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LABEL - com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.axis2d.AxisColor
Color for labels.
LABEL_OFFSET - com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotInteger
Pie: the amount in pixels by which to offset labels.
LABEL_SIZE_CHANGE - com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.axis2d.AxisOption
Indicates to the axis whether the axis labels are changing their size on zoom.
LabelForReference - Class in com.iizix.prop.ui
The Label For Reference property class hold the reference to another property in the same base container.
LabelForReference() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.LabelForReference
Creates a Label For Reference property with no name and with a null value.
LabelForReference(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.LabelForReference
Creates a Label For Reference property with the specified name with a null value.
LabelForReference(Atom, String) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.LabelForReference
Creates a Label For Reference property with the specified name and value.
LabelProvider - Class in com.iizigo.navigator
The iizi general purpose label provider.
LabelProvider() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.navigator.LabelProvider
Eclipse constructor.
LabelProvider(int) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.navigator.LabelProvider
LABELS - com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotOption
Whether or not to draw labels on this plot.
LABELS - com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.SeriesOption
Whether or not to hide this series from the plot.
LAN_BUFFER_SIZE - Static variable in class com.iizix.nio.WorkerNIO
The multi-purpose buffer allocated by the worker (24KB or 16+8KB, 0x6000).
landscape - com.iizix.gyro.ScreenOrientation
The orientation is either landscape-primary or landscape-secondary (sensor).
landscape_primary - com.iizix.gyro.ScreenOrientation
The orientation is in the primary landscape mode.
landscape_secondary - com.iizix.gyro.ScreenOrientation
The orientation is in the secondary landscape mode.
LANG - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.Atom
langCodes - Variable in class com.iizix.user.UserInfoBase
The unpacked 'lang_codes' as language codes the user wishes to use.
langID - Variable in class com.iizix.translate.google.DetectedLanguage
The language ID.
langID - Variable in enum com.iizix.translate.google.Language
Short abbreviation of the language name, typically two characters (unless for Chinese).
langID - Variable in class com.iizix.translate.google.LanguageInfo
The language ID.
langID - Variable in enum com.iizix.translate.microsoft.Language
Short abbreviation of the language name, typically two characters (unless for Chinese).
language - com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
language - Variable in class com.iizix.translate.google.DetectedLanguage
The language enum, null if not found.
language - Variable in class com.iizix.translate.google.LanguageInfo
The language enum, null if not found.
Language - Enum in com.iizix.translate.google
List of languages and their language codes for the Google Translate API.
Language - Enum in com.iizix.translate.microsoft
List of languages and their language codes for the Azure Cognitive Services API.
LANGUAGE - com.iizix.prop.SelectorExpression.Token
Language token: { lang: ""}.
languageCode - Variable in class com.iizix.server.agreement.AcceptedAgreement
The language code.
LanguageCode - com.iizix.event.RefreshEvent.Type
Language code updated.
LanguageCodeComposite - Class in com.iizigo.selector
Language selection composite.
LanguageCodeComposite(Composite, int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.selector.LanguageCodeComposite
Creates the language composite with a callback when text changes.
languageCodeMap - Variable in class com.iizix.prop.AppLanguages.Data
The map of a language code to a language result.
LanguageException - Exception in com.iizix
A language exception is thrown when a request is made to retrieve some data for a particular language code that is not available in the current app configuration for languages and text tables.
LanguageException(String) - Constructor for exception com.iizix.LanguageException
Constructs a language exception with default language code and without causing exception.
LanguageException(String, String) - Constructor for exception com.iizix.LanguageException
Constructs a language exception.
LanguageException(String, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.iizix.LanguageException
Constructs a language exception.
languageFrom(String, String, String) - Static method in class com.iizix.geo.RegionLocation
Creates or gets a cached version of the language.
LanguageInfo - Class in com.iizix.translate.google
Class used to get information for a language defined by Google Translate.
LanguageMatch - Class in com.iizix.selector
Language match class.
LanguageMatch() - Constructor for class com.iizix.selector.LanguageMatch
Lao - com.iizix.translate.google.Language
laptop - com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
Large - com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileImageURNType
The DETAIL for file name for a large profile image (normally a large PNG, cropped and reduced perhaps: max size about 500x500).
LARGEST_FIRST - Static variable in class com.iizix.user.ProfilePictureInfo
Sort instance to get the largest images first.
lastActivityTime - Variable in class com.iizix.comm.statistics.SessionConnectionStatistics
The time of the last activity (never zero).
lastfm - com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
lastfm_square - com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
lastFocused - Variable in class com.iizigo.link.ui.UIBuilderSubOperation
The last focused control.
lastHeartBeatDuration - Variable in class com.iizix.comm.statistics.SessionConnectionStatistics
The last web socket heart-beat duration (the PING-PONG message exchange in milliseconds), zero for none yet.
lastIndexOf(byte[], byte[]) - Static method in class com.iizix.Utilities
Returns the index within the source byte array of the rightmost occurrence of the specified search byte array.
lastIndexOf(byte[], byte[], int) - Static method in class com.iizix.Utilities
Returns the index within the source byte array of the last occurrence of the specified search byte array, searching backward starting at the specified index.
lastIndexOf(int) - Method in class com.iizix.IntArrayList
Finds the index of a value in this array from the array's tail.
lastModified() - Method in class com.iizix.server.app.XJarFileResource
Time resource was last modified.
lastModified() - Method in class com.iizix.util.FileChangedChecker
Returns the time that the file denoted by this abstract pathname was last modified.
lastModified() - Method in interface com.iizix.util.IJarFile
Returns the time that the file denoted by this abstract pathname was last modified.
lastModified() - Method in class com.iizix.util.MemoryJarFile
Returns the time that the file denoted by this abstract pathname was last modified.
lastModified() - Method in class com.iizix.util.XFile
Returns the time that the file represented by this file object was last modified.
lastModified() - Method in class com.iizix.util.XJarFile
Returns the time that the file denoted by this abstract pathname was last modified.
LastName - com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURNType
Last name.
lastPingPongDuration - Variable in class com.iizix.comm.statistics.SessionConnectionStatistics
Elapsed time in milliseconds for last ping-pong transaction turn-around.
LastVerified - Class in com.iizigo.image
Data for last verification of an image.
LastVerified() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.image.LastVerified
lastViewer - Variable in class com.iizigo.project.NewWizard
The last viewer.
Latin - com.iizix.translate.google.Language
latitude - Variable in class com.iizix.prop.GeoLocation
The latitude attribute coordinate is specified in decimal degrees.
LATITUDE - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.GeoProps
The "latitude" property name.
Latvian - com.iizix.translate.google.Language
Latvian - com.iizix.translate.microsoft.Language
launch(ILaunchConfiguration, String, ILaunch, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class com.iizigo.server.launch.DevelServerLaunchConfigurationDelegate
Launches the given configuration in the specified mode, contributing debug targets and/or processes to the given launch object.
launch(ISelection, String) - Method in class com.iizigo.server.launch.DevelServerLaunchShortcut
Locates a launchable entity in the given selection and launches an application in the specified mode.
launch(IEditorPart, String) - Method in class com.iizigo.server.launch.DevelServerLaunchShortcut
Locates a launchable entity in the given active editor, and launches an application in the specified mode.
launchBuild(Shell, IFile) - Static method in class com.iizigo.app.ApplicationDistributorLauncher
Launches the job, or opens the configuration if there is a problem in the file.
launchBuild(Shell, IFile) - Static method in class com.iizigo.run.RuntimeBuilderLauncher
Launches the job, or opens the configuration if there is a problem in the file.
layers(int) - Method in class com.iizix.barcode.BarcodeBuilder
Specifies the required number of layers for an BarcodeType.AZTEC barcode.
layout(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.CustomSashForm
layout(Composite, boolean) - Method in class com.iizigo.swt.IzFillLayout
layout(Composite, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.swt.SWTBorderLayout
Layout() - Constructor for class com.iizix.swt.SWTBorderLayout.Layout
Layout(int) - Constructor for class com.iizix.swt.SWTBorderLayout.Layout
LAYOUT - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.Atom
LAYOUT_MANAGER - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.Atom
LayoutDataFormatter - Class in com.iizigo.prop.group
The bounds text formatter.
LayoutDataFormatter() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.group.LayoutDataFormatter
layoutManager - Variable in class com.iizigo.panel.PanelEditor.GridInfo
LayoutMgr<LAYOUT_PROP extends LayoutProp> - Class in com.iizix.prop.ui
LayoutMgr is the class that handles layout of UIComp's in a UI container.
LayoutMgr() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.LayoutMgr
Creates a LayoutMgr without name with a null value.
LayoutMgr(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.LayoutMgr
Creates a LayoutMgr with the specified name with a null value.
LayoutMgr(Atom, GProp<?>[]) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.LayoutMgr
Creates a LayoutMgr with the specified name and properties.
layoutNewComponents(List<UIComp>, ComplexOperation) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EAbsoluteLayout
Called to perform layout of the newly added components.
layoutNewComponents(List<UIComp>, ComplexOperation) - Method in interface com.iizigo.panel.prop.IELayoutMgr
Called to perform layout of the newly added components.
LayoutNewComponentsOperation - Class in com.iizigo.link.ui.builder
Layouts out the components added in the build data after creation.
LayoutNewComponentsOperation(IEUIContainer, List<UIComp>) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.link.ui.builder.LayoutNewComponentsOperation
LayoutProp - Class in com.iizix.prop.ui
The LayoutProp is the generic property for layout managers using properties to layout it's components.
LayoutProp() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.LayoutProp
Creates a LayoutProp container without name and with a null value.
LayoutProp(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.LayoutProp
Creates a LayoutProp container with the specified name with a null value.
LayoutProp(Atom, GProp<?>[]) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.LayoutProp
Creates a LayoutProp container with the specified name and properties.
layoutScrollbars() - Method in class com.iizigo.run.EditorRuntimeBuilderPropertyPage
Lays out for scroll bars.
leaf - com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
leanpub - com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
LEFT - com.iizix.gyro.IToaster.Direction
LEFT - com.iizix.gyro.IUIPanelAnimation.Direction
Animation direction: left.
LEFT - com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.TitlePosition
LEFT_OR_BOTTOM - com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.axis2d.AxisPosition
Default is LEFT_OR_BOTTOM.
leftMargin - Variable in class com.iizix.term.prop.TerminalPrinterSettings
The left margin (default 1).
legal - com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
lemon_o - com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
length - Variable in class com.iizigo.prop.PropMarker
The character length of the marker, -1 when not position based.
length - Variable in enum com.iizix.prop.SelectorExpression.Token
The length of the token, i.e.
length - Variable in class com.iizix.term.ee.EEField
The length of the field in the PS.
length - Variable in class com.iizix.term.HostField
The length of the field.
length - Variable in class com.iizix.term.prop.HostFieldColumnCell
The length of the editable field.
length - Variable in class com.iizix.text.KStringStyleRange
length() - Method in class com.iizix.server.app.XJarFileResource
Length of the resource.
length() - Method in class com.iizix.util.FileChangedChecker
Returns the length of the file denoted by this abstract pathname.
LETS_ENCRYPT_DOMAINS - Static variable in class com.iizix.server.prop.WebServerPortConfig
Domain names associated with Let's Encrypt, comma separated list.
LetsEncrypt - Class in com.iizix.server.acme
The iiziServer Let's Encrypt implementation for SSL certificates.
LetsEncrypt.Code - Enum in com.iizix.server.acme
The reply code.
LetsEncrypt.Reply - Class in com.iizix.server.acme
Class used to hold information of a certificate request.
LetsEncrypt.Type - Enum in com.iizix.server.acme
The type of ACME challenge.
LetsEncryptDomain - Class in com.iizix.server.acme
Property container holding information about a Let's Encrypt domain with automatic certificate renewal in the server.
LetsEncryptDomain() - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.acme.LetsEncryptDomain
Creates the port configuration without a name.
LetsEncryptDomain(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.acme.LetsEncryptDomain
Creates the port configuration with a name.
LetsEncryptRenewal - Class in com.iizix.server.acme
Class used to create or renew the certificate for a domain in the server.
level - Variable in class com.iizix.LogEntry
Level of the event.
level_down - com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
level_up - com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
LICENSE_MANAGER - com.iizix.server.IEndPoint.Type
License Manager.
LICENSE_TIMESTAMP - com.iizix.license.history.LicensingHistoryEvent
License timestamp.
LicenseAgreement - Class in com.iizix.server.agreement
Class to hold a license agreement in various languages.
LicenseAgreements - Class in com.iizix.server.agreement
Methods for license agreements ---
LicenseAgreements() - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.agreement.LicenseAgreements
LICENSEE_MISSING - com.iizix.license.ValidateReply
Licensee information is missing.
LicenseException - Error in com.iizix.license
The license exception.
LicenseException(String) - Constructor for error com.iizix.license.LicenseException
Constructs a not found exception with just a message text.
LicenseException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for error com.iizix.license.LicenseException
Constructs a not found exception with a nested exception.
LicenseSerializeException - Exception in com.iizix.license
Exception used when serialization fails.
LicenseSerializeException(String) - Constructor for exception com.iizix.license.LicenseSerializeException
Constructor with error message.
LicenseSystem - Class in com.iizix.license
Instance used to load the license system.
LicenseSystemPageComposite - Class in com.iizigo.setup
The root page in the iizi preferences.
LicenseSystemPageComposite(Composite, IDesignerLicenseSystem) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.setup.LicenseSystemPageComposite
LicensingHistory - Class in com.iizix.license.history
Class used to hold information about licensing history, i.e.
LicensingHistory() - Constructor for class com.iizix.license.history.LicensingHistory
Public constructor to create an empty history.
LicensingHistoryEntry - Class in com.iizix.license.history
A single entry in the license history.
LicensingHistoryEntry(long, LicensingHistoryEvent, String) - Constructor for class com.iizix.license.history.LicensingHistoryEntry
Constructs a new entry.
LicensingHistoryEntry(LicensingHistoryEvent, String) - Constructor for class com.iizix.license.history.LicensingHistoryEntry
Constructs a new entry created now.
LicensingHistoryEvent - Enum in com.iizix.license.history
License system event types used in the LicensingHistoryEntry.
life_bouy - com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
life_buoy - com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
life_ring - com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
life_saver - com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
lightbulb_o - com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
LightContent - com.iizix.gyro.StatusBarConfig.Style
Light text, for dark backgrounds.
lightShadow - Variable in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUI
LINE - Static variable in class com.iizigo.swt.ThinBorder
Line border type.
line_chart - com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
LINE_SEPARATOR - Static variable in class com.iizix.Utilities
The Line separator ("\r\n" for Windows, "\n" for Unix).
LINE_STYLES - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.Styles
LINEAR - com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotRadialGradient
lineDensity - Variable in class com.iizix.term.prop.TerminalPrinterSettings
The line density in 1/72 inches (6 LPI = 9/72 inches per line, 8 LPI = 12/72, default value is 11).
LinePref - Class in com.iizigo.clientpref
Line preference.
LinePref(String, String) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.clientpref.LinePref
LINES - com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotOption
Whether or not to draw lines on this plot.
LINES - com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.plot2d.PlotType
Typical line chart.
lineTypeRuleCursor - Variable in class com.iizigo.term.PluginPreference
Line type: 0=solid, 1=dot, 2=dash, 3=double-dash, 4=triple-dash.
LineWidget - Class in com.iizigo.swt
Draws a vertical or horizontal line.
LineWidget(Composite, boolean, int, int) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.swt.LineWidget
The constructor.
link - com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
Link - Class in com.iizigo.handler
The Link property handler.
Link() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.handler.Link
linkAction - Variable in class com.iizigo.editor.PropEditorPart
Menu actions.
LinkData - Class in com.iizigo.link
Data for the link operation, i.e.
LinkData(IAdaptable, GProp<?>[]) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.link.LinkData
Creates the link data information.
LinkData(IAdaptable, List<IAdaptable>) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.link.LinkData
Creates the link data information.
LinkData(IAdaptable, IStructuredSelection) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.link.LinkData
Creates the link data information.
linkedin - com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
LinkedIn - Class in com.iizix.server.oauth.services
The LinkedIn service.
LinkedIn - com.iizix.comm.oauth.AuthenticationProvider
LinkedIn OAuth 2.0 authentication provider.
LinkedIn(OAuthSession, String, String, String...) - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.oauth.services.LinkedIn
Constructs the service.
linkedin_square - com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
LinkedIn20Example - Class in com.iizix.test.auth
Test LinkedIn login to get the email and the light profile information with profile pictures.
linkOperations - Variable in class com.iizigo.link.ui.UIBuildData
The link operations.
linksInitialText - Variable in class com.iizigo.term.PluginPreference
Initial texts for links.
LinkWizard - Class in com.iizigo.link
The link wizard.
LinkWizardOperations - Class in com.iizigo.link
The link wizard operations handles all operations that should run.
linode - com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
linux - com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
list - com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
list - Variable in class com.iizigo.prop.PropCnrEditorProperties
The info items.
list() - Method in class com.iizigo.java.parser.type.IzAnnotation
Lists an annotation to a string.
list() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Prints a listing of this property to the standard system output stream System.out.
list() - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Prints a listing of this property to the standard system output stream System.out.
list() - Method in class com.iizix.server.app.XJarFileResource
list of resource names contained in the given resource.
list(UIComp, String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.VSMappings
Lists the mappings from UI to VS.
list(VSComponent, String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.ui.VSMappings
Lists the mappings from VS to UI.
list(PrintStream) - Method in class com.iizigo.java.parser.type.IzAnnotation
Lists an annotation to an output.
list(PrintStream) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.EGridLayout.Grid
Lists the grid.
list(PrintStream) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Prints a listing of this property to the specified output stream.
list(PrintStream) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Prints a listing of this property to the specified output stream.
list(PrintStream, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Prints out a list, starting at the specified indentation, to the specified print stream.
list(PrintStream, int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Prints out a list, starting at the specified indentation, to the specified print stream.
list(PrintStream, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Prints a listing of this container to the specified output stream.
list(PrintWriter) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Prints a listing to the specified print writer.
list(PrintWriter) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Prints a listing to the specified print writer.
list(PrintWriter, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.GProp
Prints out a list, starting at the specified indentation, to the specified print writer.
list(PrintWriter, int) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IGProp
Prints out a list, starting at the specified indentation, to the specified print writer.
list(PrintWriter, int) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Prints out a list, starting at the specified indentation, to the specified print writer.
list(StringBuilder) - Method in class com.iizigo.java.parser.type.IzAnnotation
Lists an annotation to StringBuilder.
list(StringBuilder, String) - Method in class com.iizix.license.history.LicensingHistory
Lists the history with an indent string to a StringBuilder.
list(Document) - Static method in class com.iizix.XMLUtilities
Lists a Document.
list(Node, int) - Static method in class com.iizix.XMLUtilities
Lists a Node and it's tree.
list_alt - com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
list_ol - com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
LIST_POSITIONS - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.Styles
LIST_TYPES - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.Styles
list_ul - com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
ListData - Class in com.iizix.prop.ui
The ListData is the layout data for components in a container with ListLayout.
ListData() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.ListData
Creates a ListData container without name and with a null value.
ListData(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.ListData
Creates a ListData container with the specified name with a null value.
ListData(Atom, GProp<?>[]) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.ListData
Creates a ListData container with the specified name and properties.
listDirectory(File, ArrayList<File>) - Static method in class com.iizix.util.XFile
Gets a directory listing including all children and sub-directories.
listDirectory(File, ArrayList<File>, boolean) - Static method in class com.iizix.util.XFile
Gets a directory listing including all children and sub-directories.
listDirectory(Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.app.EclipseIFolder
Lists the contents of the directory.
listDirectory(Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.app.EclipseIPathDirectory
Lists the contents of the directory.
listDirectory(Object) - Method in class com.iizigo.app.EclipseIProject
Lists the contents of the directory.
listDirectory(Object) - Method in interface com.iizix.app.builder.IIDirectory
Lists the contents of the directory.
listDirectory(Object) - Method in class com.iizix.app.builder.JavaDirectory
Lists the contents of the directory.
listDirectory(String, ArrayList<File>) - Static method in class com.iizix.util.XFile
Gets a directory listing including all children and sub-directories.
listDirectory(String, ArrayList<File>, boolean) - Static method in class com.iizix.util.XFile
Gets a directory listing including all children and sub-directories.
listener - Variable in class com.iizigo.swt.IzCCombo
listeners() - Method in class com.iizix.GenericListener
Gets a the listeners array.
LISTENERS - com.iizix.event.GEvent.Operation
Operation to send the event to all event listeners.
LISTENING - com.iizix.comm.ServerSocketComm.State
LISTENING - com.iizix.comm.WebSocketServerComm.State
listJavaClassSource(Shell, IJavaProject, String, String, String, String, IJavaElement) - Static method in class com.iizigo.java.JavaHelper
Displays a selection dialog box of possible Java classes matching implementing the specified interface.
ListLayout - Class in com.iizix.prop.ui
List container specific layout manager.
ListLayout() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.ListLayout
Creates the layout without name with a null value.
ListLayout(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.ListLayout
Creates the layout with the specified name with a null value.
ListLayout(Atom, GProp<?>[]) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.ui.ListLayout
Creates the layout with the specified name and properties.
listSelectionBackground - Variable in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUI
listSelectionForeground - Variable in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUI
ListThemeColors - Class in com.iizix.js.build
Routine to list the colors used by the mobile themes Android, iOS and Windows used to build the light themes and custom themes.
ListThemeColors() - Constructor for class com.iizix.js.build.ListThemeColors
Lithuanian - com.iizix.translate.google.Language
Lithuanian - com.iizix.translate.microsoft.Language
load(String, Element) - Method in class com.iizix.value.BinaryValue
Loads the value from an Element.
load(String, Element) - Method in class com.iizix.value.BooleanValue
Loads the value from an Element.
load(String, Element) - Method in interface com.iizix.value.IValueObject
Loads the value from an Element.
load(String, Element) - Method in class com.iizix.value.KStringValue
Loads the value from an Element.
load(String, Element) - Method in class com.iizix.value.NumberValue
Loads the value from an Element.
load(String, Element) - Method in class com.iizix.value.StringValue
Loads the value from an Element.
load(String, Element) - Method in class com.iizix.value.TermporalAccessorValue
Loads the value from an Element.
load(String, Element) - Method in class com.iizix.value.TermporalAmountValue
Loads the value from an Element.
load(String, Element) - Method in class com.iizix.value.XMLGregorianCalendarValue
Loads the value from an Element.
load(Element) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IPropErrorItem
Initializes the error from XML.
load(Element) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropErrorItem
Loads the error from XML.
load(Element) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropErrorItemValue
Loads the error from XML.
LOAD_FILE_MARKER_ID - Static variable in class com.iizigo.project.ModuleModel
The marker ID for load file problems.
loadAllUserFiles() - Method in class com.iizix.server.user.AuthenticatedUser
Loads the directory of all user files that are currently present and reserves the names in the WSFileProvider of this user.
loadApp(PropFactory, PropMgr) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.app.SystemApp
Loads the iiziSystem.jar app.
loadApplication(ServerShell) - Method in class com.iizix.server.app.AppDefinition
Loads the application.
loadApplicationDefinition(File) - Method in class com.iizix.app.builder.ApplicationDistributor
Loads the application definition and all required Modules into memory in Command Line mode.
loadApplicationDefinition(IFile, AppDistributionProps, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class com.iizigo.app.EclipseApplicationDistributor
Loads the application definition and all required Modules into memory in Eclipse mode.
loadApplications() - Method in interface com.iizix.server.IServer
Called to load the application.
loadApplications() - Method in class com.iizix.server.jakarta.JakartaEEServer
Called to load the application.
loadApplications() - Method in class com.iizix.server.JettyRunConfiguration
Called to load the application.
loadApplications() - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShell
Called to load the applications.
loadAWTIcon(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.PluginActivator
Loads an AWT image.
LoadBalancer - Class in com.iizix.server.loadbalancer
The Load Balancer running as an iiziServer Module.
LoadBalancer() - Constructor for class com.iizix.server.loadbalancer.LoadBalancer
Public constructor.
LoadBalancerEndPoint - Class in com.iizix.server.loadbalancer
The Load Balancer end point web socket connection.
loadCapture(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.project.TerminalModel
Load a screen capture session from a file or grabs an existing one.
loadCapture(String) - Method in class com.iizix.term.ee.EEMaster
Loads a captured EE file into the EEM.
loadCapture(IFile) - Method in class com.iizigo.term.project.TerminalModel
Load a screen capture session from a file or grabs an existing one.
loadCertificate(File) - Static method in class com.iizix.security.CertificateHelper
Loads a x.509 certificate from file.
loadCertificate(InputStream) - Static method in class com.iizix.security.CertificateHelper
Loads a x.509 certificate from an input stream.
loadCertificate(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.security.CertificateHelper
Loads an X.509 certificate from a file.
loadCertificates(byte[]) - Static method in class com.iizix.security.CertificateHelper
Loads an encoded X.509 certificate path from a byte array.
loadCertificates(File) - Static method in class com.iizix.security.CertificateHelper
Loads a collection of X.509 certificate from a file.
loadCertificates(InputStream) - Static method in class com.iizix.security.CertificateHelper
Loads an encoded X.509 certificate path from an input stream and returns the certificates.
loadCertificates(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.security.CertificateHelper
Loads an encoded X.509 certificate path from a file.
loadFile(IIFile, Class<PC>, Object) - Method in class com.iizix.app.builder.ApplicationDistributor
Loads a property file.
loadFile(XFile) - Static method in class com.iizix.util.XFile
Loads a file into memory.
loadFile(File) - Static method in class com.iizigo.server.ServerConfigFile
Loads the Server Configuration settings file.
loadFile(File) - Method in class com.iizix.app.builder.ApplicationDistributor
Loads a property file.
loadFile(File) - Method in interface com.iizix.server.IAppLoader
Loads a property file.
loadFile(File) - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShell
Loads a property file.
loadFile(File) - Static method in class com.iizix.util.XFile
Loads a file into memory.
loadFile(InputStream) - Static method in class com.iizix.util.XFile
Loads a file into memory.
loadFile(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.util.XFile
Loads a file into memory.
loadFile(String, InputStream) - Method in class com.iizix.app.builder.ApplicationDistributor
Loads a property file.
loadFile(String, InputStream) - Method in interface com.iizix.server.IAppLoader
Loads a property file.
loadFile(String, InputStream) - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShell
Loads a property file.
loadFile(URL) - Method in class com.iizix.selector.DeviceMatcher
Opens the XML file and loads topics from it.
loadFile(JarFile, JarEntry) - Static method in class com.iizix.util.XFile
Loads a file into memory.
loadFrom(Element) - Method in interface com.iizix.prop.IQuickFix
Called when loaded from file to fill the quick-fix with data from XML.
loadGroups(Connection, boolean) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.db.GroupInfo
Loads all the groups.
loadIcon(Class<? extends GProp<?>>, String) - Static method in class com.iizigo.term.PluginActivator
Load an image for this plugin.
loadIcon(String) - Static method in class com.iizigo.term.PluginActivator
Load an image for this plugin.
loadImage(IFile, StringBuilder) - Static method in class com.iizigo.image.ImageHelper
Loads an image from a file.
loadJavaState(ModuleModel, IProgressMonitor) - Method in class com.iizigo.java.JavaManager
Called when a Module project is loading, to load the Java parsed files.
loadKeys(File) - Method in class com.iizix.server.security.ServerSecurityManager
Loads the server keys from the specified file.
loadModule(IIDirectory) - Method in class com.iizix.app.builder.ApplicationDistributor
Loads the entire Module application using the "Server code" with parallel thread load of all files.
loadModuleProject(IAppLoader, File, HotDeploy, boolean) - Static method in class com.iizix.server.devel.ModuleProject
Loads an iizi Module project that consists of discrete files in a directory structure.
loadPlugins(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.app.EclipseApplicationDistributor
Loads required plug-in's.
loadPlugins(String) - Method in class com.iizix.app.builder.ApplicationDistributor
Loads required plug-in's.
loadPlugins(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.server.IAppLoader
Loads required plug-in's.
loadPlugins(String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.PluginLoader
Loads required plug-in's.
loadPlugins(String) - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShell
Loads required plug-in's.
loadPluginsAndConfig() - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShell
Performs initial setup, loading plugins and the configuration file.
loadPreferences(IPreferenceStore) - Static method in class com.iizigo.vs.VirtualSpaceEditor
Initializes the sorter from preferences.
loadPrivateKey(byte[]) - Static method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.Utils
Load the private key from a byte array
loadPrivateKey(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.Utils
Load the private key from a URL-safe base64 encoded string
loadPropDefinitions() - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropFactory
Loads the "schema/base-properties.xml" file using the "schema/property-definition-1.0.xsd" schema.
loadPropertiesFile(File) - Static method in class com.iizigo.Activator
Loads a properties file.
loadPropertiesFile(URL) - Static method in class com.iizigo.Activator
Loads a properties file.
loadPropertiesFile(IFile) - Static method in class com.iizigo.Activator
Loads a properties file.
loadPropTree(GProp<?>, Element) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropFactory
Creates the GProp tree from an Element.
loadPropTree(PropMgr, File, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropFactory
Loads a property tree from an XML file.
loadPropTree(PropMgr, String, InputStream, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropFactory
Loads a property tree from an XML file.
loadPropTree(PropMgr, Document, boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropFactory
Loads a property tree from an XML document.
loadPublicKey(byte[]) - Static method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.Utils
Load the public key from a byte array.
loadPublicKey(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.Utils
Load the public key from a URL-safe base64 encoded string.
loadPublicKey(ECPrivateKey) - Static method in class com.iizix.push.vapid.Utils
Load a public key from the private key.
loadSavedState(IProject, IFolder[], boolean[]) - Method in class com.iizigo.java.JavaRootContainer
Attempts to load the container from a previous state.
loadServerConfig() - Method in class com.iizix.server.ServerShell
Loads or reloads the server config and starts the WSFile provider engine.
loadServerSettings(ServerShell, File) - Method in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerProps
Loads or reloads the server settings from the config file.
loadSettings(String) - Static method in class com.iizigo.prop.StarredAdaptive
Loads the settings.
loadTextFile(File) - Static method in class com.iizix.run.common.CodeModifier
Loads the localized text entries from the files.
loadWorkBenchImages(ToolItem, String) - Method in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUI
Loads a set of workbench Image's from its symbolic names defined in org.eclipse.ui.ISharedImages and assigns it to the ToolItem.
loadWorkBenchImages(ToolItem, String, String) - Method in class com.iizigo.ApplicationUI
Loads a set of workbench Image's from its symbolic names defined in org.eclipse.ui.ISharedImages and assigns it to the ToolItem.
loadXMLDocument(File) - Static method in class com.iizix.XMLUtilities
Loads an XML document from a file into a Document without schema validation.
loadXMLDocument(InputStream) - Static method in class com.iizix.XMLUtilities
Loads an XML document from a file into a Document without schema validation.
loadXMLDocument(String) - Static method in class com.iizix.XMLUtilities
Loads an XML document from a String into a Document.
loadXMLDocument(URL) - Static method in class com.iizix.XMLUtilities
Loads an XML document from a file into a Document without schema validation.
LOCAL - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.font.FontFiles
The local name of the font, comma separated list.
LOCAL_FILE - com.iizix.urn.URNLocation
Local file, stored in one of the directories depending on the WSFileType.
LocalDate - com.iizix.prop.GDateTime.Type
LocalDate - com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.UIDateTimeDataType
LocalDate - com.iizix.Value.Type
The Data Type: java.time.LocalDate.
LocalDateTime - com.iizix.prop.GDateTime.Type
LocalDateTime - com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.UIDateTimeDataType
LocalDateTime - com.iizix.Value.Type
The Data Type: java.time.LocalDateTime.
LocalDateTimeValue - Class in com.iizix.value
Value object class to handle the LocalDateTime datatype.
LocalDateTimeValue() - Constructor for class com.iizix.value.LocalDateTimeValue
LocalDateValue - Class in com.iizix.value
Value object class to handle the LocalDate datatype.
LocalDateValue() - Constructor for class com.iizix.value.LocalDateValue
LocaleInfo - Class in com.iizix
The LocaleInfo class contains information of the system-global or client session specific Locale, Currency, NumberFormat, date and time format.
LocaleString - Enum in com.iizix.text
The LocaleString enum that hold strings in various languages.
LOCALIZED_LANGUAGES_PROPNAME - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.PWAProps
The property name for the localized languages String: "localized".
LocalizedFirstName - com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURNType
Localized first name.
LocalizedFullName - com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURNType
Localized full name.
LocalizedLastName - com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURNType
Localized last Name.
LocalizedMiddleName - com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURNType
Localized middle name.
LocalizedStringPropEditor - Class in com.iizigo.prop.editor
The Localized String Prop editor consists of a simple entry field where all the localized languages are placed, the default language first, followed by the other languages, as a "comma" separated String.
LocalizedStringPropEditor() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.LocalizedStringPropEditor
Default constructor called before createControls.
LocalizedTitle - com.iizix.urn.user.UserProfileStringURNType
Localized title (Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., Prof., Baron, Baroness, etc).
localPolicySet(TXProcessImpl, ITXPPolicy) - Method in interface com.iizix.txp.impl.ITXPLogger
localPolicySet(TXProcessImpl, ITXPPolicy) - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.TXPLogger
LocalTime - com.iizix.prop.GDateTime.Type
LocalTime - com.iizix.prop.ui.datetime.UIDateTimeDataType
LocalTime - com.iizix.Value.Type
The Data Type: java.time.LocalTime.
LocalTimeValue - Class in com.iizix.value
Value object class to handle the LocalTime datatype.
LocalTimeValue() - Constructor for class com.iizix.value.LocalTimeValue
location - Variable in class com.iizigo.image.AssetReferenceLocation
location - Variable in class com.iizigo.prop.PropMarker
The location.
location - Variable in class com.iizigo.quickfix.fixer.GotoProperty
The location of the property, null if property is not found.
location - Variable in class com.iizix.prop.GBadge
The location.
location - Variable in class com.iizix.prop.PropVerificationError
Location, or null for none.
location - Variable in class com.iizix.run.BuilderError
The location.
location - Variable in class com.iizix.user.geo.UserLocation
The device location.
location(boolean) - Method in class com.iizix.gyro.WindowOptions
Whether or not to display the address field.
LOCATION - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.Atom
location_arrow - com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
locations - Variable in class com.iizix.prop.ui.KTooltip
The locations as an integer that needs packing up using KTooltip.getLocations(), zero for none.
LOCATIONS_URL - Static variable in class com.iizix.server.geo.LocationsManager
The base URL for location updates: "/locations".
LocationsManager - Class in com.iizix.server.geo
The manager for locations used for background updated from devices posted using HTTP(S).
LocationUtils - Class in com.iizix.location
Class used to provide inaccurate geolocation from e.g.
lock - com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
LOCK_UI - Static variable in interface com.iizix.gyro.ILockUI
Property name: lock UI, BoolProp, default true.
lockUI(KString, int) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IAppSessionGyro
Locks the UI with a message and a delay.
lockUI(KString, int) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyro
Locks the UI with a message and a delay.
lockUI(KString, ProgressIndicatorDelay) - Method in interface com.iizix.gyro.IAppSessionGyro
Locks the UI with a message and a delay.
lockUI(KString, ProgressIndicatorDelay) - Method in class com.iizix.server.gyro.AppSessionGyro
Locks the UI with a message and a delay.
log() - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.AbstractTXPNode
log() - Method in class com.iizix.txp.impl.TXProcessImpl
log(int, Class<?>, String) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Logs an event.
log(int, Class<?>, String, Object) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Logs an event.
log(int, Class<?>, String, Object...) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Logs an event.
log(int, String) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Logs an event.
log(int, String, Object...) - Method in class com.iizix.test.client.NonUIClient
Called to perform verbose logging.
log(int, String, String) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Logs an event.
log(int, String, String, Object...) - Static method in class com.iizix.ILog
Logs an event.
log(int, String, String, Object[]) - Static method in class com.iizix.Loggers
Logs an event.
log(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.nio.LoggerNIO
The normal log routine.
LOG_COMPRESS - Static variable in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettings
Old log compression: 0=none, 1=gzip (default), 2=xz.
LOG_HISTORY_SIZE - Static variable in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettings
The history size.
LOG_LEVEL - Static variable in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettings
Log level.
LOG_TO_CONSOLE - Static variable in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettings
Log to console.
LogEntry - Class in com.iizix
The log entry.
LogEntry(long, int, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.iizix.LogEntry
Called when an event is logged.
logErr(String) - Method in interface com.iizix.nio.LoggerNIO
The error log routine.
LOGFILE_NAME - Static variable in class com.iizix.server.prop.ServerSettings
Log file name.
loggerName - Variable in class com.iizix.LogEntry
The logger name.
LoggerNIO - Interface in com.iizix.nio
Interface for LoggerNIO to redirect low-level debug/verbose routines for Android.
Loggers - Class in com.iizix
The class that manages all ILog instances in the process and it's threads or thread groups.
Loggers() - Constructor for class com.iizix.Loggers
Constructs a Loggers instance, without name.
Loggers(String) - Constructor for class com.iizix.Loggers
Constructs a Loggers instance with the specified name.
LogicItemProp - Class in com.iizigo.term.recording.prop
The recording logic item property container.
LogicItemProp() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.term.recording.prop.LogicItemProp
Creates the recording logic item property container without a name.
LogicItemProp(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.term.recording.prop.LogicItemProp
Creates the recording logic item property container with the specified name.
LogicProp - Class in com.iizigo.term.recording.prop
The recording logic property container.
LogicProp() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.term.recording.prop.LogicProp
Creates the recording logic property container without a name.
LogicProp(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.term.recording.prop.LogicProp
Creates the recording logic property container with the specified name.
login(String, String, String, BiFunction<LoginResult, String, Void>) - Method in interface com.iizix.license.IGenericLicenseSystem
Login user.
login_password - Variable in class com.iizix.run.RuntimeBuilderSettings
The initial password for a default login.
login_user - Variable in class com.iizix.run.RuntimeBuilderSettings
The initial user name for a default login.
LoginResult - Enum in com.iizix.user
Enum for user login result.
logout() - Method in interface com.iizix.license.IGenericLicenseSystem
Logs out of the License System.
logPropNotFound(String) - Method in class com.iizigo.panel.prop.DragDropPropCnr
Logs a warning message specific to a property updated from remote party that is not found during Remove, Modify or Rename.
logPropNotFound(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.PropCnr
Logs a warning message specific to a property updated from remote party that is not found during Remove, Modify or Rename.
Long - com.iizix.Value.Type
The Data Type: Long.
LONG - com.iizix.gyro.ProgressIndicatorDelay
Long delay (about 3-5 seconds, but configurable for sessions, ordinal value = 4).
long_arrow_down - com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
long_arrow_left - com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
long_arrow_right - com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
long_arrow_up - com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
LONG_DASH - com.iizix.prop.GStroke.Style
LONG_DASH_DOT - com.iizix.prop.GStroke.Style
LONG_DASH_DOT_DOT - com.iizix.prop.GStroke.Style
longitude - Variable in class com.iizix.prop.GeoLocation
The longitude attributes coordinate is specified in decimal degrees.
LONGITUDE - Static variable in class com.iizix.prop.GeoProps
The "longitude" property name.
LongProp - Class in com.iizix.prop
The Long property class holds the property name, value and optionally has a parent and/or property listener(s).
LongProp() - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.LongProp
Creates a Long property with no name and a null value.
LongProp(Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.LongProp
Creates a Long property with the specified name with a null value.
LongProp(Atom, long) - Constructor for class com.iizix.prop.LongProp
Creates a Long property with the specified name and value.
LongPropEditor - Class in com.iizigo.prop.editor
The Long property editor consists of a simple entryfield.
LongPropEditor() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.LongPropEditor
Default constructor called before createControls.
LongRange - Class in com.iizigo.prop.editor
The LongRange validator, options[0] is "from:[to]", or not specified (accepts all Long values the property can set).
LongRange() - Constructor for class com.iizigo.prop.editor.LongRange
Default constructor.
LongValue - Class in com.iizix.value
Value object class to handle the Long datatype.
LongValue() - Constructor for class com.iizix.value.LongValue
lookup(GProp<?>) - Method in class com.iizigo.java.prop.EditorMethodReference2
Checks the reference validity from the Designer.
lookUp(GProp<?>, String) - Static method in interface com.iizix.prop.image.IImageTarget
Static look-up of an image from a reference.
lookupLanguageKStringProp(String) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.KStringProp
Attempts to look-up another KStringProp instead of this instance.
lookupMethod(ClassReference, List<Throwable>, Class<?>...) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.MethodReference
Called when the application is being prepared by the owner of the method reference to look-up the method with the specified parameters.
lookupMethod(ClassReference, List<Throwable>, Class<?>...) - Method in class com.iizix.prop.MethodReference2
Called when the application is being prepared by the owner of the method reference to look-up the method with the specified parameters.
LopAssignVirtualSpace - Class in com.iizigo.link.vs
The link operation assigning the VirtualSpace to a participant, e.g.
LopAssignVirtualSpace(IVSParticipant, EditorVirtualSpace) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.link.vs.LopAssignVirtualSpace
LopVSAction - Class in com.iizigo.link.vs
The link operation linking VSAction using a VSActionReference for a property container that implements IVSActionListener.
LopVSAction(VSAction, PropCnr, Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.link.vs.LopVSAction
LopVSComponent - Class in com.iizigo.link.vs
The link operation linking any of VSTable, VSColumnHeader, VSField or VSAction.
LopVSComponent(VSComponent, PropCnr, Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.link.vs.LopVSComponent
LopVSField - Class in com.iizigo.link.vs
The link operation linking VSField using a VSFieldReference for a property container that implements IVSFieldListener.
LopVSField(VSField, PropCnr, Atom) - Constructor for class com.iizigo.link.vs.LopVSField
low - Variable in class com.iizix.prop.ui.chart.series.OHLC
The High value.
LOW - com.iizix.push.PushUrgency
Low urgency.
LOW - com.iizix.push.vapid.Urgency
low_vision - com.iizix.gyro.IMessageBox.Icon
LOWER_CASE - Static variable in class com.iizigo.validator.ControlValidator
lowerCase - Variable in enum com.iizix.barcode.BarcodeType
The lower case name of this "enum", used for URN strings.
LOWERED - Static variable in class com.iizigo.swt.ThinBorder
Lowered bevel type.
Luxembourgish - com.iizix.translate.google.Language
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