Package com.iizix.txp

Interface ITXPCoordinator

    • Method Detail

      • newProcess

        ITXProcess newProcess()
        Creates a new implementation specific ITXProcess instance and sets itself as coordinator.
        an ITXProcess instance
      • ready

        void ready​(ITXProcess process,
                   ITXPNode node,
                   ITXPNode.State nodeState)
        Called by the process to signal that a node is ready for completion. Typically the coordinator handles error states that may occur using a policy.
        process - the process
        node - the node
        nodeState - the current state of the node
      • commit

        void commit​(ITXProcess process)
             throws TXPException
        Called by the process to signal that the process logic/application requests a commit. Typically the coordinator coordinates the commit and handles error states that may occur using a policy.
        process - the process
        TXPException - a coordinator and policy dependent exception (today 1 of 3, more details later)
      • rollback

        void rollback​(ITXProcess process)
               throws TXPException
        Called by the process to signal that the process logic/application requests a rollback. Typically the coordinator coordinates the commit and handles error states that may occur using a policy.
        process - the process
        TXPException - a coordinator and policy dependent exception (today 1 of 3, more details later)
      • addMonitor

        void addMonitor​(ITXPMonitor monitor)
        Adds the specified TXP monitor. Monitors can be used for logging and monitoring processes under this coordinator's control.
        monitor - the monitor
      • removeMonitor

        void removeMonitor​(ITXPMonitor monitor)
        Removes the specified TXP monitor.
        monitor - The monitor.