Interface IUIAnimatedSingleIndexedSelectionComp

    • Method Detail

      • isAnimated

        boolean isAnimated()
        Returns the animation flag.
        If the selection is done with animation or not.
      • setSelection

        java.lang.String setSelection​(int index,
                                      boolean isAnimated)
        Sets the selection as a single selected item at specified index.
        index - The single item to select at index, -1 to clear the selection.
        isAnimated - The animation flag.
        null for success, otherwise an error message why the selection failed.
      • setSelection

        default java.lang.String setSelection​(int index)
        Sets the selection as a single selected item at specified index without animation.
        Specified by:
        setSelection in interface IUIIndexedSelectionComp
        index - The single item to select at index, -1 to clear the selection.
        null for success, otherwise an error message why the selection failed.