Geonames Registry, null for none.
getGivenZoneName() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GDateTimeReturns the zone name that given to the Zone ID or Zone Offset.
getGlobal() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.complex.ComplexOperationGets the global complex operation in progress.
getGlobalInstance() - Static method in class com.iizix.comm.statistics.SessionConnectionStatisticsGets a snapshot of the global instance of the transaction information for the server.
getGlobalProcessID() - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.TXPidImpl getGlobalProcessID() - Method in interface com.iizix.txp.ITXPidGets the global process ID
getGMTOffset() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocation.TimezoneReturns the GMT offset of the given time zone in seconds, e.g.
getGotoText() - Method in class com.iizigo.actionactor.EditorJavaActionActor.SettingsGets the go to text that will be displayed in the UI.
getGotoText() - Method in interface com.iizigo.actionactor.IEditorActionActorSettingsGets the go to text that will be displayed in the UI.
getGotoText() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.actionactor.EditorDatabaseActionActor.SettingsGets the go to text that will be displayed in the UI.
getGotoText() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorTerminalActionActor.SettingsGets the go to text that will be displayed in the UI.
getGotoText() - Method in class the go to text that will be displayed in the UI.
getGradient() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GFillGradientGets the gradient.
getGradient() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GradientPropGets the current value set as an GGradient.
getGraphics() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.GraphicsGCReturns the Graphics2D context to use.
getGraphics() - Static method in class com.iizigo.term.TermUtilGets a screen compatible Graphics2D instance that is preset for font (text) anti-aliasing and fractional metrics (instead of Integers).
getGraphics(JComponent) - Static method in class com.iizigo.term.TermUtilGets the graphics of a JComponent.
getGrid() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EGridLayoutGets a cached grid or builds it.
getGroup() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLDefaultItemPropGets the group for the default item.
getGroup() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItemGets the group associated with this item.
getGroup() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItemPropGets the group for this item property.
getGroup(String) - Method in class com.iizix.api.BaseEventGets the group with the specified path.
getGroup(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponentGets the group with the specified path.
getGroup(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VirtualSpaceGets the group with the specified path.
getGroup(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditorSetupGets the group for a property name.
getGroup(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MListGets a group of list items by name.
getGroup(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.db.GroupInfoGets the group with the specified name.
getGroup2(String) - Method in class com.iizix.api.BaseEventGets the group with the specified full VS reference path.
getGroup2(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponentGets the group with the specified full VS reference path.
getGroup2(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VirtualSpaceGets the group with the specified full VS reference path.
getGroupFormatter(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditorSetupGets an group formatter for a group.
getGroupID() - Method in class the Developer Group ID of the app.
getGroupID(GroupNameProp) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIGroupSeparatorGets the unique ID for a group name.
getGroupID(GroupNameProp) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIContextMenuGets the unique ID for a group name.
getGroupID(GroupNameProp) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIPanelBaseGets the unique ID for a group name.
getGroupID(GroupNameProp) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISwapContainerGets the unique ID for a group name.
getGroupID(GroupNameProp) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UITabContainerGets the unique ID for a group name.
getGroupInfo() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditorInfoGets the group info.
getGroupInfo(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditorSetupGets the group information to use.
getGroupName() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIRadioComponentGets the group name of the component.
getGroupNames() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerAppConfigGets the group names array associated with this app.
getGroupNull(String) - Method in class com.iizix.api.BaseEventGets the group with the specified path.
getGroupNull(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponentGets the group with the specified path.
getGroupNull(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VirtualSpaceGets the group with the specified path.
getGroupNull(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MListGets a group of list items by name.
getGroupNull2(String) - Method in class com.iizix.api.BaseEventGets the group with the specified full VS reference path.
getGroupNull2(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponentGets the group with the specified full VS reference path.
getGroupNull2(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VirtualSpaceGets the group with the specified full VS reference path.
getGroups(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.server.db.BasicUserInfoGets the groups of this user.
getGroups(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerAppConfigGets the groups for this app.
getGroups(long[], boolean) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.db.GroupInfoGets the groups for the group IDs.
getGroups(String[], boolean) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.db.GroupInfoGets the groups for the names.
getGroups(Connection, String[]) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.db.GroupInfoGets the groups for the names from the database.
getGroupsString() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerAppConfigGets the app groups associated.
getGroupText(PropCnr[], StringBuilder, boolean[]) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.calendar.ECalendarDataFormats a string representation for the layout group.
getGroupText(PropCnr[], StringBuilder, boolean[]) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EAbsoluteDataFormats a string representation for the layout group.
getGroupText(PropCnr[], StringBuilder, boolean[]) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EAccordionDataFormats a string representation for the layout group.
getGroupText(PropCnr[], StringBuilder, boolean[]) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EBorderDataFormats a string representation for the layout group.
getGroupText(PropCnr[], StringBuilder, boolean[]) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EContextMenuDataFormats a string representation for the layout group.
getGroupText(PropCnr[], StringBuilder, boolean[]) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EFlexDataFormats a string representation for the layout group.
getGroupText(PropCnr[], StringBuilder, boolean[]) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EGridDataFormats a string representation for the layout group.
getGroupText(PropCnr[], StringBuilder, boolean[]) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EHeadingDataFormats a string representation for the layout group.
getGroupText(PropCnr[], StringBuilder, boolean[]) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EListDataFormats a string representation for the layout group.
getGroupText(PropCnr[], StringBuilder, boolean[]) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMenuBarDataFormats a string representation for the layout group.
getGroupText(PropCnr[], StringBuilder, boolean[]) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMenuDataFormats a string representation for the layout group.
getGroupText(PropCnr[], StringBuilder, boolean[]) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EPanelDataFormats a string representation for the layout group.
getGroupText(PropCnr[], StringBuilder, boolean[]) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.ESwapDataFormats a string representation for the layout group.
getGroupText(PropCnr[], StringBuilder, boolean[]) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.ETabBarDataFormats a string representation for the layout group.
getGroupText(PropCnr[], StringBuilder, boolean[]) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.ETabDataFormats a string representation for the layout group.
getGroupText(PropCnr[], StringBuilder, boolean[]) - Method in interface com.iizigo.panel.prop.IELayoutPropFormats a string representation for the layout group.
getGroupText(PropCnr[], StringBuilder, boolean[]) - Method in class a string representation for the layout group.
getGroupText(PropCnr[], StringBuilder, boolean[]) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMListDataFormats a string representation for the layout group.
getGroupText(PropCnr[], StringBuilder, boolean[]) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.table.EUITableDataFormats a string representation for the layout group.
getGroupText(PropCnr[], ArrayList<PropertyEditorInfo>, PropertyEditorInfo, StringBuilder, boolean[]) - Method in interface a string representation for the group.
getGroupText(PropCnr[], ArrayList<PropertyEditorInfo>, PropertyEditorInfo, StringBuilder, boolean[]) - Method in class a string representation for the group.
getGroupTextPrompt(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditorSetupGet a group text prompt.
getGroupToolTipText(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditorSetupGet a group tooltip text.
getHandle(int, int) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.ScreenRectangleInfoGets the handle where the cursor is located for a mouse event.
getHandledContextPaths() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.test.TransactionProcessorGets the list of potential handled context paths for the websocket.
getHandledContextPaths() - Method in interface com.iizix.nio.WebSocketAcceptorGets the list of potential handled context paths for the websocket.
getHandledContextPaths() - Method in class com.iizix.server.client.ClientEndPointConstructorGets the list of potential handled context paths for the websocket.
getHandledContextPaths() - Method in interface com.iizix.server.IEndPointConstructorGets the list of potential handled context paths for the websocket.
getHandledContextPaths() - Method in class com.iizix.server.monitor.VirtualizedMonitorEndPointConstructorGets the list of potential handled context paths for the websocket.
getHandledContextPaths() - Method in class the list of potential handled context paths for the websocket.
getHandledContextPaths() - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShellGets the list of potential handled context paths for the websocket.
getHandledContextPaths() - Method in class com.iizix.server.vsviewer.VSViewerEndPointConstructorGets the list of potential handled context paths for the websocket.
getHandler() - Method in interface com.iizix.util.IJarFileGets the URL stream handler.
getHandler() - Method in class com.iizix.util.MemoryJarFileGets the URL stream handler for the MemoryJarFile.
getHandler() - Method in class com.iizix.util.XJarFileGets the URL stream handler for the MemoryJarFile.
getHashMap() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StringMapPropGets the synchronized LinkedHashMap<String,String>.
getHeader() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVSTableGets the headerBackground.
getHeader() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.DefaultTableContentProviderGets the header object.
getHeader() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.table.ITableContentProviderGets the header object.
getHeader() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSTableGets the header.
getHeaderCells(VSColumnHeader[]) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.DefaultTableContentProviderGets the header cells.
getHeaderCells(HEADER) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.table.ITableContentProviderGets the header cells.
getHeaderContextMenu() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditorGets the context menu for the headerBackground.
getHeaders() - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.HttpRequest getHeaderValue() - Method in enum class com.iizix.push.vapid.Urgency getHeading() - Method in interface com.iizigo.clientpref.IClientPrefReturns the heading text for a collapsable group.
getHeadingFont() - Method in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUIGets a heading font.
getHeadingText() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLGroupGets the heading text.
getHeartBeatInterval() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.session.SessionMgrGets the heart-beat interval in milliseconds.
getHeartBeatInterval() - Method in class com.iizix.server.AbstractEndPointGets the heart-beat interval time in milliseconds, called during start-up in the constructor.
getHeight() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.ImageInfoGets the height.
getHeight() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.FontInfoGets the font height.
getHeight() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.capture.prop.CaptureFieldPropGets the height.
getHeight() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenFieldPropGets the height.
getHeight() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenIdentificationPropGets the height.
getHeight() - Method in interface com.iizigo.term.prop.IScreenRectangleGets the height.
getHeight() - Method in class com.iizix.barcode.BarcodeBuilderGets the height of the barcode.
getHeight() - Method in interface com.iizix.IFontInfoGets the font height.
getHeight() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GRectGets the height.
getHeight() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GSizeGets the height.
getHeight() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.image.IImageTargetGets the height of the BITMAP image.
getHeight() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.image.SVGInfoGets the width of the SVG.
getHeight() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.device.GSimpleDeviceGets the height.
getHeight() - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.UserProfileImageRequestThe height requested of the image, always greater than zero.
getHeight() - Method in class the screen height.
getHeight() - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostScreenGets the height of the screen.
getHeight() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenPropGets the height of this screen.
getHeight() - Method in interface com.iizix.urn.user.IUserProfileImageRequestThe height requested of the image, always greater than zero.
getHeight() - Method in class com.iizix.user.ProfilePictureInfoGets the height of the profile picture.
getHeightUnit() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.ILayoutUnitHeightReturns the height of the component.
getHiddenHostFieldColumn(HostScreen) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGets an array of all host field cells in a column.
getHiddenHostString(HostScreen) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGets the contents of this host field.
getHiddenHostString(HostScreen, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGets the contents of this host field.
getHiddenHostString(HostScreen, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGets the contents of this host field.
getHiddenHostString(HostScreen, int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGets the contents of this host field.
getHiddenStringAbsolute(int, int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostScreenGets a text string from host at an absolute position on the screen.
getHiddenStringRelative(int, int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostScreenGets a text string from host at a relative position.
getHint() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLComboBoxGets the entry field hint for the list item.
getHint() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLDateTimeGets the entry field hint for the list item.
getHint() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSpinnerGets the entry field hint for the list item.
getHint() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLTextGets the entry field hint for the list item.
getHintKString() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIHintGets the hint assigned to the component.
getHints() - Method in class com.iizix.barcode.BarcodeBuilderGets a copy of the hints used for the Zxing barcode encoder.
getHintString() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIHintGets the hint as a String assigned to the component.
getHistory() - Static method in class com.iizigo.server.ServerConfigFileGets the history of configuration files.
getHistory() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.statistics.SessionStatisticsGets the history of connection statistics.
getHistory() - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerLoggerGets all the history entries currently available.
getHistory(long) - Method in class com.iizix.os.OSSystemInfoGets the history entries gathered between a date up to the last available entry.
getHistory(long) - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShellGets the history entries gathered between a date up to the last available entry.
getHistoryInterval() - Method in class com.iizix.os.OSSystemInfoGets the interval used for gathering of history entries.
getHistoryLength() - Method in class com.iizix.passwordpolicy.PasswordPolicyGets the password history length.
getHistoryRequest() - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IClientSessionGyroGets the history request instance for the client session.
getHistoryRequest() - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyroGets the history request instance for the client session.
getHomeAddress() - Method in class the host address index on the screen.
getHomeAddress() - Method in class com.iizix.term.EmptyHostSessionGets the host address index on the screen.
getHomeAddress() - Method in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionPeerGets the host address index on the screen.
getHomeAddress() - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn3270e.HostSession3270Gets the host address index on the screen.
getHomeAddress() - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn5250e.HostSession5250Gets the host address index on the screen.
getHorizontalAlign() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TCellGets the horizontal alignment of the cell.
getHorizontallyExpand() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UITextGets the horizontally expand option.
getHost() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.HostNameRegionLocationGets the host name or IPv4/IPv6 address.
getHost() - Method in class com.iizix.HostNameOrAddressGets the host name or address.
getHost() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SocketCommPropsGets the destination host name or IP address for the socket destination.
getHostCodepage() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TelnetCommPropsGets host codepage (default Cp037 = US English).
getHostField(HostScreen) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGets the corresponding host field on the current host screen.
getHostField(HostScreen, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGets the corresponding host field on the current host screen.
getHostField(HostScreen, int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGets the corresponding host field on the current host screen.
getHostFieldColumn(HostScreen) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGets an array of all host field cells in a column.
getHostFieldColumn(HostScreen, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGets an array of all host field cells in a column.
getHostKey(int) - Static method in class com.iizix.term.KeyboardRemapperGets the host key value from an index.
getHostName() - Method in class com.iizix.server.RedirectionServerGets the host name or IP address of the redirection server.
getHostName() - Method in class com.iizix.SessionInfoGets the host name, as provided by the (web) server for the connection without looking up using reverse DNS, null indicates not set.
getHostName() - Method in class com.iizix.test.client.DestinationServerGets the server host name.
getHostNameOrAddress() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.HostNameRegionLocationGets the original host name or IPv4/IPv6 address.
getHostScreenLength() - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostSessionGets the current screen length (width * height).
getHostScreenSize() - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostSessionGets the host screen size.
getHostSession() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.capture.CaptureEditorGets the HostSession.
getHostSession() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.TerminalGets the HostSession.
getHostSession() - Method in interface com.iizigo.term.ITermEditorGets the HostSession.
getHostSession() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.TerminalDesignerPropGets the host session instance.
getHostSession() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.recording.RecordingEditorGets the HostSession.
getHostSession() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.screen.ScreenEditorGets the HostSession.
getHostSession() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.TerminalCompositeGets the host session.
getHostSession() - Method in class the host session.
getHostSession() - Method in class com.iizix.term.EmptyHostSessionGets the host session.
getHostSession() - Method in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionPeerGets the HostSession, i.e.
getHostSession() - Method in class com.iizix.term.remote.RemoteHostSessionGets the host session.
getHostSession() - Method in class com.iizix.term.server.TerminalHostGets the host session instance.
getHostSession() - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn3270e.HostSession3270Gets the HostSession, i.e.
getHostSession() - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn5250e.HostSession5250Gets the host session owner.
getHostString(HostScreen) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGets the contents of this host field.
getHostString(HostScreen, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGets the contents of this host field.
getHostString(HostScreen, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGets the contents of this host field.
getHostString(HostScreen, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGets the contents of this host field.
getHostString(HostScreen, boolean, int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGets the contents of this host field at a certain line.
getHostString(HostScreen, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGets the contents of this host field at a certain line.
getHostString(HostScreen, int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGets the contents of this host field.
getHour() - Method in class com.iizix.value.ImmutableXMLGregorianCalendargetHoverControlCreator() - Method in class getHoverInfo(ITextViewer, IRegion) - Method in class hover info.
getHoverInfo2(ITextViewer, IRegion) - Method in class the Hover Info
getHTMLSourceInfo(File) - Method in class the HTML source info for a file.
getHTMLString(IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringGets the string formatted in HTML.
getHTMLString(StringBuilder, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in interface com.iizix.text.IKStringHTMLHyperlinkGets the string representation of this tag in the HTML format.
getHTMLString(StringBuilder, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLDynamicTagGets the string representation of this tag in the HTML format.
getHTMLString(StringBuilder, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLHyperlinkExternalTagGets the string representation of this tag in the HTML format.
getHTMLString(StringBuilder, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLHyperlinkResourceTagGets the string representation of this tag in the HTML format.
getHTMLString(StringBuilder, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLHyperlinkUITagGets the string representation of this tag in the HTML format.
getHTMLString(StringBuilder, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLHyperlinkVSTagGets the string representation of this tag in the HTML format.
getHTMLString(StringBuilder, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLImageTagGets the string representation of this tag in the HTML format.
getHTMLString(StringBuilder, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLTagGets the string representation of this tag in the HTML format.
getHTMLString(StringBuilder, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLTextTableTagGets the string representation of this tag in the HTML format, i.e.
getHTMLString(StringBuilder, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLTextVirtualSpaceTagGets the string representation of this tag in the HTML format.
getHTMLString(StringBuilder, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringPLAINTextTableTagGets the string representation of this tag in the HTML format, i.e.
getHTMLString(StringBuilder, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringPLAINVirtualSpaceTagGets the string representation of this tag in the HTML format, i.e.
getHTMLString(StringBuilder, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringTagGets the string representation of this tag in the HTML format, i.e.
getHTMLTagText(StringBuilder, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLDynamicTagGets the "unparsed" string representation of this tag in the HTML format.
getHTMLTagText(StringBuilder, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLTagGets the "unparsed" string representation of this tag in the HTML format.
getHTMLTagText(StringBuilder, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringPLAINTagGets the "unparsed" string representation of this tag in the HTML format, e.g.
getHTMLTagText(StringBuilder, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringTagGets the "unparsed" string representation of this tag in the HTML format, i.e.
getHTTPFileUrl(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.webserver.InternalWebServerGets the URL string for a file in the root using the HTTP protocol.
getHTTPRequestProperties() - Method in class the HTTP request properties.
getHTTPServer() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.RichTextEditorDialogGets the HTTP Server string prefix including port.
getHTTPServer() - Method in class com.iizigo.text.KStringInfoProviderAdapterGets the HTTP Server string prefix including port.
getHTTPServer() - Method in class com.iizigo.text.TextTableEditorGets the HTTP Server string prefix including port.
getHTTPServer() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropMgrInfoProviderAdapterGets the HTTP Server string prefix including port.
getHTTPServer() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TableCellGets the HTTP Server string prefix including port.
getHTTPServer() - Method in class the HTTP Server string prefix including port.
getHTTPServer() - Method in interface com.iizix.text.IKStringInfoProviderGets the HTTP Server string prefix including port.
getHTTPServer() - Method in interface com.iizix.text.IKStringValuePropHolderGets the HTTP Server string prefix including port.
getHTTPServer() - Method in class com.iizix.text.ValidationKStringInfoProviderHolderGets the HTTP Server string prefix including port.
getHTTPURLConnection() - Method in class the HTTP(S) URLConnection.
getIcon() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItemGets the image assigned as the icon for the list item.
getIcon(VSRow, MLGroup, MLItem) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.IMListIconProviderGets the icon to use for the list item and the specified VS row.
getIcon(VSRow, MLItem, IImageTarget) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.IMListContentProviderGets the icon to use for the list item and the specified VS row.
getIcon(VSRow, MLItem, IImageTarget) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLContentProviderGets the icon to use for the list item and the specified VS row.
getIcon(String) - Static method in class com.iizigo.db.PluginActivatorReturns an image descriptor for the image file at the given plug-in relative path.
getIcon(String) - Static method in class com.iizigo.term.PluginActivatorReturns an image descriptor for the image file at the given plug-in relative path.
getIcon(String) - Static method in class com.iizigo.ui.server.monitor.ActivatorReturns an image descriptor for the image file at the given plug-in relative path.
getIcon(String) - Static method in class an image descriptor for the image file at the given plug-in relative path.
getIconBackgroundColor() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ModuleAppGets the icon background color, optionally used for SVG icons and/or PNG transparent images.reference to the app icon bitmap.
getIconBitmap() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ModuleAppGets the app icon bitmap.
getIconBitmapReference() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ModuleAppGets the reference to the app icon bitmap.
getIconCSS() - Method in class com.iizigo.font.CSSFontDefinitionGets the icon CSS declaration string.
getIconMargins() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItemGets the margins for the icon.
getIconProvider() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLGroupGets the custom instance of the icon provider for the group.
getIconSVG() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ModuleAppGets the app icon SVG.
getIconSVGReference() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ModuleAppGets the reference to the app icon SVG.
getID() - Method in class the ID of the processor.
getID() - Method in interface the ID of the processor.
getID() - Method in class the ID of the processor.
getID() - Method in class the problem id
getID() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.MementoPropAdapterReturns the id for this memento.
getID() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.MementoPropCnrReturns the id for this memento.
getID() - Method in class com.iizigo.quickfix.fixer.DeletePropertyReturns the ID of the Quick Fixer.
getID() - Method in class com.iizigo.quickfix.fixer.OpenPropertyGets the ID of the quick-fix.
getID() - Method in interface com.iizigo.quickfix.IQuickFixGets the ID of the quick-fix.
getID() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.quickfixer.DeleteRectReturns the ID of the Quick Fixer.
getID() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ConnectionProfilesSetupGets the ID of the setup.
getID() - Method in class com.iizix.db.server.DescriptorGets the ID of the plug-in, e.g.
getID() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocation.TimezoneReturns the timezone ID, null for none.
getID() - Method in interface com.iizix.IPluginDescriptorGets the ID of the plug-in, e.g.
getID() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropErrorItemGets the ID of this error.
getID() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.IPropReference.RefTypeGets the text ID.
getID() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropErrorItemGets the ID.
getID() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.References.ReturnCodeGets the text ID.
getID() - Method in enum class com.iizix.server.IServer.InvalidAppIDGets the text ID.
getID() - Method in interface com.iizix.server.prop.IServerApplicationSetupGets the ID of the setup.
getID() - Method in class com.iizix.server.wsfile.WSFileDownloadGets the ID used for database identification.
getID() - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostSessionGets the terminal session ID.
getID() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.SessionsPropGets the ID of the setup.
getID() - Method in class com.iizix.term.server.DescriptorGets the ID of the plug-in, e.g.
getID() - Method in interface com.iizix.text.IEnumLocaleStringGets the text ID.
getID() - Method in enum class com.iizix.text.LocaleStringGets the text ID.
getID() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.URNResourceReturns the ID used for the resource.
getID() - Method in class com.iizix.user.UserProfileInfoGets the OAuth(2) provider's user ID, generally specific for the requesting app, or the user name when this instance is used for internal login.
getID() - Method in class com.iizix.WorkerTaskGets the ID parameter.
getID() - Method in class the ID of the plug-in, e.g.
getID() - Method in interface com.iizix.wsfile.IWSFileGets the ID used for databases.
getID() - Method in interface com.iizix.wsfile.IWSFileDownloadGets the ID used for database identification.
getIdentification() - Method in enum class com.iizix.license.HardwareIdenticationGets the information for this hardware identification.
getIdentification(boolean) - Method in enum class com.iizix.license.HardwareIdenticationGets the information for this hardware identification.
getIdentification(boolean, String...) - Method in enum class com.iizix.license.HardwareIdenticationGets the information for this hardware identification.
getIdentification(String...) - Method in enum class com.iizix.license.HardwareIdenticationGets the information for this hardware identification.
getIdentificationRects() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenPropGets the screen identifications screen rectangles.
getIdentifications() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenPropGets the identifications container.
getIdentifications() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenIdentificationsPropGets the screen identification properties array.
getIdentifications() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenPropGets the screen identifications container.
getIdentityDescription() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PKCS12IdentityPropGets the description of the identity.
getIdleTimeout() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.session.SessionMgrGets the idle time-out of session.
getIDString(long) - Static method in class com.iizix.SessionInfoConverts an ID into a string.
getIDTransaction() - Static method in class com.iizigo.db.PluginActivatorGets the image descriptor of the DB transaction.
getIEditorFileActions() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.DesignerPropGets an ArrayList of IEditorFileAction.
getIFile() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.FilePropCnrGets the file.
getIFolder() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.FolderPropCnrGets the folder.
getIHostFieldData() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGets the IHostFieldData instance.
getImage() - Method in class com.iizigo.actionactor.EditorJavaActionActorGets the image to use in the Designer Action panel for new items.
getImage() - Method in interface com.iizigo.actionactor.IEditorActionActorGets the image to use in the Designer Action panel for new items.
getImage() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.actionactor.EditorDatabaseActionActorGets the image to use in the Designer Action panel for new items.
getImage() - Method in class com.iizigo.ExceptionDetailsErrorDialog getImage() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.ImageInfoGets the image.
getImage() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.creator.NameVSFieldCreatorGets the large image to use, relative the "icons/large" directory.
getImage() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.creator.TextPromptCreatorGets the large image to use, relative the "icons/large" directory.
getImage() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.creator.UIComboBoxCreatorGets the large image to use, relative the "icons/large" directory.
getImage() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.creator.UIContainerCreatorGets the large image to use, relative the "icons/large" directory.
getImage() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.creator.UITableColumnCreatorGets the large image to use, relative the "icons/large" directory.
getImage() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.creator.UITableCreatorGets the large image to use, relative the "icons/large" directory.
getImage() - Method in interface com.iizigo.panel.wizards.IUICompCreatorGets the large image to use, relative the "icons/large" directory.
getImage() - Method in enum class com.iizigo.project.FileExtensionFolder image.
getImage() - Method in enum class com.iizigo.project.FolderFolder image.
getImage() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditorGroupInfoGets the image to use for the group button.
getImage() - Method in class com.iizigo.quickfix.QuickFixAdapterReturns the image to be displayed in the list of resolutions.
getImage() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.launch.DevelServerLaunchConfigurationTabReturns the image for this tab, or null
if none
getImage() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.GraphicsGCGets an SWT Image for what is drawn.
getImage() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorTerminalActionActorGets the image to use in the Designer Action panel for new items.
getImage() - Method in class the image to use in the Designer Action panel for new items.
getImage() - Method in class the image to use in the Designer Action panel for new items.
getImage() - Method in class the image to use in the Designer Action panel for new items.
getImage() - Method in class the image to use in the Designer Action panel for new items.
getImage() - Method in class the image to use in the Designer Action panel for new items.
getImage() - Method in class the image to use in the Designer Action panel for new items.
getImage() - Method in class the image to use in the Designer Action panel for new items.
getImage() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIImageGets the image.
getImage() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIImage2Gets the image.
getImage() - Method in class com.iizix.swt.IzMenuItemReturns the receiver's image if it has one, or null if it does not.
getImage() - Method in class com.iizix.swt.IzSubMenuReturns the image for the submenu.
getImage(int) - Static method in class com.iizigo.validator.ControlValidatorGets the required image.
getImage(DesignerProp) - Method in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUIGets the Image for a DesignerProp instance.
getImage(GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUIGets an Image for a property.
getImage(KStringProp) - Static method in class com.iizigo.text.TextTableLabelProviderGets the image of a KStringProp.
getImage(KString) - Static method in class com.iizigo.text.TextTableLabelProviderGets the image of a KString.
getImage(Class<GPROP>) - Method in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUIGets an Image for a property class.
getImage(Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.navigator.LabelProviderReturns the image for the label of the given element.
getImage(Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.navigator.StringMapPropLabelProviderReturns the image for the label of the given element.
getImage(Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.text.TextTableLabelProviderReturns the image for the label of the given element.
getImage(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUIGets an Image from a file name.
getImage(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.PluginApplicationUIGets an Image from a file name.
getImage(String) - Method in class an Image from a file name.
getImage(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IRuntimeImageCacheGets an image definition from the image container of the IRuntimeImageCache
cache implementor, e.g.
getImage(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IRuntimeImageCacheImplGets an image definition from the image container from the cache.
getImage(String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyroGets an image definition from the image container for the client session.
getImage(String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyroGets an image definition from the image container for the client session.
getImage(ImageDescriptor) - Method in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUILoads the image for an Image Descriptor and caches it.
getImage(ImageDescriptor) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.PluginApplicationUILoads the image for an Image Descriptor and caches it.
getImage(ImageDescriptor) - Method in class the image for an Image Descriptor and caches it.
getImageBounds(int) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.TTableItemError image bounds corrected.
getImageContainer() - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IRuntimeImageCacheImplGets the image cache hash table.
getImageData(StringBuilder) - Method in class com.iizix.user.ProfilePictureInfoThe image input stream, either from the url
, or if the URL cannot be loaded without OAuth signatures.
getImageDataSize() - Method in class com.iizix.license.ProfilePictureGets the size of the image byte data.
getImageDefinitionModuleFolder() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleModelGets the module folder for image definitions.
getImageDescriptor() - Method in enum class com.iizigo.project.FileExtensionGets the ImageDescriptor.
getImageDescriptor() - Method in enum class com.iizigo.project.FolderGets the ImageDescriptor.
getImageDescriptor() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.FilePropSaveableReturns the image descriptor for this saveable.
getImageExtension() - Method in class com.iizix.license.ProfilePictureGets the image extension without ".".
getImageFileData() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIImage2Gets the image file data.
getImageHeight() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIImage2Gets the image height.
getImageInputStream() - Method in class com.iizix.license.ProfilePictureGets the image array as an input stream.
getImageOrientation() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIImage2Gets the image orientation.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.calendar.ECalendarEventGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.calendar.EUICalendarListGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.chart.EUIChartGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUIHeadingGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUISimpleDialogGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUISwitchGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUITabBarGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIAccordionGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIButtonGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICalendarGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICheckBoxGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICheckedMenuItemGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIComboBoxGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIContainerGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIContextMenuGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIDateTimeGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIDialogGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIEmptyGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIGaugeGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIImageGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIImage2Gets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUILabelGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMediaGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuBarGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuItemGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuSeparatorGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIOutputGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIPanelGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIPanelPartGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIPanelPartCnrGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIProgressGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIRadioButtonGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIRadioMenuItemGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUISliderGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUISpinnerGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUISwapContainerGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITabContainerGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITextGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITextAreaGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITitlePaneGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in interface com.iizigo.panel.prop.IEImagePreviewGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMLGroupGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMListGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMLItemPropGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.table.EUITableGets the image preview.
getImagePreview() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.table.EUITableColumnGets the image preview.
getImageReference() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GFillPatternGets the image reference string path.
getImageSize() - Method in interface com.iizigo.image.IEditedImageLocationGets the size of the image.
getImageSize() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorImagesStyleGets the image (part) size.
getImageSize() - Method in interface com.iizigo.image.prop.IImagesBaseGets the image (part) size.
getImageSize() - Method in interface com.iizigo.image.prop.IStyledImageBaseGets the image (part) size.
getImageSize() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.image.IImageSizeGets the part size.
getImageSize() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.image.ImagesDefinitionGets the part size.
getImageSize() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.image.ImagesResolutionGets the part size.
getImageSize() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.image.ImageStylesResolutionGets the part size.
getImageSize() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.image.StyledImageDefinitionGets the part size.
getImageTarget() - Method in class com.iizix.barcode.BarcodeURNGets the image target interface for this URN instance.
getImageTarget() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.URNGets the image target interface for this URN instance, if supported.
getImageTarget() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.URNResourceGets the image target interface for this URN instance, if supported.
getImageTarget(URNResourceType, String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.wsfile.ImageURNProviderGets the image target reference.
getImageTarget(URNResourceType, String) - Method in interface com.iizix.urn.image.IImageURNProviderGets the image target reference.
getImageTarget(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.RichTextEditorDialogGets the image reference.
getImageTarget(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.text.KStringInfoProviderAdapterGets the image reference.
getImageTarget(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.text.TextTableEditorGets the image reference.
getImageTarget(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropMgrInfoProviderAdapterGets the image reference.
getImageTarget(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TableCellGets the image reference.
getImageTarget(String) - Method in class the image reference.
getImageTarget(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.text.IKStringInfoProviderGets the image reference.
getImageTarget(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.text.IKStringValuePropHolderGets the image reference.
getImageTarget(String) - Method in class com.iizix.text.ValidationKStringInfoProviderHolderGets the image reference.
getImageType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIImage2Gets the image type.
getImageType() - Method in class com.iizix.user.ProfilePictureInfoGets the image type from the media type.
getImageWidth() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIImage2Gets the image width.
getIndex() - Method in class com.iizigo.event.QueryPropReferenceGets the index, -1 for none.
getIndex() - Method in class com.iizix.event.PropCnrEventGets the index of the property.
getIndex() - Method in class com.iizix.event.PropCopyEventGets the index of the property.
getIndex() - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.history.IAppHistoryGets the current history entry index.
getIndex() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropErrorItemGets the index for a multi-property.
getIndex() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropErrorItemGets the index for a multi-property.
getIndex() - Method in class the wrapped element index if inside an array.
getIndexedSelection() - Method in class com.iizix.api.ui.UISelectionEventGets the selection as an indexed selection.
getIndexedSource() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUIIndexedSelectionGet the source component of the event.
getIndexedSource() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUISingleIndexedSelectionGet the source component of the event.
getIndexedSource() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.MultipleIndiciesSelectionGet the source component of the event.
getIndexedSource() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.RadioSelectionGet the source component of the event.
getIndexedSource() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.SingleIndexSelectionGet the source component of the event.
getIndicies(String) - Method in class com.iizix.sql.NamedParameterStatementReturns the indicies for a parameter.
getIndiciesMap() - Method in class com.iizix.sql.NamedParameterStatementGets the map of names of host variables and their indicies.
getInfo() - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostSessionGets the info of the Terminal Session.
getInfo(long, IRegionLocationReply) - Method in class com.iizix.geo.HostNameRegionLocationRequests the region location information.
getInfoClass() - Method in interface com.iizix.os.IAdditonalInformationGets the class of the additional information.
getInfoClass() - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShellGets the class of the additional information.
getInformationPresenterControlCreator() - Method in class method for JavaInformationProvider.getInformationPresenterControlCreator()
getInfoString() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.client.ClientInstanceGets the info string of this session.
getInitialInput() - Method in class com.iizigo.navigator.CommonNavigatorExOverridden to block input at startup when loading all projects.
getInitialScreen() - Method in class the initial EE screen.
getInitialVSComponent() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ModuleAppGets the component that initially should have focus, or be called (if VSAction is returned).
getInitialVSFocus(IAppSessionGyro, IClientSessionGyro) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IAppSessionFocusProviderReturns the initial focus to set in the application.
getInitSelectedFolderPath() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.NewWizardGets the path of parent folder that was selected at initialization of dialog in the Explorer.
getInlineEventSize() - Method in class total size of inline event handlers (onclick
, etc)
getInlineScriptSize() - Method in class total size of inline <script>
getInlineStyleSize() - Method in class total size of inline <style>
getInput() - Method in class the RESTful input properties.
getInput() - Method in class the RESTful input properties.
getInput() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropErrorItemValueGets the user input.
getInput() - Method in class the Web Service RESTful input properties.
getInput() - Method in class the RESTful input properties.
getInput() - Method in class the RESTful input properties.
getInput() - Method in class the input property.
getInputCharWidth() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.FontInfoGets the input character width used in calculations of HTML elements that are "input" tag based.
getInputCharWidth() - Method in interface com.iizix.IFontInfoGets the input character width used in calculations of HTML elements that are "input" tag based.
getInputEncodingProp() - Method in class the input encoding property container.
getInputParameters() - Method in class the input parameters.
getInputParameters() - Method in class the input parameters.
getInputParameters() - Method in class the input parameters.
getInputProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorDatabasePropsGets the input properties.
getInputProps() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.DatabasePropsGets the input properties containing VirtualSpace, parameter definitions, etc.
getInputProvider() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.InputPropsgetInputProvider() - Method in class - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorDatabasePropsGets the input SQL for the SQL builder.
getInputSQLProp() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorDatabasePropsGets the input SQL property.
getInputStream() - Method in class stream to the resource
getInputStream() - Method in class com.iizix.util.memjar.MemoryJarURLConnectionReturns an input stream that reads from this open connection.
getInputStream() - Method in class com.iizix.util.xjar.XJarURLConnectionReturns an input stream that reads from this open connection.
getInputStream(ZipEntry) - Method in interface com.iizix.util.IJarFileReturns an input stream for reading the contents of the specified Zip/Jar file entry.
getInputStream(ZipEntry) - Method in class com.iizix.util.MemoryJarFileReturns an input stream for reading the contents of the specified zip file entry.
getInputStream(ZipEntry) - Method in class com.iizix.util.XJarFileReturns an input stream for reading the contents of the specified zip file entry.
getInputString() - Method in exception class com.iizix.text.KStringParseExceptionGets the input string that caused the error.
getInputUsageOptions() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorDatabasePropsGets the usage options of the editor input.
getInputVariable(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorInputPropsGets the input variable by name.
getInputVariable(String) - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.InputPropsGets the input variable by name.
getInputVariables() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorInputPropsGets the input variables.
getInputVariables() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.InputPropsGets the input variables.
getInputVirtualSpaceParticipant() - Method in class the input VirtualSpace participant for output data.
getInputVSParticipant() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.InputPropsGets the input VirtualSpace participant for output data.
getInsertIndex(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSRowGets the insert position for a FIELD OR COLUMN property.
getInsertMode() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.TerminalGets the insert mode.
getInstallationID() - Method in interface com.iizix.license.IGenericLicenseSystemGets the unique installation ID.
getInstalledFonts() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleModelGets all the installed fonts in this project and all projects referenced.
getInstalledFontsMap() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleModelGets the map of installed fonts.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.ActivatorReturns the shared instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.adapter.AdapterManagerThe instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUIGets the instance of the ApplicationUI.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.comm.WebSocketServerGets the instance of the Web Socket Server.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.db.editor.ResultListenerA single instance is used.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.db.PluginActivatorReturns the shared instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.db.PluginApplicationUIGets the instance of the ApplicationUI.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.db.PluginPreferenceGets the instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.dnd.PropertiesTransferGets the instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.handler.CopyGets the instance of the handler.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.handler.CutGets the instance of the handler.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.handler.DeleteGets the instance of the handler.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.handler.LinkGets the instance of the handler.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.handler.MoveGets the instance of the handler.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.handler.OpenGets the instance of the handler.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.handler.PasteGets the instance of the handler.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.handler.PasteAfterGets the instance of the handler.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.handler.PasteBeforeGets the instance of the handler.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.handler.PasteLinkGets the instance of the handler.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.handler.RenameGets the instance of the handler.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.handler.SelectAllGets the instance of the handler.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.ImageRegistryGets the Image Registry.
getInstance() - Static method in class the instance of the singleton.
getInstance() - Static method in class the instance of the UI builder manager.
getInstance() - Method in class com.iizigo.plugin.PluginDescriptorGets the plug-in instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.PreferenceGets the instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.project.ProjectManagerGets the single instance of the Project Manager.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.prop.PatternManagerGets the instance of the pattern manager.
getInstance() - Static method in class the shared instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.term.PluginActivatorReturns the shared instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.term.PluginApplicationUIGets the instance of the ApplicationUI.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.term.PluginPreferenceGets the instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.term.project.TerminalManagerGets the single instance of the TerminalManager.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.term.TerminalKeyCommandGets the singleton.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.ui.server.monitor.ActivatorReturns the shared instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.webserver.InternalWebServerReturns the shared instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.webserver.PreferenceGets the instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.WorkspacePropertiesGets the single instance of this class.
getInstance() - Static method in class the shared instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class the instance of the ApplicationUI.
getInstance() - Static method in class the instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizix.barcode.BarcodeURNFactoryReturns the singleton instance of the barcode URN factory.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizix.comm.session.SessionMgrGets the Session Manager singleton.
getInstance() - Static method in class the instance of the run support.
getInstance() - Static method in class the instance of the run support.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizix.license.LicenseSystemGets the instance of license system.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizix.mail.MailSenderGets the default instance of the mail sender.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizix.os.HardwareInfoGets the instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizix.selector.DeviceMatcherGets the singleton.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizix.server.db.DBFunctionsGets the DBFunctions instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizix.server.geo.LocationsManagerGets the instance of the locations manager.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizix.server.jakarta.JakartaEEServerGets the Jakarta EE Server instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class the instance of the security manager.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShellGets the instance of the main server.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShellHolderGets the ServerShell instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizix.server.user.UserAuthenticationGets the user authentication instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizix.server.user.UserProfileImageURNProviderGets the singleton instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizix.server.user.UserProfileStringURNProviderGets the singleton instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizix.server.wsfile.FileURNProviderGets the singleton instance of the File URN provider.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizix.server.wsfile.ImageURNProviderGets the singleton instance of the Image URN provider.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizix.test.client.ClientManagerGets the client manager singleton instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizix.translate.TranslationEngineGets the translation engine instance.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.file.FileURNFactoryGets the singleton instance of the File URN factory.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.image.ImageURNFactoryGets the singleton instance of the Image URN factory.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.svg.SVG_URNFactoryGets the singleton instance of the URL URN factory.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.url.URL_URNFactoryGets the singleton instance of the URL URN factory.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.URNFactoryGets the instance to the URL factory.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileImageURNFactoryGets the singleton instance of the URL URN factory.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURNFactoryGets the singleton instance of the URL URN factory.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizix.user.AuthenticatedUserProviderGets the singleton instance for the authenticated user provider.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizix.util.memjar.MemoryJarURLStreamHandlerFactoryReturns an initiated instance of the Jar URL stream handler factory.
getInstance() - Static method in class com.iizix.util.xjar.XJarURLStreamHandlerFactoryReturns an initiated instance of the Jar URL stream handler factory.
getInstance() - Static method in class the Web Service engine.
getInstance(ModuleFolderPropCnr) - Static method in class com.iizigo.term.project.TerminalModuleGets this instance for a Terminal Module enabled and initialized project.
getInstance(DesignerProp) - Static method in class com.iizigo.term.project.TerminalModuleGets this instance for a Terminal Module enabled and initialized project.
getInstance(IWebServerCompression, ISourceResolver) - Static method in class the instance of the run support.
getInstance(File) - Static method in class the singleton of the compressor.
getInstance(Class<ServerShell>) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShellGets the instance of the main server.
getInstance(Object) - Static method in class com.iizix.license.LicenseSystemGets the instance of license system.
getInstance(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocationServiceGets an instance of a RegionLocationDetectionService.
getInstance(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.mail.MailSenderGets the default instance of the mail sender.
getInstance(String, ICommonJobCreator, IPropProgressMonitor, IPrintAdapter, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class the environment from the path specified from the root of the current drive in Windows, or from the HOME directory under Mac or Linux.
getInstance(IResource) - Static method in class com.iizigo.prop.DesignerPropGets the instance of the property in a resource.
getInstance(IResource, boolean) - Static method in class com.iizigo.prop.DesignerPropGets the instance of the property in a resource.
getInstanceImplementation(Object, Class<T>) - Method in class com.iizix.license.LicenseSystemGets the instance of the license system implementation.
getInstances() - Static method in class com.iizix.mail.MailSenderReturns all configured mail senders.
getInt() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.Int32PropGets the current value set as an "int".
getInt() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.IntPropGets the current value set as an "int".
getInt() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrChoiceOptionReturns the choice as an integer value.
getInt() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.axis2d.AxisFixLowerReturns the choice as an integer value.
getInt() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.axis2d.AxisFixUpperReturns the choice as an integer value.
getInt() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.axis2d.AxisPositionReturns the choice as an integer value.
getInt() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.axis2d.AxisTitleOrientationReturns the choice as an integer value.
getInt() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.ChartThemeReturns the choice as an integer value.
getInt() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotLabelStyleReturns the choice as an integer value.
getInt() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotRadialGradientReturns the choice as an integer value.
getInt() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotTypeReturns the choice as an integer value.
getInt() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.TitlePositionReturns the choice as an integer value.
getInt(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.Int32PropGets the current value set as an "int" using defaultValue
for an uninitialized value.
getInt(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.IntPropGets the current value set as an "int" using defaultValue
for an uninitialized value.
getInt(Atom) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets an integer property from this property container.
getInt(Atom) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets an integer property from this property container.
getInt(Atom, int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets an integer property from this property container.
getInt(Atom, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets an integer property from this property container.
getInt(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets an integer property from this property container.
getInt(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets an integer property from this property container.
getInt(String, int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets an integer property from this property container.
getInt(String, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets an integer property from this property container.
getInteger(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.MementoPropAdapterReturns the integer value of the given key.
getInteger(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.MementoPropCnrReturns the integer value of the given key.
getIntegration() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditorGroupInfoReturns the class implementor for the flat toolbar interface.
getIntegration(FlatToolbarButton) - Method in interface com.iizigo.swt.IFlatToolbarButtonInitializes the specialized interface that displays tooltips and context menu.
getIntensity() - Method in interface com.iizix.device.flash.IFlashlightgetIntensity() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.FlashGets the current flashlight intensity, initially set to 1.0, but also set at the last flashlight
getInterfaceDefinitions() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorInputPropsGets the interface definitions for the property used for drag-drop or linking in the Designer.
getInterfaceDefinitions() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorResultPropsGets the interface definitions for the property used for drag-drop or linking in the Designer.
getInterfaceDefinitions() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorResultSetPropsGets the interface definitions for the property used for drag-drop or linking in the Designer.
getInterfaceDefinitions() - Method in interface the interface definitions for the property used for drag-drop or linking in the Designer.
getInterfaceDefinitions() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenFieldPropGets the interface definitions for the property used for drag-drop or linking in the Designer.
getInterfaceDefinitions() - Method in class the interface definitions for the property used for drag-drop or linking in the Designer.
getInterfaceDefinitions() - Method in class the interface definitions for the property used for drag-drop or linking in the Designer.
getInterfaceDefinitions() - Method in class the interface definitions for the property used for drag-drop or linking in the Designer.
getInterfaceDefinitions() - Method in class the interface definitions for the property used for drag-drop or linking in the Designer.
getInterfaceDefinitions() - Method in class the interface definitions for the property used for drag-drop or linking in the Designer.
getInternalWebServerUnsecurePort() - Static method in class com.iizigo.ActivatorReturns the current HTTP port for the internal web server.
getInterval() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.BackgroundLocationConfigurationGets the minimum time interval between location updates in milliseconds.
getIPAddress() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocationGets the IP address.
getIPAddress() - Method in class com.iizix.server.agreement.AcceptedAgreementGets the IP address to use, max 41 characters.
getIPv4Address(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.jre.ControlPanelGets the IPv4 byte address.
getIResource() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.DesignerPropGets the IResource object for this property container.
getIsCrawler() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocation.SecurityReturns the flag indicating whether or not the given IP is associated with a crawler, null for unknown.
getISP() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocation.ConnectionReturns the name of the ISP associated with the IP, null if not defined.
getIsProxy() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocation.SecurityReturns the flag indicating whether or not the given IP is associated with a proxy, null for unknown.
getIsTor() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocation.SecurityReturns the flag indicating whether or not the given IP is associated with the anonymous
Tor system, null for unknown.
getItalicFont() - Method in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUIGets an italic font for a standard component.
getItem() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.complex.ContainerSelectionGets the item.
getItem(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCComboReturns the item at the given, zero-relative index in the receiver's list.
getItem(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0Returns the item at the given, zero-relative index in the receiver's list.
getItem(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.CodeItemArrayPropGets the element at the specified index.
getItem(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.content.AbstractContentUIContainerGets an item at specified index.
getItem(int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ICodeItemArrayContainerGets the item at the specified index as a KString.
getItem(int) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.IzMenuGets a menu item at index.
getItemClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.content.AbstractContentUIContainerReturn the class of items stored in the container.
getItemClass() - Method in class the class of items stored in the container.
getItemClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLGroupReturn the class of items stored in the container.
getItemContainer() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.NewWizardPageGets the item container.
getItemContentClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.content.AbstractContentUIContainerReturn the class of content items stored in the container.
getItemContentClass() - Method in class the class of content items stored in the container.
getItemContentClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLGroupReturn the class of content items stored in the container.
getItemCount() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCComboReturns the number of items contained in the receiver's list.
getItemCount() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0Returns the number of items contained in the receiver's list.
getItemCount() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.CodeItemArrayPropGets the item count.
getItemCount() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.content.AbstractContentProviderGets the item count.
getItemCount() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.content.AbstractContentUIContainerReturns the item count.
getItemCount() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.content.IContentProviderGets the count of items.
getItemCount() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ICodeItemArrayContainerGets the item count.
getItemCount() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IElementArrayContainerGets the item count.
getItemCount() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IKStringArrayContainerGets the item count.
getItemCount() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IStringArrayContainerGets the item count.
getItemCount() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MListReturns the list item count in the first group.
getItemCount() - Method in class com.iizix.swt.IzMenuReturns the number of items contained in the receiver.
getItemHeight() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCComboReturns the height of the area which would be used to display one of the items in the receiver's list.
getItemHeight() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0Returns the height of the area which would be used to display one of the items in the receiver's list.
getItemImage() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleFolderGets the item image.
getItemIndex(ICodeItem) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.CodeItemArrayPropGets the index of of item.
getItemIndex(ICodeItem) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ICodeItemArrayContainerGets the index of of item.
getItemKString(int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ICodeItemArrayContainerGets the item at the specified index as a KString.
getItemKString(int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IKStringArrayContainerGets the item at the specified index as a KString.
getItemNameAndExtension() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.NewWizardPageGets the item name (with correct extension).
getItemProp() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.content.IContentDataReturns the property that was used to update this data content.
getItemProp() - Method in class the property that was used to update this data content.
getItemProp() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItemReturns the item property assigned for this instance.
getItems() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.MultiPropEditorGets the item texts.
getItems() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCComboReturns an array of String
s which are the items in the receiver's list.
getItems() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0Returns an array of String
s which are the items in the receiver's list.
getItems() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.CodeItemArrayPropGets the array of elements.
getItems() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.content.AbstractContentUIContainerGets the container items.
getItems() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ICodeItemArrayContainerGets the array of items.
getItems() - Method in class com.iizix.swt.IzMenuReturns a (possibly empty) array of MenuItem
s which are the items in the receiver.
getItems() - Method in class com.iizix.swt.IzSubMenuGets the array of items.
getItems(String) - Method in class com.iizix.util.IniFileGets all the item elements in a section.
getItemsAsKStrings() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.CodeItemArrayPropGets the array of items as KStrings.
getItemsAsKStrings() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IKStringArrayContainerGets the array of items as KStrings.
getItemsAsStrings() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IStringArrayContainerGets the array of elements as String's.
getItemsContainer() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.content.AbstractContentProviderReturns the items container.
getItemsContainer() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.content.IContentItemReturns the container for the items.
getItemsContainer() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.content.IContentProviderReturns the items container.
getItemsContainer() - Method in class the container for the items.
getItemsContainer() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.IMListContentProviderReturns the items container.
getItemsContainer() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLContentProviderReturns the items container.
getItemString(int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ICodeItemArrayContainerGets the item at the specified index as a String.
getItemString(int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IStringArrayContainerGets the element at the specified index as a String.
getIType(IAdaptable) - Static method in class the IType
from a IAdaptable
getIVirtualizedReferenceLookup(String) - Method in interface to retrieve an instance of a look-up of reference from a virtualized container in an application.
getIvParameterSpec() - Static method in class com.iizix.server.client.DHKeyGets the IV parameter.
getJarCertificates(JarFile) - Static method in class an open JAR file (with verify flag present) for valid certificates.
getJarEntries() - Method in interface com.iizix.util.IJarFileGets all Jar entries if the Jar file is loaded into memory.
getJarEntries() - Method in class com.iizix.util.MemoryJarFileGets all Jar entries if the Jar file is loaded into memory.
getJarEntries() - Method in class com.iizix.util.XJarFileGets all Jar entries if the Jar file is loaded into memory.
getJarEntry() - Method in class com.iizix.util.AbstractJarURLConnectionReturn the JAR entry object for this connection, if any.
getJarEntry(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.util.IJarFileReturns the JarEntry
for the given entry name or null
if not found.
getJarEntry(String) - Method in class com.iizix.util.MemoryJarFileGets the Jar entry with the specified name.
getJarEntry(String) - Method in class com.iizix.util.XJarFileGets the JAR entry with the specified name.
getJarFile() - Method in class the Jar file for the Module.
getJarFile() - Method in class the Jar file for the Module.
getJarFile() - Method in class the Jar file that contains the Module model or null if running in development mode.
getJarFile() - Method in class com.iizix.util.AbstractJarURLConnectionReturn the JAR file for this connection.
getJarFile() - Method in interface com.iizix.util.IJarFileGets the file of the Jar file.
getJarFile() - Method in interface com.iizix.util.IJarURLStreamHandlerGets the IJarFile from the handler.
getJarFile() - Method in class com.iizix.util.memjar.HandlerGets the IJarFile from the handler.
getJarFile() - Method in class com.iizix.util.memjar.MemoryJarURLConnectionGets the IJarFile.
getJarFile() - Method in class com.iizix.util.MemoryJarFileGets the file of the Jar file.
getJarFile() - Method in class com.iizix.util.xjar.HandlerGets the IJarFile from the handler.
getJarFile() - Method in class com.iizix.util.xjar.XJarURLConnectionGets the IJarFile.
getJarFile() - Method in class com.iizix.util.XJarFileGets the file of the Jar file.
getJarFile(File) - Static method in class com.iizix.util.XJarFileLoads the requested XJarFile or grabs one from the table of loaded files and reloads it as required.
getJarFile(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.util.XJarFileLoads the requested XJarFile or grabs one from the table of loaded files and reloads it as required.
getJarFileURL() - Method in class com.iizix.util.AbstractJarURLConnectionReturns the URL for the Jar file for this connection.
getJarsigner() - Static method in class the jarsigner executable that is present in the JDK.
getJavaClass(PropCnr) - Static method in class the JavaClass (IClassReference) from a parent.
getJavaClassCount() - Method in class the JavaClass count, for assertions.
getJavaClassInstance(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SelectorIn Server run mode, gets the class name instance object created.
getJavaClassLinkEnabler() - Method in interface the instance that links to the class.
getJavaClassLinkEnabler() - Method in interface the instance that links to the class.
getJavaClassLinkEnabler() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVirtualSpaceGets the instance that links to the class.
getJavaClassLinkEnabler() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVSActionGets the instance that links to the class.
getJavaClassLinkEnabler() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVSFieldGets the instance that links to the class.
getJavaDoc(IMember, int, boolean) - Static method in class the JavaDoc for a member.
GetJavaDoc - Class in com.iizigo.javaGets the JavaDoc for an
using parts of the internal Eclipse class
GetJavaDoc() - Constructor for class getJavaElement() - Method in class com.iizigo.event.QueryJavaReferenceGets the Java element being referenced.
getJavaElement() - Method in class the Java element in resolve, could be a IType or IMethod (even the wrong IMethod due to missing annotation or compile error).
getJavaElement() - Method in class the Java element in resolve, could be a IType or IMethod (even the wrong IMethod due to missing annotation or compile error).
getJavaElementLabelProvider() - Static method in class com.iizigo.navigator.LabelProviderGets the Java element label provider, allocates it if required.
getJavaElementLabelProvider_LargeImages() - Static method in class com.iizigo.navigator.LabelProviderGets the Java element label provider for large images, allocates it if required.
getJavaElements() - Method in class com.iizigo.event.QueryReferencesGets the Java elements for the query.
getJavaEnvironment(RuntimeBuilderSettings, ICommonJobCreator, IPropProgressMonitor, boolean) - Method in class the Java environment.
getJavaProject() - Method in class the Java project when class is UNRESOLVED or PARSED.
getJavaProject() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleModelGets the Java Project instance for this project.
getJavaProject() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.DesignerPropGets the Java project.
getJavaProject(IProject) - Static method in class the Java Project from a Project.
getJavaProject(IProject) - Method in class or creates new Java project for a project.
getJavaPropCnr() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleModelGets the property container for a project.
getJavaRootContainer() - Method in class the property Java container root for Module projects.
getJavaSource() - Method in class the file resource.
getJavaSourceFileProcessors() - Method in class Java source the processors.
getJavaSourceFolders(IProject) - Method in class the cached Java source folders for a project.
getJDBCDriversDir() - Static method in class com.iizigo.ActivatorGets the JDBC drivers directory, a user local directory that always should exist.
getJDBCFlavor() - Static method in class com.iizix.server.db.DBUtilitiesGets the flavor of the JDBC used in the internal server database.
getJQueryFile() - Static method in class com.iizix.js.JSFilesGets the JQuery file.
getJSDraggingProps() - Static method in class com.iizigo.panel.ClientSideEditorGets the properties being dragged from JavaScript.
getJSONData() - Method in class the JSON data.
getJSONElement() - Method in class the wrapped JSON element.
getJustificationString() - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostFieldGets the string representation of the justification.
getKeepAliveTimeout() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TelnetCommPropsGets the keep-alive timeout in milliseconds.
getKey() - Method in class key to send.
getKey() - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostKeyEventGets the key.
getKeyboardRemapper() - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostSessionGets the keyboard remapper for this session.
getKeyboardRemapper() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TerminalPropsGets the keyboard mapper to use.
getKeyFromName(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.term.KeyboardRemapperGets the key from a key name.
getKeyIndex(int) - Static method in class com.iizix.term.KeyboardRemapperGets the index of a key for the key names table.
getKeyManagers(char[]) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PKCS12IdentityPropGets the Key Managers for the identity, a class representing a storage facility for cryptographic keys and certificates.
getKeyName(int) - Static method in class com.iizix.term.KeyboardRemapperGets the name for a key.
getKeyNames() - Static method in class com.iizix.term.KeyboardRemapperReturns an enumeration of String object instance of all available key strings.
getKeyPair() - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.AbstractPushService getKeys() - Method in class the server keys from the property container.
getKeys() - Method in class com.iizix.term.KeyboardRemapperGets the array of defined keys.
getKeyStore() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IWebServerPortConfigGets the KeyStore from a PKCS#12 identity property and password.
getKeyStore() - Method in class com.iizix.server.acme.LetsEncryptDomainGets the KeyStore from a PKCS#12 identity property and password.
getKeyStore() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.WebServerPortConfigGets the KeyStore from a PKCS#12 identity property and password.
getKeyStore(char[]) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PKCS12IdentityPropGets the KeyStore for the identity.
getKeyStore(StringBuilder) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IWebServerPortConfigGets the KeyStore from a PKCS#12 identity property and password.
getKeyStore(StringBuilder) - Method in class com.iizix.server.acme.LetsEncryptDomainGets the KeyStore from a PKCS#12 identity property and password.
getKeyStore(StringBuilder) - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.WebServerPortConfigGets the KeyStore from a PKCS#12 identity property and password.
getKeyStorePassword() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IWebServerPortConfigGets the KeyStore password.
getKeyStorePassword() - Method in class com.iizix.server.acme.LetsEncryptDomainGets the KeyStore password.
getKeyStorePassword() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.WebServerPortConfigGets the KeyStore password.
getKind() - Method in class the kind of this container.
getKString() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.RawTextEditorCompositeGets the edited string.
getKString() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.BadgePropGets the current value in as a KString.
getKString() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.CodeItemImplGets the item text as a KString.
getKString() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ICodeItemGets the item text as a KString.
getKString() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.KStringPropGets the current value in as a KString.
getKString() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TCellGets the text contents when the cell is text.
getKString() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.TooltipPropGets the current value in as a KString.
getKString() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ValuePropGets the KStrings value.
getKString() - Method in interface com.iizix.text.IKStringHolderGets the KStrings that needs checking.
getKStringArrayContainer() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IKStringArrayContainerGets the target implementor of the interface.
getKStringArrayContainer() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIAbstractListChoiceGets the target implementor of the interface.
getKStringContents() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TableComboGets the contents as strings.
getKStringFallback() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.References.ReturnCodeGets the fallback KString.
getKStringFallback() - Method in interface com.iizix.text.IEnumLocaleKStringGets the fallback KString.
getKStringFallback() - Method in enum class com.iizix.text.LocaleStringGets the fallback KString.
getKStringFontIcon(ClientImageData, KStringHTMLImageTag, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.image.FontIconDefinitionAppends the font icon definition to a KString tag.
getKStringHolder() - Method in class com.iizix.event.KStringEventGets the event owner.
getKStringInfoProvider() - Method in class com.iizigo.ActivatorRetrieves the KStringInfoProvider.
getKStringInfoProvider() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleModelGets a KStringInfoProvider initialized for the module model.
getKStringInfoProvider() - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IAppSessionGyroRetrieves the KStringInfoProvider for the application session.
getKStringInfoProvider() - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IClientSessionGyroRetrieves the KStringInfoProvider for the client session.
getKStringInfoProvider() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropVerificationGets the KString information provider used for e.g.
getKStringInfoProvider() - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyroRetrieves the KStringInfoProvider for the application session.
getKStringInfoProvider() - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyroRetrieves the KStringInfoProvider for the client session.
getKStringInfoProvider() - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShell/** Gets the session's IKStringInfoProvider from the ClientSessionGyro threads, and if not found, from the application session gyro threads.
getKStringInfoProvider() - Static method in class com.iizix.text.DefaultInfoHolderGets the IKStringInfoProvider instance for the current thread or a global instance.
getKStringInfoProvider() - Method in interface com.iizix.text.IKStringInfoProviderHolderRetrieves the KStringInfoProvider.
getKStringInfoProvider() - Method in interface com.iizix.text.ILocaleStringRetrieves the KStringInfoProvider.
getKStringInfoProvider() - Method in class com.iizix.text.ValidationKStringInfoProviderHolderRetrieves the KStringInfoProvider.
getKStringInfoProvider(GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizigo.ActivatorRetrieves the KStringInfoProvider.
getKStringInfoProviderAdapter() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditorGets or creates the KStringInfoProviderAdapter used to resolve KString's and others containing KString's (e.g.
getKStringInfoProviderHolder() - Static method in class com.iizix.text.DefaultInfoHolderGets the IKStringInfoProviderHolder instance.
getKStringInfoProviderInstance() - Static method in interface com.iizix.text.IKStringInfoProviderGets the session's IKStringInfoProvider from the ClientSessionGyro threads, and if not found, from the application session gyro threads.
getKStringNonBitmap(KStringHTMLImageTag, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.image.ClientImageDataAppends the font icon or SVG definition to a KString tag.
getKStringProp() - Method in class com.iizigo.text.KStringStyledTextGets the edited property.
getKStringProp(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.TextTableGets the text entry in this table.
getKStringProp(String, String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.TextTableGets the text entry with the specified ID for a language.
getKStringSVG(double, double) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.image.SVGInfoReturns the SVG definition string.
getKStringSVG(KStringHTMLImageTag) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.image.SVGInfoReturns the SVG definition string.
getKStringText() - Method in interface com.iizix.IComponentGets the text from the control as a
getKStringText() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICompGets the text from the control as a
getLabel() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.DefinedButtonGets the label attached, perhaps null.
getLabel() - Method in class com.iizigo.quickfix.fixer.CreateModuleFoldersReturns a short label indicating what the resolution will do.
getLabel() - Method in class com.iizigo.quickfix.fixer.DeleteFileReturns a short label indicating what the resolution will do.
getLabel() - Method in class com.iizigo.quickfix.fixer.DeletePropertyGets the label of the quick fixer.
getLabel() - Method in class com.iizigo.quickfix.fixer.OpenPropertyReturns a short label indicating what the resolution will do.
getLabel() - Method in class com.iizigo.quickfix.fixer.RecoverModuleSettingsReturns a short label indicating what the resolution will do.
getLabel() - Method in class com.iizigo.quickfix.fixer.RenameResourceReturns a short label indicating what the resolution will do.
getLabel() - Method in interface com.iizigo.quickfix.IQuickFixerReturns a short label indicating what the resolution will do.
getLabel() - Method in class com.iizigo.quickfix.QuickFixAdapterReturns a short label indicating what the resolution will do.
getLabel() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.project.CloseProjectQuickFixerReturns a short label indicating what the resolution will do.
getLabel() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.quickfixer.DeleteRectGets the label of the quick fixer.
getLabel() - Method in class the marker label character.
getLabelChar() - Method in class the marker label character text.
getLabelStyle() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.Plot2DGets the LabelStyle option.
getLabelText(PROP[]) - Method in interface com.iizigo.prop.editor.IPropEditorExtenderGets the text to display in a potential label to the right of the "more" button.
getLanguage() - Method in class com.iizix.user.UserProfileInfoThe preferred language code, null for none.
getLanguageCode() - Method in class com.iizigo.selector.LanguageCodeCompositeGets the current language code.
getLanguageCode() - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IAppSessionGyroGets the language code of the application session.
getLanguageCode() - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IClientSessionGyroGets the language code to use for the client session, or if not defined, the application session language code.
getLanguageCode() - Method in exception class com.iizix.LanguageExceptionGets the language code for the exception.
getLanguageCode() - Method in class com.iizix.LocaleInfoGets the language code to use.
getLanguageCode() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.EnvPropsGets the language code to use.
getLanguageCode() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.TextTableGets the language for this text table.
getLanguageCode() - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyroGets the language code of the application session.
getLanguageCode() - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyroGets the language code to use for the client session, or if not defined, the application session language code.
getLanguageCode(String) - Method in class the "real" language code, no matter the input case.
getLanguageCode(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.translate.ITranslatorGets the "real" language code, no matter the input case.
getLanguageCode(String) - Method in class the "real" language code, no matter the input case.
getLanguageDefinitions() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.AppLanguagesGets the language map StringArrayProp that stores the language mappings as strings formatted as "lang{\t}useFor" where "lang" is the application-defined language, {\t} is the tab character and "useFor" is empty indicates the original language code being matched for, or a comma separated string of language codes with optional wildcards (* ?) that matches a particular language code to the application-defined language code.
getLanguageDescription() - Method in exception class com.iizix.LanguageExceptionGets the language descriptive name for the exception.
getLanguageDescription() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.TextTableGets the language description for the language of this text table.
getLanguageDescription(String) - Method in class the language description for a language code, e.g.
getLanguageDescription(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.translate.ITranslatorGets the language description for a language code, e.g.
getLanguageDescription(String) - Method in class the language description for a language code, e.g.
getLanguages() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocationThe languages spoken in the country, null if information is not available.
getLanguages() - Method in class the supported languages by the Azure Cognitive Services.
getLanguages(String) - Static method in class the array of languages supported by Google Translate (online).
getLanguages(String, Language) - Static method in class the languages that Google supports translations operations with.
getLanguages(String, String) - Static method in class the languages that Google supports translations operations with.
getLanguageStringsMap(RuntimeBuilderSettings) - Method in class the English language strings required in "msg.js" for internal build or "msg-customized.js" for customized iiziRun's.
getLanguageStringsMap(File) - Static method in class the English language strings required in "msg.js".
getLargeDisplayIcon() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.color.DefaultSwatchChooserPanel getLargeImage() - Method in class large image for the operation, e.g.
getLargeImage() - Method in class large image for the operation, e.g.
getLargeImage() - Method in class large image descriptor for the operation, e.g.
getLastAccessedTime() - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.AuthenticatedUserGets the last access time for the user.
getLastAccessedTime() - Method in interface com.iizix.user.IAuthenticatedUserGets the last access time for the user.
getLastActivityTime() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.statistics.SessionStatisticsGets the time of the last activity of the session, used for time-out checking.
getLastColor() - Static method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ColorPropEditorGets a last-color.
getLastConnectionTime() - Method in interface com.iizix.comm.session.ISessionStatisticsGets the last connection time.
getLastConnectionTime() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.statistics.SessionStatisticsGets the last connection time.
getLastError(boolean) - Method in class the last error message of the session.
getLastError(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.EmptyHostSessionGets the last error message of the session.
getLastError(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostSessionGets the last error message of the session.
getLastError(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionPeerGets the last error message of the session.
getLastError(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn3270e.HostSession3270Gets the last error message of the session.
getLastError(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn5250e.HostSession5250Gets the last error message of the session.
getLastException() - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostSessionGets the last communication exception, reset at connect.
getLastFail() - Method in class com.iizix.server.db.BasicUserInfoGets the 'last_fail' time in milliseconds since the epoch, 0 for never.
getLastFail() - Method in class com.iizix.user.UserInfoBaseGets the 'last_fail' time in milliseconds since the epoch, 0 for never.
getLastFocusedVirtualSpace() - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IVirtualSpaceFocusEngineReturns the last focused VirtualSpace.
getLastKnownProperSource() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.editor.CustomSQLSourceViewerLast known good SQL.
getLastKStringType() - Static method in class com.iizigo.text.KStringStyledTextGets the last used type.
getLastKStringUseTags() - Static method in class com.iizigo.text.KStringStyledTextGets the last used "useTags".
getLastLabel() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.MultiPropLabelGets the last label created by createMultiEditItem()
getLastLaunchedServerConfigUnsecuredPort() - Static method in class com.iizigo.server.launch.DevelServerLaunchConfigurationDelegateGets the first unsecure port used for iiziServer that was last used in a launch configuration.
getLastLogin() - Method in class com.iizix.server.db.BasicUserInfoGets the 'last_login' time in milliseconds since the epoch, 0 for never.
getLastLogin() - Method in class com.iizix.user.UserInfoBaseGets the 'last_login' time in milliseconds since the epoch, 0 for never.
getLastModified() - Method in class the file modified time in milliseconds since the epoch.
getLastModified() - Method in class the file modified time in milliseconds since the epoch.
getLastModified() - Method in interface the file modified time in milliseconds since the epoch.
getLastModified() - Method in class the file modified time in milliseconds since the epoch.
getLastName() - Method in class com.iizix.user.UserProfileInfoThe localized last name, null for none.
getLastPassword() - Method in class com.iizigo.ssl.CertificateUIGets the last password the user has entered.
getLastScreen() - Method in class the last screen.
getLastStroke() - Static method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.StrokePropEditorGets a last-stroke.
getLastTarget() - Method in class com.iizix.CircularReferenceFinderGets the last target found, it is the same value as the first if just one reference chain exists.
getLastVerified() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorImageDefinitionGets the last verified instance.
getLastVerified() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorImageResolutionGets the last verified instance.
getLastVerified() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorImagesDefinitionGets the last verified instance.
getLastVerified() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorImagesResolutionGets the last verified instance.
getLastVerified() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorImagesStyleGets the last verified instance.
getLastVerified() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorImageStyleGets the last verified instance.
getLastVerified() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorImageStylesResolutionGets the last verified instance.
getLastVerified() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorStyledImageDefinitionGets the last verified instance.
getLastVerified() - Method in interface com.iizigo.image.prop.ILastVerifiedGets the last verified instance.
getLastViewer() - Static method in class com.iizigo.navigator.ContentProviderGets the viewer that was last used to set the selection.
getLatestLocation() - Method in interface com.iizix.geo.ILocationServiceGet the latest known location found in user location history.
getLatestLocation() - Method in class com.iizix.server.geo.UserLocationHistoryReturns the latest known location of the user received by the server (approximation).
getLatestLocation() - Method in interface com.iizix.user.geo.IUserLocationHistoryReturns the latest known location of the user received by the server (approximation).
getLatitude() - Method in interface com.iizix.geo.ILongitudeLatitudeGets the latitude.
getLatitude() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocationGets the latitude, e.g.
getLatitude() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GeoLocationGets the latitude.
getLatitude() - Method in class the latitude of the marker.
getLaunchableResource(ISelection) - Method in class com.iizigo.server.launch.DevelServerLaunchShortcutReturns an IResource
that maps to the given selection for launch purposes, or null
if none.
getLaunchableResource(IEditorPart) - Method in class com.iizigo.server.launch.DevelServerLaunchShortcutReturns an IResource
that maps to given editor part for launch purposes, or null
if none.
getLaunchConfigurations(ISelection) - Method in class com.iizigo.server.launch.DevelServerLaunchShortcutReturns an array of ILaunchConfiguration
s that apply to the specified selection, an empty collection if one could be created but does not exist, or null
if default resource mappings should be used to derive associated configurations.
getLaunchConfigurations(IEditorPart) - Method in class com.iizigo.server.launch.DevelServerLaunchShortcutReturns an array of existing ILaunchConfiguration
s that could be used to launch the given editor part, an empty array if one could be created but does not exist, or null
if default resource mappings should be used to derive associated configurations.
getLayout() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUICompGets the layout properties of this component.
getLayout() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICompGets the layout properties of this component.
getLayout() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIPanelBaseGets the layout properties of this component.
getLayoutData() - Method in class com.iizigo.text.TTextCellEditorSince a text editor field is scrollable we don't set a minimumSize.
getLayoutDataClass() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.calendar.ECalendarLayoutGets the layout data class.
getLayoutDataClass() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EAbsoluteLayoutGets the layout data class.
getLayoutDataClass() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EAccordionLayoutGets the layout data class.
getLayoutDataClass() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EBorderLayoutGets the layout data class.
getLayoutDataClass() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EContextMenuLayoutGets the layout data class.
getLayoutDataClass() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EFlexLayoutGets the layout data class.
getLayoutDataClass() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EGridLayoutGets the layout data class.
getLayoutDataClass() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EHeadingLayoutGets the layout data class.
getLayoutDataClass() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EListLayoutGets the layout data class.
getLayoutDataClass() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMenuBarLayoutGets the layout data class.
getLayoutDataClass() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMenuLayoutGets the layout data class.
getLayoutDataClass() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.ESwapLayoutGets the layout data class.
getLayoutDataClass() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.ETabBarLayoutGets the layout data class.
getLayoutDataClass() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.ETabLayoutGets the layout data class.
getLayoutDataClass() - Method in interface com.iizigo.panel.prop.IELayoutMgrGets the layout data class.
getLayoutDataClass() - Method in class the layout data class.
getLayoutDataClass() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMLGroupLayoutGets the layout data class.
getLayoutDataClass() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMListLayoutGets the layout data class.
getLayoutDataClass() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.table.EUITableLayoutGets the layout data class.
getLayoutHeight() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.LayoutPropReturns the layout height.
getLayoutMgr() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.calendar.EUICalendarListGets the layout manager.
getLayoutMgr() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUIHeadingGets the layout manager.
getLayoutMgr() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUITabBarGets the layout manager.
getLayoutMgr() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIAccordionGets the layout manager.
getLayoutMgr() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIContextMenuGets the layout manager.
getLayoutMgr() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuGets the layout manager.
getLayoutMgr() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuBarGets the layout manager.
getLayoutMgr() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUISwapContainerGets the layout manager.
getLayoutMgr() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITabContainerGets the layout manager.
getLayoutMgr() - Method in class the layout manager.
getLayoutMgr() - Method in class the layout manager.
getLayoutMgr() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMLGroupGets the layout manager.
getLayoutMgr() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMListGets the layout manager.
getLayoutMgr() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.table.EUITableGets the layout manager.
getLayoutMgr() - Method in interface com.iizix.IComponentGets the UI LayoutManager for the component.
getLayoutMgr() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.bridge.BridgeContainerGets the layout manager.
getLayoutMgr() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICompGets the layout manager for the component.
getLayoutMgr(Class<LAYOUT_MGR>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUICompGets the layout manager for the component.
getLayoutMgr(Class<LAYOUT_MGR>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICompGets the layout manager for the component.
getLayoutPropClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.AbsoluteLayoutReturns the class required for this layout property.
getLayoutPropClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.AccordionLayoutReturns the class required for this layout property.
getLayoutPropClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.BorderLayoutReturns the class required for this layout property.
getLayoutPropClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.calendar.CalendarLayoutReturns the class required for this layout property.
getLayoutPropClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.ContextMenuLayoutReturns the class required for this layout property.
getLayoutPropClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.FlexLayoutReturns the class required for this layout property.
getLayoutPropClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.GridLayoutReturns the class required for this layout property.
getLayoutPropClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.HeadingLayoutReturns the class required for this layout property.
getLayoutPropClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.LayoutMgrReturns the class required for this layout property.
getLayoutPropClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.ListLayoutReturns the class required for this layout property.
getLayoutPropClass() - Method in class the class required for this layout property.
getLayoutPropClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.MenuBarLayoutReturns the class required for this layout property.
getLayoutPropClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.MenuLayoutReturns the class required for this layout property.
getLayoutPropClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLGroupLayoutReturns the class required for this layout property.
getLayoutPropClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MListLayoutReturns the class required for this layout property.
getLayoutPropClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.SwapLayoutReturns the class required for this layout property.
getLayoutPropClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.TabBarLayoutReturns the class required for this layout property.
getLayoutPropClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.TabLayoutReturns the class required for this layout property.
getLayoutPropClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITableLayoutReturns the class required for this layout property.
getLayoutWidth() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.LayoutPropReturns the layout width.
getLeadingText() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItemGets the leading text for the list item.
getLeadingTextColumn() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLCheckBoxReturns the column index for the leading text.
getLeadingTextColumn() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLComboBoxReturns the column index for the leading text.
getLeadingTextColumn() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLDateTimeReturns the column index for the leading text.
getLeadingTextColumn() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItemReturns the column index for the leading text.
getLeadingTextColumn() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLRadioButtonReturns the column index for the leading text.
getLeadingTextColumn() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSimpleReturns the column index for the leading text.
getLeadingTextColumn() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSliderReturns the column index for the leading text.
getLeadingTextColumn() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSpinnerReturns the column index for the leading text.
getLeadingTextColumn() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSwitchReturns the column index for the leading text.
getLeadingTextColumn() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLTextReturns the column index for the leading text.
getLeadingTextWrap() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItemGets option for leading text wrap.
getLeadingWidth() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItemGets the width of leading text.
getLeftMargin() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.TerminalWindowGets the left margin.
getLengthExclusive(int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostScreenCalculates the length between two positions with support for screen wrapping.
getLengthExclusive(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostScreenCalculates the length between two positions with support for screen wrapping.
getLengthInclusive(int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostScreenCalculates the length between two positions with support for screen wrapping.
getLengthInclusive(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostScreenCalculates the length between two positions with support for screen wrapping.
getLetsEncryptDomain(String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.WebServerPortConfigGets the Let's Encrypt domain instance for a specific domain name.
getLetsEncryptDomainNames() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IWebServerPortConfigGets the Let's Encrypt domain name(s) associated with this port configuration.
getLetsEncryptDomainNames() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.WebServerPortConfigGets the Let's Encrypt domain name(s) associated with this port configuration.
getLetsEncryptDomainNamesSet() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IWebServerPortConfigGets a new set of Let's Encrypt domain name(s) associated with this port configuration.
getLetsEncryptDomainNamesSet() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.WebServerPortConfigGets a new set of Let's Encrypt domain name(s) associated with this port configuration.
getLetsEncryptDomains() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettingsGets the Let's Encrypt domains.
getLetsEncryptDomains() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.WebServerPortConfigGets the Let's Encrypt domain instances associated with this port configuration.
getLetterSpacing() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.FontInfoLetter spacing as in CSS, null for default.
getLetterSpacing() - Method in interface com.iizix.IFontInfoGets the letter spacing as in CSS.
getLevelString(int) - Static method in class com.iizix.LoggersGets the level string.
getLevelStringFormatted(int) - Static method in class com.iizix.LoggersGets the formatted level string that is adjusted with spaces and surrounded with [].
getLicenseAgreementIDs(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.agreement.LicenseAgreementsGets all the license agreement IDs, and only the latest depending on the flag.
getLicenseException() - Static method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPartGets the potential license exception that occurred when loading it.
getLineBreak() - Method in class number of symbols per line Yahoo YUI Compressor will use during CSS compression.
getLineCount() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGets the line count in this host field.
getLineHeight() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.FontInfoLine height as in CSS, null for default.
getLineHeight() - Method in interface com.iizix.IFontInfoGets the line height as in CSS.
getLineHeightPX() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.FontInfoGets the line height in pixels.
getLinkCapable() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.DragDropLinkAdapterGets the source linkable element.
getLinkData() - Method in class the link data for the operations.
getLinkData(UIContainer) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.DragDropPropCnrGets the link data for the external operation.
getLinkOperation() - Method in interface the link operation for the page.
getLinkOperation() - Method in class the link operation for the page.
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in interface when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in interface when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in interface when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in interface when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in interface when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in interface when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in interface when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in interface when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.calendar.ECalendarEventCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.calendar.EUICalendarListCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.chart.EUIChartCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUIHeadingCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUISwitchCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUITabBarCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIAccordionCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIButtonCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICalendarCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICheckBoxCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICheckedMenuItemCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIComboBoxCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIContextMenuCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIDateTimeCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIEmptyCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIGaugeCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIImageCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIImage2Called when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUILabelCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMediaCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuBarCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuItemCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuSeparatorCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIOutputCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIPanelPartCnrCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIProgressCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIRadioButtonCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIRadioMenuItemCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUISliderCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUISpinnerCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUISwapContainerCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITabContainerCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITextCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITextAreaCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITitlePaneCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in interface com.iizigo.panel.prop.IEUICompCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in interface com.iizigo.panel.prop.IEUIContainerCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in interface com.iizigo.panel.prop.IEUIPanelCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMLDefaultItemPropCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMLGroupCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMListCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMLItemPropCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.table.EUITableCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.table.EUITableColumnCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVirtualSpaceCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVSActionCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVSFieldCalled when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getLinkSources() - Method in class the list of possible ILinkCapable sources.
getLinkTargets(UIPanelBase, List<ILinkCapable>) - Static method in class the list of UI components that this link capable component can be linked to in a panel.
getLinkVSActionName(LinkData) - Method in interface the atom for the linking.
getLinkVSFieldName(LinkData) - Method in interface the atom for the linking.
getLinkWizardOperations() - Method in class the link wizard operations.
getListDataColumn() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIAbstractListChoiceGets the VS column for the list data.
getListener() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.TransactionCommGets the listener of the communications link.
getListeners() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets the listeners.
getListeners() - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostSessionGets the listeners.
getListVisible() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0Returns true
if the receiver's list is visible, and false
getLoadedModuleModels() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ProjectManagerGets the loaded Module models projects.
getLoadedModuleProjects() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ProjectManagerGets the names of all the loaded module projects.
getLoadedPlugins() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropFactoryGets a list of the loaded Server plug-in descriptors.
getLoadedPlugins() - Method in class com.iizix.server.PluginLoaderGets the comma-separated list of loaded plugins.
getLoadedPlugins(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropFactoryGets a list of the loaded Server plug-in descriptors.
getLocalDate() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GDateTimeGets the value as a LocalDate.
getLocalDate() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.IUIDateTimeGets the local date part of the value.
getLocalDate() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.UIDateTimeGets the local date part of the value.
getLocalDate() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.value.IUIDateValueComponentGets the date as a LocalDate.
getLocalDateTime() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GDateTimeGets the value as a LocalDateTime.
getLocale() - Method in class com.iizix.LocaleInfoGets the locale.
getLocale() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.EnvPropsGets the client local info class instance.
getLocale() - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyroGets the local info class instance.
getLocale() - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyroGets the local info class instance.
getLocale() - Method in interface com.iizix.text.ILocaleStringGets the local info class instance.
getLocaleInfo() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSFieldGets the cached locale information for the session, or if not available caches the one from the environment.
getLocaleInfo(LocaleInfo) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSFieldUses the localeInfo parameter as the locale information if non-null, otherwise gets the cached locale information for the session, or if not available caches the one from the environment.
getLocaleInfo(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.LocaleInfoCreates or gets a cached copy of a locale for a language code.
getLocaleInfo(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.iizix.LocaleInfoCreates or gets a cached copy of a locale for a language.
getLocaleInfo(Locale) - Static method in class com.iizix.LocaleInfoCreates or gets a cached copy of a locale for a language.
getLocaleKString(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.text.ILocaleStringGets the KString of a particular ID from the app's text tables, regardless if the text tables are flagged to also handle LocaleString's.
getLocaleKString(String, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyroGets the KString of a particular ID from the app's text tables that are flagged to also handle LocaleString's depending on the flag.
getLocaleKString(String, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyroGets the KString of a particular ID from the app's text tables that are flagged to also handle LocaleString's depending on the flag.
getLocaleKString(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.text.ILocaleStringGets the KString of a particular ID from the app's text tables that are flagged to also handle LocaleString's depending on the flag.
getLocalFontFaceCSS(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.font.prop.EditorFontFilesGets the font face style declaration for the Eclipse internal browser.
getLocalID() - Method in class com.iizix.event.RemoteEventGets the property-local event ID.
getLocalizedDescription() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.EnvProps.ClientCapabilityGets the localized description.
getLocalizedLanguages() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PWAPropsGets the list of localized languages.
getLocalizedName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.comm.oauth.AuthenticationProviderGets the localized name of the provider.
getLocalizedName(SessionInfo) - Method in enum class com.iizix.comm.oauth.AuthenticationProviderGets the localized name of the provider.
getLocalizedName(ILocaleString) - Method in enum class com.iizix.comm.oauth.AuthenticationProviderGets the localized name of the provider.
getLocalizedString(PlainKString, String) - Method in class a PlainKString that refers to the text table with the specified language code.
getLocalizedText(SessionInfo, String) - Method in class com.iizix.passwordpolicy.PasswordPolicyResultGets the full localized text, with a potential separator string before each suggestion for the password entropy to become stronger if too weak.
getLocalNames() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.font.FontFilesGets the local name(s) specified.
getLocalPolicy() - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.TXProcessImpl getLocalPolicy() - Method in interface com.iizix.txp.ITXProcessReturn the process local policy
getLocalTime() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GDateTimeGets the value as a LocalTime.
getLocalTime() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.IUIDateTimeGets the local time part of the value.
getLocalTime() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.value.IUITimeValueComponentGets the time as a LocalTime.
getLocalVariable(IMethod, int) - Static method in class the
at the given offset position in the source file.
getLocalVariable(IMethod, String) - Static method in class - Method in class com.iizix.geo.DeviceLocationRetrieves the location of the device.
getLocation() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GeoPropsGets the last location available.
getLocation() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.image.IImageLocationGets the location point for the image.
getLocation() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.image.ImageLocationGets the location point for this property.
getLocation() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.image.ImageStyleLocationGets the location point for this property.
getLocation() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropErrorItemGets the location of an error, for user info only.
getLocation() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropErrorItemGets the location of an error, for user info only.
getLocation(T) - Method in interface com.iizigo.image.IEditedImageLocationGets the location.
getLocationHistory() - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.AuthenticatedUserGets the user's location history.
getLocationHistory() - Method in interface com.iizix.user.IAuthenticatedUserGets the user's location history.
getLocationOrName() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropErrorItemGets the location or property name of an error, for user info only.
getLocationOrName() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropErrorItemGets the location or property name of an error, for user info only.
getLocations() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.KTooltipGets the locations.
getLocations() - Method in class com.iizix.server.geo.UserLocationHistoryReturns the array of user locations.
getLocations() - Method in interface com.iizix.user.geo.IUserLocationHistoryReturns the array of user locations.
getLocationService() - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IAppSessionGyroReturns an instance of the geolocation service.
getLocationService() - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IClientSessionGyroReturns an instance of the geolocation service.
getLocationService() - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyroReturns the location service for the application session.
getLocationService() - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyroReturns an instance of the geolocation service.
getLockCount() - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IAppSessionGyroReturns the incremental lock count that governs the UI locking state.
getLockCount() - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyroReturns the incremental lock count that governs the UI locking state.
getLockObject() - Method in interface the lock object used to manipulate VirtualizedItem's for multi-threaded and/or multi-session code such as the Application Session Gyro.
getLockObject() - Method in class the lock object used to manipulate VirtualizedItem's for multi-threaded and/or multi-session code such as the Application Session Gyro.
getLockObject() - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostScreenThe lock object to synchronize on when processing e.g.
getLockSerial() - Method in class com.iizix.server.client.ClientTransactionProcessorReturns the lock serial number.
getLogFileName() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettingsGets the log file name.
getLogger(String) - Method in class com.iizix.log.slf4j.LogFactoryImplReturn an appropriate Logger
instance as specified by the name
getLoggerFactory() - Method in class com.iizix.log.slf4j.LogServiceProviderReturn the instance of ILoggerFactory
that LoggerFactory
class should bind to.
getLoggerInfo() - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.AbstractActionActorTXPNodeGets the node information string.
getLoggers() - Method in class com.iizix.virtual.ThreadDataGets the loggers instance.
getLogHistorySize() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettingsGets the history size for events kept in-memory for the server administration program to retrieve.
getLogic() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.recording.prop.RecordingPropLogic.
getLogic() - Method in class the logic statements for the EEM file.
getLoginContext(String, ArrayList<TextOutputCallback>) - Method in class com.iizix.user.UserIdentifierGets the login context for the user.
getLogLevel() - Static method in class com.iizix.ILogGets the currently configured log level.
getLogLevel() - Method in class com.iizix.LoggersGets the log level.
getLogLevel() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettingsGets the log level to use.
getLogoutURL() - Method in class com.iizix.server.oauth.AbstractOAuthServiceReturns the logout URL for the OAuth service.
getLogoutURL() - Method in class the logout URL for the OAuth service.
getLogoutURL() - Method in class the logout URL for the OAuth service.
getLogoutURL() - Method in class the logout URL for the OAuth service.
getLogoutURL() - Method in class the logout URL for the OAuth service.
getLogoutURL() - Method in class the logout URL for the OAuth service.
getLogString() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.session.SessionIDGets the string representation of this SessionID for logging.
getLogToConsole() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettingsLogging output also to console.
getLong() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.LongPropGets the current value set as a "long".
getLong(long) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.LongPropGets the current value set as an "int" using defaultValue
for an uninitialized value.
getLong(Atom) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets a long property from this property container.
getLong(Atom) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets a long property from this property container.
getLong(Atom, long) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets a long property from this property container.
getLong(Atom, long) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets a long property from this property container.
getLong(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets a long property from this property container.
getLong(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets a long property from this property container.
getLong(String, long) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets a long property from this property container.
getLong(String, long) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets a long property from this property container.
getLongData(int) - Static method in class com.iizix.ReadTransactionStatic helper method to get the 4-byte representation of a 32 bit signed value.
getLongitude() - Method in interface com.iizix.geo.ILongitudeLatitudeGets the longitude.
getLongitude() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocationGets the longitude, e.g.
getLongitude() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GeoLocationGets the longitude.
getLongitude() - Method in class the longitude of the marker.
getLongName() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.project.EESessionGets the full file name relative terminal project.
getLookupPropReference(ReferenceString) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.AbstractBaseRelativeReferenceCreates the reference string to look-up from the ReferenceString.
getLookupPropReference(ReferenceString) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.AbstractFixedVirtualizedBaseRelativeReferenceCreates the reference string to look-up from the ReferenceString.
getLookupPropReference(ReferenceString) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.AbstractReferenceCreates the reference string to look-up from the ReferenceString.
getLookupPropReference(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.BaseReferencePropEditorCreates the reference string to look-up from the ReferenceString.
getLookupPropReference(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ReferencePropEditorCreates the reference string to look-up from the ReferenceString.
getLUName() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TelnetCommPropsGets the LU name for the terminal session.
getMailQueueDirectory(File) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.MailPropsGets the send mail queue directory to use.
getMailSender() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.MailPropsGets the current mail sender.
getMailSender(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.server.IServerGets the default mail sender.
getMailSender(String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShellGets the default mail sender.
getMailSender(String, ExecutorService, File) - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettingsGets the mail sender with the specified name.
getMailsToVerify() - Method in class com.iizix.server.db.BasicUserInfoGets all the mails that needs verification.
getMainAttributes() - Method in class com.iizix.util.AbstractJarURLConnectionReturns the main Attributes for the JAR file for this connection.
getMainPropCnr() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ModuleProjectSettingsGets the main property container storage.
getMainStyles() - Method in class the main (parent) styles.
getMainStyles() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StylesReturns the main (parent) styles.
getManagementInfo(ITXPid) - Method in interface com.iizix.txp.ITXPManagementAPIGets the management info of the specified process.
getManifest() - Method in class com.iizix.util.AbstractJarURLConnectionReturns the Manifest for this connection, or null if none.
getManifest() - Method in interface com.iizix.util.IJarFileReturns the Jar file manifest, or null
if none.
getManifest() - Method in class com.iizix.util.MemoryJarFileReturns the Jar file manifest, or null
if none.
getManifest() - Method in class com.iizix.util.XJarFileReturns the jar file manifest, or null
if none.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.Codepage8859_1This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.Codepage8859_2This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.Codepage8859_3This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.Codepage8859_4This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.Codepage8859_5This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.Codepage8859_6This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.Codepage8859_7This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.Codepage8859_8This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.Codepage8859_9This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp037This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1025This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1026This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1046This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1097This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1098This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1112This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1122This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1123This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1140This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1141This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1142This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1143This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1144This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1145This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1146This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1147This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1148This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1149This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1153This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1154This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1155This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1156This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1157This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1158This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1250This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1251This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1252This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1253This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1254This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1255This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1256This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1257This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp1258This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp273This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp277This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp278This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp280This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp284This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp285This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp297This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp420This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp424This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp437This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp500This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp737This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp775This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp838This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp850This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp852This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp855This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp857This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp858This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp860This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp861This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp862This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp863This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp864This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp865This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp866This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp868This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp869This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp870This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp871This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp874This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp875This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp918This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp921This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageCp922This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in interface com.iizix.codepage.CodepageMapInterfaceThis method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class com.iizix.codepage.CodepageMS874This method returns the character map of the 256 bytes of the codepage mapped onto Unicode characters.
getMap() - Method in class the map associated with the marker.
getMap() - Method in class the map containing the markers.
getMap() - Static method in class com.iizix.selector.DeviceMatchGets the map of devices that can match with this class.
getMap() - Static method in class com.iizix.selector.LanguageMatchGets the map of languages that can match with this class.
getMapLowerCase() - Static method in class com.iizix.selector.LanguageMatchGets the map of languages with the Language Codes in its proper character case.
getMappedVSComponent() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.AbstractUIActionGets the main component that is used to map the UI component to the VirtualSpace.
getMappedVSComponent() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITableGets the main component that is used to map the UI component to the VirtualSpace.
getMappedVSComponent() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICompGets the main component that is used to map the UI component to the VirtualSpace.
getMarkedComponents() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.PanelEditorGets the selection of marks for drag-drop.
getMarker() - Method in class com.iizigo.quickfix.QuickFixAdapterGets the marker if the isMarkerRequired()
is true.
getMarkerAttribute(String...) - Static method in class com.iizigo.quickfix.QuickFixerGets a list of quick-fixes for the marker attribute.
getMarkerAttributes(IQuickFix[]) - Static method in class com.iizigo.quickfix.QuickFixerGets the attributes required for quick-fixes when they consist of a instances of IQuickFix
getMarkerAttributes(IQuickFix[], String[]) - Static method in class com.iizigo.quickfix.QuickFixerGets the attributes required for quick-fixes when they consist of a combination of "static quick-fixes" using String IDs and instances of IQuickFix
getMarkerAttributes(String[]) - Static method in class com.iizigo.quickfix.QuickFixerGets the attributes required for quick-fixes when they consist of a combination of "static quick-fixes" using String IDs and instances of IQuickFix
getMarkerFactory() - Method in class com.iizix.log.slf4j.LogServiceProviderReturn the instance of IMarkerFactory
that MarkerFactory
class should bind to.
getMarkers() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.DesignerPropGets the array of markers in this property.
getMarkers() - Method in class the map markers container.
getMarkers() - Method in class the map markers container.
getMarkers(String) - Method in class the markers group by name.
getMarkersNull(String) - Method in class the markers group by name.
getMarkerType() - Method in class the Marker Type for errors used by the parser.
getMarkerType() - Method in interface the Marker Type for errors used by the parser.
getMarkerType() - Method in class the Marker Type for errors used by the parser.
getMarkerType() - Method in class the marker type associated to this problem, if it gets persisted into a marker by the JavaBuilder Standard Java problems are associated to marker type "org.eclipse.jdt.core.problem").
getMarkerType() - Method in class the marker type associated to this problem, if it gets persisted into a marker by the JavaBuilder Standard Java problems are associated to marker type "org.eclipse.jdt.core.problem").
getMarkerType() - Method in class the marker type associated to this problem, if it gets persisted into a marker by the JavaBuilder Standard Java problems are associated to marker type "org.eclipse.jdt.core.problem").
getMarkerValues() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.editor.CustomParameterMarkersGets thge current marker values.
getMarkingConstraints() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.capture.CaptureEditorGets the marking constraints.
getMarkingConstraints() - Method in interface com.iizigo.term.internal.IScreenDesignerGets the rectangle marking constraints.
getMarkingConstraints() - Method in interface com.iizigo.term.ITermEditorGets the marking constraints.
getMarkingConstraints() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.recording.RecordingEditorGets the marking constraints.
getMarkingConstraints() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.screen.ScreenDesignerGets the rectangle marking constraints.
getMarkingConstraints() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.screen.ScreenEditorGets the rectangle marking constraints.
getMarks() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.TerminalGets the rectangle presently marked.
getMarks() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.TerminalWindowGet the current selected marks.
getMaster() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.recording.prop.RecordingPropGets the master.
getMatchingCaptures(EditorScreenProp) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.project.TerminalModelGets the terminal sessions that matches a screen (only captures, no recordings).
getMatchingPanels(VirtualSpace) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IClientSessionGyroGets the panels that matches a VirtualSpace for this client session.
getMatchingPanels(VirtualSpace) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyroGets the panels that matches a VirtualSpace for this client session.
getMatchingPopup(HostScreen) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenPropMatches the screen with available pop-up windows.
getMatchingProcessor(IReplyContent) - Method in class if the reply matches the current output properties.
getMatchingProcessor(IReplyContent) - Method in class if the reply matches the current output properties.
getMatchingProcessors(IReplyContent) - Method in class if the reply matches the current output properties.
getMatchingScreen(HostScreen, ArrayList<ScreenProp>) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenMatcherChecks which screens match.
getMatchingScreens() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.TerminalDesignerPropGets the matching screens.
getMatchingScreens() - Method in class com.iizix.term.server.TerminalHostGets the matching screens.
getMatchMasks() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.image.IImageStyleGets the mask values for matching.
getMatchMasks() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.image.ImageStyleGets the mask values for matching.
getMatchString() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenIdentificationPropGets the matching string for this identification.
getMatchString(HostScreen, int, int) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenIdentificationPropGet the current match string from host screen.
getMatchString(HostScreen, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenIdentificationPropGet the match string from host screen for an identification at x,y with size cx,cy.
getMaxClientsPerAppSession() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerConfigEnvPropsGets the maximum number of clients sessions per app session, zero = no limit.
getMaxConcurrentThumbnailsRequests() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettingsThe maximum count of current thumbnail requests to "", default 5.
getMaximalLength() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UITextGets the maximum length of the text field.
getMaximum() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISpinnerGets the maximum value.
getMaximum() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.value.IUIDoubleRangeValueComponentGets the maximum value.
getMaximumDefault() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIProgressGets the default maximum value.
getMaximumDefault() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISliderGets the default maximum value.
getMaximumDefault() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISpinnerGets the default maximum value.
getMaximumDefault() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.value.IUIDoubleRangeValueComponentGets the default maximum value.
getMaximumFileSize() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIImage2Gets the maximum file size of an image.
getMaximumFileSize() - Static method in class com.iizix.server.BinaryTraceGets the maximum file size of a trace file.
getMaximumGeolocationHistorySizePerUser() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettingsGets the maximum number of geolocation entries per user in the history.
getMaximumHistorySize() - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerLoggerGets the maximum history size.
getMaximumLength() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLComboBoxGets the entry field text for the list item.
getMaximumLength() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLDateTimeGets the entry field text for the list item.
getMaximumLength() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSpinnerGets the entry field text for the list item.
getMaximumLength() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLTextGets the maximum length of the number of input characters in entry field.
getMaximumLogFileSize() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettingsGets the maximum log file size.
getMaximumRowCount() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ResultSetPropsGets the maximum number of rows to retrieve.
getMaximumServerKeyAge() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettingsGets the maximum server key age in days.
getMaximumUploadFileSize() - Method in interface com.iizix.comm.IWSUploaderReturns the maximum size of any uploaded file in MB.
getMaximumUploadFileSize() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettingsReturns the maximum size of any uploaded file in MB.
getMaximumWidthOrHeight() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIImage2Gets the maximum width or height allowed for a user selected image.
getMaximumYear() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.IUIDateTimeGets the maximum year for the mobile spinner.
getMaximumYear() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.UIDateTimeGets the maximum year for the mobile spinner.
getMaximumYear() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLDateTimeGets the maximum year for the mobile spinner.
getMaxTransactionQueue() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.session.SessionMgrGets the maximum queued transaction to keep.
getMaxTransactionQueueSize() - Method in class com.iizix.test.client.ClientManagerGets the maximum queued transactions to keep.
getMaxValue() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSliderGets the maximum value for the list item.
getMaxWidth() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.FontInfoGets the maximum character width.
getMaxWidth() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UITextGets entry field maximum width.
getMDCAdapter() - Method in class com.iizix.log.slf4j.LogServiceProviderReturn the instance of MDCAdapter
that MDC
should bind to.
getMediaType() - Method in class com.iizix.user.ProfilePictureInfoGets the media type, e.g.
getMemberValuePair(NormalAnnotation, String) - Static method in class - Method in class com.iizix.util.XFileGets the current byte from the memory data (same as readByte but without advancing the position).
getMenu() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0 getMenu() - Method in class com.iizix.swt.DropdownSelectionListenerGets the menu.
getMessage() - Method in class a localized, human-readable message string which describes the problem.
getMessage() - Method in class com.iizigo.validator.ControlValidatorGets the message.
getMessage() - Method in interface com.iizigo.validator.IValidatorGets the message, null for no error.
getMessage() - Method in class com.iizix.api.vs.VSFieldEventGets the message.
getMessage() - Method in exception class com.iizix.gyro.GyroException getMessage() - Method in interface com.iizix.IComponentGets the current message for the component.
getMessage() - Method in exception class com.iizix.LanguageExceptionReturns the detail message string of this language exception.
getMessage() - Method in class com.iizix.license.history.ActivationChangeGets the message.
getMessage() - Method in class com.iizix.mail.MailGets the javax.mail.Message for advanced purposes.
getMessage() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropErrorItemGets the error message.
getMessage() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropErrorItemGets the message.
getMessage() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.MessageBoxGets the message text of the message box.
getMessage() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICompGets the current message for the component.
getMessage() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSMessageComponentGets the message from the validation process.
getMessage() - Method in exception class com.iizix.urn.MalformedURNExceptionReturns the detail message string of this throwable.
getMessage() - Method in exception class com.iizix.urn.NIDExceptionReturns the detail message string of this throwable.
getMessage() - Method in exception class com.iizix.urn.NSSExceptionReturns the detail message string of this throwable.
getMessage() - Method in exception class com.iizix.urn.UnknownNIDExceptionReturns the detail message string of this throwable.
getMessage() - Method in exception class com.iizix.urn.URNExceptionReturns the detail message string of this throwable.
getMessageCategory() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSMessageComponentGets the current message category.
getMessageLocaleKString() - Method in interface com.iizix.text.ILocaleKStringFormatterGets a formatted HTML or PLAIN KString with the appropriate parameters using the formatting described below.
getMessageLocaleKString(LocaleInfo) - Method in interface com.iizix.text.ILocaleKStringFormatterGets a formatted HTML or PLAIN KString with the appropriate parameters using the formatting described below.
getMessageLocaleKString(IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in interface com.iizix.text.ILocaleKStringFormatterGets a formatted HTML or PLAIN KString with the appropriate parameters using the formatting described below.
getMessageLocaleKString(IKStringInfoProvider, LocaleInfo) - Method in interface com.iizix.text.ILocaleKStringFormatterGets a formatted HTML or PLAIN KString with the appropriate parameters using the formatting described below.
getMessageLocaleKString(IKStringInfoProvider, ILocaleString) - Method in interface com.iizix.text.ILocaleKStringFormatterGets a formatted HTML or PLAIN KString with the appropriate parameters using the formatting described below.
getMessageLocaleKString(IKStringInfoProvider, Locale) - Method in interface com.iizix.text.ILocaleKStringFormatterGets a formatted HTML or PLAIN KString with the appropriate parameters using the formatting described below.
getMessageLocaleKString(ILocaleString) - Method in interface com.iizix.text.ILocaleKStringFormatterGets a formatted HTML or PLAIN KString with the appropriate parameters using the formatting described below.
getMessageLocaleKString(ILocaleString, IKStringInfoProvider, LocaleInfo) - Method in interface com.iizix.text.ILocaleKStringFormatterGets a formatted HTML or PLAIN KString with the appropriate parameters using the formatting described below.
getMessageLocaleKString(Locale) - Method in interface com.iizix.text.ILocaleKStringFormatterGets a formatted HTML or PLAIN KString with the appropriate parameters using the formatting described below.
getMessageLocalePlainKString() - Method in interface com.iizix.text.ILocaleKStringFormatterGets a formatted PLAIN KString with the appropriate parameters using the formatting described below.
getMessageLocalePlainKString(LocaleInfo) - Method in interface com.iizix.text.ILocaleKStringFormatterGets a formatted PLAIN KString with the appropriate parameters using the formatting described below.
getMessageLocalePlainKString(IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in interface com.iizix.text.ILocaleKStringFormatterGets a formatted PLAIN KString with the appropriate parameters using the formatting described below.
getMessageLocalePlainKString(IKStringInfoProvider, LocaleInfo) - Method in interface com.iizix.text.ILocaleKStringFormatterGets a formatted PLAIN KString with the appropriate parameters using the formatting described below.
getMessageLocalePlainKString(IKStringInfoProvider, ILocaleString) - Method in interface com.iizix.text.ILocaleKStringFormatterGets a formatted PLAIN KString with the appropriate parameters using the formatting described below.
getMessageLocalePlainKString(IKStringInfoProvider, Locale) - Method in interface com.iizix.text.ILocaleKStringFormatterGets a formatted PLAIN KString with the appropriate parameters using the formatting described below.
getMessageLocalePlainKString(ILocaleString) - Method in interface com.iizix.text.ILocaleKStringFormatterGets a formatted PLAIN KString with the appropriate parameters using the formatting described below.
getMessageLocalePlainKString(ILocaleString, IKStringInfoProvider, LocaleInfo) - Method in interface com.iizix.text.ILocaleKStringFormatterGets a formatted PLAIN KString with the appropriate parameters using the formatting described below.
getMessageLocalePlainKString(Locale) - Method in interface com.iizix.text.ILocaleKStringFormatterGets a formatted PLAIN KString with the appropriate parameters using the formatting described below.
getMessageLocaleString() - Method in interface com.iizix.text.ILocaleStringFormatterGets a formatted String with the appropriate parameters using the formatting described below.
getMessageLocaleString(LocaleInfo) - Method in interface com.iizix.text.ILocaleStringFormatterGets a formatted String with the appropriate parameters using the formatting described below.
getMessageLocaleString(ILocaleString) - Method in interface com.iizix.text.ILocaleStringFormatterGets a formatted String with the appropriate parameters using the formatting described below.
getMessageLocaleString(ILocaleString, LocaleInfo) - Method in interface com.iizix.text.ILocaleStringFormatterGets a formatted String with the appropriate parameters using the formatting described below.
getMessageLocaleString(ILocaleString, IKStringInfoProvider, LocaleInfo) - Method in interface com.iizix.text.ILocaleStringFormatterGets a formatted String with the appropriate parameters using the formatting described below.
getMessageLocaleString(Locale) - Method in interface com.iizix.text.ILocaleStringFormatterGets a formatted String with the appropriate parameters using the formatting described below.
getMessagePlainString() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.MessageBoxGets the message text of the message box.
getMessageString() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSMessageComponentGets the message from the validation process as a String.
getMessageText() - Method in interface com.iizix.IComponentGets the current message text for the component as a plain string.
getMessageText() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICompGets the current message text for the component as a plain string.
getMessageType() - Method in class com.iizigo.validator.ControlValidatorGets the type of message (ERROR, WARNING, INFORMATION or NONE).
getMessageType() - Method in interface com.iizigo.validator.IValidatorgetMethod() - Method in class the HTTP method for the request.
getMethod() - Method in class the method.
getMethod(String, List<Throwable>, Class<?>...) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ClassReferenceGets the method in the loaded runtime class with the specified parameters types.
getMethodDeclaration(IMethod) - Static method in class - Method in class com.iizix.prop.MethodReference2Gets the method name, instance or static.
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in interface the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.calendar.ECalendarEventReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.calendar.EUICalendarListReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.chart.EUIChartReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUIHeadingReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUISwitchReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUITabBarReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIAccordionReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIButtonReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICalendarReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICheckBoxReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICheckedMenuItemReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIComboBoxReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIContainerReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIContextMenuReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIDateTimeReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIEmptyReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIGaugeReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIImageReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIImage2Returns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUILabelReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMediaReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuBarReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuItemReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuSeparatorReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIOutputReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIPanelPartCnrReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIProgressReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIRadioButtonReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIRadioMenuItemReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUISliderReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUISpinnerReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUISwapContainerReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITabContainerReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITextReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITextAreaReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITitlePaneReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in interface com.iizigo.panel.prop.IEUIPanelReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMLDefaultItemPropReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMLGroupReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMListReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMLItemPropReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.table.EUITableReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.table.EUITableColumnReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVirtualSpaceReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVSActionReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethodReferenceAnnotationTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVSFieldReturns the annotation types for the method reference(s).
getMethods(boolean, String) - Method in class the public methods that match the annotation (if present).
getMiddleName() - Method in class com.iizix.user.UserProfileInfoGets the localized middle name, null for none.
getMillisecond() - Method in class com.iizix.value.ImmutableXMLGregorianCalendargetMinifiedCSS() - Method in class the minified CSS file.
getMinimum() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIProgressGets the minimum value.
getMinimum() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISpinnerGets the minimum value.
getMinimum() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.value.IUIDoubleRangeValueComponentGets the minimum value.
getMinimumDefault() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIProgressGets the default minimum value.
getMinimumDefault() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISliderGets the default minimum value.
getMinimumDefault() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISpinnerGets the default minimum value.
getMinimumDefault() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.value.IUIDoubleRangeValueComponentGets the default minimum value.
getMinimumWidthOrHeight() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIImage2Gets the minimum width or height allowed for a user selected image.
getMinimumYear() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.IUIDateTimeGets the minimum year for the mobile spinner.
getMinimumYear() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.UIDateTimeGets the minimum year for the mobile spinner.
getMinimumYear() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLDateTimeGets the minimum year for the mobile spinner.
getMinute() - Method in class com.iizix.value.ImmutableXMLGregorianCalendargetMinValue() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSliderGets the minimum value for the list item.
getMinWidth() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UITextGets minimum size.
getMnemonic() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.color.DefaultSwatchChooserPanelProvides a hint to the look and feel as to the KeyEvent.VK
constant that can be used as a mnemonic to access the panel.
getMobileThemes() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.device.GThemesGets the mobile themes.
getModalID() - Method in class com.iizix.WorkerTaskGets the modal ID when the modality extends beyond this process, e.g.
getModel() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.NewImageDefinitionWizardGets the model.
getModel() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.NewSVGDefinitionWizardGets the model.
getModel() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleFolderPropCnrGets the model.
getModel() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleNatureGets the model for the project.
getModel() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleRootPropCnrGets the model.
getModel() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.DesignerPropGets the Module Model.
getModel() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.project.TerminalNatureGets the model for the project.
getModel(Shell) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.project.TerminalManagerGets the first project that is of Terminal project nature.
getModificationStamp() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.DesignerPropGets the file modification stamp.
getModificationStamp() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.FilePropCnrGets the file modification stamp of the resource if found.
getModificationTime() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.FilePropCnrReturns the modification time of the resource.
getModificationTime() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.FileURIPropCnrReturns the modification time of the resource.
getModificationTime() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.font.FontFilePreloadClientCacheResourceReturns the modification time of the resource.
getModificationTime() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PreloadClientCacheResourceReturns the modification time of the resource.
getModifyListener() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.BaseEditorGets the modify listener.
getModuleApp() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.AppLanguagesGets the module app that contains these language information.
getModuleApp() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ModuleProjectSettingsGets the ModuleApp instance.
getModuleClassLoader() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IModuleOwnerGets the class loader for the Module application used to load the user classes.
getModuleClassLoader() - Method in class the class loader of the Module project.
getModuleContainer(ModuleModel) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.PluginActivatorGets the Module Folder container for the Terminal plug-in.
getModuleDescripion() - Method in class com.iizix.server.loadbalancer.LoadBalancerGets the description.
getModuleDescripion() - Method in interface com.iizix.server.modules.IServerModuleGets the description.
getModuleDirectory() - Method in class com.iizix.db.server.DescriptorGets the directory name in Module projects.
getModuleDirectory() - Method in interface com.iizix.IPluginDescriptorGets the directory name in Module projects.
getModuleDirectory() - Method in class com.iizix.term.server.DescriptorGets the directory name in Module projects.
getModuleDirectory() - Method in class the directory name in Module projects.
getModuleFileExtension() - Method in class com.iizix.db.server.DescriptorGets the file extension used in Module projects, null for all.
getModuleFileExtension() - Method in interface com.iizix.IPluginDescriptorGets the file extension.
getModuleFileExtension() - Method in class com.iizix.term.server.DescriptorGets the file extension used in Module projects, null for all.
getModuleFileExtension() - Method in class the file extension used in Module projects, null for all.
getModuleFolder() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleFolderPropCnrThe folder.
getModuleFolder(PluginDescriptor) - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleModelGets the module folder for a plug-in.
getModuleFolder(IPluginDescriptor<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets the property container of specified type from the properties root.
getModuleFolder(IPluginDescriptor<?>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGPropGets the property container of specified type from the properties root.
getModuleFolder(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleModelGets the array of folders defined for the module project.
getModuleFolder(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets the property container of specified type from the properties root.
getModuleFolder(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGPropGets the property container of specified type from the properties root.
getModuleFolder(ArrayList<DesignerProp>) - Static method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleFolderGets the Module Folder used for the selected properties.
getModuleFolders() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleModelGets the array of folders defined for the module project.
getModuleModel() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPartGets the ModuleModel instance of the project.
getModuleModel() - Method in class the Module model.
getModuleModel() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.wizards.AddUICompWizardGets the Module model.
getModuleModel() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleFolderGets the Module Model.
getModuleModel() - Method in interface com.iizigo.prop.IPropertyEditorControllerGets the ModuleModel instance of the project.
getModuleModel() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.StandaloneEditorControllerGets the ModuleModel instance of the project.
getModuleModel() - Method in class com.iizigo.push.prop.EditorPushPropsGets the module model.
getModuleModel() - Method in class com.iizigo.pwa.prop.EditorPWAPropsGets the module model.
getModuleModel() - Method in class the module model.
getModuleModel() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.ServerConfigCompositeGets the ModuleModel instance of the project.
getModuleModel(GProp<?>) - Static method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropHelperGets the IIZI Module Model from a property.
getModuleModel(GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ProjectManagerGets the IIZI Module Model from a property.
getModuleModel(GProp<?>...) - Static method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropHelperGets the common Module Model from properties.
getModuleModel(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ProjectManagerGets a registered IIZI Module Model from a project name.
getModuleModel(IProject) - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ProjectManagerGets the IIZI Module Model from a project.
getModuleModel(IResource) - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ProjectManagerGets the IIZI Module Model from a resource.
getModuleName() - Method in class com.iizix.server.loadbalancer.LoadBalancerGets the name of the module.
getModuleName() - Method in interface com.iizix.server.modules.IServerModuleGets the name of the module.
getModuleNameReferences() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleModelGets the Modules that are referenced by this Module project.
getModuleProject(String) - Method in class the Module project property container.
getModuleProjectPropProvider() - Method in class the Module properties provider.
getModuleProjectReferences() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleModelGets the Projects that are referenced by this Module project.
getModuleProjects() - Method in class all the Module project containers.
getModuleProjects() - Method in class the Module model projects that are loaded for this application.
getModulePropFromReference(GProp<?>, String) - Method in class a property from a reference name.
getModuleRoot() - Static method in class the module project root container.
getModuleSettings() - Method in class the module project settings for the application.
getMonth() - Method in class com.iizix.value.ImmutableXMLGregorianCalendargetMouseHandle(int, int, IScreenRectangle[]) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.screen.ScreenDesignerGets the mouse handle: -1 when not found, 0 for move, otherwise a size handle.
getMoveSizeX() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.AbsoluteDataGets the move-size setting in X.
getMoveSizeY() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.AbsoluteDataGets the move-size setting in Y.
getMultipleImageSize() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.image.ImagesDefinitionGets the size of the multiple-image.
getMultipleImageSize() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.image.ImagesResolutionGets the size of the multiple-image.
getMultipleImageSize() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.image.ImageStylesResolutionGets the size of the multiple-image.
getMultipleImageSize() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.image.StyledImageDefinitionGets the size of the multiple-image.
getMultipleLine() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLTextGets the entry field multiple-line option.
getMultiSelectionProvider() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPartGets the multi-property selection provider.
getMultiSelectionProvider() - Method in interface com.iizigo.prop.IPropertyEditorControllerGets the multi-property selection provider.
getMultiSelectionProvider() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.StandaloneEditorControllerGets the multi-property selection provider.
getMultiSelectionProvider() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.ServerConfigCompositeGets the multi-property selection provider.
getMultiStatus() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.FileChangesCollectionGets the MultiStatus instance when visiting, in order to merge errors.
getName() - Method in class the name of the resource.
getName() - Method in class the name of the resource.
getName() - Method in class the name of the resource.
getName() - Method in class the name of the resource.
getName() - Method in class the name of the resource.
getName() - Method in class getName() - Method in class getName() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.FilePropSaveableReturns the name of this saveable for display purposes.
getName() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.launch.DevelServerLaunchConfigurationTabReturns the name of this tab.
getName() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.capture.prop.CaptureScreenPropGets the name of the screen.
getName() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.recording.prop.RecordingPropGets the name of the recording.
getName() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.VSConnectionGets the VS field name.
getName() - Method in interface the name of the resource.
getName() - Method in class the name of the resource.
getName() - Method in class the name of the resource.
getName() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ConnectionProfileSetupGets the name of the profile.
getName() - Method in class com.iizix.device.DeviceAutoSignInGets the name of the device parameter.
getName() - Method in class com.iizix.device.DeviceParameterGets the name of the device parameter.
getName() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocation.CurrencyReturns the English name of the given currency, null for none.
getName() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocation.LanguageReturns the English name of the given language, e.g.
getName() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocationServiceGets the name of the region location service.
getName() - Method in interface com.iizix.jdbc.IDBConnectionPoolGets the name of the connection pool.
getName() - Method in class com.iizix.license.ProfilePictureReturns the (file) name of the profile picture.
getName() - Method in class com.iizix.LoggersGets the name of this logger.
getName() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GColorReturns the color name.
getName() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ModuleAppGets the name of the application using the default language code.
getName() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropReferenceGets the reference name.
getName() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.IChartContainerGets the name of this container.
getName() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.device.GSimpleDeviceGets the name of the device.
getName() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.DOMElementGets the element name.
getName() - Method in class the app name.
getName() - Method in class name of the resource.
getName() - Method in class com.iizix.server.db.GroupInfoGets the name of the group.
getName() - Method in class this screen name.
getName() - Method in class the name of this translator.
getName() - Method in interface com.iizix.translate.ITranslatorReturns the name of this translator.
getName() - Method in class the name of this translator.
getName() - Method in interface com.iizix.util.IJarFileReturns the path name of the Zip/Jar file.
getName() - Method in class com.iizix.util.MemoryJarFileGets the name of the Jar file.
getName() - Method in class com.iizix.virtual.VirtualThreadGroupGets the name of the VirtualThreadGroup.
getName() - Method in class the wrapped JSON element name.
getName(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ModuleAppGets the name of the application using the specified language code.
getNameKString() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ModuleAppGets the name of the application as a KString.
getNameNoExt() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.ServerConfigFileGets the name without file extension.
getNames() - Static method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocationServiceGets the available names for the region location providers.
getNativeName() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocation.LanguageReturns the native name of the given language, e.g.
getNativeOp_Android() - Method in enum class com.iizix.device.settings.CommonSettingsGets the internal setting name to use on the native Android client device.
getNativeOp_Android() - Method in interface com.iizix.device.settings.INativeSettingGets the internal setting name to use on the native Android client device.
getNativeOp_Android() - Method in enum class com.iizix.device.settings.Settings_AndroidGets the internal setting name to use on the native Android client device.
getNativeOp_iOS() - Method in enum class com.iizix.device.settings.CommonSettingsGets the internal setting name to use on the native iOS client device.
getNativeOp_iOS() - Method in interface com.iizix.device.settings.INativeSettingGets the internal setting name to use on the native iOS client device.
getNativeOp_iOS() - Method in enum class com.iizix.device.settings.Settings_iOSGets the internal setting name to use on the native client device.
getNativeSymbol() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocation.CurrencyReturns the native symbol letter of the given currency, null for none.
getNativeToolTip() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.BaseEditorGets a "native" tooltip to use.
getNativeToolTip() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ClassReferencePropEditorGets a "native" tooltip to use.
getNativeToolTip() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.FontFamilyPropEditorGets a "native" tooltip to use.
getNativeToolTip() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.MethodReferencePropEditorGets a "native" tooltip to use.
getNativeToolTip() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.PKCS12IdentityPropEditorGets a "native" tooltip to use.
getNativeToolTip() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.WrapStringPropEditorGets a "native" tooltip to use.
getNearestSelectionPath(StructuredViewer, DesignerProp) - Static method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropHelperFinds the selection path for a DesignerProp in a viewer.
getNeedToAcceptTermsOfServiceURI() - Method in class com.iizix.server.acme.LetsEncryptDomainGets the Terms-of-Service agreement URI that needs to be accepted.
getNewCharAttribute(HostField) - Method in class the attribute to use for new characters in a field that contains extended attributes (always zero for non-3270).
getNewCharAttribute(HostField) - Method in class com.iizix.term.EmptyHostSessionGets the attribute to use for new characters in a field that contains extended attributes (always zero for non-3270).
getNewCharAttribute(HostField) - Method in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionPeerGets the attribute to use for new characters in a field that contains extended attributes (always zero for non-3270).
getNewCharAttribute(HostField) - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn3270e.HostSession3270Gets the attribute to use for new characters in a field that contains extended attributes (always zero for non-3270).
getNewCharAttribute(HostField) - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn5250e.HostSession5250Gets the attribute to use for new characters in a field that contains extended attributes (always zero for non-3270).
getNewImage(Image) - Method in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUICreates a "New item" image from an existing image.
getNewImageDescriptor(Image) - Method in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUICreates a "New item" image descriptor from an existing image.
getNewName() - Method in class com.iizix.event.ProjectNameEventGets the new project name.
getNewSashArray(CustomSashForm.SashInfo, int[], int[]) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.CustomSashForm getNewValue() - Method in class com.iizix.event.PropAttrEventGets the new value.
getNewValue() - Method in class com.iizix.event.PropValueEventGets the new value.
getNewWizards(ModuleModel, String) - Static method in class com.iizigo.plugin.PluginManagerGets the new wizards, sorted by label.
getNext() - Method in class com.iizix.translate.TranslationQueueGets an item from the queue that needs processing.
getNext(int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostFieldsGets the next unprotected host field.
getNext(TARGET) - Method in interface com.iizix.ICircularReferenceGets the next input reference from a target reference.
getNextCaptureIndex() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.project.TerminalModelGets the next capture index, based on file names of type "Capture".
getNextContinued() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGets the next continued field.
getNextField() - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostFieldGets the next host field.
getNextID() - Static method in class com.iizix.SessionInfoFor Editor, used to get the Session ID.
getNextPage() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.session.NewSessionWizardEEPageGets the next page.
getNextPage() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.session.NewSessionWizardHostPageGets the next page.
getNextPage() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.session.NewSessionWizardNameTypePageGets the next page.
getNextPage() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.session.NewSessionWizardSSLPageGets the next page.
getNextPage(IWizardPage) - Method in class getNextPage(IWizardPage) - Method in class com.iizigo.setup.SetupWizardGets the next page: if no languages, no more...
getNextPanelAnimation() - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IClientSessionGyroReturns the animation that will be used for next panel that replaces another panel.
getNextPanelAnimation() - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyroReturns the animation that will be used for next panel that replaces another panel.
getNextScreen() - Method in class destination screen, if this statement matches.
getNextUnprotected(int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostFieldsGets the next unprotected host field.
getNID() - Method in class com.iizix.barcode.BarcodeURNFactoryGets the Naming IDentifier of the provider.
getNID() - Method in class com.iizix.server.wsfile.FileURNProviderGets the Naming IDentifier of the provider.
getNID() - Method in class com.iizix.server.wsfile.ImageURNProviderGets the Naming IDentifier of the provider.
getNID() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.file.FileURNFactoryGets the Naming IDentifier of the provider.
getNID() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.image.ImageURNFactoryGets the Naming IDentifier of the provider.
getNID() - Method in interface com.iizix.urn.IURNProviderGets the Naming IDentifier of the provider.
getNID() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.svg.SVG_URNFactoryGets the Naming IDentifier of the provider.
getNID() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.url.URL_URNFactoryGets the Naming IDentifier of the provider.
getNID() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileImageURNFactoryGets the Naming IDentifier of the provider.
getNID() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURNFactoryGets the Naming IDentifier of the provider.
getNoComponentsMessage() - Method in class the message when no components apply to this.
getNode() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.DefinedButtonGets the node.
getNoDefault(COLOR_OPTION) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrColorSettingsGets a color option without default value, i.e.
getNoDefault(FILL_OPTION) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrFillSettingsGets a fill option without default value, i.e.
getNoDefault(FONT_OPTION) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrFontSettingsGets a color option without default value, i.e.
getNoDefault(KSTRING_OPTION) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrKStringSettingsGets a stroke option without default value, i.e.
getNoDefault(STRING_OPTION) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrStringSettingsGets a stroke option without default value, i.e.
getNoDefault(STROKE_OPTION) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrStrokeSettingsGets a stroke option without default value, i.e.
getNodeQualifier() - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.TXPidImpl getNodeQualifier() - Method in interface com.iizix.txp.ITXPidGets the node qualifier part of the PID
getNodes() - Method in interface com.iizix.txp.ITXPManagementInfoGets the list of Pids of all associated nodes
getNodeString(Node) - Static method in class com.iizix.XMLUtilitiesGets a Node as a String.
getNonConnectedReadTimeout() - Method in class com.iizix.nio.SocketCommNIOGets the read time-out value for the connection before the state enters CONNECTED.
getNonDesignerNamedClass(GProp<?>) - Static method in class the class name of a class, attempting to use a non-iiziGo but runtime class name inside com.iizix package instead.
getNonNull(LocaleInfo, boolean) - Static method in class com.iizix.LocaleInfoReturns the LocaleInfo from the parameter if non-null, otherwise takes the current user's LocaleInfo or the system's.
getNonSubjectBased() - Static method in enum class com.iizix.urn.URNResourceTypeGets the non-subject based file types.
getNonVirtualized() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIPanelBaseGets the non-virtualized instance of this panel.
getNonVirtualized() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponentGets the non-virtualized instance of this component, if it exists.
getNonVirtualized() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VirtualSpaceGets the non-virtualized instance of this component, i.e.
getNonVirtualized() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSComponentGets the non-virtualized instance of this component, if it exists.
getNonVirtualizedVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSReferenceGets the non-virtualized VirtualSpace instance.
getNormalFont() - Method in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUIGets the default dialog normal font.
getNullReplacement() - Method in class the Null Replacement Value.
getNullReplacement() - Method in class the Null Replacement Value.
getNullReplacement() - Method in class replacement value.
getNumber(Atom) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets a Number property from this property container.
getNumber(Atom) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets a Number property from this property container.
getNumber(Atom, double) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets a Number property from this property container.
getNumber(Atom, double) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets a Number property from this property container.
getNumber(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets a Number property from this property container.
getNumber(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets a Number property from this property container.
getNumber(String, double) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets a Number property from this property container.
getNumber(String, double) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets a Number property from this property container.
getOAuth1Token() - Method in class com.iizix.server.oauth.OAuthSessionFor an OAuth 1.0a session, get the oauth_token used to identify the session.
getObject() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ReferenceStringGets the Reference Object.
getOddRowStyle() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITableGets the odd row style.
getOffset() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GDateTimeGets the time offset value.
getOffsetDateTime() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GDateTimeGets the value as a OffsetDateTime.
getOffsetTime() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GDateTimeGets the value as a OffsetTime.
getOldAtom() - Method in class com.iizix.event.ParentCnrMoveEventGets the old Atom, i.e.
getOldAtom() - Method in class com.iizix.event.ParentCnrNameEventGets the old Atom.
getOldAtom() - Method in class com.iizix.event.PropMoveEventGets the old Atom, i.e.
getOldAtom() - Method in class com.iizix.event.PropNameEventGets the old Atom.
getOldContainer() - Method in class com.iizix.event.ParentCnrMoveEventGets the old property container.
getOldContainer() - Method in class com.iizix.event.PropMoveEventGets the old property container.
getOldContainerProps() - Method in class com.iizix.event.PropMoveEventGets the old container properties.
getOldName() - Method in class com.iizix.event.ProjectNameEventGets the old project name.
getOldPropertyArray() - Method in class com.iizix.event.PropReorderEventGets the property array before the reordering operation.
getOldValue() - Method in class com.iizix.event.PropAttrEventGets the old value.
getOldValue() - Method in class com.iizix.event.PropValueEventGets the old value.
getOmitSchemaInfo() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorDatabasePropsGets information about whether or not to omit the default schema name from SQL generated in the SQL Builder.
getOnClassPathModules(IResource) - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ProjectManagerGets the Module projects that a resource is inside the classpath of.
getOnCreateExistingPanelProcessing() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.MUISimpleDialogReturns how to process pop-up panels when this panel is virtualized.
getOnCreateExistingPanelProcessing() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIDialogReturns how to process pop-up panels when this panel is virtualized.
getOnCreateExistingPanelProcessing() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIPanelBaseReturns how to process pop-up panels when this panel is virtualized.
getOnUIActionMethod() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.content.AbstractContentUIContainerGets the method for the OnUIAction event at runtime.
getOnUIActionMethod() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.AbstractUIActionGets the method for the OnUIAction event at runtime.
getOnUIActionMethod() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIActionGets the method for the OnUIAction event at runtime.
getOnUIActionMethod() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIActionHolderGets the method for the OnUIAction event at runtime.
getOnUISelectionMethod() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.content.AbstractContentUIContainerReturns the method to use for onUISelection notifications that is attached to this selection component.
getOnUISelectionMethod() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.calendar.CalendarEvent getOnUISelectionMethod() - Method in class the method to use for onUISelection notifications that is attached to this selection component.
getOnUISelectionMethod() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItemPropReturns the method to use for onUISelection notifications that is attached to this selection component.
getOnUISelectionMethod() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.MUISwitchReturns the method to use for onUISelection notifications that is attached to this selection component.
getOnUISelectionMethod() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUISelectionCompReturns the method to use for onUISelection notifications that is attached to this selection component.
getOnUISelectionMethod() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITableReturns the method to use for onUISelection notifications that is attached to this selection component.
getOnUISelectionMethod() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIAbstractListChoiceReturns the method to use for onUISelection notifications that is attached to this selection component.
getOnUISelectionMethod() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIAccordionReturns the method to use for onUISelection notifications that is attached to this selection component.
getOnUISelectionMethod() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICheckBoxReturns the method to use for onUISelection notifications that is attached to this selection component.
getOnUISelectionMethod() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICheckedMenuItemReturns the method to use for onUISelection notifications that is attached to this selection component.
getOnUISelectionMethod() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIRadioButtonReturns the method to use for onUISelection notifications that is attached to this selection component.
getOnUISelectionMethod() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIRadioMenuItemReturns the method to use for onUISelection notifications that is attached to this selection component.
getOnUISelectionMethod() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISwapContainerReturns the method to use for onUISelection notifications that is attached to this selection component.
getOnUISelectionMethod() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UITabContainerReturns the method to use for onUISelection notifications that is attached to this selection component.
getOnUISelectionMethod() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UITitlePaneReturns the method to use for onUISelection notifications that is attached to this selection component.
getOpenNativeSettings() - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IClientSessionGyroGet the open native settings interface for the client-specific instance, supported only on iiziRun clients running iiziRun-based clients for Android and iOS.
getOpenNativeSettings() - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyroGet the open native settings interface for the client-specific instance, supported only on iiziRun clients running iiziRun-based clients for Android and iOS.
getOpenSessions() - Static method in class com.iizix.comm.session.SessionIDGets all the Session ID's open.
getOpenSessionsCount() - Static method in class com.iizix.comm.session.SessionIDGets the count of open sessions.
getOperation() - Method in class com.iizix.event.GEventGets the current operation.
getOperation(PropCnr, EditorVirtualSpace) - Method in class the operation that linking will produce.
getOperation(PropCnr, EditorVSAction) - Method in class the operation that linking will produce.
getOperation(PropCnr, EditorVSField) - Method in class the operation that linking will produce.
getOperation(PropCnr, VSCOMP) - Method in class the operation that linking will produce.
getOperations() - Method in class com.iizix.event.BubbleEventGets the Operations order describing what Operation the property that receives the event should process.
getOperations() - Method in class com.iizix.event.GEventGets the Operations order describing what Operation the property that receives the event should process.
getOperations() - Method in class com.iizix.event.ResolveReferencesEventGets the Operations order describing what Operation the property that receives the event should process.
getOperations() - Method in class com.iizix.event.SinkEventGets the Operations order describing what Operation the property that receives the event should process.
getOpposite() - Method in class com.iizix.api.ui.UIFocusEventGets the opposite component for the focus operation, i.e.
getOpposite() - Method in class com.iizix.api.vs.VSFocusEventGets the opposite component for the focus operation, i.e.
getOppositeAnimation(int) - Static method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IUIPanelAnimationGets the opposite animation composite value from an animation composite value, i.e.
getOption(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.BaseEditorGets the options of a specified name as "option=".
getOptions() - Method in class com.iizix.gyro.WindowOptionsGets the options that are used in the function call.
getOrientation() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISliderGets the slider orientation.
getOrigin() - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.Notification getOriginalChild(GP) - Method in class the original child property from a property located in the virtualized property container.
getOriginalImageFileName() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIImage2Gets the original image file name when the user selected the image.
getOriginalMetrics() - Method in class metrics of an uncompressed document
getOriginalName() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropReferenceGets the original reference name that was specified in the constructor or by a call to setName
getOriginalQuery() - Method in class com.iizix.sql.NamedParameterStatementGets the original query.
getOriginalSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropCnrEditorPropertiesReturns the original setup data.
getOriginatingException(Throwable) - Static method in exception class com.iizix.gyro.GyroException getOriginatingFileName() - Method in class the file name in which the problem was found.
getOriginator() - Method in class com.iizix.event.RemoteEventGets the originator Property Manager.
getOtherModules() - Method in class the Modules that should be included in the application, apart of the module this property belongs to.
getOutput() - Method in class the output property.
getOutput() - Method in class the output properties.
getOutput() - Method in class the Web Service output properties.
getOutput() - Method in class the output properties.
getOutput() - Method in class the output property.
getOutput(StringBuilder) - Method in class com.iizix.OutputReaderWaits for the stream to be closed and returns the output as a string.
getOutputDirectory() - Method in class the output directory.
getOutputDirectory() - Method in class the output directory where to place the builds.
getOutputIFolder() - Method in class the output directory (that may not be created).
getOutputPath() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.RuntimeBuilderPropsGets the output directory string defined.
getOutputProps() - Method in class the output properties.
getOutputProps() - Method in class the output properties.
getOutputProps() - Method in class the output properties.
getOutputProps() - Method in class the output properties.
getOutputProps() - Method in class the Output properties.
getOutputProps() - Method in class the Output properties.
getOutputProps() - Method in class the output properties.
getOutputProps() - Method in class the output properties.
getOutputProps() - Method in class the output properties.
getOutputProps() - Method in class the output properties.
getOutputStream() - Method in class com.iizix.util.XOutputFileGets the file output stream instance.
getOutputTable() - Method in class the Output Table.
getOutputTable() - Method in class the Output Table.
getOutputTableProcessor() - Method in class the instance of the output value converter.
getOutputVariableConverter() - Method in class the instance of the output value converter.
getOutputVariableConverter() - Method in class the instance of the output value converter.
getOutputVariables() - Method in class the output variables properties container.
getOutputVariables() - Method in class the output variables.
getOutputVariables() - Method in class the output variables properties container.
getOutputVariables() - Method in class the output variables properties container.
getOutputVariables() - Method in class the output variables properties container.
getOutputVariables() - Method in class the output variables.
getOutputVariables() - Method in class the output variables properties container.
getOutputVariables() - Method in class the output variables properties container.
getOverlaysWebView() - Method in class com.iizix.gyro.StatusBarConfigGets the overlays web view.
getOverrideMethod() - Method in class the override method used for "X-HTTP-Method-Override".
getOverrideMethod() - Method in class the override method.
getOwner() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.EditedPropControllerGets the owner of this controller.
getOwner() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PreloadClientCacheResourceGets the owner property.
getOwner() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropMgrGets the owner Object of this Property Manager instance.
getOwner() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropReferenceGets the owner property.
getOwnerHostSession() - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn3270e.HostSession3270Gets the owner (terminal) host session for the printer session.
getPageIncrement() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISliderGet the page increment value.
getPanelEditor() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.wizards.AddUICompWizardGets the panel editor.
getPanelEditors() - Static method in class com.iizigo.comm.WebSocketServerGets the list of available panel editors.
getPanelMappings() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIPanelBaseGets the panels components that refer to the VirtualSpace in question, and their mappings to the VSComponent's.
getPanelModuleFolder() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleModelGets the module folder for panels.
getPanelOwner() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIPanelOwnerGets the panel owner.
getPanelOwner() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIContextMenuGets the panel owner.
getPanelOwner() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIPanelBaseGets the panel owner.
getPanelResource() - Method in interface com.iizigo.comm.PanelEditorTransactionProcessorGets the resource for the panel URL.
getPanels() - Method in class the panels available on the client.
getPanelUIComponent(String, Class<COMP>) - Method in class com.iizix.api.ui.UIBaseEventGets a UI component by UI path reference from the panel.
getPanelUIComponent(String, Class<COMP>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUICompGets a UI component by UI path reference from the panel.
getPanelUIComponentNull(String, Class<COMP>) - Method in class com.iizix.api.ui.UIBaseEventGets a UI component with relative reference from this container.
getPanelUIComponentNull(String, Class<COMP>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUICompGets a UI component by UI path reference from the panel.
getParam() - Method in class com.iizix.WorkerTaskGets the PARAM
getParam(String) - Method in class the parameter string.
getParam(String, String) - Method in class the parameter string.
getParameterMarkers() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.editor.CustomParameterMarkerPage getParameterMarkers() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.editor.CustomParameterWizardGets the value markers.
getParameterNames() - Method in class com.iizix.sql.NamedParameterStatementGets the list of parameter names.
getParameters() - Method in class com.iizix.event.RemoteEventGets the property container that is used to add parameters.
getParameters(IAppSessionGyro, List<WSParameter>) - Method in class all the parameters.
getParameterValue(String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.client.ClientParamsGets a property that is defined as the "other" properties, e.g.
getParameterValue(String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.vsviewer.VSViewerParamsGets a property that is defined as the "other" properties, e.g.
getParamsString() - Method in class com.iizix.barcode.BarcodeBuilderGets the parameters as a string as:
getParamString() - Method in class com.iizix.barcode.BarcodeURNgetParamString() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.file.FileURNgetParamString() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.image.ImageURNgetParamString() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.svg.SVG_URNgetParamString() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.url.URL_URNgetParamString() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.URNgetParamString() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.URNResourcegetParamString() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileImageURNgetParamString() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURNgetParent() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.DesignerPropGets the parent.
getParent() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets the parent of this property.
getParent() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGPropGets the parent of this property.
getParent() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IReferencingGPropGets the parent of this property.
getParent(Class<PROPCNR>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets the parent of this property with the requested type.
getParent(Class<PROPCNR>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGPropGets the parent of this property with the requested type.
getParent(Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.navigator.ContentProviderReturns the parent for the given element, or null
indicating that the parent can't be computed.
getParent(Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.navigator.StringMapPropContentProviderReturns the parent for the given element, or null
indicating that the parent can't be computed.
getParent(Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.text.TextTableContentProviderReturns the parent for the given element, or null
indicating that the parent can't be computed.
getParent(Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.VSTableContentProviderReturns the parent for the given element, or null
indicating that the parent can't be computed.
getParentClientBounds() - Method in interface com.iizigo.panel.prop.IEUICompCommonGets the bounds of the parent client area, including the scroll positions.
getParentFolderProp() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.DesignerPropGets the parent folder property container.
getParentProperty(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditorSetupGets parent property name.
getParentPropertyName() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditorInfoGets the parent property name that must be present, null for none.
getParents() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.EditedPropControllerGets the parent property containers.
getParsedJavaSource(IResource) - Method in class a ParsedJavaSource instance from a resource.
getParsedJavaSource(IType) - Method in class a ParsedJavaSource instance from a type.
getParsedQuery() - Method in class com.iizix.sql.NamedParameterStatementReturns the parsed query containing question marks.
getParsedStamp() - Method in class the parsed time in the file.
getParsedUserAgent() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.EnvPropsGets the parsed user agent instance.
getParsedUserAgent(EnvProps) - Static method in class com.iizix.selector.DeviceMatchGets the parsed user agent instance.
getParsePosition() - Method in exception class com.iizix.text.KStringParseExceptionGets the parsing position where the error occurred.
getParserPluginIDs() - Method in class the parser plug-in IDs.
getPartComposite() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPartGets the part composite created.
getParticipant() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSParticipantReferenceGets the VirtualSpace participant instance for this reference.
getParticipantDescription() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.InputPropsReturns the given description of the referrer participant.
getParticipantDescription() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ResultPropsReturns the given description of the referrer participant.
getParticipantDescription() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ResultSetPropsReturns the given description of the referrer participant.
getParticipantDescription() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IReferrerParticipantReturns the given description of the referrer participant.
getParticipantDescription() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIContextMenuReturns the given description of the referrer participant.
getParticipantDescription() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIPanelBaseReturns the given description of the referrer participant.
getParticipantDescription() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenPropReturns the given description of the referrer participant.
getParticipantDescription() - Method in class the given description of the referrer participant.
getParticipantDescription() - Method in class the given description of the referrer participant.
getParticipants(Class<PC>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSParticipantsHolderGets all the participants of a certain type, e.g.
getParticipantsHolder() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VirtualSpaceGets participants holder container.
getParticipantType() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.InputPropsReturns the given type of the referrer participant.
getParticipantType() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ResultPropsReturns the given type of the referrer participant.
getParticipantType() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ResultSetPropsReturns the given type of the referrer participant.
getParticipantType() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IReferrerParticipantReturns the given type of the referrer participant.
getParticipantType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.MUISimpleDialogReturns the given type of the referrer participant.
getParticipantType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIContextMenuReturns the given type of the referrer participant.
getParticipantType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIDialogReturns the given type of the referrer participant.
getParticipantType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIPanelBaseReturns the given type of the referrer participant.
getParticipantType() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenPropReturns the given type of the referrer participant.
getParticipantType() - Method in class the given type of the referrer participant.
getParticipantType() - Method in class the given type of the referrer participant.
getParticipantType() - Method in class the given type of the referrer participant.
getPartListeners() - Method in interface com.iizigo.editor.IPartExtensionIZGets the part listeners.
getPartListeners() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PartExtensionIZGets the part listeners.
getPartName(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPartGets the part name that is about to be set.
getPassword() - Method in class com.iizix.user.UserIdentifierGets the password specified in the user session.
getPasswordHash() - Method in class com.iizix.server.db.BasicUserInfoGets the 'hash_pw', never null (max 120 chars).
getPasswordHistoryLength() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PolicyPropsProperty name: History length: integer, default 0 for users and 8 for admin, zero for disabled.
getPasswordMinLength() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PolicyPropsProperty name: integer, minimum password length is 4.
getPasswordPolicy() - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IUserAuthenticationUIGets the password policy property used for password validation.
getPath() - Method in class the container path identifying this container.
getPath() - Method in enum class the path for the classpath.
getPath() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.ServerConfigFileGets the path of the file.
getPath() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PreloadClientCacheResourceGets the path to the resource used for the client side.
getPattern() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSColumnHeaderGets the pattern used by the value formatter.
getPattern() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSFieldGets the pattern used by the value formatter.
getPatternPlainKString() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSColumnHeaderGets the pattern used by the value formatter.
getPatternPlainKString() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSFieldGets the pattern used by the value formatter.
getPatternProp() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPatternOwnerGets the pattern property.
getPatternProp() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIOutputGets the pattern property.
getPatternProp() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSColumnHeaderGets the pattern property.
getPatternProp() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSFieldGets the pattern property.
getPayload() - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.Notification getPeakAppSessionCount() - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.ActiveUserSessionsGets the peak count of active application sessions.
getPeakSessionCount() - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.ActiveUserSessionsGets the peak open client session count.
getPeakUserCount() - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.ActiveUserSessionsGets the peak amount of different users.
getPeer() - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostSessionGets the peer.
getPeriodFormatter() - Method in class com.iizix.LocaleInfoGets the period formatter in this locale.
getPeriodFormatter(String, LocaleInfo) - Static method in class com.iizix.joda.DurationFormatPatternGets the Joda period formatter for a pattern.
getPersistentMemento(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorDatabasePropsGets the memento used to save the editor in this property.
getPersistentMemento(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.text.prop.EditorTextTableGets the memento used to save the editor in this property.
getPersistentMemento(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVirtualSpaceGets the memento used to save the editor in this property.
getPersistentMemento(boolean) - Method in class the memento used to save the editor in this property.
getPid() - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.AbstractTXPNode getPid() - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.TXProcessImpl getPid() - Method in interface com.iizix.txp.ITXPManagementInfoGets the Pid of the process.
getPid() - Method in interface com.iizix.txp.ITXPNodeGets the pid of this node.
getPid() - Method in interface com.iizix.txp.ITXProcessGets the pid of his process
getPipelinedChildren(Object, Set) - Method in class com.iizigo.navigator.ContentProviderIntercept the children that would be contributed to the viewer and determine how to change the shape of those children.
getPipelinedElements(Object, Set) - Method in class com.iizigo.navigator.ContentProviderIntercept the elements that would be contributed to the root of the viewer and determine how to change the shape of those children.
getPipelinedParent(Object, Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.navigator.ContentProviderIntercept requests for a parent of the given object.
getPixelHeight() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICompReturns the height in pixel units of the component from the layout.
getPixelValue(UIComp, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GUnitCalculates the unit into a pixel value using the font information.
getPixelWidth() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICompReturns the width in pixel units of the component from the layout.
getPlainKString() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PlainKStringPropGets the PlainKString.
getPLAINString(TextTable, String) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringResolves the string that may contain tags to a text table.
getPLAINString(IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringGets the string formatted in HTML.
getPLAINString(StringBuilder, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLDynamicTagGets the string representation of this tag in the PLAIN format, i.e.
getPLAINString(StringBuilder, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLHyperlinkExternalTagGets the string representation of this tag in the PLAIN format, i.e.
getPLAINString(StringBuilder, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLHyperlinkResourceTagGets the string representation of this tag in the PLAIN format, i.e.
getPLAINString(StringBuilder, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLHyperlinkUITagGets the string representation of this tag in the PLAIN format, i.e.
getPLAINString(StringBuilder, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLHyperlinkVSTagGets the string representation of this tag in the PLAIN format, i.e.
getPLAINString(StringBuilder, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLImageTagGets the string representation of this tag in the PLAIN format, i.e.
getPLAINString(StringBuilder, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLTagGets the string representation of this tag in the PLAIN format, i.e.
getPLAINString(StringBuilder, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLTextTableTagGets the string representation of this tag in the PLAIN format.
getPLAINString(StringBuilder, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLTextVirtualSpaceTagGets the string representation of this tag in the PLAIN format, i.e.
getPLAINString(StringBuilder, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringPLAINTextTableTagGets the string representation of this tag in the PLAIN format.
getPLAINString(StringBuilder, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringPLAINVirtualSpaceTagGets the string representation of this tag in the PLAIN format.
getPLAINString(StringBuilder, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringTagGets the string representation of this tag in the PLAIN format, i.e.
getPLAINTagText(StringBuilder) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLDynamicTagGets the "unparsed" string representation of this tag in the PLAIN format, i.e.
getPLAINTagText(StringBuilder) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLHyperlinkExternalTagGets the "unparsed" string representation of this tag in the PLAIN format, i.e.
getPLAINTagText(StringBuilder) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLHyperlinkResourceTagGets the "unparsed" string representation of this tag in the PLAIN format, i.e.
getPLAINTagText(StringBuilder) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLHyperlinkUITagGets the "unparsed" string representation of this tag in the PLAIN format, i.e.
getPLAINTagText(StringBuilder) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLHyperlinkVSTagGets the "unparsed" string representation of this tag in the PLAIN format, i.e.
getPLAINTagText(StringBuilder) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLImageTagGets the "unparsed" string representation of this tag in the PLAIN format, i.e.
getPLAINTagText(StringBuilder) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLTagGets the "unparsed" string representation of this tag in the PLAIN format, i.e.
getPLAINTagText(StringBuilder) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLTextTableTagGets the "unparsed" string representation of this tag in the PLAIN format, i.e.
getPLAINTagText(StringBuilder) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLTextVirtualSpaceTagGets the "unparsed" string representation of this tag in the PLAIN format, i.e.
getPLAINTagText(StringBuilder) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringPLAINTagGets the "unparsed" string representation of this tag in the PLAIN format.
getPLAINTagText(StringBuilder) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringTagGets the "unparsed" string representation of this tag in the PLAIN format, i.e.
getPlainTextID(String, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.TextTableGets the text entry in this table.
getPlainTextID(String, String, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.TextTableGets the text entry in this table.
getPlainTextID(String, String, String, IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.TextTableGets the text entry with the specified ID for a language.
getPlot() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.SeriesGets the plot name to associate this series with.
getPlot(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.UIChartGets a plot by name.
getPlots() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.UIChartGets all defined plots.
getPluginClasspathEntries() - Static method in class com.iizigo.ActivatorGets the classpath entries for IIZI Plug-ins.
getPluginConfigs() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerConfigEnvPropsGets the server plug-in configurations in the environment, normally one per plug-in type.
getPluginDescriptor() - Static method in class com.iizigo.db.PluginActivatorGets the IIZI PluginDescriptor.
getPluginDescriptor() - Static method in class com.iizigo.term.PluginActivatorGets the IIZI PluginDescriptor.
getPluginDescriptor() - Static method in class the IIZI PluginDescriptor.
getPlugins() - Static method in class com.iizigo.plugin.PluginManagerGets the registered plug-ins sorted by name.
getPlugins() - Method in class com.iizigo.plugin.ProjectPluginChooserGets the plug-ins chosen.
getPlugins() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleModelGets the associated plug-ins.
getPlugins() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ModuleProjectSettingsGets the plug-ins required by the module.
getPluralName() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocation.CurrencyReturns the English plural name of the given currency, null for none.
getPolicyActions() - Method in interface com.iizix.txp.ITXPManagementInfoGets the list of all policy actions taken for this process.
getPooledConnection() - Static method in class com.iizix.server.db.DBUtilitiesGets a pooled connection for user processing to the internal server database.
getPopupWindow(int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostPopupWindowGets the pop-up window at an index.
getPopupWindow(int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostScreenGets the pop-up window at an index.
getPopupWindowCount() - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostScreenChecks how many pop-up windows exist.
getPopupWindows() - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostPopupWindowGets the pop-up windows.
getPopupWindows() - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostScreenGets the pop-up windows.
getPort() - Method in class com.iizix.jetty.InternalWebSocketGets the port number for the connection to the server.
getPort() - Method in interface com.iizix.nio.IWebSocketCommGets the port number for the connection to the server.
getPort() - Method in class com.iizix.nio.WebSocketCommNIOGets the port number for the connection to the server.
getPort() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ServerSocketCommPropsGets the host port for the socket.
getPort() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SocketCommPropsGets the host port for the socket.
getPort() - Method in class com.iizix.server.RedirectionServerGets the port number for the redirection server.
getPort() - Method in class com.iizix.SessionInfoGets the port used for the connection.
getPort() - Method in class com.iizix.test.client.DestinationServerGets the port of the server.
getPortConfigurations() - Method in interface com.iizix.comm.IServerSettingsGets the configured ports.
getPortConfigurations() - Method in class com.iizix.jetty.RunConfigurationWebServerReturns all the port configurations used for each request.
getPortConfigurations() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettingsGets the configured ports.
getPortDescription() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IWebServerPortConfigGets the description of the port configuration.
getPortDescription() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.WebServerPortConfigGets the description of the port configuration.
getPortEnd() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IWebServerPortConfigGets the port end in a range.
getPortEnd() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.WebServerPortConfigGets the port end in a range.
getPortStart() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IWebServerPortConfigGets the port start in a range.
getPortStart() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.WebServerPortConfigGets the port start in a range.
getPos() - Method in class position where the comparison should be done.
getPos() - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostFieldGets the zero-based position of this field on the screen.
getPosition() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.axis2d.Axis2DGets the position of the axis.
getPosition(int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostScreenGets the position.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorConnectionProfilesSetupGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.font.prop.EditorFontFacesGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.font.prop.EditorFontFileGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.font.prop.EditorFontFilesGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorFontIconDefinitionGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorFontIconsDefinitionGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorImageDefinitionGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorImagesDefinitionGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorImagesResolutionGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorImagesStyleGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorImageStyleGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorImageStylesResolutionGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorStyledImageDefinitionGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorSVGDefinitionGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.calendar.EUICalendarListGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.chart.ESeriesGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.chart.EUIChartGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUIHeadingGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUISimpleDialogGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUISwitchGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIButtonGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICalendarGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICheckBoxGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICheckedMenuItemGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICompsGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIContainerGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIContextMenuGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIDateTimeGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIDialogGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIGaugeGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIImageGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIImage2Gets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUILabelGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMediaGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuBarGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuItemGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuSeparatorGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIOutputGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIPanelPartCnrGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIProgressGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIRadioButtonGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIRadioMenuItemGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUISliderGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUISpinnerGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUISwapContainerGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITabContainerGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITextGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITextAreaGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMLGroupGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMListGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.table.EUITableGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.table.EUITableColumnGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.config.EditorServerAppConfigGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.config.EditorServerConfigEnvPropsGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.config.EditorServerSettingsGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.capture.prop.CaptureScreenPropGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenActionsPropGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenFieldPropGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenFieldsPropGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenIdentificationsPropGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorSessionsPropGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.recording.prop.LogicPropGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.recording.prop.RecordingPropGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.recording.prop.RecordingScreensPropGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVirtualSpaceGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVSGroupGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVSRowGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ArrayPropGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleChildren() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleCompChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.calendar.EUICalendarListGets the acceptable component children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleCompChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUIHeadingGets the acceptable children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleCompChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUISimpleDialogGets the acceptable component children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleCompChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUITabBarGets the acceptable component children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleCompChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIAccordionGets the acceptable component children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleCompChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIContainerGets the acceptable component children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleCompChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIContextMenuGets the acceptable component children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleCompChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIDialogGets the acceptable component children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleCompChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuGets the acceptable component children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleCompChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuBarGets the acceptable component children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleCompChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIPanelGets the acceptable component children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleCompChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIPanelPartGets the acceptable component children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleCompChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIPanelPartCnrGets the acceptable component children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleCompChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUISwapContainerGets the acceptable component children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleCompChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITabContainerGets the acceptable component children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleCompChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITitlePaneGets the acceptable component children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleCompChildren() - Method in interface com.iizigo.panel.prop.IEUIContainerGets the acceptable component children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleCompChildren() - Method in class the acceptable component children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleCompChildren() - Method in class the acceptable component children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleCompChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMLGroupGets the acceptable component children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleCompChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMListGets the acceptable component children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleCompChildren() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.table.EUITableGets the acceptable component children property classes that can be used in conjunction with e.g.
getPossibleContainerParents() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.calendar.ECalendarEventGets the supported containers the component can be placed inside.
getPossibleContainerParents() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICheckedMenuItemGets the supported containers the component can be placed inside.
getPossibleContainerParents() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuGets the supported containers the component can be placed inside.
getPossibleContainerParents() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuItemGets the supported containers the component can be placed inside.
getPossibleContainerParents() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuSeparatorGets the supported containers the component can be placed inside.
getPossibleContainerParents() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIRadioMenuItemGets the supported containers the component can be placed inside.
getPossibleContainerParents() - Method in interface com.iizigo.panel.prop.IEUICompBaseGets the supported containers the component can be placed inside.
getPossibleContainerParents() - Method in class the supported containers the component can be placed inside.
getPossibleContainerParents() - Method in class the supported containers the component can be placed inside.
getPossibleContainerParents() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMLGroupGets the supported containers the component can be placed inside.
getPossibleContainerParents() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMLItemPropGets the supported containers the component can be placed inside.
getPossibleContainerParents() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.table.EUITableColumnGets the supported containers the component can be placed inside.
getPossibleLanguages() - Method in class the possible languages defined in text files that can be used for the application.
getPossibleLanguages() - Method in class the possible languages defined in text files that can be used for the application.
getPostalCodeConfidence() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocationGets the confidence (0-100) of the zip code, -1 for none, e.g.
getPostProcessors(GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.event.GEventGets the post-processors.
getPostProcessors(GProp<?>) - Method in interface com.iizix.event.IPostEventProcessingGets the post-processors.
getPostProcessors(GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.event.PostProcessingGets the post-processors.
getPostRun() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.editor.CustomExecuteAction getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorDatabasePropsGets potential references to predefined properties for this container.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.calendar.EUICalendarListGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.chart.EUIChartGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUIHeadingGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUISimpleDialogGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUISwitchGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUITabBarGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIAccordionGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIButtonGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICalendarGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICheckBoxGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICheckedMenuItemGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIComboBoxGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIContainerGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIContextMenuGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIDateTimeGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIDialogGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIEmptyGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIGaugeGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIImageGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIImage2Gets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUILabelGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMediaGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuBarGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuItemGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuSeparatorGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIOutputGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIPanelGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIPanelPartGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIPanelPartCnrGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIProgressGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIRadioButtonGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIRadioMenuItemGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUISliderGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUISpinnerGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUISwapContainerGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITabContainerGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITextGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITextAreaGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITitlePaneGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in interface com.iizigo.panel.prop.IEUIContainerAdds the predefined containers for identifications, fields and actions.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMLGroupGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMListGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.table.EUITableGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.table.EUITableColumnGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenPropAdds the predefined containers for identifications, fields and actions.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.recording.prop.RecordingProp getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.DatabasePropsGets potential references to predefined properties for this container.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.AppLanguagesGets potential references to predefined properties for this container.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.content.AbstractContentUIContainerGets potential references to predefined properties for this container.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.EnvPropsGets potential references to predefined properties for this container.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.image.FontIconsDefinitionGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ModuleAppGets potential references to predefined properties for this container.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets potential references to predefined properties for this container.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLGroupGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITableGets potential references to predefined properties for this container.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIAbstractListChoiceGets potential references to predefined properties for this container.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICompGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIContainerAdds the predefined containers for identifications, fields and actions.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIDialogGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIImageGets the references to predefined properties.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIPanelBaseGets potential references to predefined properties for this container.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISwapContainerGets potential references to predefined properties for this container.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VirtualSpaceGets potential references to predefined properties for this container.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSActionGets potential references to predefined properties for this container.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSColumnHeaderGets potential references to predefined properties for this container.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSFieldGets potential references to predefined properties for this container.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSTableAdds the predefined containers for identifications, fields and actions.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerPropsGets potential references to predefined properties for this container.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenPropAdds the predefined containers for identifications, fields and actions.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class potential references to predefined properties for this container.
getPredefinedProps() - Method in class potential references to predefined properties for this container.
getPreloadClientCacheResources() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.font.FontFileGets the cached instance of the PreloadClientCacheResource's of the font resource.
getPreloadClientCacheResources(IClientSessionGyro) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.font.FontFilesReturns the list of resources that are required on the client side in the preload-to-cache mechanism.
getPreloadClientCacheResources(IClientSessionGyro) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IClientCachePreloadReturns the list of resources that are required on the client side in the preload-to-cache mechanism.
getPreloadClientCacheResources(ClientSessionGyro) - Method in class the resources that are required to be downloaded to the client if not present or outdated.
getPreparedStatement() - Method in class com.iizix.sql.NamedParameterStatementReturns the prepares statement that can be used to set parameter using indicies.
getPreservedSize() - Method in class total size of blocks that were skipped by the compressor (for example content inside <pre>
tags or inside <script>
tags with disabled javascript compression)
getPreservePatterns() - Method in class a list of Patterns defining custom preserving block rules
getPrettyLocaledTexts() - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IAppSessionGyroGets the locale'd texts instance for the sessions language and text tables.
getPrettyLocaledTexts() - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IClientSessionGyroGets the locale'd texts instance for the sessions language and text tables.
getPrettyLocaledTexts() - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyroGets the locale'd texts instance for the sessions language and text tables.
getPrettyLocaledTexts() - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyroGets the locale'd texts instance for the sessions language and text tables.
getPrevious(int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostFieldsGets the previous unprotected host field.
getPreviousNextScreen(EEScreen, int) - Method in class the previous or next screen.
getPreviousPage() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.session.NewSessionWizardEEPageGets the previous page.
getPreviousPage() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.session.NewSessionWizardHostPageGets the previous page.
getPreviousPage() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.session.NewSessionWizardNameTypePageGets the previous page.
getPreviousPage() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.session.NewSessionWizardSSLPageGets the previous page.
getPreviousPage(IWizardPage) - Method in class getPreviousPage(IWizardPage) - Method in class com.iizigo.setup.SetupWizardGets the previous page.
getPreviousUnprotected(int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostFieldsGets the previous unprotected host field.
getPrintAdapter() - Static method in class com.iizigo.ConsoleGets the printer to use for simple console output.
getPrinterSettings(TerminalPrinterSettings) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TerminalPropsGets the printer properties container and initializes the TerminalPrinterSettings POJO class members accordingly.
getPrioritized(boolean, UIThemes.Name[]) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.device.UIThemesFrom an array of theme names, return the one with the highest priority.
getPrivate(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditorSetupGets the text prompt for a property name.
getPrivateData(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.api.IPrivateStorageGets an Object in the private storage map.
getPrivateData(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.iizix.api.IPrivateStorageGets an Object in the private storage map of a specified class.
getPrivateKey() - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.AbstractPushService getPrivateStorageMap() - Method in interface com.iizix.api.IPrivateStorageGets the concurrent hash map used to store the private data.
getPrivateStorageMap() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VirtualSpaceGets the concurrent hash map used to store the private data.
getPrivateStorageMap() - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyroGets the concurrent hash map used to store the private data.
getPrivateStorageMap() - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyroGets the concurrent hash map used to store the private data.
getPrivateStorageMap() - Method in class com.iizix.SessionInfoGets the concurrent hash map used to store the private data.
getProcess() - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.AbstractTXPNodeGets the process this node is associated with.
getProcessLogger(TXProcessImpl) - Method in interface com.iizix.txp.impl.ITXPLogger getProcessLogger(TXProcessImpl) - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.TXPLogger getProcessor() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.session.SessionTransMgrGets the transaction processor for unpackaged transactions.
getProcessor(GProp<?>) - Method in class a reply processor from a property.
getProfileImage(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.AuthenticatedUserGets the profile image for the user scaled to the requested size.
getProfileImage(int, int, int, boolean, int) - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.AuthenticatedUserGets the profile image for the user scaled to the requested size.
getProfileImage(IAppSessionGyro, int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.AuthenticatedUserGets the profile image for the user scaled to the requested size.
getProfileImage(IAppSessionGyro, int, int, int, boolean, int) - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.AuthenticatedUserGets the profile image for the user scaled to the requested size.
getProfileImage(IClientSessionGyro, int, int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.AuthenticatedUserGets the profile image for the user scaled to the requested size.
getProfileImage(IClientSessionGyro, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.AuthenticatedUserGets the profile image for the user scaled to the requested size.
getProfileImage(IUserProfileImageRequest) - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.UserProfileImageURNProviderGets the profile image for the user for the specified request.
getProfileImage(IUserProfileImageRequest) - Method in interface com.iizix.urn.user.IUserProfileImageURNProviderGets the profile image for the user for the specified request.
getProfileImageName(int, int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.AuthenticatedUserGets the name of the profile image for this particular user.
getProfileImageName(int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.AuthenticatedUserGets the name of the profile image for this particular user.
getProfilePicture() - Method in interface com.iizix.license.IGenericLicenseSystemGets the "uploaded" profile picture.
getProfilePicture(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.license.IGenericLicenseSystemGets the profile picture.
getProfilePictureAsString(File) - Static method in class com.iizix.license.LicenseSystemConverts a profile picture file of file extension ".png", ".jpg" or ".jpeg" to a Base64 encoded string with the file name.
getProfilePictureFile() - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.AuthenticatedUserGets the File for the full profile picture, or any lower resolution(s) if the full profile picture is not found.
getProfilePictureFile(String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.AuthenticatedUserGets the File for the full profile picture, or any lower resolution(s) if the full profile picture is not found.
getProfilePictureFile(String[]) - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.AuthenticatedUserGets the File for the full profile picture, or any lower resolution(s) if the full profile picture is not found.
getProfilePictureFromString(String, StringBuilder) - Static method in class com.iizix.license.LicenseSystemReturns a Base64 encoded profile picture as a byte array that can be written to file.
getProfilePictures() - Method in class com.iizix.user.UserProfileInfoThe list of profile pictures, null for none.
getProfilePicturesLargestFirst() - Method in class com.iizix.user.UserProfileInfoGets the list of profile pictures, null for none.
getProgramType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropFactorygetProgress() - Method in class com.iizix.PropProgressMonitorGets the current percentage done.
getProgressDescription() - Method in class com.iizix.PropProgressMonitorGets the verbose progress from the main and all subtasks in %.
getProgressIndicatorDelay() - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.ILockUIReturns the delay before the hourglass is shown when the UI is locked.
getProgressIndicatorDelay(ILockUI) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.ILockUIReturns the delay before the hourglass is shown when the UI is locked.
getProgressMonitor() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropProgressMonitorAdapterGets the org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor instance.
getProgressMonitor() - Method in interface com.iizix.IPropProgressMonitorGets the org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor instance.
getProgressMonitor() - Method in class com.iizix.PropProgressMonitorGets the org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor instance.
getProject() - Method in class the project.
getProject() - Method in class to locate the IProject of the Java source file.
getProject() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleFolderGets the project.
getProject() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleFolderPropCnrGets the project.
getProject() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleModelGets the project.
getProject() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleNatureReturns the project to which this project nature applies.
getProject() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ProjectRootPropCnrGets the project.
getProject() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.DesignerPropGets the project.
getProject() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.project.TerminalModelGets the project.
getProject() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.project.TerminalNatureReturns the project to which this project nature applies.
getProject(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ProjectManagerGets a project from a name.
getProjectDir() - Method in class the project directory.
getProjectDir() - Method in class the project directory.
getProjectName() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.NewModuleProjectWizardStartupPage1Gets the project name.
getProjectName(GProp<?>, String) - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleRootPropCnrGets the project name from an alias, the alias does NOT begin with "*".
getProjectName(GProp<?>, String) - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ProjectRootPropCnrGets the project name from an alias, the alias does NOT begin with "*".
getProjectName(GProp<?>, String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ClientPropsGets the project name from an alias, the alias does NOT begin with "*".
getProjectName(GProp<?>, String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets the project name from an alias, the alias does NOT begin with "*".
getProjectName(GProp<?>, String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IModuleProjectPropProviderGets the project name from an alias, the alias does NOT begin with "*".
getProjectName(GProp<?>, String) - Method in class the project name from an alias, the alias does NOT begin with "*".
getProjectReferences(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleModelGets the Projects that are referenced by this Module project.
getProp() - Method in class com.iizigo.event.QueryPropReferenceGets the property.
getProp(int) - Method in class the DesignerProp for a position.
getProp(int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets the property at requested index
getProp(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets the property at requested index
getProp(int, Class<GP>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets the property at requested index
getProp(int, Class<GP>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets the property at requested index
getProp(int, Class<GP>, boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets the property at requested index
getProp(int, Class<GP>, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets the property at requested index
getProp(Atom) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets the property with the atom
getProp(Atom) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets the property with the atom
getProp(Atom[]) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets the property from a path of atoms.
getProp(Atom[]) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets the property from a path of atoms.
getProp(Atom[], int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets the property from a path of atoms.
getProp(Atom[], int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets the property from a path of atoms.
getProp(Atom, Class<GP>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IClassReferenceOwnerGets the property with the atom
name and checking the class instance of the property.
getProp(Atom, Class<GP>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets the property with the atom
name and checking the class instance of the property.
getProp(Atom, Class<GP>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IUIBoundsGets the property with the atom
name and checking the class instance of the property.
getProp(Atom, Class<GP>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets the property with the atom
name and checking the class instance of the property.
getProp(Atom, Class<GP>, boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets the property with the atom
name and checking the class instance of the property.
getProp(Atom, Class<GP>, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets the property with the atom
name and checking the class instance of the property.
getProp(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets the property with the specified name.
getProp(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets the property with the specified name.
getProp(String, Class<GP>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets the property with the specified name and checking the class instance of the property.
getProp(String, Class<GP>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets the property with the specified name and checking the class instance of the property.
getProp(String, Class<GP>, boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets the property with the specified name and checking the class instance of the property.
getProp(String, Class<GP>, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets the property with the specified name and checking the class instance of the property.
getPropAtom() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets the atom used for the name of this property.
getPropAtom() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGPropGets the atom used for the name of this property.
getPropBaseReference() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets a base property container reference instance from the container or any parent containers.
getPropBaseReference() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGPropGets a base property container reference instance from the container or any parent containers.
getPropBaseReference() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets a base property container reference instance from the container or any parent containers.
getPropBaseReference() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIContextMenuThe panel is the base component base reference.
getPropBaseReference() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIPanelBaseThe panel is the base component base reference.
getPropBaseReference() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIPanelPartCnrThe panel is the base component base reference.
getPropBaseReference() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenActionPropGets a base property container reference instance from the container or any parent containers.
getPropBaseReference() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenActionsPropGets a base property container reference instance from the container or any parent containers.
getPropBaseReference() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenPropGets a base property container reference instance from the container or any parent containers.
getPropClass(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropFactoryGets the property class from a class name.
getPropCnr() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.complex.ContainerParticipantGets the property container, will only work if valid, otherwise it may return null or throw ClassCastException.
getPropCnr() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.DesignerPropGets the originating property container.
getPropCnr() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets the property container instance.
getPropCnr() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets the property container instance.
getPropCnrs(ArrayList<DesignerProp>) - Static method in class com.iizigo.ActivatorGets a PropCnr's from a DesignerProp list.
getPropCnrV() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.monitor.VirtualizedMonitorDesignerPropGets the property container.
getPropCount() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets the count of properties in the container.
getPropCount() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets the count of properties in the container.
getPropCount(String...) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets the count of present direct child properties.
getPropError() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets the property error instance.
getPropError() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGPropGets the property error instance.
getPropError(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets the error input item with specified ID, for none specify empty string.
getPropError(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGPropGets the error input item with specified ID, for none specify empty string.
getPropErroredName() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets the errored (atom) name input by the user.
getPropErrorItem() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropVerificationErrorGets the error item for the property error.
getPropErrorSeverity() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets the error severity of this property.
getPropErrorSeverity() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGPropGets the error severity of this property.
getProperties() - Method in interface com.iizix.comm.session.ISessionStatisticsGets a copy of all properties of the last or current connection.
getProperties() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.statistics.SessionConnectionStatisticsGets a copy of all properties of the last or current connection.
getProperties() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.statistics.SessionStatisticsGets a copy of all properties of the last or current connection.
getProperties() - Method in class com.iizix.os.HardwareInfoGets the map of all hardware properties.
getProperties() - Method in class com.iizix.server.AbstractEndPointGets the end point properties, i.e.
getProperties() - Method in class com.iizix.term.comm.TelnetCommGets the Telnet properties.
getProperties() - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostSessionGets the terminal properties.
getPropertiesURL() - Method in class com.iizix.db.server.DescriptorGets the properties file URL for "properties.xml".
getPropertiesURL() - Method in interface com.iizix.IPluginDescriptorGets the properties file URL for "properties.xml".
getPropertiesURL() - Method in class com.iizix.term.server.DescriptorGets the properties file URL for "properties.xml".
getPropertiesURL() - Method in class the properties file URL for "properties.xml".
getProperty() - Method in class com.iizix.event.PropCnrEventGets the property being added or removed.
getProperty() - Method in class com.iizix.event.PropCopyEventGets the property being added or removed.
getProperty() - Method in exception class com.iizix.prop.PropExceptionGets the property that caused the exception.
getProperty() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropReferenceGets the property referenced.
getProperty(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.comm.session.ISessionStatisticsGets a property.
getProperty(String, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.comm.statistics.SessionStatisticsGets a property.
getProperty(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IWebServerPortConfigGets a runtime property based on a HashMap.
getProperty(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class a property from the System app.
getProperty(String, Class<T>) - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.WebServerPortConfigGets a runtime property based on a HashMap.
getProperty(IMarker) - Static method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropMarkerGets the property from the reference in the marker.
getPropertyClass() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.DatabaseTransactionReferenceGets the class wanted.
getPropertyClass() - Method in class com.iizix.db.server.DescriptorGets the property class for files.
getPropertyClass() - Method in interface com.iizix.IPluginDescriptorGets the property class for files.
getPropertyClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.AbstractReferenceGets the class wanted.
getPropertyClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.AssetReferenceGets the class wanted.
getPropertyClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ImageReferenceGets the class wanted.
getPropertyClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SelectorReferenceGets the class wanted.
getPropertyClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.TextTableReferenceGets the class wanted.
getPropertyClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.ContextMenuReferenceGets the class wanted.
getPropertyClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.LabelForReferenceGets the class wanted.
getPropertyClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.PanelPartReferenceGets the class wanted.
getPropertyClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSActionReferenceGets the class wanted.
getPropertyClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSColumnReferenceGets the class wanted.
getPropertyClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSComponentReferenceGets the class wanted.
getPropertyClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSFieldReferenceGets the class wanted.
getPropertyClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSFocusReferenceGets the class wanted.
getPropertyClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSGroupReferenceGets the class wanted.
getPropertyClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSOnUIEventGets the class wanted.
getPropertyClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSParticipantReferenceGets the class wanted.
getPropertyClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSReferenceGets the class wanted.
getPropertyClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSRelativeReferenceGets the class wanted.
getPropertyClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSTableColumnReferenceGets the class wanted.
getPropertyClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSTableReferenceGets the class wanted.
getPropertyClass() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerConfigEnvReferenceGets the class wanted.
getPropertyClass() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenActionReferenceGets the class wanted.
getPropertyClass() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldReferenceGets the class wanted.
getPropertyClass() - Method in class com.iizix.term.server.DescriptorGets the property class for files.
getPropertyClass() - Method in class the class wanted.
getPropertyClass() - Method in class the property class for files.
getPropertyClass(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditorSetupGets the class for the property.
getPropertyClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.db.server.DescriptorGets the property class for files.
getPropertyClasses() - Method in interface com.iizix.IPluginDescriptorGets all the possible property class for files in case there is more than one.
getPropertyClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.term.server.DescriptorGets the property class for files.
getPropertyClasses() - Method in class the property class for files.
getPropertyContainer(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.iizigo.WorkspacePropertiesGets a property container for a class or class name.
getPropertyEditorInfo(Atom) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropCnrEditorPropertiesGets a PropertyEditorInfo from a property Atom.
getPropertyEditorInfos(PropCnr) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropCnrEditorPropertiesGets the PropertyEditorInfo array for the property editor for a single property.
getPropertyEditorLayoutDataSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.calendar.ECalendarLayoutGets the layout data settings for a component.
getPropertyEditorLayoutDataSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EAbsoluteLayoutGets the layout data settings for a component.
getPropertyEditorLayoutDataSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EAccordionLayoutGets the layout data settings for a component.
getPropertyEditorLayoutDataSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EBorderLayoutGets the layout data settings for a component.
getPropertyEditorLayoutDataSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EContextMenuLayoutGets the layout data settings for a component.
getPropertyEditorLayoutDataSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EFlexLayoutGets the layout data settings for a component.
getPropertyEditorLayoutDataSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EGridLayoutGets the layout data settings for a component.
getPropertyEditorLayoutDataSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EHeadingLayoutGets the layout data settings for a component.
getPropertyEditorLayoutDataSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EListLayoutGets the layout data settings for a component.
getPropertyEditorLayoutDataSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMenuBarLayoutGets the layout data settings for a component.
getPropertyEditorLayoutDataSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMenuLayoutGets the layout data settings for a component.
getPropertyEditorLayoutDataSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.ESwapLayoutGets the layout data settings for a component.
getPropertyEditorLayoutDataSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.ETabBarLayoutGets the layout data settings for a component.
getPropertyEditorLayoutDataSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.ETabLayoutGets the layout data settings for a component.
getPropertyEditorLayoutDataSetup() - Method in interface com.iizigo.panel.prop.IELayoutMgrGets the layout data settings for a component.
getPropertyEditorLayoutDataSetup() - Method in class the layout data settings for a component.
getPropertyEditorLayoutDataSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMLGroupLayoutGets the layout data settings for a component.
getPropertyEditorLayoutDataSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMListLayoutGets the layout data settings for a component.
getPropertyEditorLayoutDataSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.table.EUITableLayoutGets the layout data settings for a component.
getPropertyEditorSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.actionactor.ActionActorDesignerPropGets the Setup used for iiziGo, subclasses must override and provide their instance.
getPropertyEditorSetup() - Method in interface com.iizigo.actionactor.IEditorActionActorSettingsGets the Setup used for iiziGo, subclasses must override and provide their instance.
getPropertyEditorSetup() - Method in class the Setup used for iiziGo, subclasses must override and provide their instance.
getPropertyEditorSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.actionactor.EditorDatabaseActionActor.SettingsGets the Setup used for iiziGo, subclasses must override and provide their instance.
getPropertyEditorSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.DatabaseDesignerPropGets the Setup used for iiziGo, subclasses must override and provide their instance.
getPropertyEditorSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.font.prop.FontDesignerPropGets the Setup used for iiziGo, subclasses must override and provide their instance.
getPropertyEditorSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.ImageDesignerPropGets the Setup used for iiziGo, subclasses must override and provide their instance.
getPropertyEditorSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.chart.ChartDesignerPropGets the Setup used for iiziGo, subclasses must override and provide their instance.
getPropertyEditorSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.UIDesignerPropGets the Setup used for iiziGo, subclasses must override and provide their instance.
getPropertyEditorSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.DesignerPropGets the Setup used for iiziGo, subclasses must override and provide their instance.
getPropertyEditorSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.ResourceDesignerPropGets the Setup used for iiziGo, subclasses must override and provide their instance.
getPropertyEditorSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.push.prop.EditorPushDesignerPropGets the Setup used for iiziGo, subclasses must override and provide their instance.
getPropertyEditorSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.pwa.prop.EditorPWADesignerPropGets the Setup used for iiziGo, subclasses must override and provide their instance.
getPropertyEditorSetup() - Method in class the Setup used for iiziGo, subclasses must override and provide their instance.
getPropertyEditorSetup() - Method in interface the Setup used for iiziGo, subclasses must override and provide their instance.
getPropertyEditorSetup() - Method in class the Setup used for iiziGo, subclasses must override and provide their instance.
getPropertyEditorSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.selector.prop.SelectorDesignerPropGets the Setup used for iiziGo, subclasses must override and provide their instance.
getPropertyEditorSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.config.ServerConfigDesignerPropGets the Setup used for iiziGo, subclasses must override and provide their instance.
getPropertyEditorSetup() - Method in interface com.iizigo.server.monitor.IVirtualizedMonitorPropGets the Setup used for iiziGo, subclasses must override and provide their instance.
getPropertyEditorSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.monitor.VirtualizedMonitorDesignerPropGets the Setup used for iiziGo, subclasses must override and provide their instance.
getPropertyEditorSetup() - Method in class the Setup used for iiziGo, subclasses must override and provide their instance.
getPropertyEditorSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.capture.prop.CaptureDesignerPropGets the Setup used for iiziGo, subclasses must override and provide their instance.
getPropertyEditorSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorTerminalActionActor.SettingsGets the Setup used for iiziGo, subclasses must override and provide their instance.
getPropertyEditorSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.ScreenDesignerPropGets the Setup used for iiziGo, subclasses must override and provide their instance.
getPropertyEditorSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.TerminalDesignerPropGets the edit setup.
getPropertyEditorSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.server.EditorActiveTerminalSessionGets the Setup used for iiziGo, subclasses must override and provide their instance.
getPropertyEditorSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.server.EditorActiveTerminalSessionsGets the Setup used for iiziGo, subclasses must override and provide their instance.
getPropertyEditorSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.text.prop.TextTableDesignerPropGets the Setup used for iiziGo, subclasses must override and provide their instance.
getPropertyEditorSetup() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.VirtualSpaceDesignerPropGets the Setup used for iiziGo, subclasses must override and provide their instance.
getPropertyEditorSetup() - Method in class the Setup used for iiziGo, subclasses must override and provide their instance.
getPropertyEditorSetup() - Method in class the Setup used for iiziGo, subclasses must override and provide their instance.
getPropertyFactory() - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShellGets the server property factory.
getPropertyFromResource(IResource) - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleFolderGets a property from a resource located or was located under this folder.
getPropertyItem() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GErrorGets the property item of the source property that is the cause of the error.
getPropertyManager() - Method in class property manager to use when creating the distribution.
getPropertyManager() - Method in class com.iizix.server.AbstractEndPointGets the property manager of the end point.
getPropertyManager() - Method in interface com.iizix.server.IAppLoaderGets the server property manager.
getPropertyManager() - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShellGets the server property manager.
getPropertyName() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GErrorGets the property name that is the cause of the error.
getPropertyName() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.QuickFixGets the property name.
getPropExtendsFlags() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropChecks if this property extends another property, and if so gets the extends flags.
getPropExtendsFlags() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGPropChecks if this property extends another property, and if so gets the extends flags.
getPropFactory() - Method in class com.iizix.test.client.ClientManagerGets the property factory.
getPropFromPath(GProp<?>, String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropFinds a property in the tree of the requested name from a path specification, i.e.
getPropFromPath(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropFinds a property in the tree of the requested name from a path specification, i.e.
getPropFromPath(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGPropFinds a property in the tree of the requested name from a path specification, i.e.
getPropFromPath(String) - Method in class a property in the tree of the requested name from a path specification, i.e.
getPropFromReference(GProp<?>, String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropInternal function for getPropFromReference(ref).
getPropFromReference(GProp<?>, String) - Method in class function for getPropFromReference(ref).
getPropFromReference(GProp<?>, String) - Method in class function for getPropFromReference(reference).
getPropFromReference(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.FileURIPropCnrGets a property from a reference name.
getPropFromReference(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets a property from a reference name.
getPropFromReference(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGPropGets a property from a reference name.
getPropIndex() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets the index of this property in the parent container.
getPropIndex() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGPropGets the index of this property in the parent container.
getPropIndex(Atom) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets the index of an atom in this container.
getPropIndex(Atom) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets the index of an atom in this container.
getPropIndex(IGProp<?>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets the index of this property in this container.
getPropIndex(IGProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets the index of this property in this container.
getPropIndexes() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets the indexes of all properties along with the atom names.
getPropIndexes() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets the indexes of all properties along with the atom names.
getPropName() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets the name of this property.
getPropName() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGPropGets the name of this property.
getPropName() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrBooleanReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrChoiceOptionGets the property name.
getPropName() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrColorReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrFillReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrFontReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrIntegerReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrKStringReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrNumberReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrStringReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrStrokeReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.axis2d.AxisColorReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.axis2d.AxisFixLowerGets the property name.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.axis2d.AxisFixUpperGets the property name.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.axis2d.AxisFontReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.axis2d.AxisIntegerReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.axis2d.AxisKStringReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.axis2d.AxisNumberReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.axis2d.AxisOptionReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.axis2d.AxisPositionGets the property name.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.axis2d.AxisStrokeReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.axis2d.AxisTitleOrientationGets the property name.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.ChartColorReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.ChartFontReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.ChartIntegerReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.ChartKStringReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.ChartThemeGets the property name.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotColorReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotFillReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotFontReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotIntegerReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotLabelStyleGets the property name.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotNumberReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotOptionReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotRadialGradientGets the property name.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotStringReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotStrokeReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotTypeGets the property name.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.SeriesColorReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.SeriesFillReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.SeriesFontReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.SeriesOptionReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.SeriesStrokeReturns the name of the property, usually starting with '$'.
getPropName() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.TitlePositionGets the property name.
getPropPath(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets the parents to the root of this property.
getPropPath(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGPropGets the parents to the root of this property.
getPropPath(boolean, IPropCnr) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets the parents to the input property or the root of this property.
getPropPath(boolean, IPropCnr) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGPropGets the parents to the input property or the root of this property.
getPropReferenceTarget() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.FileURIPropCnrRetargets the reference request as required.
getPropReferenceTarget() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropRetargets the reference request as required.
getPropRootPropMgr() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ProjectRootPropCnrGets the Property Manager used for communication for the root container.
getPropRootPropMgr() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.capture.prop.CaptureRootPropGets the Property Manager used for communication for the root container.
getPropRootPropMgr() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorSessionsPropGets the Property Manager used for communication for the root container.
getPropRootPropMgr() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.recording.prop.RecordingRootPropGets the Property Manager used for communication for the root container.
getPropRootPropMgr() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ClientPropsGets the Property Manager used for communication for the root container.
getPropRootPropMgr() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets the Property Manager used for communication for the root container.
getPropRootPropMgr() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGPropGets the Property Manager used for communication for the root container.
getPropRootPropMgr() - Method in class the Property Manager used for communication for the root container.
getPropRootPropMgr() - Method in class the Property Manager used for communication for the root container.
getPropRootPropMgr() - Method in class the Property Manager used for communication for the root container.
getPropRootPropMgr() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerPropsGets the Property Manager used for communication for the root container.
getProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.event.QueryReferencesGets the source properties for the query.
getProps() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets the current value set as a a property array, null
for an uninitialized value.
getProps() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets the current value set as a a property array, null
for an uninitialized value.
getProps(Class<GP>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets the properties of a certain class, i.e.
getProps(Class<GP>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets the properties of a certain class, i.e.
getProps(ISelection, Class<?>...) - Static method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropHelperGets the selected properties array.
getPropsValue(PropCnr[], Atom) - Static method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropHelperHelper method to get a single value from many containers.
getPropTreeErrorSeverity(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets the maximum error severity of this property or any property below.
getPropTreeErrorSeverity(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGPropGets the error severity of this property or any property below.
getPropValue() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets the current value set, null for an uninitialized value.
getPropValue() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGPropGets the current value set, null for an uninitialized value.
getPropValue(int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets the value of the property by the index
getPropValue(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.MultiPropGets an indexed property value.
getPropValue(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets the value of the property by the index
getPropValue(Atom) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets the value of the property by the atom
getPropValue(Atom) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets the value of the property by the atom
getPropValue(Atom, Class<VALUE>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets the value of the property by the atom
getPropValue(Atom, Class<VALUE>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets the value of the property by the atom
getPropValue(Atom, Class<VALUE>, boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets the value of the property by the atom
getPropValue(Atom, Class<VALUE>, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets the value of the property by the atom
getPropValue(Class<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue(Class<?>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGPropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets the value of the property by the name
getPropValue(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets the value of the property by the name
getPropValue(String, Class<VALUE>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets the value of the property by the name
getPropValue(String, Class<VALUE>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets the value of the property by the name
getPropValue(String, Class<VALUE>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.ILayoutUnitHeightGets the value of the property by the name
getPropValue(String, Class<VALUE>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.ILayoutUnitWidthGets the value of the property by the name
getPropValue(String, Class<VALUE>, boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets the value of the property by the name
getPropValue(String, Class<VALUE>, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets the value of the property by the name
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.AbstractReferenceGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.BadgePropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.BoolPropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ByteArrayPropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.CharPropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.CodeItemArrayPropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ColorPropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.DateTimePropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.DoublePropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ErrorsPropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.FillPropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.FontPropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GradientPropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.Int32PropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.IntPropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.KStringPropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.LongPropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.MultiPropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PlainKStringPropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PrivPropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.RectPropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SizePropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StringArrayPropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StringMapPropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StringPropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StringSetPropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StrokePropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StylesReferencesGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.device.DevicePropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.device.ThemesPropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TableCellGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.TooltipPropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.UnitPropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ValuePropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.HostSessionProps getPropValue0(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.RemoteHostSessionPropGets the property value in another class form than the "native" one.
getPropValueDefault() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.MultiPropGets the default value.
getPropValueObject() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets the current value set, null for an uninitialized value.
getProtocol() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IWebServerPortConfigGets the protocol to use.
getProtocol() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.WebServerPortConfigGets the protocol to use.
getProvider() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropMgrReturns the information provider.
getProvider(NID) - Method in class com.iizix.urn.URNFactoryGets the service provider for the specified name.
getProviderFlags() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.CommonViewerExGets the flags for label and content providers.
getProxiedInterface(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IProxyPropChecks if the proxied property is instance of an interface.
getProxiedInterface(Class<T>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ProxyPropCnrChecks if the proxied property is instance of an interface.
getProxies(URL, ArrayList<Proxy>, boolean) - Static method in class com.iizix.jre.ControlPanelGets the proxies to use for a particular host URL.
getProxy() - Method in class the Proxy to use.
getProxy(URL) - Method in class com.iizigo.ActivatorGets a Java Proxy instance for an URL.
getProxy(URL) - Method in class com.iizigo.translate.EditorTranslationEngineGets a proxy to use for an URL.
getProxy(URL) - Method in interface com.iizix.IWebServiceEngineGets a proxy to use for an URL.
getProxy(URL) - Method in class com.iizix.server.jakarta.JakartaEEServerGets a proxy to use for an URL.
getProxy(URL) - Method in class com.iizix.server.JettyRunConfigurationGets a proxy to use for an URL.
getProxy(URL) - Method in interface com.iizix.translate.ITranslationEngineGets a proxy to use for an URL.
getProxy(URL) - Method in class com.iizix.translate.test.TestEngineGets a proxy to use for an URL.
getProxyClass() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IProxyPropGets the "real" class name to use when sending the property over a transaction.
getProxyClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ProxyPropCnrGets the "real" class to use when sending the property over a transaction.
getProxyHost() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SocketCommPropsGets the proxy host name if any.
getProxyPort() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SocketCommPropsGets the proxy port if any.
getProxyPW() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SocketCommPropsGets the authentication password for HTTP proxy if required.
getProxyPW(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SocketCommPropsSets the authentication password for HTTP proxy if required.
getProxyType() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocation.SecurityReturns the type of proxy, null for unknown.
getProxyType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SocketCommPropsGets the proxy type: 0=none/DIRECT, 1=HTTP, 2=SOCKS 4/5.
getProxyUser() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SocketCommPropsGets the authentication user name for HTTP proxy if required.
getPT() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.FontInfoGets the PT size.
getPT() - Method in interface com.iizix.IFontInfoGets the PT size.
getPublicKey() - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.AbstractPushService getPublicKey() - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.Encrypted getPublicOrStaticClasses() - Static method in class all the JavaClasses available in all projects that are parsed.
getPublicOrStaticClasses() - Method in class all the JavaClasses available in all projects that are parsed.
getPublicOrStaticClasses(ArrayList<JavaClass>) - Method in class all the JavaClasses available in all projects that are parsed.
getPublicVAPIDKey() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PushPropsGets the VAPID public key.
getPublicVAPIDKey() - Static method in class the VAPID public key for the SystemApp used for iiziRun.
getPublishedFile() - Method in interface com.iizix.wsfile.IWSFileReturns the publish file for access from the web server.
getPureJavaProjects() - Method in class the pure Java projects, i.e.
getPushProps() - Method in class the Push Notification properties.
getPWAProps() - Method in class the Progressive Web App (PWA) properties.
getQuality() - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.UserProfileImageRequestGets the image quality.
getQuality() - Method in interface com.iizix.urn.user.IUserProfileImageRequestGets the image quality.
getQuertPart() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.font.FontFileGets the query part (after '?') or SVG font name (after '#').
getQueuedMailCount() - Method in class com.iizix.mail.MailSenderReturns how mail mails are currently queued for sending.
getQueueElementCount() - Method in class com.iizix.translate.TranslationQueueGets the queue translations count.
getQueues() - Method in interface com.iizix.translate.ITranslationEngineGets the translation queues.
getQueues() - Method in class com.iizix.translate.TranslationEngineGets the translation queues.
getQuickFix() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.QuickFixGets the object that is a quick-fix private format, null for none.
getQuickFixCreateFolders() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleModelGets the array of folders required to be created.
getQuickFixes() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GErrorGets a copy of the quick fixes.
getQuickFixes() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropErrorItemGets the quick-fix ID's.
getQuickFixes() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropErrorItemGets the quick-fix ID's.
getQuotedStringLength() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SelectorExpression.TokenDataGets the quoted string length, including the quotes: as entered.
getRadialGradient() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.Plot2DGets the RadialGradient option used for pie charts.
getRadioSelectionComponents() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIRadioComponentGets the components being part of the selection group.
getRadioSelectionComponents(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIContainerGets the components being part of the selection group specified.
getRadioSelectionComponents(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIGroupSeparatorGets the components being part of the selection group specified.
getRadioSelectionComponents(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIContainerGets the components being part of the selection group specified.
getRawDebugString() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringGets the "raw" string formatted in the "native" type, i.e.
getRawHTMLDebugString() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringGets the "raw" HTML debug-formatted string.
getRawHTMLString() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringGets the "raw" HTML formatted string.
getRawHTMLStringForEditor() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringGets the "raw" HTML formatted string, with special formatting as required by the Rich Text Editor.
getRawHTMLStringForEditor(IKStringInfoProvider) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringGets the "raw" HTML formatted string, with special formatting as required by the Rich Text Editor.
getRawOutput(boolean) - Method in interface the raw text data from the reply.
getRawOutput(boolean) - Method in class the raw text data from the reply.
getRawOutput(boolean) - Method in class the raw text data from the reply.
getRawOutput(boolean) - Method in class the raw text data from the reply.
getRawPLAINDebugString() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringGets the "raw" PLAIN formatted string.
getRawPLAINString() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringGets the "raw" PLAIN formatted string.
getRawString() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringGets the "raw" string formatted in the "native" type, i.e.
getRawValue() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSFieldGets the raw value of the field.
getRawValueType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSFieldGets the raw value type of the field.
getReadableByteChannel() - Method in class ByteChannel for the resource.
getReadEncoding() - Method in class the String read encoding.
getReadTimeout() - Method in class com.iizix.nio.SocketCommNIOGets the read time-out value for the connection.
getReadTimeout() - Method in class the read timeout for the Socket.
getReadTimeout() - Method in class the read timeout in milliseconds.
getReadyState() - Method in class com.iizigo.translate.EditorTranslationEngineGets the ready state of this translation engine.
getReadyState() - Method in class the ready state of this translator.
getReadyState() - Method in interface com.iizix.translate.ITranslationEngineGets the ready state of this translation engine.
getReadyState() - Method in interface com.iizix.translate.ITranslatorGets the ready state of this translator.
getReadyState() - Method in class the ready state of this translator.
getReadyState() - Method in class com.iizix.translate.test.TestEngineGets the ready state of this translation engine.
getRealmPropertiesFileName() - Method in interface com.iizix.comm.IServerSettingsGets the file name for the authentication realm properties.
getRealmPropertiesFileName() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettingsGets the file name for the authentication realm properties.
getRealPort() - Method in class com.iizix.server.RedirectionServerGets the real port to use for the redirection server.
getRealPropValue(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.MultiPropGets the "real" indexed property value (default index=0, other indexes+1).
getRect() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GFillPatternGets the rectangle of the image x, y, width and height.
getRect() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.RectPropGets the current value set as an GRect.
getRectangle() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.capture.prop.CaptureFieldPropGets the Rectangle.
getRectangle() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenFieldPropGets the Rectangle.
getRectangle() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenIdentificationPropGets the Rectangle.
getRectangle() - Method in interface com.iizigo.term.prop.IScreenRectangleGets the Rectangle.
getRectInfo() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.capture.prop.CaptureFieldPropGets the screen rectangle info object.
getRectInfo() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenFieldPropGets the screen rectangle info object.
getRectInfo() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenIdentificationPropGets the screen rectangle info object.
getRectInfo() - Method in interface com.iizigo.term.prop.IScreenRectangleGets the screen rectangle info object.
getRedirector() - Static method in class com.iizix.LoggersSets the log redirector used when redirecting an event from client to server.
getRedoAction() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPartGets the undo action.
getRefactoredKString() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHolderGets the refactored KString.
getReference() - Method in class com.iizigo.event.QueryJavaReferenceGets the referenced property.
getReference() - Method in class the reference found.
getReference() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.NewWizardPageGets the current reference of the property to create.
getReference() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.AbstractReferenceGets the reference string.
getReference() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StylesReferencesGets the reference string.
getReference() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSRelativeReferenceGets the full reference string.
getReference() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSTableColumnReferenceGets the full reference string.
getReference() - Method in interface com.iizix.text.IKStringTextTagGets the reference.
getReference() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLDynamicTagGets the reference of this tag.
getReference() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLHyperlinkExternalTagGets the reference of this tag.
getReference() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLHyperlinkResourceTagGets the reference of this tag.
getReference() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLHyperlinkUITagGets the reference of this tag.
getReference() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLHyperlinkVSTagGets the reference of this tag.
getReference() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLImageTagGets the "src" reference for the Image reference in the Assets folder.
getReference() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLTextTableTagGets the reference.
getReference() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLTextVirtualSpaceTagGets the reference.
getReference() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringPLAINTagGets the reference.
getReference() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringTagGets the reference of this tag.
getReferenceClass() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLHyperlinkExternalTagReturns the reference class used by this tag, e.g.
getReferenceClass() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLHyperlinkResourceTagReturns the reference class used by this tag, e.g.
getReferenceClass() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLHyperlinkUITagReturns the reference class used by this tag, e.g.
getReferenceClass() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLHyperlinkVSTagReturns the reference class used by this tag, e.g.
getReferenceClass() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLImageTagReturns the reference class used by this tag, e.g.
getReferenceClass() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLTextTableTagReturns the reference class used by this tag, e.g.
getReferenceClass() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHTMLTextVirtualSpaceTagReturns the reference class used by this tag, e.g.
getReferenceClass() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringPLAINTextTableTagReturns the reference class used by this tag, e.g.
getReferenceClass() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringPLAINVirtualSpaceTagReturns the reference class used by this tag, e.g.
getReferenceClass() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringTagReturns the reference class used by this tag, e.g.
getReferencedContextMenu() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIContextMenuOwnerGets the referenced context menu instance of this component.
getReferencedDesignerPropModules() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleModelGets the designer properties of the module models that are referenced by this Module project.
getReferencedJavaElements() - Method in class com.iizigo.event.QueryReferencesGets the array of Java element references.
getReferencedProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.event.QueryReferencesGets the set of found property references.
getReferenceError() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringTagGets the validation error.
getReferenceLookupProperty() - Method in class com.iizix.SessionInfoGets the Session's reference look-up property.
getReferencePath(GProp<?>) - Method in interface com.iizix.api.IAnnotationReferenceProcessorReturns the reference path of a component, relative or full depending if it is scoped or not.
getReferencePath(GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIAnnotationReferenceProcessorReturns the relative reference path of a component.
getReferencePath(GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIPanelAnnotationReferenceProcessorReturns the reference path of a component.
getReferencePath(GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.FullVSAnnotationReferenceProcessorReturns the reference path of a component.
getReferencePath(GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSAnnotationReferenceProcessorReturns the relative reference path of a component.
getReferenceProp() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSReferenceOwnerDataGets the VS Reference property.
getReferencePropName() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets the reference property name, overridden when used in the Designer to skip the file storage property, and by the root property.
getReferencePropName() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGPropGets the reference property name, overridden when used in the Designer to skip the file storage property, and by the root property.
getReferencePropNameNoAssert() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets the reference property name, overridden when used in the Designer to skip the file storage property, and by the root property.
getReferences() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SelectorExpressionGets the selector and class references in the expression.
getReferences(INPUT) - Method in interface com.iizix.ICircularReferenceGets the target references for an input reference.
getReferences(HashSet<String>, HashSet<String>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SelectorExpressionGets the selector and class references in the expression.
getReferenceSource() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.References.ResultGets the reference source property.
getReferenceString() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.AbstractReferenceGets the current reference string.
getReferenceString() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StylesReferencesGets the reference string.
getReferenceString(IPropCnr) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.AbstractBaseRelativeReferenceGets the reference string for a property container.
getReferenceString(IPropCnr) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.AbstractUICompRelativeReferenceGets the reference string for a property container.
getReferenceTarget() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.References.ResultGets the reference target property.
getReferenceTarget(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.VSRelativeReferencePropEditorGets the current property reference target.
getReferenceTarget(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.VSTableColumnReferencePropEditorGets the current property reference target.
getReferenceType() - Method in class the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.DatabaseTransactionReferenceGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.AbstractReferenceGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.AssetReferenceGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.AssetReferencesGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.BackgroundImageReferenceGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.BadgePropGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ImageReferenceGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropReferenceGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IReferencingGPropGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IReferencingPropCnrGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.KStringPropGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SelectorGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SelectorReferenceGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StylesReferencesGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.TextTableGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.TextTableReferenceGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.ContextMenuReferenceGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.LabelForReferenceGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.PanelPartReferenceGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.TooltipPropGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ValuePropGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSActionActorParticipantGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSActionReferenceGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSColumnReferenceGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSComponentReferenceGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSFieldGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSFieldReferenceGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSFocusReferenceGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSGroupReferenceGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSOnUIEventGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSParticipantReferenceGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSReferenceGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSRelativeReferenceGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSTableColumnReferenceGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSTableReferenceGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerConfigEnvReferenceGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenActionReferenceGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldReferenceGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHolder.TagReferenceGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringTagGets the reference type.
getReferenceType() - Method in class the reference Type.
getReferenceType(VSComponentReference) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponentReferenceProviderGets the reference Type.
getReferenceType(VSComponentReference) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGets the reference Type.
getReferencingOwner() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IReferencingGPropGets the referencing owner property that might be the one being referenced rather than this property implementing the
getReferencingOwner() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.KStringPropGets the referencing owner property that might be the one being referenced rather than this property implementing the
getReferencingOwner() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ValuePropGets the referencing owner property that might be the one being referenced rather than this property implementing the
getReferencingProp() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IReferencingPropCnrGets the single potential instance of a referencing property instance.
getReferencingProp() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SelectorGets the single potential instance of a referencing property instance.
getReferencingProp() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.TextTableGets the single potential instance of a referencing property instance.
getReferencingProp() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSFieldGets the single potential instance of a referencing property instance.
getReferencingProps() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IReferencingPropCnrGets the array of referencing property instances.
getReferencingProps() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SelectorGets the array of referencing property instances.
getReferencingProps() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.TextTableGets the array of referencing property instances.
getReferencingProps() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSFieldGets the array of referencing property instances.
getRegion() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocationGets the region name, e.g.
getRegion() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.BorderDataGets the region of the component, i.e.
getRegionCode() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocationGets the region code, e.g.
getRegionLocationAPIKey(String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettingsGets the API key for a region location service provider.
getRegionLocationGlobalCacheSize() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettingsGets the global cache size for the region location service providers.
getRelaceName(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.chart.ESeriesValueGets the replacement text for a property name.
getRelaceName(String) - Method in interface com.iizigo.panel.prop.chart.IChartPropsGets the replacement text for a property name.
getRelativeFileName(String, String) - Static method in class com.iizix.util.XFileGets the relative file name from another file (if possible).
getRelativeFileName(String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.iizix.util.XFileGets a file name relative to a reference file name.
getRelativeMethodAnnotationReference() - Method in interface the annotation relative reference to the element.
getRelativeMethodAnnotationReference() - Method in interface the annotation relative reference to the element.
getRelativeMethodAnnotationReference() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVirtualSpaceGets the annotation relative reference to the element.
getRelativeMethodAnnotationReference() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVSActionGets the annotation relative reference to the element.
getRelativeMethodAnnotationReference() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVSFieldGets the annotation relative reference to the element.
getRelativePath(File, File) - Static method in class com.iizix.util.XFileGet relative path of File 'f' with respect to 'home' directory.
getRelativePropName(IPropCnr) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets the relative name of this property to a container.
getRelativePropName(IPropCnr) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGPropGets the relative name of this property to a container.
getRemainingReadSize() - Method in class com.iizix.ReadTransactionGets the remaining size in bytes for read methods in the transaction.
getRemainingSize() - Method in class com.iizix.util.XFileGets the remaining size in the memory file.
getRemainingTime() - Method in class com.iizix.timeout.engine.TimeoutTaskGets the remaining time before timeout.
getRemainingTime() - Method in interface com.iizix.timeout.ITimeoutTaskGets the remaining time before timeout.
getRemainingTime() - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.TXProcessImplGets the remaining time before timeout.
getRemainingTime() - Method in interface com.iizix.txp.ITXProcessGets the remaining time before timeout.
getRemainingTimeout(long) - Method in class com.iizix.comm.ServerSocketCommGets the socket timeout value remaining.
getRemainingTimeout(long) - Method in interface com.iizix.nio.IWorkerTimeoutGets the timeout value remaining.
getRemainingTimeout(long) - Method in class com.iizix.nio.SocketCommNIOGets the socket timeout value remaining.
getRemoteAddr() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.TransactionCommReturns the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the client or last proxy that sent the request.
getRemoteAddr() - Method in class com.iizix.jetty.InternalWebSocketReturns the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the client or last proxy that sent the request.
getRemoteAddr() - Method in interface com.iizix.nio.IWebSocketCommReturns the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the client or last proxy that sent the request.
getRemoteAddr() - Method in class com.iizix.nio.SocketCommNIOReturns the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the client or last proxy that sent the request.
getRemoteAddr() - Method in class com.iizix.nio.WebSocketCommNIOReturns the Internet Protocol (IP) address of the client or last proxy that sent the request.
getRemoteAddress() - Method in class com.iizix.SessionInfoGets the address of the remote party, null if none is yet provided.
getRemoteBuildCleanupDir() - Method in class the directory that eventually needs to be fully cleaned up in remote builds.
getRemoteHost() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.TransactionCommReturns the fully qualified name of the client or the last proxy that sent the request.
getRemoteHost() - Method in class com.iizix.jetty.InternalWebSocketReturns the fully qualified name of the client or the last proxy that sent the request.
getRemoteHost() - Method in interface com.iizix.nio.IWebSocketCommReturns the fully qualified name of the client or the last proxy that sent the request.
getRemoteHost() - Method in class com.iizix.nio.SocketCommNIOReturns the fully qualified name of the client or the last proxy that sent the request.
getRemoteHost() - Method in class com.iizix.nio.WebSocketCommNIOReturns the fully qualified name of the client or the last proxy that sent the request.
getRemoteHostSession() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.RemoteHostSessionPropGets the current value set as a RemoteHostSession.
getRemotePropMgr() - Method in class com.iizix.event.PropCnrEventGets the (remote) Property Manager that caused the remote event.
getRemotePropMgr() - Method in class com.iizix.event.PropCopyEventGets the (remote) Property Manager that caused the remote event.
getRemotePropMgr() - Method in class com.iizix.event.PropValueEventGets the (remote) Property Manager that caused the remote event.
getRemoveSurroundingSpaces() - Method in class a comma separated list of tags around which spaces will be removed.
getRenewalInstance() - Method in class com.iizix.server.acme.LetsEncryptDomainGets the certificate renewal instance.
getReplacementsFile(String, String...) - Static method in class com.iizix.js.JSFilesGets a cached file from disk and processes replacements.
getReplyData() - Method in class the reply data.
getReplyMatch(IReplyContent) - Method in interface to verify if the reply matches the reply format of this processor.
getReplyMatch(IReplyContent) - Method in class to verify if the reply matches the reply format of this processor.
getRequestAdditionalTime() - Method in class com.iizix.server.oauth.AbstractOAuthServiceThe default additional required time in milliseconds to process a request, i.e.
getRequestDuration() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocationGets the time it took to retrieve this information in the first place.
getRequestedApiVersion() - Method in class com.iizix.log.slf4j.LogServiceProviderThe requested API version of this service provider.
getRequestedName() - Method in interface com.iizigo.vs.INewVSComponentWizardInfoGets the requested name.
getRequestedName() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.NewVSComponentWizardGets the requested name.
getRequestedName() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.wizards.VSComponentCreationGets the requested name.
getRequestEncoding() - Method in class the encoding.
getRequestURI() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.WebSocketCommPropsGets the request URI.
getRequiredAnnotation() - Method in class the fully qualified annotation name that the Java Class should be annotated with.
getRequiredClassAnnotation() - Method in class the fully qualified annotation name that the Java Class should be annotated with.
getRequiredClassAnnotation() - Method in class the fully qualified annotation name that the Java Class should be annotated with.
getRequiredClassAnnotation() - Method in interface the fully qualified annotation name that the Java Class should be annotated with.
getRequiredFontFiles() - Method in class com.iizigo.font.CSSFontDefinitionGets the font files required, relative the CSS document URL.
getRequiredInterface() - Method in class the fully qualified interface name that the Java Class should implement.
getRequiredInterface() - Method in class the fully qualified interface name that the Java Class should implement.
getRequiredInterface() - Method in interface the fully qualified interface name that the Java Class should implement.
getRequiredNonStaticAnnotation() - Method in class the fully qualified annotation name that the Java Class should be annotated with when non-static.
getRequiredNonStaticAnnotation() - Method in class the fully qualified annotation name that the Java Class should be annotated with when non-static.
getRequiredStaticAnnotation() - Method in class the fully qualified annotation name that the Java Class should be annotated with when static.
getRequiredStaticAnnotation() - Method in class the fully qualified annotation name that the Java Class should be annotated with when static.
getRequiredTextIDs(RuntimeBuilderSettings) - Method in class the required text IDs for the text file.
getRequiredTextIDs(RuntimeBuilderSettings) - Method in interface the required text IDs for the text file.
getRequiredTextIDs(RuntimeBuilderSettings) - Static method in class the required text IDs for the text file.
getRequiredVirtualSpace() - Method in class the required VirtualSpace to be connected.
getRequiredVirtualSpace() - Method in class the required VirtualSpace to be connected.
getRequiredVirtualSpace() - Method in class the required VirtualSpace to be connected.
getRequireFontFileNames() - Method in class com.iizigo.font.CSSFontDefinitionGets the file names to copy in absolute paths.
getResolutions(IMarker) - Method in class com.iizigo.quickfix.QuickFixerReturns resolutions for the given marker (may be empty).
getResolvedPattern() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.PatternHelperGets the resolved pattern to use.
getResolveReferenceProperty() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.RichTextEditorDialogGets the property used for references look-up's.
getResolveReferenceProperty() - Method in class com.iizigo.text.KStringInfoProviderAdapterGets the property used for references look-up's.
getResolveReferenceProperty() - Method in class com.iizigo.text.TextTableEditorGets the property used for references look-up's.
getResolveReferenceProperty() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TableCellGets the property used for references look-up's.
getResolveReferenceProperty() - Method in class the property used for references look-up's.
getResolveReferenceProperty() - Method in interface com.iizix.text.IKStringInfoProviderGets the property used for references look-up's.
getResolveReferenceProperty() - Method in interface com.iizix.text.IKStringValuePropHolderGets the property used for references look-up's.
getResolveReferenceProperty() - Method in class com.iizix.text.ValidationKStringInfoProviderHolderGets the property used for references look-up's.
getResourceAsStream(String) - Method in class com.iizix.util.JarClassLoaderOpen for reading, a resource of the specified name from the search path used to load classes.
getResourcePrefix() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.RichTextEditorDialogGets the base reference name for the resource, typically an image, for the Server or the Designer.
getResourcePrefix() - Method in class com.iizigo.text.KStringInfoProviderAdapterGets the base reference name for the resource, typically an image, for the Server or the Designer.
getResourcePrefix() - Method in class com.iizigo.text.TextTableEditorGets the base reference name for the resource, typically an image, for the Server or the Designer.
getResourcePrefix() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TableCellGets the base reference name for the resource, typically an image, for the Server or the Designer.
getResourcePrefix() - Method in class the base reference name for the resource, typically an image, for the Server or the Designer.
getResourcePrefix() - Method in interface com.iizix.text.IKStringInfoProviderGets the base reference name for the resource, typically an image, for the Server or the Designer.
getResourcePrefix() - Method in interface com.iizix.text.IKStringValuePropHolderGets the base reference name for the resource, typically an image, for the Server or the Designer.
getResourcePrefix() - Method in class com.iizix.text.ValidationKStringInfoProviderHolderGets the base reference name for the resource, typically an image, for the Server or the Designer.
getResourceSchema(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.XMLSchemaValidatorPropGets the URL for a resource based namespace provided with IIZI, i.e.
getResourceTypes() - Method in class com.iizix.barcode.BarcodeURNFactoryGets the URN Resource Type supported by the provider.
getResourceTypes() - Method in class com.iizix.server.wsfile.FileURNProviderGets the URN Resource Type supported by the provider.
getResourceTypes() - Method in class com.iizix.server.wsfile.ImageURNProviderGets the URN Resource Type supported by the provider.
getResourceTypes() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.file.FileURNFactoryGets the URN Resource Type supported by the provider.
getResourceTypes() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.image.ImageURNFactoryGets the location or locations supported by the provider.
getResourceTypes() - Method in interface com.iizix.urn.IURNProviderGets the URN Resource Type supported by the provider.
getResourceTypes() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.svg.SVG_URNFactoryGets the location or locations supported by the provider.
getResourceTypes() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.url.URL_URNFactoryGets the location or locations supported by the provider.
getResourceTypes() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileImageURNFactoryGets the location or locations supported by the provider.
getResourceTypes() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURNFactoryGets the location or locations supported by the provider.
getRestoreWeight() - Method in class com.iizix.swt.CustomSashForm getResult() - Method in exception class com.iizix.passwordpolicy.PasswordPolicyExceptionGets the password policy result.
getResult() - Method in class com.iizix.WorkerTaskGets the result of the task if it has completed successfully.
getResultProcessor() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ResultPropsgetResultProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorDatabasePropsGets the result properties.
getResultProps() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.DatabasePropsGets the result properties.
getResultSetProcessor() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ResultSetPropsgetResultSetProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorDatabasePropsGets the result set properties.
getResultSetProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorResultSetColumnPropGets the Result Set properties.
getResultSetProps() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.DatabasePropsGets the result set properties.
getResultSetProps() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ResultSetColumnPropGets the Result Set properties.
getRetargetedVerifyContainer() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorInputPropsGets the retargeted verification property container.
getRetargetedVerifyContainer() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorResultPropsGets the retargeted verification property container.
getRetargetedVerifyContainer() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorResultSetPropsGets the retargeted verification property container.
getRetargetedVerifyContainer() - Method in class the retargeted verification property container.
getRetargetedVerifyContainer() - Method in class the retargeted verification property container.
getRetargetedVerifyContainer() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets the retargeted verification property container.
getReturnCode() - Method in class com.iizigo.setup.UIFeedBackGets the current return code.
getReturnCode() - Method in interface com.iizix.license.IUserInterfaceFeedbackGets the current return code.
getReturnCode() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.References.ResultGets the return code.
getReturnCode() - Method in class com.iizix.server.acme.LetsEncrypt.ReplyGets the return code.
getReverseSortOrdering() - Method in class com.iizigo.navigator.ViewerComparatorGet reverse ordering flag.
getRevocationReason() - Method in interface com.iizix.license.ICodeCommonGets the reason for the code revocation.
getRevocationTime() - Method in interface com.iizix.license.ICodeCommonGets the time for the code revocation.
getRGBColorFromCSS3Name(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.GColorGets a color RGB value from a CSS3 color name.
getRollbackFocus() - Method in class com.iizix.gyro.GyroTransactionReturns the focus that is to be set due to the rollback.
getRoot() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleFolderPropCnrThe root.
getRoot() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.DesignerPropGets the root property container for the module project.
getRoot() - Method in class com.iizix.server.wsfile.WSFileProviderGets the root directory.
getRoot() - Method in interface com.iizix.wsfile.IWSFileProviderGets the root directory.
getRoot(File) - Static method in class com.iizix.js.JSFilesGets the file location on disk of the root directory.
getRootContainer() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleModelGets the root container.
getRootContainer() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropMgrGets the root container.
getRootDirectory() - Method in interface com.iizix.comm.IServerSettingsGets the root directory for external files.
getRootDirectory() - Method in interface com.iizix.server.IServerGets the web server root directory.
getRootDirectory() - Method in class com.iizix.server.jakarta.JakartaEEServerGets the web server root directory.
getRootDirectory() - Method in class com.iizix.server.JettyRunConfigurationGets the web server root directory.
getRootDirectory() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettingsGets the root directory for external files.
getRootFiles() - Static method in class com.iizix.js.JSFilesGets root directory and all files required for the web server.
getRootFromName(GProp<?>, String) - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleRootPropCnrGets the module root for a name.
getRootFromName(GProp<?>, String) - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ProjectRootPropCnrGets the module root for a name.
getRootFromName(GProp<?>, String) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.capture.prop.CaptureRootPropGets the module root for a name.
getRootFromName(GProp<?>, String) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorSessionsPropGets the module root for a name.
getRootFromName(GProp<?>, String) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.recording.prop.RecordingRootPropGets the module root for a name.
getRootFromName(GProp<?>, String) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IAppSessionGyroGets the module root for a name.
getRootFromName(GProp<?>, String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ClientPropsGets the module root for a name.
getRootFromName(GProp<?>, String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets the module root for a name.
getRootFromName(GProp<?>, String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IModuleProjectPropProviderGets the module root for a name.
getRootFromName(GProp<?>, String) - Method in class the module root for a name.
getRootFromName(GProp<?>, String) - Method in interface the module root for a name.
getRootFromName(GProp<?>, String) - Method in class the module root for a name.
getRootFromName(GProp<?>, String) - Method in class the module root for a name.
getRootFromName(GProp<?>, String) - Method in class the module root for a name.
getRootFromName(GProp<?>, String) - Method in class the module root for a name.
getRootFromName(GProp<?>, String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyroGets the module root for a name.
getRootFromName(GProp<?>, String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerPropsGets the module root for a name.
getRootName(GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ProjectRootPropCnrGets and checks if this container is the root.
getRootName(GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.capture.prop.CaptureRootPropGets and checks if this container is the root.
getRootName(GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorSessionsPropGets and checks if this container is the root.
getRootName(GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.recording.prop.RecordingRootPropGets and checks if this container is the root.
getRootName(GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ClientPropsGets the name of the root container as in the Designer "module:"
getRootName(GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets and checks if this container is the root.
getRootName(GProp<?>) - Method in class the name of the root container as in the Designer "module:"
getRootName(GProp<?>) - Method in class and checks if this container is the root.
getRootName(GProp<?>) - Method in class and checks if this container is the root.
getRootName(GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerPropsGets and checks if this container is the root.
getRootParent() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets the root container in the property tree.
getRootParent() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGPropGets the root container in the property tree.
getRootParentNoAssert() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets the root container in the property tree.
getRootProp() - Method in class com.iizix.test.client.NonUIClientGets the root property.
getRootProperty(String) - Static method in class com.iizigo.ActivatorGets a root property from a registered name.
getRootURL() - Static method in class com.iizigo.javadoc.FinderReturns the URL for this plugin's root classpath.
getRow() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzTableCursorReturns the row over which the TableCursor is positioned.
getRow() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TableCellGets the row for the cell.
getRow() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TCellGets the row for the cell.
getRow() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSFieldGets the row container.
getRow(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVSRowsGets the row at specified index.
getRow(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVSTableGets the row of a certain index.
getRow(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSRowsGets the row at specified index.
getRow(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSTableGets the row of a certain index.
getRow(UIComp) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EGridLayout.GridGets the row of a component.
getRowCell(VSField, int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.DefaultTableContentProviderGets the row cell information.
getRowCell(ROW_CELL, int, int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.table.ITableContentProviderGets the row cell information.
getRowCellHorizontalAlignment() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITableColumnGets the row cell horizontal alignment.
getRowCells(VSRow) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.DefaultTableContentProviderGets the cells for a row object.
getRowCells(ROW) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.table.ITableContentProviderGets the cells for a row object.
getRowCellVerticalAlignment() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITableColumnGets the row cell vertical alignment.
getRowCount() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSRowsGets the count of rows.
getRowCount() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSTableGets the row count.
getRowFields(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSTableGets the fields for a row of a certain index.
getRowIndex() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TableCellGets the row index of the cell in the table.
getRowIndex() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TableRowGets the row index in the table.
getRowIndex() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TCellGets the row index of the cell in the table.
getRowIndex() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSFieldGets the row index of this field in the table.
getRowIndex() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSRowGets the row index of this field in the table.
getRows() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVSFieldGets the rows container.
getRows() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVSRowsGets the rows in this rows container.
getRows() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVSTableGets the rows in this table.
getRows() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.DefaultTableContentProviderGets the row objects.
getRows() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.table.ITableContentProviderGets the row objects.
getRows() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TableRowsGets the rows.
getRows() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UITextAreaGets number of rows.
getRows() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSFieldGets the rows container.
getRows() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSRowsGets the rows in this rows container.
getRows() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSTableGets the rows in this table.
getRowsCnr() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITableGets the rows container.
getRowsContainer() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVSTableGets the rows property container.
getRowsContainer() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSTableGets the rows property container.
getRowStyle(VSRow, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.DefaultTableContentProviderGets the row style.
getRowStyle(ROW, int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.table.ITableContentProviderGets the row style.
getRowValues(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSTableGets the values for a row of a certain index.
getRunnningInstance() - Static method in class com.iizigo.JobReschedulerGets the started instance.
getRuntimeApp() - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyroGets the RuntimeApp for the Gyro instance.
getRuntimeClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ClassReferenceGets the loaded class for runtime.
getRuntimeClassInstance(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IClassReferenceOwnerGets the class runtime instance that is connected to the object using the default class reference ID (if many exist).
getRuntimeClassInstance(String, Class<T>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IClassReferenceOwnerGets the class runtime instance that is connected to the object using the default class reference ID (if many exist).
getRuntimeCreation() - Static method in class com.iizigo.ActivatorGets the runtime creation builder.
getRuntimeInstance() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ClassReferenceGets the runtime instance of the class.
getRuntimeInstance(Class<T>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ClassReferenceGets the runtime instance of the class.
getRuntimeMethod() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.MethodReferenceGets the loaded method for runtime.
getRuntimeMethod() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.MethodReference2Gets the loaded method for runtime.
getRuntimePropFromReference(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IAppSessionGyroGets a reference for runtime use to get the reference of an item.
getRuntimePropFromReference(String) - Method in interface a reference for runtime use to get the reference of an item.
getRuntimePropFromReference(String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyroGets a reference for runtime use to get the reference of an item.
getRuntimePropFromReference(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IAppSessionGyroGets a reference for runtime use to get the reference of an item.
getRuntimePropFromReference(String, boolean) - Method in class a reference for runtime use to get the reference of an item.
getRuntimePropFromReference(String, boolean) - Method in interface a reference for runtime use to get the reference of an item.
getRuntimePropFromReference(String, boolean) - Method in class a reference for runtime use to get the reference of an item.
getRuntimePropFromReference(String, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyroGets a reference for runtime use to get the reference of an item.
getSalt() - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.Encrypted getSash() - Method in class com.iizix.swt.CustomSashForm getSaveable() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.FilePropCnrGets the Saveable instance for this file.
getSaveables() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPart getSaveables() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.FilePropSaveableReturns the saveables presented by the workbench part.
getSavedSizes() - Method in class com.iizix.swt.CustomSashForm getSavePassword() - Method in class com.iizigo.ssl.CertificateUIGets the save-password flag, can be retrieved once the dialog is OK'ed.
getScale() - Method in class com.iizix.ValueGet the scale of this value.
getScaledSize() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.svg.SVG_URNGets the scaled size in logical pixels.
getSchemaFactory() - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.XMLSchemaValidatorPropGets the schema factory.
getScopeClass() - Method in interface com.iizix.api.IAnnotationReferenceProcessorReturns the class for the scope reference.
getScopeClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIAnnotationReferenceProcessorReturns the class for the scope reference.
getScopeClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIPanelAnnotationReferenceProcessorReturns the class for the scope reference.
getScopeClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.FullVSAnnotationReferenceProcessorReturns the class for the scope reference.
getScopeClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSAnnotationReferenceProcessorReturns the class for the scope reference.
getScopeErrorMessage() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.AbstractFixedVirtualizedBaseRelativeReferenceGets the error message when the base container doesn't validate scope.
getScopeErrorMessage(TARGET, PropCnr) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.AbstractBaseRelativeReferenceGets the error message when the base container doesn't validate scope.
getScopeErrorMessage(TARGET, PropCnr) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.AbstractUICompRelativeReferenceGets the error message when the base container doesn't validate scope.
getScreen() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.capture.prop.CaptureScreenPropGets the screen.
getScreen() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenActionPropGets the screen property.
getScreen() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenActionsPropGets the screen property.
getScreen() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenFieldPropGets the screen property.
getScreen() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenFieldsPropGets the screen property.
getScreen() - Method in class name of the initial screen.
getScreen() - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostSessionGets the current host screen instance.
getScreen() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenActionPropGets the screen property.
getScreen() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenActionsPropGets the screen property.
getScreen() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGets the screen property.
getScreen() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldsPropGets the screen property.
getScreen(String) - Method in class the EE screen from a name.
getScreenActionProp() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorTerminalActionActor.SettingsGets the screen action property that is referenced.
getScreenActionProp() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TerminalActionActor.SettingsGets the screen action property that is referenced.
getScreenActionReference() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TerminalActionActor.SettingsGets the screen action reference.
getScreenChars() - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostScreenGets the entire screen, blanking out hidden characters and replacing box drawing characters (to +-|) and null (to space).
getScreenCompression() - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostSessionGets the screen compressor.
getScreenData(char[], int[]) - Method in class the screen data in HostScreen format.
getScreenHeight() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.TerminalWindowGets the screenHeight.
getScreenHeight() - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IClientSessionGyroGets the current screen height.
getScreenHeight() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.EnvPropsGets the current screen height.
getScreenHeight() - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyroGets the current screen height.
getScreenIdentificationInfo(StringBuilder) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenMatcherGets a displayable formatted string (that can contain several lines separated by LF characters) that is used when compiling a distribution or when saving a file.
getScreenLength() - Method in class the current screen length (width * height).
getScreenLength() - Method in class the current screen length (width * height).
getScreenLength() - Method in class com.iizix.term.EmptyHostSessionGets the current screen length (width * height).
getScreenLength() - Method in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionPeerGets the current screen length (width * height).
getScreenLength() - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn3270e.Display3270Returns the screen length.
getScreenLength() - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn3270e.HostSession3270Gets the current screen length (width * height).
getScreenLength() - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn5250e.HostSession5250Gets the current screen length (width * height).
getScreenName() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenPropGets the screen name.
getScreenOrientation() - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IClientSessionGyroGets the current screen orientation.
getScreenOrientation() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.EnvPropsGets the current screen orientation.
getScreenOrientation() - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyroGets the current screen orientation.
getScreens() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.project.TerminalManagerGets all current screens already added for screen matching.
getScreens() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.recording.prop.RecordingPropScreens.
getScreens(boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.project.TerminalModuleGets all screens in all folders.
getScreenSize() - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IClientSessionGyroGets the current screen size.
getScreenSize() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.EnvPropsGets the current screen size.
getScreenSize() - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyroGets the current screen size.
getScreenSize() - Method in class the screen size.
getScreenSize() - Method in class the current screen size.
getScreenSize() - Method in class com.iizix.term.EmptyHostSessionGets the current screen size.
getScreenSize() - Method in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionPeerGets the current screen size.
getScreenSize() - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn3270e.HostSession3270Gets the current screen size.
getScreenSize() - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn5250e.HostSession5250Gets the current screen size.
getScreenWidth() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.TerminalWindowGets the screenWidth.
getScreenWidth() - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IClientSessionGyroGets the current screen width.
getScreenWidth() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.EnvPropsGets the current screen width.
getScreenWidth() - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyroGets the current screen width.
getScriptEngine() - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.GUnitReturns the script engine manager.
getSecond() - Method in class com.iizix.value.ImmutableXMLGregorianCalendargetSectionItems(String) - Method in class com.iizix.util.IniFileGets a copy of the hash table of a section.
getSections() - Method in class com.iizix.util.IniFileGets all the section elements in the file.
getSecureProps() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SocketCommPropsGets the secure properties.To check for secure communication, use isSecure()
getSecureRandom() - Static method in class com.iizix.UtilitiesGets the secure random instance.
getSecureWebServerPort() - Method in class com.iizigo.webserver.InternalWebServerGets the started secure (HTTPS) web server port.
getSecureWebServerPort() - Method in class com.iizix.jetty.IntegratedWebServerGets the started secure (HTTPS) web server port.
getSecurity() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocationThe security, null for none.
getSelectedCells() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.CellSelectionGets the selected cells.
getSelectedCells() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUICellSelectionGets the selected cells.
getSelectedCells() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITableGets the selected cells in the table.
getSelectedDevices() - Static method in class com.iizigo.panel.UIDevicesGet a list of all selected devices, sorted by names.
getSelectedGProps(ISelection) - Static method in class com.iizigo.ActivatorGets a list of all GProp's for DesignerProp's in a selection that should be used in e.g.
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.content.AbstractContentUIContainerGets the first selected index.
getSelectedIndex() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ICodeItemsOwnerSelectionSupportGets the first selected index.
getSelectedIndex() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIRadioComponentGets the first selected index.
getSelectedIndex() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUISingleIndexedSelectionGets the single selected index.
getSelectedIndex() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUISingleIndexedSelectionCompGets the first selected index.
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.RadioSelectionGets the first selected index.
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.SingleIndexSelectionGets the first selected index.
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITableGets the first selected row index.
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIAbstractListChoiceGets the first selected index.
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIAccordionGets the first selected index.
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISwapContainerGets the first selected index.
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UITabContainerGets the first selected index.
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSRowsGets the first selected row regardless of table selection by checking the VSRow selection state.
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSTableGets the first selected row index in the table if the selection type is single or multiple.
getSelectedIndex() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSTableRowSelectionGets the single selected row index.
getSelectedIndicies() - Method in class com.iizix.api.ui.UISelectionEventGets the selected indicies, if the selection is index based.
getSelectedIndicies() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.content.AbstractContentProviderGets the selected indicies.
getSelectedIndicies() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.content.AbstractContentUIContainerGets the selected indicies.
getSelectedIndicies() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.content.IContentProviderAPIGets the selected indicies.
getSelectedIndicies() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIRadioComponentGets the selected indicies.
getSelectedIndicies() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUIIndexedSelectionGets the selected indicies.
getSelectedIndicies() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUIIndexedSelectionCompGets the selected indicies.
getSelectedIndicies() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUISingleIndexedSelectionGets the selected indicies.
getSelectedIndicies() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUISingleIndexedSelectionCompGets the selected indicies.
getSelectedIndicies() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.MultipleIndiciesSelectionGets the selected indicies.
getSelectedIndicies() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.RadioSelectionGets the selected indicies.
getSelectedIndicies() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.SingleIndexSelectionGets the selected indicies.
getSelectedIndicies() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITableGets the selected indicies.
getSelectedIndicies() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSRowsGets the selected row indicies in the table if the selection type is single or multiple.
getSelectedIndicies() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSTableGets the selected row indicies in the table if the selection type is single or multiple.
getSelectedIndicies() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSTableRowSelectionGets the selected indicies.
getSelectedProject() - Static method in class com.iizigo.ActivatorGets the currently selected project.
getSelectedProject(ISelection) - Static method in class com.iizigo.ActivatorGets the currently selected project.
getSelectedProps(ISelection) - Static method in class com.iizigo.ActivatorGets a list of all DesignerProp's in a selection that should be used in e.g.
getSelectedRadioComponent() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIRadioComponentGets the currently selected radio component in the group.
getSelectedRadioComponent(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIContainerGets the currently selected radio component in the group.
getSelectedRadioComponent(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIContainerGets the currently selected radio component in the group.
getSelectedRawGProps(ISelection) - Static method in class com.iizigo.ActivatorGets a list of all RAW GProp's without DesignerProp's in a selection that should be used in e.g.
getSelectedRectProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.screen.ScreenDesignerGets the currently selected properties for rectangles.
getSelectedResources() - Static method in class com.iizigo.ActivatorReturns the resource selection from the LocalSelectionTransfer.
getSelectedResources(ISelection) - Static method in class com.iizigo.ActivatorReturns the resource selection.
getSelectedResources(IStructuredSelection) - Static method in class com.iizigo.ActivatorReturns the resource selection.
getSelectedRowIndicies() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITableGets the selected row indicies for a selection table type.
getSelectedRows() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITableGets the selected rows for a selection table type.
getSelectedRows() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSRowsGets the rows that are selected.
getSelectedRows() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSTableGets the rows that are selected.
getSelection() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.MultiSelectionProviderReturns the current selection for this provider.
getSelection() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPartReturns the current selection for this provider.
getSelection() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.ReferencesViewReturns the current selection for this provider.
getSelection() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.SyntSelectionProviderReturns the current selection for this provider.
getSelection() - Method in class com.iizigo.handler.SelectionEnablerGets the selection.
getSelection() - Method in class the edited or created classpath container entry.
getSelection() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.ThemesCompositeGets the selected themes.
getSelection() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditorGroupInfoGets the current selection state.
getSelection() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.FlatToolbarButtonGets the current selection state when button is a toggle button.
getSelection() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCComboReturns a Point
whose x coordinate is the start of the selection in the receiver's text field, and whose y coordinate is the end of the selection.
getSelection() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0Returns a Point
whose x coordinate is the start of the selection in the receiver's text field, and whose y coordinate is the end of the selection.
getSelection() - Method in class com.iizix.api.ui.UISelectionEventGets the selection.
getSelection() - Method in interface com.iizix.IEntryGets the selection of the entry field, int[0] is the start, int[1] is the end position.
getSelection() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.content.AbstractContentUIContainerGets the current selection of the component.
getSelection() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.calendar.CalendarEvent getSelection() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUICheck2ComponentGets the current selection of the component.
getSelection() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUICheckComponentGets the current selection of the component.
getSelection() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIRadioComponentGets the current selection of the component.
getSelection() - Method in class the current selection of the component.
getSelection() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItemPropGets the current selection of the component.
getSelection() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUISelectionCompGets the current selection of the component.
getSelection() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TCellGets the selected item for a combobox.
getSelection() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITableGets the current selection of the component.
getSelection() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIAbstractListChoiceGets the current selection of the component.
getSelection() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIAccordionGets the current selection of the component.
getSelection() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISwapContainerGets the current selection of the component.
getSelection() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UITabContainerGets the current selection of the component.
getSelection() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UITitlePaneGets the current selection of the component.
getSelection() - Method in class com.iizix.swt.IzMenuItemReturns true
if the receiver is selected, and false otherwise.
getSelection(int[]) - Method in interface com.iizix.IEntryGets the selection of the entry field, int[0] is the start, int[1] is the end position.
getSelection(ISelection) - Static method in class the Java Elements from a selection.
getSelectionBaseProp(PropCnr) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.BaseReferencePropEditorGets the base property reference to use as selection root for a property container.
getSelectionBefore(ComplexOperation) - Method in interface com.iizigo.editor.complex.IComplexOperationSelectiongetSelectionBefore(ComplexOperation) - Method in class com.iizigo.text.TextTableEditorgetSelectionBefore(ComplexOperation) - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.TablePanelgetSelectionEnabler() - Method in interface com.iizigo.editor.IWorkbenchPartIZGets the selection enabler instance.
getSelectionEnabler() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPartGets the selection enabler instance.
getSelectionEnabler() - Method in class com.iizigo.handler.CommonActionsGets the selection enabler instance.
getSelectionEnabler() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.ServerConfigCompositeGets the selection enabler instance.
getSelectionEnabler() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.ServerConfigViewGets the selection enabler instance.
getSelectionEnabler() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.server.RemoteTerminalViewGets the selection enabler instance.
getSelectionEnabler() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.session.SessionsViewGets the selection enabler instance.
getSelectionEnabler() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.TerminalViewGets the selection enabler instance.
getSelectionField() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenActionPropGets the selection field.
getSelectionField() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenActionPropGets the selection field.
getSelectionIndex() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCComboReturns the zero-relative index of the item which is currently selected in the receiver's list, or -1 if no item is selected.
getSelectionIndex() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0Returns the zero-relative index of the item which is currently selected in the receiver's list, or -1 if no item is selected.
getSelectionLH() - Method in interface com.iizix.IEntryGets the selection of the entry field.
getSelectionListener() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.BaseEditorGets the selection listener.
getSelectionListenerHandler(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.content.AbstractContentUIContainerReturns the generic selection listener.
getSelectionListenerHandler(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.calendar.CalendarEvent getSelectionListenerHandler(boolean) - Method in class the generic selection listener.
getSelectionListenerHandler(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItemPropReturns the generic selection listener.
getSelectionListenerHandler(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.MUISwitchReturns the generic selection listener.
getSelectionListenerHandler(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUISelectionCompReturns the generic selection listener.
getSelectionListenerHandler(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITableReturns the generic selection listener.
getSelectionListenerHandler(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIAbstractListChoiceReturns the generic selection listener.
getSelectionListenerHandler(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIAccordionReturns the generic selection listener.
getSelectionListenerHandler(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICheckBoxReturns the generic selection listener.
getSelectionListenerHandler(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICheckedMenuItemReturns the generic selection listener.
getSelectionListenerHandler(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIRadioButtonReturns the generic selection listener.
getSelectionListenerHandler(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIRadioMenuItemReturns the generic selection listener.
getSelectionListenerHandler(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISwapContainerReturns the generic selection listener.
getSelectionListenerHandler(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UITabContainerReturns the generic selection listener.
getSelectionListenerHandler(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UITitlePaneReturns the generic selection listener.
getSelectionPath(StructuredViewer, DesignerProp) - Static method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropHelperFinds the selection path for a DesignerProp in a viewer.
getSelectionPath(StructuredViewer, DesignerProp, HashSet<Object>) - Static method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropHelperFinds the selection path for a DesignerProp in a viewer.
getSelectionPath(TreeViewer, Object) - Static method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropHelperFinds the selection path for a DesignerProp in a viewer.
getSelectionPropAtom() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.content.AbstractContentUIContainerReturns the selection property atom for verification of selection changes.
getSelectionPropAtom() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.calendar.CalendarEvent getSelectionPropAtom() - Method in class the selection property atom for verification of selection changes.
getSelectionPropAtom() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItemPropReturns the selection property atom for verification of selection changes.
getSelectionPropAtom() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.MUISwitchReturns the selection property atom for verification of selection changes.
getSelectionPropAtom() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUISelectionCompReturns the selection property atom for verification of selection changes.
getSelectionPropAtom() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITableReturns the selection property atom for verification of selection changes.
getSelectionPropAtom() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIAbstractListChoiceReturns the selection property atom for verification of selection changes.
getSelectionPropAtom() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIAccordionReturns the selection property atom for verification of selection changes.
getSelectionPropAtom() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICheckBoxReturns the selection property atom for verification of selection changes.
getSelectionPropAtom() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICheckedMenuItemReturns the selection property atom for verification of selection changes.
getSelectionPropAtom() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIRadioButtonReturns the selection property atom for verification of selection changes.
getSelectionPropAtom() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIRadioMenuItemReturns the selection property atom for verification of selection changes.
getSelectionPropAtom() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISwapContainerReturns the selection property atom for verification of selection changes.
getSelectionPropAtom() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UITabContainerReturns the selection property atom for verification of selection changes.
getSelectionPropAtom() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UITitlePaneReturns the selection property atom for verification of selection changes.
getSelectionPropName() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLCheckBoxReturns the IntProp property name used to set the selection to.
getSelectionPropName() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItemReturns the IntProp property name used to set the selection to.
getSelectionPropName() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLRadioButtonReturns the IntProp property name used to set the selection to.
getSelectionPropName() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSwitchReturns the IntProp property name used to set the selection to.
getSelectionState() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItemGets the selection state.
getSelectionString() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenActionPropGets the selection string.
getSelectionSupport() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ICodeItemsOwnerReturns the selection implementation if the owner supports it.
getSelectionSupport() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ICodeItemsOwnerSelectionSupportReturns the selection implementation if the owner supports it.
getSelectionType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.content.AbstractContentUIContainerGets the selection type of the component.
getSelectionType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.calendar.CalendarEvent getSelectionType() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUICheck2ComponentGets the selection type of the component.
getSelectionType() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUICheckComponentGets the selection type of the component.
getSelectionType() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIRadioComponentGets the selection type of the component.
getSelectionType() - Method in class the selection type of the component.
getSelectionType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItemPropGets the selection type of the component.
getSelectionType() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUISelectionCompGets the selection type of the component.
getSelectionType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITableGets the selection type.
getSelectionType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIAbstractListChoiceGets the selection type of the component.
getSelectionType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIAccordionGets the selection type of the component.
getSelectionType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISwapContainerGets the selection type of the component.
getSelectionType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UITabContainerGets the selection type of the component.
getSelectionType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UITitlePaneGets the selection type of the component.
getSelectionType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSTableGets the selection type.
getSelector() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ISelectorOwnerGets the Selector owned by this property container.
getSelector() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SelectorReferenceGets the Selector for this reference.
getSelectorExpression(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SelectorGets the selector expression.
getSelectorMatch(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.selector.DeviceMatchGenerate output for a User Agent with every possible selector match.
getSelectorModuleFolder() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleModelGets the module folder for selectors.
getSelectorRefactoredExpression(String, String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SelectorExpressionOutputs the expression reformatted used for Selector refactoring.
getSelectorReference() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ISelectorOwnerGets the Selector owned by this property container.
getSelectorReference() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ModuleAppGets the selector reference.
getSelectorReferences() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SelectorGets the target Selector references for this Selector.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorImageDefinitionGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorImagesDefinitionGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorStyledImageDefinitionGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.calendar.ECalendarEventGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.calendar.EUICalendarListGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.chart.EUIChartGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUIHeadingGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUISimpleDialogGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUISwitchGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUITabBarGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIAccordionGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIButtonGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICalendarGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICheckBoxGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICheckedMenuItemGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIComboBoxGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICompsGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIContainerGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIContextMenuGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIDateTimeGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIDialogGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIEmptyGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIGaugeGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIImageGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIImage2Gets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUILabelGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMediaGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuBarGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuItemGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuSeparatorGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIOutputGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIPanelGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIPanelPartGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIPanelPartCnrGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIProgressGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIRadioButtonGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIRadioMenuItemGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUISliderGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUISpinnerGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUISwapContainerGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITabContainerGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITextGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITextAreaGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITitlePaneGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMLGroupGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMListGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMLItemPropGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.table.EUITableGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.table.EUITableColumnGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in interface com.iizigo.prop.editor.IExtendsSelectionGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.selector.prop.EditorSelectorGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenActionsPropGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenFieldsPropGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropDialogTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVirtualSpaceGets the title for selection dialog.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorImageDefinitionGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorImagesDefinitionGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorStyledImageDefinitionGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.calendar.ECalendarEventGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.calendar.EUICalendarListGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.chart.EUIChartGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUIHeadingGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUISimpleDialogGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUISwitchGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUITabBarGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIAccordionGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIButtonGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICalendarGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICheckBoxGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICheckedMenuItemGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIComboBoxGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICompsGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIContainerGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIContextMenuGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIDateTimeGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIDialogGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIEmptyGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIGaugeGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIImageGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIImage2Gets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUILabelGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMediaGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuBarGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuItemGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuSeparatorGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIOutputGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIPanelGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIPanelPartGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIPanelPartCnrGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIProgressGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIRadioButtonGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIRadioMenuItemGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUISliderGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUISpinnerGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUISwapContainerGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITabContainerGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITextGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITextAreaGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITitlePaneGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMLGroupGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMListGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMLItemPropGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.table.EUITableGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.table.EUITableColumnGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in interface com.iizigo.prop.editor.IExtendsSelectionGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.selector.prop.EditorSelectorGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenActionsPropGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenFieldsPropGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSelectPropViewerFilter() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVirtualSpaceGets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
getSender() - Method in class com.iizix.event.GEventGets the current sender of the event.
getSendKey() - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostKeyEventGets the send key value, 0x1000 for right side, 0x2000 for Shift, 0x4000 for Control and 0x8000 for Alt.
getSendKey() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenActionPropGets the send key.
getSendKey(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.term.HostSendKeysGets a HLLAPI send string from a string.
getSendKeyDescription() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenActionPropGets the send key description.
getSendKeyDescription(int) - Static method in class com.iizix.term.HostSendKeysGets the Send Key description.
getSendKeyFromPhantomIndex(int) - Static method in class com.iizix.term.HostSendKeysGet host send key from send key index.
getSendKeyIndex(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.term.HostSendKeysGets a key index from a HLLAPI send string.
getSendKeys() - Method in class com.iizix.term.KeyboardRemapperAugmentationGets the send keys for all the augmentation keys assigned on a particular key.
getSendKeys(int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.KeyboardRemapperGets the send keys for all the augmentation keys assigned on a particular key.
getSendTransaction(ITransactionCreator) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropMgrGets a transaction for sending.
getSequenceNumber() - Static method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.TXPidFactoryGets the value of the next sequence nr
getSeries() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.UIChartGets all defined series.
getSeries(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.UIChartGets a series by name.
getSeriesType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.SeriesGets the series type.
getSeriesType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.SeriesValueGets the value as a series type.
getSeriesTypes() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotTypeGets the possible series type for the plot type.
getServer() - Method in class com.iizigo.webserver.InternalWebServerGets the Integrated Jetty Server instance.
getServer() - Method in class com.iizix.server.AbstractEndPointGets the server.
getServer() - Method in class com.iizix.server.client.ClientEndPointGets the server instance.
getServer() - Method in class com.iizix.server.client.FailedReconnectClientEndPointGets the server instance.
getServer() - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyroGets the server of this session.
getServer() - Method in interface com.iizix.server.IEndPointGets the server instance.
getServer() - Method in class com.iizix.server.vsviewer.VSViewerEndPointGets the server instance.
getServerApplicationSetup() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerPluginConfigGets the configuration setup's for this plug-in configuration.
getServerApplicationSetup(String) - Method in class the configuration setup's for a plug-in with specified ID.
getServerApplicationSetup(String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerConfigEnvPropsGets the configuration setup's for a plug-in with specified ID.
getServerApplicationSetupInstances(PropCnr) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.PluginActivatorQueries for instances of the IServerApplicationSetup required.
getServerApplicationSetupInstances(PropCnr) - Method in class com.iizigo.plugin.PluginDescriptorQueries for instances of the IServerApplicationSetup required.
getServerApplicationSetupInstances(PropCnr) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.PluginActivatorQueries for instances of the IServerApplicationSetup required.
getServerApplicationSetupInstances(PropCnr) - Method in interface com.iizix.server.prop.IServerApplicationSetupProviderQueries for instances of the IServerApplicationSetup required.
getServerAuthentication() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SSLCommPropsGets server authentication globally.
getServerAuthenticationCallback() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SSLCommPropsGets server authentication using callback interface com.iizix.nio.ICertificateUI
getServerAuthenticationCertificates() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SSLCommPropsGets the Server Authentication certificates.
getServerAuthenticationDeploymentInfo() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SSLCommPropsGets server authentication using the JRE deployment information.
getServerConfigEnvironment() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerConfigEnvReferenceGets the Server configuration environment for this reference.
getServerConfigEnvironment(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.server.config.EditorServerSettingsGets the configuration environment of a name.
getServerConfigEnvironment(String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettingsGets the configuration environment of a name.
getServerConfigEnvironments() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.config.EditorServerSettingsGets the array of configuration environments present.
getServerConfigEnvironments() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettingsGets the array of configuration environments present.
getServerConfigEnvProps() - Method in class the server configuration environment properties for the current environment name.
getServerConfigFile() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.ServerConfigCompositeGets the Server Configuration file instance.
getServerConfigFile() - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShellGets the Server Config File.
getServerConfigurationEnvironment() - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyroGets the selected Server configuration environment for the Application Session.
getServerCoreAndPluginClasspath() - Static method in class com.iizigo.plugin.PluginManagerGets the classpath entries used for the Server and all the core plug-ins (Database, WebServices, Terminal and other registered plugins).
getServerDatabaseReady() - Static method in class com.iizix.server.db.DBUtilitiesReturns whether the Server internal database is ready for use, i.e.
getServerDirectory() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.config.EditorServerAppConfigGets the base server directory (current directory for server).
getServerDirectory() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerAppConfigGets the base server directory (current directory for server).
getServerEnv() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ClientPropsGets the server environment properties.
getServerEnv() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.EnvPropsGets the server environment properties.
getServerEnv() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerPropsGets the server environment properties.
getServerEnvironmentName() - Method in class the Server environment for the application.
getServerEnvironmentName() - Method in class the name of the server environment to use, e.g.
getServerHost() - Static method in class com.iizix.server.db.DBUtilitiesGets the Derby network database server host name for connections.
getServerID() - Method in class com.iizix.db.server.DescriptorGets the ID of the plug-in, e.g.
getServerID() - Method in interface com.iizix.IPluginDescriptorGets the ID of the plug-in, e.g.
getServerID() - Method in class com.iizix.term.server.DescriptorGets the ID of the plug-in, e.g.
getServerID() - Method in class the ID of the plug-in, e.g.
getServerKey() - Method in class the key to use for encryption.
getServerLogger() - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShellGets the server logger instance.
getServerPort() - Static method in class com.iizix.jdbc.DerbyImplGets the server port being used.
getServerPort() - Static method in class com.iizix.server.db.DBUtilitiesGets the Derby network database server port for connections.
getServerProperties() - Method in interface com.iizix.server.IServerGets the Server Properties.
getServerProperties() - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShellGets the Server Properties.
getServerPropertyFactory() - Static method in class com.iizigo.ActivatorGets the Server property factory.
getServerPublicKey() - Method in class com.iizix.server.client.DHKeyGets the Server's public key.
getServerReadMessageTimeout() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.WebSocketCommPropsGets the maximum reply timeout for a complete message from the server, before the connection is closed.
getServerReadMessageTimeout() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.WebSocketServerCommPropsGets the maximum reply timeout for a complete message from the server, before the connection is closed.
getServerSessionID() - Method in class com.iizix.server.AbstractEndPointGets the Server Session ID.
getServerSessionID() - Method in class com.iizix.server.client.ClientEndPointGets the Server Session ID.
getServerSessionID() - Method in class com.iizix.server.client.FailedReconnectClientEndPointGets the Server Session ID.
getServerSessionID() - Method in interface com.iizix.server.IEndPointGets the Server Session ID.
getServerSessionID() - Method in class com.iizix.server.vsviewer.VSViewerEndPointGets the Server Session ID.
getServerSettings() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerPropsGets the container for server settings.
getServerSettings() - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShellGets the container for server settings.
getServerState() - Static method in class com.iizix.jdbc.DerbyImplGets the state of the Derby network server.
getServerThreadGroup() - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShellGets the ThreadGroup for the server.
getService() - Method in class com.iizix.server.oauth.OAuthSessionReturns the service for the session.
getServiceName() - Method in interface com.iizix.comm.oauth.IOAuthServiceGets the service name of the authentication provider, e.g.
getSession() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.session.SessionTransMgrGets the session.
getSession() - Method in class com.iizix.nio.SSLCommLayerGets the SSL session.
getSessionID() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.session.SessionIDGets the session identifier.
getSessionID() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.session.SessionTransMgrGets the session identifier.
getSessionID() - Method in class com.iizix.SessionInfoGets the session ID.
getSessionID() - Method in class com.iizix.user.SessionUserIdentifierGets the session ID.
getSessionIDs() - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.UserSessionsGets the session ID's for this user.
getSessionInfo() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.TerminalDesignerPropGets the SessionInfo.
getSessionInfo() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.client.ClientInstanceGets the session information instance.
getSessionInfo() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.session.SessionIDGets the session info.
getSessionInfo() - Method in class com.iizix.server.AbstractEndPointGets the SessionInfo for this end point.
getSessionInfo() - Method in class com.iizix.server.client.ClientEndPointGets the SessionInfo for this end point.
getSessionInfo() - Method in class com.iizix.server.client.FailedReconnectClientEndPointGets the SessionInfo for this end point.
getSessionInfo() - Method in interface com.iizix.server.IEndPointGets the SessionInfo for this end point.
getSessionInfo() - Method in class com.iizix.server.vsviewer.VSViewerEndPointGets the SessionInfo for this end point.
getSessionInfo() - Static method in class com.iizix.SessionInfoTries to extract the SessionInfo from the current thread or the thread group.
getSessionInfo() - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostSessionGets the current SessionInfo.
getSessionInfo() - Method in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionOwnerGets the SessionInfo.
getSessionInfo() - Method in class com.iizix.term.remote.RemoteHostSessionGets the SessionInfo.
getSessionInfo() - Method in class com.iizix.term.server.TerminalHostGets the SessionInfo.
getSessionInfo() - Method in class com.iizix.virtual.ThreadDataGets the session information data.
getSessionInfo() - Method in class com.iizix.WorkerGet the SessionInfo from the Worker.
getSessionInfoFBTS() - Static method in class com.iizix.SessionInfoTries to extract the SessionInfo from the current thread or the thread group.
getSessionInstance() - Static method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IAppSessionGyroGets the runtime application instance for the current thread in a client session.
getSessionInstance() - Static method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IClientSessionGyroGets the runtime application instance for the current thread in a client session.
getSessionInstance() - Static method in class the runtime application instance for the current thread in a client session.
getSessionInstance() - Static method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyroGets the AppSessionGyro instance for the current thread in an application session.
getSessionInstance() - Static method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyroGets the runtime application instance for the current thread in a client session.
getSessionInstance() - Static method in interface com.iizix.server.IEndPointGets the runtime application instance for the current thread in a client session.
getSessionInstance(SessionInfo) - Static method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IAppSessionGyroGets the runtime application instance for the current thread in a client session.
getSessionInstance(SessionInfo) - Static method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IClientSessionGyroGets the runtime application instance for the current thread in a client session.
getSessionInstance(SessionInfo) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyroGets the AppSessionGyro instance for the current thread in a client session.
getSessionInstance(SessionInfo) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyroGets the runtime application instance for the current thread in a client session.
getSessionMode() - Method in class com.iizix.test.client.NonUIClientGets the session mode.
getSessionName() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorTerminalPropsGets the session name of this property for the screen editor.
getSessions() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.project.TerminalModelGets all EE screens.
getSessions() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorSessionsPropGets all sessions.
getSessions() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.SessionsPropGets all sessions.
getSessionsContainer() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.PluginActivatorGets the Sessions property container.
getSessionState() - Method in class the current session state.
getSessionState() - Method in class com.iizix.term.EmptyHostSessionGets the current session state.
getSessionState() - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostSessionGets the host session state.
getSessionState() - Method in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionPeerGets the current session state.
getSessionState() - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn3270e.HostSession3270Gets the current session state.
getSessionState() - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn5250e.HostSession5250Gets the current session state.
getSessionStatistics() - Method in interface com.iizix.comm.session.ISessionStatisticsGets the statistics instance of the session.
getSessionStatistics() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.session.SessionIDGets the statistics instance of the session.
getSessionStatistics() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.session.SessionTransMgrGets the statistics instance of the session.
getSessionStatistics() - Method in class com.iizix.test.client.NonUIClientGets the statistics instance of the session.
getSessionsView(boolean) - Static method in class com.iizigo.term.session.SessionsViewGets the SessionView.
getSessionUserIdentifier() - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IAppSessionGyroGets the SessionUserIdentifier.
getSessionUserIdentifier() - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyroGets the SessionUserIdentifier.
getSet() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StringSetPropGets the synchronized Set<String>.
getSettings() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleModelGets the Module Project Settings.
getSettings() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.FolderPropCnrGets the settings container for the folder.
getSettings() - Static method in class com.iizigo.prop.StarredAdaptiveGets the settings to save.
getSettings() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.ServerConfigCompositeGets the settings.
getSettings() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.ServerConfigFileGets the Server configuration settings.
getSettings() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.TerminalGets the Settings container.
getSettings() - Method in interface com.iizix.actionactor.IActionActorSettingsReceiverGets the settings container.
getSettings() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.FolderURIPropCnrGets the settings container for the folder.
getSettings() - Method in class the settings.
getSettings() - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.AbstractActionActorTXPNodeGets the settings container.
getSettings(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ModuleProjectSettingsGets or creates the settings container of the specified name.
getSettingsContainer() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenPropGets the settings container.
getSetupPropertyContainers(PropCnr) - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ConnectionProfilesSetupGets the list of property containers that describes the setup required.
getSetupPropertyContainers(PropCnr) - Method in interface com.iizix.server.prop.IServerApplicationSetupGets the list of property containers that describes the setup required.
getSetupPropertyContainers(PropCnr) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.SessionsPropGets the list of property containers that describes the setup required.
getSeverity() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.BaseEditorThe error severity.
getSeverity() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.ContainerListenerGets the severity.
getSeverity() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.EditedPropControllerGets the error severity.
getSeverity() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropErrorItemGets the severity.
getSeverity() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropErrorGets the maximum severity of this property error instance.
getSeverity() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropErrorItemGets the severity.
getSeverity(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.EditedPropControllerGets the error severity.
getShape() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSwitchGets the switch shape.
getSharedAST(ITypeRoot) - Static method in class to get a shared AST.
getShell() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPartGets the shell.
getShell() - Method in class com.iizigo.handler.CommonHandlerGets the shell.
getShell() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.BaseEditorGets the shell.
getShell() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropUndoRedoAdapterGets the shell.
getShell() - Method in class com.iizigo.ssl.CertificateUIGets the shell, can be overridden to provide a shell.
getShell() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCComboGets the shell of the combobox.
getShell() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0 getShell() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropUndoRedoGets the shell.
getShortCSS() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.device.UIThemes.NameGets the short path names of the theme CSS files array that is needed for the theme in question.
getShortCSS(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.device.UIThemesGets the short path names of the theme CSS files array that is needed for the theme in question.
getShortenedClassName(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILogGets the shortened name of a class.
getShortenedClassName(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILogGets the shortened name of a class.
getShortestDouble(double) - Static method in class com.iizix.UtilitiesFormats a double in the shortest possible way (keeping 0.
getShortName() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.project.EESessionGets the short name of the session, i.e.
getShowButtons() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISliderGets the show buttons option.
getSignature(Object) - Method in interface com.iizix.license.IGenericLicenseSystemReturns the license system signature.
getSignedInUser() - Method in interface com.iizix.license.IGenericLicenseSystemGets the signed in user.
getSigninResult() - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.UserAuthenticationInfoGets the result of the user authentication.
getSigninResult() - Method in interface com.iizix.user.IUserAuthenticationInfoGets the result of the user authentication.
getSimpleMap() - Static method in class com.iizix.selector.LanguageMatchGets the map of simple languages with the Language Codes in its proper character case.
getSimpleMapLowerCase() - Static method in class com.iizix.selector.LanguageMatchGets the map of simple languages with the Language Codes in LOWER CASE.
getSimpleNamedType(String) - Static method in class a Type from a String such as "PropRef" or "VSAction", i.e.
getSimpleSignature(IMethodBinding) - Method in class the signature of a method or constructor.
getSimpleSignature(IMethodBinding, ParsedJavaSource) - Static method in class the signature of a method or constructor.
getSimpleSignature(IMethod) - Static method in class the signature of a method.
getSimpleSignature(IMethod) - Method in class the signature of a method.
getSingleIndexedSelection() - Method in class com.iizix.api.ui.UISelectionEventGets the selection as a single indexed selection.
getSingleIndexedSource() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUISingleIndexedSelectionGet the source component of the event.
getSingleIndexedSource() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.RadioSelectionGet the source component of the event.
getSingleIndexedSource() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.SingleIndexSelectionGet the source component of the event.
getSingleVariableDeclaration(ILocalVariable) - Static method in class - Static method in class - Method in class com.iizix.server.weblogos.WebLogoGets the Website of the logo.
getSite() - Method in class com.iizix.server.webthumbs.WebThumbnailGets the Website of the thumbnail.
getSize() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.ImageInfoGets the size.
getSize() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.FontInfoThe font size with unit as in CSS, e.g.
getSize() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.FilePropCnrReturns the size of the resource in bytes.
getSize() - Method in interface com.iizix.IFontInfoGets the font size with unit as in CSS.
getSize() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.FileURIPropCnrReturns the size of the resource in bytes.
getSize() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.font.FontFilePreloadClientCacheResourceReturns the size of the resource in bytes.
getSize() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GGradientGets the size of a radial gradient (1-4096).
getSize() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PreloadClientCacheResourceReturns the size of the resource in bytes.
getSize() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SizePropGets the current value set as a GSize.
getSize() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICompReturns the size of the component in pixels.
getSize(LastVerified) - Static method in class com.iizigo.image.ImageHelperGets the size string.
getSize(String) - Method in class com.iizix.util.IniFileGets number of elements in a section.
getSizeString(IFile) - Static method in class com.iizigo.image.ImageHelperHelper to get the size of a file.
getSlideDuration() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISliderGets slide duration option (in milliseconds).
getSmallDisplayIcon() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.color.DefaultSwatchChooserPanel getSocketAddress() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.TransactionCommReturns the remote address to which this channel's socket is connected.
getSocketAddress() - Method in class com.iizix.jetty.InternalWebSocketReturns the remote address to which this channel's socket is connected.
getSocketAddress() - Method in interface com.iizix.nio.IWebSocketCommReturns the remote address to which this channel's socket is connected.
getSocketAddress() - Method in class com.iizix.nio.SocketCommNIOReturns the remote address to which this channel's socket is connected.
getSocketAddress() - Method in class com.iizix.nio.WebSocketCommNIOReturns the remote address to which this channel's socket is connected.
getSocketCommNIO() - Method in class com.iizix.term.comm.TelnetCommGets the NIO Socket Communication instance.
getSomeShell() - Static method in class com.iizigo.ActivatorGets a shell.
getSortByCategory() - Method in class com.iizigo.navigator.ViewerComparatorGets sorting by category.
getSortedSelectedDevices(boolean) - Static method in class com.iizigo.panel.UIDevicesGet a list of all selected devices, sorted by names.
getSource() - Method in class com.iizigo.event.QueryJavaReferenceGets the property.
getSource() - Method in class com.iizigo.event.QueryPropReferenceGets the property.
getSource() - Method in class com.iizix.api.BaseEventGets the property that is the source of the event.
getSource() - Method in class com.iizix.api.ui.UIActionEventGets the UI component Action that is the source of the event.
getSource() - Method in class com.iizix.api.ui.UIBackEventGets the UI panel that is the source of the event.
getSource() - Method in class com.iizix.api.ui.UIConnectEventGets the UI component that is the source, always a
getSource() - Method in class com.iizix.api.ui.UICreateEventGets the UI component created.
getSource() - Method in class com.iizix.api.ui.UIDestroyEventGets the UI component destroyed.
getSource() - Method in class com.iizix.api.ui.UIFocusEventGets the UI component that is the source of the event, i.e.
getSource() - Method in class com.iizix.api.ui.UISelectionEventGets the UI component that is the source of the event.
getSource() - Method in class com.iizix.api.ui.UITextChangeEventGets the UI component that is the source of the event, i.e.
getSource() - Method in class com.iizix.api.ui.UIValueChangeEventGets the UI component that is the source of the event, i.e.
getSource() - Method in class com.iizix.api.vs.VSActionEventGets the VirtualSpace Action that is the source of the event.
getSource() - Method in class com.iizix.api.vs.VSCreateEventGets the VirtualSpace or its created component.
getSource() - Method in class com.iizix.api.vs.VSDestroyEventGets the VirtualSpace or its destroyed component.
getSource() - Method in class com.iizix.api.vs.VSFieldEventGets the VirtualSpace Field that is the source of the event.
getSource() - Method in class com.iizix.api.vs.VSFocusEventGets the VirtualSpace item that is the source of the event, i.e.
getSource() - Method in class com.iizix.api.vs.VSStateEventGets the VirtualSpace item that is the source of the event, i.e.
getSource() - Method in class com.iizix.event.GEventGets the source of the event.
getSource() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.BooleanSelectionGet the source component of the event.
getSource() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.CellSelectionGet the source component of the event.
getSource() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUISelectionGet the source component of the event.
getSource() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.MultipleIndiciesSelectionGet the source component of the event.
getSource() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.NoSelectionGet the source component of the event.
getSource() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.RadioSelectionGet the source component of the event.
getSource() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.SingleIndexSelectionGet the source component of the event.
getSource() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.TriStateSelectionGet the source component of the event.
getSource() - Method in class the source VS field.
getSource() - Method in class the source VS field.
getSource() - Method in class the source VS group.
getSource() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringGets the source of the KString.
getSourceEnd() - Method in class the end position of the problem (inclusive), or -1 if unknown.
getSourceEndPosition() - Method in interface com.iizix.text.IKStringHTMLHyperlinkGets the ending position of this tag in the source string.
getSourceEndPosition() - Method in interface com.iizix.text.IKStringTextTagGets the ending position of this tag in the source string.
getSourceEndPosition() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringTagGets the ending position of this tag in the source string.
getSourceFieldReference() - Method in class the source field reference.
getSourceFieldReference() - Method in class the source field reference.
getSourceFile() - Method in class the ".java" source file for PARSED.
getSourceFolders(IJavaProject) - Static method in class the list of the Java Source folders for a Java project.
getSourceGroupReference() - Method in class the source group reference.
getSourceLength() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringTagGets the length of this tag in the source string.
getSourceLineNumber() - Method in class the line number in source where the problem begins.
getSourcePosition() - Method in interface com.iizix.text.IKStringHTMLHyperlinkGets the source position of this tag in the source string.
getSourcePosition() - Method in interface com.iizix.text.IKStringTextTagGets the source position of this tag in the source string.
getSourcePosition() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringTagGets the source position of this tag in the source string.
getSourceProperties() - Method in class the source properties.
getSourceResolver() - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShellGets the source file resolver.
getSources() - Method in class the source.
getSources(Class<T>) - Method in class the source adapted to the requested class.
getSources(String, BufferedReader, List<String>, List<String>, List<String>, Map<String, String>) - Method in class the JavaScript and CSS sources required for a HTML file.
getSources(String, List<String>, List<String>, List<String>) - Method in class the JavaScript and CSS sources required for a HTML file.
getSourceStart() - Method in class the start position of the problem (inclusive), or -1 if unknown.
getSourceViewer() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.editor.CustomSQLBuilderGets the source viewer.
getSourceViewer() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.editor.CustomSQLSourceViewerGets the source viewer.
getSpeechRecognition() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.EnvPropsGets the speech recognition instance.
getSpeechSynthesis() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.EnvPropsGets the speech synthesis instance.
getSQLBuilder() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.editor.DatabaseEditorGets the instance of the SQL Builder.
getSQLDataType() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.InputVariableGets the SQL data type.
getSQLDataType() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ResultSetColumnPropGets the SQL data type.
getSQLDataTypeString() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.InputVariableGets the SQL data type string.
getSQLDataTypeString() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ResultSetColumnPropGets the SQL data type string.
getSQLDataTypeString(int) - Static method in class com.iizix.db.SQLDataTypesHelperGets the SQL data type string for its value.
getSQLInput() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.editor.CustomSQLSourceViewerGets the SQL statement from the text field, without parsing, etc.
getSQLStatement() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.DatabasePropsGets the SQL statement.
getSQLStatements() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.editor.CustomExecuteAction getSQLTime() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.value.IUITimeValueComponentGets the time as an SQL Time.
getSQLType() - Method in class com.iizix.ValueGets the default SQL type for this Value type.
getSQLType() - Method in enum class com.iizix.Value.TypeGets the default SQL type for this Type.
getSQLTypeName(int) - Static method in class com.iizix.ValueReturns the String of the given SQL
getSSLCommLayer() - Method in class com.iizix.nio.SocketCommNIOGets the SSL communication layer.
getSSLProperties() - Method in class com.iizix.test.client.NonUIClientGets the SSL properties for this instance.
getStackTrace(Throwable) - Static method in class com.iizix.UtilitiesAfter an exception, call this method to get the stack trace.
getStackTraceAsString() - Method in exception class com.iizix.gyro.GyroException getStackTraceAsString(Throwable) - Static method in exception class com.iizix.gyro.GyroException getStarredAdaptiveSettings() - Method in class com.iizigo.PreferenceGets the settings for the StarredAdaptive class.
getStart() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GGradientGets the start (0-7 for linear, 0-8 for radial).
getStartDate() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICalendarGets the start date for the calendar component UI.
getStartOnBoot() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.BackgroundLocationConfiguration[Android Only] Start background service on device boot.
getStartTime() - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShellGets the server's start time (not the creation time).
getStartTime() - Method in class com.iizix.timeout.engine.TimeoutTaskGets the starting time.
getStartTime() - Method in interface com.iizix.timeout.ITimerTaskGets the starting time.
getStartTime() - Method in class com.iizix.WorkerTaskGets the time in milliseconds (System.currentTimeMillis) when the task was started.
getState() - Static method in class the current state.
getState() - Method in class com.iizix.api.vs.VSStateEventReturns the state that changed.
getState() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.client.ClientInstanceGets the state as a String.
getState() - Method in interface com.iizix.comm.IPortControllerReturns the state of the connector.
getState() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.ServerSocketCommGets the state of the connection.
getState() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.statistics.SessionConnectionStatisticsGets the session state, when not the "last" connection, it indicates the last state of this connection.
getState() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.TransactionCommGets the state of the connection.
getState() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.WebSocketServerCommGets the state of the server socket.
getState() - Method in class com.iizix.device.DeviceParameterGets the state of the device parameter.
getState() - Method in class com.iizix.nio.SocketCommNIOGets the state of the connection.
getState() - Method in class com.iizix.nio.WebSocketCommNIOGets the state of the connection.
getState() - Method in class com.iizix.push.PushNotificationEventGets the notification event type.
getState() - Method in interface com.iizix.server.IServerGets the state of the server.
getState() - Method in class com.iizix.server.oauth.OAuthSessionGets the state string that uniquely identifies the session in the server.
getState() - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShellGets the server state.
getState() - Method in class com.iizix.server.weblogos.WebLogoGets the state of the logo process.
getState() - Method in class com.iizix.server.webthumbs.WebThumbnailGets the state of the thumbnail process.
getState() - Method in class com.iizix.term.comm.TelnetCommGets the state of the connection.
getState() - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.AbstractTXPNodeGets the current state of the node.
getState() - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.TXProcessImpl getState() - Method in interface com.iizix.txp.ITXPNodeReturns the state of the node.
getState() - Method in interface com.iizix.txp.ITXProcessGet the state of this process.
getState() - Method in class com.iizix.WorkerTaskChecks the current task state.
getStateLocationFile(String) - Static method in class com.iizigo.ActivatorGets a file in the state location area.
getStateMask() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StylesGets the defined style bit mask value.
getStatementType() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.DatabasePropsGets the statement type.
getStatesCSS() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.image.FontIconDefinitionGets the state CSS'es for Normal, RTL, Disable, Press, Select, Focus, Hover and Capture.
getStatesCSS() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.image.FontIconsDefinitionGets the state CSS'es for RTL, Disable, Press, Select, Focus, Hover and Capture.
getStateString(int, String) - Static method in class com.iizix.term.HostStateGet the string for the host session state and flags.
getStateString(int, String, PropCnr) - Static method in class com.iizix.term.HostStateGet the string for the host session state and flags.
getStateValue() - Method in class com.iizix.api.vs.VSStateEventReturns the state value that changed.
getStationaryRadius() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.BackgroundLocationConfigurationStationary radius in meters.
getStatistics() - Method in class com.iizix.jetty.RunConfigurationWebServerGets the web server statistics as a HTML string.
getStatistics() - Method in class - Method in class com.iizix.server.client.ClientEndPointReturns the session statistics.
getStatistics() - Method in class com.iizix.server.client.FailedReconnectClientEndPointReturns the session statistics.
getStatisticsSnapshot() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.session.SessionTransMgrGets the statistics as a snapshot.
getStatisticsSnapshot() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.statistics.SessionStatisticsClones this instance.
getStatus() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PasteFeedbackGets a status out of the feed-back.
getStopOnTerminate() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.BackgroundLocationConfigurationEnable this in order to force a stop() when the application terminated (e.g.
getStorePassword(String, String) - Method in class com.iizigo.ssl.CertificateUIGets the password for a certificate store.
getStorePassword(String, String) - Method in interface com.iizix.comm.ICertificateUIGets the password for a certificate store.
getString() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.CodeItemImplGets the item text as a String.
getString() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GColorGets the color as a String in the form described below.
getString() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GDateTimeGets the date/time as a String depending on the the instance type of, i.e.
getString() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GFillGets the fill as a String in the form described below.
getString() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GFontGets the font as a String in the form described below.
getString() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GGradientGets the color as a String in the form described below.
getString() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GGradient.SwatchGets the color as a String in the form described below.
getString() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GStrokeGets the stroke as a String in the form described below.
getString() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GUnitGets the String representation of the bounds as "value type".
getString() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ICodeItemGets the item text as a String.
getString() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.KStringPropGets the current value in PLAIN text format as a String.
getString() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SelectorExpression.TokenDataFormats the token to a string for an expression output.
getString() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StringPropGets the current value set as a String.
getString() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.GSeriesValueGets the fill as a String in the form described below.
getString() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TCellConverts the contents to a string, just the textual plain contents or the check state, or selected state.
getString(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StringArrayPropGets a string from a specific index in the array.
getString(Atom) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets a string property from this property container.
getString(Atom) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets a string property from this property container.
getString(Atom, String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets a string property from this property container.
getString(Atom, String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets a string property from this property container.
getString(Object, Value.Type, String, LocaleInfo) - Static method in class com.iizix.ValueGets the value as a String with the specified pattern formatter string.
getString(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.MementoPropAdapterReturns the string value of the given key.
getString(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.MementoPropCnrReturns the string value of the given key.
getString(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditorSetupGets the localized string from a resource bundle.
getString(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.MessagesGets the localized string from a resource bundle.
getString(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets a string property from this property container.
getString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.KStringPropGets the current value in PLAIN text format as a String using defaultValue
for an uninitialized value.
getString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets a string property from this property container.
getString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StringPropGets the current value set as a String using defaultValue
for an uninitialized value.
getString(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.selector.IInfoProviderGets a string with the specified ID.
getString(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.MessagesGets the localized string from a resource bundle.
getString(String, LocaleInfo) - Method in class com.iizix.ValueGets the value as a String with the specified pattern formatter string.
getString(String, Object...) - Static method in class com.iizix.MessagesGets the localized string from a resource bundle.
getString(String, String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropCnrGets a string property from this property container.
getString(String, String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets a string property from this property container.
getString(String, String) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.MessagesGets the localized string from a resource bundle.
getString(IResourceDelta) - Static method in class com.iizigo.project.BuildResourceFormats a string for flags of IResourceDelta kind, type and flags as ", replaced, ...".
getStringAbsolute(int, int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostScreenGets a text string from host at an absolute position on the screen.
getStringAbsolute(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostScreenGets a text string from host at an absolute position on the screen.
getStringArrayContainer() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IStringArrayContainerGets the target implementor of the interface.
getStringArrayContainer() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIAbstractListChoiceGets the target implementor of the interface.
getStringContents() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TableComboGets the contents as strings.
getStringFromPath(String) - Method in class the String reply data with specified path.
getStringMapAsStringArray(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StringMapPropGets the StringMap as a sorted String array with strings as "name [delimiter] value".
getStringRelative(int, int, int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostScreenGets a text string from host at a relative position.
getStringRelative(int, int, int, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostScreenGets a text string from host at a relative position.
getStringType() - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostSessionGets the type of session as a String (3270, 5250, EE [when not connected], EE-3270 or EE-5250 [when EE is connected]).
getStringValue(Annotation, String) - Static method in class the member value with the given member name from the
as a
getStringValue(IAnnotation, String) - Static method in class the member value with the given member name from the
as a
getStringWidth(KString) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.FontInfoGets the string width of the specified unwrapped string (no line breaks).
getStringWidth(KString) - Method in interface com.iizix.IFontInfoGets the string width of the specified unwrapped string.
getStroke() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GStrokeGets the AWT stroke of dash phase zero.
getStroke() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StrokePropGets the current value set as an GStroke.
getStrongCipher() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SSLCommPropsGets strong cipher encryption requirement, 128 bits or more.
getStyle() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.FontInfoThe font style as in CSS, e.g.
getStyle() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCComboGets the combobox style.
getStyle() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0 getStyle() - Method in class com.iizix.gyro.StatusBarConfigGets the style.
getStyle() - Method in interface com.iizix.IFontInfoGets the font style as in CSS.
getStyle() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.font.FontConsumedGets the style.
getStyle() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TCellGets the style.
getStyleCSS(int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.image.IFontIconStyleReturns the default CSS to use for the specific style for this font icon definition.
getStyledText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.RawTextEditorCompositeGets the styled text editor.
getStyledText(Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.navigator.LabelProviderReturns the styled text label for the given element
getStyleModuleFolder() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleModelGets the module folder for styles.
getStyleRanges(EditorSelector) - Method in class com.iizigo.selector.prop.EditorSelectorExpressionBuilds style ranges for the StyledText control.
getStyles() - Method in interface com.iizix.IComponentGets the styles container.
getStyles() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICompGets the Styles property.
getStyles(boolean) - Method in class the styles as a list of CSS styles.
getStyles(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICompGets the Styles property.
getStylesFontFiles() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleModelGets the fonts installed in this module project.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.calendar.ECalendarEventThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.calendar.EUICalendarListThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.chart.EUIChartThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUIHeadingThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUISimpleDialogThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUISwitchThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUITabBarThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIAccordionThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIButtonThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICalendarThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICheckBoxThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICheckedMenuItemThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIComboBoxThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIContainerThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIContextMenuThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIDateTimeThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIDialogThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIEmptyThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIGaugeThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIImageThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIImage2The name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUILabelThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMediaThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuBarThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuItemThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuSeparatorThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIOutputThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIPanelThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIPanelPartThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIPanelPartCnrThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIProgressThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIRadioButtonThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIRadioMenuItemThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUISliderThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUISpinnerThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUISwapContainerThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITabContainerThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITextThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITextAreaThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITitlePaneThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMLGroupThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMListThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMLItemPropThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.table.EUITableThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.table.EUITableColumnThe name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStylesName(EditorStyles) - Method in interface name of this styles property for the common navigator.
getStyleString() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorImageStyleGets the type string.
getStyleTagText() - Method in class com.iizigo.text.KStringInfoProviderAdapterGets the additional styles tags that need to be in the "head" of the html in order for FontFace text to provide font-face support.
getSubject() - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.AbstractPushService getSubjectBased() - Static method in enum class com.iizix.urn.URNResourceTypeGets the subject based file types.
getSubOperations() - Method in class the sub-operations for the operation.
getSubOperations() - Method in class the sub-VSLinkInfo's.
getSubProgressMonitors() - Method in class com.iizix.PropProgressMonitorGets the submonitors that have been created for this progress monitor.
getSubPropertyName(IGProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizigo.actionactor.ActionActorDesignerPropGet the name of a sub-property.
getSubPropertyName(IGProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.DesignerPropGet the name of a sub-property.
getSubPropertyName(IGProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.ScreenDesignerPropGet the name of a sub-property.
getSubProtocol() - Method in class com.iizix.jetty.InternalWebSocketGets the negotiated and accepted sub-protocol, null for none (yet), or none is provided by the parties (server or client).
getSubProtocol() - Method in interface com.iizix.nio.IWebSocketCommGets the negotiated and accepted sub-protocol, null for none (yet), or none is provided by the parties (server or client).
getSubProtocol() - Method in class com.iizix.nio.WebSocketCommNIOGets the negotiated and accepted sub-protocol, null for none (yet), or none is provided by the parties (server or client).
getSubProtocols() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.WebSocketCommPropsGets the sub-protocols as a String array.
getSubProtocols() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.WebSocketServerCommPropsGets the sub-protocols as a String array.
getSubscriptionCount(String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.push.PushNotificationHandlerGets the count of push notification subscriptions for a Device UUID.
getSubscriptionCount(String, String, String, String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.push.PushNotificationHandlerGets the count of push notification subscriptions for a User, app ID and topic.
getSuccessCount() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.BinderActionsCounts how many successful members were processed for the POJO.
getSuggestionsTextIDs() - Method in class com.iizix.passwordpolicy.PasswordPolicyResultGets the list of text IDs to use as suggestion as to how to enhance the password entropy if too weak.
getSupportedDataTypes() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.UIDateTimeTypeReturns the supported date-time datatypes for this type.
getSupportedDataTypes(Atom) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIDateTimeReturns the list of supported datatypes.
getSupportedDataTypes(Atom) - Method in interface com.iizigo.prop.editor.IDateTimeTypesProviderReturns the list of supported datatypes.
getSupportedGDateTimeTypes() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.UIDateTimeTypeReturns the supported GDateTime types for this type.
getSupportedImageTypes() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIImage2Gets the supported image formats.
getSupportedOptions() - Method in class com.iizigo.fileexts.PropertiesFileContentDescriberReturns the properties supported by this describer.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.calendar.ECalendarEventGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.calendar.EUICalendarListGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.chart.EUIChartGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUIHeadingGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUISimpleDialogGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUISwitchGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUITabBarGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIAccordionGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIButtonGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICalendarGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICheckBoxGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICheckedMenuItemGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIComboBoxGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIContainerGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIContextMenuGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIDateTimeGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIDialogGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIEmptyGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIGaugeGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIImageGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIImage2Gets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUILabelGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMediaGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuBarGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuItemGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuSeparatorGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIOutputGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIPanelGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIPanelPartGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIPanelPartCnrGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIProgressGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIRadioButtonGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIRadioMenuItemGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUISliderGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUISpinnerGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUISwapContainerGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITabContainerGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITextGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITextAreaGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITitlePaneGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMLGroupGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMListGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMLItemPropGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.table.EUITableGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.table.EUITableColumnGets the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedStyles(EditorStyles) - Method in interface the groups supported by the component.
getSupportedTransferTypes() - Method in class com.iizigo.navigator.DragAdapterAssistantExtra TransferTypes allow the Navigator to generate different kinds of payloads for DND clients.
getSVG() - Method in class com.iizix.barcode.BarcodeURNGets the URL of this as a data URL containing SVG code for the barcode.
getSVG(String, int, int) - Method in enum class com.iizix.barcode.BarcodeTypeCreates an SVG image for the barcode type or format.
getSVG(String, int, int, ErrorCorrectionLevel) - Method in enum class com.iizix.barcode.BarcodeTypeCreates an SVG image for the barcode type or format.
getSVGForHTML() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.image.SVGInfoReturns the SVG used in the HTML.
getSVGForHTML() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.svg.SVG_URNGets the HTML SVG rendering string.
getSVGInfo() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.image.SVGDefinitionGets the SVG information.
getSVGString(double, double) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.image.ClientImageDataIf the image is an SVG, the returned, perhaps scaled SVG image.
getSwatch(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GGradientGets the swatch at specified index.
getSwatchCount() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GGradientGets the swatch count.
getSWTMenuItem() - Method in class com.iizix.swt.IzMenuItemReturns the SWT menu item for this menu item.
getSymbol() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocation.CurrencyReturns the symbol letter of the given currency, null for none.
getSyntClipboardSelection() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPartGets the current IClipboardSelection implementor.
getSystemInstance() - Static method in class com.iizix.timeout.engine.TimerEngineGets the single instance of the timeout engine.
getSystemLoadAverage() - Static method in class com.iizix.os.OSSystemInfoGets the average load during the last minute.
getSystemThreadGroup() - Static method in class com.iizix.virtual.VirtualThreadGroupGets the system thread group when platform threads should be used.
getSystemVirtualThreadGroup() - Static method in class com.iizix.virtual.VirtualThreadGroupThe VirtualThreadGroup of the system, being of platforms type.
getTabDelimitedConnectionIDString(SessionInfo, String, String) - Static method in class com.iizix.SessionInfoGets the connection ID as a string.
getTable() - Method in class com.iizigo.selector.LanguageCodeCompositeGets the table.
getTable() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVSColumnHeaderGets the table of the headerBackground.
getTable() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVSFieldGets the table.
getTable() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVSRowGets the table of the row.
getTable() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVSRowsGets the table of the row.
getTable() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.content.AbstractContentProviderGets the VSTable connected.
getTable() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TableCellGets the table for the cell.
getTable() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TableComboGets the table associated with this table combo.
getTable() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TableRowGets the table instance.
getTable() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TableRowsGets the table instance.
getTable() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TCellGets the table for the cell.
getTable() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITableColumnGets the table instance.
getTable() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSColumnHeaderGets the table of the header.
getTable() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSFieldGets the table.
getTable() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSRowGets the table of the row.
getTable() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSRowsGets the table of the row.
getTable() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSTableRowSelectionGets the table for the selection.
getTable(String) - Method in class com.iizix.api.BaseEventGets the table with the specified path.
getTable(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponentGets the table with the specified path.
getTable(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VirtualSpaceGets the table with the specified path.
getTable2(String) - Method in class com.iizix.api.BaseEventGets the table with the specified full VS reference path.
getTable2(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponentGets the table with the specified full VS reference path.
getTable2(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VirtualSpaceGets the table with the specified full VS reference path.
getTableListeners() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSTableGets the listeners of the VS table events.
getTableNull(String) - Method in class com.iizix.api.BaseEventGets the table with the specified path.
getTableNull(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponentGets the table with the specified path.
getTableNull(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VirtualSpaceGets the table with the specified path.
getTableNull2(String) - Method in class com.iizix.api.BaseEventGets the table with the specified full VS reference path.
getTableNull2(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponentGets the table with the specified full VS reference path.
getTableNull2(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VirtualSpaceGets the table with the specified full VS reference path.
getTableOwner() - Method in interface com.iizigo.vs.INewVSComponentWizardInfoGets the table owner, for table column creation.
getTableOwner() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.NewVSComponentWizardGets the table owner, for table column creation.
getTableOwner() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.wizards.VSComponentCreationGets the table owner, for table column creation.
getTag(int, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringGets the tag at specified position in string.
getTags() - Method in class com.iizigo.fileexts.ContextMenuFileContentDescriberGets the list of tags names that is the content can process.
getTags() - Method in class com.iizigo.fileexts.FontFacesFileContentDescriberGets the list of tags names that is the content can process.
getTags() - Method in class com.iizigo.fileexts.PanelFileContentDescriberGets the list of tags names that is the content can process.
getTags() - Method in class com.iizigo.fileexts.PropertiesFileContentDescriberGets the list of tags names that is the content can process.
getTags() - Method in class com.iizigo.fileexts.StyleFileContentDescriberGets the list of tags names that is the content can process.
getTags() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringGets the array of tags for this string.
getTarget() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.ContextMenuContributorAdapterGets the default target when none other is found for the pop-up menu in the viewer.
getTarget() - Method in interface com.iizigo.editor.IContextMenuContributorGets the default target when none other is found for the pop-up menu in the viewer.
getTarget() - Method in interface com.iizigo.editor.IContextMenuContributorFormControlGets the default target when none other is found for the pop-up menu in the viewer.
getTarget() - Method in class the target adaptable.
getTarget() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.ActionsPanelGets the default target when none other is found for the pop-up menu in the viewer.
getTarget() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.TablePanelGets the default target when none other is found for the pop-up menu in the viewer.
getTarget() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.ValuePanelGets the default target when none other is found for the pop-up menu in the viewer.
getTarget() - Method in class the target VS field.
getTarget() - Method in class the target VS field.
getTarget() - Method in class the target VS group.
getTargetContainer() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.DropInfoGets the target container.
getTargetContainer(LinkData) - Method in class the target container for the link data.
getTargetFieldReference() - Method in class the target field reference.
getTargetFieldReference() - Method in class the target field reference.
getTargetFocus() - Method in class the target focus VS component.
getTargetFocusReference() - Method in class the target focus component reference.
getTargetGroupReference() - Method in class the target group reference.
getTargetLanguageCode() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.RichTextEditorDialogGets the language code to use.
getTargetLanguageCode() - Method in class com.iizigo.text.KStringInfoProviderAdapterGets the language code to use.
getTargetLanguageCode() - Method in class com.iizigo.text.TextTableEditorGets the language code to use.
getTargetLanguageCode() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TableCellGets the language code to use.
getTargetLanguageCode() - Method in class the language code to use.
getTargetLanguageCode() - Method in interface com.iizix.text.IKStringInfoProviderGets the language code to use.
getTargetLanguageCode() - Method in interface com.iizix.text.IKStringValuePropHolderGets the language code to use.
getTargetLanguageCode() - Method in class com.iizix.text.ValidationKStringInfoProviderHolderGets the language code to use.
getTargetProperty() - Method in class the target property.
getTargetReference() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.AbstractReferenceGets the target reference also trying to resolve the reference, i.e.
getTargetReference() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringHolder.TagReferenceGets the target reference also trying to resolve the reference, i.e.
getTargetReference(GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.AbstractReferenceGets the target reference also trying to resolve the reference, i.e.
getTargetViewer() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPartGets the structured viewer (common, tree or table) used for the property operation (add, delete, etc).
getTargetViewer() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropUndoRedoAdapterGets the structured viewer (common, tree or table) used for the property operation (add, delete, etc).
getTargetViewer() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.ServerConfigCompositeGets the structured viewer (common, tree or table) used for the property operation (add, delete, etc).
getTargetViewer() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropUndoRedoGets the structured viewer (common, tree or table) used for the property operation (add, delete, etc).
getTargetVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSActionGets the target VirtualSpace for operations.
getTargetVirtualSpaceParticipant() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ResultPropsGets the target VirtualSpace participant for output data.
getTargetVirtualSpaceParticipant() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ResultSetPropsGets the target VirtualSpace participant for output data.
getTargetVirtualSpaceParticipant() - Method in class the target VirtualSpace participant for output data.
getTaskName() - Method in class com.iizix.PropProgressMonitorGets the task name being performed.
getTerminal() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.TerminalCompositeGets the terminal.
getTerminalComposite() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.capture.CaptureEditorGets the terminal composite.
getTerminalComposite() - Method in interface com.iizigo.term.ITermEditorGets the terminal composite.
getTerminalComposite() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.recording.RecordingEditorGets the terminal composite.
getTerminalComposite() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.screen.ScreenEditorGets the terminal composite.
getTerminalMap() - Method in class com.iizix.term.KeyboardRemapperGets the table for Terminal remap.
getTerminalModule() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.TerminalDesignerPropGets the TerminalModule instance for this project.
getTerminalProperties() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.project.EESessionGets the terminal properties.
getTerminalProps(Shell, String) - Static method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorTerminalPropsAttempts to get a terminal properties instance from a session name.
getTerminalSettings() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.PluginPreferenceGets the terminal settings.
getTerminalType() - Method in class com.iizix.term.comm.TelnetCommGets the negotiated terminal type, null for none.
getTerminalType() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TerminalPropsGets the terminal type.
getTerminalTypes() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.TelnetCommPropsGets the terminal types as a String array.
getTerminalWindow() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.TerminalGets the AWT TerminalWindow container.
getTermsOfServiceURI() - Method in class com.iizix.server.acme.LetsEncryptDomainGets the current Terms-of-Service agreement URI
getText() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.SyntSelectionProvider.CCombo getText() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.SyntSelectionProvider.Combo getText() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.SyntSelectionProviderGets the text.
getText() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.SyntSelectionProvider.Spinner getText() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.SyntSelectionProvider.StyledText getText() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.SyntSelectionProvider.Text getText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropLabelGets the text.
getText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.TreeItemNavigatorPresentationGets the text.
getText() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.FilterControllerGets the current filter text, never null!
getText() - Method in interface com.iizigo.swt.IFilterGets the current filter text, never null!
getText() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCComboReturns a string containing a copy of the contents of the receiver's text field.
getText() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0Returns a string containing a copy of the contents of the receiver's text field.
getText() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzFilterGets the current filter text, never null!
getText() - Method in class com.iizix.barcode.BarcodeBuilderGets the current barcode text contents.
getText() - Method in class com.iizix.barcode.BarcodeDataGets the barcode text.
getText() - Method in interface com.iizix.IComponentGets the text.
getText() - Method in class com.iizix.license.history.LicensingHistoryEntryGets the text for the event.
getText() - Method in enum class com.iizix.license.history.LicensingHistoryEventGets the English text.
getText() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.KTooltipGets the text.
getText() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICompGets the text.
getText() - Method in class com.iizix.swt.IzMenuItemReturns the receiver's text, which will be an empty string if it has never been set.
getText() - Method in class com.iizix.swt.IzSubMenuReturns the text of the submenu.
getText(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropErrorItemGets a textual error description as "LEVEL[{\t}id]{\t}text" (where {\t} is the tab character).
getText(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropErrorItemGets a textual error description as "LEVEL[{\t}id]{\t}text" (where {\t} is the tab character).
getText(Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.navigator.LabelProviderReturns the text for the label of the given element.
getText(Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.navigator.StringMapPropLabelProviderReturns the text for the label of the given element.
getText(Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.text.TextTableLabelProviderReturns the text for the label of the given element.
getText(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.TextTableGet the text associated with the specified text name or text ID.
getTextBounds(int) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.TTableItemError in text bounds corrected.
getTextComponent() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzFilterGets the text component.
getTextControl() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCComboGets the text field for input.
getTextData() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.MementoPropAdapterReturns the data of the Text node of the memento.
getTextData() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.MementoPropCnrReturns the data of the Text node of the memento.
getTextHeight() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCComboReturns the height of the receivers's text field.
getTextHeight() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0Returns the height of the receivers's text field.
getTextID(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.TextTableGets the text entry in this table.
getTextID(String, KString) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.TextTableGets the text entry in this table.
getTextID(String, String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.TextTableGets the text entry with the specified ID for a language.
getTextID(String, String, KString) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.TextTableGets the text entry with the specified ID for a language.
getTextInput() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.editor.CustomSQLBuilderGets the text that is input in the source viewer.
getTextLimit() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCComboReturns the maximum number of characters that the receiver's text field is capable of holding.
getTextLimit() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0Returns the maximum number of characters that the receiver's text field is capable of holding.
getTextPrompt(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditorSetupGets the text prompt for a property name.
getTextProp(Atom) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.TextTableGet the text property associated with the specified text name or text ID.
getTextProp(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.TextTableGet the text property associated with the specified text name or text ID.
getTextTable() - Method in class up the text table.
getTextTable() - Method in class com.iizigo.text.NewTextTableWizardGets the created text table.
getTextTable() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.AppLanguagesGets the text table that is assigned to the app.
getTextTable() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ModuleAppGets the text table that is assigned to the app.
getTextTable() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.RuntimeBuilderPropsLooks up the text table.
getTextTable() - Method in class the text table.
getTextTable(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ModuleAppGets the text table used for a particular language code defined in the app.
getTextTableModuleFolder() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleModelGets the module folder for text tables.
getTextTableReference() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.RuntimeBuilderPropsLooks up the text table reference String.
getTextViewer(StyledText) - Static method in class com.iizigo.editor.MultiSelectionProviderGets the text viewer for a StyledText control.
getTheme() - Method in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUIGets the current theme.
getTheme() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.UIChartGets the chart theme.
getTheme(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.device.UIThemesGets a Name instance from it's name.
getThemeColor() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ModuleAppGets the theme color for Safari on macOS and iOS.
getThemes() - Method in interface com.iizigo.panel.IPreviewThemeProviderGets the theme information for the current editor used for the image preview.
getThemes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.PanelEditorGets the theme information for the current editor used for the image preview.
getThemes() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.PanelSettingsPropCnrGets the desktop and theme names displayed.
getThemes() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIPanelBaseGets the configured themes for the panel.
getThemesMask() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.FolderSettingsPropGets the Themes mask for panels.
getThemesMask(GThemes) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.FolderURIPropCnrGets the Panels Themes mask when this folder is in the Panel folder.
getThousandFormattedNumber(int) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.BinaryTraceGets a thousand-formatted positive number.
getThousandFormattedNumber(long) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.BinaryTraceGets a thousand-formatted positive number.
getThreadFactory() - Method in class com.iizix.virtual.VirtualThreadGroupGets the ThreadFactory initialized for the ThreadGroupType.
getThreadGroup() - Method in class com.iizix.virtual.VirtualThreadGroupGets the ThreadGroup associated.
getThreadGroupType() - Method in enum class com.iizix.server.IEndPoint.TypeGets the type of ThreadGroup.
getThreadMXBean() - Static method in class com.iizix.os.ThreadDeadlockDetectorGets the ThreadMXBean instance.
getThreatLevel() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocation.SecurityReturns the threat level: 0=unknown, 1=low risk, 2=medium risk, 3=high risk.
getThreatTypes() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocation.SecurityReturns an array of the names of threat types, empty array if unknown.
getTicks() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISliderGet the ticks value.
getTileColor() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ModuleAppGets the tile color for Windows (8) Start menu.
getTime() - Method in class com.iizix.api.BaseEventGets the event creation time.
getTime() - Method in class total compression time.
getTime() - Method in class com.iizix.license.history.ActivationChangeGets the time in milliseconds since the epoch when the change occurred.
getTimeout() - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.AbstractTXPNode getTimeout() - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.TXProcessImpl getTimeout() - Method in interface com.iizix.txp.ITXPNodeGets the time in milliseconds this node will wait for a commit() or rollback() call after it is ready.
getTimeout() - Method in interface com.iizix.txp.ITXProcessReturns the nr of milliseconds this process waits for all nodes.
getTimeStamp() - Method in class com.iizix.barcode.BarcodeDataGets the timestamp when the barcode was decoded.
getTimezone() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocationGets the time zone, null for none.
getTimezone() - Method in class com.iizix.value.ImmutableXMLGregorianCalendargetTimeZone() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocation.TimezoneReturns the computed TimeZone from the information available.
getTimeZone() - Method in class com.iizix.LocaleInfoGets the time-zone.
getTimeZone(int) - Method in class com.iizix.value.ImmutableXMLGregorianCalendarReturns a java.util.TimeZone
for this class.
getTitle() - Method in interface com.iizigo.vs.INewVSComponentWizardInfoGets the title.
getTitle() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.wizards.VSComponentCreationGets the title.
getTitle() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.MessageBoxGets the title of the message box.
getTitle() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICompGet the title of the component (i.e.
getTitle() - Method in class com.iizix.user.UserProfileInfoGets the title, e.g.
getTitleImage() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPartReturns the workbench part image.
getTitleKS() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICompGets the title of the component as a (Plain) KString (i.e.
getTitleOrientation() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.axis2d.Axis2DGets the title orientation.
getTitlePKS() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICompGets the title of the component as a PlainKString (i.e.
getTitlePlainString() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.MessageBoxGets the title of the message box.
getTitlePosition() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.UIChartGets the title position.
getTitleToolTip() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPartReturns the title tooltip.
getTitleToolTip(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPartGets the part name that is about to be set.
getToken(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.selector.prop.EditorSelectorExpressionGets the tokens at specified offset.
getToolBar() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.RawTextEditorCompositeGets the toolbar.
getTooltip() - Method in interface com.iizix.IComponentGets the current tooltip for the component.
getTooltip() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICompGets the current tooltip for the component.
getToolTipDisplayDelayTime(Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.NavigatorDecoratingLabelProviderExThe time in milliseconds until the tool tip is displayed.
getTooltipObject(int, DesignerProp) - Method in class com.iizigo.selector.prop.EditorSelectorExpressionGets the tooltip Object for an offset.
getTooltipPropertyList() - Method in class the list of property names that should be displayed.
getTooltipPropertyList() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.calendar.ECalendarEventGets the list of property names that should be displayed.
getTooltipPropertyList() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICompsGets the list of property names that should be displayed.
getTooltipPropertyList() - Method in class the list of property names that should be displayed.
getTooltipPropertyList() - Method in class the list of property names that should be displayed.
getTooltipPropertyList() - Method in interface com.iizigo.prop.tooltip.ITooltipPropListGets the list of property items that should be displayed.
getTooltipPropertyList() - Method in class the list of property items that should be displayed.
getTooltipPropertyList() - Method in class the list of property names that should be displayed.
getTooltipPropertyList() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.config.EditorLetsEncryptDomainGets the list of property names that should be displayed.
getTooltipPropertyList() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.config.EditorMailPropsGets the list of property names that should be displayed.
getTooltipPropertyList() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.config.EditorPolicyPropsGets the list of property names that should be displayed.
getTooltipPropertyList() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.config.EditorServerAppConfigGets the list of property names that should be displayed.
getTooltipPropertyList() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.config.EditorServerConfigEnvPropsGets the list of property names that should be displayed.
getTooltipPropertyList() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.config.EditorServerPluginConfigGets the list of property names that should be displayed.
getTooltipPropertyList() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.config.EditorServerSettingsGets the list of property names that should be displayed.
getTooltipPropertyList() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.config.EditorWebServerPortConfigGets the list of property names that should be displayed.
getTooltipPropertyList() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.monitor.EditorClientSessionPropGets the list of property names that should be displayed.
getTooltipPropertyList() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.monitor.EditorEndPointPropCnrGets the list of property names that should be displayed.
getTooltipPropertyList() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.monitor.EditorEndPointsPropCnrGets the list of property names that should be displayed.
getTooltipPropertyList() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.monitor.EditorInfoPropCnrGets the list of property names that should be displayed.
getTooltipPropertyList() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.monitor.EditorSessionConnectionStatPropGets the list of property names that should be displayed.
getTooltipPropertyList() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.monitor.EditorVirtualizedMonitorPropCnrGets the list of property names that should be displayed.
getTooltipPropertyList() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.server.EditorActiveTerminalSessionGets the list of property names that should be displayed.
getToolTipShift(Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.NavigatorDecoratingLabelProviderExReturn the amount of pixels in x and y direction you want the tool tip to pop up from the mouse pointer.
getTooltipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditorGroupInfoGets the tooltip text for the group button.
getTooltipText() - Method in interface com.iizix.IComponentGets the current tooltip text for the component as a plain string.
getTooltipText() - Method in class the marker tooltip text.
getTooltipText() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICompGets the current tooltip text for the component as a plain string.
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.editor.ConnectionProfilePropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.BaseEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.BadgePropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.BoolPropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.BoxShadowPropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ClassReferencePropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ColorPropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.DateTimePropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.DropShadowPropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.DurationPropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.EncodingPropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.FillPropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.FontPropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.GradientPropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.IntChoicePropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.IntPropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.KStringPropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.LongPropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.MethodReferencePropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.NumberPropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.PanelAnimationPropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.PasswordPropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.PKCS12IdentityPropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ReferencePropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.SizePropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.StringMapPropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.StringPropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.StrokePropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.StylesReferencesPropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.StylesStatesPropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.TextShadowPropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ThemesPropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.TooltipPropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.TransformPropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.UIDateTimeTypePropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.UnitPropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.UnitsPropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ValuePropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ValueTypePropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.VSRelativeReferencePropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.VSTableColumnReferencePropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.FilePropSaveableReturns the tool tip text for this saveable.
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.editor.SessionConfigPropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors or validator).
getToolTipText() - Method in class com.iizix.swt.IzMenuItemGets the tooltip text for the menu item.
getToolTipText(Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.NavigatorDecoratingLabelProviderExAdds support for tooltip text.
getToolTipText(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditorSetupGets the tooltip text for a property name.
getToolTipText2() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.BaseEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors).
getToolTipText2() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.StringPropEditorGets the tooltip text to display in the entry fields (not the one for property errors).
getToolTipTimeDisplayed(Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.NavigatorDecoratingLabelProviderExThe time in milliseconds the tool tip is shown for.
getTopic() - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.Notification getTopMargin() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.TerminalWindowGets the top margin.
getTopmostEditor(PropEditorPart[]) - Static method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPartGets the topmost editor part from an array of editors.
getTopmostPanel() - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IClientSessionGyroGets the current top-most panel.
getTopmostPanel() - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyroGets the current top-most panel.
getToS() - Method in class com.iizix.server.acme.LetsEncrypt.ReplyGets the Terms-of-Service URI that must be accepted.
getTotalReadSize() - Method in class com.iizix.ReadTransactionGets the size of the read transaction.
getTotalSendSize() - Method in class com.iizix.SendTransactionGets the size of the transaction when appending or sending the transaction.
getTotalWidth() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGet this field total width.
getTotalWidth(HostScreen, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGet this field total width.
getTotalWidth(HostScreen, boolean, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGet this field total width.
getTraceFileLength() - Static method in class com.iizix.server.BinaryTraceGets the current trace file length.
getTraceFileName() - Static method in class com.iizix.server.BinaryTraceThe current trace file name.
getTrailingText() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLCheckBoxGets the trailing text for the list item.
getTrailingText() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLRadioButtonGets the trailing text for the list item.
getTrailingText() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSimpleGets the trailing text for the list item.
getTrailingText() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSwitchGets the trailing text for the list item.
getTrailingTextWrap() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSimpleGets option for trailing text wrap.
getTransactionContainer() - Method in class com.iizix.gyro.GyroTransactionReturns the transaction property container for the GyroTransaction.
getTransactionCoordinator() - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IAppSessionGyroGets the transaction coordinator of the session.
getTransactionCoordinator() - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyroGets the transaction coordinator of the session.
getTransactionIsolationLevel() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ConnectionProfileSetupGets the transaction isolation level.
getTransactionManager() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.session.SessionIDGets the Session Transaction Manager.
getTransactionProcessor() - Method in class com.iizix.server.client.ClientEndPointGets the client transaction processor.
getTransactionProcessor() - Method in class com.iizix.server.vsviewer.VSViewerEndPointGets the VS Viewer transaction processor.
getTransactionsReceived() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.statistics.SessionConnectionStatistics.GlobalGets the count of transactions received.
getTransactionsSent() - Method in class com.iizix.comm.statistics.SessionConnectionStatistics.GlobalGets the count of transactions sent.
getTransferDefaultPasteAllowed() - Static method in class com.iizigo.prop.DesignerPropGets the default paste operation allowed for transfer properties.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.calendar.ECalendarDataReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.calendar.ECalendarEventReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.calendar.ECalendarLayoutReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.calendar.EUICalendarList getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.chart.EUIChartReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EAbsoluteDataReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EAbsoluteLayoutReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EAccordionDataReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EAccordionLayoutReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EBorderDataReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EBorderLayoutReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EContextMenuDataReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EContextMenuLayoutReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EFlexDataReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EFlexLayoutReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EGridDataReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EGridLayoutReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EHeadingDataReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EHeadingLayoutReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EListDataReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EListLayoutReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMenuBarDataReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMenuBarLayoutReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMenuDataReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMenuLayoutReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUIHeadingReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUISimpleDialogReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUISwitchReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUITabBarReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EPanelDataReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.ESwapDataReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.ESwapLayoutReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.ETabBarDataReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.ETabBarLayoutReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.ETabDataReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.ETabLayoutReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIAccordionReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIButtonReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICalendarReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICheckBoxReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUICheckedMenuItemReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIComboBoxReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIContainerReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIContextMenuReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIDateTimeReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIDialogReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIEmptyReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIGaugeReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIImageReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIImage2Returns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUILabelReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMediaReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuBarReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuItemReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIMenuSeparatorReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIOutputReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIPanelReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIPanelPartReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIPanelPartCnrReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIProgressReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIRadioButtonReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIRadioMenuItemReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUISliderReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUISpinnerReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUISwapContainerReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITabContainerReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITextReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITextAreaReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUITitlePaneReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMLGroupReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMLGroupLayoutReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMListReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMListDataReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMListLayoutReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.mlist.EMLItemPropReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.table.EUITableReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.table.EUITableColumnReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.table.EUITableDataReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.table.EUITableLayoutReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in interface com.iizigo.prop.ITransferContainerPropsReturns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransferProps() - Method in class the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
getTransitionDir() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISwapContainerGets the transition direction.
getTransitionType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UISwapContainerGets the transition type currently used.
getTranslatedCount() - Method in class com.iizix.translate.TranslationQueueGets the count of translated texts in this queue.
getTranslationColumn() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIAbstractListChoiceGets the VS column for the translation list.
getTranslator(String, String) - Method in class com.iizigo.translate.EditorTranslationEngineGets the translator to use for a particular language combination.
getTranslator(String, String) - Method in interface com.iizix.translate.ITranslationEngineGets the translator to use for a particular language combination.
getTranslator(String, String) - Method in class com.iizix.translate.test.TestEngineGets the translator to use for a particular language combination.
getTranslatorName() - Method in class com.iizix.translate.TranslationGets the name of the translator.
getTreeImage() - Method in class image for the operation in the tree on the first wizard page.
getTreeImage() - Method in class image for the operation in the tree on the first wizard page.
getTreeImage() - Method in class image for the operation in the tree on the first wizard page.
getTreeLock() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets the tree-lock object used when locking the property tree when structural changes are made or when creating/reading transactions that could potentially cause a structural change.
getTreeLock() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGPropGets the tree-lock object used when locking the property tree when structural changes are made or when creating/reading transactions that could potentially cause a structural change.
getTreeViewer() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.PanelEditorReturns the tree viewer for the panel editor.
getTrialDuration() - Method in interface com.iizix.license.IGenericLicenseSystemGets the trial duration.
getTrialExtension() - Method in interface com.iizix.license.IGenericLicenseSystemGets the trial extension time in milliseconds.
getTrialStarted() - Method in interface com.iizix.license.IGenericLicenseSystemGets the trial started time.
getTrigger() - Method in class com.iizix.api.ui.UIActionEventGets the trigger property being the source of the event.
getTrigger() - Method in class com.iizix.api.ui.UIFocusEventGets the trigger property being the source of the event.
getTrigger() - Method in class com.iizix.api.ui.UISelectionEventGets the trigger property being the source of the event.
getTrigger() - Method in class com.iizix.api.ui.UITextChangeEventGets the trigger property being the source of the event.
getTrigger() - Method in class com.iizix.api.ui.UIValueChangeEventGets the trigger property being the source of the event.
getTrigger() - Method in class com.iizix.api.vs.VSBaseEventWithTriggerGets the trigger property being the source of the event.
getTrigger() - Method in class com.iizix.event.GEventReturns the trigger of this event, if any.
getTrigger() - Method in class com.iizix.event.PropCnrEventGets the trigger of the container property change.
getTrigger() - Method in class com.iizix.event.PropCnrFocusEventGets the trigger property.
getTrigger() - Method in class com.iizix.event.PropCopyEventGets the trigger of the container property change.
getTrigger() - Method in class com.iizix.event.PropFocusEventGets the trigger property.
getTrigger() - Method in class com.iizix.event.PropValueEventGets the trigger of the value change.
getTrigger() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSActionTXProcessGets the trigger property.
getTrigger(GEvent) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICompGets the trigger from an event.
getTriggerClientSessionGyro() - Method in class com.iizix.api.vs.VSBaseEventWithTriggerGets the client session that triggered the VS event.
getTriggerUIComp() - Method in class com.iizix.api.vs.VSBaseEventWithTriggerGets the UIComp that triggered the event.
getTrim() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UITextGets the trim option.
getTriStateSelection() - Method in class com.iizix.api.ui.UISelectionEventGets the selection as a tri-state selection.
getTriStateSource() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUITriStateSelectionGet the source component of the event.
getTriStateSource() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.TriStateSelectionGet the source component of the event.
getTS() - Static method in class com.iizix.jre.ControlPanelGets a timestamp string.
getTTL() - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.Notification getTXPCoordinator() - Method in interface com.iizix.server.IServerThe transaction processor coordinator.
getTXPCoordinator() - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShellThe transaction processor coordinator.
getTXProces() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSActionTXProcessGets the TXProcess instance.
getType() - Method in class com.iizigo.event.QueryDesignerPropEventGets the type of message.
getType() - Method in class com.iizigo.event.QueryReferencesGets the type of message.
getType() - Method in class the JDT IType of the class..
getType() - Method in class the file type.
getType() - Method in class the type referenced.
getType() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.MementoPropAdapterReturns the type for this memento.
getType() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.MementoPropCnrReturns the type for this memento.
getType() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenFieldPropGets the type.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.barcode.BarcodeDataGets the IIZI barcode type if it is encodable.
getType() - Method in enum class com.iizix.device.settings.CommonSettingsChecks if the setting is for Android, iOS or both.
getType() - Method in interface com.iizix.device.settings.INativeSettingChecks if the setting is for Android, iOS or both.
getType() - Method in enum class com.iizix.device.settings.Settings_AndroidChecks if the setting is for Android, iOS or both.
getType() - Method in enum class com.iizix.device.settings.Settings_iOSChecks if the setting is for Android, iOS or both.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.event.RefreshEventGets the refresh type.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.license.ProfilePictureGets the profile image details type string.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GDateTimeReturns the date/time type for this instance value.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GErrorGets the type.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GFillGets the fill type.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GFillGradientGets the fill type.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GFillPatternGets the fill type.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GFillSolidGets the fill type.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GGradientGets the type of the gradient, 0=linear, 1=radial.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GUnitGets the type of the unit (0-19), one of the values: UT_PX (pixel), UT_DLG (dialog), UT_EM ("em"), UT_EX ("ex"), UT_PT (point), UT_PC (percent), UT_PCW (percentage of parent width), UT_PCH (percentage of parent height), UT_PCMIN (minimum size of percentage of parent width and height), UT_PCMAX (maximum size of percentage of parent width and height), UT_VW (percentage of viewport width), UT_VH (percentage of viewport height), UT_VMIN (size for minimum size of percentage of viewport width and height), UT_VMAX (size for maximum size of percentage of viewport width and height), UT_NL (size of the notch LEFT side safe size in pixels), UT_NR (size of the notch RIGHT side safe size in pixels), UT_NW (size of the maximum notch LEFT/RIGHT side or WIDTH safe size in pixels), UT_NT (size of the notch TOP side safe size in pixels), UT_NB (size of the notch BOTTOM side safe size in pixels), UT_FORMULA (formula) or UT_VALUE (special value).
getType() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IWebServerPortConfigGets the type of port: HTTP or HTTPS.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropMgrGet the Property Manager type.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.BubbleGets the fill type.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.GSeriesValueGets the fill type.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.NoValueGets the fill type.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.OHLCGets the fill type.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.SimpleGets the fill type.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.XYGets the fill type.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLCheckBoxReturns the type.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLComboBoxReturns the type.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLDateTimeReturns the type.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItemGets the type of the list item.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItemPropGets the type specified for the item.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLRadioButtonReturns the type.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSimpleReturns the type.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSliderReturns the type.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSpinnerReturns the type.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSwitchReturns the type.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLTextReturns the type.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.MUITabBarGets the tab bar type.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TableComboGets the contents type.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TCellGets the cell type.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.WebServerPortConfigGets the type of port: HTTP or HTTPS.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.server.wsfile.WSFileProviderReturns the file type.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostSessionGets the terminal type.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGets the type.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenIdentificationPropGets the type.
getType() - Method in interface com.iizix.text.IKStringHTMLHyperlinkGets the type of this tag.
getType() - Method in interface com.iizix.text.IKStringTextTagGets the type of this tag.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringGets the type of KString.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KStringTagGets the type of this tag.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.URNResourceGets the resource type.
getType() - Method in class com.iizix.virtual.VirtualThreadGroupGets the type of the virtual thread group.
getType() - Method in class the accepted type.
getType() - Method in interface com.iizix.wsfile.IWSFileProviderReturns the file type.
getType(Object) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.GDateTimeGets the type from an Object.
getType(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.ValueReturns the Value Type from a given type string.
getTypeDeclaration() - Method in class the type declaration of this Java class.
getTypeDeclaration(IType) - Static method in class - Static method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenIdentificationPropGets the type string for an identification type.
getTypeFileProcessor() - Method in class the TypeFileProcessor for the parsed file.
getTypeIds() - Method in class com.iizigo.dnd.PropertiesTransferReturns the platform specific Ids of the data types that can be converted using this transfer agent.
getTypeNames() - Method in class com.iizigo.dnd.PropertiesTransferReturns the platform specific names of the data types that can be converted using this transfer agent.
getTypes() - Method in class all types.
getTypeString() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorImagesStyleGets the type string.
getTypeString() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorImageStyleLocationGets the type string.
getTypeString() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.capture.prop.CaptureFieldPropGets the type string.
getTypeString() - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostFieldGets the string representation of the type.
getTypeString() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGets the field type string.
getTypeString() - Method in class com.iizix.ValueGets the type string.
getTypeString(int) - Static method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGets the string for a field type.
getTypeString(PropCnr) - Static method in class com.iizigo.image.ImageHelperGets the type string.
getTypeValue(String) - Static method in class com.iizigo.image.ImageHelperGets the mask value for types defined.
getUIBuildComponents() - Method in class the UI component classes built with the builder.
getUIBuildComponents() - Method in class the UI component classes built with the builder.
getUIBuildComponents() - Method in class the UI component classes built with the builder.
getUIBuildComponents() - Method in class the UI component classes built with the builder.
getUIBuildComponents() - Method in class the UI component classes built with the builder.
getUIBuildComponents() - Method in interface the UI components built with the builder.
getUIBuildData() - Method in class the instance of the UI build data.
getUIBuildData() - Method in class the build data.
getUIComponent(String, Class<COMP>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIContainerGets a UI component with relative reference from this container.
getUIComponentLinkOperations(LinkData) - Method in interface when the drag-drop is to be performed (link or paste-link menu item).
getUIComponentNull(String, Class<COMP>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIContainerGets a UI component with relative reference from this container.
getUIComps() - Method in interface com.iizigo.panel.prop.IELayoutMgrGets all components for the container of the layout manager.
getUIComps() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.wizards.AddUICompWizardGets the UIComps instance for e.g.
getUIComps() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.LayoutMgrGets all components for the container of the layout manager.
getUIComps() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICompsGets the array of components.
getUIContainer() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.LayoutMgrGets the UI container.
getUIContainer() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICompsGets the parent container.
getUIDateTimeType() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.IUIDateTimeReturns the date-time type for this component.
getUIDateTimeType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.UIDateTimeReturns the date-time type for this component.
getUIDateTimeType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLDateTimeReturns the date-time datatype for this component.
getUIFocusEngine() - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IClientSessionGyroReturns the UI focus engine instance for the specified component.
getUIFocusEngine() - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyroReturns the UI focus engine instance for the specified component.
getUIPanel() - Method in interface the panel for this building.
getUIPanel() - Method in interface the panel for the UI component.
getUIPanel() - Method in class com.iizix.api.ui.UIBaseEventGets the panel of the UI event source component.
getUIPanel() - Method in interface com.iizix.IComponentGets the UIPanelBase (that is a file saved to disk).
getUIPanel() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.LayoutMgrGets the panel for the UI component.
getUIPanel() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLDefaultItemPropGets the panel for the UI component.
getUIPanel() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICompGets the UIPanel.
getUIPanel() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICompsGets the panel.
getUIParent() - Method in interface com.iizix.IComponentGets the parent container of this component.
getUIParent() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICompGets the parent container of this component.
getUIRef() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUICompGets the @UIRef path to this component.
getUISource() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.BooleanSelectionGets the UI component being the source of the event.
getUISource() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.CellSelectionGets the UI component being the source of the event.
getUISource() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.IUISelectionGets the UI component being the source of the event.
getUISource() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.MultipleIndiciesSelectionGets the UI component being the source of the event.
getUISource() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.NoSelectionGets the UI component being the source of the event.
getUISource() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.RadioSelectionGets the UI component being the source of the event.
getUISource() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.SingleIndexSelectionGets the UI component being the source of the event.
getUISource() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.selection.TriStateSelectionGets the UI component being the source of the event.
getUndefinedUser() - Static method in class com.iizix.server.user.AuthenticatedUserGets the undefined "authenticated" user.
getUndefinedUserProfileImage() - Static method in class com.iizix.server.user.AuthenticatedUserGets the file for the undefined profile image that can be used to create the requested sizes.
getUndefinedUserProfileImage(File) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.user.AuthenticatedUserGets the file for the undefined profile image that can be used to create the requested sizes.
getUndoableCopyOrMoveOperation(IResource[], IPath) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.CopyFilesAndFoldersOperationReturns an AbstractWorkspaceOperation suitable for performing the move or copy operation that will move or copy the given resources to the given destination path.
getUndoableCopyOrMoveOperation(IResource[], IPath) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.MoveFilesAndFoldersOperationReturns an AbstractWorkspaceOperation suitable for performing the move or copy operation that will move or copy the given resources to the given destination path.
getUndoAction() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPartGets the undo action.
getUndoContext() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorDatabasePropsGets the undo context.
getUndoContext() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPartGets the undo context.
getUndoContext() - Method in class com.iizigo.font.prop.EditorFontFacesGets the undo context.
getUndoContext() - Method in class com.iizigo.handler.SelectionEnablerGets the undo context.
getUndoContext() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorFontIconsDefinitionGets the undo context.
getUndoContext() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorImageDefinitionGets the undo context.
getUndoContext() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorImagesDefinitionGets the undo context.
getUndoContext() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorStyledImageDefinitionGets the undo context.
getUndoContext() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.prop.EditorSVGDefinitionGets the undo context.
getUndoContext() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EMUISimpleDialogGets the undo context.
getUndoContext() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIContextMenuGets the undo context.
getUndoContext() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIDialogGets the undo context.
getUndoContext() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIPanelGets the undo context.
getUndoContext() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EUIPanelPartGets the undo context.
getUndoContext() - Method in interface com.iizigo.prop.IPropertyEditorControllerGets the undo context.
getUndoContext() - Method in interface com.iizigo.prop.IPropUndoContextGets the undo context.
getUndoContext() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropUndoRedoAdapterGets the undo context.
getUndoContext() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.StandaloneEditorControllerGets the undo context.
getUndoContext() - Method in class com.iizigo.selector.prop.EditorSelectorGets the undo context.
getUndoContext() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.config.EditorServerPropsGets the undo context.
getUndoContext() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.ServerConfigCompositeGets the undo context.
getUndoContext() - Method in class the undo context.
getUndoContext() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.capture.prop.CaptureScreenPropGets the Undo Context.
getUndoContext() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenPropGets the undo context.
getUndoContext() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorSessionsPropGets the Undo Context.
getUndoContext() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.recording.prop.RecordingPropGets the Undo Context.
getUndoContext() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.session.SessionsViewGets the undo context.
getUndoContext() - Method in class com.iizigo.text.prop.EditorTextTableGets the undo context.
getUndoContext() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVirtualSpaceGets the undo context.
getUndoContext() - Method in class the undo context.
getUndoContext() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropUndoRedoGets the undo context.
getUndoContext(GProp<?>) - Static method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropHelperGets the undo context for a property.
getUndoContext(IWorkbenchPart) - Static method in class com.iizigo.handler.CommonHandlerGets the undo context out of a part.
getUndoContextFromTree() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.UIDesignerPropFind an UndoContext for this property of from one of it's parents.
getUndoContextFromTree() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.DesignerPropFind an UndoContext for this property of from one of it's parents.
getUndoRedo() - Method in interface com.iizigo.editor.IWorkbenchPartIZGets the undo/redo instance.
getUndoRedo() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPartGets the undo/redo interface.
getUndoRedo() - Method in class com.iizigo.handler.CommonHandlerGets the IPropUndoRedo for an event.
getUndoRedo() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.wizards.AddUICompWizardReturns the undo/redo instance.
getUndoRedo() - Method in interface com.iizigo.prop.IPropertyEditorControllerGets the undo/redo interface.
getUndoRedo() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.StandaloneEditorControllerGets the undo/redo interface.
getUndoRedo() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.ServerConfigCompositeGets the undo/redo instance.
getUndoRedo() - Method in class com.iizigo.server.ServerConfigViewGets the undo/redo instance.
getUndoRedo() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.server.RemoteTerminalViewGets the undo context.
getUndoRedo() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.session.SessionsViewGets the undo/redo instance.
getUndoRedo() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.TerminalViewGets the undo context.
getUndoRedo() - Method in interface com.iizigo.vs.INewVSComponentWizardInfoGets the undo/redo instance.
getUndoRedo() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.NewVSComponentWizardGets the undo/redo instance.
getUndoRedo() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.wizards.VSComponentCreationGets the undo/redo instance.
getUnfixedCompletedProcesses() - Method in interface com.iizix.txp.ITXPManagementAPIGets the management info of all unfixed completed processes.
getUniqueDirectory() - Method in enum class com.iizix.urn.URNResourceTypeGets a unique number to use for the directory.
getUniqueNames(PropCnr, GProp<?>[], String, boolean) - Static method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropHelperGets the names of properties to move to or add in a container.
getUnit() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.UnitPropGets the current value set as an GUnit.
getUnparsedString() - Method in class com.iizix.license.history.ActivationChangeProduces an internal string representation of this change in a String that can be parsed by the constructor ActivationChange(String)
getUnselectionString() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenActionPropGets the unselection string.
getUpdatePropertyNames() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLCheckBoxReturns the property names for which the MLCheckBox.from(PropCnr, MLItemProp)
must be called.
getUpdatePropertyNames() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLRadioButtonReturns the property names for which the MLRadioButton.from(PropCnr,MLItemProp)
must be called.
getUpdatePropertyNames() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSwitchReturns the property names for which the MLSwitch.from(PropCnr,MLItemProp)
must be called.
getUpdateStatesRunnable() - Method in class com.iizigo.handler.CommonHandlerGets the asynchronous update states runnable.
getUpdateTime() - Method in interface com.iizix.license.ICodeCommonGets the time of the last update of the code.
getUploadDirectory(File, List<WSUploadPart>) - Method in interface com.iizix.jetty.IWSUploaderAcceptorGets the directory where to store the files.
getUploadDirectory(File, List<WSUploadPart>) - Method in class the directory where to store the files.
getUploadsDirectory() - Method in class the directory where to store uploaded files for the remote builder.
getUrgency() - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.Notification getURI() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.FolderPropCnrGets the file name URI for this property.
getURI() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.FolderURIPropCnrGets the folder name URI for this property.
getURI() - Method in class representing the resource.
getURI() - Method in class the URI for the request, without the Query parameters.
getURI() - Method in class the URI for the request without the parameters.
getUrl() - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.HttpRequest getURL() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.FilePropCnrGets the file name URI for this property.
getURL() - Method in class com.iizix.barcode.BarcodeURNGets the URL of this as a data URL containing SVG code for the barcode.
getURL() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.FileURIPropCnrGets the file name URI for this property.
getURL() - Method in class com.iizix.server.wsfile.WSFileDownloadGets the URL.
getURL() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.file.FileURNGets the URL of this resource relative the current web server.
getURL() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.svg.SVG_URNGets the URL of this as a data URL containing SVG code.
getURL() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.url.URL_URNGets the URL of this resource relative the current web server.
getURL() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.URNGets the URL of this resource relative the current web server.
getURL() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.URNResourceGets the URL of this resource relative the current web server.
getURL() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileImageURNGets the URL of this as a data URL in UTF-8 encoded data.
getURL() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURNGets the URL of this as a data URL in UTF-8 encoded data.
getURL() - Method in class com.iizix.user.ProfilePictureInfoGets the URL to the profile picture.
getURL() - Method in interface com.iizix.util.IJarFileGets the MemoryJar URL to be used with e.g.
getURL() - Method in class com.iizix.util.MemoryJarFileGets the MemoryJar URL to be used with e.g.
getURL() - Method in class com.iizix.util.XJarFileGets the XJar URL to be used with e.g.
getURL() - Method in interface com.iizix.wsfile.IWSFileDownloadGets the URL.
getURL(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.util.IJarFileGets the MemoryJar URL to be used with e.g.
getURL(String) - Method in class com.iizix.util.MemoryJarFileGets the MemoryJar URL to be used with e.g.
getURL(String) - Method in class com.iizix.util.XJarFileGets the XJar URL to be used with e.g.
getURL(ZipEntry) - Method in interface com.iizix.util.IJarFileGets the MemoryJar URL to be used with e.g.
getURL(ZipEntry) - Method in class com.iizix.util.MemoryJarFileGets the MemoryJar URL to be used with e.g.
getURL(ZipEntry) - Method in class com.iizix.util.XJarFileGets the XJar URL to be used with e.g.
getUrlboxIOAPIKey() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettingsGets the "" API key.
getURLName() - Method in interface com.iizix.wsfile.IWSFileGets the unique name used for the external URL path assigned to the file.
getURLPath() - Method in class com.iizix.server.wsfile.WSFileProviderGets the URL path to the provider in the web server.
getURLPath() - Method in interface com.iizix.wsfile.IWSFileProviderGets the URL path to the provider in the web server.
getURNString() - Method in class com.iizix.urn.URNGets the original URN unparsed string.
getUser() - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.UserProfileImageRequestGets the user.
getUser(long) - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.UserAuthenticationGets the basic user info for a user from its unique user ID.
getUser(long) - Method in interface com.iizix.user.IAuthenticatedUserProviderGets the basic user info for a user from its unique user ID.
getUser(String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.UserAuthenticationGets the instance of a user with its information.
getUser(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.user.IAuthenticatedUserProviderGets the instance of a user with its information.
getUser(Connection, long) - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.UserAuthenticationGets the basic user info for a user from its unique user ID.
getUser(Connection, String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.UserAuthenticationGets the instance of a user with its information.
getUser(Connection, String, String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.UserAuthenticationGets the instance of a user with its information.
getUserAgent(EnvProps) - Static method in class com.iizix.selector.DeviceMatchGets client "User Agent" string.
getUserAppSession(VSViewerParams) - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.ActiveUserSessionsGets the application gyro for an application, user and session ID for the VS Viewer.
getUserAuth() - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.Notification getUserAuthentication(ClientParams) - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.ActiveUserSessionsAuthenticate the session ID information without checking the password.
getUserAuthenticationUI() - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IAppSessionGyroGets the user authentication UI interface used for the initial login.
getUserAuthenticationUI() - Method in class the user authentication UI interface used for the initial login.
getUserAuthenticationUI() - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyroGets the user authentication UI interface used for the initial login.
getUserFileProvider() - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.AuthenticatedUserGets the user file provider for private user files such as images.
getUserFileProvider(WSFileProviderEngine) - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.AuthenticatedUserGets the user file provider for database backup up user files such as images.
getUserFromEmail(String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.UserAuthenticationLooks up a user from the email.
getUserID() - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.UserProfileImageRequestGets the user ID.
getUserID() - Method in interface com.iizix.urn.user.IUserProfileImageRequestGets the user ID.
getUserID() - Method in class com.iizix.user.UserIdentifierGets the User ID.
getUserIdentifier() - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.UserSessionsGets the user identifier.
getUserIdentifier() - Method in exception class com.iizix.user.UserExceptionGets the User Identifier.
getUserIDs(Connection) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.db.BasicUserInfoGets all the defined user ID's.
getUserInformation() - Method in class com.iizix.server.geo.UserLocationHistoryReturns the authenticated user.
getUserInformation() - Method in interface com.iizix.user.geo.IUserLocationHistoryReturns the authenticated user.
getUserLocationHistory() - Method in class com.iizix.user.geo.NearbyGets the user location.
getUserLocations() - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.UserAuthenticationFinds locations of all users.
getUserLocations() - Method in interface com.iizix.user.IAuthenticatedUserProviderFinds locations of all users.
getUserLoginProhibitedIntervals() - Method in class the time intervals when user login is prohibited.
getUserLoginProhibitedIntervals() - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShellGets the time intervals when user login is prohibited.
getUserName() - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.UserProfileImageRequestGets the user name.
getUserName() - Method in interface com.iizix.urn.user.IUserProfileImageRequestGets the user name.
getUserPasswordPolicy() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettingsGets the password policy for users.
getUserPrivateDirectory() - Static method in class com.iizigo.ActivatorGets the user's private directory, normally where the other directories are placed, such as the JDBC drivers "jdbc-drivers", the database "db", etc.
getUserProfileInfo() - Method in class com.iizix.server.oauth.AbstractOAuthServiceGets the UserProfileInformation from this service.
getUserProfileInfo() - Method in class the UserProfileInfo from this service.
getUserProfileInfo() - Method in class the UserProfileInfo from this service.
getUserProfileInfo() - Method in class the UserProfileInfo from this service.
getUserProfileInfo() - Method in class the UserProfileInformation from this service.
getUserProfileInfo() - Method in class the UserProfileInfo from this service.
getUserPublicKey() - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.Notification getUserSessions() - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.ActiveUserSessionsGets the user sessions open.
getUserSessions(String, String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.ActiveUserSessionsGets the user session for a client session.
getUTC(Date) - Static method in class com.iizix.UtilitiesGets the date/time string according to RFC1123 date.
getUUID() - Method in class com.iizix.server.db.BasicUserInfoReturns the UUID for this user.
getUUID() - Method in class com.iizix.SessionInfoGets the unique session UUID for client reconnection purposes.
getUUIDString() - Method in class com.iizix.SessionInfoGets the unique session UUID for client reconnection purposes.
getValidationMessage() - Method in class com.iizigo.ssl.SSLSettingsCompositeGets the validation error message and clears it, null for OK.
getValidator() - Method in class com.iizigo.ssl.SSLSettingsCompositeGets the validator.
getValidator() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.XMLSchemaValidatorPropGets or creates the Schema validator from the Schema sources.
getValidator(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditorSetupGets an entry/property validator.
getValidatorManager() - Method in class com.iizigo.validator.ValidationDialogGets the validator manager.
getValidityPeriod() - Method in interface com.iizix.license.IGenericLicenseSystemIn case there is a time period the license is valid, this method returns the beginning (including) and ending time (excluding) in milliseconds since the epoch.
getValidName(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.UtilitiesName validation for e.g.
getValue() - Method in class com.iizix.device.DeviceParameterGets the value.
getValue() - Method in enum class com.iizix.license.HardwareIdenticationGets the value for this identification as an integer.
getValue() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.CodeItemImplGets the value.
getValue() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GDateTimeGets the value object.
getValue() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GUnitReturns the double value for the unit.
getValue() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ICodeItemGets the value.
getValue() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.SeriesValueGets the series value.
getValue() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.IUIDateTimeGets the current date-time value.
getValue() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.UIDateTimeGets the current date-time value.
getValue() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLDateTimeGets the date/time for the list item.
getValue() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSliderGets the value for the list item.
getValue() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.value.IUIDateTimeComponentGets the value of the component as a GDateTime.
getValue() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.value.IUIDoubleValueComponentGets the value of the component as a double.
getValue() - Method in enum class com.iizix.txp.ITXPPolicy.Action getValue() - Method in enum class com.iizix.txp.ITXProcess.State getValue(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURNGets the String result of this URN.
getValue(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.SeriesGets the series value at specified index.
getValue(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSRowGets the value at specified column index.
getValue(int) - Method in enum class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURNTypeGets the variation of a 2nd or up to 99th value.
getValue(IAppSessionGyro) - Method in class the current value.
getValue(LocaleInfo, Value.Type, boolean, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSFieldGets a value in the requested type with translation flag and no trigger property.
getValue(Atom) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUICompGets the value from a property named atom
getValue(Atom) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICompGets the value from a property named atom
getValue(Value.Type) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSFieldGets a value in the requested type with translation using the field actors with translation and no trigger property.
getValue(Value.Type, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSFieldGets a value in the requested type with translation flag and no trigger property.
getValue(Value.Type, boolean, GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSFieldGets a value in the requested type with translation flag and no trigger property.
getValue(Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.text.TEditingSupportGets the value to edit.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.BaseEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.BadgePropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.BoolPropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.BoxShadowPropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ClassReferencePropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ColorPropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.DateTimePropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.DropShadowPropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.DurationPropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.EncodingPropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.FillPropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.FontPropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.GradientPropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.IntChoicePropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.IntPropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.KStringPropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.LongPropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.MethodReferencePropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.NumberPropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.PanelAnimationPropEditorNever called.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.PasswordPropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.PKCS12IdentityPropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ReferencePropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.SizePropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.StringMapPropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.StringPropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.StrokePropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.StylesReferencesPropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.StylesStatesPropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.TextShadowPropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ThemesPropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.TooltipPropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.TransformPropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.UIDateTimeTypePropEditorNever called.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.UnitPropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.UnitsPropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ValuePropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ValueTypePropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.VSRelativeReferencePropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.VSTableColumnReferencePropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.editor.SessionConfigPropEditorGets the property value for a user input.
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StringMapPropGets a value string from a specific key string from the map.
getValue(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUICompGets the value from a property named name
getValue(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICompGets the value from a property named name
getValue(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.selector.IInfoProviderGets a value with the specified ID.
getValueClass() - Method in class com.iizix.value.BigDecimalValueGets the class of the value.
getValueClass() - Method in class com.iizix.value.BigIntegerValueGets the class of the value.
getValueClass() - Method in class com.iizix.value.BinaryValueGets the class of the value.
getValueClass() - Method in class com.iizix.value.BooleanValueGets the class of the value.
getValueClass() - Method in class com.iizix.value.ByteValueGets the class of the value.
getValueClass() - Method in class com.iizix.value.DoubleValueGets the class of the value.
getValueClass() - Method in class com.iizix.value.DurationValueGets the class of the value.
getValueClass() - Method in class com.iizix.value.FloatValueGets the class of the value.
getValueClass() - Method in class com.iizix.value.IntegerValueGets the class of the value.
getValueClass() - Method in interface com.iizix.value.IValueObjectGets the class of the value.
getValueClass() - Method in class com.iizix.value.KStringValueGets the class of the value.
getValueClass() - Method in class com.iizix.value.LocalDateTimeValueGets the class of the value.
getValueClass() - Method in class com.iizix.value.LocalDateValueGets the class of the value.
getValueClass() - Method in class com.iizix.value.LocalTimeValueGets the class of the value.
getValueClass() - Method in class com.iizix.value.LongValueGets the class of the value.
getValueClass() - Method in class com.iizix.value.MonthDayValueGets the class of the value.
getValueClass() - Method in class com.iizix.value.OffsetDateTimeValueGets the class of the value.
getValueClass() - Method in class com.iizix.value.OffsetTimeValueGets the class of the value.
getValueClass() - Method in class com.iizix.value.PeriodValueGets the class of the value.
getValueClass() - Method in class com.iizix.value.ShortValueGets the class of the value.
getValueClass() - Method in class com.iizix.value.StringValueGets the class of the value.
getValueClass() - Method in class com.iizix.value.XMLDurationValueGets the class of the value.
getValueClass() - Method in class com.iizix.value.XMLGregorianCalendarValueGets the class of the value.
getValueClass() - Method in class com.iizix.value.YearMonthValueGets the class of the value.
getValueClass() - Method in class com.iizix.value.YearValueGets the class of the value.
getValueClass() - Method in class com.iizix.value.ZonedDateTimeValueGets the class of the value.
getValueClasses() - Method in class the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.AbstractReferenceGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.BadgePropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.BoolPropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ByteArrayPropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.CharPropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.CodeItemArrayPropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ColorPropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.DateTimePropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.DoublePropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ErrorsPropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.FillPropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.FontPropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GradientPropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGPropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.Int32PropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.IntPropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.KStringPropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.LongPropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.MultiPropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PlainKStringPropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PrivPropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.RectPropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SizePropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StringArrayPropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StringMapPropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StringPropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StringSetPropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StrokePropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StylesReferencesGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.device.DevicePropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.device.ThemesPropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TableCellGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.TooltipPropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.UnitPropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ValuePropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.HostSessionPropsGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueClasses() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.RemoteHostSessionPropGets the list of possible native Java classes that can be used to set a value using setPropertyValue
, in order of importance.
getValueCount() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.MultiPropGets the value count.
getValueCount() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.SeriesGets the count of values in the series.
getValueCount() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSRowGets the count of values in this row.
getValueOfColumn(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSRowGets the value of specified column name.
getValueOrDefault() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.value.IUIDateTimeComponentGets the value of the component as without throwing an exception as opposed to
but falls back to the default value if undefined.
getValueOrDefault() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.value.IUIDoubleValueComponentGets the value of the component as a double without throwing an exception as opposed to
but falls back to the default value if undefined.
getValues() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.SeriesGets the series values as an array of values.
getValues() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSRowGets the values of for the row.
getValuesList() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.SeriesGets the series values as a list of values.
getValuesProp(int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.SeriesGets the series value property at specified index.
getValueStep() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLSliderGets the value step for the list item.
getValueString() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GDateTimeGets the date/time value as a String, i.e.
getValueToSet() - Method in class the value to set.
getValueToSet() - Method in class the value to set.
getValueType() - Method in interface com.iizigo.vs.INewVSComponentWizardInfoReturns the value type where this applies (for VS Field and VS Column Header).
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.NewVSComponentWizardReturns the value type where this applies (for VS Field and VS Column Header).
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.PatternHelperGets the current value type.
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.wizards.VSComponentCreationReturns the value type where this applies (for VS Field and VS Column Header).
getValueType() - Method in interface the Value type that applies for this element.
getValueType() - Method in class the Value type that applies for this element.
getValueType() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPatternOwnerReturns the value type for the pattern property.
getValueType() - Method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.UIDateTimeDataTypeReturns the Value type for Value.
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIOutputReturns the value type for the pattern property.
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ValuePropGets the value type.
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ValueTypePropGets the value type.
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSColumnHeaderGets the value type of the column.
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSFieldGets the value type.
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizix.value.BigDecimalValueGets the value type.
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizix.value.BigIntegerValueGets the value type.
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizix.value.BinaryValueGets the value type.
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizix.value.BooleanValueGets the value type.
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizix.value.ByteValueGets the value type.
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizix.value.DoubleValueGets the value type.
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizix.value.DurationValueGets the value type.
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizix.value.FloatValueGets the value type.
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizix.value.IntegerValueGets the value type.
getValueType() - Method in interface com.iizix.value.IValueObjectGets the value type.
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizix.value.KStringValueGets the value type.
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizix.value.LocalDateTimeValueGets the value type.
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizix.value.LocalDateValueGets the value type.
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizix.value.LocalTimeValueGets the value type.
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizix.value.LongValueGets the value type.
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizix.value.MonthDayValueGets the value type.
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizix.value.OffsetDateTimeValueGets the value type.
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizix.value.OffsetTimeValueGets the value type.
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizix.value.PeriodValueGets the value type.
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizix.value.ShortValueGets the value type.
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizix.value.StringValueGets the value type.
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizix.value.XMLDurationValueGets the value type.
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizix.value.XMLGregorianCalendarValueGets the value type.
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizix.value.YearMonthValueGets the value type.
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizix.value.YearValueGets the value type.
getValueType() - Method in class com.iizix.value.ZonedDateTimeValueGets the value type.
getValueType(Object) - Static method in class com.iizix.ValueGuesses the type value for a Value class.
getValueTypeString() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSColumnHeaderGets the value type string of the column.
getValueTypeString() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSFieldGets the value type string.
getVariable(String) - Method in class the variable definition for a wrapped reference.
getVariableName() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.AbstractVSVariableGets the name of the variable.
getVariables() - Method in class the output variables.
getVariables() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSVariablesGets the variables of this container.
getVersion() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.WebSocketCommPropsGets the protocol version, either 0 (zero) meaning old key1+key2 or version 7 or better: defaults to 13, i.e.
getVersionFromCommand(String) - Static method in class the first line of the output that contains a version number from a command line such as e.g.
getVersions(IPropProgressMonitor, IPrintAdapter, boolean) - Method in class the versions: Node + NPM, Gradle, Android and Cordova.
getVerticalAlign() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TCellGets the vertical alignment of the cell.
getVerticalExpand() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UITextAreaGets the vertical expand option.
getVetoedProperty() - Method in exception class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppBusyExceptionGets the property that caused the exception.
getViewer() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.capture.CaptureEditorGets the viewer.
getViewer() - Method in interface com.iizigo.term.ITermEditorGets the viewer.
getViewer() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.recording.RecordingEditorGets the viewer.
getViewer() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.screen.ScreenEditorGets the viewer.
getViewer(Control) - Static method in class com.iizigo.dnd.DndHelperGets a Viewer from a Control.
getViewerRow(Point) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.CommonViewerExReturns the viewer row at the given widget-relative coordinates.
getViewerRow(Point) - Method in class com.iizigo.jface.CheckboxTableViewerExReturns the viewer row at the given widget-relative coordinates.
getViewerRow(Point) - Method in class com.iizigo.jface.CheckboxTreeViewerExReturns the viewer row at the given widget-relative coordinates.
getViewerRow(Point) - Method in interface com.iizigo.jface.IViewerToolTipReturns the viewer row at the given widget-relative coordinates.
getViewerRow(Point) - Method in class com.iizigo.jface.TooltipTableViewerReturns the viewer row at the given widget-relative coordinates.
getViewerRowFromItem(Widget) - Method in class com.iizigo.jface.TooltipTableViewerReturns the viewer row for the given widget.
getViewOnlyConnectionListener() - Method in interface com.iizigo.comm.PanelEditorTransactionProcessorGets the transaction listener for "view-only connections".
getViewport() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIImage2Gets the viewport size.
getVirtualChild(GP) - Method in class the virtualized child property from a property located in the original property container.
getVirtualContainerFromProp(IPropCnr) - Method in interface the virtual container from a property.
getVirtualContainerFromProp(IPropCnr) - Method in class the virtual container from a property.
getVirtualized() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VirtualSpaceGets the virtualized instance of this component, i.e.
getVirtualized(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VirtualSpaceGets the virtualized instance of this component, i.e.
getVirtualizedContainer(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.VirtualsPropCnrGets a virtual property from a reference path.
getVirtualizedItems() - Method in interface the virtualized container items.
getVirtualizedItems() - Method in class the virtualized container items.
getVirtualizedPanels() - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IClientSessionGyroGets the cached and sorted array of panels that is currently displayed.
getVirtualizedPanels() - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyroGets the cached and sorted array of panels that is currently displayed.
getVirtualizedPropFromReference(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IClientSessionGyroAttempts to look up a virtualized property from a reference by searching this instance.
getVirtualizedPropFromReference(String) - Method in interface to look up a virtualized property from a reference.
getVirtualizedPropFromReference(String) - Method in class to look up a virtualized property from a reference.
getVirtualizedPropFromReference(String) - Method in class a property reference from the virtuals container.
getVirtualizedPropFromReference(String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyroAttempts to look up a virtualized property from a reference to the VirtualSpace only.
getVirtualizedPropFromReference(String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.ClientSessionGyroAttempts to look up a virtualized property from a reference by searching this instance.
getVirtualizedReferenceLookupRetriever(String) - Method in class the virtuals reference look-up for a reference.
getVirtualizedVirtualSpace(VirtualSpace, boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IAppSessionGyroGets the virtualized counterpart of a VirtualSpace.
getVirtualizedVirtualSpace(VirtualSpace, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyroGets the virtualized counterpart of a VirtualSpace.
getVirtualizedVirtualSpace(String) - Method in class com.iizix.api.BaseEventGets a virtualized VirtualSpace for the application session.
getVirtualizedVirtualSpace(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponentGets a virtualized VirtualSpace for the application session.
getVirtualizedVirtualSpace(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VirtualSpaceGets a virtualized VirtualSpace for the application session from this virtualized VirtualSpace.
getVirtualizedVSComponent(IVSComponent) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IAppSessionGyroGets the virtualized VSComponent counterpart from a non-virtualized VSComponent.
getVirtualizedVSComponent(IVSComponent) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyroGets the virtualized VSComponent counterpart from a non-virtualized VSComponent.
getVirtualizedVSComponent(VSC) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IAppSessionGyroGets the virtualized VSComponent counterpart from a non-virtualized VSComponent.
getVirtualizedVSComponent(VSC) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyroGets the virtualized VSComponent counterpart from a non-virtualized VSComponent.
getVirtuals(IPluginDescriptor<T>) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyroGets the instance of the VirtualsContainer for the plug-in.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizigo.actionactor.ActionActorDesignerPropGets the VirtualSpace containing the action actor.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorInputPropsGets the VirtualSpace.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorResultPropsGets the VirtualSpace.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorResultSetPropsGets the VirtualSpace.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in interface the VirtualSpace.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.PanelEditorGets the VirtualSpace of the edited panel.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.wizards.AddUICompWizardGets the VirtualSpace.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in interface com.iizigo.vs.ICreateVSFieldGets the VirtualSpace container for the connections.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in interface com.iizigo.vs.INewVSComponentWizardInfoReturns the VirtualSpace.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.NewVirtualSpaceWizardGets the created VirtualSpace.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.NewVSComponentWizardReturns the VirtualSpace.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVirtualSpaceGets the VirtualSpace.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVSActionGets the VirtualSpace instance.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVSColumnHeaderGets the VirtualSpace instance.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVSFieldGets the VirtualSpace instance.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVSGroupGets the VirtualSpace instance.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVSParticipantsHolderGets the VirtualSpace associated with this participant holder.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVSRowGets the VirtualSpace instance.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.EditorVSTableGets the VirtualSpace instance.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.VirtualSpaceEditorGets the edited VirtualSpace.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.wizards.VSComponentCreationReturns the VirtualSpace.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class the VirtualSpace.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class the VirtualSpace.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class the VirtualSpace.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class the VirtualSpace.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class the VirtualSpace.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in interface com.iizix.actionactor.IActionActorSettingsReceiverGets the VirtualSpace for the process VirtualSpace Action TXP process.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizix.api.BaseEventGets the VirtualSpace of the event source component.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizix.api.ui.UIBaseEventGets the VirtualSpace of the UI event source component.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizix.api.vs.VSBaseEventGets the VirtualSpace of the VS event source component.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.InputPropsGets the VirtualSpace.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ResultPropsGets the VirtualSpace.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ResultSetPropsGets the VirtualSpace.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUICompGets the VirtualSpace of the UI component.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICompGets the VirtualSpace of the UI component.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIContextMenuGets the VirtualSpace for this panel.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIPanelBaseGets the VirtualSpace for this panel.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSAccessorGets the referrer's back-reference to the VirtualSpace.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponentGets the VirtualSpace instance.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VirtualSpaceGets the VirtualSpace.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSComponentGets the VirtualSpace instance.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSParticipantReferenceGets the VirtualSpace.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSParticipantsHolderGets the VirtualSpace associated with this participant holder.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSReferenceGets the VirtualSpace for this reference.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class the VirtualSpace current instances.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldsPropGets the VirtualSpace.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenPropGets the VirtualSpace for this panel.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.AbstractActionActorTXPNodeGets the VirtualSpace for the process VirtualSpace Action TXP process.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class the VirtualSpace.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class the VirtualSpace.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class the VirtualSpace.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class the VirtualSpace.
getVirtualSpace() - Method in class the VirtualSpace.
getVirtualSpace(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.VSRelativeReferencePropEditorGets the VirtualSpace, prompted to create it perhaps, or connect.
getVirtualSpace(int) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.VSTableColumnReferencePropEditorGets the VirtualSpace, prompted to create it perhaps, or connect.
getVirtualSpace(Shell, int, IPropertyEditorController, EditedPropController<?, ?>, Atom) - Static method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.VSRelativeReferencePropEditorGets the VirtualSpace, prompted to create it perhaps, or connect.
getVirtualSpace(Shell, ModuleModel, IVSAccessor, IPropUndoRedo) - Static method in class com.iizigo.vs.VSHelperGets the VirtualSpace from the participant.
getVirtualSpace(Shell, ModuleModel, IVSParticipant, IPropUndoRedo) - Static method in class com.iizigo.vs.VSHelperGets the VirtualSpace from the participant.
getVirtualSpaceModuleFolder() - Method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleModelGets the module folder for VirtualSpace.
getVirtualSpaceProp() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.prop.VirtualSpaceDesignerPropFor any designer, get the VirtualSpace property.
getVirtualSpaceVirtualsContainer() - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyroThe VirtualsContainer instance for VirtualSpace.
getVisibility() - Method in class com.iizix.gyro.StatusBarConfigGets the status bar visibility configured.
getVisibleItemCount() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCComboGets the number of items that are visible in the drop down portion of the receiver's list.
getVisibleItemCount() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo0Gets the number of items that are visible in the drop down portion of the receiver's list.
getVisualLength() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.UIDateTimeReturns the visual length of the entry field.
getVisualLength() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIAbstractListChoiceReturns the visual length of the entry field.
getVisualLength() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UITextGets the visual length (unit) of the entry field.
getVSAction() - Method in class com.iizix.actionactor.AbstractSettingsGets the VS action owning these settings, i.e.
getVSAction() - Method in class com.iizix.db.actionactor.DatabaseActionActorGets the VS Action that issued the database transaction.
getVSAction() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.AbstractUIActionGets the connected or disconnected VirtualSpace Action.
getVSAction() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIActionGets the connected or disconnected VirtualSpace Action.
getVSAction() - Method in class the VSAction instance.
getVSAction() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenActionPropGets the connected VSAction.
getVSAction() - Method in class the VS Action that issued the Web Service transaction.
getVSClass() - Method in class the class used for linking.
getVSClass() - Method in class the class used for linking.
getVSClass() - Method in class the class used for linking.
getVSClass() - Method in class the class used for linking.
getVSColumn() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorResultSetColumnPropGets the VSColumnHeader.
getVSColumn() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ResultSetColumnPropGets the VSColumnHeader.
getVSColumn() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITableColumnGets the VS column for this table column.
getVSColumnHeader() - Method in class the VSColumnHeader.
getVSColumnHeader() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSTableColumnReferenceGets the target VS component.
getVSColumnHeader() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGets the VS Column Header connected to the screen field.
getVSColumnHeader() - Method in class the VSColumnHeader.
getVSColumnIndex(Object) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.content.AbstractContentUIContainerGets the table column reference property with the String or Atom.
getVSColumnIndex(Object) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLGroupGets the table column reference property with the String or Atom.
getVSColumns() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITableGets the VS columns for the table.
getVSComponent() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSReferenceOwnerDataGets the component reference.
getVSComponent(VSRelativeReference<?>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSReferenceGets a VirtualSpace component from a relative reference.
getVSComponent(String, Class<COMP>) - Method in class com.iizix.api.BaseEventGets the VS component with the specified path.
getVSComponent(String, Class<COMP>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponentGets the VS component with the specified path.
getVSComponent(String, Class<COMP>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VirtualSpaceGets the VS component with the specified path.
getVSComponent(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSReferenceGets a VirtualSpace component from a relative reference.
getVSComponent2(String, Class<COMP>) - Method in class com.iizix.api.BaseEventGets the VS component with the specified full reference path.
getVSComponent2(String, Class<COMP>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponentGets the VS component with the specified full reference path.
getVSComponent2(String, Class<COMP>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VirtualSpaceGets the VS component with the specified full reference path.
getVSComponentClass() - Method in class the source VS component class.
getVSComponentClass() - Method in class the source VS component class.
getVSComponentClass() - Method in class the source VS component class.
getVSComponentClass() - Method in class the source VS component class.
getVSComponentClass() - Method in class the source VS component class.
getVSComponentClass() - Method in interface the source VS component class.
getVSComponentNull(String, Class<COMP>) - Method in class com.iizix.api.BaseEventGets the VS component with the specified path.
getVSComponentNull(String, Class<COMP>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponentGets the VS component with the specified path.
getVSComponentNull(String, Class<COMP>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VirtualSpaceGets the VS component with the specified path.
getVSComponentNull2(String, Class<COMP>) - Method in class com.iizix.api.BaseEventGets the VS component with the specified full reference path.
getVSComponentNull2(String, Class<COMP>) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponentGets the VS component with the specified full reference path.
getVSComponentNull2(String, Class<COMP>) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VirtualSpaceGets the VS component with the specified full reference path.
getVSComponentReference() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGets the VSComponentReference.
getVSComponentReferenceClasses(VSComponentReference) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponentReferenceProviderGets the possible component classes for the references, i.e.
getVSComponentReferenceClasses(VSComponentReference) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGets the possible component classes for the references, i.e.
getVSField() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorInputVariableGets the VSField.
getVSField() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorResultPropsGets the VirtualSpace field for all the output.
getVSField() - Method in class the VSField.
getVSField() - Method in class the VSField.
getVSField() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.InputVariableGets the VSField.
getVSField() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ResultPropsGets the VirtualSpace table for all the output.
getVSField() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUICompGets the connected or disconnected VirtualSpace Field.
getVSField() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItemPropGets the connected or disconnected VirtualSpace Field.
getVSField() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICompGets the connected or disconnected VirtualSpace Field.
getVSField() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGets the VS Field connected to the screen field.
getVSField() - Method in class the VSField.
getVSField(IAppSessionGyro) - Method in class the VSField.
getVSFieldReference() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ResultPropsGets the VSField reference.
getVSFocusComponent() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.AbstractUIActionGets the VS component to focus when action is triggered.
getVSFocusComponent() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIActionGets the VS component to focus when action is triggered.
getVSLinkInfo() - Method in interface the possible array of VS links possible, their types, the reference type, and so on.
getVSLinkInfo() - Method in interface the possible array of VS links possible, their types, the reference type, and so on.
getVSParent() - Method in class com.iizigo.vs.wizards.VSComponentCreationGets the parent for the component.
getVSParticipant() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.IUIPanelOwnerGets the VSParticipant instance.
getVSParticipant() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIContextMenuGets the VSParticipant instance.
getVSParticipant() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIPanelBaseGets the VSParticipant instance.
getVSParticipant() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenPropGets the VSParticipant instance.
getVSParticipantAtom() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSParticipantReturns the atom name used for the VSParticipant property.
getVSPropertyClass() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.InputVariableGets the class wanted for the VS component being referenced.
getVSPropertyClass() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ResultSetColumnPropGets the class wanted for the VS component being referenced.
getVSPropertyClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.AbstractVSVariableGets the class wanted for the VS component being referenced.
getVSPropertyClass() - Method in class the class wanted for the VS component being referenced.
getVSPropertyClass() - Method in class the class wanted for the VS component being referenced.
getVSPropertyClass() - Method in class the class wanted for the VS component being referenced.
getVSPropertyClass() - Method in class the class wanted for the VS component being referenced.
getVSRef() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSComponentGets the components relative path to the name space.
getVSReference(Atom) - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.InputPropsGets a VSReference instance from the container or any parent containers.
getVSReference(Atom) - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ResultPropsGets a VSReference instance from the container or any parent containers.
getVSReference(Atom) - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ResultSetPropsGets a VSReference instance from the container or any parent containers.
getVSReference(Atom) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GPropGets a VSReference instance from the container or any parent containers.
getVSReference(Atom) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGPropGets a VSReference instance from the container or any parent containers.
getVSReference(Atom) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ModuleAppGets the VSReference that is initially used as start-up for the application.
getVSReference(Atom) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnrGets a VSReference instance from the container or any parent containers.
getVSReference(Atom) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIContextMenuGets a VSReference instance from the container or any parent containers.
getVSReference(Atom) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIPanelBaseGets a VSReference instance from the container or any parent containers.
getVSReference(Atom) - Method in class a VSReference instance from the container or any parent containers.
getVSReference(Atom) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VirtualSpaceGets the VSReference to this VirtualSpace.
getVSReference(Atom) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldsPropGets the VSParticipant reference (VSReference).
getVSReference(Atom) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenPropGets a VSReference instance from the container or any parent containers.
getVSReference(Atom) - Method in class a VSReference instance from the container or any parent containers.
getVSReference(Atom) - Method in class a VSReference instance from the container or any parent containers.
getVSReferenceClass() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.InputVariableGets the class wanted for VS references.
getVSReferenceClass() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ResultSetColumnPropGets the class wanted for VS references.
getVSReferenceClass() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.AbstractVSVariableGets the class wanted for VS references.
getVSReferenceClass() - Method in class the class wanted for VS references.
getVSReferenceClass() - Method in class the class wanted for VS references.
getVSReferenceClass() - Method in class the class wanted for VS references.
getVSReferenceClass() - Method in class the class wanted for VS references.
getVSRelativeReference() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGets the relative VS connection.
getVSRow() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.content.IContentDataGets the associated VSRow for this item.
getVSRow() - Method in class the associated VSRow for this item.
getVSRow() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItemGets the associated VSRow for this item.
getVSStateFocus() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UICompGets the VS component for state and focus of this component (always null) if the component is not a container.
getVSStateFocus() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIContainerGets the VS component for state and focus of this container.
getVSTable() - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorResultSetPropsGets the VirtualSpace table for all the output.
getVSTable() - Method in class the VSTable.
getVSTable() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ResultSetPropsGets the VirtualSpace table for all the output.
getVSTable() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.content.AbstractContentUIContainerGets the VSTable.
getVSTable() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.SeriesReturns the VS table connection.
getVSTable() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITableGets the VS table reference of the table.
getVSTable() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITableColumnGets the VS table.
getVSTable() - Method in class the VSTable.
getVSTable(VSTableColumnReference) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.prop.EditorResultSetColumnPropGets the VSTable for a VSTableColumnReference instance.
getVSTable(VSTableColumnReference) - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ResultSetColumnPropGets the VSTable for a VSTableColumnReference instance.
getVSTable(VSTableColumnReference) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.content.AbstractContentUIContainerGets the VSTable for a VSTableColumnReference instance.
getVSTable(VSTableColumnReference) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLDefaultItemPropGets the VSTable for a VSTableColumnReference instance.
getVSTable(VSTableColumnReference) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITableGets the VSTable for a VSTableColumnReference instance.
getVSTable(VSTableColumnReference) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITableColumnGets the VSTable for a VSTableColumnReference instance.
getVSTable(VSTableColumnReference) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSTableColumnReferenceOwnerGets the VSTable for a VSTableColumnReference instance.
getVSTable(VSTableColumnReference) - Method in class the VSTable for a VSTableColumnReference instance.
getVSTableReference() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ResultSetPropsGets the VirtualSpace table reference for all the output.
getVSTableReference() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITableGets the VirtualSpace table reference for the table.
getVSTableReferenceOwnerData() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ResultSetColumnPropGets the table reference owner data for the table column reference.
getVSTableReferenceOwnerData() - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.ResultSetPropsGets the table reference owner data for the table column reference.
getVSTableReferenceOwnerData() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.content.AbstractContentUIContainerGets the table reference owner data for the table column reference.
getVSTableReferenceOwnerData() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLDefaultItemPropGets the table reference owner data for the table column reference.
getVSTableReferenceOwnerData() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITableGets the table reference owner data for the table column reference.
getVSTableReferenceOwnerData() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITableColumnGets the table reference owner data for the table column reference.
getVSTableReferenceOwnerData() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.vs.IVSTableColumnReferenceOwnerGets the table reference owner data for the table column reference.
getVSTableReferenceOwnerData() - Method in class the table reference owner data for the table column reference.
getVSTableReferenceOwnerData() - Method in class the table reference owner data for the table column reference.
getVSTarget() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.AbstractVSVariableGets the VS target.
getVSTarget() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSRelativeReferenceGets the target VS component.
getVSVariableReference() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.AbstractVSVariableGets the VitualSpace component reference.
getVSViewerParams() - Method in class com.iizix.server.vsviewer.VSViewerTransactionProcessorGets the VS Viewer parameters.
getWaitMessage() - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.ILockUIReturns the wait message to display alongside the UI lock or progress indicator in the UI (e.g.
getWaitMessage(ILockUI) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.ILockUIReturns the wait message to display alongside the UI lock or progress indicator in the UI (e.g.
getWebLogos() - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShellGets the instance of the WebLogos.
getWebServerCompression() - Method in class com.iizix.server.jakarta.JakartaEEServerGets the web server compression interface.
getWebServerCompression() - Method in class com.iizix.server.JettyRunConfigurationGets the web server compression interface.
getWebServerCompression() - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShellGets the web server compression interface.
getWebServerMapping(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.webserver.InternalWebServerGets the map of web server mappings for files.
getWebServerMapping(String) - Method in class com.iizix.jetty.RunConfigurationWebServerGets the map of web server mappings for files.
getWebServerMapping(String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.JettyRunConfigurationGets the map of web server mappings for files.
getWebServerMapping(String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShellGets the map of web server mappings for files.
getWebServerPort() - Method in class com.iizigo.webserver.InternalWebServerGets the started web server port.
getWebServerPort() - Method in class com.iizix.jetty.IntegratedWebServerGets the started web server port.
getWebServiceConfigurator() - Static method in enum class com.iizix.RunModeGets the instance of the URL / HTTP(S) configuration for the web service engine.
getWebServiceProp() - Method in class the database properties that will be used to execute the transaction.
getWebServiceProp() - Method in class the Web Service property.
getWebServiceProp() - Method in class the Web Service property.
getWebServiceProp() - Method in class the Web Service property.
getWebServiceProp() - Method in class the Web Service property.
getWebServiceProp() - Method in class the Web Service property.
getWebServiceProp() - Method in class the Web Service property.
getWebServiceProp() - Method in class any designer, get the WebService property.
getWebServiceProp() - Method in class the Web Service property that will be used to execute the transaction.
getWebServiceProp() - Method in class the Web Service property.
getWebServiceProp() - Method in class the Web Service property.
getWebServiceProp() - Method in class the Web Service property.
getWebServiceProp() - Method in class the Web Service property.
getWebServiceProp() - Method in class the Web Service property.
getWebServiceReference() - Method in class the Web Service reference property that will be used to execute the transaction.
getWebSocketCommListener(IWebSocketComm) - Method in class com.iizix.server.AbstractEndPointGets the WebSocketCommListener for the end point.
getWebSocketCommListener(IWebSocketComm) - Method in class com.iizix.server.client.ClientEndPointGets the WebSocketCommListener for the end point.
getWebSocketCommListener(IWebSocketComm) - Method in class com.iizix.server.client.FailedReconnectClientEndPointGets the WebSocketCommListener for the end point.
getWebSocketCommListener(IWebSocketComm) - Method in interface com.iizix.server.IEndPointGets the WebSocketCommListener for the end point.
getWebSocketCommListener(IWebSocketComm) - Method in class com.iizix.server.vsviewer.VSViewerEndPointGets the WebSocketCommListener for the end point.
getWebThumbs() - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShellGets the instance of the WebThumbs.
getWeight() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.FontInfoThe font weight as in CSS, e.g.
getWeight() - Method in interface com.iizix.IFontInfoGets the font weight as in CSS.
getWeight() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.font.FontConsumedGets the weight.
getWeightsForSave() - Method in class com.iizix.swt.CustomSashFormGet heights for save.
getWidth() - Method in class com.iizigo.image.ImageInfoGets the width.
getWidth() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.capture.prop.CaptureFieldPropGets the width.
getWidth() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenFieldPropGets the width.
getWidth() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenIdentificationPropGets the width.
getWidth() - Method in interface com.iizigo.term.prop.IScreenRectangleGets the width.
getWidth() - Method in class com.iizix.barcode.BarcodeBuilderGets the width of the barcode.
getWidth() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GRectGets the width.
getWidth() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GSizeGets the width.
getWidth() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.image.IImageTargetGets the width of the BITMAP image.
getWidth() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.image.SVGInfoGets the width of the SVG.
getWidth() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.device.GSimpleDeviceGets the width.
getWidth() - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.UserProfileImageRequestGets the width requested of the image, always greater than zero.
getWidth() - Method in class the screen width.
getWidth() - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostScreenGets the width of the screen.
getWidth() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenPropGets the width of this screen.
getWidth() - Method in class com.iizix.term.tn3270e.Display3270Gets the display width.
getWidth() - Method in interface com.iizix.urn.user.IUserProfileImageRequestGets the width requested of the image, always greater than zero.
getWidth() - Method in class com.iizix.user.ProfilePictureInfoGets the width of the profile picture.
getWidth(int) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGets the with of a specific line in the host field.
getWidthUnit() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.ILayoutUnitWidthReturns the width of the component.
getWindow(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.WindowsGets the window of the specified name.
getWizardImage(Image) - Method in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUICreates a "wizard" image from an existing image.
getWorkBenchImage(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUIGets a Workbench Shared image by a name.
getWorkbenchPart() - Method in interface com.iizigo.editor.IPartExtensionIZGets the workbench part.
getWorkbenchPart() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PartExtensionIZGets the workbench part.
getWorkbenchPart() - Method in class com.iizigo.handler.SelectionEnablerGets the workbench part.
getWorkbenchShared(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.ImageRegistryLoads a workbench Image from its symbolic name defined in org.eclipse.ui.ISharedImages.
getWorker() - Static method in class com.iizigo.ActivatorGets the Worker.
getWorker() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.TerminalDesignerPropGets the worker of the session.
getWorker() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSActionTXProcessGets the worker executing this task.
getWorker() - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShellGets the server worker.
getWorker() - Method in class com.iizix.SessionInfoGets the worker for the session.
getWorker() - Method in class com.iizix.term.HostSessionGets the worker instance of the session.
getWorker() - Method in interface com.iizix.term.HostSessionOwnerGets the worker of the session.
getWorker() - Method in class com.iizix.term.remote.RemoteHostSessionGets the worker of the session.
getWorker() - Method in class com.iizix.term.server.TerminalHostGets the worker of the session.
getWorker() - Method in class com.iizix.WorkerTaskGets the worker associated with this task.
getWorker(Runnable) - Static method in class com.iizigo.comm.WebSocketServerGets the worker instance.
getWrappedElements(String) - Method in class all wrapped fields that has the reference specified.
getWrappedElementValue() - Method in interface the wrapped element value.
getWrappedElementValue() - Method in class the String version of the Wrapped Element value.
getWrappedReference(boolean) - Method in interface the reference of this wrapped element.
getWrappedReference(boolean) - Method in class the reference of this wrapped element.
getWriteEncoding() - Method in class the String write encoding.
getWriter() - Method in enum class com.iizix.barcode.BarcodeTypeGets the writer used to encode barcodes, or to validate the data string.
getWriteTimeout() - Method in class com.iizix.nio.SocketCommNIOSets the read time-out value for the connection.
getWrongCaseChars(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.text.HTMLCharacterEntitiesMaps a String character entity to a char.
getWSFile() - Method in class com.iizix.server.weblogos.WebLogoGets the Web Server file in the file provider system that should be used for the Website logo.
getWSFile() - Method in class com.iizix.server.webthumbs.WebThumbnailGets the Web Server File that should be used for the Website thumbnail: 1280 x 1024.
getWSIdleTimeout() - Method in interface com.iizix.comm.IServerSettingsGet the web server maximum thread idle time, default is 60 seconds, 60_000 milliseconds.
getWSIdleTimeout() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettingsGet the web server maximum thread idle time, default is 60 seconds, 60_000 milliseconds.
getWSMaxThreads() - Method in interface com.iizix.comm.IServerSettingsGet the web server maximum number of threads, default is 200.
getWSMaxThreads() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettingsGet the web server maximum number of threads, default is 200.
getWSMinThreads() - Method in interface com.iizix.comm.IServerSettingsGet the web server minimum number of threads, default is 8.
getWSMinThreads() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettingsGet the web server minimum number of threads, default is 8.
getWSReservedThreads() - Method in interface com.iizix.comm.IServerSettingsGet the web server number of reserved threads, default to -1.
getWSReservedThreads() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettingsGet the web server number of reserved threads, default to -1.
getWSUploaderService() - Method in class the web service file uploader service.
getWSUploaderService() - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShellGets the web service file uploader service.
getX() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.capture.prop.CaptureFieldPropGets the X position.
getX() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenFieldPropGets the X position.
getX() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenIdentificationPropGets the X position.
getX() - Method in interface com.iizigo.term.prop.IScreenRectangleGets the X position.
getX() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GRectGets the X position.
getX() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGet the horizontal position.
getX() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenIdentificationPropGets the X position.
getXMLDataFactory() - Static method in class com.iizix.ValueGets the XML datatype factory.
getXMLDocument(Document) - Static method in class com.iizix.XMLUtilitiesGets a Document as a String.
getXMLSchemaType() - Method in class com.iizix.value.ImmutableXMLGregorianCalendarReturn the name of the XML Schema date/time type that this instance maps to.
getXMLString() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.image.SVGInfoGets the XML string.
getY() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.capture.prop.CaptureFieldPropGets the Y position.
getY() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenFieldPropGets the Y position.
getY() - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorScreenIdentificationPropGets the Y position.
getY() - Method in interface com.iizigo.term.prop.IScreenRectangleGets the Y position.
getY() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GRectGets the Y position.
getY() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldPropGet the vertical position.
getY() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenIdentificationPropGets the Y position.
getYear() - Method in class com.iizix.value.ImmutableXMLGregorianCalendargetYuiCssLineBreak() - Method in class number of symbols per line Yahoo YUI Compressor will use during CSS compression.
getYuiJsLineBreak() - Method in class number of symbols per line Yahoo YUI Compressor will use during JavaScript compression.
getZipCode() - Method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocationGets the zip code, null for none, e.g.
getZipFile(String) - Method in class a ZIP file from the resources.
getZone() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GDateTimeGets the time zone for the ZonedDateTime or ZoneId types, such as 'Europe/Paris'.
getZonedDateTime() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GDateTimeGets the value as a ZonedDateTime.
getZoneId() - Method in class com.iizix.LocaleInfoGets the time-zone ID.
getZoneId() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.IUIDateTimeGets the zone of the value.
getZoneId() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.UIDateTimeGets the zone of the value.
getZoneOffset() - Method in class com.iizix.LocaleInfoGets the time-zone offset.
getZoom() - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.PanelSettingsPropCnrGets the zoom factor.
getZoomFactor() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIImage2Gets the image zoom factor.
getZxingFormat() - Method in class com.iizix.barcode.BarcodeDataGets the barcode Zxing format enum.
GEvent - Class in com.iizix.eventThis class is the base class for all events.
GEvent(GProp<?>, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.iizix.event.GEventConstructs the generic event with specified originator without progress monitor.
GEvent(GProp<?>, int, boolean, IPropProgressMonitor) - Constructor for class com.iizix.event.GEventConstructs the generic event with specified originator.
GEvent(GProp<?>, int, IPropProgressMonitor) - Constructor for class com.iizix.event.GEventConstructs the generic event with specified originator that has a progress monitor and is not remote induced.
GEvent.Operation - Enum Class in com.iizix.eventOperations enumeration when sending the from the GProp.onEvent
GFill - Class in com.iizix.propAbstract class to defines how to fill a shape.
GFill() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.GFill GFill.Type - Enum Class in com.iizix.propThe fill type.
GFillGradient - Class in com.iizix.propGradient fill for a shape with a close relation to dojox/gfx.LinearGradient and dojox/gfx.RadialGradient.
GFillGradient(GGradient) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.GFillGradientCreates a solid fill from a color.
GFillPattern - Class in com.iizix.propPattern fill for a shape with a close relation to dojox/gfx.Pattern.
GFillPattern(int, int, int, int, String) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.GFillPatternCreates a pattern fill from an image reference string path as "module:/image/path".
GFillSolid - Class in com.iizix.propSolid fill using a single color to fill a shape.
GFillSolid(GColor) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.GFillSolidCreates a solid fill from a color.
GFont - Class in com.iizix.propA font specifies the properties for a Font used in text operations.
GFont(String, String) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.GFontCreates an new normal font.
GFont(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.GFontCreates an new normal font.
gg - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon gg_circle - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon GGradient - Class in com.iizix.propThis is a data holder class for gradient.
GGradient(int, int, int, GGradient.Swatch[]) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.GGradientCreates a linear or radial gradient.
GGradient(int, int, GGradient.Swatch[]) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.GGradientCreates a radial gradient object.
GGradient(int, GGradient.Swatch[]) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.GGradientCreates a linear gradient object.
GGradient(ReadTransaction) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.GGradientCreates a color from a transaction.
GGradient(String) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.GGradientCreates a gradient from a String.
GGradient.Swatch - Class in com.iizix.propInner class for a Swatch in a gradient.
gid - Variable in class com.iizix.server.db.GroupInfoThe unique group ID.
GIF - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.image.ImageTypeGIF: "image/gif", extension ".gif".
gift - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon git - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon git_square - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon github - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon github_alt - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon github_square - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon gitlab - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon gittip - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon glass - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon glide - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon glide_g - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon globalActionBars - Variable in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPartThe global action bars.
globe - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon GManagementConstants - Interface in com.iizix.commManagement transaction constants.
google - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon Google - Class in com.iizix.server.oauth.servicesThe Google service.
Google - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.comm.oauth.AuthenticationProviderGoogle OAuth 2.0 authentication provider.
Google(OAuthSession, String, String, String...) - Constructor for class the service.
google_plus - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon google_plus_circle - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon google_plus_official - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon google_plus_square - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon google_wallet - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon Google20Example - Class in com.iizix.test.auth GoogleTest - Class in com.iizix.translate.testTest class for Google Translate.
GoogleTest() - Constructor for class com.iizix.translate.test.GoogleTest GoogleTranslate - Class in com.iizigo.translate.googleThe Editor version of the Google Translate translator implementation.
GoogleTranslate - Class in com.iizix.translate.googleGoogle Translate translator implementation to get supported Languages, detect language(s) and perform translations.
GoogleTranslate() - Constructor for class
GoogleTranslate() - Constructor for class gotoActionActorDefinition(Shell) - Method in class com.iizigo.actionactor.EditorJavaActionActor.SettingsGoes to the actor definition.
gotoActionActorDefinition(Shell) - Method in interface com.iizigo.actionactor.IEditorActionActorSettingsGoes to the actor definition.
gotoActionActorDefinition(Shell) - Method in class com.iizigo.db.actionactor.EditorDatabaseActionActor.SettingsGoes to the actor definition.
gotoActionActorDefinition(Shell) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.EditorTerminalActionActor.SettingsGoes to the actor definition.
gotoActionActorDefinition(Shell) - Method in class to the actor definition.
gotoJava() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ClassReferencePropEditorGoto Java class definition.
gotoJava(Shell, String, IJavaElement) - Static method in class Java element definition.
gotoMarker(IMarker) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPartSets the cursor and selection state for an editor to reveal the position of the given marker.
GotoProperty - Class in com.iizigo.quickfix.fixerAn abstract Quick-fix helper class to "go to a property" in the corresponding Editor to e.g.
GotoProperty() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.quickfix.fixer.GotoPropertyConstructs the quick-fixer with default constructor for Eclipse.
GotoProperty(GProp<?>) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.quickfix.fixer.GotoPropertyCreates a quick-fixer to go to the specified property.
GPDEBUG - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.GPropDebug mode.
GProp<VALUE> - Class in com.iizix.propThe generic property class holds the property name, value and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
GProp() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.GPropCreates a generic property.
GProp(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.GPropCreates a generic property with the specified name with a null value.
GPS - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.EnvProps.ClientCapabilityGPS capabilities.
grab(AssetReference, GProp<?>) - Static method in class com.iizigo.image.ImageInfoFrom a AssetReference, gets the ImageInfo instance and adds a reference count to it.
GRADIENT - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.GFill.Type Gradient_Charged - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.ChartTheme Gradient_Chris - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.ChartTheme Gradient_Claro - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.ChartTheme Gradient_Electric - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.ChartTheme Gradient_Julie - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.ChartTheme Gradient_PrimaryColors - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.ChartTheme Gradient_Renkoo - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.ChartTheme Gradient_ThreeD - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.ChartTheme Gradient_Tom - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.ChartTheme GradientBackground - Class in com.iizigo.swtClass used to set a gradient on a composite.
GradientBackground(Composite, Color, Color) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.swt.GradientBackgroundConstructor for the gradient.
GradientDialog - Class in com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialogGradient dialog designer.
GradientDialog(Shell, GGradient) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.GradientDialogCreate the dialog.
GradientProp - Class in com.iizix.propThe "gradient" property class holds the property name, value as a GGradient object and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
GradientProp() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.GradientPropCreates a gradient property with no name and with a null value.
GradientProp(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.GradientPropCreates a gradient property with the specified name with a null value.
GradientProp(Atom, GGradient) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.GradientPropCreates a gradient property with the specified name and value.
GradientPropEditor - Class in com.iizigo.prop.editorThe Gradient property editor.
GradientPropEditor() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.GradientPropEditorDefault constructor called before createControls.
Gradle_CleanupError - Enum constant in enum class Gradle_DownloadInstallError - Enum constant in enum class Gradle_NotFound - Enum constant in enum class graduation_cap - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon GraphicsGC - Class in com.iizigo.swtClass to transpose a Graphics2D onto an SWT Graphics Context (GC).
GraphicsGC() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.swt.GraphicsGCConstructs the Graphics to GC transfer for images without transparency.
GraphicsGC(int) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.swt.GraphicsGCConstructs the Graphics to GC transfer for images with specified transparency color.
GraphicsGC(int, int) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.swt.GraphicsGCConstructs the Graphics to GC transfer for use with getImage()
GraphicsGC(int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.swt.GraphicsGCConstructs the Graphics to GC transfer for use with getImage()
gratipay - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon grav - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon gray - Variable in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUI GRect - Class in com.iizix.propSimple immutable rectangle class for multiple use accepting negative width and height.
GRect() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.GRectConstructor for x=y=cx=cy=0.
GRect(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.GRectConstructor.
GRect(ReadTransaction) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.GRectConstructor from a Transaction.
GRect(String) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.GRectConstructor from a String formatted as "x,y,cx,cy".
Greek - Enum constant in enum class Greek - Enum constant in enum class GREEN - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.GBadge.ColorGreen color.
greenBackground - Variable in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUI greenForeground - Variable in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUI grid - Variable in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EGridLayout.GridThe grid.
GRID - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotTypeA "faux" plot that can be placed behind other plots to represent a grid against which other plots can be easily measured.
GridData - Class in com.iizix.prop.uiThe GridData is the layout data for components in a container with GridLayout.
GridData() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.GridDataCreates a GridData container without name and with a null value.
GridData(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.GridDataCreates a GridData container with the specified name with a null value.
GridData(Atom, GProp<?>[]) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.GridDataCreates a GridData container with the specified name and properties.
GridInfo() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.panel.PanelEditor.GridInfo GridLayout - Class in com.iizix.prop.uiGridLayout is a layout manager.
GridLayout() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.GridLayoutCreates the layout without name with a null value.
GridLayout(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.GridLayoutCreates the layout with the specified name with a null value.
GridLayout(Atom, GProp<?>[]) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.GridLayoutCreates the layout with the specified name and properties.
group - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon group - Variable in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditorInfoThe group.
GROUP_ALIGN - Static variable in class group: align.
GROUP_BACKGROUND - Static variable in class group: background.
GROUP_BACKGROUND__NO_COLOR - Static variable in class for background without color.
GROUP_BORDER - Static variable in class group: border.
GROUP_BOX - Static variable in class group: box.
GROUP_DATABASE_FILES - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.urn.URNResourceTypeUser files, private for a user.
GROUP_EXTENDS - Static variable in class"Style group": extends.
GROUP_FONT - Static variable in class group: font.
GROUP_ID - Static variable in class name of the property for the Developer Group ID.
GROUP_IMAGE - Static variable in class group: background image.
GROUP_LISTS - Static variable in class group: lists.
GROUP_MARGIN - Static variable in class group: margin.
GROUP_OPACITY - Static variable in class group: opacity.
GROUP_OUTLINE - Static variable in class group: outline.
GROUP_PADDING - Static variable in class group: padding.
GROUP_PRIO - Static variable in class group: priority (only for Styles in files).
GROUP_TEXT - Static variable in class group: text.
GROUP_TEXT__NO_ALIGN - Static variable in class for text without align.
GROUP_TEXT__NO_ALIGN_WHITESPACE - Static variable in class for text without align.
GROUP_TEXT__NO_ALIGN_WRAP - Static variable in class for text without align and wrap.
GROUP_TEXT__NO_ALIGN_WRAP_DIRECTION - Static variable in class for text without align and wrap.
GROUP_TEXT__NO_ALIGN_WRAP_LINEHEIGHT - Static variable in class for text without align and wrap.
GROUP_TEXT__NO_WRAP - Static variable in class for text without wrap.
GROUP_TRANSFORM - Static variable in class group: transform.
groupFormatter - Variable in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditorInfoThe group formatter, null for none.
GroupInfo - Class in com.iizix.server.dbClass holding information about user groups for the server.
GroupNameProp - Class in com.iizix.prop.uiGroup name property used for component grouping.
GroupNameProp() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.GroupNamePropCreates a Group Name property with no name and with a null value.
GroupNameProp(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.GroupNamePropCreates a Group Name property with the specified name with a null value.
GroupNameValidator - Class in com.iizigo.prop.editorThe group name validator for radio buttons.
GroupNameValidator() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.GroupNameValidatorDefault constructor.
GROUPS - Static variable in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerAppConfigThe groups of this app.
groupTextPrompt - Variable in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditorInfoThe group text prompt.
groupToolTipText - Variable in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditorInfoThe group tool tip text.
GSeriesValue - Class in com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.seriesThe series value that can be simple, X/Y, Bubble or OHLC.
GSeriesValue() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.GSeriesValue GSimpleDevice - Class in com.iizix.prop.ui.deviceClass for a simple panel device, i.e.
GSimpleDevice(ReadTransaction) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.device.GSimpleDeviceConstructs the device from a transaction.
GSimpleDevice(String) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.device.GSimpleDeviceCreates from a string representation "width={integer},height={integer},canChangeOrientation={boolean},name".
GSimpleDevice(String, int, int) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.device.GSimpleDeviceConstructs the device.
GSimpleDevice(String, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.device.GSimpleDeviceConstructs the device.
GSize - Class in com.iizix.propSimple immutable size class for multiple use accepting negative width and height.
GSize() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.GSizeConstructor for cx=cy=0.
GSize(int, int) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.GSizeConstructor.
GSize(ReadTransaction) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.GSizeConstructor from a Transaction.
GSize(String) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.GSizeConstructor from a String formatted as "cx,cy".
GStroke - Class in com.iizix.propA stroke defines stylistic properties that are used when drawing a path.
GStroke(GStroke.Cap, GStroke.Join, float, float, GStroke.Style, GColor) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.GStrokeCreates an new stroke.
GStroke.Cap - Enum Class in com.iizix.propSpecifies the shape to be used at the end of open subpaths when they are stroked.
GStroke.Join - Enum Class in com.iizix.propSpecifies the shape to be used at the corners of paths or basic shapes when they are stroked.
GStroke.Style - Enum Class in com.iizix.propLine style.
GThemes - Class in com.iizix.prop.ui.deviceThis is a data holder class for UI themes, specifying UI type (desktop/mobile) and the themes that are selected or possible.
GThemes(int, UIThemes.Name[], UIThemes.Name[]) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.device.GThemesCreates a new instance of themes.
guessType(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.ValueGuesses the value type from a String in the following order: Long, Double, BigDecimal, ZonedDateTime, OffsetDateTime, LocalDateTime, OffsetTime, LocalTime, LocalDate, Period, Duration, MonthDay, YearMonth, Boolean.
Gujarati - Enum constant in enum class GUnit - Class in com.iizix.propThis is a data holder class for a unit "px" for pixels, "dlg" for dialog, "em" for the size of the current font, "ex" for the size of the "x" character of the current font, "pt" for point size (1/72 of an inch), and "%" for percent of the parent component size.
GUnit() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.GUnitCreates a unit object to 0 (zero) in pixels.
GUnit(double, int) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.GUnitCreates a unit object with the specified value in pixels.
GUnit(int) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.GUnitCreates a unit object with the specified value in pixels.
GUnit(ReadTransaction) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.GUnitCreates a unit object from a transaction.
GUnitException - Exception Class in com.iizix.propException class used by GUnit.
GUnitException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.iizix.prop.GUnitExceptionCreates the exception with a description.
GyroException - Exception Class in com.iizix.gyro GyroException() - Constructor for exception class com.iizix.gyro.GyroException GyroException(String) - Constructor for exception class com.iizix.gyro.GyroException GyroException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.iizix.gyro.GyroException GyroException(String, Throwable, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for exception class com.iizix.gyro.GyroException GyroException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class com.iizix.gyro.GyroException GyroTransaction - Class in com.iizix.gyroThe gyro transaction class is used to record all changes in a property container for commit/rollback operations.
GyroTransaction(PropCnr, IFocusEngine) - Constructor for class com.iizix.gyro.GyroTransactionCreates the gyro transaction for a property container.
GZIP - Static variable in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettingsThe Gzip boolean setting.
GZOutputStream - Class in com.iizix.utilModified version of Java's GZIPOutputStream to perform BEST compression!
GZOutputStream(OutputStream) - Constructor for class com.iizix.util.GZOutputStreamCreates a new output stream with the 16 KB buffer size and without flushing.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _
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