Class EMLItemProp

    • Constructor Detail

      • EMLItemProp

        public EMLItemProp()
        Creates the property container without a name. The name must be set in all cases using the setPropertyAtom call.
      • EMLItemProp

        public EMLItemProp​(Atom propertyAtom)
        Creates the property container with the specified name. All system-reserved names for components begins with "$".
        propertyAtom - the name of the component, unique within it's parent.
      • EMLItemProp

        public EMLItemProp​(MLItemType type)
        Creates the property container without a name. The name must be set in all cases using the setPropertyAtom call.
        type - The type to initialize.
    • Method Detail

      • getCreationTypeName

        public java.lang.String getCreationTypeName()
        Gets the additional text to append for the class names for the creation property.
        Specified by:
        getCreationTypeName in interface IEUIComponentCreationType
      • hasEditedPropertyListChanged

        public boolean hasEditedPropertyListChanged​(GEvent event)
        Verifies if the property has changed. This will rebuild the property editor if the type changes.
        Specified by:
        hasEditedPropertyListChanged in interface IDynamicPropertyEditorList
        event - The property event.
        true if it changed.
      • getCNImage

        public getCNImage​(boolean isMobile)
        Gets the image for the Common Navigator.
        Specified by:
        getCNImage in interface IEUICompBase
        isMobile - The mobile theme flag.
        Image or null if there is no image.
      • initializeSampleData

        public void initializeSampleData​(int oper)
        Initialize the sample data for the operation.
        Specified by:
        initializeSampleData in interface IInitializeSampleData
        oper - The operation INIT_OPER_*.
      • getPossibleContainerParents

        public java.lang.Class<?>[] getPossibleContainerParents()
        Gets the supported containers the component can be placed inside.
        Specified by:
        getPossibleContainerParents in interface IEUICompBase
        An array of UIContainer classes, or null for any.
      • getStylesName

        public java.lang.String getStylesName​(EditorStyles styles)
        The name of this styles property for the common navigator.
        Specified by:
        getStylesName in interface IStylesFilter
        styles - The Styles property container.
      • getSupportedStyles

        public java.lang.String[] getSupportedStyles​(EditorStyles styles)
        Gets the groups supported by the component.
        Specified by:
        getSupportedStyles in interface IStylesFilter
        styles - The Styles property container.
        An array of property names of the styles. Names beginning with '*' indicates it's a group.
      • getExtendsPossibleClasses

        public java.lang.Class<?>[] getExtendsPossibleClasses()
        Gets the possible classes this container supports for the Extends Framework. The default implementation is to return null.
        Specified by:
        getExtendsPossibleClasses in interface IPropCnr
        getExtendsPossibleClasses in class PropCnr
        List of supported classes, or null for none.
      • getSelectPropViewerFilter

        public org.eclipse.jface.viewers.ViewerFilter getSelectPropViewerFilter()
        Gets the viewer filter for the tree in the dialog for selecting extends property name.
        Specified by:
        getSelectPropViewerFilter in interface IExtendsSelection
      • isLinkCapable

        public org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus isLinkCapable​(LinkData data)
        Returns if this property container could potentially be link capable.

        This call is done many times during drag-drop and must be very fast and not cause too much garbage collection.

        Specified by:
        isLinkCapable in interface IEUIComp
        Specified by:
        isLinkCapable in interface IJavaMethodLinkEnabler
        Specified by:
        isLinkCapable in interface ILinkCapable
        data - The link data.
        The status of capability of the operation.
      • verify

        public boolean verify​(PropVerification verification)
        Verifies this property container. The check performed is the extension of classes and that no circular reference is present.
        Specified by:
        verify in interface IGProp<GProp<?>[]>
        verify in class UIComp
        verification - The property verification class.
        true if verification should proceed, false if disposed of and verification should not take place.
      • setFocusReference

        protected void setFocusReference​(java.lang.String focusReference)
        Sets the focus reference. Overridden in the Designer version of the class to use EditorVSFocusReference instead of VSFocusReference.
        setFocusReference in class MLItemProp
        focusReference - The focus reference.
      • getTransferProps

        public java.lang.Object[] getTransferProps()
        Returns the list of properties that are transferable between layout managers.
        Specified by:
        getTransferProps in interface ITransferContainerProps
        The list of String's or Atom's that are transferable, null for none.