Class UIMenu

    • Constructor Detail

      • UIMenu

        public UIMenu()
        Creates the container without name with a null value.
      • UIMenu

        public UIMenu​(Atom propertyAtom)
        Creates the container with the specified name with a null value.
        propertyAtom - the property atom.
      • UIMenu

        public UIMenu​(Atom propertyAtom,
                      GProp<?>[] properties)
               throws PropException
        Creates the container with the specified name and properties.
        propertyAtom - the property atom.
        properties - the property array value for the container.
        PropException - when properties are not correctly defined.
    • Method Detail

      • isContextMenuSupported

        public boolean isContextMenuSupported()
        Returns if the context menu is supported for this component or not.
        Specified by:
        isContextMenuSupported in interface IUIContextMenuOwner
        false as the Menu does not support context menus.