Enum Class LocaleString

All Implemented Interfaces:
IEnumLocaleKString, IEnumLocaleString, Serializable, Comparable<LocaleString>, Constable

public enum LocaleString extends Enum<LocaleString> implements IEnumLocaleKString
The LocaleString enum that hold strings in various languages. The strings are placed in predefined system text tables the predefined "builtin" project. When using these texts, they automatically search for these ID's defined in the user application's text tables that are flagged to also handle LocaleString's. This makes it possible to have custom text replacements and/or additional translations into other languages not provided in the system.

Other text IDs are also present in:

The ID for each entry is prepended with "sys." for the text tables. These are the defined texts:

 Text ID                           Fallback English text
 --------------------------------  ---------------------------------
   sys.ValueConversionError_HTML   [b]Input error[/b][br]{}  (in HTML, "Input error: {}" for PLAIN).
   sys.ValueConversionError_PLAIN  Input error: {}

   sys.Action_OK                   OK
   sys.Action_Cancel               Cancel
   sys.Action_Close                Close
   sys.Action_Yes                  Yes
   sys.Action_No                   No
   sys.Action_Confirm              Confirm
   sys.Action_Continue             Continue
   sys.Action_Abort                Abort

   sys.Time_short_now              now
   sys.Time_medium_now             now
   sys.Time_long_now               just now
   sys.Time_short_less_than_1_minute   < 1 m
   sys.Time_medium_less_than_1_minute  < 1 min
   sys.Time_long_less_than_1_minute    less than a minute

   sys.Time_short_less_than_1_hour     < 1 h
   sys.Time_medium_less_than_1_hour    < 1 hour
   sys.Time_long_less_than_1_hour      less than a minute

   sys.Time_short_less_than_1_day      < 1 d
   sys.Time_medium_less_than_1_day     < 1 day
   sys.Time_long_less_than_1_day       less than a day

   sys.Time_short_less_than_1_week     < 1 w
   sys.Time_medium_less_than_1_week    < 1 week
   sys.Time_long_less_than_1_week      less than a week

   sys.Time_short_less_than_1_year     < 1 y
   sys.Time_medium_less_than_1_year    < 1 year
   sys.Time_long_less_than_1_year      less than a year
   sys.Time_short_Second           s
   sys.Time_short_Seconds          s
   sys.Time_medium_Second          sec
   sys.Time_medium_Seconds         secs
   sys.Time_long_Second            second
   sys.Time_long_Second_1          one second
   sys.Time_long_Seconds           seconds
   sys.Time_short_Minute           m
   sys.Time_short_Minutes          m
   sys.Time_medium_Minute          min
   sys.Time_medium_Minutes         mins
   sys.Time_long_Minute            minute
   sys.Time_long_Minute_1          one minute
   sys.Time_long_Minutes           minutes
   sys.Time_short_Hour             h
   sys.Time_short_Hours            h
   sys.Time_medium_Hour            hour
   sys.Time_medium_Hours           hours
   sys.Time_long_Hour              hour
   sys.Time_long_Hour_1            one hour
   sys.Time_long_Hours             hours
   sys.Time_short_Day              d
   sys.Time_short_Days             d
   sys.Time_medium_Day             day
   sys.Time_medium_Days            days
   sys.Time_long_Day               day
   sys.Time_long_Day_1             one day
   sys.Time_long_Days              days
   sys.Time_short_Week             w
   sys.Time_short_Weeks            w
   sys.Time_medium_Week            week
   sys.Time_medium_Weeks           weeks
   sys.Time_long_Week              week
   sys.Time_long_Week_1            one week
   sys.Time_long_Weeks             weeks
   sys.Time_short_Week             y
   sys.Time_short_Weeks            y
   sys.Time_medium_Week            year
   sys.Time_medium_Weeks           years
   sys.Time_long_Week              year
   sys.Time_long_Week_1            one year
   sys.Time_long_Weeks             years
   sys.Distance_short_near         near
   sys.Distance_long_near          close by
   sys.Distance_short_meter        m
   sys.Distance_short_meters       m
   sys.Distance_long_meter         one meter
   sys.Distance_long_meters        meters
   sys.Distance_short_kilometer    m
   sys.Distance_short_kilometers   m
   sys.Distance_long_kilometer     one kilometer
   sys.Distance_long_kilometers    kilometers

 Device capabilities:
   devcap.Phone                    Phone capabilities (smart or feature phone)
   devcap.Battery                  Battery status capabilities
   devcap.Contacts                 Contacts database capabilities
   devcap.Compass                  Compass capabilities
   devcap.Camera                   Camera capabilities
   devcap.Geolocation              Geolocation capabilities
   devcap.GPS                      GPS capabilities
   devcap.Touch                    Touch capabilities
   devcap.Mouse                    Mouse capabilities (Desktop device)
   devcap.Pen                      Pen capabilities
   devcap.Motion                   Motion capabilities (accelerometer)
   devcap.Microphone               Microphone (sound capture) capabilities
   devcap.VideoCapture             Video capture capabilities
   devcap.Sound                    Play music or basic sounds capabilities
   devcap.SpeechSynthesis          Speech synthesis (speech output)
   devcap.SpeechRecognition        Speech recognition (for commands and text input)
   devcap.Vibration                Vibration capabilities

Christopher Mindus
  • Enum Constant Details

    • ValueConversionError_HTML

      public static final LocaleString ValueConversionError_HTML
      The message for an invalid value conversion in HTML: "[b]Input error[/b][br]".
    • ValueConversionError_PLAIN

      public static final LocaleString ValueConversionError_PLAIN
      The message for an invalid value conversion in plain text: "Input error: ".
    • Action_OK

      public static final LocaleString Action_OK
      "OK" text for actions.
    • Action_Cancel

      public static final LocaleString Action_Cancel
      "Cancel" text for actions.
    • Action_Close

      public static final LocaleString Action_Close
      "Close" text for actions.
    • Action_Yes

      public static final LocaleString Action_Yes
      "Yes" text for actions.
    • Action_No

      public static final LocaleString Action_No
      "No" text for actions.
    • Action_Confirm

      public static final LocaleString Action_Confirm
      "Confirm" text for actions.
    • Action_Continue

      public static final LocaleString Action_Continue
      "Continue" text for actions.
    • Action_Abort

      public static final LocaleString Action_Abort
      "Abort" text for actions.
    • Time_short_now

      public static final LocaleString Time_short_now
    • Time_medium_now

      public static final LocaleString Time_medium_now
    • Time_long_now

      public static final LocaleString Time_long_now
    • Time_short_less_than_1_minute

      public static final LocaleString Time_short_less_than_1_minute
    • Time_medium_less_than_1_minute

      public static final LocaleString Time_medium_less_than_1_minute
    • Time_long_less_than_1_minute

      public static final LocaleString Time_long_less_than_1_minute
    • Time_short_less_than_1_hour

      public static final LocaleString Time_short_less_than_1_hour
    • Time_medium_less_than_1_hour

      public static final LocaleString Time_medium_less_than_1_hour
    • Time_long_less_than_1_hour

      public static final LocaleString Time_long_less_than_1_hour
    • Time_short_less_than_1_day

      public static final LocaleString Time_short_less_than_1_day
    • Time_medium_less_than_1_day

      public static final LocaleString Time_medium_less_than_1_day
    • Time_long_less_than_1_day

      public static final LocaleString Time_long_less_than_1_day
    • Time_short_less_than_1_week

      public static final LocaleString Time_short_less_than_1_week
    • Time_medium_less_than_1_week

      public static final LocaleString Time_medium_less_than_1_week
    • Time_long_less_than_1_week

      public static final LocaleString Time_long_less_than_1_week
    • Time_short_less_than_1_year

      public static final LocaleString Time_short_less_than_1_year
    • Time_medium_less_than_1_year

      public static final LocaleString Time_medium_less_than_1_year
    • Time_long_less_than_1_year

      public static final LocaleString Time_long_less_than_1_year
    • Time_short_Second

      public static final LocaleString Time_short_Second
    • Time_short_Seconds

      public static final LocaleString Time_short_Seconds
    • Time_medium_Second

      public static final LocaleString Time_medium_Second
    • Time_medium_Seconds

      public static final LocaleString Time_medium_Seconds
    • Time_long_Second

      public static final LocaleString Time_long_Second
    • Time_long_Second_1

      public static final LocaleString Time_long_Second_1
    • Time_long_Seconds

      public static final LocaleString Time_long_Seconds
    • Time_short_Minute

      public static final LocaleString Time_short_Minute
    • Time_short_Minutes

      public static final LocaleString Time_short_Minutes
    • Time_medium_Minute

      public static final LocaleString Time_medium_Minute
    • Time_medium_Minutes

      public static final LocaleString Time_medium_Minutes
    • Time_long_Minute

      public static final LocaleString Time_long_Minute
    • Time_long_Minute_1

      public static final LocaleString Time_long_Minute_1
    • Time_long_Minutes

      public static final LocaleString Time_long_Minutes
    • Time_short_Hour

      public static final LocaleString Time_short_Hour
    • Time_short_Hours

      public static final LocaleString Time_short_Hours
    • Time_medium_Hour

      public static final LocaleString Time_medium_Hour
    • Time_medium_Hours

      public static final LocaleString Time_medium_Hours
    • Time_long_Hour

      public static final LocaleString Time_long_Hour
    • Time_long_Hour_1

      public static final LocaleString Time_long_Hour_1
    • Time_long_Hours

      public static final LocaleString Time_long_Hours
    • Time_short_Day

      public static final LocaleString Time_short_Day
    • Time_short_Days

      public static final LocaleString Time_short_Days
    • Time_medium_Day

      public static final LocaleString Time_medium_Day
    • Time_medium_Days

      public static final LocaleString Time_medium_Days
    • Time_long_Day

      public static final LocaleString Time_long_Day
    • Time_long_Day_1

      public static final LocaleString Time_long_Day_1
    • Time_long_Days

      public static final LocaleString Time_long_Days
    • Time_short_Week

      public static final LocaleString Time_short_Week
    • Time_short_Weeks

      public static final LocaleString Time_short_Weeks
    • Time_medium_Week

      public static final LocaleString Time_medium_Week
    • Time_medium_Weeks

      public static final LocaleString Time_medium_Weeks
    • Time_long_Week

      public static final LocaleString Time_long_Week
    • Time_long_Week_1

      public static final LocaleString Time_long_Week_1
    • Time_long_Weeks

      public static final LocaleString Time_long_Weeks
    • Time_short_Year

      public static final LocaleString Time_short_Year
    • Time_short_Years

      public static final LocaleString Time_short_Years
    • Time_medium_Year

      public static final LocaleString Time_medium_Year
    • Time_medium_Years

      public static final LocaleString Time_medium_Years
    • Time_long_Year

      public static final LocaleString Time_long_Year
    • Time_long_Year_1

      public static final LocaleString Time_long_Year_1
    • Time_long_Years

      public static final LocaleString Time_long_Years
    • Distance_short_near

      public static final LocaleString Distance_short_near
    • Distance_long_near

      public static final LocaleString Distance_long_near
    • Distance_short_less_than_1_kilometer

      public static final LocaleString Distance_short_less_than_1_kilometer
    • Distance_long_less_than_1_kilometer

      public static final LocaleString Distance_long_less_than_1_kilometer
    • Distance_short_meter

      public static final LocaleString Distance_short_meter
    • Distance_short_meters

      public static final LocaleString Distance_short_meters
    • Distance_long_meter

      public static final LocaleString Distance_long_meter
    • Distance_long_meter_1

      public static final LocaleString Distance_long_meter_1
    • Distance_long_meters

      public static final LocaleString Distance_long_meters
    • Distance_short_kilometer

      public static final LocaleString Distance_short_kilometer
    • Distance_short_kilometers

      public static final LocaleString Distance_short_kilometers
    • Distance_long_kilometer

      public static final LocaleString Distance_long_kilometer
    • Distance_long_kilometer_1

      public static final LocaleString Distance_long_kilometer_1
    • Distance_long_kilometers

      public static final LocaleString Distance_long_kilometers
  • Field Details

    • fallback

      public final String fallback
      The fallback text.
    • id

      public final String id
      The ID for the item to use when looking up the item in a text table.
  • Method Details

    • values

      public static LocaleString[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
      an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared
    • valueOf

      public static LocaleString valueOf(String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this class. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
      name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
      the enum constant with the specified name
      IllegalArgumentException - if this enum class has no constant with the specified name
      NullPointerException - if the argument is null
    • getID

      public String getID()
      Gets the text ID.
      Specified by:
      getID in interface IEnumLocaleString
      The text ID string.
    • getFallback

      public String getFallback()
      Gets the fallback String.
      Specified by:
      getFallback in interface IEnumLocaleString
      The fallback string.
    • getKStringFallback

      public KString getKStringFallback()
      Gets the fallback KString.
      Specified by:
      getKStringFallback in interface IEnumLocaleKString
      The fallback KString.
    • asString

      public static String asString(String textID)
      Looks up a text ID from the system tables. The session information is looked up from the current thread if possible, otherwise the text will not be found.
      textID - The text ID to look-up.
      The potentially localized string or textID "textID" not found if none is found.
    • asString

      public static String asString(String textID, String fallback)
      Looks up a text ID from the system tables. The session information is looked up from the current thread if possible, otherwise the text will not be found.
      textID - The text ID to look-up.
      The potentially localized string or the fallback String, or textID "textID" not found if none is found and fallback is null.
    • asString

      public static String asString(SessionInfo sessionInfo, String textID)
      Looks up a text ID from the system tables with an optional sessionInfo parameter that can be non-null to define the locale, otherwise it is looked up.
      sessionInfo - The session information, or null if not available. if null the system will attempt to look up the current client or application session from the current thread.
      textID - The text ID to look-up.
      The potentially localized string or the fallback String, or textID "textID" not found if none is found.
    • asString

      public static String asString(SessionInfo sessionInfo, String textID, String fallback)
      Looks up a text ID from the system tables with an optional sessionInfo parameter that can be non-null to define the locale, otherwise it is looked up.
      sessionInfo - The session information, or null if not available. if null the system will attempt to look up the current client or application session from the current thread.
      textID - The text ID to look-up.
      fallback - The fallback text, or null for none.
      The potentially localized string or the fallback String, or textID "textID" not found if none is found and fallback is null.
    • asString

      public static String asString(ILocaleString localeString, String textID, String fallback)
      Looks up a text ID from the system tables with an optional sessionInfo parameter that can be non-null to define the locale, otherwise it is looked up.
      localeString - The localeString instance to used for localization, or null for fallback return value if text ID is not found.
      textID - The text ID to look-up.
      fallback - The fallback string or null for none.
      The potentially localized string or the fallback String, or textID "textID" not found if none is found and fallback is null.
    • asKString

      public static KString asKString(String textID)
      Looks up a text ID from the system tables. The session information is looked up from the current thread if possible, otherwise the text will not be found.
      textID - The text ID to look-up.
      The potentially localized KString or textID "textID" not found if none is found.
    • asKString

      public static KString asKString(String textID, KString fallback)
      Looks up a text ID from the system tables. The session information is looked up from the current thread if possible, otherwise the text will not be found.
      textID - The text ID to look-up.
      The potentially localized KString or the fallback KString, or textID "textID" not found if none is found and fallback is null.
    • asKString

      public static KString asKString(SessionInfo sessionInfo, String textID)
      Looks up a text ID from the system tables with an optional sessionInfo parameter that can be non-null to define the locale, otherwise it is looked up.
      sessionInfo - The session information, or null if not available. if null the system will attempt to look up the current client or application session from the current thread.
      textID - The text ID to look-up.
      The potentially localized KString or the fallback KString, or textID "textID" not found if none is found.
    • asKString

      public static KString asKString(SessionInfo sessionInfo, String textID, KString fallback)
      Looks up a text ID from the system tables with an optional sessionInfo parameter that can be non-null to define the locale, otherwise it is looked up.
      sessionInfo - The session information, or null if not available. if null the system will attempt to look up the current client or application session from the current thread.
      textID - The text ID to look-up.
      fallback - The fallback text, or null for none.
      The potentially localized KString or the fallback KString, or textID "textID" not found if none is found and fallback is null.
    • asKString

      public static KString asKString(ILocaleString localeString, String textID, KString fallback)
      Looks up a text ID from the system tables with an optional sessionInfo parameter that can be non-null to define the locale, otherwise it is looked up.
      localeString - The localeString instance to used for localization, or null for fallback return value if text ID is not found.
      textID - The text ID to look-up.
      fallback - The fallback KString or null for none.
      The potentially localized KString or the fallback KString, or textID "textID" not found if none is found and fallback is null.