Interface IContentItem

    • Method Detail

      • setContentItem

        void setContentItem​(IContentData<?> itemData)
        Returns the content item that has initialized this property container.
        itemData - Sets the content item that has updated this property container.
      • getContentItem

        default IContentData<?> getContentItem()
        Returns the content item that has initialized this property container. If it has not been initialized, it will be initialized with this call.

        This method calls getContentItem(true).

        The content item. If the item property is not added to a container, null is returned.
      • getContentItem

        IContentData<?> getContentItem​(boolean createIfNotPresent)
        Returns the content item that has initialized this property container. If it has not been initialized, it will be initialized with this call if the flag createIfNotPresent is true.
        createIfNotPresent - Creates the content data if it doesn't exist if true.
        The content item, null if not previously initialized if createIfNotPresent is false.
      • getItemsContainer

        default AbstractContentUIContainer<?,​?> getItemsContainer()
        Returns the container for the items.
        The container, or null if not found.
      • isPropertyEditorReadOnly

        default boolean isPropertyEditorReadOnly()
        Returns whether the property should be displayed in the property editor as read-only.
        Specified by:
        isPropertyEditorReadOnly in interface IPropEditorReadOnly
        true if read-only in the property editor, false otherwise.