Interface IEUIPanel

    • Field Detail


        static final AnnotationType[] PANEL_METHOD_LINK_ANNOTATIONS
        Linkable methods.
    • Method Detail

      • getClassReference

        EditorClassReference getClassReference​(java.lang.String id,
                                               boolean doCreateIfNotPresent)
        Gets or creates the ClassReference in the property container.

        Panel do not use "ID" because there is a single class connection with the name Atom.CLASS.

        Specified by:
        getClassReference in interface IClassReferenceOwner
        Specified by:
        getClassReference in interface IJavaClassLinkEnabler
        id - ID for the class reference if several exist, null for default.
        doCreateIfNotPresent - Flag to create the property (this flag can only be true in Designer)!
        The resolved class reference instance, null if the ClassReference doesn't exist if the create flag is false. If flag is true, an orphan unresolved EditorClassReference instance (ONLY for the Designer).
      • getClassReferenceImpl

        default EditorClassReference getClassReferenceImpl​(java.lang.String id,
                                                           boolean doCreateIfNotPresent)
        Gets or creates the ClassReference in the property container.

        Panel do not use "ID" because there is a single class connection with the name Atom.CLASS.

        id - ID for the class reference if several exist, null for default.
        doCreateIfNotPresent - Flag to create the property (this flag can only be true in Designer)!
        The resolved class reference instance, null if the ClassReference doesn't exist if the create flag is false. If flag is true, an orphan unresolved EditorClassReference instance (ONLY for the Designer).
      • canRenameProperty

        default boolean canRenameProperty()
        Checks if the property can be renamed.
        Specified by:
        canRenameProperty in interface IPropRenameable
        true for OK, false for failure.
      • createLayout

        EPanelData createLayout()
        Create the layout property.
        A new instance of EPanelData named Atom.LAYOUT.