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WAIT_MSG - Static variable in interface com.iizix.gyro.ILockUI
Property name: wait message, KStringProp.
waitForClientSideEditor() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.PanelEditor
Checks if the browser is internal, and if so waits for the ClientSideEditor to start.
waitForCompletion(Runnable) - Method in class com.iizix.server.weblogos.WebLogo
Waits for completion of the loading.
waitForCompletion(Runnable) - Method in class com.iizix.server.webthumbs.WebThumbnail
Waits for completion of the loading.
waitForTaskEnded() - Method in class com.iizix.WorkerTask
Waits for task to end.
waiting - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.api.ui.UIMediaEvent.Type
The waiting event is fired when playback has stopped because of a temporary lack of data.
waitPluginLoaded(IProgressMonitor) - Static method in class com.iizigo.plugin.PluginManager
Waits for the all required plug-in's to complete loading before loading projects.
wakeupSelector() - Method in class com.iizix.nio.WorkerNIO
Wake-up selector.
Wallet - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.device.settings.Settings_iOS
Settings > Wallet & Apple Pay (in older iOS called "Passbook").
Wallpaper - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.device.settings.Settings_iOS
Settings > Wallpaper.
WARN_EMPTY_PROP_NAME - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIContainer
The property name for empty container warning issuing, if property is not present or true, the warning will be shown.
warning - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
warning(String) - Method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a warning log event.
warning(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Logs a warning event.
warning(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Logs a warning event.
warning(String, Object) - Method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a warning log event.
warning(String, Object...) - Method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a warning log event.
warning(String, Object...) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Logs a warning event.
warning(String, Object...) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Logs a warning event.
warning(String, Throwable) - Method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a warning log event.
warning(String, Throwable) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Logs a warning event.
warning(String, Throwable) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Logs a warning event.
warning(String, Throwable) - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.ActionActorTXPNodeLogger
warning(String, Throwable) - Method in interface com.iizix.txp.impl.ITXPBasicLogger
warning(String, Throwable) - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.TXPLogger
warning(String, Throwable) - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.TXPNodeLogger
warning(String, Throwable) - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.TXProcessLogger
WARNING - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.api.vs.VSFieldEvent.Category
Message category: warning (=1).
WARNING - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IToaster.Type
WARNING - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.license.MessageType
Intermediate level.
WARNING - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.GError.Type
WARNING - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.PropVerificationError.Severity
WARNING - Static variable in interface com.iizix.IComponent
Message category: WARNING (=1).
WARNING - Static variable in class com.iizix.ILog
The WARNING (=2) log event.
WARNING - Static variable in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropErrorItem
The error level: WARNING (=1).
WARNING - Static variable in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIComp
Message category: WARNING (=1).
WARNING - Static variable in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponent
Message category: warning (=1).
WARNING(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a warning log event.
WARNING(Class<?>, String, Object) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a warning log event.
WARNING(Class<?>, String, Object...) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a warning log event.
WARNING(Class<?>, String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a warning log event.
WARNING(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a warning log event.
WARNING(String, Object) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a warning log event.
WARNING(String, Object...) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a warning log event.
WARNING(String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a warning log event.
warningBackground - Variable in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUI
warningBackgroundCursor - Variable in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUI
warningForeground - Variable in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUI
wasCommitAttempted() - Method in interface com.iizix.txp.ITXPManagementInfo
Was a commit attempted?
wasCompletionPhaseEntered() - Method in interface com.iizix.txp.ITXPManagementInfo
Was the completion phase of the process entered.
wasDefinedAtFocusGained - Variable in class com.iizigo.prop.BaseEditor
Flag for value defined when focus was received.
wasRollbackAttempted() - Method in interface com.iizix.txp.ITXPManagementInfo
Was rollback attempted? Note: If both this and wasCommitAttempted is true the rollback was caused by the commit.
wasSuccessful() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.BinderAction
Checks if this action was successful, meaning one of the ActionPerformed as NO_CHANGE, CONTAINER_CHANGED, ASSIGNED, i.e.
WBMP - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.image.ImageType
WBMP: "image/vnd.wap.wbmp", extension ".wbmp".
WEB_COMPRESS - Static variable in class com.iizix.SystemConfig
Flag indicating the HTML and JavaScript has been compressed.
WEB_PUSH_INFO - Static variable in class com.iizix.push.vapid.HttpEce
WEB_SERVER - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.virtual.ThreadGroupType
The Web Server.
WebLogo - Class in com.iizix.server.weblogos
Class holding information about a logo of a website, typically "" or "", by trying various "smart" algorithms to extract the logo from the site.
WebLogos - Class in com.iizix.server.weblogos
Class holding all Website logos together and requesting only the ones needed.
WebLogos(ServerShell) - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.weblogos.WebLogos
WebLogoState - Enum Class in com.iizix.server.weblogos
Enumeration for the state of a Website logo.
WEBP - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.image.ImageType
WebP: "media/webp", extension ".webp".
webpushSecret(String, ECPublicKey, byte[], int) - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.HttpEce
Combine Shared and Authentication Secrets See
WebResourceCompressor - Class in
Perform the compression of javascript and css files
WebResourceCompressor() - Constructor for class
WebServerPortConfig - Class in com.iizix.server.prop
Property container for the configuration of a Port "group" of the web server.
WebServerPortConfig() - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.prop.WebServerPortConfig
Creates the port configuration without a name.
WebServerPortConfig(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.prop.WebServerPortConfig
Creates the port configuration with a name.
WebServiceActionActor - Class in
The Web Service transaction Action Actor.
WebServiceActionActor(VSAction, WebServiceActionActor.Settings) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance.
WebServiceActionActor.Settings - Class in
Settings property container.
WebServiceActionActorDesignerProp - Class in
Action Actor Designer Prop.
WebServiceActionActorDesignerProp(AbstractSettings, PropertyEditorSetup) - Constructor for class
WebServiceDesignerProp - Class in
Class for the DesignerProp for all Web Service property classes in the designer.
WebServiceDesignerProp(PropCnr) - Constructor for class
The constructor.
WebServiceEditor - Class in
The Web Service editor.
WebServiceEditor() - Constructor for class
Eclipse constructor.
WebServiceEngineInstance - Class in
The class used to hold the Web Service engine instance.
WebServiceEngineInstance() - Constructor for class
WebServicePlugin - Class in
Tag class for plug-in ID.
WebServicePlugin() - Constructor for class
WebServiceProp - Class in
Web Service property container holding the definition of a web service transaction.
WebServiceProp() - Constructor for class
Creates the style property container without a name.
WebServiceProp(Atom) - Constructor for class
Creates the style property container with the specified name.
WebServiceProp() - Method in class
Gets the Web Service property.
WebServiceReference - Class in
The reference to a Web Service transaction.
WebServiceReference() - Constructor for class
Creates a Database transaction Reference property with no name and with a null value.
WebServiceReference(Atom) - Constructor for class
Creates a Database transaction Reference property with the specified name with a null value.
WebServiceReference(Atom, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a Database transaction Reference property with the specified name and value.
WebServicesTransaction - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.IPropReference.RefType
WEBSOCKET - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.Atom
WebSocketAcceptor - Interface in com.iizix.nio
The WebSocket server acceptor listener.
WebSocketClientEndPoint - Class in com.iizix.jetty
Client Endpoint for Jetty 12 WebSocket, with auto-demand for additional messages.
WebSocketComm - Class in com.iizix.comm
Class to handle the WebSocket protocol.
WebSocketComm(WebSocketCommProps, Worker, WebSocketCommListener, SSLEngine) - Constructor for class com.iizix.comm.WebSocketComm
Creates a new WebSocket Client Communication channel as UNINITIALIZED.
WebSocketComm(WebSocketCommProps, Worker, SocketChannel, WebSocketCommListener, WebSocketAcceptor) - Constructor for class com.iizix.comm.WebSocketComm
Creates a new WebSocket Client Communication channel from an accepted socket connection and sets it to as CHECKING_CONNECT_REQUEST, before the negotiation is completed and then becomes CONNECTED.
WebSocketCommListener - Interface in com.iizix.nio
The WebSocket communication listener.
WebSocketCommNIO - Class in com.iizix.nio
Class to handle the WebSocket protocol.
WebSocketCommNIO(WorkerNIO, boolean, int, String[], boolean, int, SocketChannel, WebSocketCommListener, WebSocketAcceptor, boolean) - Constructor for class com.iizix.nio.WebSocketCommNIO
Creates a new WebSocket Client Communication channel from an accepted socket connection and sets it to as CHECKING_CONNECT_REQUEST, before the negotiation is completed and then becomes CONNECTED.
WebSocketCommNIO(String, String, int, int, String[], boolean, int, String, WorkerNIO, WebSocketCommListener, boolean, SSLEngine) - Constructor for class com.iizix.nio.WebSocketCommNIO
Creates a new WebSocket Client Communication channel as UNINITIALIZED.
WebSocketCommProps - Class in com.iizix.prop
This property container contains all properties required for WebSocket communication.
WebSocketCommProps() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.WebSocketCommProps
Creates the WebSocket property container without a name.
WebSocketCommProps(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.WebSocketCommProps
Creates the WebSocket property container with the specified name.
WebSocketException - Exception Class in com.iizix.nio
The WebSocketException class.
WebSocketException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.iizix.nio.WebSocketException
Creates a web socket exception with a message.
WebSocketException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.iizix.nio.WebSocketException
Creates a web socket exception with a message.
WebSocketServer - Class in com.iizigo.comm
The Web Socket Server of iiziGo inside Eclipse.
WebSocketServerComm - Class in com.iizix.comm
This class handles a Server Socket NIO implementation into a single-threaded Worker that accepts Socket connections in a non-blocking mode.
WebSocketServerComm(WebSocketServerCommProps, Worker, TransactionCommListener, WebSocketAcceptor) - Constructor for class com.iizix.comm.WebSocketServerComm
Constructs the WebSocket Server communication engine for the worker in question.
WebSocketServerComm(WebSocketServerCommProps, Worker, WebSocketCommListener, WebSocketAcceptor) - Constructor for class com.iizix.comm.WebSocketServerComm
Constructs the WebSocket Server communication engine for the worker in question.
WebSocketServerComm.State - Enum Class in com.iizix.comm
The state of the connection.
WebSocketServerCommProps - Class in com.iizix.prop
This property container contains all properties required for a WebSocket Server (NIO) connection.
WebSocketServerCommProps() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.WebSocketServerCommProps
Creates the WebSocket server property container without a name.
WebSocketServerCommProps(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.WebSocketServerCommProps
Creates the WebSocket server property container with the specified name.
WebThumbnail - Class in com.iizix.server.webthumbs
Class holding information about a thumbnail of a Website, typically "" or "", such as can be viewed in a browser.
WebThumbnailState - Enum Class in com.iizix.server.webthumbs
Enumeration for the state of a Website thumbnail.
WebThumbs - Class in com.iizix.server.webthumbs
Class holding all web thumbnails together and requesting only the ones needed.
WebThumbs(ServerShell) - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.webthumbs.WebThumbs
wechat - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
weibo - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
weight - Variable in class com.iizix.prop.GFont
The font weight as CSS value, e.g.
WEIGHT - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.Atom
WEIGHT_BOLD - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.font.FontFiles
Bold WEIGHT index = 6.
WEIGHT_DEFAULT - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.font.FontFiles
Default (normal or regular) WEIGHT index = 3.
WEIGHTS - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.font.FontFiles
Possible values for font-weight.
WEIGHTS_DESCR - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.font.FontFiles
Possible values for font-weight with description, e.g.
weixin - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
Welsh - Enum constant in enum class
Welsh - Enum constant in enum class
WEST - Static variable in class com.iizix.swt.SWTBorderLayout
whatsapp - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
wheelchair - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
wheelchair_alt - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
white - Variable in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUI
WHITESPACE_ONLY - Enum constant in enum class
widgetBackground - Variable in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUI
widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.MultiSelectionProvider
Sent when default selection occurs in the control.
widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.BoolPropEditor
Not processed.
widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.BoxShadowDialog
Not used.
widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.TransformDialog
Not used.
widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ExtendsFlagPropEditor
Not processed.
widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.screen.NewScreenWizardPage2
widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.validator.ControlValidator
Not processed.
widgetDefaultSelected(SelectionEvent) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.WidgetSelected
Default-selection event is ignored.
widgetDisposed(DisposeEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.MultiSelectionProvider
Called when a widget is disposed of.
widgetDisposed(DisposeEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.image.ImagesControl
Widget is disposed.
widgetDisposed(DisposeEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.image.SingleImageControl
Widget is disposed.
widgetDisposed(DisposeEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.TerminalWindow
Dispose listener.
widgetDisposed(DisposeEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.TablePanel
Sent when the widget is disposed.
widgetSelected(SelectionEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.MultiSelectionProvider
Sent when selection occurs in the control.
widgetSelected(SelectionEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.BoolPropEditor
Checkbox pressed.
widgetSelected(SelectionEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ContentProviderPropEditor
Checkbox pressed.
widgetSelected(SelectionEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.BoxShadowDialog
Inset selected.
widgetSelected(SelectionEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.TransformDialog
Function selected.
widgetSelected(SelectionEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ExtendsFlagPropEditor
Checkbox pressed.
widgetSelected(SelectionEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.screen.NewScreenWizardPage2
A radio button is selected.
widgetSelected(SelectionEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.text.ColumnListener
Toggle direction if same column, otherwise set sort on selected column.
widgetSelected(SelectionEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.validator.ControlValidator
Selection changes (spinner).
widgetSelected(SelectionEvent) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.WidgetSelected
This event is forwarded.
WidgetSelected - Class in com.iizix.swt
Class to wrap the SelectionListener interface to a functional event.
WidgetSelected(WidgetSelectedEvent) - Constructor for class com.iizix.swt.WidgetSelected
Constructor with the single-event function.
WidgetSelectedEvent - Interface in com.iizix.swt
Widget selection event functional interface, used to wrap selection events for lambda's.
width - Variable in class com.iizigo.image.LastVerified
The width.
width - Variable in class com.iizigo.term.internal.HotSpot
The width of the hot spot in characters.
width - Variable in class com.iizix.DSize
The width.
width - Variable in class com.iizix.prop.GStroke
The width.
width - Variable in class com.iizix.prop.image.ClientImageData
Width of image part to display.
width - Variable in class com.iizix.prop.image.SVGInfo
The width of the SVG.
width - Variable in class com.iizix.Size
The width.
width(int) - Method in class com.iizix.gyro.WindowOptions
Sets the width.
WIDTH - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.Atom
WIDTH_INDEX - Static variable in class com.iizix.swt.CustomSashForm
wifi - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
WiFi - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.device.settings.CommonSettings
Show settings to allow configuration of Wi-Fi (Android) -- show Settings > Wi-Fi (iOS).
WiFi - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.device.settings.Settings_Android
Internet: Wi-Fi and Network preferences.
WiFi - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.device.settings.Settings_iOS
Settings > Wi-Fi.
WiFiNetworks - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.device.settings.Settings_Android
Network preferences for Wi-Fi.
wikipedia_w - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
WILD_CARD - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.SelectorExpression.Token
The wild card token: { wc: env: "string" }.
WILDCARD - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.ITableFilter.Op
Cell string matches the wildcard string that uses "*?^" and Windows wildcards.
wildCardMap - Variable in class com.iizix.prop.AppLanguages.Data
The map of a wild cards to a language result.
willLoseFormatting() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KString
Checks if this string will lose formatting when translated to PLAIN.
willLoseFormatting() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLDynamicTag
Checks if this string will lose formatting when translated to PLAIN.
willLoseFormatting() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLHyperlinkExternalTag
Checks if this string will lose formatting when translated to PLAIN.
willLoseFormatting() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLHyperlinkResourceTag
Checks if this string will lose formatting when translated to PLAIN.
willLoseFormatting() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLHyperlinkUITag
Checks if this string will lose formatting when translated to PLAIN.
willLoseFormatting() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLHyperlinkVSTag
Checks if this string will lose formatting when translated to PLAIN.
willLoseFormatting() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLImageTag
Checks if this string will lose formatting when translated to PLAIN.
willLoseFormatting() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLTag
Checks if this string will lose formatting when translated to PLAIN.
willLoseFormatting() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLTextTableTag
Checks if this string will lose formatting when translated to PLAIN.
willLoseFormatting() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLTextVirtualSpaceTag
Checks if this string will lose formatting when translated to PLAIN.
willLoseFormatting() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringPLAINTag
Checks if this string will lose formatting when translated to PLAIN.
willLoseFormatting() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringTag
Checks if this string will lose formatting when translated to PLAIN.
window_close - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
window_close_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
window_maximize - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
window_minimize - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
window_restore - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
windowActivated(IWorkbenchWindow) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PartExtensionIZ
windowClosed(IWorkbenchWindow) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PartExtensionIZ
windowDeactivated(IWorkbenchWindow) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PartExtensionIZ
windowOpened(IWorkbenchWindow) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PartExtensionIZ
WindowOptions - Class in com.iizix.gyro
Class used to hold the Window options when opening a pop-up window on the client side from a browser session.
WindowOptions() - Constructor for class com.iizix.gyro.WindowOptions
Constructor, spawn mode = false, default width = 600 and height = 450, status bar, no menu bar, scroll bars.
WindowOptions(boolean) - Constructor for class com.iizix.gyro.WindowOptions
Constructor to set the spawn mode.
WindowOptions(int, int) - Constructor for class com.iizix.gyro.WindowOptions
Constructor with options: spawn mode = false, status bar, no menu bar and scroll bars.
windows - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
Windows - Class in com.iizix.prop
The windows property container holds the windows for the application.
Windows() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.Windows
Creates the applications property container without a name.
Windows(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.Windows
Creates the applications property container with the specified name.
WindowsLikeFilenameFilter - Class in com.iizix.util
Filters file names like under Windows, with '?' being any character, '*' being any characters and '^' the escape character (the meaning of '?' and '*' becomes the actual character, and two escape characters for a single).
WindowsLikeFilenameFilter(String) - Constructor for class com.iizix.util.WindowsLikeFilenameFilter
Creates the instance of the file name filter that is case sensitive.
WindowsLikeFilenameFilter(String, boolean) - Constructor for class com.iizix.util.WindowsLikeFilenameFilter
Creates the instance of the file name filter that is case sensitive.
WinFileFilter - Class in com.iizix.util
A convenience implementation of FileFilter that filters out all files except for those type extensions that it knows about.
WinFileFilter() - Constructor for class com.iizix.util.WinFileFilter
Creates a file filter.
WinFileFilter(String) - Constructor for class com.iizix.util.WinFileFilter
Creates a file filter that accepts files with the given extension.
WinFileFilter(String[]) - Constructor for class com.iizix.util.WinFileFilter
Creates a file filter from the given string array.
WinFileFilter(String[], String) - Constructor for class com.iizix.util.WinFileFilter
Creates a file filter from the given string array and description.
WinFileFilter(String, String) - Constructor for class com.iizix.util.WinFileFilter
Creates a file filter that accepts the given file type.
Wireless - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.device.settings.Settings_Android
Network ∓ internet, configurations such as Wi-Fi, Hotspots and VPN.
with(Runnable) - Method in class com.iizigo.jface.PartAction
Assigns a run method to execute instead of overriding the "run" method.
withAdminPasswordEntropyStrengthRequired() - Method in class com.iizix.device.SignInPermissions
Creates a new instance with "Admin Password Entropy Strength Required" enabled.
withAdminPasswordEntropyStrengthRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.device.SignInPermissions
Creates a new instance with "Admin Password Entropy Strength Required" enabled.
withAllowed() - Method in class com.iizix.device.SignInPermissions
Creates a new instance with "allowed", by default no permissions are allowed at all.
withAllowed(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.device.SignInPermissions
Creates a new instance with "allowed", by default no permissions are allowed at all.
withAutoSignInProviderAllowed() - Method in class com.iizix.device.SignInPermissions
Creates a new instance with "Auto Sign-InUser Password/Allowed" enabled.
withAutoSignInProviderAllowed(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.device.SignInPermissions
Creates a new instance with "Auto Sign-In Provider Allowed" enabled.
withAutoSignInUserPasswordAllowed() - Method in class com.iizix.device.SignInPermissions
Creates a new instance with "Auto Sign-InUser Password/Allowed" enabled.
withAutoSignInUserPasswordAllowed(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.device.SignInPermissions
Creates a new instance with "Auto Sign-InUser Password/Allowed" enabled.
withBiometricsRequired() - Method in class com.iizix.device.SignInPermissions
Creates a new instance with "Biometrics Required" enabled.
withBiometricsRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.device.SignInPermissions
Creates a new instance with "Biometrics Required" enabled.
withCiphertext(byte[]) - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.Encrypted.Builder
withExternalAuthenticatorRequired() - Method in class com.iizix.device.SignInPermissions
Creates a new instance with flag enabling "External Authenticator Required" settings on the device in question.
withExternalAuthenticatorRequired(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.device.SignInPermissions
Creates a new instance with flag enabling "External Authenticator Required" settings on the device in question.
withPublicKey(PublicKey) - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.Encrypted.Builder
withRememberPasswordAllowed() - Method in class com.iizix.device.SignInPermissions
Creates a new instance with "Remember Password Allowed" (for user).
withRememberPasswordAllowed(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.device.SignInPermissions
Creates a new instance with "Remember Password Allowed" (for user).
withRememberUserAllowed() - Method in class com.iizix.device.SignInPermissions
Creates a new instance with "Remember User Allowed" (not password).
withRememberUserAllowed(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.device.SignInPermissions
Creates a new instance with "Remember User Allowed" (not password).
withSalt(byte[]) - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.Encrypted.Builder
WIZARD_ID - Static variable in class com.iizigo.db.editor.NewDBTransactionWizard
The ID.
WIZARD_ID - Static variable in class com.iizigo.font.NewFontFacesWizard
The ID.
WIZARD_ID - Static variable in class com.iizigo.image.NewImageDefinitionWizard
The ID.
WIZARD_ID - Static variable in class com.iizigo.image.NewSVGDefinitionWizard
The ID.
WIZARD_ID - Static variable in class com.iizigo.panel.NewContextMenuWizard
The ID.
WIZARD_ID - Static variable in class com.iizigo.panel.NewPanelWizard
The ID.
WIZARD_ID - Static variable in class com.iizigo.project.NewFolderWizard
The ID.
WIZARD_ID - Static variable in class com.iizigo.selector.NewSelectorWizard
The ID.
WIZARD_ID - Static variable in class
The ID.
WIZARD_ID - Static variable in class com.iizigo.term.screen.NewScreenWizard
The ID.
WIZARD_ID - Static variable in class com.iizigo.term.session.NewSessionWizard
The ID.
WIZARD_ID - Static variable in class com.iizigo.text.NewTextTablesWizard
The ID.
WIZARD_ID - Static variable in class com.iizigo.text.NewTextTableWizard
The ID.
WIZARD_ID - Static variable in class com.iizigo.ui.server.monitor.NewServerWizard
The ID.
WIZARD_ID - Static variable in class com.iizigo.vs.NewVirtualSpaceWizard
The ID.
WIZARD_ID - Static variable in class
The ID.
WIZARD_ID - Static variable in class
The ID.
WizardDialog - Class in com.iizigo.swt
Customized Wizard Dialog used when no progress bar is used.
WizardDialog(Shell, Wizard) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.swt.WizardDialog
Creates a new wizard dialog for the given wizard.
WizardDialog(Shell, Wizard, boolean) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.swt.WizardDialog
Creates a new wizard dialog for the given wizard.
WOFF - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.font.FontFormat
The format: WOFF.
WOFF2 - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.font.FontFormat
The format: WOFF2.
won - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
WORD_BREAKS - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.Styles
wordpress - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
worked(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropProgressMonitorAdapter
Notifies that a given number of work unit of the main task has been completed.
worked(int) - Method in interface
Notifies that a given number of work unit of the main task has been completed.
worked(int) - Method in interface com.iizix.IPropProgressMonitor
Notifies that a given number of work unit of the main task has been completed.
worked(int) - Method in class com.iizix.PropProgressMonitor
Notifies that a given number of work unit of the main task has been completed.
worked(Object, int) - Method in class
Ticks units of work from progress.
worked(Object, int) - Method in class
Ticks units of work from progress.
worker - Variable in class com.iizix.server.AbstractEndPoint
The worker of the Editor.
Worker - Class in com.iizix
The Worker is a class that handles all communication with "plain" sockets, received and sent (pending) messages to connectors, along with handling the session queue.
Worker(SessionInfo) - Constructor for class com.iizix.Worker
Creates an instance of the Worker queue.
WorkerNIO - Class in com.iizix.nio
The Worker is a class that handles all communication with "plain" sockets, received and sent (pending) messages to connectors, along with handling the session queue.
WorkerNIO() - Constructor for class com.iizix.nio.WorkerNIO
Creates an instance of the Worker queue.
WorkerTask<TASK_ID,PARAM,RESULT> - Class in com.iizix
The WorkerTask is something that requires processing in the Worker queue or some IO operations, etc.
WorkerTask() - Constructor for class com.iizix.WorkerTask
Constructor for the task to perform, no task ID, no parameter, no callback, default priority.
WorkerTask(PARAM) - Constructor for class com.iizix.WorkerTask
Constructor for the task to perform, no task ID, no callback, default priority.
WorkerTask(TASK_ID, PARAM) - Constructor for class com.iizix.WorkerTask
Constructor for the task to perform, no callback, default priority.
WorkerTask(TASK_ID, PARAM, WorkerTaskEnded<TASK_ID, PARAM, RESULT>) - Constructor for class com.iizix.WorkerTask
Constructor for the task to perform, default priority.
WorkerTask(TASK_ID, PARAM, WorkerTaskEnded<TASK_ID, PARAM, RESULT>, int) - Constructor for class com.iizix.WorkerTask
Constructor for the task to perform.
WorkerTask.State - Enum Class in com.iizix
Task states.
WorkerTaskEnded<I,P,R> - Interface in com.iizix
The WorkerTask ended callback interface.
WorkerThread - Class in com.iizix.server
A worker thread class for the server.
WorkerThread(Worker, Runnable) - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.WorkerThread
Constructs the worker thread.
WorkFax - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURNType
Work fax number.
WORKING - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.txp.ITXPNode.State
Ready to do transactional work.
WorkMobile - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURNType
Work phone number.
WorkPhone - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURNType
Work phone number.
WorkspaceProperties - Class in com.iizigo
The workspace properties is used to save/restore states and settings for dialog boxes, etc.
wouldAddTooltipInfo(PropCnr) - Method in interface com.iizigo.prop.tooltip.ITooltipPropList
Checks if this property container would produce a change for the tooltip or not.
wouldCreateLine(PropCnr) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.tooltip.TooltipItem
Checks if this item would produce a change in the parent composite or not.
wouldValidate(GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.AbstractReference
Checks if the reference would be valid if this property is attached to a root property.
wpbeginner - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
wpexplorer - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
wpforms - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
wrap(String, int, Object) - Method in class
Wraps the JSON "object".
wrap(Composite, GridData, int) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.color.ColorChooser
Creates an AWT wrapper component and returns an SWT composite.
WrapStringPropEditor - Class in com.iizigo.prop.editor
The String property editor consists of a simple entry field with the option to open a dialog for multi-line editing with fixed font.
WrapStringPropEditor() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.WrapStringPropEditor
Default constructor called before createControls.
wrench - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
write() - Method in class
Write the content of the instance to a file.
write(byte[]) - Method in class com.iizix.term.comm.TelnetComm
Writes a raw buffer to the output followed by a flush.
write(byte[], int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.comm.TelnetComm
Writes an amount of bytes.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.server.PrintStream2
Write len bytes from the specified byte array starting at offset off to this stream.
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.util.GZOutputStream
Writes array of bytes to the compressed output stream.
write(int) - Method in class com.iizix.server.PrintStream2
Write the specified byte to this stream.
writeAndroidKeyStore(RuntimeBuilderProps, File, boolean) - Static method in class
Writes an Android KeyStore to file.
writeAndroidKeyStore(File, boolean) - Method in class
Writes an Android KeyStore to file.
writeByte(byte) - Method in class com.iizix.util.XOutputFile
Write a byte to the file.
writeByte(int) - Method in class com.iizix.util.XOutputFile
Write a byte to the file.
writeBytes(byte[]) - Method in class com.iizix.util.XOutputFile
Write a byte array to the file.
writeBytes(byte[], int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.util.XOutputFile
Write a byte array to the file.
WriteCache - Class in com.iizix
This class is used to handle writing strings to the cache used from the server to the client in transactions.
WriteCache() - Constructor for class com.iizix.WriteCache
Creates the write cache initialized to hold a defined maximum amount of strings.
WriteCache(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.iizix.WriteCache
Creates the write cache initialized to hold a defined maximum amount of strings.
writeCertificates(File, X509Certificate[]) - Static method in class
Writes the certificates in encoded form of the certificates using a certificate path.
writeIntelLong(int) - Method in class com.iizix.util.XOutputFile
Writes an Intel formatted Long (32 bit value).
writeIntelShort(int) - Method in class com.iizix.util.XOutputFile
Writes an Intel formatted Short (16 bit signed value).
writeIntelUShort(int) - Method in class com.iizix.util.XOutputFile
Writes an Intel formatted UShort (16 bit unsigned value).
writeISOLine(String) - Method in class com.iizix.util.XOutputFile
Writes a string as a line in a file encoded in ISO 8859-1 character set.
writeLine(byte[]) - Method in class com.iizix.util.XOutputFile
Writes an array of bytes to file and append line separator.
writeOEMString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.util.XOutputFile
Writes a string to its length using the OEM (ASCII) character set.
writeOEMString(String, int, byte) - Method in class com.iizix.util.XOutputFile
Writes a string padded to the specified length with the padding character.
writeOEMString(String, int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.util.XOutputFile
Writes a string padded to the specified length with the padding character.
writeOEMStringVector(Vector<String>) - Method in class com.iizix.util.XOutputFile
Converts a vector of unicode strings to ASCII bytes and writes them to file using environment dependent line separator.
writeRaw(byte[]) - Method in class com.iizix.term.comm.TelnetComm
Writes a raw buffer to the output followed by a flush.
writeRaw(byte[], int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.comm.TelnetComm
Writes a raw buffer to the output followed by a flush.
writeString(String, int, byte) - Method in class com.iizix.util.XOutputFile
Writes a string padded to the specified length with the padding character.
writeString(String, int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.util.XOutputFile
Writes a string padded to the specified length with the padding character.
writeTextFile(File, RuntimeBuilderSettings) - Method in class
Writes all the text's used in the app, for all text tables into an UTF-8 encoded file that is read later on by the pre-build processor to Android, iOS or Android.
writeToFile(XOutputFile) - Method in class com.iizix.term.KeyboardRemapper
Writes the definition of the keyboard map to the file.
writeUnicodeString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.util.XOutputFile
Writes a string to its length in Unicode.
writeUnicodeString(String, int, char) - Method in class com.iizix.util.XOutputFile
Writes a string padded to the specified length with the padding character.
writeZeroTermUnicodeString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.util.XOutputFile
Writes a zero-terminated Unicode string, if the string contains a zero-termination character, it will end there.
WS_IDLE_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettings
The web server maximum thread idle time settings.
WS_LOG_DIR - Static variable in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettings
Property name for the logger directory for web server log files.
WS_LOG_RETAIN_DAYS - Static variable in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettings
Property name for the number of days to retain web server log files.
WS_LOG_TIME_ZONE - Static variable in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettings
Property name for the time zone ID for logging web server requests.
WS_MAX_THREADS - Static variable in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettings
The web server maximum number of threads setting.
WS_MIN_THREADS - Static variable in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettings
The web server minimum number of threads setting.
WS_PROTOCOL - Static variable in class com.iizix.ServerConstants
The IIZI WebSocket protocol: "iizi".
WS_PROTOCOL_COMPRESSED - Static variable in class com.iizix.ServerConstants
The IIZI WebSocket protocol: "iizic".
WS_PROTOCOLS - Static variable in class com.iizix.ServerConstants
Array of sub-protocols handled: just one: "iizi".
WS_RESERVED_THREADS - Static variable in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettings
The web server number of reserved threads setting.
WSAcmePage - Class in com.iizigo.webserver
The web server page in the IIZI preferences.
WSAcmePage() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.webserver.WSAcmePage
WSFileDownload - Class in com.iizix.server.wsfile
Class used to hold information for file download into a file provider.
WSFileProvider - Class in com.iizix.server.wsfile
The class is used to provide files to the web server for various contexts: Server session, Per application (and version), Per user (all sessions), Per application session (on user basis), Per client session.
WSFileProviderEngine - Class in com.iizix.server.wsfile
Engine to handle file providing for external web server files, typically images and other client resources that are fetched from the web server.
WSFileProviderEngine(ServerSettings) - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.wsfile.WSFileProviderEngine
Constructs a new engine.
WSFileProviderEngine(File) - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.wsfile.WSFileProviderEngine
Constructs a new engine for the iiziGo Designer First-Time-Start dialog to assign a profile image.
WSHelper - Class in com.iizix.jetty
Helper class for common functions for Jetty.
WSHelper() - Constructor for class com.iizix.jetty.WSHelper
WSJarResourceFile - Class in com.iizix.jetty
The Resource for Jetty that refers to a JarEntry of file type inside an XJar or MemoryJar.
WSJarResourceFile(IJarFile, JarEntry, long, URL) - Constructor for class com.iizix.jetty.WSJarResourceFile
Constructs the resource for the Jar file in question and the file entry.
WSParameter - Class in
A Web Service parameter consists of a Parameter name and a Value.
WSParameter(String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class
wsPort - Variable in class com.iizigo.webserver.Preference
The Web Socket HTTP port.
wsPort1 - Variable in class com.iizigo.Preference
The Web Socket start port.
wsPort2 - Variable in class com.iizigo.Preference
The Web Socket end port.
WSPreferencePage - Class in com.iizigo.webserver
The web server page in the IIZI preferences.
WSPreferencePage() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.webserver.WSPreferencePage
wsSecurePort - Variable in class com.iizigo.webserver.Preference
The Secure Web Socket HTTPS port.
WSUploadPart - Class in com.iizix.comm
Class holding the part that is about a file to be uploaded in the web server.
WSUploadPart(String, String, long) - Constructor for class com.iizix.comm.WSUploadPart
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