in class com.iizix.jetty.InternalWebSocket
Sends a String of data.
send(String) - Method in class com.iizix.jetty.WebSocketClientEndPoint
Sends a String of data.
send(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.nio.IWebSocketComm
Sends a String of data.
send(String) - Method in class com.iizix.nio.WebSocketCommNIO
Sends a String of data.
send(ByteBuffer) - Method in class com.iizix.nio.SocketCommNIO
Adds the byte buffer to the send queue without blocking.
send_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
sendAsync(Notification) - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.PushService
sendAsync(Notification, Encoding) - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.PushService
sendBinaryData(int, String, byte[]) - Method in class com.iizix.comm.client.ClientInstance
Sends a block of binary data to the remote party.
sendBinaryData(int, String, byte[]) - Method in class com.iizix.jetty.JettyClientWebSocketInstance
Sends a block of binary data to the remote party.
sendCharacter(char) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.Terminal
Sends a character string to the terminal.
sendCharacter(char) - Method in interface com.iizigo.term.internal.TerminalWindowListener
Sends a character to the terminal.
sendCharacterString(String) - Method in class
Sends character keystrokes to host.
sendCharacterString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.term.EmptyHostSession
Sends character keystrokes to host.
sendCharacterString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostSession
Sends character keystrokes to host.
sendCharacterString(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionPeer
Sends character keystrokes to host.
sendCharacterString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn3270e.HostSession3270
Sends character keystrokes to host.
sendCharacterString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn5250e.HostSession5250
Sends character keystrokes to host.
sendCharacterString(String, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostSession
Sends character keystrokes to host without allowing type-ahead.
sendCustomCSS(int, IPropMgrInfoProvider, ITransactionCreator, ITransactionSender) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.CSSAssetReferences
Send custom CSS to client upon start.
sendCustomCSS(IPropMgrInfoProvider, ITransactionCreator, ITransactionSender) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ModuleApp
Send custom CSS to client upon start.
SENDER - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.push.PushNotificationParameters
Required sender device identification.
sendHeartBeat() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.TransactionComm
Sends a heart-beat.
sendHeartBeat() - Method in class com.iizix.jetty.InternalWebSocket
Sends a heart-beat.
sendHeartBeat() - Method in class com.iizix.jetty.WebSocketClientEndPoint
Sends a heart-beat.
sendHeartBeat() - Method in interface com.iizix.nio.IWebSocketComm
Sends a heart-beat.
sendHeartBeat() - Method in class com.iizix.nio.WebSocketCommNIO
Sends a heart-beat.
sendHostKey(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.Terminal
Sends a host key to the host.
sendHostKey(int) - Method in interface com.iizigo.term.internal.TerminalWindowListener
Sends a key to the terminal.
sendKey - Variable in class com.iizigo.term.internal.KeyHotSpot
The send key for newly created hot spots.
sendKey - Static variable in class com.iizix.term.HostSendKeys
The table of indexed send keys.
sendKey(int) - Method in class
Sends character keystrokes to host.
sendKey(int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.EmptyHostSession
Sends character keystrokes to host.
sendKey(int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostSession
Sends keystrokes to host without allowing type-ahead.
sendKey(int) - Method in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionPeer
Sends keystrokes to host.
sendKey(int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn3270e.HostSession3270
Sends character keystrokes to host.
sendKey(int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn5250e.HostSession5250
Sends character keystrokes to host.
sendKey(int, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostSession
Sends keystrokes to host.
sendKey(HostKeyEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.Terminal
Sends a key to the terminal.
sendKey(HostKeyEvent) - Method in interface com.iizigo.term.internal.TerminalWindowListener
Sends a KeyEvent to the terminal.
sendMailsToUnverifiedMailAddresses(List<String>, MailSender, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.db.BasicUserInfo
Helper method to send a mail to all unverified mails for this user.
sendSelf(GProp<?>, GEvent.Operation, int) - Method in class com.iizix.event.GEvent
Sends this event to the property itself in question, with "safe" processing, i.e.
sendSpecialKey(int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.comm.TelnetComm
Sends TN3270E special key (param=0 is Attention and param=1 is SysReq).
sendSSCPLUData(byte[], int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.comm.TelnetComm
Sends SSCP LU data for a TN3270E session.
sendStat(String, DeviceParameter...) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IClientSessionGyro
Sends statistics event to the analytics engine on the client to log the event.
sendStat(String, DeviceParameter...) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IRemoteSessionControl
Sends statistics event to the analytics engine on the client to log the event.
sendStat(String, DeviceParameter...) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyro
Sends statistics event to the analytics engine on the client to log the event.
sendString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostSession
Sends character keystrokes to host.
sendString(String, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostSession
Sends character keystrokes to host.
sendTransaction(SendTransaction) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.ClientSideEditor
Sends a transaction to the JavaScript panel designer.
sendTransaction(SendTransaction) - Method in interface com.iizix.comm.ITransactionSender
Sends a transaction to the client.
sendTransaction(SendTransaction) - Method in class com.iizix.comm.session.SessionTransMgr
Send a transaction to the client, assigning the transaction serial and processing statistics.
sendTransaction(SendTransaction) - Method in class com.iizix.server.AbstractEndPoint
Sends a transaction to the end point.
sendTransaction(SendTransaction) - Method in class com.iizix.server.client.ClientTransactionProcessor
Sends the transaction to the remote party.
sendTransaction(SendTransaction) - Method in interface com.iizix.server.prop.IRootPropTransactionSender
Sends the transaction to the remote party.
sendTransaction(SendTransaction) - Method in class com.iizix.server.vsviewer.VSViewerTransactionProcessor
Sends the transaction to the remote party.
SendTransaction - Class in com.iizix
This transaction class is used for all communication between the Server, Client and Remote Administration programs.
SendTransaction() - Constructor for class com.iizix.SendTransaction
Creates a new empty transaction that will be filled with streamed data using the append methods.
SendTransaction(WriteCache) - Constructor for class com.iizix.SendTransaction
Creates a new empty transaction that will be filled with streamed data using the append methods.
sep - Static variable in class
SEPARATOR - Static variable in class com.iizigo.prop.tooltip.TooltipItem
The horizontal separator line.
sequenceNumber - Variable in class
The sequence number.
Serbian - Enum constant in enum class
Serbian_Cyrillic - Enum constant in enum class
Serbian_Latin - Enum constant in enum class
serialVersionUID - Static variable in class com.iizigo.Activator
The serial UID.
Series - Class in com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series
A chart series consists of several series values properties in a defined order.
Series() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.Series
Constructs a new series without a name.
Series(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.Series
Constructs a new series from an Atom name.
Series(String) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.Series
Constructs a new series from a name.
SERIES - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.IChartContainer.Type
SeriesColor - Enum Class in com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series
The Series color settings for fonts.
SeriesFill - Enum Class in com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series
The Series fill settings to override the default for the plot for this series (and theme).
SeriesFont - Enum Class in com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series
The Series font settings the can be set or retrieved.
SeriesOption - Enum Class in com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series
The Series boolean settings the can be set or retrieved.
SeriesStroke - Enum Class in com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series
The Series stroke settings to override the default for the plot for this series (and theme).
SeriesType - Enum Class in com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series
The series type.
SeriesValue - Class in com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series
A series value property is a property container that can only contain NumberProp's.
SeriesValue() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.SeriesValue
Constructs a new series value without a name.
SeriesValue(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.SeriesValue
Constructs a new series value from an Atom name.
SeriesValue(Atom, GSeriesValue) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.SeriesValue
Constructs a new series value from an Atom name.
server - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
server - Variable in class com.iizix.jetty.RunConfigurationWebServer
The Jetty Server instance.
server - Variable in class com.iizix.server.AbstractEndPoint
The main server instance.
SERVER - Enum constant in enum class
Server libraries.
SERVER - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.RunMode
Normal server mode.
SERVER - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.server.IEndPoint.Type
SERVER - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.Atom
SERVER - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.PropFactory
The application type: SERVER = 1.
SERVER - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.PropMgr
The application type: SERVER = 1.
server_addr - Variable in class
Address of the iiziServer.
SERVER_CONFIGURATION_ENVIRONMENT - Static variable in class com.iizix.server.client.ClientParams
The Server configuration environment property: "env".
SERVER_CONFIGURATION_ENVIRONMENT - Static variable in class com.iizix.server.vsviewer.VSViewerParams
The Server configuration environment property: "env".
SERVER_DEVELOPMENT - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.RunMode
Server in development mode.
SERVER_END_POINT - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.virtual.ThreadGroupType
A receiving end-point in the server
SERVER_ERROR - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.comm.oauth.IOAuthListener.Code
The authorization server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request.
SERVER_IDENTITY_CHECK - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.MailProps
Server identity check: "serverIDCheck.
SERVER_KEY_CURVE - Static variable in class com.iizix.push.vapid.AbstractPushService
SERVER_KEY_ID - Static variable in class com.iizix.push.vapid.AbstractPushService
SERVER_LOGIN_DISABLED - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.user.SigninResult
Login to server is currently disabled.
SERVER_MONITOR_WS_URI - Static variable in class com.iizix.ServerConstants
The Server Monitoring WebSocket URI: "/iizi/"
SERVER_NO_KEYS - Static variable in class com.iizix.server.push.PushNotificationHandler
Error message 410 when server "app_id='*'" is not configured with any Push Messaging keys.
SERVER_NOT_STARTED - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.user.SigninResult
Server is not started.
server_port - Variable in class
Server port number, normally 443 for secure TLS connections (default), otherwise e.g.
SERVER_SCRIPT_TAG_PATTERN - Static variable in class
Predefined pattern that matches <% ...
server_secure - Variable in class
Indicates the server port is configured for secure TLS communication, default true.
SERVER_SESSION - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.virtual.ThreadGroupType
Server session with another server used e.g.
SERVER_SIDE_INCLUDE_PATTERN - Static variable in class
Predefined pattern that matches <--# ...
SERVER_STARTING - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.user.SigninResult
Server is starting.
SERVER_STOPPED - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.user.SigninResult
Server is stopped.
SERVER_STOPPING - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.user.SigninResult
Server is stopping.
server_validate - Variable in class
Validates that the server is really present and an iiziServer.
ServerAppConfig - Class in com.iizix.server.prop
Property container for the configuration of an App of the iiziServer.
ServerAppConfig() - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerAppConfig
Creates the App configuration without a name.
ServerAppConfig(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerAppConfig
Creates the App configuration with a name.
ServerAppDistributionProps - Class in
Editor version of the container that holds the required settings for the server to operate and initialize itself with.
ServerAppDistributionProps() - Constructor for class
Creates the screen identification property container without a name.
ServerAppDistributionProps(Atom) - Constructor for class
Creates the screen identification property container with the specified name.
ServerApplicationSetupException - Exception Class in com.iizix.server.prop
The Server Application Setup exception.
ServerApplicationSetupException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerApplicationSetupException
Creates a Server Application Setup Exception with a message.
ServerApplicationSetupException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerApplicationSetupException
Creates a Server Application Setup Exception with a message and an exception cause.
ServerBrowser - Class in com.iizigo.ui.server.monitor
The izii Server Browser.
ServerBrowser() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.ui.server.monitor.ServerBrowser
Eclipse constructor.
ServerClientSessionProps - Class in com.iizix.prop
The Server's Client Session properties hold information relating to the current client session, i.e.
ServerClientSessionProps() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ServerClientSessionProps
Creates the application property container without a name.
ServerClientSessionProps(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ServerClientSessionProps
Creates the application property container with the specified name.
ServerConfigComposite - Class in com.iizigo.server
The Server Configuration composite displays a tree with the server configuration and a property editor for the properties.
ServerConfigComposite(IWorkbenchPart, Composite, IMemento, Runnable) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.server.ServerConfigComposite
Creates the Server configuration composite.
ServerConfigComposite.DragSourceDelegator - Class in com.iizigo.server
Class used to delegate DragSource events to the listener, making it possible to know when drag-drop is in effect.
ServerConfigDesignerProp - Class in com.iizigo.server.config
Class for Server Configuration Designer Prop.
ServerConfigEnvironment - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.IPropReference.RefType
ServerConfigEnvProps - Class in com.iizix.server.prop
This configuration environment defines the configuration setup for the available plug-ins.
ServerConfigEnvProps() - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerConfigEnvProps
Creates the configuration environment properties without a name.
ServerConfigEnvProps(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerConfigEnvProps
Creates the configuration environment properties with an atom manager.
ServerConfigEnvReference - Class in com.iizix.server.prop
The ServerConfigEnvReference property class hold the reference to a Server configuration environment.
ServerConfigEnvReference() - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerConfigEnvReference
Creates a Server configuration environment Reference property with no name and with a null value.
ServerConfigEnvReference(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerConfigEnvReference
Creates a Server configuration environment Reference property with the specified name with a null value.
ServerConfigEnvReference(Atom, String) - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerConfigEnvReference
Creates a Server configuration environment Reference property with the specified name and value.
ServerConfigFile - Class in com.iizigo.server
The Server configuration file container.
ServerConfigLauncher - Class in com.iizigo.server
Launches the Server Configuration with a file name.
ServerConfigLauncher() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.server.ServerConfigLauncher
ServerConfigView - Class in com.iizigo.server
The Server Configuration View displays a tree with the server configuration and a property editor for the properties.
ServerConfigView() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.server.ServerConfigView
Creates the folder view.
ServerConstants - Class in com.iizix
Static class holding constants used for the Server.
ServerConstants() - Constructor for class com.iizix.ServerConstants
serverEnv - Variable in class com.iizix.prop.EnvProps
The server environment properties.
serverInitializeComm() - Method in class com.iizix.nio.WebSocketCommNIO
Initializes the communication for server-side channels.
ServerKey - Class in
The server key that is used for encryption.
ServerKeysProp - Class in
Class used to store server keys.
ServerKeysProp() - Constructor for class
Constructor without name.
ServerKeysProp(Atom) - Constructor for class
Constructor with name.
serverLockedIP_API_Key - Variable in class
The API key "Server locked IP", null when not configured.
ServerLogger - Class in com.iizix.server
The server logger implementation.
ServerMonitorView - Class in com.iizigo.ui.server.monitor
The IIZI Server Monitor view part.
ServerMonitorView() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.ui.server.monitor.ServerMonitorView
Eclipse constructor.
ServerPluginConfig - Class in com.iizix.server.prop
Property container for the configuration of a plug-in for a Server configuration environment.
ServerPluginConfig() - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerPluginConfig
Creates the plugin configuration without a name.
ServerPluginConfig(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerPluginConfig
Creates the plugin configuration with a name.
serverPluginDescriptor - Variable in class com.iizigo.plugin.PluginDescriptor
The Server plug-in descriptor.
ServerProps - Class in com.iizix.server.prop
This server property is a container that holds everything a client/server needs in order to establish communication with the other party, and information about themselves (such as environment).
ServerProps() - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerProps
Creates the client properties without a name.
ServerProps(Atom, PropMgr) - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerProps
Creates the client properties with an atom manager.
ServerRuntimeBuilderProps - Class in
This remote server part of the iiziRun Builder properties to hold the build settings and handle the interprocess communication.
ServerRuntimeBuilderProps() - Constructor for class
Creates the properties container without a name.
ServerRuntimeBuilderProps(Atom) - Constructor for class
Creates the properties container with a name.
ServerSecurityManager - Class in
The security manager keeps keys and other security information for the server.
ServerSession - Class in com.iizix.server
The main class for an Server session running in the Server.
ServerSession(long, IWebSocketComm, ServerShell) - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.ServerSession
Creates a new ServerSession instance.
serverSessionID - Variable in class com.iizix.server.AbstractEndPoint
The server session ID.
serverSettings - Variable in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerProps
The server settings properties.
ServerSettings - Class in com.iizix.server.prop
This property is a container that holds the required settings for the server to operate and initialize itself with.
ServerSettings() - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettings
Creates the server settings without a name.
ServerSettings(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettings
Creates the server settings with a name.
ServerShell - Class in com.iizix.server
The Server Shell.
ServerShell(File) - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.ServerShell
ServerShellHolder - Class in com.iizix.server
The static holder of the ServerShell instance that the server calls to initiate the value with at start-up time.
ServerShellHolder() - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.ServerShellHolder
ServerSocketComm - Class in com.iizix.comm
The ServerSocketComm class is used to open a plain server socket with an optional bind address.
ServerSocketComm(ServerSocketCommProps, Worker, ServerSocketCommListener) - Constructor for class com.iizix.comm.ServerSocketComm
Creates a new Server Socket Communication channel as UNINITIALIZED.
ServerSocketComm.State - Enum Class in com.iizix.comm
The state of the communication link.
ServerSocketCommListener - Interface in com.iizix.comm
The server socket communication listener.
ServerSocketCommProps - Class in com.iizix.prop
This property container contains all properties required for a Server Socket (NIO) connection.
ServerSocketCommProps() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ServerSocketCommProps
Creates the server socket property container without a name.
ServerSocketCommProps(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ServerSocketCommProps
Creates the server socket property container with the specified name.
ServerVSViewerPropCnr - Class in com.iizix.server.vsviewer
The server VSViewer property container.
ServerVSViewerPropCnr() - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.vsviewer.ServerVSViewerPropCnr
The default constructor.
ServerWS - Class in com.iizix.comm.test
SERVICE_STOPPED - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.push.PushNotificationState
Push service has been stopped.
service1 - Variable in class com.iizix.server.oauth.AbstractOAuthService
The OAuth 1.0a authentication service.
service2 - Variable in class com.iizix.server.oauth.AbstractOAuthService
The OAuth 2.0 authentication service.
Sesotho - Enum constant in enum class
session - Variable in class com.iizix.server.oauth.AbstractOAuthService
The session.
SESSION_CLOSED - Static variable in interface com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBoxReply
The reply for the application or client session closed, value = -2.
SESSION_NAME - Static variable in class com.iizigo.term.project.TerminalModel
Session name in EditorTerminalProps (the project relative file name).
SessionConfigPropEditor - Class in com.iizigo.term.prop.editor
Editor for session configuration that brings up the session configuration dialog.
SessionConfigPropEditor() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.term.prop.editor.SessionConfigPropEditor
Default constructor called before createControls.
SessionConnectionStatistics - Class in com.iizix.comm.statistics
Session connection statistics used on a connection basis.
SessionConnectionStatistics.Global - Class in com.iizix.comm.statistics
The cloneable global values class for the server.
SessionConnectionStatistics.State - Enum Class in com.iizix.comm.statistics
SessionConnectionStatProp - Class in com.iizix.server.monitor
An end point property.
SessionConnectionStatProp() - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.monitor.SessionConnectionStatProp
Constructor for transactions.
SessionConnectionStatProp(Atom, SessionConnectionStatistics) - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.monitor.SessionConnectionStatProp
Constructor for monitor.
sessionEnded() - Method in class
Informs the computer that a content assist session has ended.
SessionID - Class in com.iizix.comm.session
The session ID is used to identify a transaction session that can be used to pick up communication again after a broken link, and also to store additional information about a user and other settings to easy re-establishing a session.
SessionID(ISessionTransMgr) - Constructor for class com.iizix.comm.session.SessionID
Constructs the instance.
sessionInfo - Variable in class com.iizix.server.AbstractEndPoint
The SessionInfo.
SessionInfo - Class in com.iizix
This class contains information of the remote party and its connection, etc.
SessionInfo(long, byte[], SocketAddress, String) - Constructor for class com.iizix.SessionInfo
The full constructor with all parameters.
SessionInfo(long, SocketAddress, String) - Constructor for class com.iizix.SessionInfo
The constructor initiates the trace levels to defaults, and no User ID.
SessionInfo(SocketAddress) - Constructor for class com.iizix.SessionInfo
The constructor initiates the connection ID to -1 (none), the trace levels to defaults, and no User ID.
SessionMgr - Class in com.iizix.comm.session
The Session Manager controls the open or dormant sessions and depending on server implementation, has a timer implementation or used the Java EE timers.
SessionMode - Enum Class in com.iizix.test.client
Session modes.
sessionNameQualifier - Static variable in class com.iizigo.term.screen.ScreenEditor
The Session Name Qualifier for files.
SessionsPreferencePage - Class in com.iizigo.term.pref
The Sessions page in the Preferences for the Terminal.
SessionsPreferencePage() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.term.pref.SessionsPreferencePage
SessionsProp - Class in com.iizix.term.prop
This Sessions property container holds the terminal properties.
SessionsProp() - Constructor for class com.iizix.term.prop.SessionsProp
Creates the sessions property container without a name.
SessionsProp(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.term.prop.SessionsProp
Creates the sessions property container with the specified name.
sessionStarted() - Method in class
Informs the computer that a content assist session has started.
SessionStatistics - Class in com.iizix.comm.statistics
Statistics of a transaction session, including all connections.
SessionStatistics() - Constructor for class com.iizix.comm.statistics.SessionStatistics
Creates a new instance for the Session Transaction Manager.
SessionsView - Class in com.iizigo.term.session
The Terminal Sessions View Part shows all currently running terminal sessions.
SessionsView() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.term.session.SessionsView
Eclipse constructor.
SessionTransMgr - Class in com.iizix.comm.session
The Session Transaction Manager is used for keeping track of transaction that have been received or sent to a client on session basis so that a remote session may re-establish a broken communication link.
SessionTransMgr(ITransactionProcessor) - Constructor for class com.iizix.comm.session.SessionTransMgr
Creates a new session for a new transaction processor.
SessionUserIdentifier - Class in com.iizix.user
The User identifier class holds the information about a user or a returning user.
SessionUserIdentifier(String, char[], String) - Constructor for class com.iizix.user.SessionUserIdentifier
Internal constructor.
SessionUserIdentifier(String, String) - Constructor for class com.iizix.user.SessionUserIdentifier
set(int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.IntArrayList
Replaces a value in this list with another value.
set(BOOLEAN_OPTION, boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrBooleanSettings
Sets a boolean option.
set(CHOICE) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrChoiceSettings
Sets a choice option.
set(COLOR_OPTION, GColor) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrColorSettings
Sets a stroke option.
set(PropCnr) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrChoiceOption
Sets a choice option.
set(VSField, boolean) - Method in enum class com.iizix.license.HardwareIdentication
Sets the hardware information to a VS field.
set(VSTable, boolean) - Method in enum class com.iizix.license.HardwareIdentication
Sets the hardware information into a VS table.
set(FILL_OPTION, GFill) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrFillSettings
Sets a fill option.
set(FONT_OPTION, GFont) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrFontSettings
Sets a stroke option.
set(INTEGER_OPTION, int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrIntegerSettings
Sets a number option.
set(KSTRING_OPTION, KString) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrKStringSettings
Sets a KString option.
set(KSTRING_OPTION, String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrKStringSettings
Sets a KString option as a plain string.
set(NUMBER_OPTION, double) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrNumberSettings
Sets a number option.
set(STRING_OPTION, String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrStringSettings
Sets a string option.
set(STROKE_OPTION, GStroke) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrStrokeSettings
Sets a stroke option.
SET - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.device.DeviceParameter.State
Server is setting or removing the parameter from the client.
set_BigDecimal(BigDecimal) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_BigDecimal(BigDecimal, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_BigDecimal(BigDecimal, boolean, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_BigDecimal(BigDecimal, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_BigInteger(BigInteger) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_BigInteger(BigInteger, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_BigInteger(BigInteger, boolean, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_BigInteger(BigInteger, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Binary(byte[]) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Binary(byte[], boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Binary(byte[], boolean, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Binary(byte[], GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Boolean(Boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Boolean(Boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Boolean(Boolean, boolean, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Boolean(Boolean, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Byte(Byte) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Byte(Byte, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Byte(Byte, boolean, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Byte(Byte, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Double(Double) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Double(Double, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Double(Double, boolean, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Double(Double, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Duration(Duration) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Duration(Duration, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Duration(Duration, boolean, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Duration(Duration, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Float(Float) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Float(Float, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Float(Float, boolean, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Float(Float, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Integer(Integer) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Integer(Integer, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Integer(Integer, boolean, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Integer(Integer, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_KString(KString) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_KString(KString, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_KString(KString, boolean, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_KString(KString, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_LocalDate(LocalDate) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_LocalDate(LocalDate, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_LocalDate(LocalDate, boolean, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_LocalDate(LocalDate, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_LocalDateTime(LocalDateTime) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_LocalDateTime(LocalDateTime, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_LocalDateTime(LocalDateTime, boolean, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_LocalDateTime(LocalDateTime, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_LocalTime(LocalTime) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_LocalTime(LocalTime, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_LocalTime(LocalTime, boolean, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_LocalTime(LocalTime, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Long(Long) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Long(Long, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Long(Long, boolean, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Long(Long, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
SET_MARK - Static variable in interface com.iizix.term.ITerminalOperations
Action used when a mark rectangle is created.
set_MonthDay(MonthDay) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_MonthDay(MonthDay, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_MonthDay(MonthDay, boolean, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_MonthDay(MonthDay, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_OffsetDateTime(OffsetDateTime) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_OffsetDateTime(OffsetDateTime, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_OffsetDateTime(OffsetDateTime, boolean, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_OffsetDateTime(OffsetDateTime, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_OffsetTime(OffsetTime) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_OffsetTime(OffsetTime, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_OffsetTime(OffsetTime, boolean, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_OffsetTime(OffsetTime, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Period(Period) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Period(Period, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Period(Period, boolean, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Period(Period, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
SET_ROLLBACK - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.txp.ITXPPolicy.Action
set the process state to ROLLBACK
set_Short(Short) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Short(Short, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Short(Short, boolean, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Short(Short, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_String(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_String(String, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_String(String, boolean, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_String(String, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
SET_TIMED_OUT - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.txp.ITXPPolicy.Action
set the process state to TIMED_OUT
set_XMLDuration(Duration) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_XMLDuration(Duration, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_XMLDuration(Duration, boolean, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_XMLDuration(Duration, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Year(Year) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Year(Year, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Year(Year, boolean, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_Year(Year, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_YearMonth(YearMonth) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_YearMonth(YearMonth, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_YearMonth(YearMonth, boolean, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_YearMonth(YearMonth, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_ZonedDateTime(ZonedDateTime) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_ZonedDateTime(ZonedDateTime, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_ZonedDateTime(ZonedDateTime, boolean, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set_ZonedDateTime(ZonedDateTime, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
set2ColumnTreeTable() - Method in class com.iizigo.text.TextTableLabelProvider
Sets the 2-column tree-table mode.
set3270NumericFieldOverride(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TelnetCommProps
Sets the flag indicating 3270 NUMERIC FIELD OVERRIDE option.
set5250KbdType(String) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TelnetCommProps
Sets the keyboard type (5250-specific).
setAccelerator(int) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.IzMenuItem
Sets the accelerator for plain menu items (not cascaded or contribution items).
setAccepted() - Method in class com.iizix.server.agreement.AcceptedAgreement
Marks the agreement as accepted and saves it in the database.
setActionActor(boolean, VSAction, ComplexOperation) - Method in interface com.iizigo.prop.editor.IVSActionActorParticipantProvider
Sets the provider as the Actor in the VSAction.
setActionActor(boolean, VSAction, ComplexOperation) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenActionProp
Sets the provider as the Actor in the VSAction.
setActionBarContributor(CustomSQLBuilderActionBarContributor) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.editor.DatabaseEditor
Sets the action contributor associated with this editor.
setActionsUndoContext(IUndoContext) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPart
Assigns another undo context to the undo/redo actions.
setActionSupport(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItem
Sets the action support state, i.e.
setActiveEditor(IEditorPart) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.editor.CustomSQLBuilderActionBarContributor
Sets the active editor for the contributor to the given editor.
setActiveSQLBuilder(SQLBuilder) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.editor.CustomSQLBuilderActionBarContributor
Changes the active builder.
setAdditionalText(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.navigator.ItemNavigatorPresentation
Sets an additional text to display, only for normal text, not using styled text.
setAdditionalText(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropNavigatorPresentation
Sets an additional text to display.
setAdditionalText(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.TreeItemNavigatorPresentation
Sets an additional text to display.
setAlgorithm(MFAUser.Hashing) - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.mfa.MFAUser
Sets the algorithm to use when creating the QR code.
setAliases(ArrayList<String[]>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ModuleProjectSettings
Sets a new list of Project/Aliases.
setAlignment(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0
Set the horizontal alignment of the CCombo.
setAlignment(int) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_CCombo
Set the horizontal alignment of the CCombo.
setAlignTrailing(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIText
Sets the text align trailing option.
setAlignX(int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.ILayoutDataAlignX
Aligns the component horizontally.
setAlignX(int, IComplexOperation) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.ILayoutDataAlignX
Aligns the component horizontally.
setAlignY(int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.ILayoutDataAlignY
Aligns the component horizontally.
setAlignY(int, IComplexOperation) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.ILayoutDataAlignY
Aligns the component horizontally.
setAnimation(int) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IUIPanelAnimation
Sets the animation when a panel is replaced by another.
setAnimation(IUIPanelAnimation.Type, IUIPanelAnimation.Direction, IUIPanelAnimation.Speed) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IUIPanelAnimation
Sets the animation when a panel is replaced by another.
setAnsi(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageMapper
Sets the Ansi codepage.
setApplication(RuntimeApp) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyro
Sets the runtime application.
setApplyButton(Button) - Method in class com.iizigo.plugin.ProjectPluginChooser
Sets the apply button.
setArrowDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLCheckBox
Sets if the trailing arrow should be displayed or not.
setArrowDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLComboBox
Sets if the trailing arrow should be displayed or not.
setArrowDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLDateTime
Sets if the trailing arrow should be displayed or not.
setArrowDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLRadioButton
Sets if the trailing arrow should be displayed or not.
setArrowDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSimple
Sets if the trailing arrow should be displayed or not.
setArrowDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSlider
Sets if the trailing arrow should be displayed or not.
setArrowDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSpinner
Sets if the trailing arrow should be displayed or not.
setArrowDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSwitch
Sets if the trailing arrow should be displayed or not.
setArrowDisplayed(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLText
Sets if the trailing arrow should be displayed or not.
setASCII(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageMapper
Sets the ASCII codepage.
setAssetReference(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIMedia
Sets a new asset to the media component.
setAtomNameValidator(PropCnr, GProp<?>, boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.validator.ControlValidator
Assigns the callback to be an Atom Name Validator.
setAttachment(Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.ColorSelectionWidget
Sets an attachment object.
setAttachment(Object) - Method in class com.iizix.comm.TransactionComm
Sets the attachment object for this communication link.
setAttachment(Object) - Method in class com.iizix.jetty.InternalWebSocket
Gets the WebSocket attachment object, null for none.
setAttachment(Object) - Method in class com.iizix.jetty.WebSocketClientEndPoint
Gets the WebSocket attachment object, null for none.
setAttachment(Object) - Method in interface com.iizix.nio.ConnectionAttachment
Called when a new connection is accepted and attaches the object to the communication link.
setAttachment(Object) - Method in interface com.iizix.nio.IWebSocketComm
Gets the WebSocket attachment object, null for none.
setAttachment(Object) - Method in class com.iizix.nio.WebSocketCommNIO
Gets the WebSocket attachment object, null for none.
setAttachment(String, Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleFolderPropCnr
Assigns a named attachment to this container.
setAttribute(GProp<?>, int, boolean, IPropUndoRedo) - Static method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropHelper
Sets property attribute.
setAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface com.iizix.text.IKStringHTMLHyperlink
Updates an attribute value or removes it.
setAttribute(String, String) - Method in interface com.iizix.text.IKStringTextTag
Updates an attribute value or removes it.
setAttribute(String, String) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringTag
Updates an attribute value or removes it.
setAutoBuilding(boolean) - Static method in class
Turn on auto-building.
setAutoCreate(boolean) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.db.DBUtilities
Sets the database auto-create flag.
setAutoCreateVSFields(boolean) - Static method in class com.iizigo.term.PluginPreference
Sets auto-creation of VS fields.
setAutomaticTranslationFromTableEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.TextTable
Sets automatic translation is enabled from this table.
setAutomaticTranslationToTableEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.TextTable
Checks if automatic translation to this table is enabled.
setAutoReconnect(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TelnetCommProps
Sets the flag for auto-reconnection of telnet session.
setAutoReconnectAttempts(int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TelnetCommProps
Sets the auto-reconnect attempts, 0=infinite.
setAutoReconnectInterval(int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TelnetCommProps
Sets the auto-reconnect intervals in milliseconds.
setAutoRendering(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.UIChart
Sets the auto-rendering flag.
setAutoSwapTime(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISwapContainer
Gets the automatic swap time in milliseconds.
setBackground(int, int, int) - Method in class
Assigns background character color.
setBackground(int, int, int, int) - Method in class
Assigns background character color.
setBackground(Color) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.MultiPropLabel
Sets the background color to itself and the main items.
setBackground(Color) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropLabel
Background color to label and to us.
setBackground(Color) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo
setBackground(Color) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0
setBackground(Color) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzTableCursor
Sets the receiver's background color to the color specified by the argument, or to the default system color for the control if the argument is null.
setBackground(Color) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_Button
setBackground(Color) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_CCombo
setBackground(Color) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_CLabel
setBackground(Color) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_Combo
setBackground(Color) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_Label
setBackground(Color) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_Link
setBackground(Color) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_List
setBackground(Color) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_Spinner
setBackground(Color) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_StyledText
setBackground(Color) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_Text
setBackgroundColor(int) - Method in class com.iizix.gyro.StatusBarConfig
Sets the RGB background color.
setBackgroundColor(GColor) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.Styles
Sets the background color.
setBackgroundColor(Color) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.MultiPropEditor
Sets the background color at focus.
setBackgroundGradient(GGradient) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.Styles
Sets the background gradient.
setBackgroundImage(IImageTarget) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.Styles
Sets the background image.
setBackgroundMode(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.geo.BackgroundLocationConfiguration
Sets the use of the background mode, i.e.
setBackwardAnimation(int) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.history.IAppHistoryEntry
Sets the backward panel animation.
setBackwardAnimation(int) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppHistoryEntry
Sets the backward panel animation.
setBackwardFocus(IClientSessionGyro) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.history.IAppHistoryEntry
Sets the focus to the backward UI component if possible, otherwise the VS component.
setBackwardFocus(IClientSessionGyro) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppHistoryEntry
Sets the focus to the backward UI component if possible, otherwise the VS component.
setBackwardInfo(IAppHistoryBackward) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.history.IAppHistoryEntry
Sets the backward programmatic operation to use for the entry.
setBackwardInfo(IAppHistoryBackward) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppHistoryEntry
Sets the backward programmatic operation to use for the entry.
setBackwardInfo(UIComp) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.history.IAppHistoryEntry
Sets the backward UI focus information for the entry.
setBackwardInfo(UIComp) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppHistoryEntry
Sets the backward UI focus information for the entry.
setBackwardInfo(IVSComponent) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.history.IAppHistoryEntry
Sets the backward VirtualSpace focus information for the entry.
setBackwardInfo(IVSComponent) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppHistoryEntry
Sets the backward VirtualSpace focus information for the entry.
setBadge(GBadge) - Method in interface com.iizix.IComponent
Sets or clears the badge of the component.
setBadge(GBadge) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
Sets or clears the badge of the component.
setBadge(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.IComponent
Sets a red badge text with default font size for the component as a plain string.
setBadge(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
Sets a red badge text with default font size for the component as a plain string.
setBaseGlobalID(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.TXPidFactory
Sets the value of BaseGlobalID
setBigDecimal(String, BigDecimal) - Method in class com.iizix.sql.NamedParameterStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.math.BigDecimal value.
setBinaryMatchMethod(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TerminalModelSettings
Sets the use of "binary" hash match method flag.
setBindAddress(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ServerSocketCommProps
Sets the bind address for the socket, i.e.
setBindAddress(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SocketCommProps
Sets the bind address for the socket, i.e.
setBlockViewerFocus(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPart
Blocks the target viewer from focus.
setBlockViewerFocus(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizigo.prop.IPropertyEditorController
Blocks the target viewer from focus.
setBlockViewerFocus(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.StandaloneEditorController
Blocks the target viewer from focus.
setBlockViewerFocus(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.server.ServerConfigComposite
Blocks the target viewer from focus.
setBool(Atom, boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
Sets a boolean property with the specified atom to the value in this property container.
setBool(Atom, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Sets a boolean property with the specified atom to the value in this property container.
setBool(Atom, boolean, boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
Sets a boolean property with the specified atom to the value in this property container.
setBool(Atom, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Sets a boolean property with the specified atom to the value in this property container.
setBool(Atom, boolean, boolean, IGProp<?>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
Sets a boolean property with the specified atom to the value in this property container.
setBool(Atom, boolean, boolean, IGProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Sets a boolean property with the specified atom to the value in this property container.
setBool(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
Sets a boolean property with the specified name to the value in this property container.
setBool(String, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Sets a boolean property with the specified name to the value in this property container.
setBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.sql.NamedParameterStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java boolean value.
setBounds(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzTableCursor
Adjustments to make look better, for Windows at least for now.
setBusy(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.server.client.ClientTransactionProcessor
Sets the client session busy state.
setBusy(boolean, String, int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.server.client.ClientTransactionProcessor
Sets the client session busy state.
setBusy(KString, int, int) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IClientSessionGyro
Sets the UI busy state and optionally updates the message and/or progress.
setBusy(KString, int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyro
Sets the UI busy state and optionally updates the message and/or progress.
setByte(String, byte) - Method in class com.iizix.sql.NamedParameterStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java byte value.
setBytes(String, byte[]) - Method in class com.iizix.sql.NamedParameterStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java array of bytes.
setCachedValue(String, Object) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.EnvProps
Sets a cached property by name.
setCacheParams(int, int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.TransactionCommProps
Sets the parameters for cache: minLength, maxLength, count.
setCacheParams(int, int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.WebSocketServerCommProps
Sets the parameters for cache: minLength, maxLength, count.
setCacheParams(int, int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettings
Sets the parameters for cache: minLength, maxLength, count.
setCallback(ICertificateUI) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SSLCommProps
Assigns the callback interface to this instance of the properties.
setCallback(WorkerTaskEnded<TASK_ID, PARAM, RESULT>) - Method in class com.iizix.WorkerTask
Sets the callback function that is called upon end of the task, called regardless if a result is set for normal completion, or an exception.
setCallback(Runnable) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.InvokeSWTLater
Sets the callback, when it is the same one to use all the time.
setCapture(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.TerminalWindow
Sets mouse capture.
setCaptureFileName(String) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TerminalProps
Sets the EE file name, used when the host session is displaying a single captured screen.
setCaseSensitivity(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.util.WindowsLikeFilenameFilter
Sets the case sensitivity flag.
setCellFocus(EditorVSField) - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.TablePanel
Selects the field in the table by placing the cursor on the cell and selecting the row.
setCells(VSCellData[]) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSColumnHeader
Sets an entire column of cells at once.
setCenterArea(Control) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.OutlinedComposite
Sets the center area.
setCenterButtons(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.MUITabBar
Sets the center button option.
setCertificates(X509Certificate[]) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.X509CertificatesProp
Sets the certificates.
setChanged() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.StandardPropertyPage
Sets the change state.
setChanged() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Forces setting of the change flag.
setChanged() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Forces setting of the change flag.
setCharCase(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSpinner
Gets the character case conversion in entry field.
setCharCase(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLText
Gets the character case conversion in entry field.
setCharCase(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIText
Sets the character case option.
setCharUpdate(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLComboBox
Sets the entry field character update flag.
setCharUpdate(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSpinner
Sets the entry field character update flag.
setCharUpdate(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLText
Sets the entry field character update flag.
setCharUpdate(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIText
Sets the character update option.
setChecked(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUICheck2Component
Sets the checked state.
setChecked(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUICheckComponent
Sets the checked state.
setChecked(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLCheckBox
Sets the check state of an item.
setChecked(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUITriStateSelectionComp
Sets the checked state.
setChecked(int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUICheck2Component
Sets the checked state.
setChecked(int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUICheckComponent
Sets the checked state.
setChecked(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLCheckBox
Sets the check state of an item.
setChecked(int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUITriStateSelectionComp
Sets the checked state.
setCircle(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIImage2
Gets if the selected cropping area is a circle or of rectangular shape.
setClasspath(Collection<ClasspathEntry>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ModuleProjectSettings
Sets the classpath.
setClasspathAttributes(IClasspathAttribute[]) - Static method in class com.iizigo.javadoc.Finder
Sets the classpath attributes for quicker access.
setClickSelect(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISlider
Sets the click select option.
setClientCertificate(String, char[], boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SSLCommProps
Sets or removed the Client Certificate.
setClientCertificateDeploymentInfo(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SSLCommProps
Sets Client Certificates using the JRE deployment information.
setClientLocalFieldEditing(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TerminalProps
Sets if client-local field editing is enabled for this session.
setClipboard(GProp<?>[], ISelection, boolean) - Static method in class com.iizigo.dnd.ClipboardHelper
Sets the clip board with the properties.
setClipboard(Image) - Static method in class com.iizix.Utilities
Sets the clipboard with an Image.
setClipboard(String) - Static method in class com.iizigo.dnd.ClipboardHelper
Sets the clipboard text.
setClipboard(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.Utilities
Sets the clipboard with a String.
setClipboard(String, Image) - Static method in class com.iizix.Utilities
Sets the clipboard with a String and an Image.
setClosed(SessionConnectionStatistics.State) - Method in class com.iizix.comm.statistics.SessionStatistics
Called when the connection is closed.
setCodeSigningPrincipal(X500Principal) - Method in interface com.iizix.license.IDesignerLicenseSystem
Assigns the X500Principal for the iiziApp code signing certificate.
setColor(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.ColorSelectionWidget
Sets a new color.
setColor(GColor) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ColorProp
Sets new color for this property.
setColor(GColor) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.Styles
Sets the text color.
setColor(Control, boolean, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.iizigo.prop.MultiPropLabel
Sets the colors.
setColors(Control...) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.BaseEditor
Sets the colors for the controls depending on error, focus and define state.
setColors(Control...) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.BoolPropEditor
Adds label to color.
setColors(Control...) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ColorPropEditor
Sets the colors for the controls depending on error, focus and define state.
setColors(Control...) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.DurationPropEditor
Sets the colors for the controls depending on error, focus and define state.
setColors(Control...) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.FillPropEditor
Sets the colors for the controls depending on error, focus and define state.
setColors(Control...) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.FontPropEditor
Sets the colors for the controls depending on error, focus and define state.
setColors(Control...) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.StringMapPropEditor
Sets the colors for the controls depending on error, focus and define state.
setColors(Control...) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.StrokePropEditor
Sets the colors for the controls depending on error, focus and define state.
setColors(Control...) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ThemesPropEditor
Sets the colors for the controls depending on error, focus and define state.
setColumnCount(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EGridLayout
Sets the column count without undo support.
setColumnIndex(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorResultSetColumnProp
Sets the column index.
setColumnIndex(int) - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ResultSetColumnProp
Sets the column index.
setColumnLabel(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorResultSetColumnProp
Sets the column name, this method is used by the Designer.
setColumnLabel(String) - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ResultSetColumnProp
Sets the column name, this method is used by the Designer.
setColumnName(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorResultSetColumnProp
Sets the column name, this method is used by the Designer.
setColumnName(String) - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ResultSetColumnProp
Sets the column name, this method is used by the Designer.
setCombineDayMonth(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.IUIDateTime
Sets whether to combine day and month in a single spinner (mobile).
setCombineDayMonth(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.UIDateTime
Sets whether to combine day and month in a single spinner (mobile).
setCombineDayMonth(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLDateTime
Sets whether to combine day and month in a single spinner (mobile).
setComparator(int, Comparator<Object>) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.TableSorter
Sets the comparator for a column index.
setComparator(ViewerComparator) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.FilteredCommonViewer
setCompare(String) - Method in class
The string to compare with.
setComponentCheckStateToVSField(UIComp, VSField) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICheckBox
Sets the checkbox component from its check state values to its VirtualSpace Field, if any.
setComponentRadioSelectionToVSField(UIComp) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIRadioButton
Sets the radio component from its selected state value to its VirtualSpace Field, if any.
setComponentSwitchStateToVSField(UIComp, VSField) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.MUISwitch
Sets the switch component from its check state values to its VirtualSpace Field, if any.
setComponentToVSField() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.UIDateTime
Sets the value from component to its VirtualSpace field, if any.
setComponentToVSField() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIComp
Sets the text or value from this text or value component to its VirtualSpace Field, if any.
setComponentToVSField() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIAbstractListChoice
Sets the text or value from this text or value component to its VirtualSpace Field, if any.
setComponentToVSField() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICalendar
Sets the text or value from this text or value component to its VirtualSpace Field, if any.
setComponentToVSField() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
Sets the text or value from this text or value component to its VirtualSpace Field, if any.
setComponentToVSField() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIOutput
Sets the text or value from this text or value component to its VirtualSpace Field, if any.
setComponentToVSField() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIProgress
Sets the text or value from this text or value component to its VirtualSpace Field, if any.
setComponentToVSField() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISlider
Sets the text or value from this text or value component to its VirtualSpace Field, if any.
setComponentToVSField(UIComp, VSField) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.UIDateTime
Sets the value from component to its VirtualSpace field, if any.
setCompressCss(boolean) - Method in class
Enables CSS compression within <style> tags using Yahoo YUI Compressor if set to true.
setCompressedMetrics(HtmlMetrics) - Method in class
setCompressJavaScript(boolean) - Method in class
Enables JavaScript compression within <script> tags using Yahoo YUI Compressor if set to true.
setConfig(PortConfig) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IWebServerPortConfig
Sets the Jetty server connector configuration used with this configuration.
setConfig(PortConfig) - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.WebServerPortConfig
Sets the Jetty server connector configuration used with this configuration.
setConnected() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.statistics.SessionStatistics
Called when the connection is connected.
setConnectionInfo(ISQLEditorConnectionInfo) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorDatabaseProps
Sets the ISQLEditorConnectionInfo associated with this input to the given object.
setConnectionProfileName(String) - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.DatabaseProps
Sets the connection profile name to use.
setConstraints(Object, String, Element) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ConstrainedIntProp
Sets the constraints for the property previously returned from the same constraints call to setConstraints(String,Element) with the same String and Element as this instance would require.
setConstraints(Object, String, Element) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Sets the constraints for the property previously returned from the same constraints call to setConstraints(String,Element) with the same String and Element as this instance would require.
setConstraints(Object, String, Element) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Sets the constraints for the property previously returned from the same constraints call to setConstraints(String,Element) with the same String and Element as this instance would require.
setConstraints(String, Element) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ConstrainedIntProp
Sets the constraints for the property.
setConstraints(String, Element) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Sets the constraints for the property.
setConstraints(String, Element) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Sets the constraints for the property.
setContentItem(IContentData<?>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.content.IContentItem
Returns the content item that has initialized this property container.
setContentItem(IContentData<?>) - Method in class
Returns the content item that has initialized this property container.
setContentItem(IContentData<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItemProp
Returns the content item that has initialized this property container.
setContentProvider(IContentProvider<ITEM, ITEM_CONTENT>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.content.AbstractContentUIContainer
Sets a custom content provider to be used.
setContentProvider(ITableContentProvider<?, ?, ?, ?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITable
Sets a custom content provider and initializes it if required.
setContext(IUndoContext) - Method in class com.iizigo.handler.IzOperationHistoryActionHandler
Set the context shown by the handler.
setContextMenu(UIContextMenu) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItem
Sets the context menu to use for the item.
setControl(Control) - Method in class
Sets the control.
setConvertedValue(Object) - Method in class com.iizix.api.vs.VSFieldEvent
Sets the converted value and marks the event as handled.
setCreateRequiredProp() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Sets the flag indicating property requires a "create transaction" when sent to the other party (server to client or vice versa).
setCreateRequiredProp() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Sets the flag indicating property requires a "create transaction" when sent to the other party (server to client or vice versa).
setCreateUntitledSectionHeadings(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.util.IniFile
Sets if untitled sections headings should be created or not.
setCSSClassNames(Collection<String>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIComp
Assigns a new collection of class names to the component.
setCSSClassNames(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
Assigns a new collection of class names to the component.
setCSSClassNames2(Collection<String>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIComp
Assigns a new collection of class names to the component.
setCSSClassNames2(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
Assigns a new collection of class names to the component.
setCssCompressor(Compressor) - Method in class
Sets CSS compressor implementation that will be used to compress inline CSS in HTML.
setCurrent(int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostPopupWindow
Sets a pop-up window as the current one.
setCurrent(LocaleInfo) - Static method in class com.iizix.LocaleInfo
Sets the current LocaleInfo, i.e.
setCurrentPopupWindow(int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostScreen
Sets the current pop-up window.
setCurrentValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ClassReferencePropEditor
Sets the current value and overrides it in order to build the tooltip.
setCurrentValue(PROP_VALUE) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.BaseEditor
Sets the current value to all properties.
setCursor(int, int) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.Terminal
Sets the cursor position to X/Y.
setCursor(int, int) - Method in interface com.iizigo.term.internal.TerminalWindowListener
Sets the cursor position to X/Y.
setCursor(int, int) - Method in class
Sets the host cursor position.
setCursor(int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.EmptyHostSession
Sets the host cursor position.
setCursor(int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostScreen
Changes cursor position.
setCursor(int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostSession
Sets the host cursor position.
setCursor(int, int) - Method in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionPeer
Sets the host cursor position.
setCursor(int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn3270e.HostSession3270
Sets the host cursor position.
setCursor(int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn5250e.HostSession5250
Sets the host cursor position.
setCursor(HostSession) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldProp
Set cursor to the position of this field, first line.
setCursor(HostSession, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldProp
Set cursor to the position of this field, first line.
setCursor(HostSession, int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldProp
Set cursor to the position of this field with line offset.
setCursor(HostSession, int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldProp
Set cursor to the position of this field with line offset and the character offset.
setCursorPos(int, int) - Method in class
Assigns the initial cursor position.
setCursorVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.TerminalWindow
Shows or hides the cursor for a session.
setDatatypeIncluded(boolean) - Static method in class com.iizix.SendTransaction
Returns if data types are to be included in transactions.
setDate(String, Date) - Method in class com.iizix.sql.NamedParameterStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Date value using the default time zone of the virtual machine that is running the application.
setDate(String, Date, Calendar) - Method in class com.iizix.sql.NamedParameterStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Date value, using the given Calendar object.
setDate(LocalDate) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.IUIDateTime
Sets the value as a local date with the locale information of the current user session (or system default) in case value conversion is required.
setDate(LocalDate) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.UIDateTime
Sets the value as a local date with the locale information of the current user session (or system default) in case value conversion is required.
setDate(LocalDate, LocaleInfo) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.IUIDateTime
Sets the value as a local date.
setDate(LocalDate, LocaleInfo) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.UIDateTime
Sets the value as a local date.
setDateTime(GDateTime) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.DateTimeProp
Sets new date/time for this property.
setDay(int) - Method in class com.iizix.value.ImmutableXMLGregorianCalendar
setDayFormat(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICalendar
Sets the day format or width.
setDBConfDir(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.db.DBUtilities
Processes the database configuration directive.
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ProxyImpl
Enables debugging output of operations.
setDebug(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ProxyPropCnr
Enables debugging output of operations.
setDecoratedControl(Control) - Method in class com.iizigo.validator.ControlValidator
Place the control decorator on this component instead of the control.
setDefaultLanguageCode(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.AppLanguages
Sets the default language code.
setDefaultPreferences(IPreferenceStore) - Static method in class com.iizigo.vs.VirtualSpaceEditor
Sets the default preferences.
setDefaultProvider(ISelectionProvider) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.MultiSelectionProvider
Sets the default provider when no provider is found for a control.
setDefaults() - Method in class com.iizigo.clientpref.BoolPref
Assigns the defaults for the property.
setDefaults() - Method in class com.iizigo.clientpref.ColorPref
Assigns the defaults for the property.
setDefaults() - Method in interface com.iizigo.clientpref.IClientPref
Assigns the defaults for the property.
setDefaults() - Method in class com.iizigo.clientpref.IntPref
Assigns the defaults for the property.
setDefaults() - Method in class com.iizigo.clientpref.KeyPref
Assigns the defaults for the property.
setDefaults() - Method in class com.iizigo.clientpref.LinePref
Assigns the defaults for the property.
setDefaults() - Method in class com.iizigo.clientpref.PanelPrefComposite
Sets the defaults.
setDefaults(ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy) - Method in class com.iizigo.server.launch.DevelServerLaunchConfigurationTab
Initializes the given launch configuration with default values for this tab.
setDefaults(ILaunchConfigurationWorkingCopy) - Method in class com.iizigo.server.launch.DevelServerLaunchConfigurationTabGroup
By default, delegate to all of the tabs in this group.
setDefaultSelected(IzMenuItem) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.DropdownSelectionListener
Sets the default item.
setDefaultSelected(IzMenuItem, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.DropdownSelectionListener
Sets the default item.
setDefaultsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.project.StandardPropertyPage
Sets the Defaults button enabled state.
setDefaultTextTable(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIPanelBase
Sets the default text table to use for the panel.
setDefined(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.DefinedButton
Sets the state of the button: defined and error level.
setDefinedError() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.DefinedButton
Sets the state of the button: defined and error.
setDefinedOK() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.DefinedButton
Sets the state of the button: defined and no error.
setDelay(int) - Method in class
Sets the delay defined for the EEM file.
setDemo() - Static method in class
Sets the demo mode.
setDemo() - Static method in class
Sets the demo mode.
setDescription(KString) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItem
Sets the text for the list item.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.wizards.VSComponentCreation
Gets the description.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.TextTable
Sets the description of this text table.
setDescription(String) - Method in class
Sets the description.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettings
Sets the description of the server.
setDescription(String) - Method in class com.iizix.util.WinFileFilter
Sets the human readable description of this filter.
setDesignerInterface(IPropFactory) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.PropFactory
Assigns the Designer factory interface.
setDesignerLoaded() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.DesignerProp
Sets designer loaded, once only, never cleared.
setDesignerMoved() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.DesignerProp
Starts the designer move of a property.
setDestinationJar(String) - Method in class
Sets the destination Jar file.
setDevice(GSimpleDevice) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.PanelEditor
Sets the device to use in the panel editor without undo functionality.
setDevicePixelRatio(Double) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.image.AbstractImageResolution
Sets the Device Pixel Ratio.
setDevices(Collection<GSimpleDevice>) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.PanelSettingsPropCnr
Sets the devices displayed.
setDialogMode() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.RawTextEditorComposite
Sets dialog mode, i.e.
setDialogMode() - Method in class com.iizigo.text.KStringStyledText
Sets dialog mode, i.e.
setDigits(int) - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.mfa.MFAUser
Sets the number of digits to use for the code.
setDirectory(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.db.DBUtilities
Sets the database directory for the internal server.
setDirty(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.editor.CustomSQLBuilder
Marks this SQLBuilder's statement as "dirty" (has unsaved changes).
setDisabledImage(Image) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.FlatToolbarButton
The disabled image.
setDocument(JSONObject) - Method in class
Sets the Document from a Reply.
setDocument(JSONObject) - Method in class
Sets the JSON Document from a Reply.
setDoTN3270E(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TelnetCommProps
Sets the flag indicating host type (5250 or 3270).
setDouble(String, double) - Method in class com.iizix.sql.NamedParameterStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java double value.
setDoubleClickListener(Runnable) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.FlatToolbarButton
Sets the double-click listener.
setDragData(DragSourceEvent, IStructuredSelection) - Method in class com.iizigo.navigator.DragAdapterAssistant
Set the value of the field using the given selection.
setDragging(ISelection) - Static method in class com.iizigo.panel.ClientSideEditor
Sets the validity of drag-drop in order to accept LocalSelection or not, i.e.
setDraggingFix(IDraggingFix) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.MultiSelectionProvider
Sets the dragging fix interface.
setEBCDIC(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageMapper
Sets the EBCDIC codepage.
setEdit(Composite) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropLabel
Assigns the Node for focus processing.
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.BaseEditor
Sets the input-capable editable state when e.g.
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.VSActionActorParticipantEditor
Overridden to disable the entry field.
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.VSParticipantEditor
Overridden to disable the entry field.
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo
Sets the editable state.
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0
Sets the editable state.
setEditable(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_CCombo
Sets the editable state.
setEditedProperties(PropCnr[]) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditor
Sets a new content to the editor.
setEditedProperties(PropCnr[], IPropertyEditorController) - Method in class
Initializes the edited properties.
setEditedProperties(PropCnr[], IPropertyEditorController) - Method in interface com.iizigo.swt.IFlatToolbarButtonIntegration
Initializes the edited properties.
setEditedProperties(PropCnr, ArrayList<PropertyEditorInfo>) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditor
Sets a new content to the editor.
setEditedPropertiesForPopupWindows(PropCnr[]) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditor
Sets a new content to the editor for dialog boxes and preference pages, regardless of component visibility under Windows.
setEditing(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.EditorFolderSettingsProp
Sets the editing flag.
setEditing(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ModuleProjectSettings
Flag for settings being edited.
setEditMode(boolean) - Method in class
Switches Edit Mode for the session.
setEEFileNames(String[]) - Method in class
Sets the EE file names array defined for the EEM file.
setEEMFileName(String) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TerminalProps
Sets the EEM file name.
setEESession(EESession) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorTerminalProps
Assigns the EESession to the properties.
setEmailVerified(String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.db.BasicUserInfo
Marks an email to be verified.
setEmailVerified(Connection, String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.db.BasicUserInfo
Marks an email to be verified.
setEmptyChars(int) - Method in class
setEnabled(boolean) - Static method in class com.iizigo.Activator
Assigns the enabled state of IIZI.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.FlatToolbarButton
Overrides the enabled method.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo
Sets the enabled state.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.IComponent
Sets the enabled state of the component.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
If set to false all compression will be bypassed.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
If set to false all compression will be bypassed.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the enabled state.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItem
Gets the enabled state.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
Sets the enabled state of the component.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponent
Sets the enabled state.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.IzMenu
Enables the receiver if the argument is true, and disables it otherwise.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.IzMenuItem
Enables the receiver if the argument is true, and disables it otherwise.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.IzSubMenu
Enables the submenu with all its items.
setEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_CCombo
setEnabled(boolean, IGProp<?>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponent
Sets the enabled state.
setEnabled(boolean, IVSComponent) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
Sets the enabled state of the component.
setEnabled(SelectionEnabler) - Method in class com.iizigo.handler.CommonHandler
Sets the enabled state for the selection.
setEnabled(SelectionEnabler) - Method in class com.iizigo.handler.Copy
Sets the enabled state for the selection.
setEnabled(SelectionEnabler) - Method in class com.iizigo.handler.Cut
Sets the enabled state for the selection.
setEnabled(SelectionEnabler) - Method in class com.iizigo.handler.Delete
Sets the enabled state for the selection.
setEnabled(SelectionEnabler) - Method in class com.iizigo.handler.Link
Sets the enabled state for the selection.
setEnabled(SelectionEnabler) - Method in class com.iizigo.handler.Move
Sets the enabled state for the selection.
setEnabled(SelectionEnabler) - Method in class com.iizigo.handler.Open
Sets the enabled state for the selection.
setEnabled(SelectionEnabler) - Method in class com.iizigo.handler.Paste
Sets the enabled state for the selection.
setEnabled(SelectionEnabler) - Method in class com.iizigo.handler.PasteAfter
Sets the enabled state for the selection.
setEnabled(SelectionEnabler) - Method in class com.iizigo.handler.PasteBefore
Sets the enabled state for the selection.
setEnabled(SelectionEnabler) - Method in class com.iizigo.handler.PasteLink
Sets the enabled state for the selection.
setEnabled(SelectionEnabler) - Method in class com.iizigo.handler.Rename
Sets the enabled state for the selection.
setEnabled(Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.handler.CommonHandler
Called by the framework to allow the handler to update its enabled state by extracting the same information available at execution time.
setEnabled(Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.handler.ConfigureModuleProject
Called by the framework to allow the handler to update its enabled state by extracting the same information available at execution time.
setEnabled(Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.handler.SelectAll
Called by the framework to allow the handler to update its enabled state by extracting the same information available at execution time.
setEnabled(Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.project.ConfigureTerminalProject
Called by the framework to allow the handler to update its enabled state by extracting the same information available at execution time.
setEnabledRecursive(Control, boolean) - Static method in class com.iizix.swt.SWTHelper
Enables or disables a control/composite and all its children.
setEntryFields(Text...) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.TransformValidator
Helper to fill in values in entry fields.
setEntryFieldText(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLComboBox
Sets the entry field text for the list item.
setEntryFieldText(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSpinner
Sets the entry field text for the list item.
setEntryFieldText(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLText
Sets the entry field text for the list item.
setEntryFieldTrailingAlign(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLText
Sets the entry field trailing align flag.
setEntryFieldType(EntryFieldType) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLComboBox
Sets the entry field type.
setEntryFieldType(EntryFieldType) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSpinner
Sets the entry field type.
setEntryFieldType(EntryFieldType) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLText
Sets the entry field type.
setEntryFieldType(EntryFieldType) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIText
Sets the entry field type.
setEntryVerificationEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.TextTable
Sets if entry verification is enabled.
setError(GProp<?>, String, IPropErrorItem, IPropUndoRedo) - Static method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropHelper
Sets property error: adds, changes or removes the error, with undo/redo support.
setErrorMessage(ValueConversionException) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIComp
Transposes an exception from conversion to the component as an error message.
setErrorMessage(ValueConversionException) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
Transposes an exception from conversion to the component as an error message.
setErrorMessage(ILocaleString, ValueConversionException) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIComp
Transposes an exception from conversion to the component as an error message.
setErrorMessage(ILocaleString, ValueConversionException) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
Transposes an exception from conversion to the component as an error message.
setErrorMessage(KString) - Method in interface com.iizix.IComponent
Sets (or removes) the ERROR message for the component.
setErrorMessage(KString) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
Sets (or removes) the ERROR message for the component.
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.validator.ControlValidator
Sets an error message.
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.IComponent
Sets (or removes) the ERROR message for the component.
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
Sets (or removes) the ERROR message for the component.
setErrorMessage(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSMessageComponent
Helper method to set (or clear) the error message (message + category IVSComponent.ERROR).
setException(Throwable) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.DesignerProp
Sets the exception that occurred during loading of the file.
setException(Throwable) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.TerminalComposite
Sets an Exception in the status bar.
setExpanded(boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.MultiPropEditor
Sets the expansion state.
setExtendsName(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
Sets the extends property name.
setExtendsName(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Sets the extends property name.
setExtendsOverride(Atom, boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
Sets a property name as overridden in this container using extendsFrom another container.
setExtendsOverride(Atom, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Sets a property name as overridden in this container using extendsFrom another container.
setExtensionListInDescription(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.util.WinFileFilter
Determines whether the extension list (.jpg, .gif, etc) should show up in the human readable description.
setExternalHostName(String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettings
Sets the external server URL, including protocol and potential port number (if different from protocol port).
setFileLocator(IGenericFileLocator) - Static method in class com.iizix.js.JSFiles
Assigns a new file locator, to be used for iiziGo Designer.
setFileName(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.server.config.EditorServerSettings
Assigns the file name.
setFileName(String) - Method in class
Sets the name of the EEM file.
setFilesize(int) - Method in class
setFileURLResolver(IFileURLResolver) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.db.DBUtilities
Interface used to resolve URL's to files for the Designer.
setFill(GFill) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.FillProp
Sets new fill for this property.
setFillButtons(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.MUITabBar
Sets the fill button option (0=auto, 1=always, 2=never).
setFillLayoutData(Control) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzFillLayout
Assigns the fill layout to the child control.
setFilter(ITableFilter<?, ?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITable
Sets the filter instance.
setFilter(String) - Method in class com.iizix.util.WindowsLikeFilenameFilter
Sets a new filter string.
setFilterCaseSensitive(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITable
Sets the filter flag for case sensitive and refreshes the table if required.
setFilterColumn(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITableColumn
Sets the filtering column flag.
setFilterColumn(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.EndNodeTextFilter
Sets the filtering column for the text for table viewers or tree table viewers.
setFilterOperation(ITableFilter.Op) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITable
Sets the operation for filtering and refreshes the table if required.
setFilters(ViewerFilter...) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.FilteredCommonViewer
Called to set the filters on this viewer.
setFilterText(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITable
Sets the filter text and refreshes the table if required.
setFirstChildAsCenterArea() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.OutlinedComposite
Sets the first control added in this composite as the center area.
setFirstSashVisible() - Method in class com.iizix.swt.CustomSashForm
Makes the first sash visible if it is not.
setFitNow() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.PanelEditor
Sets the fit-now zoom level.
setFixedTooltips() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditor
Enables fixed tooltips that are not removed.
setFlags(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.navigator.ContentProvider
Sets the flags.
setFlags(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.navigator.LabelProvider
Sets the flags.
setFlags(int) - Method in class
Sets the delay defined for the EEM file.
setFloat(String, float) - Method in class com.iizix.sql.NamedParameterStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java float value.
setFocus() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPart
Sets focus to the Editor.
setFocus() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.ReferencesView
Sets focus to the table.
setFocus() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.BaseEditor
Focuses the editor.
setFocus() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.RawTextEditorComposite
Sets focus to the text area.
setFocus() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.VSActionActorParticipantEditor
Overridden to set focus.
setFocus() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.VSParticipantEditor
Overridden to set focus.
setFocus() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropLabel
Focus is set to entry instead.
setFocus() - Method in class
Sets the focus to the property editor.
setFocus() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.ServerConfigView
Focus to best component, where the framework takes care of it normally.
setFocus() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo
Sets the focus.
setFocus() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0
setFocus() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzFilter
Sets focus to filter text.
setFocus() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.server.RemoteTerminalView
Sets focus to the terminal.
setFocus() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.session.SessionsView
Sets focus to the table or to the new sessions link.
setFocus() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.TerminalComposite
Sets focus to the table.
setFocus() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.TerminalView
Sets focus to the terminal.
setFocus() - Method in class com.iizigo.ui.server.monitor.ServerBrowser
Sets the focus.
setFocus() - Method in class com.iizigo.ui.server.monitor.ServerMonitorView
Sets focus in view.
setFocus() - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_CCombo
setFocus(Atom) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditor
Attempts to set focus to a property item with a specific atom.
setFocus(Atom, int) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditor
Attempts to set focus to a property item with a specific atom.
setFocus(GProp<?>, int, String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditor
Attempts to set focus to a property currently being edited.
setFocus(PropCnr, StructuredViewer, IzFilter, PropertyEditor, GProp<?>, int, String) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPart
Attempts to set focus to the property in question based on a container, a viewer and a property editor.
setFocus(PropCnr, StructuredViewer, IzFilter, PropertyEditor, GProp<?>, int, String) - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.VirtualSpaceEditor
Attempts to set focus to the property in question based on a container, a viewer and a property editor.
setFocus(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditor
Attempts to set focus to a property item with a specific atom.
setFocus(String, int) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditor
Attempts to set focus to a property item with a specific atom.
SetFocus - Class in
Action Actor for VirtualSpace performing the action as the class name says.
SetFocus(VSAction, SetFocus.Settings) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
SetFocus.Settings - Class in
Settings property container.
setFocusable(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIOutput
Sets the focusable state.
setFocusProcessing(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.TerminalWindow
setFocusReference(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMLItemProp
Sets the focus reference.
setFocusReference(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItemProp
Sets the focus reference.
setFont(GFont) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.FontProp
Sets new font for this property.
setFont(Font) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo
Sets the font.
setFont(Font) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0
setFont(Font) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_CCombo
setForeground(int, int, int) - Method in class
Assigns foreground character color.
setForeground(int, int, int, int) - Method in class
Assigns foreground character color.
setForeground(Color) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropLabel
Foreground to label.
setForeground(Color) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo
setForeground(Color) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0
setForeground(Color) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzTableCursor
Sets the receiver's foreground color to the color specified by the argument, or to the default system color for the control if the argument is null.
setForeground(Color) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_Button
setForeground(Color) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_CCombo
setForeground(Color) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_CLabel
setForeground(Color) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_Combo
setForeground(Color) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_Label
setForeground(Color) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_Link
setForeground(Color) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_List
setForeground(Color) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_Spinner
setForeground(Color) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_StyledText
setForeground(Color) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_Text
setFormat(int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.IUIDateTime
Sets the format.
setFormat(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.UIDateTime
Sets the format.
setFormat(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLDateTime
Sets the format.
setForwardAnimation(int) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.history.IAppHistoryEntry
Sets the forward panel animation.
setForwardAnimation(int) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppHistoryEntry
Sets the forward panel animation.
setForwardFocus(IClientSessionGyro) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.history.IAppHistoryEntry
Sets the focus to the forward UI component if possible, otherwise the VS component.
setForwardFocus(IClientSessionGyro) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppHistoryEntry
Sets the focus to the forward UI component if possible, otherwise the VS component.
setForwardInfo(IAppHistoryForward) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.history.IAppHistoryEntry
Sets the forward programmatic operation to use for the entry.
setForwardInfo(IAppHistoryForward) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppHistoryEntry
Sets the forward programmatic operation to use for the entry.
setForwardInfo(UIComp) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.history.IAppHistoryEntry
Sets the forward UI focus information for the entry.
setForwardInfo(UIComp) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppHistoryEntry
Sets the forward UI focus information for the entry.
setForwardInfo(IVSComponent) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.history.IAppHistoryEntry
Sets the forward VirtualSpace focus information for the entry.
setForwardInfo(IVSComponent) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppHistoryEntry
Sets the forward VirtualSpace focus information for the entry.
setFractionalSecond(BigDecimal) - Method in class com.iizix.value.ImmutableXMLGregorianCalendar
setFrom(InternetAddress) - Method in class com.iizix.mail.Mail
Sets the From address, normally configured in the Server.
setFrom(String) - Method in class com.iizix.mail.Mail
Sets the From address, normally configured in the Server.
setFromEclipseBase(Properties) - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ConnectionProfileSetup
Stores the information from Eclipse connection profile base Properties.
setGcmApiKey(String) - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.AbstractPushService
Set the Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) API key
setGenerateStatistics(boolean) - Method in class
If set to true, HTML compression statistics will be generated.
setGlobal() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.complex.ComplexOperation
Sets this operation as the current one for global operations.
setGlobalCacheSize(int) - Static method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocationService
Sets the maximum global cache size.
setGradient(GGradient) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GradientProp
Sets new gradient for this property.
setHandled() - Method in class com.iizix.api.vs.VSFieldEvent
Marks the event as handled and no further processing by other processors should be done.
setHeader(VSColumnHeader[]) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSTable
Sets the header.
setHeartBeatDuration(long) - Method in class com.iizix.comm.statistics.SessionStatistics
Sets the last web socket heart-beat duration (the PING-PONG message exchange in nanoseconds).
setHeight(GUnit) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.ILayoutUnitHeight
Set the width of the component.
setHidden(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITableColumn
Sets the column initially hidden state, used when the table option for column hiding is enabled and the unhidable option for the column is false.
setHideTimeout(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzToolTip
Sets using hide timeout.
setHideTimeout(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzToolTipImpl
Sets using hide timeout.
setHint(KString) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLComboBox
Sets the entry field hint for the list item.
setHint(KString) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLDateTime
Sets the entry field hint for the list item.
setHint(KString) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSpinner
Sets the entry field hint for the list item.
setHint(KString) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLText
Sets the entry field hint for the list item.
setHint(PlainKString) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIHint
Sets the hint for the component.
setHint(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIHint
Sets the hint for the component.
setHint(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLComboBox
Sets the entry field hint for the list item.
setHint(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLDateTime
Sets the entry field hint for the list item.
setHint(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSpinner
Sets the entry field hint for the list item.
setHint(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLText
Sets the entry field hint for the list item.
setHorizontallyExpand(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIText
Sets the horizontally expand option.
setHorzMargin(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.ThinBorder
Sets the horizontal margin.
setHost(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SocketCommProps
Sets the destination host name/IP address for the socket.
setHostCodepage(String) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TelnetCommProps
Sets host codepage.
setHostField(HostField, String, int[]) - Method in class
Sets a host field fully with text data and perhaps attributes (if these are non-null).
setHostField(HostField, String, int[]) - Method in class com.iizix.term.EmptyHostSession
Sets a host field fully with text data and perhaps attributes (if these are non-null).
setHostField(HostField, String, int[]) - Method in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionPeer
Sets a host field fully with text data and perhaps attributes (if these are non-null).
setHostField(HostField, String, int[]) - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn3270e.HostSession3270
Sets a host field fully with text data and perhaps attributes (if these are non-null).
setHostField(HostField, String, int[]) - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn5250e.HostSession5250
Sets a host field fully with text data and perhaps attributes (if these are non-null).
setHostField(HostSession, String) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldProp
Sets the corresponding host field on the current host screen to the specified string.
setHostField(HostSession, String, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldProp
Sets the corresponding host field on the current host screen to the specified string.
setHostField(HostSession, String, int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldProp
Sets the corresponding host field on the current host screen to the specified string.
setHostName(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SSLCommProps
Assigns the Host Name once a session has been established with a socket.
setHostString(int, int, int, int, String) - Method in class
Sets a string to a host field.
setHostString(int, int, int, int, String) - Method in class com.iizix.term.EmptyHostSession
Sets a string to a host field.
setHostString(int, int, int, int, String) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostSession
Sets a string to a host field.
setHostString(int, int, int, int, String) - Method in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionPeer
Sets a string to a host field.
setHostString(int, int, int, int, String) - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn3270e.HostSession3270
Sets a string to a host field.
setHostString(int, int, int, int, String) - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn5250e.HostSession5250
Sets a string to a host field.
setHostStringAsKeys(int, int, int, int, String) - Method in class
Sets a string to a host field just as if the user typed the characters.
setHostStringAsKeys(int, int, int, int, String) - Method in class com.iizix.term.EmptyHostSession
Sets a string to a host field just as if the user typed the characters.
setHostStringAsKeys(int, int, int, int, String) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostSession
Sets a string to a host field just as if the user typed the characters.
setHostStringAsKeys(int, int, int, int, String) - Method in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionPeer
Sets a string to a host field just as if the user typed the characters.
setHostStringAsKeys(int, int, int, int, String) - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn3270e.HostSession3270
Sets a string to a host field just as if the user typed the characters.
setHostStringAsKeys(int, int, int, int, String) - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn5250e.HostSession5250
Sets a string to a host field just as if the user typed the characters.
setHour(int) - Method in class com.iizix.value.ImmutableXMLGregorianCalendar
setHoverImage(Image) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.FlatToolbarButton
The hover image.
setHTMLString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.KStringProp
Sets a new HTML String value for this property.
setHTMLText(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzToolTip
Sets the HTML text with the KString adapter for Font Face support.
setHTMLText(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.IComponent
Sets the HTML text property KStringProp without tags processing.
setHTMLText(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
Sets the HTML text property KStringProp without tags processing.
setIcon(IImageTarget) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItem
Sets the image assigned as the icon for the list item.
setIconMargins(GUnit[]) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItem
Sets the icon margins.
setIconPadding(GUnit) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItem
Sets the icon margin.
setIdentification(boolean) - Method in class
Indicates this variable is an identification variable and if it's not present in the output reply, then the processor doesn't match.
setIdentification(boolean) - Method in class
Indicates this variable is an identification variable and if it's not present in the output reply, then the processor doesn't match.
setIdentity(String, char[]) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PKCS12IdentityProp
Sets the identity.
setIEditorFileActions(ArrayList<?>) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.DesignerProp
Sets an ArrayList of IEditorFileAction.
setIgnoreFocusFromUI(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponent
Sets the flag to ignore focus from the UI.
setImage(IImageTarget) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ImageReference
Sets the image reference to the specified image.
setImage(IImageTarget) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIImage
Sets the image.
setImage(IImageTarget) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIImage2
Sets the image.
setImage(RuntimeImageDefinition) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IRuntimeImageCache
Adds the image definition to the image container for the IRuntimeImageCache cache implementor, e.g.
setImage(RuntimeImageDefinition) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IRuntimeImageCacheImpl
Adds the image definition to the image container for the cache.
setImage(RuntimeImageDefinition) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyro
Adds the image definition to the image container for the client session.
setImage(RuntimeImageDefinition) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyro
Adds the image definition to the image container for the client session.
setImage(Image) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.FlatToolbarButton
Overrides setImage.
setImage(Image) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.IzMenuItem
Sets the receiver's image to the argument, which may be null indicating that no image should be displayed.
setImage(Image) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.IzSubMenu
Changes the image of the submenu.
setImageFileData(String, byte[]) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIImage2
Sets the image file data and the original file name (path is removed).
setImageTypes(int...) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ImageReference
Assigns the image types that are requested.
setIncludeAppSource(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the flag to include the App's source.
setIncludeExternals(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the flag to include external directories and libraries.
setIncludeStyles(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.PanelEditor
Enables or disables viewing of styles.
setIndex(int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropErrorItem
Sets the index for a multi-property.
setIndex(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropErrorItem
Sets the index for a multi-property.
setInformation(String, String, Boolean, Boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.server.db.GroupInfo
Updates the information of the group.
setInformationMessage(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.validator.ControlValidator
Sets a warning message.
setInitialFocus() - Method in class com.iizigo.text.NewTextTablesWithLanguageComposite
Sets the focus to the base name.
setInitialized() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.MultiSelectionProvider
Marks the selection provider as initialized on the owner side, i.e.
setInitialProperty(GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.event.GEvent
Assigns the initial sender property that should perform post processing of events.
setInitialProperty(GProp<?>) - Method in interface com.iizix.event.IPostEventProcessing
Assigns the initial sender property that should perform post processing of events.
setInitialProperty(GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.event.PostProcessing
Assigns the initial sender property that should perform post processing of events.
setInitialScreen(int) - Method in class
Sets the initial screen defined for the EEM file.
setInlineEventSize(int) - Method in class
setInlineScriptSize(int) - Method in class
setInlineStyleSize(int) - Method in class
setInput(GProp<?>[]) - Method in class com.iizigo.jface.CheckboxTableViewerEx
Sets the input with properties.
setInput(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.editor.ConnectionProfilePropEditor
Updates the entry or visible part in the editor with a new property value that is not in error state.
setInput(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.BaseEditor
Updates the entry or visible part in the editor with a new property value that is not in error state.
setInput(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.PatternPropEditor
Updates the entry or visible part in the editor with a new property value that is not in error state.
setInput(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.StylesStatesPropEditor
setInput(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.VSActionActorParticipantEditor
Provides entry feed-back to label.
setInput(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.VSParticipantEditor
Provides entry feed-back to label.
setInput(ArrayList<EditorTextTable>) - Method in class com.iizigo.text.TextTableLabelProvider
Sets the input.
setInput0(Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.FilteredCommonViewer
setInputUsageOptions(ISQLBuilderEditorInputUsageOptions) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorDatabaseProps
Sets the usage options of the editor input.
setInputValue(GBadge) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.BadgePropEditor
Sets the new input value.
setInputValue(GDateTime) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.DateTimePropEditor
Sets the new input value.
setInputValue(KTooltip) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.TooltipPropEditor
Sets the new input value.
setInputValue(KString) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.KStringPropEditor
Sets the new input value.
setInputValue(Integer) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.IntChoicePropEditor
Sets the input value when editing, when formatting the value from a string.
setInputValue(Integer) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.PanelAnimationPropEditor
Sets the input value when editing, when formatting the value from a string.
setInputValue(Integer) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.UIDateTimeTypePropEditor
Sets the input value when editing, when formatting the value from a string.
setInputValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.EncodingPropEditor
Sets the input value when editing, when formatting the value from a string.
setInputValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ValueTypePropEditor
Sets the input value when editing, when formatting the value from a string.
setInputValue(PROP_VALUE) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.BaseEditor
Sets the input value when editing, when formatting the value from a string.
setInputValueFromProp(PROP_VALUE) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.BaseEditor
Sets the input value from an update of the property value.
setInsertMode(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.TerminalWindow
Sets the insert mode indicator.
setInsertMode(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the insert mode on or off.
setInsertMode(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.EmptyHostSession
Sets the insert mode on or off.
setInsertMode(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostSession
Sets the insert mode.
setInsertMode(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionPeer
Sets the insert mode.
setInsertMode(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn3270e.HostSession3270
Sets the insert mode.
setInsertMode(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn5250e.HostSession5250
Sets the insert mode.
setInstance(IWebServiceEngine) - Static method in class
Sets the Web Service engine.
setInstance(ServerShell) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShellHolder
Sets the ServerShell instance.
setInstance(IAuthenticatedUserProvider) - Static method in class com.iizix.user.AuthenticatedUserProvider
Assigns the instance of the authenticated user provider.
setInt(Atom, int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
Sets an integer property with the specified atom to the value in this property container.
setInt(Atom, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Sets an integer property with the specified atom to the value in this property container.
setInt(Atom, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
Sets an integer property with the specified atom to the value in this property container.
setInt(Atom, int, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Sets an integer property with the specified atom to the value in this property container.
setInt(String, int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
Sets an integer property with the specified name to the value in this property container.
setInt(String, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Sets an integer property with the specified name to the value in this property container.
setInt(String, int) - Method in class com.iizix.sql.NamedParameterStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java int value.
setIntensity(double) - Method in interface com.iizix.device.flash.IFlashlight
Gets the current flashlight intensity, initially set to 1.0, but also set at the last flashlight IFlashlight.switchOn(double).
setIntensity(double) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.Flash
Gets the current flashlight intensity, initially set to 1.0, but also set at the last flashlight Flash.switchOn(double).
setInvalid() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSRelativeReference
Sets as invalid.
setInvalid() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSTableColumnReference
Sets as invalid.
setIResource(IResource) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.DesignerProp
Sets the IResource object for this property container.
setIResource(IResource, DesignerProp, boolean) - Static method in class com.iizigo.prop.DesignerProp
Sets a session property for a resource.
setItalicFont(Font) - Method in class com.iizigo.text.TextTableLabelProvider
Sets the font to use for text ID's that are defined in other text tables but is not present in the main edited text table.
setItem(int, String) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0
Sets the text of the item in the receiver's list at the given zero-relative index to the string argument.
setItem(int, String) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_CCombo
Sets the text of the item in the receiver's list at the given zero-relative index to the string argument.
setItem(ICodeItem, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.CodeItemArrayProp
Sets an item at specified index.
setItem(ICodeItem, int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ICodeItemArrayContainer
Sets an item at specified index.
setItem(KString, int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ICodeItemArrayContainer
Sets an item at specified index.
setItem(KString, int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IKStringArrayContainer
Sets an item at specified index.
setItem(ITEM, int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IElementArrayContainer
Sets an item at specified index.
setItem(String, int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ICodeItemArrayContainer
Sets an item at specified index.
setItem(String, int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IStringArrayContainer
Sets an item at specified index.
setItem(String, String, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.util.IniFile
Sets the topic and item to a specific boolean (0 or 1).
setItem(String, String, int) - Method in class com.iizix.util.IniFile
Sets the topic and item to a specific integer.
setItem(String, String, String) - Method in class com.iizix.util.IniFile
Sets the topic and item to a specific string.
setItem(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.iizix.util.IniFile
Sets the topic and item to a specific string.
setItemClass(Class<ITEM>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ArrayProp
Assigns the item property class for verification.
setItems(String[]) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0
Sets the receiver's list to be the given array of items.
setItems(String[]) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_CCombo
Sets the receiver's list to be the given array of items.
setItems(String, String[]) - Method in class com.iizix.util.IniFile
Adds a set of items that does not include the equal sign to a topic.
setItems(String, String[], String) - Method in class com.iizix.util.IniFile
Adds a set of items that does not include the equal sign to a topic.
setItems(String, HashMap<String, String>) - Method in class com.iizix.util.IniFile
Sets the topic and item to a specific string.
setItems(String, HashMap<String, String>, String) - Method in class com.iizix.util.IniFile
Sets the topic and item to a specific string.
setItems(String, Hashtable<String, String>) - Method in class com.iizix.util.IniFile
Sets the topic and item to a specific string.
setItems(String, Hashtable<String, String>, String) - Method in class com.iizix.util.IniFile
Sets the topic and item to a specific string.
setItems(String, Set<Map.Entry<String, String>>) - Method in class com.iizix.util.IniFile
Sets the topic and item to a specific string.
setItems(String, Set<Map.Entry<String, String>>, String) - Method in class com.iizix.util.IniFile
Sets the topic and item to a specific string.
setJarCompression(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the flag to compress the Jar file.
setJarObfuscation(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the flag to obfuscate the Jar file's Java source code.
setJarSeal(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the flag to seal the Jar file.
setJarSign(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the flag to sign the Jar file.
setJavaMember(IMember) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzToolTip
Sets a Java member to show as HTML from its JavaDoc.
setJavaMember(IMember) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzToolTipImpl
Sets a Java member to show as HTML from its JavaDoc.
setJettyDebug(boolean) - Static method in class com.iizix.log.slf4j.LogBinder
Assigns Jetty debug.
setKeepAliveNOP(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TelnetCommProps
Sets how the Telnet keep-alive is processed.
setKeepAliveTimeout(int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TelnetCommProps
Sets the keep-alive timeout in milliseconds.
setKey(int) - Method in class
The key to send.
setKeyPair(KeyPair) - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.AbstractPushService
Set the public and private key (for VAPID).
setKeyStore(KeyStore, char[], String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PKCS12IdentityProp
Stores the keystore along with a description of it.
setKeyTimeout(long) - Method in class
Assigns the timeout in milliseconds a key is valid.
setKString(KString) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHolder
Called when a KString is assigned in the holder.
setKStringContents(Collection<KString>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TableCombo
Sets the KString contents of this combo.
setKStringInfoProviderHolder(IKStringInfoProviderHolder) - Static method in class com.iizix.text.DefaultInfoHolder
Sets the IKStringInfoProviderHolder instance.
setKStringProp(KStringProp, ModuleModel) - Method in class com.iizigo.text.KStringStyledText
Sets the KStringProp being edited.
setLabel(char) - Method in class
Sets the marker label character.
setLabelBackground(Color) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.DefinedButton
Sets the label background.
setLabelChar(PlainKString) - Method in class
Sets the marker label character.
setLabelProvider(IBaseLabelProvider) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.FilteredCommonViewer
Overrides the setting of the label provider to add support for the search...
setLabelReference(IUILabelForTarget) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UILabel
Sets the component as label reference, i.e.
setLabelReference(IUILabelForTarget) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIOutput
Sets the component as label reference (in this case output text), i.e.
setLabelType(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UILabel
Sets the label type, i.e.
setLabelType(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIOutput
Sets the label type, i.e.
setLanguageCode(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.TextTable
Sets a valid language code.
setLanguageCode(String, Runnable) - Method in class com.iizigo.selector.LanguageCodeComposite
Sets the current language and defines the callback that will be called whenever the language changes.
setLastColor(GColor) - Static method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ColorPropEditor
Sets the last color.
setLastError(String) - Method in class
Sets the last error message of the session.
setLastError(String) - Method in class com.iizix.term.EmptyHostSession
Sets the last error message of the session.
setLastError(String) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostSession
Sets the last error message of the session.
setLastError(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionPeer
Sets the last error message of the session.
setLastError(String) - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn3270e.HostSession3270
Sets the last error message of the session.
setLastError(String) - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn5250e.HostSession5250
Sets the last error message of the session.
setLastKStringType(KString.Type) - Static method in class com.iizigo.text.KStringStyledText
Sets the last used type.
setLastKStringUseTags(boolean) - Static method in class com.iizigo.text.KStringStyledText
Sets the last used type.
setLastNodeState(ITXPNode, ITXPNode.State) - Method in interface com.iizix.txp.impl.ITXProcessLogger
setLastNodeState(ITXPNode, ITXPNode.State) - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.TXProcessLogger
setLastState(ITXProcess.State) - Method in interface com.iizix.txp.impl.ITXPLogger
setLastState(ITXProcess.State) - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.TXPLogger
setLatitude(double) - Method in class
Sets the latitude of the marker.
setLayout(Layout) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo
Sets the layout which is associated with the receiver to be the argument which may be null.
setLayout(Layout) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0
Sets the layout which is associated with the receiver to be the argument which may be null.
setLayout(Layout) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_CCombo
Sets the layout which is associated with the receiver to be the argument which may be null.
setLayoutMgr(LayoutMgr<?>) - Method in interface com.iizix.IComponent
Sets the UI LayoutManager for the component.
setLayoutMgr(LayoutMgr<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
Sets the layout manager for the component.
setLeadingText(KString) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItem
Sets the leading text for the list item.
setLeadingTextEllipsis() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItem
Sets the option for leading text to single line with ellipsis when text overflows.
setLeadingTextSingleLine() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItem
Sets the option for leading text to single line, truncated.
setLeadingTextWrap() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItem
Sets the option for leading text to wrap over multiple line.
setLeadingTextWrap(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItem
Sets the option for leading text wrap.
setLeadingWidth(GUnit) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItem
Gets the width of leading text.
setLicenseServerMode() - Static method in enum class com.iizix.RunMode
Sets this server to be a license server mode.
setLineBreak(int) - Method in class
Tells Yahoo YUI Compressor to break lines after the specified number of symbols during CSS compression.
setListener(IPropertyDefined) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.DefinedButton
Sets a listener, can only be done once.
setListener(IFilterListener) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.FilterController
Sets the listener.
setListener(IFilterListener) - Method in interface com.iizigo.swt.IFilter
Sets the listener.
setListener(IFilterListener) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzFilter
Sets the listener.
setListener(IFlatToolbarButton) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.FlatToolbarButton
Sets the listener.
setListener(WebSocketCommListener) - Method in class com.iizix.jetty.InternalWebSocket
Assigns the listener.
setListener(Runnable) - Method in class com.iizix.PropProgressMonitor
Sets the cancel listener.
setListVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo
Marks the receiver's list as visible if the argument is true, and marks it invisible otherwise.
setListVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0
Marks the receiver's list as visible if the argument is true, and marks it invisible otherwise.
setListVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_CCombo
Marks the receiver's list as visible if the argument is true, and marks it invisible otherwise.
setLoadBalancingServerMode() - Static method in enum class com.iizix.RunMode
Sets this server to be a Load Balancing server mode.
setLoaded() - Method in class
Call to set the project as loaded.
setLoadedFile(File) - Method in class
Sets the .iiziApp file that loaded this property.
setLoadedFile(IFile) - Method in class
Sets the .iiziApp file that loaded this property.
setLocale(LocaleInfo) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IAppSessionGyro
Changes or sets the LocaleInfo for the environment.
setLocale(LocaleInfo) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IClientSessionGyro
Changes or sets the LocaleInfo for the environment.
setLocale(LocaleInfo) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.EnvProps
Changes or sets the LocaleInfo for the environment.
setLocale(LocaleInfo) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyro
Changes or sets the LocaleInfo for the environment.
setLocale(LocaleInfo) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyro
Changes or sets the LocaleInfo for the environment.
setLocation(int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.IzMenu
Sets the location of the receiver, which must be a popup, to the point specified by the arguments which are relative to the display.
setLocation(Point) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.IzMenu
Sets the location of the receiver, which must be a popup, to the point specified by the argument which is relative to the display.
setLocation(T, int, int) - Method in interface com.iizigo.image.IEditedImageLocation
Sets the location with undo support.
setLocked(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GUnit
Sets the lock state of the unit.
setLockMessage(KString) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IAppSessionGyro
Sets the message to display for the lock state, above the indicator.
setLockMessage(KString) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyro
Sets the message to display for the lock state, above the indicator.
setLockMessage(KString, int) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IAppSessionGyro
Sets the message to display for the lock state, above the indicator, along with a progress value.
setLockMessage(KString, int) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyro
Sets the message to display for the lock state, above the indicator, along with a progress value.
setLockMessage(KString, int, int) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IAppSessionGyro
Sets the message to display for the lock state, above the indicator, along with a progress value.
setLockMessage(KString, int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyro
Sets the message to display for the lock state, above the indicator, along with a progress value.
setLockProgress(int) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IAppSessionGyro
Sets the current progress bar value.
setLockProgress(int) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyro
Sets the current progress bar value.
setLockUIEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.ILockUI
Sets if the action should lock the UI before the action starts execution.
setLogger(LoggerNIO) - Static method in class com.iizix.nio.SocketCommNIO
Sets a new logger.
setLogger(ITXPLogger) - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.TXPCoordinatorImpl
Sets the logger.
setLogic(EELogic[]) - Method in class
Sets the logic statements for the EEM file.
setLogLevel(int) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Changes the logger log level.
setLogLevel(int) - Method in class com.iizix.Loggers
Changes the log level.
setLong(int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.SendTransaction
Sets a 32 bit signed value to the outgoing transaction at the specified position.
setLong(Atom, long) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
Sets a long property with the specified atom to the value in this property container.
setLong(Atom, long) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Sets a long property with the specified atom to the value in this property container.
setLong(Atom, long, boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
Sets an integer property with the specified atom to the value in this property container.
setLong(Atom, long, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Sets an integer property with the specified atom to the value in this property container.
setLong(Atom, long, boolean, IGProp<?>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
Sets an integer property with the specified atom to the value in this property container.
setLong(Atom, long, boolean, IGProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Sets an integer property with the specified atom to the value in this property container.
setLong(String, long) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
Sets a long property with the specified name to the value in this property container.
setLong(String, long) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Sets a long property with the specified name to the value in this property container.
setLong(String, long) - Method in class com.iizix.sql.NamedParameterStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java long value.
setLongData(int, int, byte[]) - Static method in class com.iizix.SendTransaction
Fills an array with the long data (4 bytes).
setLongitude(double) - Method in class
Sets the longitude of the marker.
setLookedUpReference(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.BaseReferencePropEditor
Sets the reference found that also has been validated.
setLookedUpReference(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ReferencePropEditor
Sets the reference found that also has been validated.
setLookedUpReference(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.AbstractBaseRelativeReference
Sets the reference found that also has been validated.
setLookedUpReference(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.AbstractFixedVirtualizedBaseRelativeReference
Sets the reference found that also has been validated.
setLookedUpReference(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.AbstractReference
Sets the reference found that also has been validated.
setLUName(String) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TelnetCommProps
Sets the LU name for the terminal session.
setMarker(IMarker) - Method in class com.iizigo.quickfix.fixer.DeleteProperty
Call to set the marker in a new instance of the quick-fixer.
setMarker(IMarker) - Method in class com.iizigo.quickfix.fixer.GotoProperty
Call to set the marker in a new instance of the quick-fixer.
setMarker(IMarker) - Method in interface com.iizigo.quickfix.IQuickFixer
Call to set the marker in a new instance of the quick-fixer.
setMarker(IMarker) - Method in class com.iizigo.quickfix.QuickFixAdapter
Call to set the marker in a new instance of the quick-fixer.
setMarker(IMarker) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.quickfixer.DeleteRect
Call to set the marker in a new instance of the quick-fixer.
setMaskFrames(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.WebSocketServerCommProps
Sets if masking of frames sent back and forth should be masked, valid from protocol version 7 or better.
setMaster(EEMaster) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.recording.prop.RecordingProp
Sets the master and builds the properties.
setMatchString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenIdentificationProp
Sets the matching string for this identification.
setMaxHistorySize(int) - Method in class com.iizix.os.OSSystemInfo
Sets the maximum number of entries in the history.
setMaximalLength(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISlider
Sets the slide duration option (in milliseconds).
setMaximalLength(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIText
Sets the maximum length of the text field.
setMaximum(double) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.value.IUIDoubleRangeValueComponent
Sets the maximum value without changing the current value.
setMaximumFileSize(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIImage2
Sets the maximum file size of an image.
setMaximumFileSize(long) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.BinaryTrace
Sets the maximum file size of a trace file.
setMaximumLength(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLComboBox
Sets the maximum length of the number of input characters in entry field.
setMaximumLength(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLDateTime
Sets the maximum length of the number of input characters in entry field.
setMaximumLength(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSpinner
Sets the maximum length of the number of input characters in entry field.
setMaximumLength(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLText
Sets the maximum length of the number of input characters in entry field.
setMaximumThreadPriority(int) - Method in class com.iizix.virtual.VirtualThreadGroup
For platform threads, sets the maximum thread priority for the thread group.
setMaxLines(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.VSTableContentProvider
Sets the maximum number of lines to show.
setMaxTransactionQueueSize(int) - Method in class com.iizix.test.client.ClientManager
Sets the maximum queued transaction to keep.
setMaxWidth(GUnit) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIText
Sets the entry field maximum width.
setMenu(IzMenu) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.IzMenuItem
Sets the menu for the cascaded menu item.
setMenu(Control, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.IzMenu
Assigns the menu to the control.
setMenu(Menu) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0
setMenu(Menu) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_CCombo
setMenuItemTooltips(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.jface.PartAction
Sets the flag indicating tooltip should be used for menu items as well.
setMessage(int, String, String) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.TerminalStatusBar
Sets the message.
setMessage(KTooltip) - Method in interface com.iizix.IComponent
Sets (or removes) the message for the component.
setMessage(KTooltip) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
Sets (or removes) the message for the component.
setMessage(ValueConversionException) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSMessageComponent
Sets the validation message for a value conversion error.
setMessage(KString) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.ILockState
Sets the message to display for the lock state, above the indicator.
setMessage(KString, int) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.ILockState
Sets the message to display for the lock state, above the indicator, along with a progress value.
setMessage(KString, int, int) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.ILockState
Sets the message to display for the lock state, above the indicator, along with a progress value.
setMessage(PlainKString, int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSMessageComponent
Sets the validation message.
setMessage(PlainKString, VSFieldEvent.Category) - Method in class com.iizix.api.vs.VSFieldEvent
Sets the validation message.
setMessage(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.ILockState
Sets the message to display for the lock state, above the indicator.
setMessage(String, int) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.HyperlinkDialog
Set the message for this page with an indication of what type of message it is.
setMessage(String, int) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.InsertTextVSDialog
Set the message for this page with an indication of what type of message it is.
setMessage(String, int) - Method in class com.iizigo.server.launch.DevelServerLaunchConfigurationTab
Set the message for this page with an indication of what type of message it is.
setMessage(String, int) - Method in interface com.iizigo.validator.IValidationMessage
Set the message for this page with an indication of what type of message it is.
setMessage(String, int) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.ILockState
Sets the message to display for the lock state, above the indicator, along with a progress value.
setMessage(String, int) - Method in interface com.iizix.IComponent
Sets (or removes) a plain message string for the component with specified category.
setMessage(String, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
Sets (or removes) a plain message string for the component with specified category.
setMessage(String, int, int) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.ILockState
Sets the message to display for the lock state, above the indicator, along with a progress value.
setMessage(Throwable) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.TerminalStatusBar
Sets an exception message.
setMethod(Method) - Method in class
Sets the HTTP method for the request.
setMethodName(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.MethodReference2
Sets the method name.
setMethodName(String, IComplexOperation) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.MethodReference2
Sets the method name.
setMillisecond(int) - Method in class com.iizix.value.ImmutableXMLGregorianCalendar
setMinimum(double) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIProgress
Sets the minimum value without changing the current value.
setMinimum(double) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.value.IUIDoubleRangeValueComponent
Sets the minimum value without changing the current value.
setMinMaxWidthOrHeight(int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIImage2
Sets the minimum and maximum width or height allowed for a user selected image.
setMinute(int) - Method in class com.iizix.value.ImmutableXMLGregorianCalendar
setMinWidth(GUnit) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIText
Sets the entry field minimum width.
setModificationStamp(long) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.DesignerProp
Sets the file modification stamp.
setModified(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizigo.validator.IValidator
Sets the modified state.
setModified(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.validator.ValidationAdapter
Sets the modified state.
setModule(ModuleModel) - Method in class
The current project.
setModule(ModuleModel) - Method in class com.iizigo.font.DesignerFontManager
Assigns a new module model.
setMonth(int) - Method in class com.iizix.value.ImmutableXMLGregorianCalendar
setMoveSize(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.TerminalWindow
Call to set moving/sizing in order to skip cursor drawing.
setMoveSize(boolean, int, IComplexOperation) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.AbsoluteData
Sets the horizontal (X) or vertical (Y) move or size attributed to the component.
setMoveWrap(boolean) - Static method in class com.iizigo.term.PluginPreference
Sets wrap when moving.
setMUltipleLine(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLText
Sets the entry field multiple-line option.
setMultiStatus(MultiStatus) - Method in class com.iizigo.project.FileChangesCollection
Assigns a MultiStatus before visit.
setMustDefineDerivedEntries(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.TextTable
Sets if all derived entries must be defined.
setMuted(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIMedia
Sets the player's muted mode.
setMuted(boolean, IUIMediaListener) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIMedia
Sets the player's muted mode.
setName(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.VSConnection
Assigns the relative reference name.
setName(String) - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ConnectionProfileSetup
Sets the name of the profile.
setName(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropReference
Sets a new reference name.
setName(String) - Method in class
Sets the app name.
setName(String) - Method in class com.iizix.util.MemoryJarFile
Sets the name of the Jar file.
setNearestSelection(StructuredViewer, DesignerProp) - Static method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropHelper
Sets the nearest selection to the DesignerProp.
setNeedToAcceptTermsOfServiceURI(String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.acme.LetsEncryptDomain
Gets the Terms-of-Service agreement URI that needs to be accepted.
setNewFolders(IFolder[]) - Method in class com.iizigo.project.FileChangesCollection
Assigns the folders to process.
setNewOutput(OutputStream) - Method in class com.iizix.server.PrintStream2
Sets a new output stream for the output.
setNextPanelAnimation(int) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IClientSessionGyro
Sets the animation that will be used for next panel that replaces another panel.
setNextPanelAnimation(int) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyro
Sets the animation that will be used for next panel that replaces another panel.
setNextPanelAnimation(IUIPanelAnimation.Type, IUIPanelAnimation.Direction, IUIPanelAnimation.Speed) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IClientSessionGyro
Sets the animation that will be used for next panel that replaces another panel.
setNextScreen(String) - Method in class
The destination screen, if this statement matches.
setNoHideDown(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.CustomSashForm
Sets the noHideDown setting for vertical CustomSashForm.
setNoHideLeft(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.CustomSashForm
Sets the noHideLeft setting for horizontal CustomSashForm.
setNoHideRight(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.CustomSashForm
Sets the noHideRight setting for horizontal CustomSashForm.
setNoHideUp(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.CustomSashForm
Sets the noHideUp setting for vertical CustomSashForm.
setNonConnectedReadTimeout(long) - Method in class com.iizix.nio.SocketCommNIO
Sets the read time-out value for the connection before the state enters CONNECTED.
setNull(String, int) - Method in class com.iizix.sql.NamedParameterStatement
Sets the designated parameter to SQL NULL.
setNull(String, int, String) - Method in class com.iizix.sql.NamedParameterStatement
Sets the designated parameter to SQL NULL.
setNullable(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorResultSetColumnProp
Sets if NULL is allowed for values in this column.
setNullable(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ResultSetColumnProp
Sets if NULL is allowed for values in this column.
setNullAllowed(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizigo.vs.INewVSComponentWizardInfo
Sets the null allowed flag.
setNullAllowed(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.NewVSComponentWizard
Sets the null allowed flag.
setNullAllowed(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.wizards.VSComponentCreation
Sets the null allowed flag.
setNullAllowed(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.IUIDateTime
Sets the null value allowed flag, i.e.
setNullAllowed(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.UIDateTime
Sets the null value allowed flag, i.e.
setNullAllowed(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLDateTime
Sets the null value allowed flag, i.e.
setNullAllowed(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.value.IUINullableValueComponent
Sets the null value allowed flag, i.e.
setNullAllowed(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSColumnHeader
Sets the column nullable flag.
setNullAllowed(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
Sets null value allowed.
setNullAllowed(boolean, IComplexOperation) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
Sets null value allowed.
setNumber(Atom, double) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
Sets a Number property with the specified atom to the value in this property container.
setNumber(Atom, double) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Sets a Number property with the specified atom to the value in this property container.
setNumber(Atom, double, boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
Sets an integer property with the specified atom to the value in this property container.
setNumber(Atom, double, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Sets an integer property with the specified atom to the value in this property container.
setNumber(Atom, double, boolean, IGProp<?>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
Sets an integer property with the specified atom to the value in this property container.
setNumber(Atom, double, boolean, IGProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Sets an integer property with the specified atom to the value in this property container.
setNumber(String, double) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
Sets an integer property with the specified name to the value in this property container.
setNumber(String, double) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Sets an integer property with the specified name to the value in this property container.
setObject(Object) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ReferenceString
Sets the Reference Object.
setObject(String, Object) - Method in class com.iizix.sql.NamedParameterStatement
Sets the value of the designated parameter using the given object.
setObject(String, Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.sql.NamedParameterStatement
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
setObject(String, Object, int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.sql.NamedParameterStatement
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
setObject(String, Object, SQLType) - Method in class com.iizix.sql.NamedParameterStatement
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
setObject(String, Object, SQLType, int) - Method in class com.iizix.sql.NamedParameterStatement
Sets the value of the designated parameter with the given object.
setOmitSchemaInfo(IOmitSchemaInfo) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorDatabaseProps
Sets information about whether or not to omit the default schema name from SQL generated in the SQL Builder.
setOperation(GEvent.Operation) - Method in class com.iizix.event.GEvent
Sets the current operation.
setOriginalMetrics(HtmlMetrics) - Method in class
setOriginatingFileName(char[]) - Method in class
Set the name of the file where the problem was found.
setOriginatingFileName(String) - Method in class
Set the name of the file where the problem was found.
setOtherModules(String[]) - Method in class
Sets the Modules that should be included in the application, apart of the module this property belongs to.
setOverlaysWebView(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.gyro.StatusBarConfig
Sets if the status bar should overlay the web view or not.
setOverrideMethod(Method) - Method in class
Sets the override method.
setOwner(ICodeItemsOwner) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.CodeItemArrayProp
Assigns the owner of this container.
setOwner(IPropMgrOwner) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropMgr
Sets the owner Object, can only be done once.
setPageIncrement(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISlider
Set the page increment value.
setPanelType(IComplexOperation, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIPanelBase
Sets the panel type, i.e.
setParent(IPropCnr) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Sets the parent for this property.
setParent(IPropCnr) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Sets the parent for this property.
setParent(Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.TreeItemNavigatorPresentation
Sets the parent.
setPattern(PlainKString) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
Sets the pattern used by the value formatter.
setPattern(PlainKString, IComplexOperation) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
Sets the pattern used by the value formatter.
setPatterns(Collection<PatternManager.CategoryPatterns>) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PatternManager
Assigns the edited category patterns.
setPeriod(int) - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.mfa.MFAUser
Sets the drift period in +/- seconds to use, default is PERIOD = 30.
setPLAINString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.KStringProp
Sets a new PLAIN String value for this property.
setPLAINString(String, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.KStringProp
Sets a new PLAIN String value for this property.
setPlaybackRate(double) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIMedia
Sets the playback rate factor, default being 1.
setPlaybackRate(double, IUIMediaListener) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIMedia
Sets the playback rate factor, default being 1.
setPlot(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.Series
Sets the plot name to associate this series with.
setPopupWindowRecognition(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TerminalModelSettings
Sets the pop-up window recognition flag.
setPort(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ServerSocketCommProps
Gets the host port for the socket.
setPort(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SocketCommProps
Gets the host port for the socket.
setPortRange(int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.WebSocketServerCommProps
Sets the port range the "from-port" and the "end-port" (inclusive) for server socket ports for acceptance.
setPos(int) - Method in class
The position where the comparison should be done.
setPosition(double) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIMedia
Sets the players position in seconds.
setPosition(double, IUIMediaListener) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIMedia
Sets the players position in seconds.
setPosition(GUnit, GUnit, IComplexOperation) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.AbsoluteData
Assigns the composite X and/or Y position.
setPosition(GUnit, GUnit, IComplexOperation) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.LayoutProp
Assigns the composite X and/or Y position.
setPredefined(Set<String>) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.StylesReferences
Sets the predefined styles references for validation.
setPreservedSize(int) - Method in class
setPreserveLineBreaks(boolean) - Method in class
If set to true, line breaks will be preserved.
setPreservePatterns(List<Pattern>) - Method in class
This method allows setting custom block preservation rules defined by regular expression patterns.
setPreview(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.TerminalWindow
Preview anti-alias.
setPrinterAssociated(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TerminalProps
Sets if a 3270 printer is associated.
setPrinterSettings(TerminalPrinterSettings) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TerminalProps
Sets the printer properties container from a TerminalPrinterSettings POJO.
setPriority(int) - Method in class com.iizix.SingleRetriggerableTask
Sets the priority of the task that is by default WorkerTask.PRIORITY_LOWEST.
setPrivateChangeEventProp(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Sets the flag indicating this property uses a "private" change event, i.e.
setPrivateChangeEventProp(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Sets the flag indicating this property uses a "private" change event, i.e.
setPrivateCreateRequiredProp() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Sets the flag indicating property requires a "create transaction" when sent to the other party (server to client or vice versa).
setPrivateData(String, Object) - Method in interface com.iizix.api.IPrivateStorage
Adds a new Object to the private storage map, overwriting existing objects.
setPrivateKey(String) - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.AbstractPushService
Set the public key using a base64url-encoded string.
setPrivateKey(PrivateKey) - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.AbstractPushService
Set the private key (for VAPID)
setProfileImage(WSFileProviderEngine, Connection, String, File) - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.AuthenticatedUser
Sets a new profile image for the user.
setProfileImage(Connection, String, File) - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.AuthenticatedUser
Sets a new profile image for the user.
setProfilePicture(ProfilePicture) - Method in interface com.iizix.license.IGenericLicenseSystem
Sets a profile picture.
setProgress(int) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.ILockState
Sets the current progress bar value.
setProgressIndicatorDelay(ProgressIndicatorDelay) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.ILockUI
Sets the delay before the hourglass is shown when the UI is locked.
setProgressListener(Runnable) - Method in class com.iizix.PropProgressMonitor
Sets the progress listener.
setProgressMonitor(IPropProgressMonitor) - Method in class com.iizix.event.GEvent
Sets the progress monitor if not already done.
setProgressMonitor(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class com.iizigo.project.FileChangesCollection
Assigns a progress monitor to cancel lengthy job.
setProject(IProject) - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleNature
Sets the project to which this nature applies.
setProject(IProject) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.project.TerminalNature
Sets the project to which this nature applies.
setProp(IGProp<?>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
Sets a property to this container.
setProp(IGProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Sets a property to this container.
setProp(IGProp<?>, int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
Adds a new property to this container at the indicated index.
setProp(IGProp<?>, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Adds a new property to this container at the indicated index.
setProp(IGProp<?>, IGProp<?>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
Sets a property to this container.
setProp(IGProp<?>, IGProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Sets a property to this container.
setProp2(IGProp<?>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
Convenience method to set a property to this container.
setProp2(IGProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Convenience method to set a property to this container.
setProp2(IGProp<?>, IGProp<?>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
Convenience method to set a property to this container.
setProp2(IGProp<?>, IGProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Convenience method to set a property to this container.
setPropError(GProp<?>, PropError) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.complex.ComplexOperation
Sets all errors in a property.
setPropError(GProp<?>, PropError) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IComplexOperation
Sets all errors in a property.
setPropError(IComplexOperation, IGProp<?>, PropError) - Static method in interface com.iizix.prop.IComplexOperation
Sets all errors in a property.
setPropError(PropError) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Sets all or clears the errors for the property.
setPropError(PropError) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Sets all or clears the errors for the property.
setPropErroredName(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Sets the errored name for this property.
setProperty(DesignerProp) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzToolTip
Sets the DesignerProp as the tooltip creator for the contents area.
setProperty(DesignerProp) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzToolTipImpl
Sets the DesignerProp as the tooltip creator for the contents area.
setProperty(DesignerProp, IzToolTipPropEnhancer) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzToolTip
Sets the DesignerProp as the tooltip creator for the contents area.
setProperty(DesignerProp, IzToolTipPropEnhancer) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzToolTipImpl
Sets the DesignerProp as the tooltip creator for the contents area.
setProperty(GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzToolTipImpl
Sets the property as the tooltip creator for the contents area.
setProperty(String, String) - Method in interface com.iizix.comm.session.ISessionStatistics
Sets a property for the session.
setProperty(String, String) - Method in class com.iizix.comm.statistics.SessionStatistics
Sets a property for the connection.
setProperty(String, T, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IWebServerPortConfig
Sets a runtime property based on a HashMap.
setProperty(String, T, Class<T>) - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.WebServerPortConfig
Sets a runtime property based on a HashMap.
setPropertyAttrFlag(GProp<?>, int, boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPart
Sets a property attribute flag.
setPropertyAttrFlag(GProp<?>, int, boolean) - Method in interface com.iizigo.prop.IPropertyEditorController
Sets a property attribute flag.
setPropertyAttrFlag(GProp<?>, int, boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.StandaloneEditorController
Sets a property attribute flag.
setPropertyAttrFlag(GProp<?>, int, boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.server.ServerConfigComposite
Sets a property attribute flag.
setPropertyError(GProp<?>, String, IPropErrorItem) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPart
Sets a property error.
setPropertyError(GProp<?>, String, IPropErrorItem) - Method in interface com.iizigo.prop.IPropertyEditorController
Sets a property error.
setPropertyError(GProp<?>, String, IPropErrorItem) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.StandaloneEditorController
Sets a property error.
setPropertyError(GProp<?>, String, IPropErrorItem) - Method in class com.iizigo.server.ServerConfigComposite
Sets a property error.
setPropertyStarred(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.iizigo.prop.StarredAdaptive
Stars the property name specified.
setPropertyValue(PropCnr, GProp<?>, Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPart
Sets a property value.
setPropertyValue(PropCnr, GProp<?>, Object) - Method in interface com.iizigo.prop.IPropertyEditorController
Sets a property value.
setPropertyValue(PropCnr, GProp<?>, Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.StandaloneEditorController
Sets a property value.
setPropertyValue(PropCnr, GProp<?>, Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.server.ServerConfigComposite
Sets a property value.
setPropExtended(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Sets the flag indicating this property is extended.
setPropExtendsFinal(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Sets the flag indicating property is a Extends Final property in the container when this property belongs to the Extends Framework.
setPropExtendsFinal(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Sets the flag indicating property is a Extends Final property in the container when this property belongs to the Extends Framework.
setPropExtendsPrivate(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Sets the flag indicating property is a Extends Private property in the container when this property belongs to the Extends Framework.
setPropExtendsPrivate(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Sets the flag indicating property is a Extends Private property in the container when this property belongs to the Extends Framework.
setPropForEditor(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Sets the flag indicating property is the Editor only.
setPropNullable(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Sets the flag indicating property is nullable with setPropValue.
setPropNullable(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Sets the flag indicating property is nullable with setPropValue.
setPropPrivate(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Sets the flag indicating property is private.
setPropPrivate(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Sets the flag indicating property is private.
setPropReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Sets the flag indicating property is read-only.
setPropReadOnly(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Sets the flag indicating property is read-only.
setPropUSER(long) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Sets the flag indicating property is "PROP_USER_*.
setPropValue(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.BoolProp
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(boolean, IGProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.BoolProp
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(byte[]) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ByteArrayProp
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(byte[]) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PKCS12IdentityProp
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(byte[]) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.X509CertificatesProp
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(char) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.CharProp
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(double) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.DoubleProp
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.Int32Prop
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.IntProp
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(int, Object) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
Sets the property at index to newValue.
setPropValue(int, Object) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Sets the property at index to newValue.
setPropValue(long) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.LongProp
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(Atom, Object) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
Sets the property with the atom name to newValue.
setPropValue(Atom, Object) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Sets the property with the atom name to newValue.
setPropValue(Atom, VALUE, Class<? extends GProp<VALUE>>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
Sets a property value in the container.
setPropValue(Atom, VALUE, Class<? extends GProp<VALUE>>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Sets a property value in the container.
setPropValue(GColor) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ColorProp
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(GDateTime) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.DateTimeProp
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(GFill) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.FillProp
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(GFont) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.FontProp
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(GGradient) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GradientProp
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(GProp<?>[]) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
Sets a new properties array as the value.
setPropValue(GProp<?>[]) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Sets a new properties array as the value.
setPropValue(GProp<?>, Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.complex.ComplexOperation
Sets a property value.
setPropValue(GProp<?>, Object) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IComplexOperation
Sets a property value.
setPropValue(GRect) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.RectProp
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(GSize) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SizeProp
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(GStroke) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StrokeProp
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(GUnit) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.UnitProp
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(IComplexOperation, IGProp<?>, Object) - Static method in interface com.iizix.prop.IComplexOperation
Sets a property value.
setPropValue(GSimpleDevice) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.device.DeviceProp
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(GThemes) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.device.ThemesProp
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(TCell) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TableCell
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(RemoteHostSession) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.RemoteHostSessionProp
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(KString) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.KStringProp
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(KString) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PlainKStringProp
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(PlainKString) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PlainKStringProp
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(Object) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(Object) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(Object, IGProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(Object, IGProp<?>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(Object, PropMgr) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.AbstractReference
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ClassReference
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.KStringProp
Sets a new PLAIN String value for this property.
setPropValue(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StringProp
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StylesReferences
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ValueTypeProp
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValue(String, Object) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
Sets the property with the name to newValue.
setPropValue(String, Object) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Sets the property with the name to newValue.
setPropValue(String, VALUE, Class<? extends GProp<VALUE>>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
Sets a property value in the container.
setPropValue(String, VALUE, Class<? extends GProp<VALUE>>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Sets a property value in the container.
setPropValue(String, VALUE, Class<? extends GProp<VALUE>>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.ILayoutUnitHeight
Sets a property value in the container.
setPropValue(String, VALUE, Class<? extends GProp<VALUE>>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.ILayoutUnitWidth
Sets a property value in the container.
setPropValue(VALUE, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.MultiProp
Sets an indexed property value.
setPropValueDefault(VALUE) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.MultiProp
Sets the default value.
setPropValueIncognito(Object) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Sets a new value for this property.
setPropValues(Object[]) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.MultiProp
Sets all property values at once along with a default value.
setPropValues(VALUE) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.MultiProp
Sets all property values at once to a single value.
setPropValues(VALUE, Object[]) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.MultiProp
Sets all property values at once along with a default value.
setPropVolatile() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Sets the flag indicating property is "volatile" and is not written to XML.
setProvider(IPropMgrInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropMgr
Sets the information provider for the Property Manager.
setProviderFlags(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.CommonViewerEx
Sets the flags for label and content providers.
setProxy(Proxy) - Method in class
Sets the proxy to use.
setProxyHost(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SocketCommProps
Sets the proxy host name if any.
setProxyPort(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SocketCommProps
Sets the proxy port if any.
setProxyType(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SocketCommProps
Sets the proxy type: 0=none/DIRECT, 1=HTTP, 2=SOCKS 4/5.
setProxyUser(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SocketCommProps
Gets the authentication user name for HTTP proxy if required.
setPruneHistory(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.handler.IzOperationHistoryActionHandler
Specify whether the action handler should actively prune the operation history when invalid operations are encountered.
setPseudoActionFocusToVS(IUIFocusComp, IGProp<?>) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IClientSessionGyro
Called when a "pseudo UI action" is executed, making sure its VS counterpart has the current focus.
setPseudoActionFocusToVS(IUIFocusComp, IGProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyro
Called when a "pseudo UI action" is executed, making sure its VS counterpart has the current focus.
setPublicKey(String) - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.AbstractPushService
Set the public key using a base64url-encoded string.
setPublicKey(PublicKey) - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.AbstractPushService
Set the public key (for VAPID)
setRadioSelectionComponent(IUIRadioComponent) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIGroupSeparator
Sets the selection to the specified radio component.
setRadioSelectionComponent(IUIRadioComponent, boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIContainer
Sets the selection to the specified radio component.
setRadioSelectionComponent(IUIRadioComponent, boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIGroupSeparator
Sets the selection to the specified radio component.
setRadioSelectionComponent(IUIRadioComponent, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIContainer
Sets the selection to the specified radio component.
setRange(double, double) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIProgress
Sets the value range without affecting the value.
setRange(double, double) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.value.IUIDoubleRangeValueComponent
Sets the value range without affecting the value.
setRawValue(Value, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
Sets the raw value of the field.
setRawValue(Value, IComplexOperation) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
Sets the raw value of the field with undo/redo support.
setReadEncoding(String) - Method in class
Sets the String output encoding.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.IComponent
Sets the read-only state of the component.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the read-only state.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItem
Gets the read-only state.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
Sets the read-only state of the component.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponent
Sets the read-only state.
setReadOnly(boolean, IGProp<?>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponent
Sets the read-only state.
setReadOnly(boolean, IVSComponent) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
Sets the read-only state of the component.
setReadTimeout(int) - Method in class
Sets the read timeout.
setReadTimeout(long) - Method in class com.iizix.nio.SocketCommNIO
Sets the read time-out value for the connection.
setReady() - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IClientSessionGyro
Sets the UI to "ready", i.e.
setReady() - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyro
Sets the UI to "ready", i.e.
setReady(Runnable) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IClientSessionGyro
Sets the UI to "ready", i.e.
setReady(Runnable) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyro
Sets the UI to "ready", i.e.
setRealPropValue(VALUE, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.MultiProp
Sets the value at "real" index.
setReconnected(SessionStatistics) - Method in class com.iizix.comm.statistics.SessionStatistics
Called when the connection is re-connected.
setRecoveryEmail(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.license.IGenericLicenseSystem
Adds, removes or changes the additional email for recovery.
setRect(GRect) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.RectProp
Sets new rectangle for this property.
setRectangle(Rectangle) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.capture.prop.CaptureFieldProp
Sets the Rectangle.
setRectangle(Rectangle) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenFieldProp
Sets the Rectangle.
setRectangle(Rectangle) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenIdentificationProp
Sets the Rectangle.
setRectangle(Rectangle) - Method in interface com.iizigo.term.prop.IScreenRectangle
Sets the Rectangle.
setRedirector(ILoggerRedirector) - Static method in class com.iizix.Loggers
Sets the log redirector used when redirecting an event from client to server.
setReference(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.text.IKStringHTMLHyperlink
Sets the reference.
setReference(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.text.IKStringTextTag
Updates the reference for the tag.
setReference(String) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLHyperlinkExternalTag
Sets the "href" external reference.
setReference(String) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLHyperlinkResourceTag
Sets the "ref" Asset reference.
setReference(String) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLHyperlinkUITag
Sets the "ref" Panel reference.
setReference(String) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLHyperlinkVSTag
Sets the "ref" VS reference.
setReference(String) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLImageTag
Sets the "src" reference for the Image reference in the Assets folder.
setReference(String) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLTag
Updates the tag reference.
setReference(String) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLTextTableTag
Updates the reference for the tag.
setReference(String) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLTextVirtualSpaceTag
Updates the reference for the tag.
setReference(String) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringPLAINTag
Updates the reference for the tag.
setReference(String) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringTag
Updates the tag reference.
setRefreshedFields(EEField[]) - Method in class
Sets new fields after rebuild, removing previous underlines.
setRefreshedFields(EEField[], int[]) - Method in class
Sets new fields after rebuild, also applies underlines.
setRemoveComments(boolean) - Method in class
If set to true all HTML comments will be removed.
setRemoveComments(boolean) - Method in class
If set to true all XML comments will be removed.
setRemoveFormAttributes(boolean) - Method in class
If set to true, method="get" attributes will be removed from <form> tags.
setRemoveHttpProtocol(boolean) - Method in class
If set to true, HTTP protocol will be removed from href, src, cite, and action tag attributes.
setRemoveHttpsProtocol(boolean) - Method in class
If set to true, HTTPS protocol will be removed from href, src, cite, and action tag attributes.
setRemoveInputAttributes(boolean) - Method in class
If set to true, type="text" attributes will be removed from <input> tags.
setRemoveIntertagSpaces(boolean) - Method in class
If set to true all inter-tag whitespace characters will be removed.
setRemoveIntertagSpaces(boolean) - Method in class
If set to true all inter-tag whitespace characters will be removed.
setRemoveJavaScriptProtocol(boolean) - Method in class
If set to true, javascript: pseudo-protocol will be removed from inline event handlers.
setRemoveLinkAttributes(boolean) - Method in class
If set to true, following attributes will be removed from <link rel="stylesheet"> and <link rel="alternate stylesheet"> tags: type="text/css" type="text/plain"
setRemoveMultiSpaces(boolean) - Method in class
If set to true all multiple whitespace characters will be replaced with single spaces.
setRemoveQuotes(boolean) - Method in class
If set to true all unnecessary quotes will be removed from tag attributes.
setRemoveScriptAttributes(boolean) - Method in class
If set to true, following attributes will be removed from <script> tags: type="text/javascript" type="application/javascript" language="javascript"
setRemoveSeparators(boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.jface.EnabledItemsCompoundItem
Sets removal of separators.
setRemoveStyleAttributes(boolean) - Method in class
If set to true, type="text/style" attributes will be removed from <style> tags.
setRemoveSurroundingSpaces(String) - Method in class
Enables surrounding spaces removal around provided comma separated list of tags.
setReply(IReplyContent) - Method in interface
Updates the output for the processor with a new reply that should replace the old one.
setReply(IReplyContent) - Method in class
Updates the output for the processor with a new reply that should replace the old one.
setRequestedApp(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.iizix.test.client.ClientManager
Sets the Application ID to run, the User ID and Password to use for the connection.
setRequestedApp(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.iizix.test.client.NonUIClient
Sets the Application ID to run, the User ID and Password to use for the connection.
setRequestedName(String) - Method in interface com.iizigo.vs.INewVSComponentWizardInfo
Sets the requested name.
setRequestedName(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.NewVSComponentWizard
Sets the requested name.
setRequestedName(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.wizards.VSComponentCreation
Sets the requested name.
setRequestURI(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.WebSocketCommProps
Sets the request URI.
setRequireAdvancedEntropyChecking(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PolicyProps
Property name: check advanced strength: boolean, to use advanced entropy checking, false by default.
setRequiredAnnotation(String) - Method in class
Assigns a fully qualified annotation name that the Java Class should be annotated with.
setRequiredClassAnnotation(String) - Method in class
Assigns a fully qualified annotation name that the Java Class should be annotated with.
setRequiredInterface(String) - Method in class
Assigns a fully qualified interface name that the Java Class should implement.
setRequiredMessage(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.validator.ControlValidator
Sets a required message.
setResolvedURL(URL, long, long, String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.FileURIPropCnr
Resolves the URL, size, modification time and the client resource name.
setResolveHostNames(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ServerSocketCommProps
Sets if host name resolve is enabled or if the host address should be returned (for performance reasons) for a call to e.g.
setResolveHostNames(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SocketCommProps
Sets if host name resolve is enabled or if the host address should be returned (for performance reasons) for a call to e.g.
setRestoreWeight(int) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.CustomSashForm
setReturnCode(RETURN_CODE) - Method in class com.iizigo.setup.UIFeedBack
Assigns the return code BEFORE disposing the dialog.
setReturnCode(RETURN_CODE) - Method in interface com.iizix.license.IUserInterfaceFeedback
Assigns the return code BEFORE disposing the dialog.
setReverseSortOrdering(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.navigator.ViewerComparator
Sets reverse ordering.
setRootDirectory(String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettings
Sets the root directory for external files.
setRow(VSField[], int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSTable
Sets a row's all fields without affecting the state of the row.
setRowId(String, RowId) - Method in class com.iizix.sql.NamedParameterStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.RowId object.
setRows(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UITextArea
Sets the number of rows.
setRunMode(RunMode) - Static method in enum class com.iizix.RunMode
Assigns the run mode.
setRunMode(RunMode, IDesignerPost) - Static method in enum class com.iizix.RunMode
Assigns the run mode.
setRunnable(Runnable) - Method in class com.iizix.SingleRetriggerableTask
Assigns the Runnable.
setRuntimeCreation(IRuntimeBuilder) - Static method in class com.iizigo.Activator
Sets the runtime creation builder.
setSashBorders(boolean[]) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.CustomSashForm
Set the need sash borders for the controls.
setSaveComparison(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.MementoPropCnr
Sets the memento container to always report that it is equal to another memento, thus doesn't cause saving for files.
setScale(int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.image.SVGInfo
Sets the requested scaled width and height.
setScreen(EEScreen) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.capture.prop.CaptureScreenProp
Sets the screen and builds the properties.
setScreen(String) - Method in class
The name of the initial screen.
setScreenOrientation(ScreenOrientation) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IClientSessionGyro
Locks the screen orientation.
setScreenOrientation(ScreenOrientation) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.EnvProps
Locks the screen orientation.
setScreenOrientation(ScreenOrientation) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyro
Locks the screen orientation.
setScreenOutputRedirection(boolean) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.BinaryTrace
Redirects stdout and stderr to trace file, or restores the original settings.
setScreenSize(int, int, char[], int[]) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.TerminalWindow
Sets the current screen size.
setScrollbars(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.gyro.WindowOptions
Whether or not to display scroll bars.
setSecond(int) - Method in class com.iizix.value.ImmutableXMLGregorianCalendar
setSecondSashVisible() - Method in class com.iizix.swt.CustomSashForm
Makes the first sash visible if it is not.
setSecure(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SocketCommProps
Sets the secure socket flag.
setSecureProps(SSLCommProps) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SocketCommProps
Sets or removed the secure properties.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIAction
Sets the selected state of the action.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItemProp
Sets the selected state of the action.
setSelected(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponent
Sets the selected state.
setSelected(boolean, IGProp<?>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponent
Sets the selected state.
setSelected(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItem
Sets the selection state: 0=unselected, 1=selected, 2=third state.
setSelected(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItemProp
Sets the selection state: 0=unselected, 1=selected, 2=third state.
setSelectedCells(int[], int[]) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITable
Sets the selected cells in the table.
setSelectedCells(TCell[]) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITable
Sets the selected cells in the table.
setSelectedElements(GProp<?>[]) - Method in class
Assigns the wrapped elements.
setSelectedRow(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITable
Sets the selected row index for a selection table type.
setSelectedRows(int[]) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITable
Sets the selected row index for a selection table type.
setSelectedRows(TableRow[]) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITable
Sets the selected rows for a selection table type.
setSelection(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditorGroupInfo
Sets the selection state.
setSelection(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.FlatToolbarButton
Sets the selection state in case the button is used as a toggle button.
setSelection(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.content.IContentData
Sets the selection state of an item.
setSelection(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.calendar.CalendarEvent
setSelection(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUICheck2Component
Sets the selection.
setSelection(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIRadioComponent
Sets the selection state.
setSelection(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the selection state of an item.
setSelection(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the selection.
setSelection(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItem
Sets the selection state of an item.
setSelection(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUIBooleanSelectionComp
Sets the selection.
setSelection(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UITitlePane
Sets the selection.
setSelection(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.IzMenuItem
Sets the selection state of the receiver.
setSelection(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.content.AbstractContentProvider
Sets the selection as a single selected item at specified index.
setSelection(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.content.AbstractContentUIContainer
Sets the selection as a single selected item at specified index.
setSelection(int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.content.IContentProviderAPI
Sets the selection as a single selected item at specified index.
setSelection(int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ICodeItemsOwnerSelectionSupport
Sets the selection as a single selected item at specified index.
setSelection(int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIRadioComponent
Sets the selection as a single selected item at specified index.
setSelection(int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUIAnimatedSingleIndexedSelectionComp
Sets the selection as a single selected item at specified index without animation.
setSelection(int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUIIndexedSelectionComp
Sets the selection as a single selected item at specified index.
setSelection(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITable
Sets the selection as a single selected item at specified index.
setSelection(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIAbstractListChoice
Sets the selection as a single selected item at specified index.
setSelection(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSRows
Sets the single selection index without trigger component.
setSelection(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSTable
Sets the single selection index without trigger component.
setSelection(int[]) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.content.AbstractContentProvider
Sets the selection to the specified indicies.
setSelection(int[]) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.content.IContentProviderAPI
Sets the selection to the specified indicies.
setSelection(int[]) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUIIndexedSelectionComp
Sets the selection to the specified indicies.
setSelection(int[]) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUISingleIndexedSelectionComp
Sets the selection to the specified indicies.
setSelection(int[]) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITable
Sets the selection to the specified indicies.
setSelection(int[]) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSRows
Sets the selection indices.
setSelection(int[]) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSTable
Sets the selection indicies without trigger component.
setSelection(int[], IGProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSRows
Sets the selection indices.
setSelection(int[], IGProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSTable
Sets the selection indicies with optional trigger component.
setSelection(int, boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUIAnimatedSingleIndexedSelectionComp
Sets the selection as a single selected item at specified index.
setSelection(int, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIAccordion
Sets the selection as a single selected item at specified index.
setSelection(int, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISwapContainer
Sets the selection as a single selected item at specified index.
setSelection(int, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UITabContainer
Sets the selection as a single selected item at specified index.
setSelection(int, int) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzTableCursor
Positions the TableCursor over the cell at the given row and column in the parent table.
setSelection(int, int) - Method in interface com.iizix.IEntry
Sets the selection of the entry field from start to end positions.
setSelection(int, IGProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSRows
Sets the single selection index with optional trigger component.
setSelection(int, IGProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSTable
Sets the single selection index with optional trigger component.
setSelection(IntArrayList) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUIIndexedSelectionComp
Sets the selection to the specified indicies.
setSelection(IUISelection) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUICheck2Component
Sets the selection.
setSelection(IUISelection) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItemProp
Sets the selection.
setSelection(IUISelection) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUISelectionComp
Sets the selection.
setSelection(IUISelection) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITable
Sets the selection.
setSelection(Iterable<Integer>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUIIndexedSelectionComp
Sets the selection to the specified indicies.
setSelection(Collection<Integer>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUIIndexedSelectionComp
Sets the selection to the specified indicies.
setSelection(Iterator<Integer>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUIIndexedSelectionComp
Sets the selection to the specified indicies.
setSelection(List<Integer>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUIIndexedSelectionComp
Sets the selection to the specified indicies.
setSelection(IClasspathEntry) - Method in class
Sets the classpath container entry to be edited or null if a new entry should be created.
setSelection(ISelection) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.MultiSelectionProvider
Sets the current selection for this selection provider.
setSelection(ISelection) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPart
Sets the current selection for this selection provider.
setSelection(ISelection) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.ReferencesView
Sets the current selection for this selection provider.
setSelection(ISelection) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.SyntSelectionProvider
Sets the current selection for this selection provider.
setSelection(StructuredViewer, DesignerProp) - Static method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropHelper
Sets the selection of the property.
setSelection(StructuredViewer, Collection<DesignerProp>) - Static method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropHelper
Sets the selection of the properties.
setSelection(Point) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo
Sets the selection in the receiver's text field to the range specified by the argument whose x coordinate is the start of the selection and whose y coordinate is the end of the selection.
setSelection(Point) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0
Sets the selection in the receiver's text field to the range specified by the argument whose x coordinate is the start of the selection and whose y coordinate is the end of the selection.
setSelection(Point) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_CCombo
Sets the selection in the receiver's text field to the range specified by the argument whose x coordinate is the start of the selection and whose y coordinate is the end of the selection.
setSelection(TableItem, int) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzTableCursor
Positions the TableCursor over the cell at the given row and column in the parent table.
setSelectionAfter(ContainerSelection[]) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.complex.ComplexOperation
Sets the selection after the operation has been performed so that it can be restored at a redo operation, before or after it has been executed.
setSelectionBefore(ContainerSelection[]) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.complex.ComplexOperation
Sets the selection before the operation has been performed so that it can be restored at a undo operation, before or after it has been executed.
setSelectionInternal(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.content.IContentData
Internal method to sets the selection state of an item.
setSelectionInternal(boolean) - Method in class
Internal method to sets the selection state of an item.
setSelectionInternal(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItem
Internal method to sets the selection state of an item.
setSelectionListener(IColorSelectionWidget) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.ColorSelectionWidget
Sets the single selection listener.
setSeparatorBefore() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.ContextMenuItem
Adds a separator before this item.
setSequenceNumber(long) - Static method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.TXPidFactory
Sets the value of the next sequence nr
setServerAuthentication(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SSLCommProps
Sets server authentication globally.
setServerAuthenticationCallback(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SSLCommProps
Sets server authentication using callback interface com.iizix.nio.ICertificateUI.
setServerAuthenticationCertificates(X509Certificate[]) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SSLCommProps
Sets or removes server authentication using the specified certificates.
setServerAuthenticationDeploymentInfo(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SSLCommProps
Sets server authentication using the JRE deployment information.
setServerAutoStart(boolean) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.db.DBUtilities
Sets the Derby network database server auto-start flag.
setServerConfigComposite(ServerConfigComposite) - Method in class com.iizigo.server.NewServerConfigWizard
Sets the view to update.
setServerConfigFile(ServerConfigFile, Exception) - Method in class com.iizigo.server.ServerConfigComposite
Sets or clears the Server configuration file to edit.
setServerHost(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.db.DBUtilities
Sets the Derby network database server host name for connections.
setServerPort(int) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.db.DBUtilities
Sets the Derby network database server port for connections.
setServerReadMessageTimeout(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.WebSocketCommProps
Sets the maximum reply timeout for a complete message from the server, before the connection is closed.
setServerReadMessageTimeout(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.WebSocketServerCommProps
Sets the maximum reply timeout for a complete message from the server, before the connection is closed.
setSessionInfo(SessionInfo) - Method in class com.iizix.virtual.VirtualThreadGroup
The session information if not previously set.
setSessionsConnectedState() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorSessionsProp
Sets the states of connected sessions before e.g.
setSetMaxValue(double) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSlider
Sets the maximum value for the list item.
setSetMinValue(double) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSlider
Sets the minimum value for the list item.
setShape(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSwitch
Sets the switch shape.
setShort(String, short) - Method in class com.iizix.sql.NamedParameterStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java short value.
setShowButtons(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISlider
Sets the show buttons option.
setShowHiddenText(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.TerminalWindow
Sets showing of hidden text.
setShowScreenCursor(boolean) - Static method in class com.iizigo.term.PluginPreference
Sets showing of screen cursor.
setShowScreenCursorEE(boolean) - Static method in class com.iizigo.term.PluginPreference
Sets showing of screen cursor for captures.
setSilent(boolean) - Static method in class com.iizigo.panel.wizards.AddUICompWizard
Sets the silent flag.
setSimpleBooleanAttributes(boolean) - Method in class
If set to true, any values of following boolean attributes will be removed: checked selected disabled readonly
setSimpleDoctype(boolean) - Method in class
If set to true, existing DOCTYPE declaration will be replaced with simple <!DOCTYPE html> declaration.
setSize(int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostScreen
Sets the current screen size.
setSize(GSize) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SizeProp
Sets new size for this property.
setSize(GUnit, GUnit, IComplexOperation) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.AbsoluteData
Assigns the component width and/or height.
setSize(GUnit, GUnit, IComplexOperation) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.BorderData
Assigns the component width and/or height.
setSize(GUnit, GUnit, IComplexOperation) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.FlexData
Assigns the component width and/or height.
setSize(GUnit, GUnit, IComplexOperation) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.GridData
Assigns the component width and/or height.
setSize(GUnit, GUnit, IComplexOperation) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.LayoutProp
Assigns the component width and/or height.
setSizeWrap(boolean) - Static method in class com.iizigo.term.PluginPreference
Sets wrap when sizing.
setSortByCategory(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.navigator.ViewerComparator
Sets sorting by category.
setSortColumn(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.text.TableComparator
The sort column.
setSourceEnd(int) - Method in class
Set the end position of the problem (inclusive), or -1 if unknown.
SetSourceFieldValue - Class in
Action Actor for VirtualSpace performing the action as the class name says.
SetSourceFieldValue(VSAction, SetSourceFieldValue.Settings) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
SetSourceFieldValue.Settings - Class in
Settings property container.
setSourceLineNumber(int) - Method in class
Set the line number in source where the problem begins.
setSourceLocation(int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringTag
Sets the source position for the tag.
setSourceStart(int) - Method in class
Set the start position of the problem (inclusive), or -1 if unknown.
setSQLBuilder(SQLBuilder) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.editor.CustomExecuteAction
setSQLDataType(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorInputVariable
Sets the SQL data type.
setSQLDataType(int) - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.InputVariable
Sets the SQL data type.
setSQLDataType(int) - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ResultSetColumnProp
Sets the SQL data type.
setSQLInput(String, boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.editor.CustomSQLSourceViewer
Sets the input SQL when parsing failed.
setSQLStatement(String) - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.DatabaseProps
Gets the SQL statement.
setSSLProperties(SSLCommProps) - Method in class com.iizix.test.client.NonUIClient
Assigns the SSL properties.
setStartAndEndDates(LocalDate, LocalDate) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICalendar
Sets the end date for the calendar component UI.
setStartTimeout(long) - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.TXProcessImpl
Set the timeout time in milliseconds AND START THE TIMER!.
setStartTimeout(long) - Method in interface com.iizix.txp.ITXProcess
Tells the process to wait timeout ms for the work to be done.
setState(DeviceParameter.State) - Method in class com.iizix.device.DeviceParameter
Assigns the state.
setState(ITXPNode.State) - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.DatabaseActionTXPNode
Sets the current state of the node.
setState(ITXPNode.State) - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.AbstractActionActorTXPNode
Changes the node's state to the specified state.
setState(ITXProcess.State) - Method in interface com.iizix.txp.impl.ITXProcessLogger
setState(ITXProcess.State) - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.TXProcessLogger
setStatementType(int) - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.DatabaseProps
Sets the statement type.
setStatus(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.gyro.WindowOptions
Whether or not to add a status bar.
setStatus(IStatus) - Method in class com.iizigo.ExceptionDetailsErrorDialog
Set the status displayed by this error dialog to the given status.
setStopAtFirstMatch(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TerminalModelSettings
Check for stop search of matching screen at first match.
setString(Atom, String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
Sets a string property with the specified atom to the value in this property container.
setString(Atom, String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Sets a string property with the specified atom to the value in this property container.
setString(Atom, String, boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
Sets a string property with the specified atom to the value in this property container.
setString(Atom, String, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Sets a string property with the specified atom to the value in this property container.
setString(Atom, String, boolean, IGProp<?>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
Sets a string property with the specified atom to the value in this property container.
setString(Atom, String, boolean, IGProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Sets a string property with the specified atom to the value in this property container.
setString(String, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StringArrayProp
Sets a string at a specific index in the array.
setString(String, String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnr
Sets a string property with the specified name to the value in this property container.
setString(String, String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Sets a string property with the specified name to the value in this property container.
setString(String, String) - Method in class com.iizix.sql.NamedParameterStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given Java String value.
setStringContents(Collection<String>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TableCombo
Sets the string contents of this combo.
setStroke(GStroke) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StrokeProp
Sets new stroke for this property.
setStrongCipher(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SSLCommProps
Sets strong cipher encryption requirement, 128 bits or more.
setStyle(StatusBarConfig.Style) - Method in class com.iizix.gyro.StatusBarConfig
Sets the style.
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.iizix.mail.Mail
Sets the subject.
setSubject(String) - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.AbstractPushService
Set the JWT subject (for VAPID)
setSubProtocol(String) - Method in class com.iizix.jetty.InternalWebSocket
Assigns a sub-protocol for the WebSocket (in case the processing of sub-protocol negotiation is done e.g.
setSubProtocol(String) - Method in class com.iizix.jetty.WebSocketClientEndPoint
Assigns a sub-protocol for the WebSocket (in case the processing of sub-protocol negotiation is done e.g.
setSubProtocol(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.nio.IWebSocketComm
Assigns a sub-protocol for the WebSocket (in case the processing of sub-protocol negotiation is done e.g.
setSubProtocol(String) - Method in class com.iizix.nio.WebSocketCommNIO
Assigns a sub-protocol for the WebSocket (in case the processing of sub-protocol negotiation is done e.g.
setSubProtocols(String[]) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.WebSocketCommProps
Sets the sub-protocols from a String array.
setSubProtocols(String[]) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.WebSocketServerCommProps
Sets the sub-protocols from a String array.
setSubscriptionKey(String) - Method in class
Constructs the TokenAccess instance based on the subsciption key.
setSupportedImageTypes(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIImage2
Sets the supported image types.
setTarget(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.text.IKStringHTMLHyperlink
Sets the target reference, if supported.
setTarget(String) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLHyperlinkExternalTag
Sets the target reference, if supported.
setTarget(String) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLHyperlinkResourceTag
Sets the target reference, if supported.
setTarget(String) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLHyperlinkUITag
Sets the target reference, if supported.
setTarget(String) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLHyperlinkVSTag
Sets the target reference, if supported.
SetTargetFieldValue - Class in
Action Actor for VirtualSpace performing the action as the class name says.
SetTargetFieldValue(VSAction, SetTargetFieldValue.Settings) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
SetTargetFieldValue.Settings - Class in
Settings property container.
setTargetViewer(Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPart
Sets the target viewer for e.g.
setTargetViewer(Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropUndoRedoAdapter
Sets the structured viewer (common, tree or table) used for the property operation (add, delete, etc).
setTargetViewer(Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.server.ServerConfigComposite
Sets the structured viewer (common, tree or table) used for the property operation (add, delete, etc).
setTargetViewer(Object) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropUndoRedo
Sets the structured viewer (common, tree or table) used for the property operation (add, delete, etc).
setTaskName(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropProgressMonitorAdapter
Sets the task name to the given value.
setTaskName(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.IPropProgressMonitor
Sets the task name to the given value.
setTaskName(String) - Method in class com.iizix.PropProgressMonitor
Sets the task name to the given value.
setTerminalType(TerminalProps.Type) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TerminalProps
Sets the terminal type.
setTerminalTypes(String[]) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TelnetCommProps
Sets the terminal types from a String array.
setTerminalWindow(TerminalWindow) - Method in interface com.iizigo.term.internal.IScreenDesigner
Sets the TerminalWindow at creation.
setTerminalWindow(TerminalWindow) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.screen.ScreenDesigner
Sets the TerminalWindow at creation of it.
setText(KString) - Method in interface com.iizix.IComponent
Sets the HTML text property KStringProp Atom.TEXT ($text).
setText(KString) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
Sets the HTML text property KStringProp Atom.TEXT ($text).
setText(KString, KStringInfoProviderAdapter) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzToolTip
Sets the HTML text with the KString adapter for Font Face support.
setText(PlainKString, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.mail.Mail
Sets a KString text with either HTML or plain text contents.
setText(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.SyntSelectionProvider.CCombo
setText(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.SyntSelectionProvider.Combo
setText(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.SyntSelectionProvider.IZ_CCombo
setText(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.SyntSelectionProvider
Sets the text.
setText(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.SyntSelectionProvider.Spinner
setText(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.SyntSelectionProvider.StyledText
setText(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.SyntSelectionProvider.Text
setText(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.FilterController
Sets a new text for the filter.
setText(String) - Method in interface com.iizigo.swt.IFilter
Sets a new text for the filter.
setText(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo
Sets the contents of the receiver's text field to the given string.
setText(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0
Sets the contents of the receiver's text field to the given string.
setText(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzFilter
Sets a new text for the filter.
setText(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.IComponent
Sets the plain text property without tags processing.
setText(String) - Method in class com.iizix.mail.Mail
Sets a simple text encoded as UTF-8.
setText(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
Sets the plain text property without tags processing.
setText(String) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.IzMenuItem
Sets the receiver's text.
setText(String) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.IzSubMenu
Changes the text of the submenu.
setText(String) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_CCombo
Sets the contents of the receiver's text field to the given string.
setText(String, int) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzToolTip
Sets the text with options 0=normal text, 1=text with fixed font, 2=text in HTML.
setText(String, int, KStringInfoProviderAdapter) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzToolTip
Sets the text with options 0=normal text, 1=text with fixed font, 2=text in HTML.
setText(String, int, KStringInfoProviderAdapter) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzToolTipImpl
Sets the text, type is 0=normal text, 1=text with fixed font, 2=text in HTML.
setText(String, KString, String, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.mail.Mail
Sets a KString text with either HTML or plain text contents.
setText(String, Map<String, String>, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.mail.Mail
Sets the text from a HTML document with a set of parameters that will replace the contents of the HTML document text.
setTextAntiAlias(Graphics, boolean) - Static method in class com.iizigo.term.TermUtil
Sets or removes text anti-aliasing (only when using Java2D).
setTextColor(Graphics, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.HotSpot
Sets the color to use for the text (character) using g.setColor(nnn).
setTextColor(Graphics, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.Hyperlink
Sets the color to use for the text (character) using g.setColor(nnn).
setTextColor(Graphics, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.KeyHotSpot
Sets the color to use for the text (character) using g.setColor(nnn).
setTextDirty(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.editor.CustomSQLSourceViewer
Let the source view know that the text is dirty from action such as dropping a table in the Graph view.
setTextLimit(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo
Sets the maximum number of characters that the receiver's text field is capable of holding to be the argument.
setTextLimit(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0
Sets the maximum number of characters that the receiver's text field is capable of holding to be the argument.
setTextLimit(int) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_CCombo
Sets the maximum number of characters that the receiver's text field is capable of holding to be the argument.
setTextValue(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIText
Sets the plain text property without tags processing.
setTheme(ChartTheme) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.UIChart
Sets the chart theme.
setThemes(String[]) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.PanelSettingsPropCnr
Saves the themes.
setTicks(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISlider
Set the ticks value.
setTime(long) - Method in class
setTime(String, Time) - Method in class com.iizix.sql.NamedParameterStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Time value.
setTime(String, Time, Calendar) - Method in class com.iizix.sql.NamedParameterStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Time value, using the given Calendar object.
setTime(LocalTime) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.IUIDateTime
Sets the value as a local time with the locale information of the current user session (or system default) in case value conversion is required.
setTime(LocalTime, LocaleInfo) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.IUIDateTime
Sets the value as a local time.
setTimeout(long) - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.AbstractTXPNode
setTimeProvider(String, int) - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.mfa.MFAUser
Before validating a code, the time provider host and the timeout value in milliseconds can be set.
setTimestamp(String, Timestamp) - Method in class com.iizix.sql.NamedParameterStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value.
setTimestamp(String, Timestamp, Calendar) - Method in class com.iizix.sql.NamedParameterStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given java.sql.Timestamp value, using the given Calendar object.
setTimezone(int) - Method in class com.iizix.value.ImmutableXMLGregorianCalendar
settings - Variable in class
The settings in an unmodifiable map.
settings - Variable in class
The settings container.
Settings - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.device.settings.CommonSettings
Show system settings (Android) -- show Settings > General (iOS).
Settings - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.device.settings.Settings_Android
System settings.
Settings - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.device.settings.Settings_iOS
Settings > General, or latest settings view.
Settings() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.actionactor.EditorJavaActionActor.Settings
Creates the settings without name.
Settings() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.db.actionactor.EditorDatabaseActionActor.Settings
Creates the settings without name.
Settings() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorTerminalActionActor.Settings
Creates the settings without name.
Settings() - Constructor for class
Creates the settings without name.
Settings() - Constructor for class
Creates the settings without name.
Settings() - Constructor for class
Creates the settings without name.
Settings() - Constructor for class
Creates the settings without name.
Settings() - Constructor for class
Creates the settings without name.
Settings() - Constructor for class
Creates the settings without name.
Settings() - Constructor for class
Creates the settings without name.
Settings() - Constructor for class com.iizix.actionactor.JavaActionActorBase.Settings
Creates the settings without name.
Settings() - Constructor for class com.iizix.db.actionactor.DatabaseActionActor.Settings
Creates the settings without name.
Settings() - Constructor for class
Creates the settings without name.
Settings() - Constructor for class
Creates the settings without name.
Settings() - Constructor for class
Creates the settings without name.
Settings() - Constructor for class
Creates the settings without name.
Settings() - Constructor for class
Creates the settings without name.
Settings() - Constructor for class
Creates the settings without name.
Settings() - Constructor for class
Creates the settings without name.
Settings() - Constructor for class
Creates the settings without name.
Settings() - Constructor for class
Creates the settings without name.
Settings() - Constructor for class
Creates the settings without name.
Settings() - Constructor for class
Creates the settings without name.
Settings() - Constructor for class
Creates the settings without name.
Settings() - Constructor for class
Creates the settings without name.
Settings() - Constructor for class com.iizix.term.prop.TerminalActionActor.Settings
Creates the settings without name.
Settings() - Constructor for class
Creates the settings without name.
Settings(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.actionactor.EditorJavaActionActor.Settings
Creates the settings with specified name.
Settings(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.db.actionactor.EditorDatabaseActionActor.Settings
Creates the settings with specified name.
Settings(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorTerminalActionActor.Settings
Creates the settings with specified name.
Settings(Atom) - Constructor for class
Creates the settings with specified name.
Settings(Atom) - Constructor for class
Creates the settings with specified name.
Settings(Atom) - Constructor for class
Creates the settings with specified name.
Settings(Atom) - Constructor for class
Creates the settings with specified name.
Settings(Atom) - Constructor for class
Creates the settings with specified name.
Settings(Atom) - Constructor for class
Creates the settings with specified name.
Settings(Atom) - Constructor for class
Creates the settings with specified name.
Settings(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.actionactor.JavaActionActorBase.Settings
Creates the settings with specified name.
Settings(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.db.actionactor.DatabaseActionActor.Settings
Creates the settings with specified name.
Settings(Atom) - Constructor for class
Creates the settings with specified name.
Settings(Atom) - Constructor for class
Creates the settings with specified name.
Settings(Atom) - Constructor for class
Creates the settings with specified name.
Settings(Atom) - Constructor for class
Creates the settings with specified name.
Settings(Atom) - Constructor for class
Creates the settings with specified name.
Settings(Atom) - Constructor for class
Creates the settings with specified name.
Settings(Atom) - Constructor for class
Creates the settings with specified name.
Settings(Atom) - Constructor for class
Creates the settings with specified name.
Settings(Atom) - Constructor for class
Creates the settings with specified name.
Settings(Atom) - Constructor for class
Creates the settings with specified name.
Settings(Atom) - Constructor for class
Creates the settings with specified name.
Settings(Atom) - Constructor for class
Creates the settings with specified name.
Settings(Atom) - Constructor for class
Creates the settings with specified name.
Settings(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.term.prop.TerminalActionActor.Settings
Creates the settings with specified name.
Settings(Atom) - Constructor for class
Creates the settings with specified name.
SETTINGS - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.Atom
Settings_Android - Enum Class in com.iizix.device.settings
Native settings for Android that are potentially openable on the client device using the IOpenNativeSettings interface.
Settings_iOS - Enum Class in com.iizix.device.settings
Native settings for iOS that are potentially openable on the client device using the IOpenNativeSettings interface.
SettingsComposite - Class in com.iizigo.text
The settings composite for the text table.
SettingsComposite - Class in com.iizigo.translate
The settings composite for the translation engine.
SettingsComposite(Composite, int, int, int, ModuleModel, EditorTextTable, String, GProp<?>, IValidationMessage, IPropUndoRedo) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.text.SettingsComposite
Creates the text table settings composite.
SettingsComposite(Composite, int, int, int, Runnable) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.translate.SettingsComposite
Creates the settings composite.
SettingsPropCnr - Class in com.iizix.prop
Settings property container, a "raw" PropCnr.
SettingsPropCnr() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.SettingsPropCnr
Default constructor setting the hash name mapping.
SettingsPropCnr(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.SettingsPropCnr
Creates the property container with a name.
settingTimeout(long) - Method in interface com.iizix.txp.impl.ITXPNodeLogger
settingTimeout(long) - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.TXPNodeLogger
setTitle(KString) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
Get the title of the component (i.e.
setTitle(PlainKString) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
Get the title of the component (i.e.
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.wizards.VSComponentCreation
Sets the title.
setTitle(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
Get the title of the component (i.e.
setTitle(Image, String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditor
Sets the image and title for the property editor, default is "Properties".
setTooltip(KTooltip) - Method in interface com.iizix.IComponent
Sets (or removes) the tooltip for the component.
setTooltip(KTooltip) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
Sets (or removes) the tooltip for the component.
setTooltip(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.IComponent
Sets (or removes) the plain tooltip text for the component.
setTooltip(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
Sets (or removes) the plain tooltip text for the component.
setTooltipPreview(String) - Static method in class com.iizigo.comm.ExternalBrowserPagesImpl
Sets the current tooltip preview.
setTooltipText(PlainKString) - Method in class
Sets the marker tooltip text.
setToolTipText(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.BaseEditor
Sets the tooltip text.
setToolTipText(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.BadgePropEditor
Sets the tooltip text.
setToolTipText(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.KStringPropEditor
Sets the tooltip text.
setToolTipText(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.LocalizedStringPropEditor
Sets the tooltip text.
setToolTipText(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.PatternPropEditor
Sets the tooltip text.
setToolTipText(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.PKCS12IdentityPropEditor
Sets the tooltip text.
setToolTipText(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ReferencePropEditor
Sets the tooltip text.
setToolTipText(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.TooltipPropEditor
Sets the tooltip text.
setToolTipText(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.VSRelativeReferencePropEditor
Sets the tooltip text.
setToolTipText(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.VSTableColumnReferencePropEditor
Sets the tooltip text.
setToolTipText(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo
Sets the tooltip text.
setToolTipText(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0
setToolTipText(String) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.IzMenuItem
Sets the tooltip text for the menu item.
setToolTipText(String) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_CCombo
setTraceFileName(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.BinaryTrace
Sets the trace file name.
setTraceFileName(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.BinaryTrace
Sets the trace file name.
setTrailingText(KString) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLCheckBox
Sets the trailing text for the list item.
setTrailingText(KString) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLRadioButton
Sets the trailing text for the list item.
setTrailingText(KString) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSimple
Sets the trailing text for the list item.
setTrailingText(KString) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSwitch
Sets the trailing text for the list item.
setTrailingTextOppositeAligned(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSimple
Sets if the trailing text is aligned to the opposite side, i.e.
setTrailingTextWrap(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSimple
Sets the option for trailing text wrap.
setTrailingTextWrapEllipsis() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSimple
Sets the option for trailing text wrap to single line.
setTrailingTextWrapMultiple() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSimple
Sets the option for trailing text wrap to multiple line.
setTrailingTextWrapSingle() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSimple
Sets the option for trailing text wrap to single line.
setTransferDefaultPasteAllowed(boolean) - Static method in class com.iizigo.prop.DesignerProp
Sets the default paste operation allowed for transfer properties.
setTransition(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISwapContainer
Sets the animation transition direction to use from now on when a view is changed or swapped programmatically or through a focus change.
setTransition(Transition) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISwapContainer
Sets the animation transition type to use from now on when a view is changed or swapped programmatically or through a focus change.
setTreeSelection(GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.PanelEditor
Sets the tree selection to the property in question.
setTreeViewer(TreeViewer) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.CollapseAllAction
Assigns a tree viewer.
setTreeViewer(TreeViewer) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.ExpandAllAction
Assigns a tree viewer.
setTrim(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIText
Sets the trim option.
setType(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.text.TextTableContentProvider
Sets the type of content: TYPE_*.
setType(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.validator.ControlValidator
Sets the type.
setType(UIDateTimeType, UIDateTimeDataType, boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.IUIDateTime
Sets the date-time type, its datatype and the enforcement flag of the datatype.
setType(UIDateTimeType, UIDateTimeDataType, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.UIDateTime
Sets the date-time type, its datatype and the enforcement flag of the datatype.
setType(UIDateTimeType, UIDateTimeDataType, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLDateTime
Sets the date-time type, its datatype and the enforcement flag of the datatype.
setType(MUITabBar.Type) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.MUITabBar
Sets the tab bar type.
setType(String, int) - Method in class com.iizigo.validator.ControlValidator
Sets the description and flags.
setTypeAheadEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TerminalProps
Sets if type-ahead is enabled for this session.
setUIContainerFocus(UIComp, boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIComp
Sets the focus to the UI container and all its parents.
setUIContainerFocus(UIComp, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIAccordion
Sets the focus to the UI container and all its parents.
setUIContainerFocus(UIComp, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
Sets the focus to the UI container and all its parents.
setUIContainerFocus(UIComp, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIContainer
Sets the focus to the UI container and all its parents.
setUIContainerFocus(UIComp, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISwapContainer
Sets the focus to the UI container and all its parents.
setUIContainerFocus(UIComp, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UITabContainer
Sets the focus to the UI container and all its parents.
setUIThemes(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ClientProps
Sets the UI themes for desktop and mobile.
setUndefined(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.DefinedButton
Sets the state of the button: undefined with potential severity.
setUnderlined(int, boolean) - Method in class
Applies underline.
setUndo(IProxyEditController) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ProxyPropCnr
Sets the undo edit controller into for incoming transactions.
setUndoContext(IUndoContext) - Method in class com.iizigo.handler.SelectionEnabler
Sets the undo context.
setUnhidable(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITableColumn
Sets the column unhidable state, used when the table option for column hiding is enabled.
setUnit(GUnit) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.UnitProp
Sets new unit for this property.
setup - Static variable in class com.iizigo.db.PluginActivator
The resource setup.
setup - Static variable in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EAbsoluteLayout0
setup - Static variable in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EBorderLayout0
setup - Static variable in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EContextMenuData
The setup array.
setup - Static variable in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EFlexLayout0
setup - Static variable in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EGridLayout0
setup - Static variable in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EListLayout0
setup - Variable in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditorInfo
The property editor object.
setup - Static variable in class com.iizigo.push.prop.EditorPushProps0
setup - Static variable in class com.iizigo.pwa.prop.EditorPWAProps0
setup - Static variable in class
The resource setup.
setup() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.BaseReferencePropEditor
Override to provide user settings.
setup() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ImageReferencePropEditor
Override to provide user settings: valid options are BGIMAGE, SINGLE, SVG and ONLYSVG set to true or false.
setup() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ReferencePropEditor
Override to provide user settings.
setup() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.VSActionActorParticipantEditor
Override to provide user settings.
setup() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.VSParticipantEditor
Override to provide user settings.
setup() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.VSReferencePropEditor
Override to provide user settings.
setup() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.VSRelativeReferencePropEditor
Override to provide user settings.
setup() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.VSTableColumnReferencePropEditor
Override to provide user settings.
setup(int, Class<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.MultiProp
Sets up the property.
setup(long, long, long) - Method in class com.iizix.comm.session.SessionMgr
Assigns the timeouts and heartbeat interval.
setup(ModuleModel, IRuntimeBuilder) - Method in class
Sets up the property.
Setup() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.actionactor.EditorJavaActionActor.Setup
Default constructor used by framework to getEditProperties.
Setup() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.db.actionactor.EditorDatabaseActionActor.Setup
Default constructor used by framework to getEditProperties.
Setup() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.server.monitor.EditorClientSessionProp.Setup
Setup() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.server.monitor.EditorEndPointPropCnr.Setup
Setup() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.server.monitor.EditorEndPointsPropCnr.Setup
Setup() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.server.monitor.EditorSessionConnectionStatProp.Setup
Setup() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorTerminalActionActor.Setup
Default constructor used by framework to getEditProperties.
Setup() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.term.server.EditorActiveTerminalSession.Setup
Public default constructor.
Setup() - Constructor for class
Default constructor used by framework to getEditProperties.
Setup() - Constructor for class
Default constructor used by framework to getEditProperties.
Setup() - Constructor for class
Default constructor used by framework to getEditProperties.
Setup() - Constructor for class
Default constructor used by framework to getEditProperties.
Setup() - Constructor for class
Default constructor used by framework to getEditProperties.
Setup() - Constructor for class
Default constructor used by framework to getEditProperties.
Setup() - Constructor for class
Default constructor used by framework to getEditProperties.
setupAppDist - Static variable in class com.iizigo.Activator
setupCapture - Static variable in class com.iizigo.term.PluginActivator
The resource setup: capture.
setUpdateRectangle(boolean) - Static method in class com.iizigo.term.PluginPreference
Sets update of screen rectangle contents.
setupFont - Static variable in class com.iizigo.Activator
setupImage - Static variable in class com.iizigo.Activator
setupModuleApp - Static variable in class com.iizigo.Activator
setupMonitor - Static variable in class com.iizigo.term.PluginActivator
The resource setup: server monitor.
setupPanel - Static variable in class com.iizigo.Activator
The resource setup.
setupPush - Static variable in class com.iizigo.Activator
setupPWA - Static variable in class com.iizigo.Activator
setupRecording - Static variable in class com.iizigo.term.PluginActivator
The resource setup: recording.
setupResource - Static variable in class com.iizigo.Activator
setupRuntimeBuilder - Static variable in class com.iizigo.Activator
setupScreen - Static variable in class com.iizigo.term.PluginActivator
The resource setup: screen.
setupSelector - Static variable in class com.iizigo.Activator
setupServerConfig - Static variable in class com.iizigo.Activator
setupServerMonitor - Static variable in class com.iizigo.Activator
setupSocket() - Method in class com.iizix.nio.SocketCommNIO
Sets up the socket.
setupStyle - Static variable in class com.iizigo.Activator
setupTextTable - Static variable in class com.iizigo.Activator
setupTraceFileNames(String, String) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.BinaryTrace
Sets up the two file names used when rotating trace files.
setupVS - Static variable in class com.iizigo.Activator
SetupWizard - Class in com.iizigo.setup
Wizard used when a UI component is about to be added.
setURI(String) - Method in class
Sets the URI for the request that will be used for the URL connection.
setURL(String, URL) - Method in class com.iizix.sql.NamedParameterStatement
Sets the designated parameter to the given value.
setUseAliases(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ModuleProjectSettings
Sets if Aliases are used for Reference or Project names.
setUseCalendar(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.IUIDateTime
Sets whether a calendar should be used for date input (mobile only).
setUseCalendar(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.UIDateTime
Sets whether a calendar should be used for date input (mobile only).
setUseCalendar(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLDateTime
Sets whether a calendar should be used for date input (mobile only).
setUseCalendarButton(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.IUIDateTime
Sets whether a calendar button should be shown for date input (mobile only).
setUseCalendarButton(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.UIDateTime
Sets whether a calendar button should be shown for date input (mobile only).
setUseCalendarButton(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLDateTime
Sets whether a calendar button should be shown for date input (mobile only).
setUseGroupButtons(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropCnrEditorProperties
Sets the flag for group buttons.
setUseMilliseconds(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.IUIDateTime
Sets whether the time value should use milliseconds in time formats using seconds.
setUseMilliseconds(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.UIDateTime
Sets whether the time value should use milliseconds in time formats using seconds.
setUseMilliseconds(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLDateTime
Sets whether the time value should use milliseconds in time formats using seconds.
setUsePrivateDirectory(boolean) - Static method in class com.iizix.jdbc.JDBCHelper
Sets the JDBC drivers directory to be the user's private directory "~/.iizi/jdbc-drivers".
setUser3270BoxDrawingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TerminalProps
Sets if 3270 box drawing is enabled.
setUserDetail(Connection, String, String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.db.BasicUserInfo
Sets a detail and stores it in the database.
setUserInteractionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISwapContainer
Gets the automatic transition time in milliseconds.
setUserLoginEnabled(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the user login enabled flag.
setUserLoginEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShell
Sets the user login enabled flag.
setUserPCInsertModeEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TerminalProps
Sets if PC Insert mode is enabled.
setUserProfileImageURNProvider(IUserProfileImageURNProvider) - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileImageURN
Assigns the User Profile Image URN provider.
setUserProfileStringURNProvider(IUserProfileStringURNProvider) - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURN
Assigns the User Profile String URN provider.
setUserSmartInsertMode(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TerminalProps
Sets the smart-insert mode (spaces are treated like null's at the end of the field).
setUserValidated(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.KStringProp
Sets the KStringProp as validated or not.
setUseSystem(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzToolTip
Sets using the System tooltip for normal non-fixed font, default is true.
setUseZone(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.IUIDateTime
Sets whether the zone should be used for a ZonedTimeDate type.
setUseZone(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.UIDateTime
Sets whether the zone should be used for a ZonedTimeDate type.
setUseZone(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLDateTime
Sets whether the zone should be used for a ZonedTimeDate type.
setValidate(IWizardPage, IWizardValidator) - Static method in class com.iizigo.swt.ValidateWizardDialog
Sets the validator from a control of a dialog page.
setValidateOrigin(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.WebSocketCommProps
Sets if the Origin HTTP header field should be validated or not.
setValidateOrigin(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.WebSocketServerCommProps
Sets if the Origin HTTP header field should be validated or not.
setValidator(IWizardPage, IWizardValidator) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.ValidateWizardDialog
Sets the validate state.
setValidatorCallback(ValidatorCallback) - Method in class com.iizigo.validator.ControlValidator
Sets the callback validator.
setValidModules(ModuleModel[]) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.SelectPropViewerFilter
Sets the valid projects for the workspace root.
setValue(double) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSlider
Sets the value for the list item.
setValue(double) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.value.IUIDoubleRangeValueComponent
Sets the value of the component as a double.
setValue(double) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.value.IUIDoubleValueComponent
Sets the value of the component as a double.
setValue(LocaleInfo, Object, boolean, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
Sets a value in generic type with possible translation and optional trigger property.
setValue(GDateTime) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.IUIDateTime
Sets the date-time value with the locale information of the current user session (or system default) in case value conversion is required.
setValue(GDateTime) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.UIDateTime
Sets the date-time value with the locale information of the current user session (or system default) in case value conversion is required.
setValue(GDateTime) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.value.IUIDateTimeComponent
Sets the value of the component as a date/time value.
setValue(GDateTime) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.value.IUIDateValueComponent
Sets the date value of the component as a date/time value.
setValue(GDateTime) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.value.IUITimeValueComponent
Sets the time value of the component as a date/time value.
setValue(GDateTime, LocaleInfo) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.IUIDateTime
Sets the date-time value.
setValue(GDateTime, LocaleInfo) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.UIDateTime
Sets the date-time value.
setValue(GDateTime, LocaleInfo) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLDateTime
Sets the date-time value.
setValue(GSeriesValue) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.SeriesValue
Sets the series value.
setValue(Object, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
Sets a value in generic type with possible translation and no trigger property.
setValue(Object, boolean, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
Sets a value in generic type with possible translation and optional trigger property.
setValue(Object, Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.text.TEditingSupport
Sets the value after editing.
setValue(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSField
Sets the value as a string with error message processing.
setValue(String, DeviceParameter.State) - Method in class com.iizix.device.DeviceParameter
Assigns the value and the state.
setValue(String, GProp<?>[], Object[], IPropUndoRedo) - Static method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropHelper
Sets property values.
setValue(String, GProp<?>, Object, IPropUndoRedo) - Static method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropHelper
Sets a single property value.
setValue(String, PropCnr, GProp<?>, IPropUndoRedo) - Static method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropHelper
Sets a single property value in a property container.
setValue(Time) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.value.IUITimeValueComponent
Sets the time.
setValue(Timestamp) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.value.IUITimeValueComponent
Sets the time.
setValue(LocalDate) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.value.IUIDateValueComponent
Sets the date.
setValue(LocalTime) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.value.IUITimeValueComponent
Sets the time.
setValue(Date) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.value.IUIDateValueComponent
Sets the date.
setValue(Date) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.value.IUITimeValueComponent
Sets the time.
setValueAndRange(double, double, double) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIProgress
Sets the value and range at once.
setValueAndRange(double, double, double) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.value.IUIDoubleRangeValueComponent
Sets the value and range at once.
setValueMarkers(Vector) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.editor.CustomParameterWizard
Assigns the value markers.
setValuesFrom(ValueExpressionColumn, String, boolean, int) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorResultSetColumnProp
Updates the values "column name", "column index" and "SQL data type" with the SQLBuilder column info.
setValueStep(double) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSlider
Sets the value step for the list item.
setValueToNull() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.IUIDateTime
Sets the value to null.
setValueToNull() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.UIDateTime
Sets the value to null.
setValueToNull() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLDateTime
Sets the value to null.
setValueToNull() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.value.IUINullableValueComponent
Sets the value to null.
setValueType(Value.Type) - Method in interface com.iizigo.vs.INewVSComponentWizardInfo
Sets the value type where this applies (for VS Field and VS Column Header).
setValueType(Value.Type) - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.NewVSComponentWizard
Sets the value type where this applies (for VS Field and VS Column Header).
setValueType(Value.Type) - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVSColumnHeader
Sets the value type of the column.
setValueType(Value.Type) - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.wizards.VSComponentCreation
Sets the value type where this applies (for VS Field and VS Column Header).
setValueType(Value.Type) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ValueTypeProp
Sets the Value Type property value.
setVariableName(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.AbstractVSVariable
Sets the name of the variable.
setVerbose(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.comm.client.ClientInstance
Sets the verbose flag, also used for new clients.
setVerbose(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.jetty.JettyClientWebSocketInstance
Sets the verbose flag, also used for new clients.
setVerbose(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ServerSocketCommProps
Sets verbose mode.
setVerbose(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SocketCommProps
Sets verbose mode.
setVerbose(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.test.client.ClientManager
Sets the verbose flag, also used for new clients.
setVerbose(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.test.client.NonUIClient
Sets the verbose flag, also used for new clients.
setVerbose(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.Worker
Sets the verbose flag, also used for new clients.
setVersion(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.WebSocketCommProps
Sets the protocol version, either 0 (zero) meaning old key1+key2 (make sure to set the property setOldProtocolUTF8TextOnly(true) if text frames are only supported with old format 0x00 data 0xFF), or version 6 or better.
setVerticalExpand(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UITextArea
Sets the vertical expand option.
setViewerEditedProperties(TreeViewer) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditor
Sets the edited properties from a viewer.
setViewport(GSize) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIImage2
Sets the viewport size.
setVirtualizeSupportFocus() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponent
Sets the focus to this VS component (if possible), regardless if the VS component is virtualized or not.
setVirtualizeSupportFocus(IGProp<?>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponent
Sets the focus to this VS component (if possible), regardless if the VS component is virtualized or not.
setVirtualizeSupportFocus(IVSComponent) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IAppSessionGyro
Sets the focus to the specified VS component, regardless if the VS component is virtualized or not.
setVirtualizeSupportFocus(IVSComponent) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyro
Sets the focus to the specified VS component, regardless if the VS component is virtualized or not.
setVirtualizeSupportFocus(IVSComponent, IGProp<?>) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IAppSessionGyro
Sets the focus to the specified VS component, regardless if the VS component is virtualized or not.
setVirtualizeSupportFocus(IVSComponent, IGProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyro
Sets the focus to the specified VS component, regardless if the VS component is virtualized or not.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class
Focuses the properties editor and performs a layout.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.editor.CustomParameterMarkerPage
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.editor.NewDBTransactionWizardPage2
The DialogPage implementation of this IDialogPage method sets the control to the given visibility state.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class
Set focus to name at show.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleAppPropertyPage
Focuses the properties editor and performs a layout.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.project.NewModuleProjectWizardStartupPage1
The DialogPage implementation of this IDialogPage method sets the control to the given visibility state.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.project.NewModuleProjectWizardStartupPage2
The DialogPage implementation of this IDialogPage method sets the control to the given visibility state.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.project.NewWizardPage
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.push.PushPropertyPage
Focuses the properties editor and performs a layout.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.pwa.PWAPropertyPage
Focuses the properties editor and performs a layout.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class
Focuses the properties editor and performs a layout.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo
Sets the component visibility state.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzTableCursor
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.capture.NewCaptureWizardPage
Set focus to name at show.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.project.NewProjectWizardPage
Set focus to name at show.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.recording.NewRecordingWizardPage
Set focus to name at show.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.session.NewSessionWizardEEPage
Set focus at show.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.session.NewSessionWizardHostPage
Set focus at show.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.session.NewSessionWizardNameTypePage
Set focus to name at show.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.session.NewSessionWizardSSLPage
Set focus to name at show.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.validator.ValidationWizardPage
Set focus to name at show.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.NewVSColumnWizardPage
Set focus to name at show.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.NewVSFieldWizardPage
Set focus to name at show.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.NewVSTableWizardPage
Set focus to name at show.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.webserver.WSPreferencePage
setVisible(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.IComponent
Sets the visibility state of the component.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the visibility state.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItem
Gets the visibility state.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
Sets the visibility state of the component.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponent
Sets the visibility state.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.IzMenu
Marks the receiver as visible if the argument is true, and marks it invisible otherwise.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.IzSubMenu
Set the visibility state for the submenu with all its items.
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_CCombo
setVisible(boolean, IGProp<?>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponent
Sets the visibility state.
setVisible(boolean, IVSComponent) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
Sets the visibility state of the component.
setVisibleItemCount(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo
Sets the number of items that are visible in the drop down portion of the receiver's list.
setVisibleItemCount(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0
Sets the number of items that are visible in the drop down portion of the receiver's list.
setVisibleItemCount(int) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.widget.IZ_CCombo
Sets the number of items that are visible in the drop down portion of the receiver's list.
setVisualLength(GUnit) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIText
Sets the visual length (unit) of the entry field.
setVolume(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIMedia
Sets the players volume.
setVolume(int, IUIMediaListener) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIMedia
Sets the players volume.
setVSAction(VSAction) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.AbstractUIAction
Sets the VSAction to invoke when action is clicked.
setVSAction(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.AbstractUIAction
Sets the VSAction reference to invoke when action is clicked.
setVSActionMessageToComponent(VSAction, boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIAction
Sets the VirtualSpace Action's message to this component.
setVSActionToComponent(VSAction) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIAction
Method called when a VirtualSpace action is resolved or when reconnection is done.
setVSActionToComponent(VSAction) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItemProp
Method called when a VirtualSpace action is resolved or when reconnection is done.
setVSFieldMessageToComponent(VSField, boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIComp
Sets the VirtualSpace Field's message to this component.
setVSFieldMessageToComponent(VSField, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
Sets the VirtualSpace Field's message to this component.
setVSFieldToComponent(VSField) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIComp
Method called when a VirtualSpace Field is resolved or when reconnection is done.
setVSFieldToComponent(VSField) - Method in class
Method called when a VirtualSpace Field is resolved or when reconnection is done.
setVSFieldToComponent(VSField) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
Method called when a VirtualSpace Field is resolved or when reconnection is done.
setVSFocus(IAppSessionGyro) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIAction
Called to focus the VS component if defined.
setVSFocusComponent(VSComponent) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.AbstractUIAction
Sets the VS focus reference when action is clicked.
setVSFocusComponent(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.AbstractUIAction
Sets the VS focus reference when action is clicked.
setVSParent(PropCnr) - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.wizards.VSComponentCreation
Sets the parent.
setVSRelativeReference(String) - Method in class
Sets the reference.
setVSRelativeReference(String) - Method in class
Sets the reference.
setVSRelativeReference(String) - Method in class
Sets the reference.
setWaitMessage(KString) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.ILockUI
Returns the wait message to display alongside the UI lock or progress indicator in the UI (e.g.
setWaitMessage(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.ILockUI
Returns the wait message to display alongside the UI lock or progress indicator in the UI (e.g.
setWarningMessage(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.validator.ControlValidator
Sets a warning message.
setWebServiceConfigurator(IWebServiceEngine) - Static method in enum class com.iizix.RunMode
Sets the instance of the URL / HTTP(S) configuration for the web service engine.
setWebSocket(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SocketCommProps
Sets if WebSocket protocol is used.
setWebSocket(IWebSocketComm, Object) - Method in class com.iizix.comm.TransactionComm
Assigns the web socket interface and retrieves the listener for use with external web servers.
setWeights(int...) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.CustomSashForm
setWeigths(SashForm, IMemento, String, int, int) - Static method in class com.iizigo.jface.JFaceHelper
Helper to read sash 2 weights from a memento, and if not found, to set the defaults.
setWidget(Shell, TableItem, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.ColorSelectionWidget
Assigns a widget to set the color into.
setWidget(Shell, Widget, int, int, int) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.ColorSelectionWidget
Assigns a widget to set the color into.
setWidget(Shell, Widget, Runnable) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.ColorSelectionWidget
Assigns a widget to set the color into with a callback to set the new color when changed.
setWidth(GUnit) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.ILayoutUnitWidth
Set the width of the component.
setWindow(double, double, double, double, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.UIChart
Zooms in or out any plots in two dimensions.
setWishSize(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.LineWidget
Sets the wish-size in X or Y depending on orientation.
setWizardPrompting(PanelEditor) - Method in interface com.iizigo.panel.wizards.IAddUICompProvider
Sets the component to enable wizard prompting.
setWorked(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropProgressMonitorAdapter
Set worked value.
setWorked(int) - Method in interface com.iizix.IPropProgressMonitor
Set worked value.
setWorked(int) - Method in class com.iizix.PropProgressMonitor
Set worked value.
setWorker(Worker) - Method in class com.iizix.SessionInfo
Sets the worker for the session.
setWorker(Worker) - Method in class com.iizix.SingleRetriggerableTask
Sets the Worker for the task.
setWorkRemaining(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropProgressMonitorAdapter
Set worked remaining.
setWorkRemaining(int) - Method in interface com.iizix.IPropProgressMonitor
Set worked remaining.
setWorkRemaining(int) - Method in class com.iizix.PropProgressMonitor
Set worked remaining.
setWriteCacheParams(int, int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.comm.client.ClientInstance
Sets the parameters for the write cache: minLength, maxLength, cacheCount.
setWriteCacheParams(int, int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.jetty.JettyClientWebSocketInstance
Sets the parameters for the write cache: minLength, maxLength, cacheCount.
setWriteCacheParams(int, int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.test.client.ClientManager
Sets the parameters for the write cache: minLength, maxLength, cacheCount.
setWriteCacheParams(int, int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.test.client.NonUIClient
Sets the parameters for the write cache: minLength, maxLength, cacheCount.
setWriteEncoding(String) - Method in class
Sets the String write encoding.
setWriteTimeout(long) - Method in class com.iizix.nio.SocketCommNIO
Sets the read time-out value for the connection.
setWSFileProviderEngine(WSFileProviderEngine) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShell
Assigns the web server file provider engine.
setXMLSchemas(Map<String, String>, Validator) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.XMLSchemaValidatorProp
Assigns the map of the schema sources along with an existing validator.
setYear(int) - Method in class com.iizix.value.ImmutableXMLGregorianCalendar
setYear(BigInteger) - Method in class com.iizix.value.ImmutableXMLGregorianCalendar
setYearRange(int, int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.IUIDateTime
Sets the minimum and maximum year for the mobile spinner.
setYearRange(int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.UIDateTime
Sets the minimum and maximum year for the mobile spinner.
setYearRange(int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLDateTime
Sets the minimum and maximum year for the mobile spinner.
setYuiCssLineBreak(int) - Method in class
Tells Yahoo YUI Compressor to break lines after the specified number of symbols during CSS compression.
setYuiJsDisableOptimizations(boolean) - Method in class
Tells Yahoo YUI Compressor to disable all the built-in micro optimizations during JavaScript compression.
setYuiJsLineBreak(int) - Method in class
Tells Yahoo YUI Compressor to break lines after the specified number of symbols during JavaScript compression.
setYuiJsNoMunge(boolean) - Method in class
Tells Yahoo YUI Compressor to only minify javascript without obfuscating local symbols.
setYuiJsPreserveAllSemiColons(boolean) - Method in class
Tells Yahoo YUI Compressor to preserve unnecessary semicolons during JavaScript compression.
setZoneId(ZoneId) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.IUIDateTime
Sets the zone value.
setZoneId(ZoneId) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.UIDateTime
Sets the zone value.
setZoom(double) - Method in class com.iizigo.image.ImagesControl
Sets the zoom level (1-10).
setZoom(double) - Method in interface com.iizigo.image.IZoomCapable
Sets the zoom level factor (larger than zero).
setZoom(double) - Method in class com.iizigo.image.SingleImageControl
Sets the zoom level (1-10).
setZoom(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.PanelSettingsPropCnr
Sets the zoom factor.
setZoomFactor(double) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIImage2
Sets the image zoom factor.
severe(String) - Method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a severe log event.
severe(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Logs a severe event.
severe(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Logs a severe event.
severe(String, Object) - Method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a severe log event.
severe(String, Object...) - Method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a severe log event.
severe(String, Object...) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Logs a severe event.
severe(String, Object...) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Logs a severe event.
severe(String, Throwable) - Method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a severe log event.
severe(String, Throwable) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Logs a severe event.
severe(String, Throwable) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Logs a severe event.
SEVERE - Static variable in class com.iizix.ILog
The SEVERE (=1) log event.
SEVERE(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a severe log event.
SEVERE(Class<?>, String, Object) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a severe log event.
SEVERE(Class<?>, String, Object...) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a severe log event.
SEVERE(Class<?>, String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a severe log event.
SEVERE(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a severe log event.
SEVERE(String, Object) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a severe log event.
SEVERE(String, Object...) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a severe log event.
SEVERE(String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a severe log event.
severity - Variable in class com.iizigo.prop.PropMarker
Marker severity: IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR=2, IMarker.SEVERITY_WARNING=1 or IMarker.SEVERITY_INFO=0.
severity - Variable in class com.iizix.prop.PropVerificationError
The severity of the error.
SHA_256_LENGTH - Static variable in class com.iizix.push.vapid.HttpEce
SHA1 - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.server.user.mfa.MFAUser.Hashing
A little weak, it is recommended to use a higher one.
SHA256 - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.server.user.mfa.MFAUser.Hashing
Recommended algorithm.
SHA512 - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.server.user.mfa.MFAUser.Hashing
Strong algorithm.
SHADOW - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotStroke
Stroke to use to draw any shadows for a series on a plot.
SHADOW - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.SeriesStroke
Stroke to use to draw any shadows for a series on a series.
shape(SymbolShapeHint) - Method in class com.iizix.barcode.BarcodeBuilder
Specifies the matrix shape for Data Matrix.
share - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
share_alt - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
share_alt_square - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
share_square - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
share_square_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
shekel - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
shell - Variable in class com.iizigo.prop.BaseEditor
Shell for message boxes, etc.
shell - Variable in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.RawTextEditorDialog
sheqel - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
shield - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
ship - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
shirtsinbulk - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
Shona - Enum constant in enum class
shopping_bag - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
shopping_basket - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
shopping_cart - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
Short - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.Value.Type
The Data Type: Short.
SHORT - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.ProgressIndicatorDelay
Short delay (about 300-500 milliseconds, but configurable for sessions, ordinal value = 2): 400 milliseconds.
SHORT_DASH - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.GStroke.Style
SHORT_DASH_DOT - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.GStroke.Style
SHORT_DASH_DOT_DOT - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.GStroke.Style
SHORT_DOT - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.GStroke.Style
shortDouble(double) - Static method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.TransformValidator
Short double formatting to string.
ShortValue - Class in com.iizix.value
Value object class to handle the Short datatype.
ShortValue() - Constructor for class com.iizix.value.ShortValue
shouldCreateEditorProps(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.EditorPropCnr
Check if this is an EditorPropCnr that should be loaded or not.
shouldCreateProps(Element) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.MementoPropCnr
Only the Editor will load children elements.
shouldCreateProps(Element) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.DesignerPropCnr
Checks if the property should be created.
shouldCreateProps(Element) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.EditorPropCnr
Only the Editor will load children elements.
shouldCreateProps(Element) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Checks if a child Element should be created as properties or if it should be skipped.
shouldCreateProps(Element) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIAbstractListChoice
Checks if a child Element should be created as properties or if it should be skipped.
shouldCreateProps(Element) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIPanelBase
Checks if a child Element should be created as properties or if it should be skipped.
shouldCreateProps(Element) - Method in class
Checks if a child Element should be created as properties or if it should be skipped.
shouldDisplay(IStatus, int) - Static method in class com.iizigo.ExceptionDetailsErrorDialog
Returns whether the given status object should be displayed.
shouldExpand(DesignerProp) - Method in interface com.iizigo.swt.IExpandFilter
Checks if the item should be expanded or not.
shouldExpand(Object) - Method in interface com.iizigo.swt.IExpandFilterObject
Checks if the item should be expanded or not.
shouldIgnore(int, String) - Static method in class com.iizix.LogStreamRedirector
Checks if a log message should be ignored or not, typically SEVERE level messages for different ANTLR versions used at runtime or parser, thus omitting "worrying" SEVERE ANTLR version mismatch when "not dangerous".
shouldIgnoreFocusFromUI() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponent
Checks if this component should ignore focus requests from the UI.
shouldIgnoreFocusFromUI() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSColumnHeader
Checks if this component should ignore focus requests from the UI.
shouldInstantiateAtResolve(ClassReference) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IClassInstantiationAtResolve
Checks if a particular class reference should be instantiated upon resolve.
shouldLog(int) - Method in interface com.iizix.comm.client.IClientInstanceListener
Called to check if the listener wishes to have an event logged.
shouldProxy(GProp<?>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IProxyImplementor
Checks if the property should be proxied or not.
shouldResolve() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.RichTextEditorDialog
Flag indicating the "real" resolved string should be returned.
shouldResolve() - Method in class com.iizigo.text.KStringInfoProviderAdapter
Flag indicating the "real" resolved string should be returned.
shouldResolve() - Method in class com.iizigo.text.TextTableEditor
Flag indicating the "real" resolved string should be returned.
shouldResolve() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TableCell
Flag indicating the "real" resolved string should be returned.
shouldResolve() - Method in class
Flag indicating the "real" resolved string should be returned.
shouldResolve() - Method in interface com.iizix.text.IKStringInfoProvider
Flag indicating the "real" resolved string should be returned.
shouldResolve() - Method in interface com.iizix.text.IKStringValuePropHolder
Flag indicating the "real" resolved string should be returned.
shouldResolve() - Method in class com.iizix.text.ValidationKStringInfoProviderHolder
Flag indicating the "real" resolved string should be returned.
shouldSerializeToXML(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.EnvProps
The EnvProps are never written to XML.
shouldSerializeToXML(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Method used to check for serialization to XML.
shouldSerializeToXML(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.MessageBox
Method used to check for serialization to XML.
shouldSerializeToXML(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TableCell
Method used to check for serialization to XML.
shouldSerializeToXML(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TableRow
Method used to check for serialization to XML.
shouldSerializeToXML(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TableRows
Method used to check for serialization to XML.
shouldSerializeToXML(int) - Method in class
Method used to check for serialization to XML.
shouldSerializeToXML(int) - Method in class
Method used to check for serialization to XML.
shouldSerializeToXML(int) - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerProps
The ServerProps are never written to XML.
shouldSerializeToXML(int) - Method in class
Method used to check for serialization to XML.
shouldSerializeToXML(int, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Method used to check for child property serialization to XML.
shouldSerializeToXML(int, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIImage2
Method used to check for child property serialization to XML.
shouldShowDetailsButton() - Method in class com.iizigo.ExceptionDetailsErrorDialog
Return whether the Details button should be included.
shouldVerify(VSRelativeReference<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UILabel
Checks if a particular VS reference should be verified or not.
shouldVerify(VSRelativeReference<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIOutput
Checks if a particular VS reference should be verified or not.
shouldVerify(VSRelativeReference<?>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSRelativeReferenceFocusScope
Checks if a particular VS reference should be verified or not.
show() - Method in class com.iizix.gyro.StatusBarConfig
Shows the status bar.
show() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.MessageBox
Called to display the message box on the client.
show(IDesignerLicenseSystem) - Static method in class com.iizigo.setup.SetupWizard
Shows the wizard the first time if required.
show(IWorkbenchPage) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.FilePropSaveable
Attempts to show this saveable in the given page and returns true on success.
showActiveScreenArea - Variable in class com.iizigo.term.PluginPreference
If active screen area is shown.
showAppSettings() - Method in interface com.iizix.geo.ILocationService
Shows the app settings to allow change of app location permissions by the user on Android 6 or better, iOS 8.0 or better when the background location settings plugin is present.
showCertificateMessage(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.ssl.CertificateUI
Show a message box for a client certificate.
showCertificateMessage(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.comm.ICertificateUI
Show a message box for a client certificate.
showDelay - Variable in class com.iizix.prop.ui.KTooltip
The show delay in milliseconds, 400 as default, values 0-9999 are allowed.
showDetailsArea() - Method in class com.iizigo.ExceptionDetailsErrorDialog
Show the details portion of the dialog if it is not already visible.
showDialogBox(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.KStringPropEditor
Shows the raw text dialog box.
showDialogBox(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.PatternPropEditor
Shows the raw text dialog box.
showDropDown() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.ColorSelectionWidget
Shows the drop-down with color selection.
showEditor(IWorkbenchPage) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.FilePropSaveable
Attempts to show this saveable in the given page and returns the editor started or shown.
shower - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
showHiddenText - Variable in class com.iizigo.term.PluginPreference
If hidden text is shown.
showHiddenTextEE - Variable in class com.iizigo.term.PluginPreference
If hidden text is shown in Capture/Recording Editor.
showHostFields - Variable in class com.iizigo.term.PluginPreference
If host fields are shown.
showHostFieldsEE - Variable in class com.iizigo.term.PluginPreference
If host fields are shown in Capture/Recording Editor.
showInJavaEditor(Shell) - Method in class
Goes to the type definition.
showJava(boolean, AnnotationType, Shell) - Method in interface
Shows the Java code associated with this component.
showJava(boolean, AnnotationType, Shell, IGProp<?>[]) - Method in interface
Shows the Java code associated with this component.
showMenu() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.BaseEditor
Shows the menu.
showMenu() - Method in class com.iizix.swt.DropdownSelectionListener
Shows the drop-down menu.
showMessageInClient(int, String, String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.client.ClientTransactionProcessor
Sends an error message to be displayed on the client immediately.
showMessageInClient(int, String, String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.vsviewer.VSViewerTransactionProcessor
Sends an error message to be displayed on the client immediately.
showPanelPart(Composite) - Method in class com.iizigo.server.monitor.EditorClientSessionProp
Requests to show the panel part.
showPanelPart(Composite) - Method in class com.iizigo.server.monitor.EditorInfoPropCnr
Requests to show the panel part.
showPanelPart(Composite) - Method in interface com.iizigo.server.monitor.IVirtualizedMonitorPanelProvider
Requests to show the panel part.
showPanelPart(Composite) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.server.EditorActiveTerminalSession
Requests to show the panel part.
showPopupMenu(IzMenu) - Static method in class com.iizix.swt.SWTHelper
Displays a drop-down menu at screen location where mouse is located.
showPopupMenu(IzMenu, int, int) - Static method in class com.iizix.swt.SWTHelper
Displays a drop-down menu at screen location.
showPopupMenu(IzMenu, Control) - Static method in class com.iizix.swt.SWTHelper
Displays a drop-down menu below a control.
showPopupMenu(IzMenu, Control, int, int) - Static method in class com.iizix.swt.SWTHelper
Displays a drop-down menu below a control.
showPopupMenu(IzMenu, ToolItem) - Static method in class com.iizix.swt.SWTHelper
Displays a drop-down menu below a control.
showPopupMenu(Menu) - Static method in class com.iizix.swt.SWTHelper
Displays a drop-down menu at screen location where mouse is located.
showPopupMenu(Menu, int, int) - Static method in class com.iizix.swt.SWTHelper
Displays a drop-down menu at screen location.
showPopupMenu(Menu, Control) - Static method in class com.iizix.swt.SWTHelper
Displays a drop-down menu below a control.
showPopupMenu(Menu, Control, int, int) - Static method in class com.iizix.swt.SWTHelper
Displays a drop-down menu below a control.
showPopupMenu(Menu, ToolItem) - Static method in class com.iizix.swt.SWTHelper
Displays a drop-down menu below a control.
showPopupWindows - Variable in class com.iizigo.term.PluginPreference
If pop-up windows are shown.
showPopupWindowsEE - Variable in class com.iizigo.term.PluginPreference
If pop-up windows are shown in Capture/Recording Editor.
showRectangleTooltip - Variable in class com.iizigo.term.PluginPreference
If tool-tips are shown in all modes.
showRichText - Variable in class com.iizigo.text.CommonTextActions
The common actions.
showScreenFields - Variable in class com.iizigo.term.PluginPreference
If screen fields are shown or not.
showScreenIdentifications - Variable in class com.iizigo.term.PluginPreference
If screen identifications are shown or not.
showSessionsView() - Static method in class com.iizigo.term.session.SessionsView
Shows the SessionsView.
showStoreMessage(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.ssl.CertificateUI
Show a message box for a certificate store.
showStoreMessage(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.comm.ICertificateUI
Show a message box for a certificate store.
shrinkExtendInsert(boolean, ComplexOperation, PanelEditor.GridInfo, int, int) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EGridLayout.Grid
Extends or shrinks grid cells spans in insert mode.
shrinkExtendOverwrite(boolean, ComplexOperation, PanelEditor.GridInfo, int, int) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EGridLayout.Grid
Expands or collapses grid cells spans in overwrite mode.
shutdown() - Static method in class com.iizigo.panel.FontInfo
Shuts down the instance, saves current data in workspace properties.
shutdown() - Static method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocationService
Called when the server is shutting down and disposes all service providers.
shutdownRegionLocationServiceProviders() - Static method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShell
Shuts down the Region Location Service Providers.
sign_in - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
sign_language - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
sign_out - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
signal - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
signature - Variable in class
The signature of method as retrieved by JavaHelper class in Designer.
signature - Variable in class
The Simple Signature.
signature - Variable in enum class com.iizix.api.AnnotationType
Method signature as e.g.
signIn(String, String, String, BiFunction<SigninResult, String, Void>) - Method in interface com.iizix.license.IGenericLicenseSystem
Sign in user.
signing - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
SignInPermissions - Class in com.iizix.device
Sign in permissions class.
SigninResult - Enum Class in com.iizix.user
Enum for user sign in result.
signJar(File) - Method in interface com.iizix.license.IDesignerLicenseSystem
Signs the iiziApp Jar file.
signJar(File, KeyStore, File, String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in class
Signs the Jar file.
signOut() - Method in interface com.iizix.license.IGenericLicenseSystem
Signs out of the License System.
signUp(String, String, Map<String, String>, GenericCallback<Void, String>) - Method in interface com.iizix.license.IGenericLicenseSystem
Sign up user.
SILENT_PREFERENCE - Static variable in class com.iizigo.panel.wizards.AddUICompWizard
The Silent creation preference store name.
Simple - Class in com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series
The simple series value is a number.
Simple(double) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.Simple
Constructor for a simple number.
SIMPLE - Enum constant in enum class
SIMPLE - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.SeriesType
Simple array of numbers.
SIMPLE - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItemType
A simple list item has a text on leading/trailing sides and a description.
simplybuilt - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
Sindhi - Enum constant in enum class
SingleClient - Class in com.iizix.test.client
Test class to run a single client.
SingleClient() - Constructor for class com.iizix.test.client.SingleClient
SingleImageControl - Class in com.iizigo.image
The image control that can show the zoom level.
SingleImageControl(Composite, int, int, AssetReference, ILayoutListener) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.image.SingleImageControl
Creates the image control with a zoom level.
SingleImageControl(Composite, int, int, AssetReference, ILayoutListener, Rectangle) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.image.SingleImageControl
Creates the image control with a zoom level.
SingleImageControl(Composite, int, ImageInfo, Rectangle) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.image.SingleImageControl
Creates the image control from a file with zoom 1.
SingleImageControl(Composite, int, IFile, Rectangle) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.image.SingleImageControl
Creates the image control from a file with zoom 1.
SingleIndexSelection - Class in com.iizix.prop.ui.selection
The single index-based selection state used by e.g.
SingleIndexSelection(IUISingleIndexedSelectionComp, int) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.SingleIndexSelection
SingleRetriggerableTask - Class in com.iizix
As single-runner task that is run by a trigger and will run in the worker.
SingleRetriggerableTask() - Constructor for class com.iizix.SingleRetriggerableTask
The single-runner task constructor without Worker and Runnable.
SingleRetriggerableTask(Worker) - Constructor for class com.iizix.SingleRetriggerableTask
The single-runner task constructor without Runnable.
SingleRetriggerableTask(Worker, Runnable) - Constructor for class com.iizix.SingleRetriggerableTask
The single-runner task constructor.
SingleRetriggerableTask(Runnable) - Constructor for class com.iizix.SingleRetriggerableTask
The single-runner task constructor without Worker.
SingleSelectThemesDialog - Class in com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog
The Themes dialog to choose a single desktop and a single mobile theme.
SingleSelectThemesDialog(Shell, String, String, GThemes, GThemes) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.SingleSelectThemesDialog
Create the dialog.
Sinhala - Enum constant in enum class
SinkEvent - Class in com.iizix.event
Abstract class extending the base GEvent to set the event propagation to sinking, i.e.
SinkEvent(GProp<?>, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.iizix.event.SinkEvent
Constructs the generic sink event with specified originator without progress monitor.
SinkEvent(GProp<?>, int, IPropProgressMonitor) - Constructor for class com.iizix.event.SinkEvent
Constructs the generic event sink with specified originator that has a progress monitor and is not remote induced.
sitemap - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
siteToFileName(File, String) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.weblogos.WebLogos
Gets the file name to use in the file provider for a Website logo.
siteToFileName(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.weblogos.WebLogos
Gets the file name to use in the file provider for a Website logo.
siteToFileName(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.webthumbs.WebThumbs
Gets the file name to use in the file provider for a Website thumbnail.
siteToFileName(String, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.weblogos.WebLogos
Gets the file name to use in the file provider for a Website logo.
siteToFileName(String, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.webthumbs.WebThumbs
Gets the file name to use in the file provider for a Website thumbnail.
size - Variable in class com.iizix.comm.WSUploadPart
The part size in bytes.
size - Variable in class com.iizix.prop.GFont
The CSS font size (including units), e.g.
size - Variable in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.Bubble
The size.
size() - Method in class com.iizix.IntArrayList
Returns the size of the array.
size() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ErrorsProp
Gets the error count in the array.
size() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StringArrayProp
Gets the string count in the array.
size() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StringMapProp
Gets the entry count in the map.
size() - Method in class com.iizix.util.MemoryJarFile
Returns the number of entries in the Jar file.
size() - Method in class com.iizix.util.XJarFile
Returns the number of entries in the Jar file.
size(int) - Method in class com.iizix.barcode.BarcodeBuilder
Assigns the size for a as the width and height, typically used for a 2-dimensional barcode such as BarcodeType.AZTEC, BarcodeType.DATA_MATRIX and BarcodeType.QR_CODE.
size(int) - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.UserProfileImageRequest
Specifies the size of the image.
size(int) - Method in interface com.iizix.urn.user.IUserProfileImageRequest
Specifies the size of the image.
size(int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.barcode.BarcodeBuilder
Assigns the width and height for the barcode.
size(int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.UserProfileImageRequest
Specifies the size of the image.
size(int, int) - Method in interface com.iizix.urn.user.IUserProfileImageRequest
Specifies the size of the image.
Size - Class in com.iizix
A size with integers.
Size() - Constructor for class com.iizix.Size
Constructs a size initialized to 0,0.
Size(int, int) - Constructor for class com.iizix.Size
Constructs and initializes position.
Size(Size) - Constructor for class com.iizix.Size
Constructs and initializes position.
SizeProp - Class in com.iizix.prop
The size property class holds the property name, value as a GSize object and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
SizeProp() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.SizeProp
Creates a size property with no name and with a null value.
SizeProp(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.SizeProp
Creates a size property with the specified name with a null value.
SizeProp(Atom, GSize) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.SizeProp
Creates a size property with the specified name and value.
SizePropEditor - Class in com.iizigo.prop.editor
The GSize property editor consists of a simple entryfield.
SizePropEditor() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.SizePropEditor
Default constructor called before createControls.
skip(double) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIMedia
Skips the players position forward a number of seconds.
skip(double, IUIMediaListener) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIMedia
Skips the players position forward a number of seconds.
skipBytes(int) - Method in class com.iizix.ReadTransaction
Skips a number of bytes for reading.
skipBytes(int) - Method in class com.iizix.util.XFile
Skips a number of bytes.
skyatlas - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
skype - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
slack - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
sleeping(IJobChangeEvent) - Method in class
Notification that a job was waiting to run and has now been put in the sleeping state.
sleeping(IJobChangeEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.StartupJobRescheduler
SLIDE - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IUIPanelAnimation.Type
Animation type: slide.
SLIDE - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.Transition
SLIDER - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItemType
The slider can be set to represent a value in a range.
sliders - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
slideshare - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
SLIDEV - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.Transition
Slide vertically.
SlimTab - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.MUITabBar.Type
Slim Tab is a space-saving type of tab bar.
Slovak - Enum constant in enum class
Slovak - Enum constant in enum class
Slovenian - Enum constant in enum class
Slovenian - Enum constant in enum class
SLOW - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IUIPanelAnimation.Speed
Animation speed: slow (600 ms).
SLOWER - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IUIPanelAnimation.Speed
Animation speed: slower (1 second).
SLOWEST - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IUIPanelAnimation.Speed
Animation speed: slowest (10 seconds).
smile_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
SMTPS_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.MailProps
Property name, mail host: "smtps".
snapchat - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
snapchat_ghost - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
snapchat_square - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
snowflake_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
soccer_ball_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
SocketComm - Class in com.iizix.comm
The SocketComm class is used to open client sockets with a destination host with optional proxy (HTTP/SOCKS), secure socket (SSL/TLS), and atop WebSocket or Telnet as protocols.
SocketComm(SocketCommProps, Worker, SocketCommListener, SSLEngine) - Constructor for class com.iizix.comm.SocketComm
Creates a new Socket Client Communication channel as UNINITIALIZED.
SocketCommListener - Interface in com.iizix.nio
The socket communication listener.
SocketCommNIO - Class in com.iizix.nio
The SocketComm class is used to open client sockets with a destination host with optional proxy (HTTP/SOCKS), secure socket (SSL/TLS), and atop WebSocket or Telnet as protocols.
SocketCommNIO(WorkerNIO, SocketChannel, SocketCommListener, boolean) - Constructor for class com.iizix.nio.SocketCommNIO
Creates a new Socket Client Communication channel from a Server Socket Accept.
SocketCommNIO(String, int, String, WorkerNIO, SocketCommListener, boolean, SSLEngine) - Constructor for class com.iizix.nio.SocketCommNIO
Creates a new Socket Client Communication channel as UNINITIALIZED.
SocketCommProps - Class in com.iizix.prop
This property container contains all properties required for a Socket (NIO) connection using Proxy, WebSocket, SSL, etc, required by the SocketProp property.
SocketCommProps() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.SocketCommProps
Creates the socket property container without a name.
SocketCommProps(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.SocketCommProps
Creates the socket property container with the specified name.
SoftwareUpdate - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.device.settings.Settings_iOS
Settings > General > Software Update.
SOLID - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.GFill.Type
SOLID - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.GStroke.Style
Somali - Enum constant in enum class
sort - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
sort_alpha_asc - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
sort_alpha_desc - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
sort_amount_asc - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
sort_amount_desc - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
sort_asc - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
sort_desc - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
sort_down - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
sort_numeric_asc - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
sort_numeric_desc - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
sort_up - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
sortChildren(boolean, Collator) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.TreeItemNavigatorPresentation
Sorts this nodes children of type INavigatorPresentation according to their text.
sortItems() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ICodeItemArrayContainer
Sorts the list according to the default JVM locale case sensitively.
sortItems() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IElementArrayContainer
Sorts the list according to the default JVM locale case sensitively.
sortItems() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IKStringArrayContainer
Sorts the list according to the default JVM locale case sensitively.
sortItems() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IStringArrayContainer
Sorts the list according to the default JVM locale case sensitively.
sortItems(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ICodeItemArrayContainer
Sorts the list according to the default JVM locale.
sortItems(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IElementArrayContainer
Sorts the list according to the default JVM locale.
sortItems(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IKStringArrayContainer
Sorts the list according to the default JVM locale.
sortItems(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IStringArrayContainer
Sorts the list according to the default JVM locale.
sortItems(Locale) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ICodeItemArrayContainer
Sorts the list according to a locale case sensitively.
sortItems(Locale) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IElementArrayContainer
Sorts the list according to a locale case sensitively.
sortItems(Locale) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IKStringArrayContainer
Sorts the list according to a locale case sensitively.
sortItems(Locale) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IStringArrayContainer
Sorts the list according to a locale case sensitively.
sortItems(Locale, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.CodeItemArrayProp
Sorts the list according to a locale.
sortItems(Locale, boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ICodeItemArrayContainer
Sorts the list according to a locale.
sortItems(Locale, boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IElementArrayContainer
Sorts the list according to a locale.
sortItems(Locale, boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IKStringArrayContainer
Sorts the list according to a locale.
sortItems(Locale, boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IStringArrayContainer
Sorts the list according to a locale.
sortLargestFirst(ProfilePictureInfo[]) - Static method in class com.iizix.user.ProfilePictureInfo
Sorts the array of ProfilePictureInfo's so that the largest ones comes first.
sortList() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ErrorsProp
Sorts the list according to the default JVM locale.
sortList() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StringArrayProp
Sorts the list according to the default JVM locale.
sortList(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StringArrayProp
Sorts the list according to the default JVM locale.
sortList(Locale) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StringArrayProp
Sorts the list according to a locale.
sortList(Locale, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StringArrayProp
Sorts the list according to a locale.
Sound - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.device.settings.CommonSettings
Show settings to allow configuration of sound and volume (Android) -- show Settings > Sounds (iOS).
Sound - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.device.settings.Settings_Android
Settings to configure Sound & vibration.
Sound - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.device.settings.Settings_iOS
Settings > Sounds & Haptics.
Sound - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.EnvProps.ClientCapability
Play music or basic sounds capabilities.
SOUND - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.push.PushNotificationParameters
Optional sound to play when notification arrives.
soundAlarm(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.Terminal
Sounds the Alarm.
soundAlarm(HostSessionPeer) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.TerminalDesignerProp
Sound alarm on the client.
soundAlarm(HostSessionPeer) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.TerminalComposite
Sound alarm on the client.
soundAlarm(HostSessionPeer) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostSession
Sound alarm on the client.
soundAlarm(HostSessionPeer) - Method in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionListener
Sound alarm on the client.
soundAlarm(HostSessionPeer) - Method in class com.iizix.term.remote.RemoteHostSession
Sound alarm on the client.
soundAlarm(HostSessionPeer) - Method in class com.iizix.term.server.TerminalHost
Sound alarm on the client.
soundcloud - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
source - Variable in class
The source being built.
source - Variable in class com.iizix.api.BaseEvent
The property that is the source of the event.
source - Variable in class com.iizix.gyro.FocusEvent
Component that receives focus, null for none.
source - Variable in class
The transformed HTML source, null when in production mode.
source - Variable in class com.iizix.prop.GError
The error source.
source - Variable in class com.iizix.prop.ProxyImpl
The source property container.
source() - Element in annotation interface com.iizix.api.vs.OnVSField
The list of supported Value conversion classes that are handled as source conversion from a value, used in the CONVERT_* operations.
source() - Element in annotation interface com.iizix.api.vs.OnVSFieldStatic
The list of supported Value conversion classes that are handled as source conversion from a value, used in the CONVERT_* operations.
SOURCE_DIRECTORY - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ClasspathEntry.Type
Source directory.
sourceFile - Variable in class
The file for ".java" SOURCE file, null if unresolved or binary.
sourceLanguageCode - Variable in class com.iizix.translate.AbstractTranslationRequest
The source language code, null for automatic detection.
sourceLanguageCode - Variable in class com.iizix.translate.TranslationQueue
The source language code, null for auto-detect.
sourceLanguageDescription - Variable in class com.iizix.translate.TranslationQueue
The description of source language.
sourceText - Variable in class com.iizix.translate.AbstractTranslationRequest.RequestItem
The source text to translate.
sourceText - Variable in class com.iizix.translate.Translation
The KString as the source text.
sourceType - Variable in class com.iizix.api.vs.VSFieldEvent
The convert-from-type of Value.
SOUTH - Static variable in class com.iizix.swt.SWTBorderLayout
space_shuttle - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
SPACER_4PX - Static variable in class com.iizigo.prop.tooltip.TooltipItem
The vertical indent of 4 pixels.
SPACER_8PX - Static variable in class com.iizigo.prop.tooltip.TooltipItem
The vertical indent of 8 pixels.
spacing - Variable in class com.iizigo.swt.IzFillLayout
spacing specifies the number of pixels between the edge of one cell and the edge of its neighbouring cell.
Spanish - Enum constant in enum class
Spanish - Enum constant in enum class
spawn - Variable in class com.iizix.gyro.WindowOptions
Flag indicating "spawn mode" is used and the Window will not be tracked.
SPAWN_BLANK - Static variable in class com.iizix.gyro.WindowOptions
SpecifyNewPassword - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.user.UserLocaleString
Changed password must be specified to sign in but is empty or blank.
SpecifyPassword - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.user.UserLocaleString
Password must be specified but is empty or blank.
SpeechRecognition - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.EnvProps.ClientCapability
Speech synthesis (speech output).
SpeechRecognitionProp - Class in com.iizix.prop
Speech Recognition property for remote client execution.
SpeechRecognitionProp() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.SpeechRecognitionProp
Creates the property without a name.
SpeechRecognitionProp(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.SpeechRecognitionProp
Creates the property properties with a name.
SpeechSynthesis - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.EnvProps.ClientCapability
Speech synthesis (speech output).
SpeechSynthesisProp - Class in com.iizix.prop
Speech Synthesis property for remote client execution.
SpeechSynthesisProp() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.SpeechSynthesisProp
Creates the property without a name.
SpeechSynthesisProp(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.SpeechSynthesisProp
Creates the property properties with a name.
speed - Variable in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IUIPanelAnimation.Speed
The speed integer value for the composite value (1, 10, 100, 1000 or 10000).
speed - Variable in class com.iizix.prop.GeoLocation
The speed attribute denotes the magnitude of the horizontal component of the hosting device's current velocity and is specified in meters per second.
SPEED - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.GeoProps
The "speed" property name.
SPIDER - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotType
Spider chart.
spinner - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
Spinner(Spinner) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.editor.SyntSelectionProvider.Spinner
SplashHandler - Class in com.iizigo
The IIZI splash screen handler.
SplashHandler() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.SplashHandler
spoon - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
spotify - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
spread - Variable in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.BoxShadowValidator
The spread, null if not parsed.
SQL_STATEMENT - Static variable in class com.iizix.db.prop.DatabaseProps
The SQL statement property (value "sqlStatement").
sqlColumnIndicies - Variable in class com.iizix.db.api.RowInfo
The SQL column indicies are one-based values, 1=first column, etc.
SQLDataTypesHelper - Class in com.iizix.db
Helper class for SQL data types.
SQLDataTypesHelper() - Constructor for class com.iizix.db.SQLDataTypesHelper
sqlValues - Variable in class com.iizix.db.api.RowInfo
The SQL row values in their native form.
square - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
SQUARE - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.GStroke.Cap
The "square" cap, ends with a square around the end point.
square_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
SR_COLON_EQUALS - Static variable in class com.iizigo.EditorStyleRange
SR_ERROR - Static variable in class com.iizigo.EditorStyleRange
The preset values.
SR_KEYWORD - Static variable in class com.iizigo.EditorStyleRange
SR_NOT - Static variable in class com.iizigo.EditorStyleRange
SR_OPERATOR - Static variable in class com.iizigo.EditorStyleRange
SR_PARENTHESIS - Static variable in class com.iizigo.EditorStyleRange
SR_STRING - Static variable in class com.iizigo.EditorStyleRange
SR_TAGSYMBOL - Static variable in class com.iizigo.EditorStyleRange
SR_TEXT - Static variable in class com.iizigo.EditorStyleRange
SR_VARIABLE - Static variable in class com.iizigo.EditorStyleRange
srv_app_descr - Variable in class
The iiziServer App Description.
srv_app_id - Variable in class
The iiziServer App ID.
SSL - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.Atom
SSLCommLayer - Class in com.iizix.nio
The SSL SocketComm class is used to open client sockets with a destination host with optional proxy (HTTP/SOCKS), secure socket (SSL/TLS), and atop WebSocket or Telnet as protocols.
SSLCommProps - Class in com.iizix.prop
This property container contains all properties required for a SSL Socket (NIO) connection.
SSLCommProps() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.SSLCommProps
Creates the socket property container without a name.
SSLCommProps(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.SSLCommProps
Creates the socket property container with the specified name.
SSLSettingsComposite - Class in com.iizigo.ssl
Composite to process SSL settings.
SSLSettingsComposite(Composite, SocketCommProps, SSLCommProps, ISSLSettingsCompositeOwner, boolean) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.ssl.SSLSettingsComposite
Create the composite.
stack_exchange - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
stack_overflow - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
STACKED - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotType
Like the default plot, stacked sets up lines, areas and markers in a stacked fashion (values on the y axis added to each other) as opposed to a direct one.
STACKED_AREAS - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotType
Stacked areas.
STACKED_BARS - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotType
Stacked bar chart (horizontal bars).
STACKED_COLUMNS - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotType
Stacked column chart (vertical bars).
STACKED_LINES - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotType
Stacked line chart.
stalled - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.api.ui.UIMediaEvent.Type
The stalled event is fired when the user agent is trying to fetch media data, but data is unexpectedly not forthcoming.
stamp - Variable in class com.iizigo.image.LastVerified
The time stamp.
StandaloneEditorController - Class in com.iizigo.prop
A stand-alone editor controller that can be used for the Property Editor.
StandaloneEditorController(Shell, ModuleModel) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.StandaloneEditorController
StandaloneEditorController(Shell, ModuleModel, IUndoContext, Runnable, IPropUndoRedo, MultiSelectionProvider) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.StandaloneEditorController
STANDARD_FONTS - Static variable in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.FontFamilyPropEditor
The list of standard fonts that are installed in the system by default.
STANDARD_FONTS - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.font.FontFiles
The list of standard fonts that are installed in the system by default.
StandardPropertyPage - Class in com.iizigo.project
The standard property page with a fix for the Apply button and changed-support with saving settings.
StandardPropertyPage() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.project.StandardPropertyPage
StandardServer - Class in com.iizix.server
The iiziServer in standard mode.
StandardServer(File, String, String, boolean, AppDefinition[], Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.StandardServer
Constructor for the standard server.
StandardType - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.MUITabBar.Type
Standard Tab can be used to create tabbed panes.
star - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
star_half - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
star_half_empty - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
star_half_full - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
star_half_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
star_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
StarredAdaptive - Class in com.iizigo.prop
Class used to star properties and to make them adaptive (most used).
start - Variable in class com.iizigo.prop.PropMarker
The character start position of the marker, -1 when not position based.
start - Variable in class com.iizix.text.KStringStyleRange
Start position.
start() - Static method in class
Called when the first Module project is opened.
start(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.comm.IPortController
Starts the port.
start(BundleContext) - Method in class com.iizigo.Activator
Starts up the iiziGo plug-in bundle.
start(BundleContext) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.PluginActivator
Starts up the Database plug-in bundle.
start(BundleContext) - Method in class
start(BundleContext) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.PluginActivator
Starts up the Terminal plug-in bundle.
start(BundleContext) - Method in class com.iizigo.ui.server.monitor.Activator
start(BundleContext) - Method in class com.iizigo.webserver.InternalWebServer
start(BundleContext) - Method in class
Starts up the WebService plug-in bundle.
START_ANGLE - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotNumber
Where to being rendering gradients in slices, in degrees.
START_FAILED - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.jdbc.DBServerState
Failed starting.
startAgainWebServer(String, PortConfig[], KeyStore, String, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.jetty.IntegratedWebServer
Restarts the web server once it is stopped.
startBackgroundLocation() - Method in interface com.iizix.geo.ILocationService
Start the location background service on the device(s) (if supported).
startDeadlockCheck() - Static method in class com.iizix.os.ThreadDeadlockDetector
Starts the singleton timer to perform dead-lock checking every 60 seconds, once only.
startDeadlockCheck(long) - Static method in class com.iizix.os.ThreadDeadlockDetector
Starts the singleton timer to perform dead-lock checking, once only.
STARTED - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.comm.IPortController.State
STARTED - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.jdbc.DBServerState
STARTED - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.server.IServer.State
Server has started and is up and running.
startHistory(long) - Method in class com.iizix.os.OSSystemInfo
Starts the history gatherer.
STARTING - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.comm.IPortController.State
STARTING - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.jdbc.DBServerState
STARTING - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.server.IServer.State
Server is starting.
startingAt(long) - Static method in class com.iizix.TimeInterval
Creates a new instance of the time interval with only a start time set.
startRenewal(ServerShell) - Method in class com.iizix.server.acme.LetsEncryptDomain
Starts the renewal processing for the server.
STARTS_WITH - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.ITableFilter.Op
Cell string starts with filtering text.
startServer() - Method in interface com.iizix.server.IServer
Starts the server synchronously.
startServer() - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShell
Processes server start-up asynchronously.
startServer(File, File, int) - Static method in class com.iizix.jdbc.DerbyImpl
Starts the Derby network server with configured port if running on "localhost".
startsWith(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iizix.Utilities
Tests if the source byte array starts with the specified prefix byte array.
startsWith(byte[], byte[], int) - Static method in class com.iizix.Utilities
Tests if the source sub-byte array of a byte array beginning at the specified source index starts with the specified prefix.
startThread(Runnable) - Method in interface com.iizix.virtual.IVirtualThreads
Starts a new "real" thread or a virtual thread depending on JVM support.
startThread(Runnable) - Method in class com.iizix.virtual.VirtualThreadGroup
Creates a new started thread for the thread group in question.
startThread(Runnable, String) - Method in interface com.iizix.virtual.IVirtualThreads
Starts a new "real" thread or a virtual thread depending on JVM support.
startThread(Runnable, String) - Method in class com.iizix.virtual.VirtualThreadGroup
Creates a new started thread for the thread group in question.
startThread(Runnable, String, int) - Method in interface com.iizix.virtual.IVirtualThreads
Starts a new "real" thread or a virtual thread depending on JVM support.
startThread(Runnable, String, int) - Method in class com.iizix.virtual.VirtualThreadGroup
Creates a new started thread for the thread group in question.
startup(Runnable) - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ProjectManager
Start-up of the Project Manager.
Startup - Class in com.iizigo.db
The start-up class for UI processing.
Startup - Class in
The start-up class for the iiziRun Builder.
Startup - Class in com.iizigo
The start-up class for UI processing.
Startup - Class in com.iizigo.term
The start-up class for UI processing.
Startup - Class in
The start-up class for UI processing.
Startup() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.db.Startup
The Eclipse constructor.
Startup() - Constructor for class
The Eclipse constructor.
Startup() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.Startup
The Eclipse constructor.
Startup() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.term.Startup
The Eclipse constructor.
Startup() - Constructor for class
The Eclipse constructor.
StartupJobRescheduler - Class in com.iizigo
Class that is used to reschedule all manual or automatic build jobs except the ones IIZI requires.
startupUI() - Static method in class com.iizigo.term.PluginActivator
Method to call as soon as possible to load images and other UI stuff.
startWebServer(IExternalBrowserPages, IWSFileProviderServer, WebSocketAcceptor, String, PortConfig[], KeyStore, String, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.jetty.IntegratedWebServer
Starts the web server.
startWebServer(IExternalBrowserPages, WebSocketAcceptor, IServerSettings, Callable<Void>, ICommonServletInterface...) - Method in class com.iizix.jetty.RunConfigurationWebServer
Starts the web server.
startWebServer(File, IExternalBrowserPages, IWSFileProviderServer, WebSocketAcceptor) - Method in class com.iizigo.webserver.InternalWebServer
Starts the web server.
state - Variable in class com.iizix.push.PushNotificationEvent
The notification event state.
state - Variable in class com.iizix.txp.impl.AbstractTXPNode
The current state of the node
State - Enum Class in com.iizix.comm
The state of the communication link.
STATE_AnyLock - Static variable in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionPeer
If one of these bits are set, a lock state is present.
STATE_Connected - Static variable in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionPeer
STATE_Connecting - Static variable in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionPeer
STATE_Error - Static variable in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionPeer
General error flag.
STATE_FieldFullError - Static variable in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionPeer
3270: X-stickman>
STATE_InsertMode - Static variable in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionPeer
General insert mode flag.
STATE_Lock - Static variable in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionPeer
General lock flag.
STATE_MessageWaiting - Static variable in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionPeer
5250: MW.
STATE_MinusError - Static variable in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionPeer
3270: X-f.
STATE_NonNumericError - Static variable in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionPeer
STATE_OnFieldOrProtected - Static variable in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionPeer
STATE_ReceiveWait - Static variable in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionPeer
Waiting for data.
STATE_Reconnecting - Static variable in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionPeer
STATE_Secure - Static variable in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionPeer
Secured with SSL communication.
STATE_Sending - Static variable in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionPeer
Sending data pending.
STATE_SSCPLUOwned - Static variable in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionPeer
3270: 4Bstickman.
STATE_SystemAvailable - Static variable in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionPeer
General system availability.
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.BoxShadowDialog
Color changed.
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.DropShadowDialog
Color changed.
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.TextShadowDialog
Color changed.
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.TransformDialog
Color changed.
STATEMENT_TYPE - Static variable in class com.iizix.db.prop.DatabaseProps
The Statement Type property name.
STATEMENT_TYPE_DELETE - Static variable in class com.iizix.db.prop.DatabaseProps
Query statement type: DELETE.
STATEMENT_TYPE_FULLSELECT - Static variable in class com.iizix.db.prop.DatabaseProps
Query statement type: a full select.
STATEMENT_TYPE_INSERT - Static variable in class com.iizix.db.prop.DatabaseProps
Query statement type: INSERT.
STATEMENT_TYPE_MERGE - Static variable in class com.iizix.db.prop.DatabaseProps
Query statement type: MERGE.
STATEMENT_TYPE_SELECT - Static variable in class com.iizix.db.prop.DatabaseProps
Query statement type: SELECT.
STATEMENT_TYPE_UNKNOWN - Static variable in class com.iizix.db.prop.DatabaseProps
Query statement type: unknown.
STATEMENT_TYPE_UPDATE - Static variable in class com.iizix.db.prop.DatabaseProps
Query statement type: UPDATE.
STATEMENT_TYPE_WITH - Static variable in class com.iizix.db.prop.DatabaseProps
Query statement type: ..WITH...
StateProvince - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURNType
State or Province.
statesMap - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSComponent
Properties that are mapped to listeners.
Statistics - Class in com.iizix.server
The statistics class is used to track information about what is going on in the server in terms of min/max/average values, I/O data amount and throughput, etc.
Statistics() - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.Statistics
status - Variable in class com.iizigo.prop.PasteFeedback
Potential status code, if originating from a status, otherwise null.
STATUS_LINK_NOT_SUPPORTED - Static variable in interface
Status for linking not supported.
StatusBarConfig - Class in com.iizix.gyro
The status bar configuration class.
StatusBarConfig() - Constructor for class com.iizix.gyro.StatusBarConfig
Constructs the status bar configuration instance.
StatusBarConfig.Style - Enum Class in com.iizix.gyro
Enumeration for style.
statusMessageBox(Shell, String, String, IStatus) - Static method in class com.iizigo.Activator
Shows a message box from any thread.
stderr_println(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.Loggers
Logs to console standard error.
stdout_println(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.Loggers
Logs to console standard output.
steam - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
steam_square - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
step_backward - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
step_forward - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
stethoscope - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
sticky_note - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
sticky_note_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
stop - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
stop - Variable in class com.iizix.prop.GGradient.Swatch
The stop position (0-100) as percent value in the gradient direction.
stop() - Static method in class
Called when the last Module project is closed or the plug-in is stopped.
stop() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.TimeoutTimer
Stops the timer.
stop(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.comm.IPortController
Stops the port.
stop(BundleContext) - Method in class com.iizigo.Activator
stop(BundleContext) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.PluginActivator
stop(BundleContext) - Method in class
stop(BundleContext) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.PluginActivator
stop(BundleContext) - Method in class com.iizigo.ui.server.monitor.Activator
stop(BundleContext) - Method in class com.iizigo.webserver.InternalWebServer
stop(BundleContext) - Method in class
stop_circle - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
stop_circle_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
stopAll(long) - Static method in class com.iizix.mail.MailSender
Requests to stop all mail senders.
stopBackgroundLocation() - Method in interface com.iizix.geo.ILocationService
Stop the location background service on the device(s) (if supported).
stopDeadlockCheck() - Static method in class com.iizix.os.ThreadDeadlockDetector
Stops the singleton timer to perform dead-lock checking, once only.
stopHistory() - Method in class com.iizix.os.OSSystemInfo
Stops the history gatherer.
STOPPED - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.comm.IPortController.State
STOPPED - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.jdbc.DBServerState
STOPPED - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.server.IServer.State
Server has stopped or is shut-down.
STOPPING - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.comm.IPortController.State
STOPPING - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.jdbc.DBServerState
STOPPING - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.server.IServer.State
Server is stopping or shutting down.
stopPropagation() - Method in class com.iizix.api.vs.VSFieldEvent
Stops propagation of the event in the event processor chain.
stopServer(File) - Static method in class com.iizix.jdbc.DerbyImpl
Stops the Derby network server if started from this instance.
stopWebServer(long) - Method in class com.iizigo.webserver.InternalWebServer
Stops the web server.
stopWebServer(long) - Method in class com.iizix.jetty.IntegratedWebServer
Stops the web server.
stopWebServer(long) - Method in class com.iizix.jetty.RunConfigurationWebServer
Stops the web server.
Storage - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.device.settings.Settings_Android
Settings for internal storage.
Storage - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.device.settings.Settings_iOS
Settings > iCloud > Manage Storage.
STORAGE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.iizix.gyro.IAppSessionGyro
Local storage name in SessionInfo.
STORAGE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.iizix.gyro.IClientSessionGyro
Local storage name in SessionInfo.
STORAGE_NAME - Static variable in class
Local storage name in SessionInfo.
STORAGE_NAME - Static variable in interface com.iizix.server.IEndPoint
Local storage name in SessionInfo.
storageBucket() - Method in record class com.iizix.prop.PWAProps.FirebaseConfig
Returns the value of the storageBucket record component.
storageLocation - Variable in enum class com.iizix.urn.URNResourceType
Storage location.
Store - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.device.settings.CommonSettings
Open the Play Store page of the current application (Android) -- Show Settings > App Store (iOS).
Store - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.device.settings.Settings_Android
Play Store page of the current application.
Store - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.device.settings.Settings_iOS
Settings > App Store.
stream() - Method in interface com.iizix.util.IJarFile
Returns a stream of Jar entries.
stream() - Method in class com.iizix.util.MemoryJarFile
Returns a stream of Jar entries.
stream() - Method in class com.iizix.util.XJarFile
Returns a stream of Jar entries.
street_view - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
strikethrough - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
String - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.api.vs.JavaActorParam.Type
String property using StringProp.
String - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.Value.Category
String category.
String - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.Value.Type
The Data Type: String value.
String4Prop - Class in com.iizix.prop
Property used by UI styles that has 4 settings/values for a String value that can be a combination of single unit or multiple, such as the border radius (corners) where the value in pixels is not used for calculations, thus only for HTML, and can therefore be stored as a pure String.
String4Prop() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.String4Prop
Creates a new 4-string property without name.
String4Prop(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.String4Prop
Creates a new 4-string property with a name.
StringArrayProp - Class in com.iizix.prop
The String Array property class holds the property name, string array and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
StringArrayProp() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.StringArrayProp
Creates an string array with no name and an empty synchronized ArrayList<String> array.
StringArrayProp(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.StringArrayProp
Creates an string array property with the specified name with an empty synchronized ArrayList<String> array.
StringArrayProp(Atom, List<String>) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.StringArrayProp
Creates an string array property with the specified name with an empty synchronized ArrayList<String> array initialized with the specified strings.
StringLiteralToDesignerProp - Class in
Class used to map a StringLiteral to a DesignerProp for the Java Editor hovers.
StringLiteralToDesignerProp(int, int, DesignerProp) - Constructor for class
StringMapProp - Class in com.iizix.prop
The String Map property class holds the property name, a map of strings consisting of string keys and string values.
StringMapProp() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.StringMapProp
Creates an string map with no name and an empty LinkedHashMap<String,String>.
StringMapProp(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.StringMapProp
Creates an string map property with the specified name with an empty LinkedHashMap<String,String>.
StringMapPropContentProvider - Class in com.iizigo.navigator
A content provider for a StringMapProp.
StringMapPropContentProvider() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.navigator.StringMapPropContentProvider
StringMapPropDialog - Class in com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog
Dialog used to edit a linked hash map of text entries directly in a styled text area.
StringMapPropDialog(Shell, Map<String, String>) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.StringMapPropDialog
Create the dialog.
StringMapPropEditor - Class in com.iizigo.prop.editor
The Duration property editor that uses a Long value for the duration in milliseconds.
StringMapPropEditor() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.StringMapPropEditor
Default constructor called before createControls.
StringMapPropLabelProvider - Class in com.iizigo.navigator
Label provider for a string map property for a two-column table.
StringMapPropLabelProvider(StringMapProp) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.navigator.StringMapPropLabelProvider
The StringMapProp being used for the table.
StringProp - Class in com.iizix.prop
The "String" property class holds the property name, value and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
StringProp() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.StringProp
Creates a String property with no name and with a null value.
StringProp(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.StringProp
Creates a String property with the specified name with a null value.
StringProp(Atom, String) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.StringProp
Creates a String property with the specified name and value.
StringPropEditor - Class in com.iizigo.prop.editor
The String property editor consists of a simple entry field.
StringPropEditor() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.StringPropEditor
Default constructor called before createControls.
StringSetProp - Class in com.iizix.prop
The String Set property class holds the property name and a set of unique strings.
StringSetProp() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.StringSetProp
Creates a string set with no name and an empty HashSet<String>.
StringSetProp(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.StringSetProp
Creates a string set property with the specified name with an empty HashSet<String>.
stringToSite(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.weblogos.WebLogos
Converts an URL or email to a potential Website.
stringToSite(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.webthumbs.WebThumbs
Converts an URL or email to a potential Website.
StringUtils - Class in com.iizix
String utilities.
StringUtils() - Constructor for class com.iizix.StringUtils
StringValue - Class in com.iizix.value
Value object class to handle the String datatype.
StringValue() - Constructor for class com.iizix.value.StringValue
stripMnemonic(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo
Strips the mnemonic from a string.
STROKE - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotStroke
Stroke to use for any series on the plot.
STROKE - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.SeriesStroke
Stroke to use for any series on the series.
StrokeDialog - Class in com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog
The stroke dialog to choose an ARGB color and the stroke.
StrokeDialog(Shell, GStroke) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.StrokeDialog
Create the dialog.
StrokeProp - Class in com.iizix.prop
The "stroke" property class holds the property name, value as a GStroke object and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
StrokeProp() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.StrokeProp
Creates a stroke property with no name and with a null value.
StrokeProp(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.StrokeProp
Creates a stroke property with the specified name with a null value.
StrokeProp(Atom, GStroke) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.StrokeProp
Creates a stroke property with the specified name and value.
StrokePropEditor - Class in com.iizigo.prop.editor
The Stroke property editor.
StrokePropEditor() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.StrokePropEditor
Default constructor called before createControls.
stumbleupon - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
stumbleupon_circle - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
style - Variable in class com.iizix.prop.GFont
The CSS font style: "normal", "italic" or "oblique".
style - Variable in class com.iizix.prop.GStroke
The style.
Style - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.IPropReference.RefType
STYLE - Enum constant in enum class com.iizigo.project.FileExtension
STYLE - Enum constant in enum class com.iizigo.project.Folder
STYLE - Static variable in class com.iizix.BaseModules
The Style module.
STYLE - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.Atom
STYLE_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.font.FontFiles
Default STYLE index.
StyledImageDefinition - Class in com.iizix.prop.image
Image States Definition property container when a single image file has one image in many states and possibly resolutions.
StyledImageDefinition() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.image.StyledImageDefinition
Creates the Image States Definition property container without a name.
StyledImageDefinition(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.image.StyledImageDefinition
Creates the Image States Definition property container with the specified name.
StyledText(StyledText, ISelectionProvider) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.editor.SyntSelectionProvider.StyledText
StyleEditor - Class in
The Style's Editor part.
StyleEditor() - Constructor for class
Eclipse constructor.
StyleFileContentDescriber - Class in com.iizigo.fileexts
The content describer for the property files of Styles.
StyleFileContentDescriber() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.fileexts.StyleFileContentDescriber
styles - Variable in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
The style container.
Styles - Class in com.iizix.prop
This styles property container holds the styles associated with a UI component.
Styles - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.IPropReference.RefType
Styles() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.Styles
Creates the styles property container without a name.
Styles(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.Styles
Creates the styles property container with the specified name.
STYLES - Static variable in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.StrokeDialog
The styles.
STYLES - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.Atom
STYLES - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.font.FontFiles
Possible values for font-style.
StylesButton - Class in
Integrated the styles with the toolbar button in the properties editor.
StylesButton() - Constructor for class
The public constructor.
StylesCnr - Class in com.iizix.prop
Styles Container used to hold a Styles property instance for the Client used as a Class Name.
StylesCnr() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.StylesCnr
Creates the styles property container without a name.
StylesCnr(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.StylesCnr
Creates the styles property container with the specified name.
StylesDesignerProp - Class in
Class for Styles Designer Prop.
StylesDialog - Class in com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog
Dialog for Styles of a UI component.
StylesDialog(Shell, EditorStyles[], IPropertyEditorController) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.StylesDialog
Create the dialog.
StylesReferences - Class in com.iizix.prop
The Styles References property class hold the references to zero or more Styles property containers.
StylesReferences() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.StylesReferences
Creates a Styles Reference property with no name and with a null value.
StylesReferences(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.StylesReferences
Creates a Styles Reference property with the specified name with a null value.
StylesReferences(Atom, String) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.StylesReferences
Creates a Styles Reference property with the specified name and value.
StylesReferencesPropEditor - Class in com.iizigo.prop.editor
The String property editor consists of a simple entry field.
StylesReferencesPropEditor() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.StylesReferencesPropEditor
Default constructor called before createControls.
StylesStates - Enum Class in com.iizix.prop
The enum for the supported Styles States for UI components.
StylesStatesPropEditor - Class in com.iizigo.prop.editor
The state styles property editor.
StylesStatesPropEditor() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.StylesStatesPropEditor
Default constructor called before createControls.
subDirectory - Variable in enum class com.iizigo.ApplicationUI.Theme
The subdirectory used for e.g.
SUBJECT_BASED - Static variable in enum class com.iizix.urn.URNResourceType
SUBNAMES_CORNER - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.Styles
SUBNAMES_LOCATION - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.Styles
CSS variables.
SUBSCRIBE - Static variable in class com.iizix.server.push.PushNotificationHandler
Subscription to AppID and Topic (requires authentication): request URI "/iizi-push/subscribe".
subscript - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
Subscription - Class in com.iizix.push.vapid
Subscription() - Constructor for class com.iizix.push.vapid.Subscription
Subscription(String, Subscription.Keys) - Constructor for class com.iizix.push.vapid.Subscription
SUBSCRIPTION_COUNT - Static variable in class com.iizix.server.push.PushNotificationHandler
Gets the count of all subscriptions.
Subscription.Keys - Class in com.iizix.push.vapid
SUBSCRIPTIONS_LIST - Static variable in class com.iizix.server.push.PushNotificationHandler
Get the subscriptions list.
substituteParameters() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.editor.CustomParameterMarkers
Return the SQL statement with values substituted if there are any markers
subway - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
success - Variable in class com.iizigo.image.LastVerified
Image loaded successfully, i.e.
success - Variable in class com.iizix.translate.Translation
Success flag: the members translatedText, translationLangID can be used (not null).
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.comm.oauth.IOAuthListener.Code
Authentication successful.
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.device.DeviceParameter.State
Success: client has replied with the parameter and its value, or the value has been removed if the DeviceParameter.getValue() returns null.
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.References.ReturnCode
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.push.PushNotificationState
The push notification has been sent to the push notification end point successfully for distribution.
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.server.weblogos.WebLogoState
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.server.webthumbs.WebThumbnailState
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.user.SigninResult
Validation succeeded.
SUCCESS_CHANGE_PASSWORD - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.user.SigninResult
Validation succeeded, but user has to change password.
SUCCESS_NOT_SIGNED_IN - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.user.SigninResult
Validation succeeded for the user, but as no password has been verified, it is assumed that the user is not signed in yet.
suffix - Variable in enum class com.iizix.TemperatureUnit
Suffix for temperature value.
suggestedName - Variable in class com.iizigo.vs.VSConnection
The suggested name.
suitcase - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
sun_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
Sundanese - Enum constant in enum class
superpowers - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
superscript - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
support - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
supportsCopyFullPath() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPart
Returns if the Copy path should be present or not.
supportsCopyFullPath() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.PanelEditor
Returns if the Copy path should be present or not.
supportsCopyFullPath() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.VirtualSpaceEditor
Returns if the Copy path should be present or not.
supportsCopyReference() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPart
Returns if the Copy reference should be present or not.
supportsCopyReference() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.PanelEditor
Returns if the Copy reference should be present or not.
supportsCopyReference() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.VirtualSpaceEditor
Returns if the Copy reference should be present or not.
suspend - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.api.ui.UIMediaEvent.Type
The suspend event is fired when media data loading has been suspended.
SVG - Search tag in class com.iizix.text.KString
SVG - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.image.ImageType
SVG: "image/svg+xml", extension ".svg" or GZip compressed (much like ".svg.gz") ".svgz".
SVG - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.font.FontFormat
The format: SVG.
SVG - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.urn.NID
SVG image: "iz-svg".
SVG_URN - Class in com.iizix.urn.svg
SVG image Uniform Resource Naming (URN) instance class, holding the SVG data.
SVG_URNFactory - Class in com.iizix.urn.svg
SVG provider for IIZI URN's.
SVGDefinition - Class in com.iizix.prop.image
The SVG Image Definition property container contains a reference to an SVG file in the Assets.
SVGDefinition() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.image.SVGDefinition
Creates the Images Definition property container without a name.
SVGDefinition(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.image.SVGDefinition
Creates the Images Definition property container with the specified name.
SVGFileFilter - Class in com.iizigo.image
A viewer filter for SVG image file assets.
SVGFileFilter() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.image.SVGFileFilter
Creates the viewer filter.
SVGInfo - Class in com.iizix.prop.image
Information about the SVG and its contents for HTML.
Swahili - Enum constant in enum class
SWAP - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.Transition
SwapData - Class in com.iizix.prop.ui
The SwapData is the layout data for components in a container with SwapLayout.
SwapData() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.SwapData
Creates a SwapData container without name and with a null value.
SwapData(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.SwapData
Creates a SwapData container with the specified name with a null value.
SwapData(Atom, GProp<?>[]) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.SwapData
Creates a SwapData container with the specified name and properties.
SwapLayout - Class in com.iizix.prop.ui
Swap container specific layout manager.
SwapLayout() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.SwapLayout
Creates the layout without name with a null value.
SwapLayout(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.SwapLayout
Creates the layout with the specified name with a null value.
SwapLayout(Atom, GProp<?>[]) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.SwapLayout
Creates the layout with the specified name and properties.
Swatch(int, int) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.GGradient.Swatch
Constructs a swatch.
Swatch(ReadTransaction) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.GGradient.Swatch
Constructs a swatch from a Transaction.
Swedish - Enum constant in enum class
Swedish - Enum constant in enum class
SWIRL - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.Transition
SWITCH - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItemType
The switch has a text on leading side and a description.
SWITCH_OFF - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.device.flash.IFlashlight.Operation
Flashlight switch off operation.
SWITCH_ON - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.device.flash.IFlashlight.Operation
Flashlight switch on operation.
switchOff() - Method in interface com.iizix.device.flash.IFlashlight
Switches off the flashlight.
switchOff() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.Flash
Switches off the flashlight.
switchOn() - Method in interface com.iizix.device.flash.IFlashlight
Switches on the flashlight (with maximum intensity = 1.0, for iOS).
switchOn(double) - Method in interface com.iizix.device.flash.IFlashlight
Switches on the flashlight with the requested intensity, a value between 0.0 (darkest) and 1.0 (brightest).
switchOn(double) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.Flash
Switches on the flashlight with the requested intensity, a value between 0.0 (darkest) and 1.0 (brightest).
switchProperties(HostSession, EditorTerminalProps) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.Terminal
Switches properties.
switchSession(HostSession, EditorTerminalProps) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.TerminalComposite
Switches session.
switchTo(IClientSessionGyro, IAppSessionGyro) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IUserAuthenticationUI
Switches to the specified active application session.
SWTBorderLayout - Class in com.iizix.swt
Lays out a composite, arranging and resizing its components to fit in five regions: north, south, east, west, and center.
SWTBorderLayout() - Constructor for class com.iizix.swt.SWTBorderLayout
SWTBorderLayout.Layout - Class in com.iizix.swt
Indicates the region that a control belongs to.
SWTHelper - Class in com.iizix.swt
Some SWT helpers.
SWTHelper() - Constructor for class com.iizix.swt.SWTHelper
SYMBOL_REQUIRED - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.passwordpolicy.PasswordPolicyResult.ReturnCode
Password must have a 'symbol' (i.e.
symbolicName - Variable in class com.iizigo.plugin.PluginDescriptor
The symbolic name of the plug-in.
Sync - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.device.settings.Settings_Android
Settings for Password & accounts along with Sync settings.
syncExec(GEvent, EventListener) - Static method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropHelper
Helper routine to execute a property event in the SWT thread synchronously.
synchronizeCurrentFocusWithVS() - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IClientSessionGyro
Updates the focus to the VS from the current focused UI component.
synchronizeCurrentFocusWithVS() - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyro
Updates the focus to the VS from the current focused UI component.
synchronizeEclipseMarkers() - Method in interface com.iizigo.prop.ISynchronizeEclipseMarkers
Called to synchronize property errors with Eclipse markers.
synchronizeEclipseMarkers() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ISynchronizeMarkers
Called to synchronize property errors with Eclipse markers.
synchronizeProjectErrorMarkers() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleRootPropCnr
Recursively synchronize all error markers in the project.
syncSourceToTarget() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ProxyImpl
Replicates the entire source to target structure for all properties that should be proxied.
SyncState - Class in
Synchronization state class or Java in regards to refactoring.
SyntSelectionProvider - Class in com.iizigo.editor
Class for synthesized selection provider and clipboard selection routines of the Text control.
SyntSelectionProvider.CCombo - Class in com.iizigo.editor
Class for CCombo widget.
SyntSelectionProvider.Combo - Class in com.iizigo.editor
Class for Combo widget.
SyntSelectionProvider.IZ_CCombo - Class in com.iizigo.editor
Class for IZ_CCombo widget.
SyntSelectionProvider.Spinner - Class in com.iizigo.editor
Class for Spinner widget: this widget doesn't really support selection in the same world as other text widgets.
SyntSelectionProvider.StyledText - Class in com.iizigo.editor
Class for StyledText widget.
SyntSelectionProvider.Text - Class in com.iizigo.editor
Class for Text widget.
SYSTEM - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.virtual.ThreadGroupType
The system threads are always non-virtual by default, allocated depending on the number of CPUs and Cores available.
SYSTEM - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.Atom
SYSTEM_FAILURE - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.user.SigninResult
System failure.
SYSTEM_REVOKED - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.license.history.LicensingHistoryEvent
License revoked by system.
SystemApp - Class in
Class loading and extracting data from the "iiziSystem.jar" app that contains default information among other things.
SystemApp() - Constructor for class
SystemConfig - Class in com.iizix
System configuration class.
systemCPULoad - Variable in class com.iizix.os.OSSystemInfo.Details
The "recent CPU usage" for the whole system in percent, -1d if no supported.
SystemEnvironment - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.license.HardwareIdentication
The system environment.
SystemError - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.user.UserLocaleString
System error.
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