Class AppSessionGyro

    • Constructor Detail

      • AppSessionGyro

        public AppSessionGyro​(ServerShell server,
                              SessionInfo appSessionInfo,
                              java.lang.ThreadGroup appThreadGroup,
                              UserSessions userSessions,
                              ClientParams clientParams,
                              AuthenticatedUser authUser)
                       throws UserException
        Constructs the instance of the application for the first user session. Subsequent parallel user sessions do not construct this instance.
        server - The Server.
        appSessionInfo - The application session information.
        appThreadGroup - The application thread group.
        userSessions - The user sessions.
        clientParams - The client parameters.
        authUser - The authenticated user information.
        UserException - If the user is not allowed access.
    • Method Detail

      • getSessionInstance

        public static AppSessionGyro getSessionInstance()
        Gets the AppSessionGyro instance for the current thread in an application session.
        The AppSessionGyro instance when called from a thread of the client session, null otherwise.
      • getSessionInstance

        public static AppSessionGyro getSessionInstance​(SessionInfo sessionInfo)
        Gets the AppSessionGyro instance for the current thread in a client session.
        sessionInfo - A session information instance, or null for none.
        The AppSessionGyro instance when called from a thread of the application session, null otherwise.
      • addDisposeListener

        public boolean addDisposeListener​(IAppSessionDisposeListener listener)
        Adds a dispose listener for the application session. Calling this method multiple times with the same listener will have no effect (but to return false).
        Specified by:
        addDisposeListener in interface IAppSessionGyro
        listener - The listener to add.
        true if the listener was added, false otherwise.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If the listener is null.
      • removeDisposeListener

        public boolean removeDisposeListener​(IAppSessionDisposeListener listener)
        Removes a dispose listener for the application session.
        Specified by:
        removeDisposeListener in interface IAppSessionGyro
        listener - The listener to remove.
        true if listener is successfully removed, false otherwise.
      • addClientConnectionListener

        public boolean addClientConnectionListener​(IClientSessionConnectionListener listener)
        Adds a client connection listener for the application session. Calling this method multiple times with the same listener will have no effect (but to return false).
        Specified by:
        addClientConnectionListener in interface IAppSessionGyro
        listener - The listener to add.
        true if the listener was added, false otherwise.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If the listener is null.
      • dispose

        public boolean dispose()
        Disposes of the Application session gyro, and effectively closes all the client sessions and end point connections.
        Specified by:
        dispose in interface IAppSessionGyro
        true for dispose success, false if already disposed of.
      • isDisposed

        public boolean isDisposed()
        Checks if the application session Gyro is disposed of.
        Specified by:
        isDisposed in interface IAppSessionGyro
        true if the user's app-session is disposed of along with all client sessions, false otherwise.
      • getVirtuals

        public <T extends PropCnrVirtualsContainer<T> getVirtuals​(IPluginDescriptor<T> serverPluginDescriptor)
        Gets the instance of the VirtualsContainer for the plug-in. The instance is allocated if not yet created. This instance will be disposed of when the application session is disposed of.
        serverPluginDescriptor - The server plug-in descriptor.
        The instance of the virtuals container, or null if appGyro is disposed of.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If the plug-ins server ID is null from IPluginDescriptor.getServerID().
      • getServer

        public ServerShell getServer()
        Gets the server of this session.
      • getAppSessionInfo

        public SessionInfo getAppSessionInfo()
        Gets the application session info.
        Specified by:
        getAppSessionInfo in interface IAppSessionGyro
        The original session information that initiated the application session.
      • getAppThreadGroup

        public java.lang.ThreadGroup getAppThreadGroup()
        Gets the AppSessionGyro's Thread Group.
        Specified by:
        getAppThreadGroup in interface IAppSessionGyro
        The Thread Group.
      • getServerConfigurationEnvironment

        public ServerConfigEnvProps getServerConfigurationEnvironment()
        Gets the selected Server configuration environment for the Application Session.
        The Server configuration environment to use for the sessions, null for none.
      • getFocusEngine

        public IFocusEngine getFocusEngine​(IFocusComp comp)
        Returns the focus engine instance for the specified component.
        Specified by:
        getFocusEngine in interface IAppSessionGyro
        Specified by:
        getFocusEngine in interface IFocusEngineProvider
        comp - The component requesting the focus engine. For the AppSessionGyro, the focus engine returns an instance of the VirtualSpace focus engine if the component instance is a IVSComponent (VSTable, VSField, etc) or a VirtualSpace, for now.
        The focus engine instance, or null if not found.
      • getCreationTime

        public long getCreationTime()
        Gets the creation time in milliseconds.
        Specified by:
        getCreationTime in interface IAppSessionGyro
        Milliseconds since the epoch.
      • getAppID

        public java.lang.String getAppID()
        Gets the application ID.
        Specified by:
        getAppID in interface IAppSessionGyro
        The AppID is an upper case string.
      • getCustomAppValue

        public java.lang.String getCustomAppValue​(java.lang.String key)
        Gets a value for a key in the custom app properties.
        Specified by:
        getCustomAppValue in interface IAppSessionGyro
        key - The key or name of the property to retrieve.
        The value, or null if no value is defined for the key, or the custom map is not defined.
      • getVirtualSpaceVirtualsContainer

        public IVirtualsContainer<VirtualSpace> getVirtualSpaceVirtualsContainer()
        The VirtualsContainer instance for VirtualSpace. This instance is shared for all parallel client sessions (if this is enabled or allowed).
      • getAuthenticatedUser

        public AuthenticatedUser getAuthenticatedUser()
        Gets the authenticated user information.
      • changeExternallyAuthenticatedUser

        public LoginResult changeExternallyAuthenticatedUser​(AuthenticatedUser authUser)
        Changes the authenticated user due an external authentication mechanism such as LinkedIn.
        authUser - The new authenticated user.
        The authentication result, perhaps error "user is disabled".
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If the client gyro or authUser parameter is null.
      • getAppPropCnr

        public AppPropCnr getAppPropCnr()
        Gets the application root for static references look-up.
      • getVirtualizedPropFromReference

        public GProp<?> getVirtualizedPropFromReference​(java.lang.String reference)
        Attempts to look up a virtualized property from a reference to the VirtualSpace only.
        Specified by:
        getVirtualizedPropFromReference in interface IVirtualizedReferenceLookup
        reference - The reference to look-up.
        The virtualized instance of the property, null if not found.
      • getRuntimePropFromReference

        public GProp<?> getRuntimePropFromReference​(java.lang.String reference)
        Gets a reference for runtime use to get the reference of an item. The reference must be fully qualified such as "*ALIAS:/type/path" or "MODULE:/type/path" and cannot be relative.

        Note: The reference can be to the static or virtualized properties, but if a property type is virtualized and the property is not found, a fall-back to search the application for the static non-virtualized property IS NOT PERFORMED.

        Calling this method is the same as calling getRuntimePropFromReference(reference, false)}.

        Specified by:
        getRuntimePropFromReference in interface IAppSessionGyro
        Specified by:
        getRuntimePropFromReference in interface IRuntimeReferenceLookup
        reference - The reference to look-up.
        The property found, or null for reference not found.
      • getRuntimePropFromReference

        public GProp<?> getRuntimePropFromReference​(java.lang.String reference,
                                                    boolean fallBackToNonVirtualized)
        Gets a reference for runtime use to get the reference of an item. The reference must be fully qualified such as "*ALIAS:/type/path" or "MODULE:/type/path" and cannot be relative.

        If the flag fallBackToNonVirtualized is false, the search will not fallback to searching for the non-virtualized property in the runtime app. The result will only returned virtualized properties, i.e. for a reference as e.g. "module:/vs/someVS", and depending on where this method is called (the client session), also includes other virtualized properties such as panels as e.g. "module:/panel/somePanel".

        To always fallback to also searching the runtime app, specify fallBackToNonVirtualized to true.

        Specified by:
        getRuntimePropFromReference in interface IAppSessionGyro
        Specified by:
        getRuntimePropFromReference in interface IRuntimeReferenceLookup
        reference - The reference to look-up.
        fallBackToNonVirtualized - Flag indicating a fallback to non-virtualized properties.
        The property found, or null for reference not found.
      • getRootFromName

        public PropCnr getRootFromName​(GProp<?> requestor,
                                       java.lang.String module)
        Gets the module root for a name. In the Editor, the module is the project, and that root container is returned. In the Server, the module doesn't matter, so the real root returns itself.

        When running with assertions, this call throws an assertion error by default, showing that the call is directed to a non-root property container.

        Specified by:
        getRootFromName in interface IAppSessionGyro
        Specified by:
        getRootFromName in interface IRuntimeReferenceLookup
        requestor - The requestor property.
        module - The module name (without colon), i.e. the project name in the Designer.
        The root property container, or null if this container is not the root, or if the module name is not found. The default implementation returns null.
      • createClientSessionGyro

        public ClientSessionGyro createClientSessionGyro​(ClientEndPoint clientEndPoint,
                                                         Worker worker,
                                                         EnvProps envProps)
        Called to create the ClientSessionGyro for the first client session or for parallel client sessions.
        clientEndPoint - The client end point.
        worker - The worker.
        The client session gyro
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Formats the instance to a String.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • initialize

        public boolean initialize​(EnvProps envProps,
                                  ClientSessionGyro clientGyro)
        Initiates the application for the client session. This is done only once for the same user and will remain in that state, e.g. languages, etc.
        envProps - The client environment properties.
        clientGyro - The client session gyro used to place an additional session according to the current VirtualSpace.
        true for success, false if configuration is unsupported.
      • isVirtualized

        public boolean isVirtualized​(VirtualSpace virtualSpace)
        Returns if a VirtualSpace already is virtualized for the application.
        Specified by:
        isVirtualized in interface IAppSessionGyro
        virtualSpace - The VirtualSpace.
        true if vs already is virtualized or a virtualized instance is present, false otherwise.
      • getVirtualizedVirtualSpace

        public VirtualSpace getVirtualizedVirtualSpace​(VirtualSpace virtualSpace,
                                                       boolean doVirtualize)
        Gets the virtualized counterpart of a VirtualSpace. If the VirtualSpace is not virtualized, it will be done. If the VirtualSpace parameter already is a virtualized VirtualSpace, that instance is returned.

        This method is typically used by data connectors as action actors that have another target VirtualSpace. Focus can be set to a component in another VirtualSpace once virtualized.

        Specified by:
        getVirtualizedVirtualSpace in interface IAppSessionGyro
        virtualSpace - The VirtualSpace.
        doVirtualize - Flag to virtualize the VirtualSpace if not already virtualized or not.
        A virtualized VirtualSpace for the virtualSpace parameter, or the virtualSpace parameter instance if it was virtualized.
      • getVirtualizedVSComponent

        public IVSComponent getVirtualizedVSComponent​(IVSComponent component)
        Gets the virtualized VSComponent counterpart from a non-virtualized VSComponent. If the component's VirtualSpace is not virtualized, it will be done. If the component parameter already is virtualized, that instance is returned. This method can also process a VirtualSpace instance as it is implementing the IVSComponent interface.
        Specified by:
        getVirtualizedVSComponent in interface IAppSessionGyro
        component - A VS component.
        A virtualized component for the component parameter, or the component parameter instance if it was virtualized. null is returned if the VirtualSpace is virtualized and the VSComponent counterpart doesn't exist or the class instance is not the same as the original component, or if the component parameter is null.
      • getVirtualizedVSComponent

        public <VSC extends VSComponent> VSC getVirtualizedVSComponent​(VSC component)
        Gets the virtualized VSComponent counterpart from a non-virtualized VSComponent. If the component's VirtualSpace is not virtualized, it will be done. If the component parameter already is virtualized, that instance is returned.
        Specified by:
        getVirtualizedVSComponent in interface IAppSessionGyro
        component - A VS component.
        A virtualized component for the component parameter, or the component parameter instance if it was virtualized. null is returned if the VirtualSpace is virtualized and the VSComponent counterpart doesn't exist or the class instance is not the same as the original component, or if the component parameter is null.
      • onFocusChanged

        public void onFocusChanged​(IFocusComp newComp,
                                   IFocusComp oldComp,
                                   IGProp<?> trigger,
                                   boolean isRemoteInduced,
                                   boolean isInternal)
        Called when focus changes.
        Specified by:
        onFocusChanged in interface IGyroFocusEngineOwner
        newComp - New focus component.
        oldComp - Old focus component.
        trigger - The trigger property, null for none.
        isRemoteInduced - If the event is remote induced.
        isInternal - The internal flag as specified in the setFocus method to the focus engine.
      • getCurrentFocus

        public IVSComponent getCurrentFocus()
        Returns the current focus in the VirtualSpace. If no particular component is in focus, the VirtualSpace that last had focus is returned.
        Specified by:
        getCurrentFocus in interface IAppSessionGyro
        The component in focus, or null if no focus is currently set.
      • setVirtualizeSupportFocus

        public java.lang.String setVirtualizeSupportFocus​(IVSComponent vsComp)
        Sets the focus to the specified VS component, regardless if the VS component is virtualized or not. If not virtualized, it will be prior to setting the focus.
        Specified by:
        setVirtualizeSupportFocus in interface IAppSessionGyro
        vsComp - The VS component to focus.
        Error message, or null for success.
      • setVirtualizeSupportFocus

        public java.lang.String setVirtualizeSupportFocus​(IVSComponent vsComp,
                                                          IGProp<?> trigger)
        Sets the focus to the specified VS component, regardless if the VS component is virtualized or not. If not virtualized, it will be prior to setting the focus.
        Specified by:
        setVirtualizeSupportFocus in interface IAppSessionGyro
        vsComp - The VS component to focus.
        trigger - The trigger component, null for none.
        Error message, or null for success.
      • getApplicationTimerEngine

        public ITimerEngine getApplicationTimerEngine()
        Gets the application timer engine. All timer tasks as disposed of automatically when the application session exits.
        Specified by:
        getApplicationTimerEngine in interface IAppSessionGyro
        The application session implementation of the timeout engine.
      • getAppWorker

        public Worker getAppWorker()
        Gets the Worker for the Application.
        Specified by:
        getAppWorker in interface IAppSessionGyro
        The Application Worker.
      • getPrivateStorageMap

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getPrivateStorageMap()
        Gets the concurrent hash map used to store the private data.
        Specified by:
        getPrivateStorageMap in interface IPrivateStorage
        The private storage map.
      • requestUILock

        public ILockState requestUILock()
        Requests a UI lock state. The object returned can be used to set a message below the lock spinner. It can also be used to set a progress indicator, also below the spinner. A progress indicator can also be handled using the lock object.

        Note: You MUST call the objects {link @ILockState#release()} method to release the lock state.

        Specified by:
        requestUILock in interface IAppSessionGyro
        The lock state object.
      • isUILocked

        public boolean isUILocked()
        Get the current UI lock state.

        You may also query the incremental lock state using getLockCount().

        Specified by:
        isUILocked in interface IAppSessionGyro
        true if busy state is on, false otherwise.
      • lockUI

        public boolean lockUI​(KString waitMsg,
                              ProgressIndicatorDelay delay)
        Locks the UI with a message and a delay.

        Consider using the method requestUILock() to handle UI locking along with optional message, wait delay and progress indicator.

        This call will not change the potential wait message or wait message delay if the method is not successful.

        Also consider using the method decrementUILock() in case multiple operations and threads can toggle the lock state.

        Specified by:
        lockUI in interface IAppSessionGyro
        waitMsg - The wait message, null for none.
        delay - Delay before the message is shown in the Client.
        Busy change flag, true if busy state changed, false otherwise. The return value may be false because the lock count is non-zero.
      • lockUI

        public boolean lockUI​(KString waitMsg,
                              int delay)
        Locks the UI with a message and a delay.

        Consider using the method requestUILock() to handle UI locking along with optional message, wait delay and progress indicator.

        This call will not change the potential wait message or wait message delay if the method is not successful.

        Also consider using the method decrementUILock() in case multiple operations and threads can toggle the lock state.

        Specified by:
        lockUI in interface IAppSessionGyro
        waitMsg - The wait message, null for none.
        delay - Delay of lock spinner: -2 for default (1.5 second), -1 disabled, 0=no delay, >0 wait time in milliseconds (1-20000, i.e. 20 seconds).
        Busy change flag, true if busy state changed, false otherwise. The return value may be false because the lock count is non-zero.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the delay value is not -1 to 20000 (20 seconds).
      • unlockUI

        public boolean unlockUI()
        Unlocks the UI.

        Consider using the method requestUILock() to handle UI locking along with optional message, wait delay and progress indicator.

        This call will not change the potential wait message or wait message delay if the method is not successful.

        Also consider using the method decrementUILock() in case multiple operations and threads can toggle the lock state.

        Specified by:
        unlockUI in interface IAppSessionGyro
        Busy change flag, true if busy state changed, false otherwise. The return value may be false because the lock count is non-zero.
      • getLockCount

        public int getLockCount()
        Returns the incremental lock count that governs the UI locking state. Note that the lock state may be in effect even if the lock count is zero.
        Specified by:
        getLockCount in interface IAppSessionGyro
        The lock count, zero or positive value.
      • incrementUILock

        public int incrementUILock()
        Increases the incremental lock state. If it was zero, it will UI lock the session. Each call to this method must match a call to decrementUILock().

        Consider using the method requestUILock() to handle UI locking along with optional message, wait delay and progress indicator.

        Specified by:
        incrementUILock in interface IAppSessionGyro
        The lock count, i.e. the number of calls that has been made to this method minus the number of calls to decrementUILock(), after the call to this method.
      • decrementUILock

        public int decrementUILock()
        Decreases the incremental lock state. If it becomes zero, it will UI unlock the session. Each call to this method must match a call to incrementUILock().

        If this method is called and the lock count is zero, nothing will happen, but a warning event with a call stack will be logged.

        Specified by:
        decrementUILock in interface IAppSessionGyro
        The lock count, i.e. the number of calls that has been made to incrementUILock() minus the number of calls to this method.
      • setLockMessage

        public boolean setLockMessage​(KString msg)
        Sets the message to display for the lock state, above the indicator.
        Specified by:
        setLockMessage in interface IAppSessionGyro
        msg - The message to display, or null to remove it.
        true for changed, or false if busy state is not present or no change of message.
      • setLockMessage

        public boolean setLockMessage​(KString msg,
                                      int progress)
        Sets the message to display for the lock state, above the indicator, along with a progress value.
        Specified by:
        setLockMessage in interface IAppSessionGyro
        msg - The message to display, or null to remove it.
        progress - The progress value between 0 and 100, or -1 to remove it.
        true for changed, or false if busy state is not present or no change of values.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the progress value is not -1 or 0 to 100.
      • setLockMessage

        public boolean setLockMessage​(KString msg,
                                      int delay,
                                      int progress)
        Sets the message to display for the lock state, above the indicator, along with a progress value.
        Specified by:
        setLockMessage in interface IAppSessionGyro
        msg - The message to display, or null to remove it.
        delay - Delay of lock spinner: -2 for default (1.5 second), -1 disabled, 0=no delay, >0 wait time in milliseconds (1-20000, i.e. 20 seconds).
        progress - The progress value between 0 and 100, or -1 to remove it.
        true for changed, or false if busy state is not present or no change of values.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If progress value is not -1 or 0 to 100, or delay is smaller than -2 or larger than 20000.
      • setLockProgress

        public boolean setLockProgress​(int progress)
        Sets the current progress bar value. This method will not do anything if the lock state is not present.
        Specified by:
        setLockProgress in interface IAppSessionGyro
        progress - The progress value between 0 and 100, or -1 to remove it.
        true for changes, false for no change or no lock state.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the progress value is not -1 or 0 to 100.
      • getAppHistory

        public IAppHistory getAppHistory()
        Returns the application session history used for backward and forward navigation.
        Specified by:
        getAppHistory in interface IAppSessionGyro
        The application session history instance.
      • getLanguageCode

        public java.lang.String getLanguageCode()
        Gets the language code of the application session. This language may very well not be the one requested by the end user device, but rather one of the languages the application supports.
        Specified by:
        getLanguageCode in interface IAppSessionGyro
        The language code.
      • getLocale

        public LocaleInfo getLocale()
        Gets the local info class instance.
        Specified by:
        getLocale in interface ILocaleString
        The locale info class instance when the client environment has been set, otherwise the default client locale info instance specified for the server.
      • getLocaleKString

        public KString getLocaleKString​(java.lang.String id,
                                        boolean system)
        Gets the KString of a particular ID from the app's text tables that are flagged to also handle LocaleString's depending on the flag.
        Specified by:
        getLocaleKString in interface ILocaleString
        id - The text ID.
        system - Flagged to handle system strings for LocaleString's.
        The KString for the text ID in current locale, null if not found.
      • getPrettyLocaledTexts

        public PrettyLocaledTexts getPrettyLocaledTexts()
        Gets the locale'd texts instance for the sessions language and text tables.
        Specified by:
        getPrettyLocaledTexts in interface IAppSessionGyro
        The instance used to create locale'd strings for e.g. duration and distances.
      • getAppSessionFileProvider

        public WSFileProvider getAppSessionFileProvider()
        Get the web server file provider for the application session.
        The web server file provider.
        Throws: - If the directory for the application session files failed to be created.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - If the application session is disposed of.
      • requestOAuthCallbackDisplay

        public IOAuthCallbackProvider requestOAuthCallbackDisplay​(IOAuthService service)
        Requests the OAuth (1.0a or 2.0) authentication callback provider to show an URL to the user in order to be accepted.
        The authentication callback.
      • closeAuthenticationWindows

        public void closeAuthenticationWindows()
        Closes the remote windows for authentication.
      • getImage

        public RuntimeImageDefinition getImage​(java.lang.String name)
        Gets an image definition from the image container for the client session.
        Specified by:
        getImage in interface IRuntimeImageCache
        name - The image name.
        The predefined image definition, or null if not found.
      • setImage

        public boolean setImage​(RuntimeImageDefinition image)
        Adds the image definition to the image container for the client session. If the image already exists, it is replaced with the new definition.
        Specified by:
        setImage in interface IRuntimeImageCache
        image - The image definition.
        true if the container was changed, i.e. image was added or replaced, false for no change.
      • removeImage

        public boolean removeImage​(java.lang.String name)
        Removes an image with a name from the client session.
        Specified by:
        removeImage in interface IRuntimeImageCache
        name - The image to remove.
        true for removed, false if not found.
      • messageBox

        public void messageBox​(IMessageBoxReply reply,
                               IMessageBox.Icon icon,
                               KString title,
                               KString message,
                               KString... buttons)
        Displays a message box with the specified title and message.

        The callback is done in the application worker thread.

        Specified by:
        messageBox in interface IMessageBox
        reply - The reply callback that is called when the user chooses a button or session is closed, null for none.
        icon - Icon to display, see the {link Icon} enumeration.
        title - The title string, must be non-null.
        message - The message to display, must be non-null.
        buttons - The strings for the buttons to display, if none, just an OK button is displayed. This array of buttons defined the index value returned by this method.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If icon or message is null, or if any of the elements in buttons array is null.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - If the application session is disposed of.
      • toast

        public void toast​(KString message,
                          IToaster.Position position,
                          IToaster.Direction direction,
                          IToaster.Type type,
                          int duration)
        Displays a simple, unobstructive and ephemeral text message to the user.
        Specified by:
        toast in interface IToaster
        message - The message to display.
        position - Position of toast, default value is Position.BOTTOM_CENTER if null.
        direction - Direction of the toast animation, default Direction.UP if null.
        type - Type of message style: message, warning, error of fatal, default is message if null
        duration - Duration of the toast message being shown in ms. Valid values are in the interval [0, 10000], 0 for a sticky toast.
      • getLocationService

        public ILocationService getLocationService()
        Returns the location service for the application session.
        Specified by:
        getLocationService in interface IAppSessionGyro
        The "application singleton" instance of the location service.
      • getAuthenticatedUserUUID

        public java.lang.String getAuthenticatedUserUUID()
        Gets the user ID for background location service identification.
        Specified by:
        getAuthenticatedUserUUID in interface IAppSessionGyro
        String made up of the authenticated user's UUID, null if the user is not yet authenticated or undefined.