Class TerminalPrinterSettings

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    IBinderPOJO, IPropBinder, java.lang.Cloneable

    public class TerminalPrinterSettings
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements IPropBinder, java.lang.Cloneable
    This property class instance contains all properties for the printer properties as POJO variables. The variables are initialized with their default values.
    Christopher Mindus
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and TypeFieldDescription
      The left margin (default 1).
      The line density in 1/72 inches (6 LPI = 9/72 inches per line, 8 LPI = 12/72, default value is 11).
      The maximum page length (default 72).
      The maximum print position (default 132).
      The left margin in 1/72 inches for the paper (default 20).
      The top margin in 1/72 inches for the paper (default 20).
      Number of characters per inch (default 17 CPI) for LU3 132 char lines or LU1.
      The timeout in seconds used to keep a print-job alive, avoiding a new print dialog box on the client side (for Java), or a new PDF document for browser-based solutions.
      static intPROP_COUNT
      The count of properties in this class to set/get when performing POJO to/from properties transfer.
      The top margin (default 1).
    • Field Detail

      • PROP_COUNT

        public static final int PROP_COUNT
        The count of properties in this class to set/get when performing POJO to/from properties transfer.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • mpp

        public int mpp
        The maximum print position (default 132).
      • mpl

        public int mpl
        The maximum page length (default 72).
      • leftMargin

        public int leftMargin
        The left margin (default 1).
      • topMargin

        public int topMargin
        The top margin (default 1).
      • printDensity

        public int printDensity
        Number of characters per inch (default 17 CPI) for LU3 132 char lines or LU1.
      • lineDensity

        public int lineDensity
        The line density in 1/72 inches (6 LPI = 9/72 inches per line, 8 LPI = 12/72, default value is 11).
      • paperTopMargin

        public int paperTopMargin
        The top margin in 1/72 inches for the paper (default 20).
      • paperLeftMargin

        public int paperLeftMargin
        The left margin in 1/72 inches for the paper (default 20).
      • printTimeout

        public int printTimeout
        The timeout in seconds used to keep a print-job alive, avoiding a new print dialog box on the client side (for Java), or a new PDF document for browser-based solutions. Default is 10 seconds.
    • Constructor Detail

      • TerminalPrinterSettings

        public TerminalPrinterSettings()
    • Method Detail