Package com.iizix

Class SessionInfo

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    IPrivateStorage, java.lang.Cloneable

    public class SessionInfo
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements IPrivateStorage, java.lang.Cloneable
    This class contains information of the remote party and its connection, etc.
    Christopher Mindus
    • Field Detail


        public static final int COMMUNICATION_TRACE_INDEX
        The index for Communication trace.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int CONNECTOR_TRACE_INDEX
        The index for Connector trace.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int ENDPOINT_TRACE_INDEX
        The index for EndPoint trace.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int API_TRACE_INDEX
        The index for API trace.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int TRACE_BIT_BINARY
        The trace level bits.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int TRACE_BIT_VERBOSE
        The trace level bits for verbose trace.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • traceLevels

        public final byte[] traceLevels
        The trace levels of the subsystems Communication, Connector, EndPoint, API. The values are initially set to -1 indicating it used the default trace setting. The range of the trace is 0-3, or -1 for default.

        The values are:
        -1 = default trace,
        0 = no trace,
        1 = binary trace,
        2 = verbose trace,
        3 = binary and verbose trace.

        The indexes are:
        0 = Communication,
        1 = Connector,
        2 = EndPoint,
        3 = API.

      • creationTime

        public final long creationTime
        The creation time in milliseconds.
    • Constructor Detail

      • SessionInfo

        public SessionInfo​( remoteAddress)
        The constructor initiates the connection ID to -1 (none), the trace levels to defaults, and no User ID.
        remoteAddress - The remote address of the party.
      • SessionInfo

        public SessionInfo​(long connectionID,
                           java.lang.String hostName)
        The constructor initiates the trace levels to defaults, and no User ID.
        connectionID - The connection ID.
        remoteAddress - The remote address of the party.
        hostName - The host name of the remote party.
      • SessionInfo

        public SessionInfo​(long connectionID,
                           byte[] defaultTrace,
                           java.lang.String hostName)
        The full constructor with all parameters.
        connectionID - The connection ID.
        defaultTrace - The array of trace settings, non-null.
        remoteAddress - The remote address of the party.
        hostName - The host name of the remote party.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If defaultTrace is null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If defaultTrace is is not of length 4.
    • Method Detail

      • getNextID

        public static long getNextID()
        For Editor, used to get the Session ID.
        The next unique Session ID.
      • getSessionInfo

        public static SessionInfo getSessionInfo()
        Tries to extract the SessionInfo from the current thread or the thread group.
        The SessionInfo instance for the current calling thread or thread group, or null if not found.
      • getSessionInfoFBTS

        public static SessionInfo getSessionInfoFBTS()
        Tries to extract the SessionInfo from the current thread or the thread group.
        The SessionInfo instance for the current calling thread or thread group, or the System SessionInfo if no other was found (FBS=FallBackToSystem).
      • unassignThread

        public static void unassignThread()
        Cleans up after assigning a SessionInfo object to a thread.

        This call is intended to be used with threads in thread-pools.

        This is needed to be called in order not to leak memory. When a SessionInfo object is disposed, it performs a clean-up.

      • getPrivateStorageMap

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.Object> getPrivateStorageMap()
        Gets the concurrent hash map used to store the private data.
        Specified by:
        getPrivateStorageMap in interface IPrivateStorage
        The private storage map.
      • getUUID

        public java.util.UUID getUUID()
        Gets the unique session UUID for client reconnection purposes.
        The unique UUID.
      • getUUIDString

        public java.lang.String getUUIDString()
        Gets the unique session UUID for client reconnection purposes.
        String The unique session UUID as UUID.toString().
      • assignRemoteAddress

        public void assignRemoteAddress​( remoteAddress,
                                        java.lang.String hostName,
                                        java.lang.String domain,
                                        int port,
                                        boolean isSecure)
        Assigns a remote address.
        remoteAddress - The remote address.
        hostName - The host name.
        domain - The domain name.
        port - The port number used for the connection, or zero for none specified.
        isSecure - The secure (SSL/TLS) flag.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - If the domain name is already set to another value.
      • assignServerSessionID

        public void assignServerSessionID​(long serverSessionID)
        Assigns the connection ID for a Server Session ID.
        serverSessionID - The server session ID to assign.
      • getRemoteAddress

        public getRemoteAddress()
        Gets the address of the remote party, null if none is yet provided.
        The address, or null if not yet assigned.
      • getHostName

        public java.lang.String getHostName()
        Gets the host name, as provided by the (web) server for the connection without looking up using reverse DNS, null indicates not set.
        The host name, or null if not set.
      • getDomain

        public java.lang.String getDomain()
        Gets the domain name of the server.
        The domain name.
      • getPort

        public int getPort()
        Gets the port used for the connection.
        The port number, or zero for none specified.
      • isSecure

        public boolean isSecure()
        Return if the connection is secured using SSL/TLS.
        The secure flag. Please note that if the server is behind a proxy, the connection might be secure anyway.
      • assignThread

        public boolean assignThread()
        Temporarily assigns a SessionInfo object to a thread.

        This call is intended to be used with threads in thread-pools.

        It is very important to clean-up with a "fails-safe" try-finally or similar to call the unassignThread() method. This is needed EVEN if the thread will not be used for other purposes. Failure in doing so will cause a memory leak until this instance of SessionInfo is disposed of. It is ALSO very important to check the return code whether to call SessionInfo.unassignThread() or not.

        true for successfully assigned and that a call to SessionInfo.unassignThread() in the try-finally clause MUST be done, false if already assigned and SessionInfo.unassignThread() SHOULD NOT be called.
      • createClone

        public SessionInfo createClone()
        Creates a copy of an instance of this instance. This is used in the Administration Interface. The session ID and worker instances are cleared.
        A cloned SessionInfo instance.
      • getConnectionID

        public long getConnectionID()
        Gets the connection ID.
        This connection ID.
      • getConnectionIDString

        public static java.lang.String getConnectionIDString​(SessionInfo sessionInfo)
        Gets the connection ID as a string. If no data exists, i.e. source is null or -1, the string "<system>" is returned.
        sessionInfo - The session information, or null for system.
        The string for the session ID in the parameter.
      • getConnectionIDString

        public static java.lang.String getConnectionIDString​(SessionInfo sessionInfo,
                                                             java.lang.String threadName,
                                                             java.lang.String threadID)
        Gets the connection ID as a string. If no data exists, i.e. source is null or -1, the string "<system>" is returned.
        sessionInfo - The session information.
        threadName - The name of the thread.
        threadID - The thread ID.
        A string delimited with double spaces.
      • getTabDelimitedConnectionIDString

        public static java.lang.String getTabDelimitedConnectionIDString​(SessionInfo sessionInfo,
                                                                         java.lang.String threadName,
                                                                         java.lang.String threadID)
        Gets the connection ID as a string. If no data exists, i.e. source is null or -1, the string "<system>" is returned. The parameters are tab delimited instead of filled out with spaces.
        sessionInfo - The session information.
        threadName - The name of the thread.
        threadID - The thread ID.
        A tab delimited string.
      • getConnectionIDString

        public java.lang.String getConnectionIDString()
        Gets the connection ID as a string. If no data exists, i.e. source is -1, the string "<system>" is returned.
        The ID as a string or "<system>" when no ID is present.
      • getIDString

        public static java.lang.String getIDString​(long id)
        Converts an ID into a string.
        id - The ID.
        The ID as a String with leading zero's.
      • doCommunicationBinaryTrace

        public boolean doCommunicationBinaryTrace()
        Checks if Communication binary trace is on.
        true if the trace option is selected.
      • doCommunicationVerboseTrace

        public boolean doCommunicationVerboseTrace()
        Checks if Communication verbose trace is on.
        true if the trace option is selected.
      • doConnectorBinaryTrace

        public boolean doConnectorBinaryTrace()
        Checks if Connector binary trace is on.
        true if the trace option is selected.
      • doConnectorVerboseTrace

        public boolean doConnectorVerboseTrace()
        Checks if Connector verbose trace is on.
        true if the trace option is selected.
      • doEndPointBinaryTrace

        public boolean doEndPointBinaryTrace()
        Checks if EndPoint binary trace is on.
        true if the trace option is selected.
      • doEndPointVerboseTrace

        public boolean doEndPointVerboseTrace()
        Checks if EndPoint verbose trace is on.
        true if the trace option is selected.
      • doAPIBinaryTrace

        public boolean doAPIBinaryTrace()
        Checks if API binary trace is on.
        true if the trace option is selected.
      • doAPIVerboseTrace

        public boolean doAPIVerboseTrace()
        Checks if API verbose trace is on.
        true if the trace option is selected.
      • setWorker

        public void setWorker​(Worker worker)
        Sets the worker for the session. This can only be done once. This method should only be used internally by the server.
        worker - The worker to assign to the session.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If worker is null.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - If a call to setWorker already has been made.
      • getWorker

        public Worker getWorker()
        Gets the worker for the session.
        The worker for the session or null if none is available or yet assigned.
      • getSessionID

        public SessionID getSessionID()
        Gets the session ID.
        The session ID or null if not set.
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        Gets the string representation of the information in this instance.
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        A string representation of the information of the session instance.
      • dispose

        public void dispose()
        Disposes of this instance and cleans up thread usage.
      • getReferenceLookupProperty

        public IGProp<?> getReferenceLookupProperty()
        Gets the Session's reference look-up property.
        The property to use for global look-ups with full references.