Class UIPanelPart

    • Constructor Detail

      • UIPanelPart

        public UIPanelPart()
        Creates the container without name with a null value.
      • UIPanelPart

        public UIPanelPart​(Atom propertyAtom)
        Creates the container with the specified name with a null value.
        propertyAtom - the property atom.
    • Method Detail

      • isContextMenuSupported

        public boolean isContextMenuSupported()
        Returns if the context menu is supported for this component or not.
        false as the Panel Part does not support context menus.
      • hasExplicitWidth

        public boolean hasExplicitWidth()
        Verifies if the component has a width.

        This means a width that is either present due to the component or that the width has explicitly been set, or that it is in a container that sets the outer bounds of the component.

        hasExplicitWidth in class UIComp
        true if the width is defined and non-zero, false otherwise.
      • hasExplicitHeight

        public boolean hasExplicitHeight()
        Verifies if the component has an implicit height.

        This means a height that is either present due to the component or that the height has explicitly been set, or that it is in a container that sets the outer bounds of the component.

        hasExplicitHeight in class UIComp
        true if the height is defined and non-zero, false otherwise.