Interface IUIComp

    • Method Detail

      • getDeviceType

        int getDeviceType()
        Gets the device type: -1=mobile, 0=both, 1=desktop.
      • isMobile

        boolean isMobile()
        Checks if the panel is of mobile type.
        true if panel is found and it's mobile.
      • getFixWidth

        int getFixWidth()
        Gets the designed fixed width of this component in pixels.
        Zero (default) for not fixed.
      • getFixHeight

        int getFixHeight()
        Gets the designed fixed height of this component in pixels.
        Zero (default) for not fixed.
      • getComponentID

        int getComponentID()
        Creates or gets the unique ID within the panel for a component. This ID can be used as the HTML ID and is used by the LabelForReference.
        A unique number for a component in a panel.
      • getLayout

        LayoutProp getLayout()
        Gets the layout properties of this component. If the properties are not present, they are created.
        The layout properties.
      • getLayoutMgr

        <LAYOUT_MGR extends LayoutMgr<?>> LAYOUT_MGR getLayoutMgr​(java.lang.Class<LAYOUT_MGR> layoutMgrClass)
        Gets the layout manager for the component.
        layoutMgrClass - The class of the layout manager.
        the layout manager instance, or null if none is set.
      • isRTL

        boolean isRTL()
        Returns if the component is displayed in RTL or not.
      • getValue

        Value getValue​(java.lang.String name)
        Gets the value from a property named name.
        name - The name of the property.
        The Value for the property with the specified name, or null if not found.
      • getValue

        Value getValue​(Atom atom)
        Gets the value from a property named atom.
        atom - The atom name of the property.
        The Value for the property with the specified name, or null if not found.
      • getVirtualSpace

        VirtualSpace getVirtualSpace()
        Gets the VirtualSpace of the UI component.
        The VirtualSpace, or null for none.
      • getVSField

        VSField getVSField()
        Gets the connected or disconnected VirtualSpace Field.
        The field, or null if no field resolved (connected or disconnected) is present.
      • isVSFieldDisconnected

        boolean isVSFieldDisconnected()
        Checks if the connection state to the VirtualSpace Field is disconnected.
        true if currently disconnected.
      • disconnectVSField

        boolean disconnectVSField()
        Disconnects from the VirtualSpace Field connection.
        true for success, false if already done or none is connected.
      • reconnectVSField

        boolean reconnectVSField​(boolean update)
        Reconnects to a previously disconnected VirtualSpace Field connection.

        The method setVSFieldToComponent(VSField) is called if there was a disconnected field set.

        update - Update flag, i.e. if all states, messages and field contents should be updated to match the field.
        true for success, false if not disconnected.
      • getComponentMappings

        java.util.List<VSComponent> getComponentMappings()
        Gets the mappings to VSComponent's for this component.

        The VS components are sorted for the deepest first.

        An unmodifiable set of VSComponent's, or null for no VS mappings.
      • setVSFieldToComponent

        void setVSFieldToComponent​(VSField field)
        Method called when a VirtualSpace Field is resolved or when reconnection is done. Override to provide additional processing. By default all states (enabled, read-only and visible), message and field contents are set from the field to the component.
        field - The VS field.
      • setVSFieldMessageToComponent

        boolean setVSFieldMessageToComponent​(VSField field,
                                             boolean clear)
        Sets the VirtualSpace Field's message to this component.
        field - The VS field.
        clear - Flag to clear the component message if the field hasn't got a message.
        true if changed, false for no change.
      • canAcceptUIContainerFocus

        java.lang.String canAcceptUIContainerFocus()
        Returns if this container can accept focus itself or for one of its children components. If this is a component and not a container, this request is redirected to the parent container.

        This method recurses up to the topmost UI container, and all containers must return null for this method to return null.

        Typically, a container returns itself as instance if it is disabled or hidden.

        null if this container (or parent container if this is a component) and all containers up to the topmost level returns null, otherwise an error message why the container that did not accept focus.
      • setUIContainerFocus

        java.lang.String setUIContainerFocus​(UIComp requestor,
                                             boolean doAnimate)
        Sets the focus to the UI container and all its parents. This method is called when focus is to be set to a component, making it possible for containers such as accordion/swap/tab to change its main container into view.

        Subclasses must override this method to process it, but make sure to call super.setUIContainerFocus(requestor) first!

        requestor - The requestor is a child to this container.
        doAnimate - Flag to enable animation when selection is changed for e.g. accordion, swap or tab containers.
        null for success, otherwise an error message why it failed.
      • setComponentToVSField

        int setComponentToVSField()
        Sets the text or value from this text or value component to its VirtualSpace Field, if any.
        1 for update completed, 0 for nothing done and -1 for error occurred.
      • getErrorMessage

        KString getErrorMessage​(ValueConversionException exception)
        Gets the localized error message for a validation exception.
        exception - The exception.
        The error message, e.g. to display in the component.
      • getErrorMessage

        KString getErrorMessage​(LocaleInfo localeInfo,
                                ValueConversionException exception)
        Gets the localized error message for a validation exception.
        localeInfo - The locale information, or null for current session or default.
        exception - The exception.
        The error message, e.g. to display in the component.
      • setErrorMessage

        void setErrorMessage​(ValueConversionException exception)
        Transposes an exception from conversion to the component as an error message.
        exception - The exception.
      • setErrorMessage

        void setErrorMessage​(LocaleInfo localeInfo,
                             ValueConversionException exception)
        Transposes an exception from conversion to the component as an error message.
        localeInfo - The locale information, or null for current session or default.
        exception - The exception.
      • getUIRef

        default @UIRef java.lang.String getUIRef()
        Gets the @UIRef path to this component. This path is relative the panel or context menu that is located in the Panel Module directory.

        This @UIRef path can be used with the getPanelUIComponent(String,Class) or getPanelUIComponentNull(String,Class).

        The @UIRef path to the component, or empty string for top-level panel or context menu.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - If the UI component tree is invalid.
      • getPanelUIComponent

        default <COMP extends UIComp> COMP getPanelUIComponent​(@UIRef java.lang.String uiPath,
                                                               java.lang.Class<COMP> uiClass)
                                                        throws NotFoundException
        Gets a UI component by UI path reference from the panel.

        Note: A UI path is not the same as a property path, it omits the UI container UIComps instance from the path.

        uiPath - The UI path for the component.
        uiClass - The UI class of the component.
        The component, never null.
        NotFoundException - The not-found exception is thrown if the component is not found instead of returning null.
      • getPanelUIComponentNull

        default <COMP extends UIComp> COMP getPanelUIComponentNull​(@UIRef java.lang.String uiPath,
                                                                   java.lang.Class<COMP> uiClass)
        Gets a UI component by UI path reference from the panel.

        Note: A UI path is not the same as a property path, it omits the UI container UIComps instance from the path.

        uiPath - The UI path for the component.
        uiClass - The UI class of the component.
        The component, or null if not found.
      • getFirstUIComponent

        default <COMP extends UIComp> COMP getFirstUIComponent​(java.lang.String name,
                                                               java.lang.Class<COMP> uiClass)
                                                        throws NotFoundException
        Gets the first UI component of the specified name and UI class. The search for the component is done from this container and its children containers.
        name - The name of the component.
        uiClass - The UI class of the component.
        The component, never null.
        NotFoundException - The not-found exception is thrown if the component is not found instead of returning null.
      • getFirstUIComponentNull

        default <COMP extends UIComp> COMP getFirstUIComponentNull​(java.lang.String name,
                                                                   java.lang.Class<COMP> uiClass)
        Gets the first UI component of the specified name and UI class. The search for the component is done from this container and its children containers.
        name - The name of the component.
        uiClass - The UI class of the component.
        The component, or null if not found.