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All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


F_BOLD - Static variable in class com.iizigo.prop.tooltip.TooltipItem
Flag for bold font, cannot be combined with italic font.
F_IMAGE - Static variable in class com.iizigo.prop.tooltip.TooltipItem
Flag for Image.
F_ITALIC - Static variable in class com.iizigo.prop.tooltip.TooltipItem
Flag for italic font, cannot be combined with bold font.
FA_3270ISPDHI - Static variable in class
FA_3270ISPDMASK - Static variable in class
FA_3270ISPDNODISP - Static variable in class
FA_3270NUM - Static variable in class
FA_5250FTALPHA - Static variable in class
FA_5250FTDIGITS - Static variable in class
FA_5250FTMASK - Static variable in class
FA_5250FTNUM - Static variable in class
FA_5250FTNUMSH - Static variable in class
FA_5250FTSIGNNUM - Static variable in class
FA_5250HI - Static variable in class
FA_5250NODISP - Static variable in class
FA_PROT - Static variable in class
facebook - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
Facebook - Class in
The Facebook service.
Facebook - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.comm.oauth.AuthenticationProvider
Facebook OAuth 2.0 authentication provider.
Facebook(OAuthSession, String, String, String...) - Constructor for class
Constructs the service.
facebook_official - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
facebook_square - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
FacebookExample - Class in com.iizix.test.auth
OAuth2 Facebook example, with response parsing of JSON.
Facetime - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.device.settings.Settings_iOS
Settings > FaceTime.
FADE - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IUIPanelAnimation.Type
Animation type: fade.
FADE - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.Transition
Fade, transition direction does not apply.
FAHRENHEIT - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.TemperatureUnit
Fahrenheit formatted as "°F".
failed(Exception) - Method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.ClosableCallback
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.comm.IPortController.State
FAILED - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.txp.ITXPNode.State
Operation failed.
FailedReconnectClientEndPoint - Class in com.iizix.server.client
Class used to handle a failed client session reconnection to the server and dispose of it in a nice way by sending the close code of CC_DISPOSED.
fallback - Variable in enum class com.iizix.server.Messages
The fallback text.
fallback - Variable in enum class com.iizix.text.LocaleString
The fallback text.
family - Variable in class com.iizix.prop.font.FontConsumed
The font family.
family - Variable in class com.iizix.prop.GFont
The font family CSS value.
FAN - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotRadialGradient
FAN_SIZE - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotInteger
The amount for a radial gradient in a pie chart.
FAST - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IUIPanelAnimation.Speed
Animation speed: fast (100 ms).
fast_backward - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
fast_forward - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
fatal(String, Throwable) - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.ActionActorTXPNodeLogger
fatal(String, Throwable) - Method in interface com.iizix.txp.impl.ITXPBasicLogger
fatal(String, Throwable) - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.TXPLogger
fatal(String, Throwable) - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.TXPNodeLogger
fatal(String, Throwable) - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.TXProcessLogger
FATAL - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IToaster.Type
fax - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
fb_analyticsCollection - Variable in class
Flag for Firebase Analytics Collection enabled.
fb_crashlyticsCollection - Variable in class
Flag for Firebase Crashlytics Collection enabled.
fb_performanceCollection - Variable in class
Flag for Firebase Performance Collection enabled.
feed - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
feedBack - Variable in class com.iizigo.prop.PasteFeedback
Feed-back value, -1 for not defined.
FEEDBACK_CANCELED_BY_USER - Static variable in class com.iizigo.prop.PasteFeedback
Feed-back for operation canceled by user due to e.g.
FEEDBACK_LINK_WITH_TARGET - Static variable in class com.iizigo.prop.PasteFeedback
Feed-back for link instead of paste with selected target.
FEEDBACK_PASTE_AFTER_TARGET_IN_PARENT - Static variable in class com.iizigo.prop.PasteFeedback
Feed-back for paste into selected container's parent after the target.
FEEDBACK_PASTE_BEFORE_TARGET_IN_PARENT - Static variable in class com.iizigo.prop.PasteFeedback
Feed-back for paste into selected container's parent before the target.
FEEDBACK_PASTE_IN_TARGET - Static variable in class com.iizigo.prop.PasteFeedback
Feed-back for paste into selected target container (non-index based target container).
FEEDBACK_PASTE_IN_TARGET_FOLDER - Static variable in class com.iizigo.prop.PasteFeedback
Feed-back for paste into selected container's folder parent (resource based).
FEEDBACK_VALID_DROPS - Static variable in class com.iizigo.prop.PasteFeedback
Feed-back for valid drops.
female - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
field - Variable in class
The field.
field - Variable in class com.iizix.prop.BinderAction
The field in the POJO that was manipulated.
FIELD_NOT_FOUND - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.BinderAction.ActionPerformed
FieldActor - Class in
The VirtualSpace Field Actor property holds the reference, and the annotation values for implementing Operations, and Source and Target classes for Conversion.
FieldActor() - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance with no name and with a null value.
FieldActor(Atom) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance with the specified name with a null value.
FieldActor(Atom, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance with the specified name and value.
FieldActors - Class in
Class container for associated value actors of a VSField or VSColumnHeader.
FieldActors() - Constructor for class
Creates a VSField Actors container property with no name and with a null value.
FieldActors(Atom) - Constructor for class
Creates a VSField Actors container with the specified name with a null value.
fields - Variable in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenProp
The fields.
FIELDS - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.Atom
fighter_jet - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
file - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
file - Variable in class com.iizigo.image.LastVerified
The file.
FILE - Enum constant in enum class com.iizigo.project.refactor.RefactoringGroup
File (4 bits).
FILE - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.urn.NID
File (e.g.
FILE_ADDED - Enum constant in enum class com.iizigo.project.refactor.RefactoringOperation
File added.
file_archive_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
file_audio_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
FILE_CHANGED - Enum constant in enum class com.iizigo.project.refactor.RefactoringOperation
File changed (contents, markers, etc).
file_code_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
file_excel_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
FILE_EXTENSION - Static variable in class com.iizigo.term.project.TerminalModel
The file name extension with the dot ".ee".
FILE_EXTENSION - Static variable in class com.iizigo.term.recording.prop.RecordingProp
The file name extension with the dot ".eem".
FILE_EXTS - Static variable in class com.iizix.server.weblogos.WebLogos
Supported file extensions: ".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".gif", ".bmp", ...
file_image_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
file_movie_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
FILE_NAME - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.FolderURIPropCnr
A folder settings file name ".iiziFolder".
FILE_NAME - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.PushProps
The file name of the Push Notification properties container: ".iiziPush".
FILE_NAME - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.PWAProps
The file name of the PWA properties container: ".iiziPWA".
file_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
file_pdf_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
file_photo_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
file_picture_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
file_powerpoint_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
FILE_PROVIDER_ROOT - Static variable in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettings
Root directory relative the server's current directory where to place external files provided for remote usage over the web server.
FILE_REMOVED - Enum constant in enum class com.iizigo.project.refactor.RefactoringOperation
File removed.
FILE_RENAMED - Enum constant in enum class com.iizigo.project.refactor.RefactoringOperation
File renamed or moved.
file_sound_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
file_text - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
file_text_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
file_video_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
file_word_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
file_zip_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
FileChangedChecker - Class in com.iizix.util
This class is used to check for file modifications of the file time stamp and/or the file size.
FileChangedChecker(File) - Constructor for class com.iizix.util.FileChangedChecker
Creates the file change checker instance.
FileChangedChecker(String) - Constructor for class com.iizix.util.FileChangedChecker
Creates the file change checker instance.
FileChangesCollection - Class in com.iizigo.project
Class used to process file changes to create a collection of added, removed or renamed/moved files from a list of folders upon a change in the file system.
FileChangesCollection(String, ProjectManager) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.project.FileChangesCollection
Constructs the instance without specified folders.
FileChangesCollection(String, IFolder[], ProjectManager) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.project.FileChangesCollection
Constructs the instance with the specified folders.
fileExtension - Variable in class com.iizigo.plugin.PluginDescriptor
The file name extension for new files, includes the ".".
fileExtension - Variable in enum class com.iizigo.project.Folder
The file extension.
FileExtension - Enum Class in com.iizigo.project
File extensions for IIZI Module projects.
fileImageDescriptor - Variable in class com.iizigo.plugin.PluginDescriptor
The image for files in the directory.
fileName - Variable in class com.iizigo.image.LastVerified
File name.
fileName - Variable in class com.iizix.comm.WSUploadPart
The file name parsed from the multi-part.
FILENAME - Static variable in interface
The Runtime Builder file name located under the Module root: ".iiziRun".
FILENAME - Static variable in class com.iizigo.WorkspaceProperties
The file name for the state location file of the workspace properties.
FILENAME - Static variable in class
The Application distribution file name located under the Module root.
FILENAME - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.Atom
FILENAME - Static variable in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerAppConfig
File name to application (Jar file name or directory path containing ".iiziModuleProject" file).
fileNameToSite(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.weblogos.WebLogos
Converts a logo file name into a potential Website name.
fileNameToSite(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.webthumbs.WebThumbs
Converts a file name into a potential Website name.
filePropCnr - Variable in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPart
The File Property being edited, null for none.
FilePropCnr - Class in com.iizigo.prop
A PropCnr that can refer to an IFile object can be loaded and saved as well as checked for modification from last time.
FilePropCnr() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.FilePropCnr
Creates a FilePropCnr for the designer with the specified name with a null value.
FilePropCnr(Atom, IFile) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.FilePropCnr
Creates a FilePropCnr for the designer with the specified name with a null value.
FilePropSaveable - Class in com.iizigo.prop
The Saveable implementation for a FilePropCnr.
fileResource - Variable in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPart
The file resource for the editor.
FileResource - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.urn.NSSResourcePrefix
File resource URN NSS prefix "iz-file": just a file resource, no particular identifier is required.
files_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
fileTitle - Variable in class com.iizigo.plugin.PluginDescriptor
The file title.
fileToData(DesignerProp) - Static method in class com.iizigo.Activator
Converts the property to get the data container property instead of a FilePropCnr.
fileToData(GProp<?>) - Static method in class com.iizigo.Activator
Converts the property to get the data container property instead of a FilePropCnr.
fileToData(GProp<?>[]) - Static method in class com.iizigo.Activator
Converts the array of properties to get the data container property instead of a FilePropCnr.
FileURIPropCnr - Class in com.iizix.prop
A PropCnr that can refer to an IFile object can be loaded and saved as well as checked for modification from last time.
FileURIPropCnr() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.FileURIPropCnr
Creates a FilePropCnr for the designer with the specified name with a null value.
FileURIPropCnr(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.FileURIPropCnr
Creates a FilePropCnr for the designer with the specified name with a null value.
FileURIPropCnr(Atom, File) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.FileURIPropCnr
Creates a FilePropCnr for the designer with the specified name with a null value.
FileURIPropCnr(Atom, URL, long, long) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.FileURIPropCnr
Creates a FilePropCnr for the designer with the specified name with a null value.
fileURLResolver - Static variable in class com.iizigo.Activator
Interface used to resolve URL's to files for the Designer.
FileURN - Class in com.iizix.urn.file
File Uniform Resource Naming (URN) instance class, holding a file name referencing a resource type with an identifier.
FileURN(String, URNResourceType, Object, String) - Constructor for class com.iizix.urn.file.FileURN
Constructor for a File URN.
FileURNFactory - Class in com.iizix.urn.file
The File URN provider depends on the URNResourceType and an identifier, where the identifier is either a String for URNResourceType.
FileURNProvider - Class in com.iizix.server.wsfile
The file URN provider.
Filipino - Enum constant in enum class
FILL - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotFill
Any fill to be used for elements on the plot (such as areas).
FILL - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.SeriesFill
Any fill to be used for elements of the series (such as areas).
fillCharBackground(Graphics, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.HotSpot
Gets the background for drawing on the screen of the hot spot.
fillCharBackground(Graphics, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.Hyperlink
Gets the background for drawing on the screen of the hot spot.
fillCharBackground(Graphics, int, int, int, int, int, int) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.KeyHotSpot
Gets the background for drawing on the screen of the hot spot.
fillContextMenu(IMenuManager) - Method in class com.iizigo.navigator.ActionProvider
Fills the context menu by first removing the File and Folder items, then inserting ours.
FillDialog - Class in com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog
The fill dialog to choose an ARGB color and the stroke.
FillDialog(Shell, GFill) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.FillDialog
Create the dialog.
FillProp - Class in com.iizix.prop
The "fill" property class holds the property name, value as a GFill object and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
FillProp() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.FillProp
Creates a fill property with no name and with a null value.
FillProp(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.FillProp
Creates a fill property with the specified name with a null value.
FillProp(Atom, GFill) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.FillProp
Creates a fill property with the specified name and value.
FillPropEditor - Class in com.iizigo.prop.editor
The Fill property editor.
FillPropEditor() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.FillPropEditor
Default constructor called before createControls.
film - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
filter - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
filter - Variable in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ReferencePropEditor
filter - Variable in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo
FILTER_CASE - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITable
Filter case sensitive boolean property name.
FILTER_CLASS - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITable
LATER: Filter class ClassReference property name.
FILTER_COLUMN - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITableColumn
The property name: column filtering.
FILTER_DELAY - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITable
Property name for the Filter delay.
FILTER_OPERATION - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITable
Filter operation integer property name.
FILTER_VSFIELD - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.UITable
Property name for the Filter VSField.
filterClass - Variable in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ReferencePropEditor
FilterController - Class in com.iizigo.swt
Class used to control a filter entry field that is used to filter out e.g.
FilterController(IZ_Text, IFilterListener) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.swt.FilterController
Creates the filter composite in the parent.
FilteredCommonViewer - Class in com.iizigo.editor
A little extended Common Viewer for searching used in the Designer dialogs and parts, as well as a drag-drop enhancement.
FilteredCommonViewer(Composite, int, IFilter) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.editor.FilteredCommonViewer
Creates the common viewer.
FilteredCommonViewer(Composite, int, IFilter, int) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.editor.FilteredCommonViewer
Creates the common viewer.
finalize() - Method in class
Called for garbage collection.
finalize() - Method in class
finalize() - Method in class com.iizix.gyro.GyroTransaction
Make sure we're always disposed of if garbage collected.
finalize() - Method in class com.iizix.license.ProfilePicture
Finalized: delete temporaries.
finalize() - Method in class com.iizix.mail.Mail
Finalize, just in case to delete attachments.
finalize() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GBadge
Called when the badge is being garbage collected.
finalize() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropReference
Called by the garbage collector on an object when garbage collection determines that there are no more references to the object.
finalize() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.KTooltip
Called when the tooltip is being garbage collected.
finalize() - Method in class com.iizix.SendTransaction
Finalized transaction.
finalize() - Method in class
Upon finalize, the factory is disposed of if not previously done.
finalize() - Method in class com.iizix.text.KString
Called when the KString is being garbage collected.
finalLaunchCheck(ILaunchConfiguration, String, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class com.iizigo.server.launch.DevelServerLaunchConfigurationDelegate
Returns whether a launch should proceed.
find(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.Atom
Finds an atom that has been created previously by name, and that is still in use by some non-garbage-collected object.
FIND_PORT - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.comm.WebSocketServerComm.State
findClass(String) - Method in class com.iizix.util.JarClassLoader
Finds the class with the specified binary name.
Finder - Class in com.iizigo.javadoc
Finder class used to locate the JavaDoc on the classpath for JavaDoc help in IIZI Projects.
Finder() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.javadoc.Finder
findFileInDirectory(File, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.iizix.util.XFile
Finds a file in a directory or in one of it's sub-directories.
findFileInDirectory(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.iizix.util.XFile
Finds a file in a directory or in one of it's sub-directories.
findFileInPath(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.util.XFile
Locates the specified file.
findFileInPath(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.iizix.util.XFile
Locates the specified file.
findFilesInDirectory(File, ArrayList<String>, boolean) - Static method in class com.iizix.util.XFile
Finds a file in a directory or in one of it's sub-directories.
findFilesInDirectory(String, ArrayList<String>, boolean) - Static method in class com.iizix.util.XFile
Finds a file in a directory or in one of it's sub-directories.
findFocusFromVS(IAppSessionGyro, IClientSessionGyro, IVirtualSpaceFocusEngine, VirtualSpace, IVSComponent, UIComp, boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IAppSessionFocusProvider
Finds the UI focus from VS.
findIResource() - Method in interface com.iizigo.prop.IPropDesigner
Returns the resource of this property container by searching upwards in the parent chain.
findNearbyUsers(double, long, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.server.geo.UserLocationHistory
Finds nearby users from the latest known location in history with a max given distance and a maximum age of the users location.
findNearbyUsers(double, long, boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.user.geo.IUserLocationHistory
Finds nearby users from the latest known location in history with a max given distance and a maximum age of the users location.
findNearbyUsers(long, long) - Method in interface com.iizix.user.geo.IUserLocationHistory
Finds nearby users from the latest known location in history with a max given distance and a maximum age of the users location.
findOtherMarkers(IQuickFixer, IMarker[]) - Static method in class com.iizigo.quickfix.QuickFixer
Iterate through the list of supplied markers.
findOtherMarkers(IMarker[]) - Method in class com.iizigo.quickfix.QuickFixAdapter
Iterate through the list of supplied markers.
findReferences(ISelection) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.ReferencesView
Finds the references from a selection.
findResource(String) - Method in class com.iizix.util.JarClassLoader
Finds the resource with the given name.
findResources(String) - Method in class com.iizix.util.JarClassLoader
Returns an enumeration of URL objects representing all the resources with the given name.
fine(String) - Method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a fine log event.
fine(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Logs a fine event.
fine(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Logs a fine event.
fine(String, Object) - Method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a fine log event.
fine(String, Object...) - Method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a fine log event.
fine(String, Object...) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Logs a fine event.
fine(String, Object...) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Logs a fine event.
fine(String, Throwable) - Method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a fine log event.
FINE - Static variable in class com.iizix.ILog
The FINE (=5) log event.
FINE(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a fine log event.
FINE(Class<?>, String, Object) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a fine log event.
FINE(Class<?>, String, Object...) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a fine log event.
FINE(Class<?>, String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a fine log event.
FINE(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a fine log event.
FINE(String, Object) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a fine log event.
FINE(String, Object...) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a fine log event.
FINE(String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a fine log event.
finer(String) - Method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a finer log event.
finer(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Logs a finer event.
finer(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Logs a finer event.
finer(String, Object) - Method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a finer log event.
finer(String, Object...) - Method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a finer log event.
finer(String, Object...) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Logs a finer event.
finer(String, Object...) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Logs a finer event.
finer(String, Throwable) - Method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a finer log event.
FINER - Static variable in class com.iizix.ILog
The FINER (=6) log event.
FINER(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a finer log event.
FINER(Class<?>, String, Object) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a finer log event.
FINER(Class<?>, String, Object...) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a finer log event.
FINER(Class<?>, String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a finer log event.
FINER(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a finer log event.
FINER(String, Object) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a finer log event.
FINER(String, Object...) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a finer log event.
FINER(String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a finer log event.
finest(String) - Method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a finest log event.
finest(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Logs a finest event.
finest(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Logs a finest event.
finest(String, Object) - Method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a finest log event.
finest(String, Object...) - Method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a finest log event.
finest(String, Object...) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Logs a finest event.
finest(String, Object...) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Logs a finest event.
finest(String, Throwable) - Method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a finest log event.
FINEST - Static variable in class com.iizix.ILog
The FINEST (=7) log event.
FINEST(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a finest log event.
FINEST(Class<?>, String, Object) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a finest log event.
FINEST(Class<?>, String, Object...) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a finest log event.
FINEST(Class<?>, String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a finest log event.
FINEST(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a finest log event.
FINEST(String, Object) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a finest log event.
FINEST(String, Object...) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a finest log event.
FINEST(String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Outputs a finest log event.
finish() - Method in class
Called when the classpath container wizard is closed by selecting the finish button.
finish() - Method in class com.iizix.util.GZOutputStream
Finishes writing compressed data to the output stream without closing the underlying stream.
finishPage(IProgressMonitor) - Method in class com.iizigo.project.NewModuleProjectWizard
This method is run in the wizard container's context as a workspace runnable.
finishPressed() - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.WizardDialog
Called this method to simulate a finish.
Finnish - Enum constant in enum class
Finnish - Enum constant in enum class
fire - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
fire_extinguisher - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
fireChanged() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.AssetReferences
Call this method to inform a listener.
fireCurrentSelection() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.MultiSelectionProvider
Fires the current selection to the listeners.
fireDividerMoved() - Method in class com.iizix.swt.CustomSashForm
firefox - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
Firefox - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.font.BrowserFontFormat
Firefox, version 38-
Firefox2 - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.font.BrowserFontFormat
Firefox, version 39+.
firePropertyUpdateViewerEvent() - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.DesignerProp
Flags the property for update in the viewer(s).
fireRowSelection() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSRows
Fires the current row selection to listeners if the table is of single or multiple selection.
fireRowSelection() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSTable
Fires the current row selection to listeners if the table is of single or multiple selection.
fireSelection() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
Fires the selection to the listeners if it is changed.
fireSelection(GEvent) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
Fires the selection to the listeners if it is changed.
fireSelection(ISelection) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.MultiSelectionProvider
Fires the selection to the listeners.
fireSelectionAndStates() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPart
Fires a new selection event that also updates the states.
fireSelectionAsync() - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.MultiSelectionProvider
Fires the selection asynchronously.
fireSelectionEvent(Event) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.IzMenuItem
Fires a selection event to all listeners.
FIRST_COLUMN_INDEX - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItem
First column index for subclasses.
first_order - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
firstExtension - Variable in enum class com.iizix.image.ImageType
The first and most common file extension starting with '.' if not ImageType.ALL_IMAGES otherwise '*' for {link #ALL_IMAGES} or null for ImageType.UNKNOWN.
FirstName - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURNType
First name.
FIS_capture - Static variable in interface com.iizix.prop.image.IFontIconStyle
Style value: mouse capture.
FIS_disable - Static variable in interface com.iizix.prop.image.IFontIconStyle
Style value: disabled.
FIS_focus - Static variable in interface com.iizix.prop.image.IFontIconStyle
Style value: focus.
FIS_hover - Static variable in interface com.iizix.prop.image.IFontIconStyle
Style value: hover.
FIS_normal - Static variable in interface com.iizix.prop.image.IFontIconStyle
Style value: normal.
FIS_press - Static variable in interface com.iizix.prop.image.IFontIconStyle
Style value: pressed.
FIS_rtl - Static variable in interface com.iizix.prop.image.IFontIconStyle
Style value: RTL.
FIS_select - Static variable in interface com.iizix.prop.image.IFontIconStyle
Style value: selected.
fix(Button, Label) - Static method in class com.iizigo.swt.CheckboxLabelFix
Causes drawing of a focus rectangle in a Label when Button has focus.
fixComboMWScroll(Control) - Static method in class com.iizix.swt.SWTHelper
Fix for Combobox processing mouse wheel when not focused in Win32, eating mouse from scroll pane.
FIXED - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.axis2d.AxisOption
Force all axis labels to be fixed numbers.
FIXED - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotOption
Whether a fixed precision must be applied to data values for display.
fixedClientResourceURLs() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.AssetReferences
Gets the client resource URLs to the files when loaded from Jar in server.
FixedPassword - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURNType
FixedPassword flag.
FixedPassword - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.user.UserLocaleString
User cannot change password.
fixedTarget - Variable in class com.iizix.prop.FixedVirtualizedAbstractReference
Target fixed at virtualization.
fixedTarget - Variable in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSRelativeReference
The current target reference.
FixedVirtualizedAbstractReference<TARGET extends IPropCnr> - Class in com.iizix.prop
The Fixed Virtualized Abstract Reference property class hold the reference to another property.
FixedVirtualizedAbstractReference() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.FixedVirtualizedAbstractReference
Creates a Abstract Reference property with no name and with a null value.
FixedVirtualizedAbstractReference(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.FixedVirtualizedAbstractReference
Creates a Abstract Reference property with the specified name with a null value.
FixedVirtualizedAbstractReference(Atom, String) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.FixedVirtualizedAbstractReference
Creates a Abstract Reference property with the specified name and value.
flag - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
flag(StructuredViewer, DesignerProp) - Static method in class com.iizigo.editor.FlagProperty
Flags the property for update in the viewer asynchronously.
flag(StructuredViewer, GProp<?>) - Static method in class com.iizigo.editor.FlagProperty
Flags the property for update in the viewer asynchronously.
flag(StructuredViewer, Set<Object>) - Static method in class com.iizigo.editor.FlagProperty
Flags the properties for update in the viewer asynchronously.
FLAG_ADD_FILE_ITEM_PACKAGE_LOCATION - Static variable in interface com.iizigo.navigator.INavigatorPresentation
Flag to add a location to the package or folder of a file item.
FLAG_ADD_FILE_ITEM_PROJECT - Static variable in interface com.iizigo.navigator.INavigatorPresentation
Flag to add the project name to a file item.
FLAG_ADD_FOLDER_PACKAGE_LOCATION - Static variable in interface com.iizigo.navigator.INavigatorPresentation
Flag to add a location to the package or folder.
FLAG_ADD_FOLDER_PROJECT - Static variable in interface com.iizigo.navigator.INavigatorPresentation
Flag to add the project name to a package or folder.
flag_checkered - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
FLAG_CUSTOM_1 - Static variable in interface com.iizigo.navigator.INavigatorPresentation
Custom flag 1.
FLAG_CUSTOM_2 - Static variable in interface com.iizigo.navigator.INavigatorPresentation
Custom flag 2.
FLAG_CUSTOM_3 - Static variable in interface com.iizigo.navigator.INavigatorPresentation
Custom flag 3.
FLAG_JAVA_SUPPORT - Static variable in interface com.iizigo.navigator.INavigatorPresentation
Flag to add support for Java elements.
flag_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
FLAG_PACKAGE_VIEW - Static variable in interface com.iizigo.navigator.INavigatorPresentation
Flag to show package view, when not set, it is hierarchical.
FLAG_SHOW_DESIGNER_PROPERTIES - Static variable in interface com.iizigo.navigator.INavigatorPresentation
Flag to show the DesignerProp's in a file's data container.
FLAG_SHOW_EMPTY_MODULE_FOLDERS - Static variable in interface com.iizigo.navigator.INavigatorPresentation
Flag to show empty main folder in Package View.
FLAG_SHOW_EMPTY_PACKAGES - Static variable in interface com.iizigo.navigator.INavigatorPresentation
Flag to show empty folders in Package View.
FLAG_SHOW_FILE_ITEMS - Static variable in interface com.iizigo.navigator.INavigatorPresentation
Flag to show the folder/package contents file items.
FLAG_SHOW_SUBPROPERTIES - Static variable in interface com.iizigo.navigator.INavigatorPresentation
Flag to show the GProp sub-properties for the end-node of a DesignerProp.
flagEvent() - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.HostSessionProps
Flag this property value as changed.
FlagProperty - Class in com.iizigo.editor
Flags a property for update in a structured viewer.
FlagProperty() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.editor.FlagProperty
flagRefactoringRequired() - Method in class
Method to call from the JavaSource processor to flag it requires refactoring at a later stage.
flagRefactoringRequired(ParsedJavaSource) - Method in class
A JavaSource flags the requirement for a refactoring operation.
flags - Variable in class
FLAGS_NORMAL - Static variable in interface com.iizigo.navigator.INavigatorPresentation
The default flags in the Navigator.
FLAGS_ONLY_FOLDERS - Static variable in interface com.iizigo.navigator.INavigatorPresentation
To display only folders.
flagValidationRequired() - Method in class com.iizigo.ssl.SSLSettingsComposite
Flags validation requirement.
flagVerification(PropCnr) - Static method in class com.iizigo.image.ImageHelper
Flags changes when asset changed or asset file reference input changed.
flash - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
Flash - Class in com.iizix.prop
This Flashlight or torch property is a container that holds information about client devices flashlight availability, state and intensity.
Flash() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.Flash
Creates the flashlight properties without a name.
Flash(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.Flash
Creates the flashlight properties with a name.
flask - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
FLAT - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.ui.device.UIThemes
Just the flat theme name.
FlatTab - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.MUITabBar.Type
Flat Tab has no borders and no background color by default to be displayed through the application’s background color or background image.
FlatToolbarButton - Class in com.iizigo.swt
A button that behaves like a flat button should do, i.e.
FlatToolbarButton(Composite, String, IFlatToolbarButton) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.swt.FlatToolbarButton
Creates the toolbar button.
FlatToolbarButton(Composite, Image, IFlatToolbarButton) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.swt.FlatToolbarButton
Creates the toolbar button.
FlatToolbarButton(Composite, Image, Image, IFlatToolbarButton) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.swt.FlatToolbarButton
Creates the toolbar button.
FlatToolbarButton(Composite, Image, Image, Image, IFlatToolbarButton) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.swt.FlatToolbarButton
Creates the toolbar button.
FLAVOR_DB2 - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.jdbc.IDBConnectionPool.Flavor
Flavor for JDBC: DB2.
FLAVOR_DERBY - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.jdbc.IDBConnectionPool.Flavor
Flavor for JDBC: Derby.
FLAVOR_MYSQL - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.jdbc.IDBConnectionPool.Flavor
Flavor for JDBC: MySQL.
FLAVOR_POSTGRE - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.jdbc.IDBConnectionPool.Flavor
Flavor for JDBC: PostgreSQL.
FLAVOR_SQLSERVER - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.jdbc.IDBConnectionPool.Flavor
Flavor for JDBC: SQL Server.
FLAVOR_UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.jdbc.IDBConnectionPool.Flavor
Unknown flavor for JDBC Driver.
FlexData - Class in com.iizix.prop.ui
The FlexData is the layout data for components in a container with FlexLayout.
FlexData() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.FlexData
Creates a FlexData container without name and with a null value.
FlexData(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.FlexData
Creates a FlexData container with the specified name with a null value.
FlexData(Atom, GProp<?>[]) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.FlexData
Creates a FlexData container with the specified name and properties.
FlexLayout - Class in com.iizix.prop.ui
FlexLayout is a layout manager.
FlexLayout() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.FlexLayout
Creates the layout without name with a null value.
FlexLayout(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.FlexLayout
Creates the layout with the specified name with a null value.
FlexLayout(Atom, GProp<?>[]) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.FlexLayout
Creates the layout with the specified name and properties.
flickr - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
FLIP - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.Transition
FLIP_HORIZONTALLY_RTL - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.image.FontIconDefinition
The content for RTL should be flipped.
FLIP_HORZ - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.ImageOrientation
Flipped horizontally (= 2).
FLIP_HORZ_ROTATE_LEFT_90 - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.ImageOrientation
Flipped horizontally, then rotated left or counter-clockwise by 90 degrees (= 5).
FLIP_HORZ_ROTATED_RIGHT_90 - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.ImageOrientation
Flipped horizontally, then rotated right or clockwise by 90 degrees (= 7).
FLIP_VERT - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.ImageOrientation
Flipped vertically (= 4).
Float - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.Value.Type
The Data Type: Float.
FloatValue - Class in com.iizix.value
Value object class to handle the Float datatype.
FloatValue() - Constructor for class com.iizix.value.FloatValue
floppy_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
flush() - Static method in class com.iizigo.WorkspaceProperties
Flushes the preferences for the workspace to disk, e.g.
flush() - Method in class com.iizix.server.PrintStream2
Flush the stream.
flushCache(Control) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzFillLayout
flushStartupLog() - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShell
Flushes a potential start-up logging to console for exceptions causing server not to initialize the logging system.
flushUpdates() - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.RootPropTransactionSender
Flushes the current updates to the client.
FOCUS - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.StylesStates
Focused (0x10).
FOCUS - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.Atom
FocusEvent - Class in com.iizix.gyro
The focus event that is fired when focus changes for an engine.
FocusEvent(IFocusComp, IFocusComp, IGProp<?>, boolean) - Constructor for class com.iizix.gyro.FocusEvent
Constructs a focus event.
FocusException - Exception in com.iizix.gyro
Focus exception event when focus cannot be changed.
FocusException(GProp<?>) - Constructor for exception com.iizix.gyro.FocusException
Creates a focus exception with an empty detail message.
FocusException(GProp<?>, String) - Constructor for exception com.iizix.gyro.FocusException
Creates a focus exception with a message.
FocusException(GProp<?>, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.iizix.gyro.FocusException
Creates a focus exception with a message and an exception cause.
focusGained(FocusEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.MultiSelectionProvider
Focus gained.
focusGained(FocusEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.AtomNamePropEditor
At focus gained, select entire field.
focusGained(FocusEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ExtendsFlagPropEditor
At focus gained, select entire field.
focusGained(FocusEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ExtendsNamePropEditor
At focus gained, select entire field.
focusGained(FocusEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditor.Node
Sent when a control gets focus.
focusGained(FocusEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.TerminalWindow
Focus gained.
focusGained(FocusEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.screen.ScreenDesigner
Focus gained.
focusGained(FocusEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.validator.ControlValidator
Sent when a control gets focus.
focusListener - Variable in class com.iizigo.prop.BaseEditor
SWT focus listener, should be added to all controls that can receive focus for this property editor.
focusLost(FocusEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.editor.MultiSelectionProvider
Focus lost.
focusLost(FocusEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.AtomNamePropEditor
Upon focus lost, checks the entry field.
focusLost(FocusEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ExtendsFlagPropEditor
Upon focus lost, checks the entry field.
focusLost(FocusEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ExtendsNamePropEditor
Upon focus lost, checks the entry field.
focusLost(FocusEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditor.Node
Sent when a control loses focus.
focusLost(FocusEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.internal.TerminalWindow
Focus is lost.
focusLost(FocusEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.screen.ScreenDesigner
Focus is lost.
focusLost(FocusEvent) - Method in class com.iizigo.validator.ControlValidator
Sent when a control loses focus.
FocusVetoException - Exception in com.iizix.gyro
Focus veto exception event when focus was rejected by a focus veto capable party.
FocusVetoException(GProp<?>) - Constructor for exception com.iizix.gyro.FocusVetoException
Creates a focus veto exception with an empty detail message.
FocusVetoException(GProp<?>, String) - Constructor for exception com.iizix.gyro.FocusVetoException
Creates a focus veto exception with a message.
FocusVetoException(GProp<?>, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.iizix.gyro.FocusVetoException
Creates a focus veto exception with a message and an exception cause.
folder - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
Folder - Enum Class in com.iizigo.project
The root container folders in the IIZI Module project.
FOLDER - Enum constant in enum class com.iizigo.project.refactor.RefactoringGroup
Folder (3 bits).
FOLDER_ADDED - Enum constant in enum class com.iizigo.project.refactor.RefactoringOperation
Folder added.
folder_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
folder_open - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
folder_open_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
FOLDER_REMOVED - Enum constant in enum class com.iizigo.project.refactor.RefactoringOperation
Folder removed.
FOLDER_RENAMED - Enum constant in enum class com.iizigo.project.refactor.RefactoringOperation
Folder renamed or moved.
folderImageDescriptor - Variable in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleFolder
The image for the folder.
folderName - Variable in enum class com.iizigo.project.Folder
The folder name.
FolderPropCnr - Class in com.iizigo.prop
A PropCnr that can refer to an IFolder object can be loaded and saved as well as checked for modification from last time.
FolderPropCnr() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.FolderPropCnr
Creates a FolderPropCnr for the designer with the specified name with a null value.
FolderPropCnr(Atom, IFolder) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.FolderPropCnr
Creates a FolderPropCnr for the designer with the specified name with a null value.
FolderPropCnr(Atom, IFolder, boolean) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.FolderPropCnr
Creates a FolderPropCnr for the designer with the specified name with a null value.
FolderSettingsEditorLauncher - Class in com.iizigo.prop
Folder settings editor launching.
FolderSettingsEditorLauncher() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.FolderSettingsEditorLauncher
FolderSettingsProp - Class in com.iizix.prop
This folder settings property hold settings for a folder, typically a Selector and a description.
FolderSettingsProp() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.FolderSettingsProp
Creates the client properties without a name.
FolderSettingsProp(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.FolderSettingsProp
Creates the client properties without a name.
folderSetup - Variable in enum class com.iizigo.project.Folder
Flag for the Folder settings setup, null for none.
FolderURIPropCnr - Class in com.iizix.prop
A PropCnr that can is a "directory" and can contain FileURIPropCnr's.
FolderURIPropCnr() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.FolderURIPropCnr
Creates a FilePropCnr for the designer with the specified name with a null value.
FolderURIPropCnr(Atom, URI) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.FolderURIPropCnr
Creates a FilePropCnr for the designer with the specified name with a null value.
font - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
font - Variable in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo
FONT - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.axis2d.AxisFont
Font definition (as used in the CSS font property) for labels.
FONT - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotFont
Font definition (as used in the CSS font property) used for labels and other text-based elements on the plot.
FONT - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.SeriesFont
Font definition (as used in the CSS font property) used for labels and other text-based elements of the series.
FONT_COLOR - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotColor
The color to be used for any text-based elements on the plot.
FONT_COLOR - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.SeriesColor
The color to be used for any text-based elements on the series.
FONT_FACE_CSS - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.font.FontFiles
Definition: @font-face CSS, i.e.
FONT_STYLES - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.Styles
FONT_WEIGHTS - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.Styles
FontConsumed - Class in com.iizix.prop.font
Class representing a consumed font.
FontConsumed(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.font.FontConsumed
FontDesignerProp - Class in com.iizigo.font.prop
Class for Font Designer Prop.
FontDialog - Class in com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog
The font dialog to choose the font.
FontDialog(Shell, GFont) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.FontDialog
Create the dialog.
FontFaces - Class in com.iizix.prop.font
The font faces property container holds information about font face(s) that are available in the application.
FontFaces() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.font.FontFaces
Constructor without name.
FontFaces(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.font.FontFaces
Constructor with a name.
FontFacesEditor - Class in com.iizigo.font
The font faces editor in the Styles folder.
FontFacesEditor() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.font.FontFacesEditor
Eclipse constructor.
FontFacesFileContentDescriber - Class in com.iizigo.fileexts
The content describer for the property files of font faces, having the same file extension as styles.
FontFacesFileContentDescriber() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.fileexts.FontFacesFileContentDescriber
fontFamily - Variable in class com.iizigo.font.CSSFontDefinition
The font family.
FontFamilyPropEditor - Class in com.iizigo.prop.editor
The FontFamily property editor for styles.
FontFamilyPropEditor() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.FontFamilyPropEditor
Default constructor called before createControls.
FontFile - Class in com.iizix.prop.font
Container for all font icon files used in a FontIconsDefintion.
FontFile() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.font.FontFile
FontFile(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.font.FontFile
Constructor with name.
FontFileFilter - Class in com.iizigo.font
A viewer filter for extends properties.
FontFileFilter() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.font.FontFileFilter
Creates the viewer filter.
FontFilePreloadClientCacheResource - Class in com.iizix.prop.font
Class holding information for a single Asset resource that should be preloaded to the client cache when the application starts.
FontFilePreloadClientCacheResource(AssetReference, FileURIPropCnr) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.font.FontFilePreloadClientCacheResource
Constructs the resource.
fontFiles - Variable in class com.iizigo.font.CSSFontDefinition
The font files required.
fontFiles - Variable in class com.iizix.prop.image.FontIconsDefinition
The predefined files container.
FontFiles - Class in com.iizix.prop.font
Container for all font files used in a FontIconsDefintion.
FontFiles() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.font.FontFiles
FontFiles(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.font.FontFiles
Constructor with name.
FontFormat - Enum Class in com.iizix.prop.font
Available font formats.
fontFormats - Variable in class com.iizigo.font.CSSFontDefinition
The font file formats, null entries when not found.
FontIconDefinition - Class in com.iizix.prop.image
The definition of a single font icon and how it represent itself in the various states, e.g.
FontIconDefinition() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.image.FontIconDefinition
The single font icon definition constructor.
FontIconDefinition(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.image.FontIconDefinition
The single font icon definition constructor with a name.
fonticons - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
FontIconsDefinition - Class in com.iizix.prop.image
The Font Icon Definition property container that contains an installable font using @FontFace CSS and contains several icons that can be displayed in any square size.
FontIconsDefinition() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.image.FontIconsDefinition
Creates the Images Definition property container without a name.
FontIconsDefinition(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.image.FontIconsDefinition
Creates the Images Definition property container with the specified name.
FontInfo - Class in com.iizigo.panel
Font information class for the UI.
FontInfo(String, String) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.panel.FontInfo
Constructor from family and size.
FontInfo(String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.panel.FontInfo
Constructor from discrete values.
fontLocals - Variable in class com.iizigo.font.CSSFontDefinition
The font files locals, null entries when not found (can be comma separated).
fontName - Variable in class com.iizigo.term.PluginPreference
Terminal font name.
FontPreferencePage - Class in com.iizigo.term.pref
The Font page in the Preferences for the Terminal screen.
FontPreferencePage() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.term.pref.FontPreferencePage
FontProp - Class in com.iizix.prop
The "font" property class holds the property name, value as a GFont object and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
FontProp() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.FontProp
Creates a font property with no name and with a null value.
FontProp(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.FontProp
Creates a font property with the specified name with a null value.
FontProp(Atom, GFont) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.FontProp
Creates a font property with the specified name and value.
FontPropEditor - Class in com.iizigo.prop.editor
The Font property editor.
FontPropEditor() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.FontPropEditor
Default constructor called before createControls.
fontQueries - Variable in class com.iizigo.font.CSSFontDefinition
The font files queries, null entries when not found.
fontSize - Variable in class com.iizigo.term.PluginPreference
Font size when non-auto-size in terminal.
fontSize - Variable in class com.iizix.prop.GBadge
The font size in pixels (6-255), zero for default 16.
FontSizeVerifier - Class in com.iizigo.prop.editor
Verifier for CSS font size.
FontSizeVerifier() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.FontSizeVerifier
Default constructor.
fontStretch - Variable in class com.iizigo.font.CSSFontDefinition
The font stretch, null for default "normal".
fontStyle - Variable in class com.iizigo.font.CSSFontDefinition
The font style, null for default "normal".
fontWeight - Variable in class com.iizigo.font.CSSFontDefinition
The font weight, null for default "normal".
footer(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.gyro.WindowOptions
Android only: set to true to show a close button in the footer similar to the iOS Done button.
forbiddenGetCustomDataMap(boolean) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.ICustomDataProvider
forbiddenGetCustomDataMap(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItem
forbiddenGetCustomDataMap(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.UIComp
forbiddenGetCustomDataMap(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VirtualSpace
forbiddenGetCustomDataMap(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.vs.VSComponent
FORCE_RESOLVE_REFERENCES - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.event.KStringEvent.Operation
Resolves references in a forced way.
forEach(Consumer<? super LISTENER_INTERFACE>) - Method in class com.iizix.GenericListener
Performs the given action for all listeners.
foreground - Variable in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUI
foreground - Variable in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo
forget(ITXProcess) - Method in class com.iizix.actionactor.AbstractJavaActionActor
Notifies the node it got disassociated from the process ie it can abort, rollback (if needed) and forget about the process.
forget(ITXProcess) - Method in class com.iizix.db.prop.DatabaseActionTXPNode
Notifies the node it got disassociated from the process ie it can abort, rollback (if needed) and forget about the process.
forget(ITXProcess) - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.AbstractActionActorTXPNode
Notifies the node it got disassociated from the process ie it can abort, rollback (if needed) and forget about the process.
forget(ITXProcess) - Method in interface com.iizix.txp.ITXPNode
Notifies the node it got disassociated from the process ie it can abort, rollback (if needed) and forget about the process.
format - Variable in enum class com.iizix.barcode.BarcodeType
The barcode format for the encoder.
format(LocaleInfo, Object...) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KString
Formats a String using curly brackets {} as parameter or {param_index} parameter where param_index is an optional one-based index value, AND/OR the Java String.format(Locale, String, Object...) method using parameters in the form of %[flags][width]conversion or %[argument_index$][flags][width]conversion.
format(LocaleInfo, String, Object...) - Static method in class com.iizix.Utilities
Formats a String using curly brackets {} as parameter or {param_index} parameter where param_index is an optional one-based index value, AND/OR the Java String.format(Locale, String, Object...) method using parameters in the form of %[flags][width]conversion or %[argument_index$][flags][width]conversion.
format(IKStringInfoProvider, LocaleInfo, Object...) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KString
Formats a String using curly brackets {} as parameter or {param_index} parameter where param_index is an optional one-based index value, AND/OR the Java String.format(Locale, String, Object...) method using parameters in the form of %[flags][width]conversion or %[argument_index$][flags][width]conversion.
format(IKStringInfoProvider, ILocaleString, Object...) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KString
Formats a HTML or PLAIN KString using curly brackets {} as parameter or {param_index} parameter where param_index is an optional one-based index value, AND/OR the Java String.format(Locale, String, Object...) method using parameters in the form of %[flags][width]conversion or %[argument_index$][flags][width]conversion.
format(IKStringInfoProvider, Object...) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KString
Formats the HTML or PLAIN KString using curly brackets {} as parameter or {param_index} parameter where param_index is an optional one-based index value, AND/OR the Java String.format(Locale, String, Object...) method using parameters in the form of %[flags][width]conversion or %[argument_index$][flags][width]conversion.
format(IKStringInfoProvider, Locale, Object...) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KString
Formats a HTML or PLAIN KString using curly brackets {} as parameter or {param_index} parameter where param_index is an optional one-based index value, AND/OR the Java String.format(Locale, String, Object...) method using parameters in the form of %[flags][width]conversion or %[argument_index$][flags][width]conversion.
format(ILocaleString, Object...) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KString
Formats a HTML or PLAIN KString using curly brackets {} as parameter or {param_index} parameter where param_index is an optional one-based index value, AND/OR the Java String.format(Locale, String, Object...) method using parameters in the form of %[flags][width]conversion or %[argument_index$][flags][width]conversion.
format(ILocaleString, String, Object...) - Static method in class com.iizix.Utilities
Formats a String using curly brackets {} as parameter or {param_index} parameter where param_index is an optional one-based index value, AND/OR the Java String.format(Locale, String, Object...) method using parameters in the form of %[flags][width]conversion or %[argument_index$][flags][width]conversion.
format(Object) - Static method in class
Formats a property.
format(Object...) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Formats an array of parameters.
format(Object...) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KString
Formats the HTML or PLAIN KString using curly brackets {} as parameter or {param_index} parameter where param_index is an optional one-based index value, AND/OR the Java String.format(Locale, String, Object...) method using parameters in the form of %[flags][width]conversion or %[argument_index$][flags][width]conversion.
format(Object, StringBuffer, FieldPosition) - Method in class com.iizix.value.BooleanFormat
Formats an object and appends the resulting text to a given string buffer.
format(String, Object...) - Static method in class com.iizix.Utilities
Formats a String using curly brackets {} as parameter or {param_index} parameter where param_index is an optional one-based index value, AND/OR the Java String.format(Locale, String, Object...) method using parameters in the form of %[flags][width]conversion or %[argument_index$][flags][width]conversion.
format(Locale, Object...) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KString
Formats a HTML or PLAIN KString using curly brackets {} as parameter or {param_index} parameter where param_index is an optional one-based index value, AND/OR the Java String.format(Locale, String, Object...) method using parameters in the form of %[flags][width]conversion or %[argument_index$][flags][width]conversion.
format(Locale, String, Object...) - Static method in class com.iizix.Utilities
Formats a String using curly brackets {} as parameter or {param_index} parameter where param_index is an optional one-based index value, AND/OR the Java String.format(Locale, String, Object...) method using parameters in the form of %[flags][width]conversion or %[argument_index$][flags][width]conversion.
FORMAT - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.font.FontFile
The font format parameter name.
formatCurlyPattern - Static variable in class com.iizix.Utilities
RegEx for formatting parameters as {}, {param_index}.
formatCurrentDate() - Static method in class com.iizix.Utilities
Gets the current date.
formatDate(long) - Static method in class com.iizix.Utilities
Formats the Date instance to a string that is used by the dump methods in this class as well as other event logs.
formatDate(Calendar) - Static method in class com.iizix.Utilities
Formats the Date instance to a string that is used by the dump methods in this class as well as other event logs.
formatDate(Date) - Static method in class com.iizix.Utilities
Formats the Date instance to a string that is used by the dump methods in this class as well as other event logs.
formatDurationMillis(long) - Static method in class com.iizix.Utilities
Formats a String from a duration in milliseconds as hhhhh:mm:ss.mmm.
formatDurationNanos(long) - Static method in class com.iizix.Utilities
Formats a String from a duration in nanoseconds as h:mm:ss.mmm.nnn.nnn.
formatEnglishDuration(long) - Static method in class com.iizix.Utilities
Formats a String from a duration in milliseconds to English text as e.g.
formatEnglishNanoDuration(long) - Static method in class com.iizix.Utilities
Formats a String from a duration in milliseconds to English text as e.g.
formatHTTPReply() - Method in interface
Formats the URLConnection HTTP headers reply into a String.
formatHTTPReply() - Method in class
Formats the URLConnection HTTP headers reply into a String.
formatHTTPReply() - Method in class
Formats the URLConnection HTTP headers reply into a String.
formatHTTPReply() - Method in class
Formats the URLConnection HTTP headers reply into a String.
formatHTTPReply() - Method in class
Formats the URLConnection HTTP headers reply into a String.
formatInGroups(String, int) - Static method in class com.iizix.Utilities
Formats a text string in groups of characters with dashes in between.
formatMap - Variable in class com.iizigo.server.monitor.EditorInfoPropCnr
Map of property names (as key) to formatter (as value), null for none.
formatPLAIN(LocaleInfo, Object...) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KString
Formats a String using curly brackets {} as parameter or {param_index} parameter where param_index is an optional one-based index value, AND/OR the Java String.format(Locale, String, Object...) method using parameters in the form of %[flags][width]conversion or %[argument_index$][flags][width]conversion.
formatPLAIN(IKStringInfoProvider, LocaleInfo, Object...) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KString
Formats a String using curly brackets {} as parameter or {param_index} parameter where param_index is an optional one-based index value, AND/OR the Java String.format(Locale, String, Object...) method using parameters in the form of %[flags][width]conversion or %[argument_index$][flags][width]conversion.
formatPLAIN(IKStringInfoProvider, ILocaleString, Object...) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KString
Formats a HTML or PLAIN KString using curly brackets {} as parameter or {param_index} parameter where param_index is an optional one-based index value, AND/OR the Java String.format(Locale, String, Object...) method using parameters in the form of %[flags][width]conversion or %[argument_index$][flags][width]conversion.
formatPLAIN(IKStringInfoProvider, Object...) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KString
Formats the HTML or PLAIN KString using curly brackets {} as parameter or {param_index} parameter where param_index is an optional one-based index value, AND/OR the Java String.format(Locale, String, Object...) method using parameters in the form of %[flags][width]conversion or %[argument_index$][flags][width]conversion.
formatPLAIN(IKStringInfoProvider, Locale, Object...) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KString
Formats a HTML or PLAIN KString using curly brackets {} as parameter or {param_index} parameter where param_index is an optional one-based index value, AND/OR the Java String.format(Locale, String, Object...) method using parameters in the form of %[flags][width]conversion or %[argument_index$][flags][width]conversion.
formatPLAIN(ILocaleString, Object...) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KString
Formats a HTML or PLAIN KString using curly brackets {} as parameter or {param_index} parameter where param_index is an optional one-based index value, AND/OR the Java String.format(Locale, String, Object...) method using parameters in the form of %[flags][width]conversion or %[argument_index$][flags][width]conversion.
formatPLAIN(Object...) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KString
Formats the HTML or PLAIN KString using curly brackets {} as parameter or {param_index} parameter where param_index is an optional one-based index value, AND/OR the Java String.format(Locale, String, Object...) method using parameters in the form of %[flags][width]conversion or %[argument_index$][flags][width]conversion.
formatPLAIN(Locale, Object...) - Method in class com.iizix.text.KString
Formats a HTML or PLAIN KString using curly brackets {} as parameter or {param_index} parameter where param_index is an optional one-based index value, AND/OR the Java String.format(Locale, String, Object...) method using parameters in the form of %[flags][width]conversion or %[argument_index$][flags][width]conversion.
formatProduct(int) - Static method in class com.iizix.license.LicenseSystem
Formats the product.
formats - Variable in enum class com.iizix.prop.font.BrowserFontFormat
Unmodifiable list of the font formats possible, in priority order.
FORMATS - Static variable in enum class com.iizix.prop.font.FontFormat
The format type names in an array.
formatTemperature(double, int, TemperatureUnit) - Method in class com.iizix.LocaleInfo
Converts a temperature to a String.
formatTemperature(float, int, TemperatureUnit) - Method in class com.iizix.LocaleInfo
Converts a temperature to a String.
formatText(IAppSessionGyro, Object...) - Method in enum class com.iizix.user.SigninResult
Formats the text from the text table using the current language settings with specified parameters.
formatValue(byte[]) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.PKCS12IdentityPropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(GBadge) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.BadgePropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(GColor) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ColorPropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(GDateTime) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.DateTimePropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(GFill) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.FillPropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(GFont) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.FontPropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(GGradient) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.GradientPropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(GProp<?>[]) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.prop.editor.SessionConfigPropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(GSize) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.SizePropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(GStroke) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.StrokePropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(GUnit) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.UnitPropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(ReferenceString) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.MediaReferencePropEditor
Formats the value to an input string.
formatValue(ReferenceString) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ReferencePropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(ReferenceString) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.StylesReferencesPropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(GThemes) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ThemesPropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(KTooltip) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.TooltipPropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(KString) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.KStringPropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(Value) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ValuePropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(Boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.BoolPropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(Double) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.NumberPropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(Integer) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.IntChoicePropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(Integer) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.IntPropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(Integer) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.PanelAnimationPropEditor
Never called.
formatValue(Integer) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.StylesStatesPropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(Integer) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.UIDateTimeTypePropEditor
Never called.
formatValue(Long) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.DurationPropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(Long) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.LongPropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.MultiPropCnr
Formats a value to a String, used to show a tool-tip in the editor.
formatValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.BoxShadowPropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ClassReferencePropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.DropShadowPropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.EncodingPropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.MethodReferencePropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.PasswordPropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.StringPropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.TextShadowPropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.TransformPropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.UnitsPropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.ValueTypePropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.VSRelativeReferencePropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.VSTableColumnReferencePropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.StringMapPropEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(PROP_VALUE) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.BaseEditor
Formats the value for user input as a String.
formatValue(PROP_VALUE) - Method in interface com.iizigo.prop.IEditedPropControllerOwner
Formats a value to a String, used to show a tool-tip in the editor.
forName(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.PropertyEditorSetup
Loads a class using the appropriate class loader.
forNoReferenceSelectAndExpand(Object, int) - Method in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.dialog.SelectPropDialog
If no reference is defined, try selecting this object if possible instead, with another expansion level.
fort_awesome - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
forumbee - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
forward - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
FOUND - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.IPropReference.ReferenceChangeEvent
This event is sent when the referenced property has been found, thus its reference resolved.
FOUND_WRONG_CLASS - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.IPropReference.ReferenceChangeEvent
This event is sent when the referenced property has been found, thus its reference resolved, but the property class is not matching.
foursquare - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
fqn - Variable in class
The fully qualified name.
fqn - Variable in enum class com.iizix.api.AnnotationType
The class name for the annotation.
free_code_camp - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
freeJVMMemorySize - Variable in class com.iizix.os.OSSystemInfo.Details
The Java free memory.
freePhysicalMemorySize - Variable in class com.iizix.os.OSSystemInfo.Details
The amount of free physical memory in bytes, -1L if no supported.
freeSwapSpaceSize - Variable in class com.iizix.os.OSSystemInfo.Details
The amount of free swap space in bytes, -1 if no supported.
French - Enum constant in enum class
French - Enum constant in enum class
Frisian - Enum constant in enum class
from(byte[], HashMap<Integer, String>) - Static method in class com.iizix.ReadTransaction
Creates a transaction with a read cache.
from(int) - Static method in enum class com.iizix.license.HardwareIdentication
Gets the hardware identification from the "index" value.
from(int) - Static method in enum class com.iizix.license.history.LicensingHistoryEvent
Gets the event from a value.
from(int) - Static method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.ImageOrientation
Returns an orientation from the given integer value.
from(int) - Static method in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.mlist.MLItemType
Returns the type from an integer value.
from(int, UIThemes.Name[], UIThemes.Name[]) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.device.GThemes
Creates a new instance of themes or grabs a cached copy.
from(BarcodeFormat) - Static method in enum class com.iizix.barcode.BarcodeType
Looks up a BarcodeType barcode type from a Zxing BarcodeFormat.
from(BarcodeType, String, int, int) - Static method in class com.iizix.barcode.BarcodeURN
Creates a BarcodeURN for a barcode format or type.
from(BarcodeType, String, int, int, ErrorCorrectionLevel) - Static method in class com.iizix.barcode.BarcodeURN
Creates a BarcodeURN for a barcode format or type, and for the QR code format, an optional error correction level.
from(PolicyProps) - Static method in class com.iizix.passwordpolicy.PasswordPolicy
Creates the password policy based on pure defaults if the property container is null, otherwise based on those settings.
from(UIComp) - Static method in class com.iizigo.panel.FontInfo
Gets the font information from a component.
from(UIComp) - Method in interface com.iizix.IFontInfo.Resolver
Returns the font information for a component.
from(UIComp, boolean) - Static method in class com.iizigo.panel.FontInfo
Gets the font information from a component.
from(ReadTransaction) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.GColor
Creates a color from a transaction.
from(ReadTransaction) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.device.GThemes
Creates a color from a transaction.
from(String) - Static method in enum class com.iizix.barcode.BarcodeType
Looks up a BarcodeType barcode type from a case sensitive string.
from(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.device.GThemes
Creates an instance of the themes from a string.
from(String) - Static method in enum class com.iizix.urn.NID
Looks up a NID Namespace IDentifier from a case sensitive string.
from(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.URN
Helper method that creates a URNResource from a String.
from(String) - Method in class com.iizix.urn.URNFactory
Creates a URN from a String.
from(String) - Static method in enum class com.iizix.user.UserLocaleString
Parses the ID string to find a matching ID.
from(String, DerbyImpl) - Static method in class com.iizix.jdbc.JDBCHelper
Constructs the Derby database connection pool from a directory that can contain a "" file.
from(String, PropCnr, Properties) - Static method in class com.iizix.jdbc.JDBCHelper
Creates a database connection pool from values stored in a property container.
from(String, File) - Static method in class com.iizix.jdbc.JDBCHelper
Constructs the database connection pool from a directory that should contain a "" file.
from(IProject) - Static method in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleModel
Gets the module model from a project if possible.
FROM - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.axis2d.AxisNumber
The "from" value forces the chart to render data visible from this value, not defined by default as Double.NaN.
fromCalendar(Calendar) - Static method in class com.iizix.Value
Creates a ZonedDateTime value from a Calendar.
fromClasspathEntries(IClasspathEntry[]) - Static method in enum class
Gets the Type of IIZI Library from classpath entries.
fromClasspathEntry(IClasspathEntry) - Static method in enum class
Gets the Type of IIZI Library from a classpath entry.
fromCompositeValue(int) - Static method in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IUIPanelAnimation.Direction
Gets the direction from a composite animation value.
fromCompositeValue(int) - Static method in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IUIPanelAnimation.Speed
Returns a Speed from a composite value.
fromCompositeValue(int) - Static method in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IUIPanelAnimation.Type
Gets the type from a composite animation value.
fromControl(Control) - Static method in class com.iizix.swt.IzMenu
Gets the pop-up menu associated with a component.
fromDate(Date) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.GDateTime
Helper to constructs a date from an SQL Date instance as a LocalDate.
fromDate(Date) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.GDateTime
Helper to constructs a date from a Date instance as a LocalDate.
fromDateBasedValue(XMLGregorianCalendar) - Static method in class com.iizix.Value
Creates a Value from an XMLGregorianCalendar depending on the datatype:
fromDateTime(Timestamp) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.GDateTime
Helper to constructs a date/time from a timestamp as a LocalDateTime.
fromDateTime(Date) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.GDateTime
Helper to constructs a date/time from a data and time as a LocalDateTime.
fromDefinition(SVGDefinition) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.image.SVGInfo
Creates the SVG inform from the SVG definition.
fromDefinition(File) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.image.SVGInfo
Creates the SVG inform from the SVG definition.
fromDesktop(UIThemes.Name) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.device.GThemes
Gets a cached desktop theme from a name using with no mobile themes.
fromDurationInMillis(Number) - Static method in class com.iizix.Value
Creates a duration from a numeric value in milliseconds.
fromElementString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.BoolProp
Called from the initializeProperty(Element element) method once the element String is retrieved from the "value" attribute.
fromElementString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ByteArrayProp
Called from the initializeProperty(Element element) method once the element String is retrieved from the "value" attribute.
fromElementString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.CharProp
Called from the initializeProperty(Element element) method once the element string is retrieved from the first child node of type "#text".
fromElementString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ColorProp
Called from the initializeProperty(Element element) method once the element String is retrieved from the "value" attribute of the element.
fromElementString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.DateTimeProp
Called from the initializeProperty(Element element) method once the element String is retrieved from the "value" attribute of the element.
fromElementString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.DoubleProp
Called from the initializeProperty(Element element) method once the element String is retrieved from the first child node of type "#text".
fromElementString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.FillProp
Called from the initializeProperty(Element element) method once the element String is retrieved from the "value" attribute of the element.
fromElementString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.FontProp
Called from the initializeProperty(Element element) method once the element String is retrieved from the "value" attribute of the element.
fromElementString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Called from the initializeProperty(Element element) method once the element String is retrieved from the "value" attribute of the element.
fromElementString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GradientProp
Called from the initializeProperty(Element element) method once the element String is retrieved from the "value" attribute of the element.
fromElementString(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Called from the initializeProperty(Element element) method once the element String is retrieved from the "value" attribute of the element.
fromElementString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.Int32Prop
Called from the initializeProperty(Element element) method once the element String is retrieved from the first child node of type "#text".
fromElementString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.IntProp
Called from the initializeProperty(Element element) method once the element String is retrieved from the first child node of type "#text".
fromElementString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.LongProp
Called from the initializeProperty(Element element) method once the element String is retrieved from the first child node of type "#text".
fromElementString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PasswordProp
Called from the initializeProperty(Element element) method once the element String is retrieved from the "value" attribute of the element.
fromElementString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.RectProp
Called from the initializeProperty(Element element) method once the element String is retrieved from the "value" attribute of the element.
fromElementString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.SizeProp
Called from the initializeProperty(Element element) method once the element String is retrieved from the "value" attribute of the element.
fromElementString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.StrokeProp
Called from the initializeProperty(Element element) method once the element String is retrieved from the "value" attribute of the element.
fromElementString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.CIDProp
Called from the initializeProperty(Element element) method once the element String is retrieved from the "value" attribute of the element.
fromElementString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.device.DeviceProp
Called from the initializeProperty(Element element) method once the element String is retrieved from the "value" attribute of the element.
fromElementString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.device.ThemesProp
Called from the initializeProperty(Element element) method once the element String is retrieved from the "value" attribute of the element.
fromElementString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.table.TableCell
Called from the initializeProperty(Element element) method once the element String is retrieved from the "value" attribute of the element.
fromElementString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.UnitProp
Called from the initializeProperty(Element element) method once the element String is retrieved from the "value" attribute of the element.
fromElementString(String) - Method in class com.iizix.term.prop.RemoteHostSessionProp
Called from the initializeProperty(Element element) method once the element String is retrieved from the "value" attribute of the element.
fromEpochMillis(long) - Static method in class com.iizix.value.PeriodValue
Helper method to create a Period of milliseconds since the Epoch (1970-01-01 00:00:00 GMT+0:00).
fromEvent(Event) - Static method in class com.iizix.swt.IzMenuItem
Gets the IzMenuItem from a menu event, typically a selection event.
fromEventAtom(Atom) - Static method in enum class com.iizix.api.AnnotationType
Gets the annotation type that matches an atom method event property name.
fromExtension(String) - Static method in enum class com.iizix.image.ImageType
Finds the image type for a file extension.
fromExternalFile(File) - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.file.FileURN
Creates an external File URN from a URI.
fromExternalFile(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.file.FileURN
Creates an external File URN from a URI.
fromExternalFile(URI) - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.file.FileURN
Creates an external File URN from a URI.
fromFileExtension(String) - Static method in enum class com.iizix.prop.font.FontFormat
Returns the format for the file extension.
fromFileResource(URNResourceType, Object, String) - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.file.FileURN
Creates a File URN from a string.
fromHex(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.Utilities
Parses a String in hex (of even length) to a byte array.
fromLocalDate(long) - Static method in class com.iizix.Value
Constructs a LocaleDate value.
fromLocalDate(Date) - Static method in class com.iizix.Value
Constructs a LocalDate value from an SQL date.
fromLocalDate(Date) - Static method in class com.iizix.Value
Constructs a Date value.
fromLocalDateTime(long) - Static method in class com.iizix.Value
Constructs LocalDateTime from milliseconds since Java epoch value.
fromLocalDateTime(Timestamp) - Static method in class com.iizix.Value
Constructs a LocalDateTime from a Timestamp value.
fromLocalDateTime(Date) - Static method in class com.iizix.Value
Constructs a LocalDateTime from a Date (and time) value.
fromLocalTime(long) - Static method in class com.iizix.Value
Constructs a Time value.
fromLocalTime(Time) - Static method in class com.iizix.Value
Constructs a Time value.
fromLocalTime(Date) - Static method in class com.iizix.Value
Constructs a Time value.
fromMediaType(String) - Static method in enum class com.iizix.image.ImageType
Finds the image type from the "image/..." string.
fromMobile(UIThemes.Name) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.device.GThemes
Gets a cached mobile theme from a name using the default desktop name.
fromNonNull(String) - Static method in enum class com.iizix.user.UserLocaleString
Parses the ID string to find a matching ID.
fromParsedUserAgent(Client) - Static method in enum class com.iizix.prop.font.BrowserFontFormat
Finds the browser font format from the parsed client user agent.
fromPath(IPath) - Static method in enum class
Creates a Type from a Path.
fromProject(IProject) - Static method in enum class
Gets the Type of IIZI Library from a project.
fromProject(IJavaProject) - Static method in enum class
Gets the Type of IIZI Library from a Java project.
fromProperty(GProp<?>) - Static method in class com.iizigo.prop.FilePropCnr
Gets a FilePropCnr from a property that should be the FilePropCnr itself or a child.
fromProviderName(String) - Static method in enum class com.iizix.comm.oauth.AuthenticationProvider
Gets the authentication provider from a String that must match the authentication provider name.
fromQuery(String) - Static method in enum class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURNType
Gets the URN Profile User query from a string, case insensitive, without support for multiple values, the match with "enum" values in this class must match precisely.
fromQuery(String, int[]) - Static method in enum class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURNType
Gets the URN Profile User String query from a string, case insensitive.
fromReplyValue(int) - Static method in enum class com.iizix.license.ValidateReply
Finds the reply from a reply value.
fromString(GDateTime.Type, String) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.GDateTime
Creates a new GDateTime value from a type and a String.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum class com.iizix.comm.oauth.IOAuthListener.Code
Returns the code from a string in the HTTP reply.
fromString(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.ClasspathEntry
Creates a new instance of ClasspathEntry from a string that came from ClasspathEntry.toString().
fromString(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.image.SVGInfo
Creates the SVG information from a String, used typically for iizi SVG URN's.
fromString(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.GSeriesValue
Creates a fill from an element.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileImageURNType
Gets the URN Profile User Image type from a string, case insensitive, the match with "enum" values in this class must match precisely.
fromTime(Time) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.GDateTime
Helper to constructs a time from a Time instance as a LocalTime.
fromTime(Date) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.GDateTime
Helper to constructs a time from a Date instance as a LocalTime.
fromTokens(String) - Method in class com.iizix.device.SignInPermissions
Creates the sign-in permissions from an initial permissions set combined with an additional saved set.
fromTypeName(String) - Static method in enum class com.iizix.prop.font.FontFormat
Returns the format for the format type name-
fromURL(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.url.URL_URN
Creates a URL URN from a string containing an optional '?' query and '#' fragment.
fromURL(String, int, int) - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.svg.SVG_URN
Creates a SVG URN from an SVG string.
fromURL(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.url.URL_URN
Creates a URL URN from a string and an optional query and fragment.
fromURL(URL) - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.url.URL_URN
Creates a URL URN from a string and an optional query and fragment.
fromUserID(long, UserProfileStringURNType) - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURN
Creates a User Profile String URN using a possible cached instance of the user information.
fromUserID(long, UserProfileStringURNType, boolean) - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURN
Creates a User Profile String URN.
fromUserID(long, UserProfileStringURNType, int) - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURN
Creates a User Profile String URN using a possible cached instance of the user information.
fromUserID(long, UserProfileStringURNType, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURN
Creates a User Profile String URN.
fromUserID(long, String) - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURN
Creates a User Profile String URN using a possible cached instance of the user information.
fromUserID(long, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURN
Creates a User Profile String URN.
fromUserID(long, String, int) - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURN
Creates a User Profile String URN using a possible cached instance of the user information.
fromUserID(long, String, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURN
Creates a User Profile String URN.
fromUserID(UserProfileImageURNType, long) - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileImageURN
Creates a User Profile String URN using a possible cached instance of the user information.
fromUserName(UserProfileImageURNType, String) - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileImageURN
Creates a User Profile String URN using a possible cached instance of the user information.
fromUserName(String, UserProfileStringURNType) - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURN
Creates a User Profile String URN using a possible cached instance of the user information.
fromUserName(String, UserProfileStringURNType, boolean) - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURN
Creates a User Profile String URN.
fromUserName(String, UserProfileStringURNType, int) - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURN
Creates a User Profile String URN using a possible cached instance of the user information.
fromUserName(String, UserProfileStringURNType, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURN
Creates a User Profile String URN.
fromUserName(String, String) - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURN
Creates a User Profile String URN using a possible cached instance of the user information.
fromUserName(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURN
Creates a User Profile String URN.
fromUserName(String, String, int) - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURN
Creates a User Profile String URN using a possible cached instance of the user information.
fromUserName(String, String, int, boolean) - Static method in class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURN
Creates a User Profile String URN.
fromValue(int) - Static method in enum class com.iizix.gyro.ProgressIndicatorDelay
Returns a delay from a value.
fromValue(Value) - Static method in class com.iizix.prop.GDateTime
Helper to constructs a date/time from a Value, if the Value is of the Value Types LocalTime, OffsetTime, LocalDate, LocalDateTime, OffsetDateTime or ZonedDateTime.
FRONT_END_SECURED - Static variable in class com.iizix.server.prop.WebServerPortConfig
If the port is secure by means of a front-end proxy, even if the server protocol uses HTTP.
frown_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
FT_Alphanumeric - Static variable in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldProp
Field type: Alphanumeric characters only.
FT_AlphaOnly - Static variable in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldProp
Field type: Alpha characters only.
FT_AnyCharacter - Static variable in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldProp
Field type: Any character allowed.
FT_DigitsOnly - Static variable in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldProp
Field type: Digits only.
FT_ImpliedDecimal - Static variable in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldProp
Field type: Implied decimal number.
FT_KatakanaShift - Static variable in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldProp
Field type: Katakana shift.
FT_Marked - Static variable in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldProp
Field type: Marked field.
FT_NumericOnly - Static variable in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldProp
Field type: Numeric only.
FT_NumericShift - Static variable in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldProp
Field type: Numeric shift.
FT_SignedNumeric - Static variable in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldProp
Field type: Signed numeric.
FT_UpperOnly - Static variable in class com.iizix.term.prop.ScreenFieldProp
Field type: Upper case any character.
fullGC() - Static method in class com.iizix.Utilities
Performs the full garbage collection in the current thread.
FullName - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURNType
Full name.
fullPathName - Variable in class
The full path name of the property.
fullscreen(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.gyro.WindowOptions
Whether or not to display the browser in full-screen mode.
FullVSAnnotationReferenceProcessor - Class in com.iizix.prop.vs
The VirtualSpace reference processor used for the @FullVSRef annotation.
FullVSAnnotationReferenceProcessor() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.vs.FullVSAnnotationReferenceProcessor
FullVSRef - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.api.AnnotationType
FullVSRef - Annotation Interface in com.iizix.api.vs
Annotation for a name space reference.
function - Variable in class com.iizigo.prop.editor.TransformValidator
futbol_o - Enum constant in enum class com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
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