Package com.iizix

Class IntArrayList

  • public class IntArrayList
    extends java.lang.Object
    Class mimicking the behavior of ArrayList with Integer without collection support.

    This class is NOT thread safe.

    Christopher Mindus
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and TypeFieldDescription
      static int[]EMPTY
      Empty array.
    • Constructor Summary

      Creates an array with an initial capacity of 16.
      IntArrayList​(int size)
      Creates an array with an initial capacity.
      IntArrayList​(int[] values)
      Creates an array with a set of values.
      IntArrayList​(java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer> list)
      Creates an array from an ArrayList of Integer's.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and TypeMethodDescription
      voidadd​(int value)
      Adds a value to the end of the array.
      voidadd​(int index, int value)
      Adds a value to this list at the given index
      voidaddAll​(int[] values)
      Adds an array of values to the end of this array.
      voidaddAll​(IntArrayList list)
      Adds an array of values to the end of this array.
      Clears the array, i.e.
      booleancontains​(int value)
      Determines if this array contains a given value.
      voidensureCapacity​(int minCapacity)
      Ensures that this list's capacity is at list the given value.
      intget​(int index)
      Gets the value in the array at the given index.
      intindexOf​(int value)
      Finds the index of a value in this array.
      intinstanceCount​(int value)
      Counts the number of times a value is represented in this array.
      Checks if the array is empty.
      intlastIndexOf​(int value)
      Finds the index of a value in this array from the array's tail.
      intremove​(int index)
      Removes a value from this list
      intremoveAll​(int value)
      Removes all instances of the given value from this array.
      booleanremoveValue​(int value)
      Removes the first occurrence of a value from this array.
      intset​(int index, int value)
      Replaces a value in this list with another value.
      Returns the size of the array.
      Returns a new array of the values in the array.
      Converts the array to an ArrayList of Integer's.
      Returns an array of Integer values of the array.
      Trims this list so that it wastes no space and its capacity is equal to its size.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail

      • EMPTY

        public static final int[] EMPTY
        Empty array.
    • Constructor Detail

      • IntArrayList

        public IntArrayList()
        Creates an array with an initial capacity of 16.
      • IntArrayList

        public IntArrayList​(int size)
        Creates an array with an initial capacity.
        size - The initial capacity of the list.
      • IntArrayList

        public IntArrayList​(int[] values)
        Creates an array with a set of values.
        values - The values for the list.
      • IntArrayList

        public IntArrayList​(java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer> list)
        Creates an array from an ArrayList of Integer's.
        list - The ArrayList.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If any of the Integer items in the list is null.
    • Method Detail

      • size

        public int size()
        Returns the size of the array.
        The number of elements in the array.
      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Checks if the array is empty.
        Whether this list is empty of elements.
      • clear

        public void clear()
        Clears the array, i.e. setting its size to 0.
      • get

        public int get​(int index)
        Gets the value in the array at the given index.
        index - The index of the value to get.
        The value at the given index.
      • add

        public void add​(int value)
        Adds a value to the end of the array.
        value - The value to add to the array.
      • add

        public void add​(int index,
                        int value)
        Adds a value to this list at the given index
        index - The index to add the value at
        value - The value to add to the list
      • addAll

        public void addAll​(int[] values)
        Adds an array of values to the end of this array.
        values - The values to add.
      • addAll

        public void addAll​(IntArrayList list)
        Adds an array of values to the end of this array.
        list - The list of values to add.
      • set

        public int set​(int index,
                       int value)
        Replaces a value in this list with another value.
        index - The index of the value to replace.
        value - The value to replace the old value with.
        The old value at the given index.
      • remove

        public int remove​(int index)
        Removes a value from this list
        index - The index of the value to remove
        The value that was removed
      • removeValue

        public boolean removeValue​(int value)
        Removes the first occurrence of a value from this array.
        value - The value to remove.
        Whether the value was found and removed.
      • removeAll

        public int removeAll​(int value)
        Removes all instances of the given value from this array.
        value - The value to remove.
        The count of values removed.
      • contains

        public boolean contains​(int value)
        Determines if this array contains a given value.
        value - The value to find.
        Whether this array contains the given value.
      • instanceCount

        public int instanceCount​(int value)
        Counts the number of times a value is represented in this array.
        value - The value to count.
        The count of values in this array.
      • indexOf

        public int indexOf​(int value)
        Finds the index of a value in this array.
        value - The value to find.
        The first index whose value is the given value.
      • lastIndexOf

        public int lastIndexOf​(int value)
        Finds the index of a value in this array from the array's tail.
        value - The value to find.
        The last index whose value is the given value.
      • toArray

        public int[] toArray()
        Returns a new array of the values in the array.
        An array of values currently in this array.
      • toArrayList

        public java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Integer> toArrayList()
        Converts the array to an ArrayList of Integer's.
        A new instance of an ArrayList of Integer's.
      • toObjectArray

        public java.lang.Integer[] toObjectArray()
        Returns an array of Integer values of the array.
        The array of values currently in this array as Integer's.
      • trimToSize

        public void trimToSize()
        Trims this list so that it wastes no space and its capacity is equal to its size.
      • ensureCapacity

        public void ensureCapacity​(int minCapacity)
        Ensures that this list's capacity is at list the given value.
        minCapacity - The minimum capacity for the list.