Class VirtualsContainer<PROPCNR extends PropCnr>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    IVirtualizedReferenceLookup, IVirtualsContainer<PROPCNR>

    public class VirtualsContainer<PROPCNR extends PropCnr>
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements IVirtualsContainer<PROPCNR>
    The Virtual Property Container is a flat structure containing all items (property containers) that are virtualized. The panels and VirtualSpace use a Virtual Property Container each. The panels instance is used to communicate with the client, and the VirtualSpace is just used in the server.
    Christopher Mindus
    • Constructor Detail

      • VirtualsContainer

        public VirtualsContainer​(java.lang.String base,
                                 Atom atom,
                                 java.lang.Class<? extends PropCnr> propClass,
                                 PropMgr propMgr,
                                 IFocusEngineProvider focusEngineProvider,
                                 IRuntimeReferenceLookup lookup,
                                 boolean isAppInstance)
        base - The base module reference string, e.g. "panel" or "vs".
        atom - The name of the container.
        propClass - Property class for all virtualized containers.
        propMgr - The property manager to use.
        focusEngineProvider - The focus engine provider, null for none.
        lookup - The look-up instance.
        isAppInstance - Set to true if this is an Application Instance and not a Client Session instance.
    • Method Detail

      • getContainer

        public PropCnr getContainer()
        Gets the property container of the virtuals storage. This method should only be used to add e.g. the virtual panels container for the client.
        A property container for the virtualized properties.
      • matchesType

        public boolean matchesType​(java.lang.String reference)
        Verifies if a reference string could be present in this virtuals container, i.e. that the reference string matches the module folder type, e.g. "panels" or "vs".
        Specified by:
        matchesType in interface IVirtualsContainer<PROPCNR extends PropCnr>
        reference - The reference string of a property.
        true if this reference would be allowed in this virtual container, false otherwise.
      • getVirtualizedPropFromReference

        public GProp<?> getVirtualizedPropFromReference​(java.lang.String reference)
        Gets a property reference from the virtuals container.
        Specified by:
        getVirtualizedPropFromReference in interface IVirtualizedReferenceLookup
        reference - The reference.
        The property instance, or null if not found.
      • addVirtualInstance

        public VirtualizedItem<PROPCNR> addVirtualInstance​(IAppSessionGyro appGyro,
                                                           IClientSessionGyro clientGyro,
                                                           VirtualSpace virtualSpace,
                                                           PROPCNR vpc,
                                                           PROPCNR pc)
        Adds a virtualized property to the container. If the property being virtualized does not have the correct reference path for this type of container, an exception is thrown.
        Specified by:
        addVirtualInstance in interface IVirtualsContainer<PROPCNR extends PropCnr>
        appGyro - The application session gyro.
        clientGyro - The client gyro session, can be null if not initialized from the client gyro.
        virtualSpace - The VirtualSpace used for the virtualization. When a VirtualSpace is being virtualized, it is the original non-virtualized VirtualSpace. For others, it's the virtualized VirtualSpace that causes virtualization of the instance.
        vpc - The virtualized property container.
        pc - The original property container.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the property containers are not of correct class or if the reference type doesn't match, or the property is a virtualized instance, the virtualized property is not virtualized, or if the property reference is already present in the virtualized properties.
      • getVirtualContainerFromProp

        public VirtualizedItem<PROPCNR> getVirtualContainerFromProp​(IPropCnr property)
        Gets the virtual container from a property. The virtual containers are searched to see if the property is contained in any of them.

        The property can be either virtualized or non-virtualized.

        Specified by:
        getVirtualContainerFromProp in interface IVirtualsContainer<PROPCNR extends PropCnr>
        property - The property to verify.
        The VirtualizedItem that contains the property, null for none.
      • getLockObject

        public java.lang.Object getLockObject()
        Gets the lock object used to manipulate VirtualizedItem's for multi-threaded and/or multi-session code such as the Application Session Gyro.
        Specified by:
        getLockObject in interface IVirtualsContainer<PROPCNR extends PropCnr>
        An Object that is used to perform synchronization on.
      • isClientSessionInstance

        public boolean isClientSessionInstance()
        Returns if this is an client session virtuals container that should be destroyed when the client ends or if it's an application instance.
        Specified by:
        isClientSessionInstance in interface IVirtualsContainer<PROPCNR extends PropCnr>