Interface ILocaleString

    • Method Detail

      • getLocaleKString

        default KString getLocaleKString​(java.lang.String id)
        Gets the KString of a particular ID from the app's text tables, regardless if the text tables are flagged to also handle LocaleString's.
        id - The text ID.
        The KString for the text ID in current locale, null if not found.
      • getLocaleKString

        KString getLocaleKString​(java.lang.String id,
                                 boolean system)
        Gets the KString of a particular ID from the app's text tables that are flagged to also handle LocaleString's depending on the flag.
        id - The text ID.
        system - Flagged to handle system strings for LocaleString's.
        The KString for the text ID in current locale, null if not found.
      • getLocale

        LocaleInfo getLocale()
        Gets the local info class instance.
        The locale info class instance when the client environment has been set, otherwise the default client locale info instance specified for the server.
      • getKStringInfoProvider

        IKStringInfoProvider getKStringInfoProvider()
        Retrieves the KStringInfoProvider.
        The KString information provider instance, or null for none.