CheckboxLabelFix | Fix-class for checkbox and label to handle foreground color. |
ColorSelectionWidget | The color selection widget is a toolbar drop-down button that displays the color selection. |
ExceptionComposite | Composite to display a failure in form of an exception. |
FilterController | Class used to control a filter entry field that is used to filter out e.g. |
FlatToolbarButton | A button that behaves like a flat button should do, i.e. |
GradientBackground | Class used to set a gradient on a composite. |
GraphicsGC | Class to transpose a Graphics2D onto an SWT Graphics Context (GC). |
InvokeSWTLater | Helper class to invoke a Runnable in the SWT thread after a while, once. |
IzCCombo | The customized CCombo class to create a customized drop-down. |
IzFillLayout | "Copy" of Eclipse FillLayout but with addition of maximum width and height as the FillLayout class is "final"! |
IzFilter | Class used to create a filter entry field that is used to filter out e.g. |
IzTableCursor | A TableCursor provides a way for the user to navigate around a Table using the keyboard. |
IzToolTip | The tooltip text class. |
IzToolTipImpl | The tooltip implementor class controlled by IzToolTip . |
LineWidget | Draws a vertical or horizontal line. |
OutlinedComposite | Creates an outlined composite. |
ProjectAndFolderFilter | Filter for viewers to show only Projects and Folders. |
ThinBorder | A class which implements three different kinds of borders: - The raised bevel border, - The lowered bevel border, - The line border. |
UpDownArrowSpinner | Class to handle arrow up/down keys for e.g. |
ValidateWizardDialog | Overrides the Wizard Dialog to provide an extra Validate button. |
ViewerElementComparer | Compares resources and properties for the viewers. |
ViewerToolbar | A simple viewer toolbar class. |
WizardDialog | Customized Wizard Dialog used when no progress bar is used. |