Interface IUIFocusComp

    • Method Detail

      • onFocusLost

        default void onFocusLost​(IFocusComp focusComp,
                                 IGProp<?> trigger,
                                 boolean isRemoteInduced)
        Called to the focused component when it loses focus.

        Focus components override this method if they need to process focus lost.

        This method invokes the method UIPanelBase.invokeOnUIFocusMethod(boolean, UIComp, UIComp, IGProp) by default so overriding the method must call super.onFocusLost(IFocusComp, IGProp, boolean).

        Specified by:
        onFocusLost in interface IFocusComp
        focusComp - Component receiving focus, null for none.
        trigger - The component triggering the focus, null for none.
        isRemoteInduced - Flag indicating this event is due to a remote event.
      • onFocusGained

        default void onFocusGained​(IFocusComp opposite,
                                   IGProp<?> trigger,
                                   boolean isRemoteInduced)
        Called to the component when it receives focus.

        Focus components override this method if they need to process focus gained.

        This method invokes the method UIPanelBase.invokeOnUIFocusMethod(boolean, UIComp, UIComp, IGProp) by default so overriding the method must call super.onFocusGained(IFocusComp, IGProp, boolean).

        Specified by:
        onFocusGained in interface IFocusComp
        opposite - Component losing focus, null for none.
        trigger - The component triggering the focus, null for none.
        isRemoteInduced - Flag indicating this event is due to a remote event.